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Primary sources are the natural resources from original historical records and

artifacts produced at the period under research. Apart from collective cognition and the

unmentioned dissemination of information from down the generations, narratives based

on primary sources will be the only way that the present generation can expect to

comprehend what has occurred previously. These have been the clearest proof of an

era or occurrence since individuals or objects that were active at the point or event

produced them. Such references will not be changed by perception and provide new or

original thought. Primary sources, whatever type, are original content. The successful

development of new materials needs an awareness of both their weaknesses and

virtues; this also provides the opportunity to maximize the benefits and mitigate for the

shortcomings of certain materials.

Several other primary sources are perhaps too connected to the topic, including

such official reports, missing a vital range. Some even, such as interviews , surveys,

and tests, spend time planning, conducting, and analyzing. If you depend exclusively on

primary sources, you depend about your own experience and understanding alone as

well. That might not be enough to really gain as much interest from the original

resources as possible. Some of the false arguments are recommended to protect

towards infecting their origins according to their own work as well. Subjective records

appear to be skewed, bound up in the language and assumptions of one's own point of

their authors, with a restricted set of expectations and understandings and, in general,

representing the deficiencies of individual people. Evidence of all kinds is frustratingly

inadequate as a reflection of past truth just an infinitely small percentage of the

spectrum of past feelings, acts, attitudes, and emotional responses reported in

fundamental sense, and a still smaller proportion survives its author or its subsequent

purpose. Certain authors have claimed that the past of the revolution has excessively

occupied the interest of Philippine researchers, to the advantage of even more

controversial matters or more applicable to current concerns about the impact of

colonialism and continuing neo-colonialism. That being said, without being

overstretched, it'd be more appropriate to suggest that, since suddenly, the history of

the Revolution was barely noticed, due to the vagueness of the contexts through the

one that was analyzed, and the centralized interpretations of the timeline of things that

were pursued.

The Customs of the Tagalogs by Juan de Plasencia From The Philippine Islands

faces significant problems that we are ought to question its accuracy and legitimacy.

While we are able to immediately place socio-political symbolic meanings, then it

questions validity. The directorial expression or attribution plays a crucial role in giving

this colonial content its significance. In the very first instance, the narrator Juan de

Plasencia was not even a local Tagalog however a Franciscan preacher that first came

to the Philippines in 1577. The King of Spain had entrusted him with recording the

conquered tribes' teachings and beliefs dependent from his own experiences and

opinions, probably. In fact, de Plasencia published the Doctrina Cristiana, an influential

work on liturgy and is considered to have been the first document that was ever

produced in the Philippines. Within this specific document, de Plasencia sought to resist

addressing the Indians' contradictory accounts with a good observation in order to

achieve the absolute facts. That being said, this fact is arguable and the nature in which

he ultimately appeared at his findings is perhaps more questionable. Evidently pursuing

imminent political interests, several parts of the narration are questionable to the point

that they raise the Tagalogs to strengthen the legitimacy of the ideologies of the

colonists. Heavily biased preconceptions and simplistic prejudices are flourishing in the

text itself. During the Age of Exploration such programs were the conqueror's ordinary

method of improving their dominance over the colonization and credibility of certain

quite-called responsibilities and reputations to the nation. It is now a known assumption

that the Spanish conquerors, led by preachers, produced a large range of subjects from

journey histories and settlement reports just to preaching throughout that period. In view

of the multitude of prejudices and, to a large degree, the writer's erroneous assumptions

and pomposity, the content was obviously not published for immediate distribution but

for Western readers. The Tagalog traditions, just like every other foreign historical

documents during most of the Spanish regime, were deliberately made to include an

unfamiliar image of the Tagalog locals, clearly nourished by nationalism and ideology,

and conducted with either the Western-outsider 's sight, which would cater to each


