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Received: 17 December 2019 Revised: 3 June 2020 Accepted: 28 July 2020

DOI: 10.1002/suco.201900549


Influence of curing temperature on the mechanical

properties and microstructure of limestone
powder mass concrete

Weizhun Jin1 | Linhua Jiang1 | Lin Han1 | Lei Chen1 | Xiancui Yan2 |
Chen Chen

College of Mechanics and Materials,
Hohai University, Nanjing, China Abstract
College of Civil and Transportation This study investigates the influence of different percentages: 10, 30, and 50%
Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, of limestone powder (LS) and different curing temperatures: 50, 20, and 5 C
on mechanical properties and microstructure of mass concrete. The micro-
Correspondence structure is studied by X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric, and scanning elec-
Linhua Jiang, College of Mechanics and tron microscopy. The results show that the mechanical strength of concrete
Materials, Hohai University, Nanjing
210098, China.
gradually decreases with the increase of LS. Curing temperature 50 C
Email: enhances mechanical strength of LS concrete at ages of 3 and 7 days, but
slightly reduces that at age of 28 days. While curing temperature 5 C signifi-
Funding information
National Key Research and Development
cantly reduces the mechanical strength at ages of 3, 7, and 28 days. The micro-
Program of China, Grant/Award structure results indicate that LS has weak chemical effect and can participate
Numbers: 2016YFC0401610, in cement hydration. Different curing temperatures can significantly influence
the hydration products and microstructure of LS composite cement pastes.

cement hydration, limestone powder, mechanical properties, microstructure

1 | INTRODUCTION strength of concrete, the cracks are formed.1–3 The forma-

tion of cracks leads to the deterioration of concrete
In recent years, with the widespread application of fly strength, durability, and other properties, especially in
ash, slag powder, silica fume, and other mineral admix- harsh environments. Reducing the hydration heat is an
tures in concrete, traditional mineral admixtures have urgent problem for mass concrete. Therefore, it is urgent
shown a trend of insufficient sources. In some areas there to develop new concrete mineral admixtures to alleviate
are not enough mineral admixtures to replace cement for the existing problems in mass concrete. Limestone pow-
concrete engineering. Furthermore, in mass concrete der (LS) which is rich in resources, widely distributed,
engineering, such as reservoir dam, high-rise building easy to be grinded into powder, and reducing the hydra-
foundation, and so on, cement hydration produces a lot tion heat of mass concrete has received more and more
of heat and increases the internal temperature. Due to attention in recent years.4–9
the low thermal conductivity of concrete, the increasing At present, the study of LS in concrete has received
temperature results in a thermal gap between the inside some achievements.10–15 Gyu et al.16 studies on the
and outside of the mass concrete structure. Because of effects of the fineness and replacement of LS on the
the restraint conditions of the inside and outside of the hydration and strength properties of concrete. The results
mass concrete structure, the thermal gap leads to the ten- show that the addition of LS accelerates cement hydra-
sile stress. When the tensile stress reaches the tensile tion by providing nucleation sites for the hydration

