Our Town April 10, 1920

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Making Progress on TO ERECT NEW HOMES.

Spring Days Make f

New Tennis Project Citizens' Association and Autocar Com-

llally Are Working to Relieve
Cub Sentimental
Honsing Conditions 011 '~lJe
PORATION-TO ASK FOR ~I:lill Lint' 1'1,~iclt'1I1:"- :11'p att:l('killg
! th(' hOll,illg proJ,ll'ln ill Iit'adly eal'lll·'t.
ING NEW COURTS. ?'ot only :l1't' :-:It'p:-; IH'illg' takplI to ill· TOUCHED.
I ('l'(\:l~(\ th(' 1111111111'1' of lltlll:-:PS, hut prr'l'·
I arntiolls an~ hpillg )lIadl' to pl'l'YC'llt, lw-
The pl'plilllillary :-;tt'I'~ ]o(ll~ill~ to· To II". I':ditol' of 0111' '1'0\1'11:
forI' it is 1'<10 lat,·. Ih,· ,'rel'1ion of allY
wa I'ol~ th(' d,,\,,'lol'"I"1I1 of t I", II"W hOll,,' l:t~l ~lIl1d:IY
of th,' );al'l>"rth T"IIl1i~ "\",o,·iatioll
dWI'llillgs that will IliaI' or .it'stroy th'c
.\ \\'l't'k ago
\'al'iJl'l'lh woke ul' 'Illd flll1l1d a Strllll;';'l'l'
ha\'e ],""11 lak('l!. alld 1I"'llIh"r~ alld
tlll·ir fl'i"II'l,- \"ill I", illtl'n"I"d to
rllral :"1"'1'1 of tlll' ,'o(Jlllr.\'si,k.
rl'hp AutoeHI' Co., (If _-\l'tlJll0r0, i~ 111:1k·
THE FIRESIDE witllill hl'l' ~all's. '\lId what II \l'I'I"OUIl'
li1:lt ~tr:lHg~'l' J'(11·t'i\·l'd~ ,..... tll' \\"('('li:~ antI
kllll\" t hn t \\'IIrk 1111 t hI' '''',\' )lroj('d illg plalls for t.IH\ pl"t,t'1 ion of a large .I\ldg·ill~ frOllt :ll'lll'arallt'eS, this was \"""k, \'1' had 1""'11 lI\1'ailil1g Old Sol'~ Ea~t('I' \,;II'a1 iOll t'lIl1lld IIlall" of uur
will ]lI' )l1"h"d n~ rapidly a~ po"ible. 111IIIIhl'r of attm"'ive hOllil'S all,1 a fel\' tIll' ti 1':"1 f':g'gltllg'-It'~:-; E:J:-:t 1'1'. UI'l'i'-:II, hilI hI' had di,al'l'"illt"t! lis '" :llulIllli af hlllllt', TII:11, Cit' ('111I1';t', lllt'ant
'flit l HlI:lnl of Tl'u:-;1('l':-; ]I:l\·l' {'lIll'n't! apal'lments. IIl:II~\' 1 jll!('~ tl,:lt WII had a1nlo:--1 fOl"g-ot- WI' had tl,,· 1'1"aSlII'l' or thpir """I!,an~'
info a pJ'l'lilllillary a g'l"l'P 1l11'11 1 with thp Xot 0111\' will Ih,' .\lIlol'ar Co. hnil<l 110\\' :tIHlllt Ihal :-;IIldi"I'~' :tlld :'ail- t"11 '\I'!lul I !I,. IIld >:"'I'ZI'I' look",1 lik,·. at S,'I""I1. Th,' l'la" or lilln \\'a~ ]tar-
O,,"JlCf:O;, :Itld as =-,OOIl as till' 1II'l'{'S:--HI'." hon,I's, h;,t. it will l"a,,' thl"l' <11\'1'11- III'S' _\It'Jllol'ial! \\,1"'11 11',. \l'o!;,' lil'--it wa~ Sllllday I i"lIla rly \\,,·11 r"III','s,'ot ",I. B"for,· the
pal'ers "all ],,, drawlI, tI", formal agn"'- illg, to all conl,'rs. aftl'r th,' n('p,l, of Illorllillg". ,\'011 l\llllW-\\'11 jUlIlJll'l1 l'ight Ea,l"r ex,·r,·i,,'~ Ih" .. Ia~s rl'plallt .. d its
11I1'lIt will III' siglled hy the trustees. its own l'lllplny"es lla\'e heel! met. The ,,"I of iJ,'<I--VI". w" did. 1I11t. '1'1,,' olll\' tlo'\'T 111'.1 a 1'01111" 1 hI' Sllll dial.
