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Based on Senate of the Philippines, Miriam Defensor Santiago became

globally famous with her courageous and brilliant crusade against
corruption in the Philippines. As a result, at 43, she was named Laureate
of the Asian Nobel Prize, known as the Ramon Magsaysay Award for
Government Service. She was cited "for bold and moral leadership in
cleaning up a graft-ridden government agency." She focused on
creating significant laws that changed the country as a whole. She is an
author of some significant laws.

She is passionate, because with passion, you can do things with love, willingness and purity. Next,
she have empathy, having empathy means you can reflect on other people’s situation, which can
open your eyes on the reality on what is happening on our society. With empathy, you have the
opportunity to understand more about the people around you. She have vision, vision that is
significant to our country. Having vision means you have goal for your country, you have aims,
and standards to make your country becomes better or maybe at its very best. Next is, she is kind
of a person who listens, which means she is the voice of those voiceless people who do not have
the ability to speak up for themselves, those people who needs a listener. Lastly, she inspires
people, being an inspiration to people means you are making a leader, you are giving courage to
other people to stand up and to lead someday. She became my inspiration, I idolized her and
considered her as my hero because of having those qualities.

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