Structural Concrete. 2020;e201900549. © 2020 fib. International Federation for Structural Concrete 1 of 11
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products, and the fineness of cement and LS strongly influ- 2 | EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
ence the hydration reaction and the strength development.
Ramezanianpour et al.17 investigates the influence of vari- 2.1 | Materials
ous amounts of LS which are 0, 5, 10 15, and 20% on perfor-
mance of Portland limestone cement concretes. The results The cement used in this experiment is ordinary Portland
indicate that the Portland limestone cement concretes hav- cement (OPC) obtained from Anhui Conch Cement Co.,
ing up to 10% limestone provide competitive properties with Ltd. LS supplied by Shanghai Yuanjiang chemical Co.,
PC concretes. Bonavetti et al.18 investigates the effect of Ltd. Fine aggregate is a continuous gradation for medium
limestone filler (up to 20%) on the degree of hydration and sand. Coarse aggregate is continuous graded gravel with
the results show that an increase in the degree of hydration particle size of 5–20 mm. Superplasticizer (SP) is subote
in very low w/cm ratio paste when the limestone filler con- high performance polycarboxylic acid superplasticizer.
tent is increased. Furthermore, temperature has a signifi- Tables 1 and 2 show the chemical compositions of
cant effect on cement hydration. Curing temperature is cement and LS respectively, determined by XRF.
closely related to the development of hydration kinetics and
strength of cement. High curing temperature is accompa-
nied with the increase of hydration rate, while low curing 2.2 | Specimens preparation
temperature will decrease the hydration rate, thereby affect-
ing the development of cement strength.19–21 Moreover, The mixture proportions are given in Table 3. The percent-
when LS is mixed into concrete, LS concrete will show dif- ages of LS in this study are 10, 30, and 50% by weight of
ferent properties under different temperature conditions. total binder. The water to binder ratio of mixtures is
Vratislav et al.22 studies on the early-stage hydration heat set 0.45.
characteristics of 80% Portland cement and 20% of lime- The LS concrete with different mix proportions was
stone under 20 and 35 C which indicates that temperature poured into 100 × 100 × 100 mm cube molds to test the
has a great influence on Portland-limestone cement hydra- compressive strength and splitting tensile strength at differ-
tion. Weerdt et al.23 investigates the effect of curing temper- ent ages. Meanwhile, the LS concrete was poured into
atures (5, 20, and 40 C) on the development of mechanical 100 × 100 × 300 mm prism molds to test the axial compres-
properties on pastes and mortars prepared with fly ash- sive strength. Then, the concrete samples were cured under
limestone Portland composite cements. The results show different curing temperatures: 50, 20, and 5 C to test the
that the replacement of 5% of the OPC or fly ash by LS did influence of curing temperatures on mechanical properties
not impair the strength at 5 and 20 C, but lowered strength of LS concrete.
slightly at 40 C for the fly ash blended cements. The LS composite cement pastes with different mix
Mass concrete structure in different areas will face proportions were prepared as shown in Table 4. The LS
different temperature conditions during the building composite cement pastes used the same water to binder
stage, thus temperature will have a significant impact on ratio as concrete and cured under the same temperatures
the structural performance of mass concrete, especially and ages as concrete to conduct XRD, TG, and SEM tests.
during the curing stage. Furthermore, due to the high
internal temperature caused by cement hydration, mass
concrete can often reach more than 50 C,24–26 hence it is 2.3 | Test methods
particularly important to reduce the internal temperature
and study the mechanical properties of concrete in the XRD tests were conducted on the different mix propor-
environment above 50 C. In addition, mass concrete has tion samples under different temperatures and ages. The
the characteristics of high water cement ratio and large collected small pieces of composite cement pastes were
amount of concrete, thus it needs more mineral admix- first immersed in alcohol to stop the cement hydration.
tures to save the cement. Therefore, the study on the Then the samples were dried in oven at 50 C for 24 hr
influence of LS on cement hydration under different tem- and broken up into powders. XRD measurements were
peratures has great significance on the application of LS performed using a diffractometer (SmartLab 9 kW)
in mass concrete. In this paper, the effect of different per- equipment and using Kb-filtered Cu Kα radiation and
centages: 10, 30, and 50% of LS on mechanical properties operating at 40 kV and 40 mA. Step scanning was made
and microstructure of mass concrete under different cur- from 5 to 60 using a step interval of 0.02 and a scan
ing temperatures: 50, 20, and 5 C was studied. Mean- speed of 10 /min.
while, the microstructure was characterized by X-ray The TG analysis was performed on the sample pow-
diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric (TG), and scanning ders which are the same as that used in the XRD tests by
electron microscopy (SEM). using Mettler TGADSC3 + 1600HT. The samples were
JIN ET AL. 3 of 11

TABLE 1 Chemical compositions of cement

Chemical component CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 MgO K2O L.O.I.
Content (wt%) 62.83 20.50 5.61 3.84 3.07 1.70 1.31 1.14

TABLE 2 Chemical compositions of LS

Chemical component CaO MgO SiO2 Al2O3 L.O.I.

Content (wt%) 37.06 13.97 0.52 0.15 48.3

Abbreviation: LS, limestone powder.

TABLE 3 Mix proportions of concrete with different percentages of LS

Specimens w/b ratio Binder Cement (kg) LS (kg) Sand (kg) Gravel (kg) Water (kg) SP (kg)
OPC 0.45 360 360 0 657 1,221 162 3.6
LS10 0.45 360 324 36 657 1,221 162 3.6
LS30 0.45 360 252 108 657 1,221 162 3.6
LS50 0.45 360 180 180 657 1,221 162 3.6

Abbreviations: LS, limestone powder; OPC, ordinary Portland cement; SP, superplasticizer.

