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Pressure distribution over a circular cylinder

1 Design of Experiments
1.1 Aim

(i) To measure the Cp distribution and compare with theoretical results

(ii) To find the Coefficient of drag from Cp distribution.

1.2 Apparatus

➢ Wind Tunnel
➢ Circular cylinder
➢ Scanivalve DSA3217

1.3 Theory

I. By definition of Coefficient of pressure,

𝐂𝐩 ≡ 𝟏 . (1)
𝛒𝐯 𝟐
𝟐 ∞

From Bernoulli’s Equation,

𝐩𝟎 = 𝐩∞ − 𝛒𝐯∞ 𝟐 , (2)

And from Eq. (1) and Eq. (2)

𝐂𝐩 ≡ . (3)
𝒑𝟎 −𝒑∞

II. From potential flow theory,

𝐂𝐩 =1- 4sin2θ, (4)


V∞ – free-stream velocity of fluid

P0 – total pressure from settling chamber
P∞ – free-stream pressure from inlet section
P – Pressure at a point on the circular cylinder surface
ρ – Density of fluid
θ– Angle between oncoming flow direction and measured port

1.4 Procedure

Mention detailed procedure to conduct the experiment

2 Experimental Results
2.1 Observations

(i) ρ = ……..

(ii) P∞ = ……..
(iii) P0 = ……..
Table 1 Observations

Sl. No θ P(millibar) Cp(experimental) Cp(theoretical)

2.2 Calculations

1. From eq. (3) find Cp (may call it as experimental value)

2. From eq. (4), find Cp (may call it as theoretical value)
3. Compute the drag and lift force acting on the cylinder using Trapezoidal
2.3 Plot

1. Cp v/s θ
2. Cd v/s Re
3 Discussion
4 Conclusions

For further reading

[1] White, F. M., “Fluid Mechanics,” 6th ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2008.

[2] Anderson, J.D., “Fundamentals of Aerodynamics,” 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 2005.

[3] Anderson, J.D., “Introduction to Flight,” 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2001.

Questions to help you write a better report

1. Expand the Theory section and include a schematic diagram.

2. What are the assumptions underlying equations (2) and (4)? Comment on
the validity of these assumptions in the current experimental setup.
3. Where does the present experiment find applications?
4. How does the flow over circular cylinder change with Reynolds number
(10-1 < Re < 104)?
5. Have you noticed any mismatch between theoretical and experimental
results? Explain why.
6. Explain the effect of Reynolds number on Cp distribution (may use the
results from your classmates, since each batch would be doing the
experiment at different Reynolds number)

7. Describe the effect on flow due to a rotating cylinder.

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