Kartilya ng Katipunan by Emilio Jacinto dilemma as a primary source is that they

regarded themselves becoming also decedents of the Age of Enlightenment, and yet

mental and political pioneers striving to establish to establish a post-Enlightenment

system and community; which was no more confined by Western cultural and

oppressive constraints, but a society who embraced and combined the best of Spain,

the United States , France, even our own cultural identity and traditions. Along these,

we still fail to notice that perhaps the Katipunan would not be the social revolution it is

widely discussed and that at the beginning and in effect, which is one of the middle and
lower classes, also the ruling class. Such individuals became literate and socially

competent in the sense of 19th-century Philippines. People whose designed and

implemented a modern Philippines became logically thought, highly qualified and quite

well established. The compelling idea on which we can develop beyond, constantly

reverting back to vaguely organized armed revolts and uprisings, militancy,

intransigence, and oppression, but try to understand higher values of Reason, and Right

and Light, and use them for a greater cause, committed to an inspired vision of the


The work of Emilio Aguinaldo titled Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan can be somewhat

bias such assumptions involving the Revolution must be exposed to local and provincial

studies, in addition to the variety of definitions, mostly dependent on location, provided

to the exclusive terms described herein. But there was a variety of motivations and

issues involved underneath the traditional outburst of collective emotion, something that

no centralized structure can completely describe. If the regime finally made liberty

achievable by development or by benevolent negligence, democracy is still a desire to

be achieved for a vast large percentage of Filipinos.

Through most of the event, Ambrosio Rianzares-Bautista wrote and spoke The

Declaration of Philippine Independence, primarily in Spanish. From a regime in place,

Aguinaldo believe it is very important to announce the Philippines freedom. He claimed

such a decision must encourage the men to act more aggressively towards the

Spaniards, but also at the same time leading the other countries to support the national

sovereignty. You can see the issue here that the Act of Declaration was spoken in

Spanish. Although Spanish is widely used back in the days, it certainly questions the
legitimacy of the current translation as we ought to speak. Also, it opposed the true

meaning of independence wherein we are freeing our country to the colonizer, but we

are stating it in their own language. It really puts up a lot of questionable argument if this

can be considered as valuable primary source recorded in our history.

The Philippines was another unstable nation that has struggled to create

representative democracy structures and processes successfully. The record Filipino

Grievances Against Governor Wood is indeed an instance of a legislative act

demonstrating the dissatisfaction of the lawmakers over through the manner Gov. Wood

handled the public's affairs. The grievances mentioned in the article simply illustrate that

the root of the problem of the anti-Wood movement was the other's attempt to diminish

the Philippine legislature's sovereignty and the Governor-General 's the involvement

with certain duties that had already been handed over to Filipino authorities mostly

during Harrison span. Often it can be listed as a letter of complaint or demand. While

this individuals behind it and its relevant context were inherently controversial, it may be

presumed to be filled with democratic prejudice and electoral involvement. Audiences

ought to be extremely vigilant and be cautious in determining which features are

genuine and which are purely deliberate misinformation. Could it be that Filipinos

loathed Wood not because he had been pro-American but mostly because he

introduced policies that stopped the lavish budgets of excessive lawmakers. Instead it

implies this because when advocating for Philippine independence not all Wood 's

hierarchical critiques were pleasant and of clear intent. Some were using only

misdirection to draw the Filipinos' focus further towards their unethical activities.
We value primary sources as they provide information into how important events

interpreted or institutionalized what they encountered, their position or importance in

history, and offer us an insight into the perceptions of historical events. These all are

useful and fascinating as primary sources and challenging as well. They may be

deliberately skewed or prejudicial as they are meant for a particular audience-an

audience frequently believed to represent the views of an authors or creator.

Development of primary source components and their exploitation to design, create,

check, and ultimately express a disquisition is a critical element in primary platform. The

successful use of these components needs an awareness of both their weaknesses and

ideals; it also offers the opportunity to maximize the strengths and accommodate for the

shortcomings of such materials. The primary sources are vague. Confirmation bias is

the tendency toward a specific perception, instinct, or perspective. Whatever you write

will represent your opinions and. Historical documents were shared by individuals

whose perceptions and expectations shaped their perspective and this is expressed

with what they stated. Most primary sources could well be considered more legitimate

than others, though in some respects, each information is biased. Mostly as whole,

historians are cautious and analytical reading of references.


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