T A B L E 4 Mix proportions of composite cement pastes with

gradually decreases with the increasing replacement of
different percentages of LS
LS. Take 7 days as an example, the compressive strength
Proportions (wt%) of OPC is 40.9 MPa. When the replacement of LS is
Samples w/b Cement LS
10, 30, and 50%, the compressive strength of concrete is
34.7, 27.6, and 20.2 MPa, which has reduced by 15.2,
P-OPC 0.45 100 0
32.5, and 50.6% compared with OPC. Furthermore, 10%
P-LS10 0.45 90 10 LS replacement has little influence on the compressive
P-LS30 0.45 70 30 strength which is close to that of OPC, especially at
P-LS50 0.45 50 50 28 days. The results above are similar to other research.
Alessandra et al.27 investigates the effect of LS substitu-
Abbreviations: LS, limestone powder; OPC, ordinary Portland
cement. tion on mechanical properties. The results show that
cement replacement by LS decreases the compressive
heated over a range of 30–900 C, at a constant rate of strength and compressive strength reduces by 33.71% on
10 C/min in a nitrogen atmosphere. 30% LS addition which is similar to 32.5% in this paper.
The microstructure morphology of composite cement Ramezanianpour et al.17 also studies the influence of var-
pastes cured for 28 days under different temperatures was ious amounts of LS on performance of Portland lime-
tested by SEM. The composite cement pastes were first bro- stone cement concretes and the research results show
ken up into small cubes and immersed in alcohol to stop that 10% LS replacement is not significant in compressive
the cement hydration. Then the samples were dried in oven strength reduction which is consistent with the results in
at 50 C for 24 hr. After coating with gold, the SEM images this paper.
of samples were obtained by using FEI quanta 250F. Figure 1b,c respectively show the splitting tensile
strength and axial compressive strength of concrete with
different percentages of LS under curing temperature
3 | R E SUL T S 20 C. The variation of splitting tensile strength and axial
compressive strength with the percentages of LS is simi-
3.1 | Influence of LS content on lar to that of compressive strength. With the increasing
mechanical strength of concrete replacement of LS, the splitting tensile strength and axial
compressive strength decreases gradually. Moreover, 10%
Figure 1a shows the compressive strength of concrete LS replacement has little influence on the splitting tensile
with different percentages of LS under curing tempera- strength and axial compressive strength which is close to
ture 20 C. The compressive strength of concrete that of OPC.
4 of 11 JIN ET AL.

3.2 | Influence of curing temperature on

mechanical properties of LS concrete

Figure 2a presents the compressive strength of concrete with

30% LS under different curing temperatures. At ages of 3 and
7 days, the compressive strength of 50 C is higher than that of
20 C, while 5 C is much lower than that of 20 C. Take 3 days
as an example, the compressive strength is 24.6 and 13.7 MPa
under 50 and 5 C. Compared with 20 C which is 22.9 MPa,
the compressive strength under 50 C increases by 7.4%, while
under 5 C decreases by 40.2%. However, at age of 28 days, the
compressive strength under 50 and 5 C is 33.5 and 24.1 MPa.
Compared with 20 C which is 34 MPa, the compressive
strength under 50 C decreases by 1.5%, while under 5 C
decreases by 29.1%. Therefore, it can be seen that curing tem-
perature 50 C can increase compressive strength of LS concrete
at ages of 3 and 7 days but decrease that at age of 28 days.
While curing temperature 5 C decreases the compressive
strength of LS concrete at ages of 3, 7, and 28 days. The results
above are similar to other research. Barbar et al.21 studies the
effect of temperature on the properties of Portland cement pas-
tes. The results also show that strength development at 5 C is
initially very slow, while at temperatures above room tempera-
ture, strength development is faster. Escalante-García et al.28
investigates the effect of temperature on the hydration of the
Portland cement. The results show that the development of
compressive strength under 10 C at early age is lower than that
under 20 and 40 C. The compressive strength under 40 C is
higher than that under 20 C at early age, while the compres-
sive strength under 40 C is lower than that under 20 C at later
age which is consistent with the result in this paper.
Figure 2b,c, respectively, show the splitting tensile
strength and axial compressive strength of concrete with
30% LS under different curing temperatures: 50, 20, and
5 C. At ages of 3 and 7 days, the splitting tensile strength
and axial compressive strength under 50 C are higher than
that of 20 C, while 5 C is lower than that of 20 C. How-
ever, at age of 28 days, the splitting tensile strength, and
axial compressive strength of 50 C develop a slightly lower
than that of 20 C, while 5 C is still much lower than that of
20 C. Therefore, it can be seen that curing temperature
50 C can increase the splitting tensile strength and axial
compressive strength of LS concrete at ages of 3 and 7 days
but decrease those at age of 28 days. While curing tempera-
ture 5 C decreases the splitting tensile strength and axial
compressive strength at ages of 3, 7, and 28 days. This is
consistent with the compressive strength of LS concrete.
F I G U R E 1 The mechanical strength of concrete under curing
temperature 20 C with different percentages of LS: (a) Compressive
strength; (b) Splitting tensile strength; (c) Axial compressive
3.3 | X-ray diffraction analyses strength. LS, limestone powder

