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What is Vitamin C

Vitamin C ,also known as Ascorbic acid is the body;s major water soluble antioxidant which acts as
first defense agains free radical in the aqueous phase including blood,plasma, and other intracellular
and extra cellular fluids. It is a cofactor of enzymes involved in the formation of collagen, the most
abundant protein essential in the formation of bones, teeth, cartilage and skin. And its primary
function is to stimulate the activity of antibodies and immune cells which inhibits foreign antigens
such as bacteria and viruses that are harmful to the body.
Sodium ascorbate present in “SA-CEE”, contains ascorbic acid in combination with sodium, its content
is alkaline that counter-balances the acidity of ascorbic acid and enables it to be taken in an empty
stomach,thus lessen the chance of gastric irritation for some people.

How much vitamin C does the body needs?

For an adult, the recommended daily amount for vitamin C is 65-90 mg/day , and the upper limit of
intake is 2000 mg/day. Remember that Ascorbic acid/Vitamin C is water soluble, the excess amount
comes out in our body in the form of urine. As evidence your urine turns into bright yellow or orange
in color.

Does vitamin C causes side effects?

Vitamin C is likely safe for most people when taken by mouth in recommended doses. In some people
might experience mild gastric irritation,nausea and dizziness as side effects. But always remember
that these side effects are mild and will disappear. But if symptoms persist stop taking in the vitamin C
and consult your doctor for medical intervention.

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