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People who are addicted to drugs find it hard to stop because they are no longer in control.

you are an addict it is no longer you who you worry about, it is the drugs. I learned about drugs
around the age of 12. I experimented with drugs at the same age, in 6th grade. It started off as a
curiosity, just something I thought was normal for everyone to try at the age. I would say looking
back, that I was addicted. It was very hard for me to admit for a very long time. The truth is that I
liked the way it made me feel since I was going through a very tough time in my life. My school
would hold a few assemblies on why you should say no to drugs but as a young teen, nobody
really cares to listen. They would hand out those bracelets or pencils, or even at one point I
remember our burritos during lunch said, "say no to drugs" on the packaging. It was never taken
seriously, it was taken as a joke. I believe if middle and high schools had a class dedicated to
health, it would be incredibly helpful. The following are a few tips I have thought of, personally
going through a phase of taking substances.
Drugs will not make the pain disappear. I started of taking drugs as a way to numb the pain that I
was going through in my personal life. It worked for the time being, but the problems will
always be there when the high goes away. Be aware of who you surround yourself with. I realize
now that I surrounded myself by people who did not encourage me to be the best version of
myself. I would hang out with people who were hurting as much as I was. No friend
or acquaintance should ever hold you back. I had to find the strength within myself to put myself
first. Getting yourself help if you fall into an addiction is one of the hardest things you will ever
do. When I decided to talk to someone I trusted and admit that I needed help was very difficult.
Talking to someone whether it is a teacher, a family member, a hotline, a friend, anyone who
truly cares for you will assist you in your recovery.
Something I would encourage anyone who is having a tough time to consider is finding a hobby
you like. Trying out different activities that you are interested in or want to try out can be a
healthy way to put your mind in a healthy place. At least for me, I was trying to run away from
my problems instead of facing them. If I had a hobby that made me happy and helped recharge
my mind, it would have helped me deal with my issues in a better way. Do not be afraid to get
help and when you do, do not let small setbacks take away from the bigger picture. Recovery and
sobriety are a lifestyle you are choosing to adapt for the rest of your life.

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