Figure 3 shows the XRD patterns of samples P-OPC, P- temperature 20 C. The principal hydration products of
LS10, P-LS30, and P-LS50 at age of 28 days under curing composite cement pastes are calcium hydroxide(Ca[OH]2),
JIN ET AL. 5 of 11

F I G U R E 3 XRD patterns of composite cement pastes with

different percentages of LS cured for 28 days under curing
temperature 20 C. (CH: calcium hydroxide; E: ettringite; C:
calcium carbonate; D: dolomite; Mc: calcium
monocarboaluminate). LS, limestone powder; XRD, X-ray

ettringite(AFt), and calcium monocarboaluminate and so

on.6,7,21 It can be obviously seen that a large amount of
Ca(OH)2 is formed in all samples. With the increasing replace-
ment of LS, the content of Ca(OH)2 gradually decreases. More-
over, all the composite cement pastes contain calcium
carbonate (CaCO3), which is especially strong peak evident in
the P-LS30 and P-LS50. The amount of CaCO3 presenting in
the composite cement pastes is attributed to the unreacted
CaCO3. Furthermore, strong characteristic peak of dolomite
can be observed in the P-LS10, P-LS30, and P-LS50. It is attrib-
uted to the unreacted dolomite in the LS corresponding with
the chemical composition of LS.8 In addition, with the
increase of LS, the content of calcium monocarboaluminate
slightly increases indicating that LS has chemical effect and
can participate in cement hydration.
Figure 4 presents the XRD patterns of sample LS30 at
age of 28 days cured under different curing temperatures:
50, 20, and 5 C. It can be seen that XRD patterns of princi-
pal hydration products are essentially similar to each other
indicating that the principal hydration products are almost
the same under three curing temperatures. Moreover, the
peak of Ca(OH)2 is obviously lower under 5 C than that
under 20 and 50 C, while the peak of Ca(OH)2 is almost
the same under 20 and 50 C. This result indicates that 5 C
hinders the cement hydration reaction, while the cement
hydration under 50 and 20 C is almost the same.
F I G U R E 2 The mechanical strength of concrete with 30% LS Figure 5 shows the XRD patterns of samples LS30 under
under different curing temperatures: (a) Compressive strength; curing temperature 20 C at different ages. With the increase
(b) Splitting tensile strength; (c) Axial compressive strength. LS, of ages, the amount of Ca(OH)2 gradually increases indicat-
limestone powder ing the deepening of cement hydration. Moreover, the
6 of 11 JIN ET AL.

