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October 9, 2020
Tutorial 2: : Deformation and Strain

1. A body in the form of a unit cube, B = {(X1, X2, X3)| 0  X1  1, 0  X2  1, 0  X3

 1} in the reference configuration, is subjected to the following deformation
i. x1 = X1, x2 = X2 + AX3, x3 = X3 - AX2,
ii. x1 = X1 – 2AX1X2, x2 = X2 + AX12, x3 = X3,
where A is a constant and (X1,X2,X3) are the Cartesian coordinates of a material point
before deformation and (x1,x2,x3) are the Cartesian coordinates of the same material
point after deformation. For the specified deformation fields:

a) Determine the displacement vector components in both the material and spatial
b) Determine the location of the particle originally at (1,0,1)
c) Determine the location of the particle in the reference configuration if its current
location is (0.5,0.5,0.5)
d) Determine the displacement of the particle originally at (1,0,1)
e) Determine the displacement of the particle currently at (0.5,0.5,0.5)
f) Determine the deformation gradient.
g) Determine the Eulerian and Lagrangian displacement gradients
h) Calculate the Cauchy-Green strain tensor
i) Calculate the linearized Lagrangian strain and linearized Eulerian strain. Compare
and comment on the value of the strain measures
j) Calculate the change in the angle between two line segments oriented along Ey
and Ez directions in the reference configuration
k) Calculate the change in the volume of the cube
l) Calculate the deformed surface area and its orientation for each of the six faces of
a cube
m) Calculate the change in length of the straight line segments of unit length oriented
i) Ey
ii) Ez
iii) (E y + E z )
n) Is the motion field realizable for any value of A in the cube? Justify. If not, find
the values that A can take.
o) Determine the displaced location of the material particles which originally
i) The plane circular surface X1 = 0, X22 + X32 = 1/(1 – A2),
ii) The plane elliptical surface X1 = 0, X22 / A2 + X32 = 1.
p) Sketch the displaced configurations for (i) and (ii) in the above problem.
q) Sketch the deformed configuration of the cube assuming.
Find the numerical value for the above cases using appropriate approximations when, A =
½ and if A = 5× 10-4.

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