Orgman - Comprehensive Task

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University of the Cordilleras

Senior High School- Integrated School

Accountancy, Business and Management

Organization and Management

Comprehensive Task

Introduction. This task is intended to make the students apply their knowledge of the
fundamental concepts, principle, tools, and techniques in the area of Organization and
Management. The output of the students shall reflect their familiarity on processes involved in
Management to prepare them with the things they may encounter in the real business world. The
comprehensive task shall be the source of scores for the following:

a. Written Works 3 and 4 (included in the 40% of the Midterm Grade);

b. Performance Task (50% of the Midterm Grade); and
c. Performance Evaluation (10% of the Midterm Grade).

General Instructions:

1. Make a group of 6 members from the class/ section;

2. Create a hypothetical business of which the students are considered owner-partners;
3. Send the name of the members to Sir JP via email :;

Specific Instructions:

1. Each group must decide the type of business they want to establish according to the
products they offer:

a. Servicing Business (Provides services- intangible products);

b. Merchandising Business (also called “buy and sell” business; buys finished goods
and sells them at a markup); or
c. Manufacturing Business (the business is engaged in converting raw materials to
finished goods).

2. The form of business organization must be Partnership. Make a very simple document
which sets forth the agreement between and among the partners. The agreement must
cover the following (Use the same format specified under instruction #4):

a. The type of partnership formed (General/ limited). If the partnership is a limited

partnership, put “Ltd.” at the end of the partnership name;
b. What must be initially contributed by each partner to the business as part of the
partnership capital; and
c. How must the partners share from the net profits or losses of the business?
3. The “Business Portfolio”. The business portfolio must be prepared in a separate file. It
shall consist the following parts:

I. Company Profile

A. Background- Give a brief background as to how the partnership business was

formed. A brief discussion on the reason (motivation of partners) why the
business was formed is good. Mention the date it was established. Generally,
this portion must answer the question: What made the partners create the
partnership business? (150-200 words only)

B. Mission and Vision Statement- Formulate a mission and vision statement of

the business. A Vision statement (1 sentence only) must clearly convey the
ultimate goal of the partners for their business in the far future. The Mission
statement (1 sentence only) must effectively communicate the manner/
process of achieving the Vision.

C. The Product- Briefly discuss the product/s offered by the business. The
competitive feature of the product must be mentioned. (150-200 words only)

D. Location- Specify the location for the main branch/ office of the business, and
location for other stores/ extensions of the business. (50-100 words only)

II. Organizational Structure

A. The Structure- Prepare the organizational chart for the partnership business.
You are encouraged to adopt “Functional Structure” for the organizational

B. Job Positions and Job Description- Prepare a comprehensive composition of

Job Positions in the organization. Discuss the nature of each jobs by
describing the tasks attributed to such position. Identify the qualifications for
each job/ position. (No limit for the number of words)


Position Description Qualification

General Manager Occupies the highest position 1. The partner with
in the organization. He is highest value of
responsible for the general contribution; and
supervision of the operations of 2. Must not be a limited
the business. partner.

Finance Manager Responsible for keeping the 1. Must be a partner of

finances of the business. Must the business;
exercise general supervision 2. Must be a Certified
over all accounting-related Public Accountant;
tasks/ activities of the business. 3. Etc.

Note: Identify all the essential jobs/ positions for the organization.
III. The Human Resource

A. The Hiring Process- Prepare an illustration (Flowchart) of the hiring process

of the business. Make the illustration comprehensive by clearly identifying the
steps involved in the hiring process.

Note: The output must end here for the meantime. Other parts will be
continued during the Final Term.

In Summary, the Business Portfolio must have the following contents:

I. Company Profile

A. Background
B. Mission and Vision Statement
C. The Product
D. Location

II. Organizational Structure

A. The Structure
B. Job and Job Description

III. The Human Resource

A. The Hiring Process

Note: The above-mentioned parts of the business portfolio must be written in the Table of
Contents of your output.

4. The following are the output specifications:

a. Font Style- Century Gothic

b. Font Size- 12 for Titles and Subtitles (Bold)
11 for the contents
c. Document Size- 8.5 x 11
d. Spacing- Single Spacing
e. Alignment- Justified
f. Margin- Default Margin
g. Document Type- PDF file

5. The students must prepare a summary report on the works/ contributions by each
member. This will be the source of the 10% performance evaluation. (Use the same
format specified under instruction #4)

6. The following must be submitted:

a. Partnership Agreement;
b. The Business Portfolio; and
c. Summary Report.

7. Final note to students: This output will be the source of 3 activities for Midterms. You
will be working as a group; thus, it is expected that every member will collaborate to
finish the output within the set deadline.

Prepared By:


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