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Based on the notes and examples given, fill in the table below with your own words choice.

Part of word function example words example sentences

verb  shows an action, an event  playing  Anson is
or a state. playing with
a ball.
noun  name of a thing, place,  Bill  Bill Gates is
person, animal, idea or Gates the richest
feeling. person in the
adjectives  customizes and intensifies  beautiful  They live in
a noun or a pronoun. a beautiful
adverb  modifies a verb, an  quietly  He asked
adjective or another me to leave
adverb. the house
pronoun  takes the place of a  He  Look at
particular noun Mike. He is a
good boy.
preposition  link nouns, pronouns, or  On  Ali sat on
phrases to other words the chair just
within a sentence. now.
conjunction  holds words, phrases and  because  She usually
clauses (both dependent eats at home
and independent because
together.) she likes
interjection  express strong feeling or  Hooray  Hooray! We
sudden emotion. won the

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