F I G U R E 6 TG curves of composite cement pastes with

FIGURE 4 XRD patterns of composite cement pastes different percentages of LS at age of 28 days under curing
containing LS for 30% at age of 28 days under different curing temperature 20 C. LS, limestone powder; TG, thermogravimetric
temperatures. (CH: calcium hydroxide; E: ettringite; C: calcium
carbonate; D, dolomite; Mc: calcium monocarboaluminate). LS, temperature 20 C are shown in Figure 6. The results show
limestone powder; XRD, X-ray diffraction that there are three major mass loss stages of composite
cement pastes. The first major mass loss can be observed at
the temperature range up to 200 C which mainly due to the
decomposition of hydrated calcium silicate(C-S-H) and
AFt.29 The second major mass loss stage can be detected at
400–500 C, corresponding to the dehydroxylation of
Ca(OH)2.30 Calculated from the TG results, with the increas-
ing percentages of LS, the mass loss of Ca(OH)2 decreases.
When the replacement of LS is respectively 0, 10, 30, and
50%, the mass loss of Ca(OH)2 is 3.78, 3.60, 2.94, and 2.61%.
This indicates that the increase of LS leads to the decrease of
cement resulting in the decrease of hydration products. The
third major mass loss can be observed at 600–820 C,
corresponding to the decarbonation of CaCO3.31 It can be
obviously found that the mass loss of CaCO3 increases with
the increasing percentages of LS. When the replacement of
LS is, respectively, 0, 10, 30, and 50%, the mass loss of CaCO3
F I G U R E 5 XRD patterns of composite cement pastes is 3.24, 6.08, 13.89, and 21.53%. This indicates that most LS
containing LS for 30% under curing temperature 20 C at different cannot participate in the cement hydration.
ages. (CH: calcium hydroxide; E: ettringite; C: calcium carbonate; The TG curves of composite cement pastes contain LS
D: dolomite; Mc: calcium monocarboaluminate). LS, limestone
for 30% at age of 28 days under different curing tempera-
powder; XRD, X-ray diffraction
tures: 50, 20, and 5 C are shown in Figure 7. The TG cur-
growth of calcium monocarboaluminate with ages further ves are different when the composite cement pastes are
indicates that LS has chemical effect and participates in cured under different curing temperatures. At first mass
cement hydration. However, the strong peak of CaCO3 and loss stage, compared with the composite cement pastes
the weak peak of calcium monocarboaluminate indicate that cured under 20 C, the mass loss is almost the same as
only a small amount of LS can participate in cement 50 C, while the mass loss is very small at 5 C. This indi-
hydration. cates that 50 C has the same effect as 20 C on cement
hydration, while 5 C hinders the cement hydration. In
addition, the mass loss of CaCO3 under 5, 20, and 50 C is
3.4 | Thermogravimetry 14.63, 14.09, and 14.15% respectively indicating that 5 C
hinders the reaction between CaCO3 and calcium alumi-
The TG curves of the composite cement pastes with dif- nate, while 50 C has almost the same effect as 20 C on
ferent percentages of LS at age of 28 days under curing this reaction.
JIN ET AL. 7 of 11

under different temperatures. Figure 9a–d shows the

morphology of composite cement pastes with different
percentages of LS at age of 28 days under curing tem-
perature 20 C. Figure 9a is the SEM image of P-OPC.
The cement hydration produces more needle bar AFt
and network-like C-S-H crossing and bonding with
each other to strengthen the structure of cement stone
and increase the compressive strength.5 When the
replacement of LS is 10%, as shown in Figure 9b, C-S-H
gels and Ca(OH)2 generated around CaCO3 indicating
that LS plays a nucleation role. As can be observed in
the composite cement paste P-LS30 (As shown in
Figure 9c), cement hydration produces a small amount
of C-S-H, and the gels are surrounded by a large
F I G U R E 7 TG curves of composite cement pastes containing amount of CaCO3. When the replacement of LS is 50%
LS for 30% at age of 28 days under different curing temperatures. (As shown in Figure 9d), C-S-H is rare and a large
LS, limestone powder; TG, thermogravimetric amount of CaCO3 can be found. From above, it can be
seen that, the C-S-H gradually decreases with the
increasing replacement of LS. However, when the
replacement of LS is 10%, the cement hydration cannot
be greatly affected. This result is also consistent with
the mechanical strength tests.
Figure 9c,e,f show the SEM images of composite
cement pastes P-LS30 at age of 28 days under differ-
ent curing temperatures: 20, 50, and 5  C. Comparing
Figure 9c with 9e, it can be seen that the hydration
products are very similar. A small amount of C-S-H
is observed in the gap among CaCO 3 . Hence, 50  C
has almost the same impact on cement hydration as
20  C. Comparing Figure 9c with 9f, it can be seen
that under 5  C, C-S-H is rare and just a small amount
of AFt can be found. Therefore, 5  C decreases the
hydration rate and has a great impact on cement
F I G U R E 8 TG curves of composite cement pastes containing hydration.
LS for 30% under curing temperature 20 C at different ages. LS,
limestone powder; TG, thermogravimetric