'\I'plil'ation has h-"('II made to the Court plall of the corl'0ration is 0111' of the TIll' ~Ii,,,'s Sanlll alltl Lillda ::'1[01'1'0\\' 111:111 wllo t-!t't~ tip tlarIy till SlIlld:l,\' 1~IOI'l;' TIIP O}'l' hl':o-:t J':l i:-: ~"I'lI".. il1g- i n p()p1l1ar~
of COllllllon PIcas of ~[olltgllnlery Coun- 1110:-;1" ('oJllprehcJl~i\-(1 of t 11l~ ~ort p\-er halt' IIdi\'I'd frolll \'arhl'rlh to ]{l':lllillg, illg; j:- 1IJI' :--;tl"(lI't ('IlIlIIlIi~:-,iollt'I', .Jl1~t i1~'. ~(l\'l'I':d I'l'ljlll':-,:,t s for its :-'(ll"\·i,·(\s
1\' for a certifieal,· of illcorporation, a Itl'lIl],1 ,.,1. ] t is "XI,,'dl'd to go a IOIlg- 1'a. 1\ h," h(' ,,!Iol1l" 1'1'1>\1'1 '"'l1lll1d 1111' 10\1'11 11:1 Yl\ C'Olltt' n't'l'n1 J,'" froJ)l loe:d Ilrg"all-
tilt' a)l)lliealion ],('illg Illalle ill the W:I\' towanl soh'illo' tIll' hOll,i,l" 1'1'011' ul Ii .-\. :'II. Sl1l1d:I,"S, SOI1"'IIII1' ,·b,' will iZ:!1 iOIl:-'.
II:,II,,'S of A. ,I. X"\H·ll. H. E. Pattison, 11'n; of th(' ~faill Lill". ,.. Ira \'e YliU n-Ill'\,'pd your 1Il "Ill hel'sll i p 1i:t\'I' III ,'xlolail1. Of "OI1I'~". yOIl'1I say TlJp :-;t'{'lIIJd of' 1 lit' ~l'l'ip~ of jilt 1"'1'·
.11'.. A. C. Staple~, .1. S. Harris, officcl'B Davi,l ].1](11:1111. pn',i<1"lIt of the ,\lIto- ill till' Xarhl'rth Cide A,sll"iatioll! Co,t tlnl! Ih,' IIIi1k 111:111 UI1t! Ilowul'd Dads ('la~s dt'hntp:-: i:-; f:t1'il1;.!' plan' thi:, "'llt~k.
of the .,"sll,·iat iOIl, :llId \\'. H. D. lIall, of a y('ar's 1II1'lI1hl'r,hip i, $1.00. nbo gl't III' ,':!rl.," ~ulld:lY 1I10rllillgs, hilt TWll \\"t't'kx :t~jJ lilt' ~IlJlhollI01't' ho,\"s
ear Co.. I'Xplailll'" \Ve,,",',da~' ,iIlSt wltat
P. :'Ir. .II"ti,·,·, ,\. O. f't'·I,h,,",oll. "-. Y. his ('OIIlP:lIlY is doill~', "\V(I W:l1It to 'I:lillt :-:0, Tlll',\' ri:-:I' 011 ~atlll'lla~' nig-ht. d"f,al",1 th" )o'rl',hIl1l'1I_
:-;h,,\\' all,l C. L. \\'arwil'k, "Ollll'l'isillg hI' 1"'1'1'1'.,(1.,· rail' alld
sqnare in all \\',,11. il ~"ts '"'111111<1 til ,~ Ill' !l 0 'l'!'ll'k, Tlip ~1'J1ion; :11'(' iJIIstlill;':' tlltlir yl':tl'-
:'Ill'. ('harit', I,:. OJ!ic"r an,] ralllih'
th,' Boar'l of TnJ~I,'.·~. t Jlis, ., lit) s:lid, i i ,.,1](, hig' tjllPst ion :dotlg nlld it }('IO)\:-; 1I11l1slInlh, hrig'i1t out:-oid(', hook )'1·o,i41I,t. ~1I1111' illfl'I'4';..dilq"!," thillg"s
Ita \.t' JIIII'('hast'd :Ilpl :ll'l' fH'ellpyillg· tlJ'p
.\t a 1I1,·('till;:: or th,' Trll'I""~ hl'!'l Ih,· :'Ifaill LilJl' i' tltl' hllllsing 1'1'0101(']]), :-00 WI' tll'j·jil l , it ':-: tilll'(, ttl "gt·t :1 1110'·(' a 1'(1 goi liP: ill :11'1"':1 r. .illd~ i II;.! 1'1'0111
!,I'ol.('rly at :!lIil FOI'I'I·,I a\'I'IIUI'.
