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10/17/2020 Surat Municipal Corporation - Science Centre

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English (/Services/PlanetariumHome) ુ રાતી (/Services/PlanetariumHomeGuj)

Planetarium Home
The Planetarium is located on the first floor of the Science Centre. The planetarium has a shape of a
sphere, 16.30 meters in diameter, the dome could also be used for extreme-wide-projections and other
Science Facts enhanced multi-media shows. It has a seating capacity of 140 the digital theatre of Planetarium facilitates
the observation of planets, moon, stars, nebula, displayed on full dome through an advance technology
and thus Astronomy Secrets will be shared with the students and general public. High resolution
Sky Map (/Services/PlanetariumSkymap) projectors operated through Digester 3 technology with digital audio system will provide a dazzling shows
and that would be unforgettable experience. The shows will be in 3 languages Gujarati, Hindi and
Image Gallery
Timings for Planetarium Shows (September 2019):

Timing Tuesday to Friday * Language

9:30 From Earth to The Universe English

10:30 From Earth to The Universe Hindi 1/3
10/17/2020 Surat Municipal Corporation - Science Centre

11:30 Two Small Pieces of Glass Hindi

12:30 Two Small Pieces of Glass English

01:30 From Earth to The Universe Hindi

02:30 Two Small Pieces of Glass English

03:30 Two Small Pieces of Glass Hindi

Timing Saturday, Sunday and Festival Language

11:30 Two Small Pieces of Glass Hindi

12:30 Two Small Pieces of Glass English

01:30 From Earth to The Universe Hindi

02:30 Two Small Pieces of Glass English

03:30 Two Small Pieces of Glass Hindi

04:30 From Earth to The Universe English

05:30 Two Small Pieces of Glass Hindi

* Please note that if any Festival day is coming between Tuesday to Friday then Show timing will be
from 11:30 to 05:30

Important links Science Centre Surat 2/3
10/17/2020 Surat Municipal Corporation - Science Centre

 News Letter (/Services/NewsLetter)  Fun Science Gallery Science centre, City Light Road, Surat – 395 007
 Object of the month (/Services/FunScienceHome) Contact 0261 2255946, 2255947, +91 9727740807
(/Services/ObjectOfTheMonth)  Museum (/Services/MuseumHome) Fax No. +91 - 261 - 2255946
 Skymap (/Services/PlanetariumSkymap)  Art Gallery (/Services/ArtGalleryHome) Email sciencecentre[at]suratmunicipal[dot]org
 Science Facts  Planetarium Website
(/Services/PlanetariumScienceFacts) (/Services/PlanetariumHome) (
 Image Gallery (/Services/ImageGallery)  Auditorium (/Services/AuditoriumHome)

 Amphi Theater
 Diamond Gallery
 3D Theater (/Services/Theatre3D)
 Visitors (/Services/Visitors)
 FAQs (/Services/ScienceCentreFAQs)

Copyright 2019 - Surat Municipal Corporation. All rights reserved. 3/3

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