The TG curves of the composite cement pastes con-
taining LS for 30% under curing temperature 20 C at dif- LS content has the significant influence on the cement
ferent ages are shown in Figure 8. With the increase of hydration. Replacing part of cement with LS can play sev-
ages, the mass loss of the composite cement pastes in the eral physical effects such as filler effect, dilution effect, and
first and second stages increases corresponding to the heterogeneous nucleation.18,32 LS can act as nucleation sites
increase of hydration products. Moreover, the mass loss of calcium hydroxide crystals in cement hydration,33 accel-
of CaCO3 at ages of 3, 7, and 28 days is 14.17, 14.03, and erating the hydration of clinker particles and resulting in
13.89% indicating that a small amount of LS participates the acceleration of strength.18,34,35 Furthermore, LS has
in the cement hydration resulting in the reduction of LS. chemical effect which can participate in cement
hydration.36–38 CaCO3 from LS can react with the mono-
sulfate ((CaO)3(Al2O3)CaSO412H2O) or calcium aluminate
3.5 | SEM images and analysis hydrate (CaO)3(Al2O3)6H2O) to form calcium mon-
ocarboaluminate (3CaOAl2O3CaCO311H2O).21,36,37,39 This
Figure 9 presents the SEM images of composite cement is consistent with the results in Sections 3.3 and 3.4. The
pastes with different percentages of LS at age of 28 days chemical reaction equations are as follows40–42:
8 of 11 JIN ET AL.

F I G U R E 9 The SEM images of composite cement pastes: (a) P-LS0-20 C; (b) P-LS10-20 C; (c) P-LS30-20 C; (d) P-LS50-20 C; (e) P-
LS30-50 C; (f) P-LS30-5 C. SEM, scanning electron microscopy

3ðCaOÞ3 ðAl2 O3 Þ  CaSO4  12H2 O + 2CaCO3 + 18H2 O giving dissolved ions more time to diffuse before the
! 2ðCaOÞ3 ðAl2 O3 Þ  CaCO3  11H2 O + ðCaOÞ3 ðAl2 O3 Þ hydrate precipitates. This leads to the formation of
 3CaSO4  32H2 O cement pastes with more even distribution of hydrate
ð1Þ phase reducing the coarse porosity and improving the
mechanical strength.28,46,47 But curing temperature 5 C
significantly hinders the formation of cement hydration
ðCaOÞ3 ðAl2 O3 Þ  6H2 O + CaCO3 + 5H2 O
products, resulting in a decrease in mechanical strength.
! ðCaOÞ3 ðAl2 O3 Þ  CaCO3  11H2 O ð2Þ
Meanwhile, the XRD and TG results also indicate that
higher curing temperature can accelerate the reaction
Meanwhile, ettringite will be prevented from conver- between CaCO3 and calcium aluminate and 50 C has
ting to single sulfur hydrated calcium sulphoaluminate almost the same effect as 20 C on this reaction. How-
which can enhance the compactness of hydration prod- ever, 5 C hinders the reaction between CaCO3 and cal-
ucts resulting in an increase in mechanical strength.38,43–45 cium aluminate.
However, due to the limited aluminate content in OPC,
just a small amount of calcium monocarboaluminate can
be found. Hence, the LS participating in cement hydration 5 | CONCLUSIONS
is very small and most LS is remained. Moreover, due to
the decrease of cement, the main hydration products, such This paper investigated the effect of LS and curing tem-
as C-S-H and calcium hydroxide, have a certain amount peratures on the mechanical properties and microstruc-
reduction resulting in mechanical strength reduction. ture of mass concrete. Following conclusions have been
Therefore, when the LS replacement is 10%, the mechani- drawn:
cal strength is just a little lower than that of OPC, while a
large amount of LS replacement can significantly decrease 1. With the increasing replacement of LS, the mechani-
the mechanical strength. cal strength of concrete decreases gradually under cur-
Curing temperature has a great influence on the per- ing temperature 20 C. When the replacement of LS is
formance of concrete. Under curing temperature 50 C, 50%, the compressive strength of concrete reduces by
the initial hydration products formed rapidly and 50.6% compared with 0% replacement at age of 7 days.
unevenly distributed which results in coarse porosity However, when the replacement of LS is 10%, the LS
and lower mechanical strength at age of 28 days. Under has little influence on the compressive strength at age
curing temperature 20 C, the hydration rate decreases, of 28 days.
JIN ET AL. 9 of 11

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Lei Chen, College of Mechanics Chen Chen, College of Mechanics

and Materials, Hohai University, and Materials, Hohai University,
Nanjing 210098, China. Nanjing 210098, China.

Xiancui Yan, College of Civil and

Transportation Engineering, Hohai
University, Nanjing 210098, China.
How to cite this article: Jin W, Jiang L, Han L,
Chen L, Yan X, Chen C. Influence of curing
temperature on the mechanical properties and
microstructure of limestone powder mass concrete.
Structural Concrete. 2020;e201900549. https://doi.

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