Thur:--I1:t'· Hight. J11:llls \\"l'l'(' lllad(' fot' flf <,OlI)'SP, 'J'akf\
own town . ..\1'11-
0111' oil. ,\"~, In(lk Ollt 1111' ,,·int!o\\" :llld, IllY ""at, that ,ill"'" 1I111 ,,1' Ih" hag'." A,I-
,tartillg·th., "alll)laig'lI to s,,]] o\\'II"rsl~ip Inon' is short hll]:'" ::(In to :1;,(1 hOlls('s. g'OOtl11I':-':-:. tlJP slIll is shilling lI\ore '·atH'pel ~llh:-:I'riJitillll:-', lip to :llJd in·
('('I'tific'atps ill till' l"l'Ol'g':ltliz('d ..:\:""~()l'l:1­ ::'Ill'. SI"lI'al'1 ~1,'('I,·llall has soltl Iii, l,ri;.;iJth' than il iJa~ ill 1I10Ilth,_ nll\\'11 ..Jlldillg AI'I'il I.ith. IlIa..- Ill' had 1',,1' 75
There is a market' rigllt 110\\' for tllat Jo'OI'l'",t "\"'III1l' pro)1,'rty and will re-
t iOIl for tbe pm'p''',' of finalleillg the :.:tail':'; ~\"tl g'o til hl'('akf:l:-,t, illt'idt'lltally ('tints. Thi"i "l(':IIi~ Ill) :Id,·all('p O\t'r the
lila "." ]'('a"olll1hl.\· pri,'I''' !lOll"" h"rl'. Jllt,\'(' to :'\1'\Y .Jt·l":'\('Y.
n.·\\' ,11'\'('loplll.·II1. ] t w", also ,lceidcu lIot foq,~"\'1tillg' 11111' :IIIIl1tillll:-: :I lid a I'rie,· at \.-Ili,·h it II':" 011"'1',',1 l'l~l year.
"Th(' qll"'1 iOIl i~ hOIl" to provi<1e
1() a~l\: 1'01' hill:-; 011 tIlt, ('(III:-,t 1'111'1 ion (If fl'W (,lut1l1':-;. \r" lind :l g'OIlt! 11 It': I 1 !'l'ad.\" l'tig-al'lll('~:-; of flip lIH']'(':ISt,a I'CI"it oC
Ihl"" hOlill'S for t],,, 1',·opJ... "'e ha\'l~ Pl'illtillg_ Aft,,1' ,\'I'ril ]"th th,' I'l'iee
~(l\'(lll of th" lIP\\, ('OUl't:"". '1'1)t\ plau:-: l'OIl- GO'HI rllS,· l>t"hl's plnnteu April 1st. 1'111' 11:-'. ha\'illg" :\ \\'1'11 orgnllizlld l:lJu:-:l'-
ahollt ],::00 "lIlploy"", alld \l'ill illc]'(':lSc
It'lI1plat,, th,' "OIIlI,It'lioll of ,,11 p",'lilll- '],0111,1 I,]oolll aholl! .11I1ll' 1st. XarlH'rth hold. yOIl kllo\l'. \\'p 100[; 1I\'l'r th .. will b" '!'l.lIl', Th(, l'/:,,~ 11I'('d~ the
thi, IlllllIlH'I' 11\' ~1l(1 11\- th,' ,'11,1 of lIJ1'
ill:ll'\" ,,"ol"k Oil tli(' fil":-:1 ~t·\'t'li ('ourts 110,,' and I"'oll~' Sho\\' .lulIl' fl. papl'l' ;11"1 an' ,Irll,·k h\' th .. 1II1II1b,·I' of wh"l".!J ,.:, 1'1 ,." ~lIpl'0rt of I h" tOWIl
y"ar. 'I'III'y nl;"t h,· p;'o\'id",l for. "\1111
1 bi~' ,casOIl. ~I'P(ISIlI('ll ':-: nlld ~":lI'dllll 11l:l\,hiIlPI'." :Ifl~ •• )1""1'1,·. as lI'ell a, th,- 1I1l'llIber, lIt' tho
oi h.,,. 1'.-r~Olls \.-J1lI \1'11 lit' to lin' h"r,~
art,'1' wiJi"h \",: 1I0ti,·" :1 ~tOI'\' ]", n s.·hoo!' ,\11\' 11l"'lIbl'r of th" S"lIinr
11lllst lit' provilll'd 1'01". t 1I11. 'Ve are ;..!,'l)- The '1,'alh"I' lI'a" di":,!.poilltillg Easl- JII:111 WIlli hH~ IliadI' a 1'01"111111" J'ai~illg- ('I:t.,",s \\ill iI('g-l:td to lakt' \"0111'
Horticultural Society ill'" to In' and ai<1 nil' "lItire situation
h,\~ ]'t'1l1 il;g- Ottl' Illln~t':-; lil':-,t to thn:,il' of
"1'. hut lh,' .. 1'ul"'1I,·,
\""I'l' lill"d to on'r·
('I!i('k01ll" :ulll "'ho i:-: ~() anxinus
hay!' p\'I'I'\'hodY .. 1:-:(1 ~I'HW l'il,lI tllat
Sl'ril'tijJII hy wurd, pllOIl(" 01' ]P'ttt'I'.

