TK4103-UTS-1-Sem 1 THN 2020-2021-Rev 1

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Ujian Tengah Semester I

TK4103-01/02/03 Keselamatan Pabrik Proses 100 menit

Program Studi Teknik Kimia – FTI – ITB 17 Oktober 2020

Dr. A. Zainal Abidin, Dr. Yogi Wibisono Budhi, Open Book

Dr. Hary Devianto, Dr. Pramujo Widiatmoko

1. [Bobot 20%, SO 1] The peak overpressure from an explosion of a tank is estimated

with the equation:

log P = 4.2 – 1.8 log r

where P is overpressure in psi and r is the distance from blast in feet. A control room
located 50 feet from the tank occupied by 10 people at the time of explosion. Estimate
the number of fatalities due to lung hemorrhage and the number of eardrums ruptured
as a result of the blast. Be sure to state any additional assumptions.

2. [Bobot 20%, SO 2] The TLV-TWA for a substance is 150 ppm. A worker begins a work
shift at 8 A.M. and completes at 5 P.M. A one-hour lunch break is included between 12
noon and 1 P.M and assumed no chemical exposure at that time. The data were taken
in the work area is listed in the table. Has the worker exceeded the TLV specification?

Time Concentration
8:10 110
9:05 130
10:07 143
11:20 162
12:12 142
13:17 157
14:03 159
15:13 165
16:01 153
17:00 130

3. [Bobot 20%, SO 2] It is known that a factory stack is emitting the flue gas containing
compound P with a concentration at the stack mouth (source point) of C ppm. In this
case, the flue gas dispersion takes place continuously. If the average wind speed U is
described in the x and y directions of ux and uy, respectively, the Eddy diffusion
coefficient in the x and y directions is different, namely K x and Ky, respectively, and at t <
0 the stack has not released the flue gas, develop a 2D unsteady state dispersion model
(top view) on the factory area for a 24 hour period with the plant layout as shown in the
following figure, and complete the model with the boundary conditions on each Line
(lines 1-10 and source point) and the initial condition over plant area required in
modeling so that the model can be appropriately solved.

a) Case 1: C concentration of 500 ppm, continuous release, and constant,
b) Case 2: C concentration of 500 ppm at t = 0, continuous release then linearly
decreasing and it is known that C is 400 ppm when t = 10 hours and 300 ppm
when t = 20 hours etc.
c) Case 3: C concentration of 500 ppm, continuous release for 10 hours from the
beginning and at t = 10 hours, the plant is suddenly shut down and the stack
immediately does not release the exhaust gas.

4. [Bobot 20%, SO 1] A 0.20-in hole develops in a pipeline containing toluene. The

pressure in the pipeline at the point of the leak is 100 psig. Determine the leakage rate if
specific gravity of toluene is 0.866.

5. [Bobot 20%, SO 2] You have been suddenly enveloped by a plume of toxic material
from a nearby chemical plant. Which way should you run with respect to the wind to
minimize your exposure? Explain your reasoning.


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