Oilers Prizes 0111' 0\1'11 I'lIIplo."'·I's \\'1". \l'a II I thl'lIl. allll

tht'll to :lily (JII{' l'1Sl' who \\"i:·d1c'\S Olll'.
:t:~"nu pet' hI' cost to von in
"(':II' j:-; t
I, s"llillg 'ill"lIhatlll's, , 1I0t for I'rofit, of
"0111"1'. but for th .. ;.!()od of hi, 1'.. 11 III\' ,
Support Home Talent.
., \'ari"t..- i~ tl", ~pi,'" of lifl'.. , That
"\Yt' arc going" about it in this WHY: hpillg a ~t1St;lilliTlg" JIlcllIllcl' of t1J~\ )\:11'. Illall. :\1111 thl'lI 1hl' thollg"lit :-:prill~~ 111': i:-: UUt' 1'l':I~CJJJ 1'01' ha\'illg' l-illeh a J:ll"ge
\\T p an' I()ol(ill~ :dltlllt :llId hllyill:':" lalJd IH'rt h Fire COlllpan~'. 1111\1' stlll'i<l 1101 to tlllllll, of il h.. f,JI ....
GENEROUS OFFER SUBMITTED TO 1':I:-:t for t Itt' :-;it'lIilll' play, • i ~lis:; ~OIlIC­
ill ,\1'<11110]'(' alld ill lh,' illllll",liate ,i' SI'I'illg ha' ('all"'~ "',. look 0111 alld IJl~d." EIs,'.'· \\'11 ie'" i:-; 10 DC gi\-ell ill
NARBERTH CIVIC ASSOCIATION ,·illil\'. \\", fOlllld. \dll'lI \1',' ~!art,'d ollt,
FOR COMING ROSE AND fill ,I that th.' tOWII is I'I'"tt," \\'i,l .. Ih .. lIigh K..I 111 " I ,\lIdilol'jlllll Sat""":,\,,
that' SOllll~ prop"I't," o\,'IIl'I'S 1;it"d the :'Ilr~. I"nlu,'i~ II. Bakl'r, of \rilldsor all'al«'. although 11'.' "all slill I,,'al' Bill April lith. :11 S .1'. ~r. .
PEONY SHOW. lHi,·1' oil us. \\'" 1i:,,'1' Il'ft thl'llI St'· :!\'PJlW', !Ia~ l'l'tII1"11t.'d fl'Ul1l :t fOlll'
CUllIJlII'r':o; foOllOn\ ill spitt' of thl' Jloi~l' ;\11 add"" at I r:Il'1 iOIl will IJC the J1I'\\'
\"l'I"l\]y :dOIH', alld an' 0111.,· J1n~'illg" \\,)1:11 w,·,·ks' \'i'il with .\Iajol' alld :'Ifrs.•Iohll 1'1'0111 th" railro:lll.
IliL11!11," ,.f \',',~ ... l1::1 "1": f) f'" II igh S.·hllo] OI'.. h",ll'a. It is \\',,11 wOl'th
,,"1\ tllillk to 11(' fait' pl":"(':-' .t\;:. '",Ill ;\ ft"r 'n' ha \'e I'otllrnp(l l' 1'0 III chur"ll.
::'1[1'. Holt,'rt .'1. Ed;.;'ar, l',.."id'·llt or thl' YOUI' ili':ll'lllg, :llld i:-: di'St'I'\"illg of yuur
;.!rolllld. Illl'id"lIlall,", t111' exorbitallt w(' g"pt ol1t-sidl'\ (If a goo(] di 1111('1' H lid (·IlI'()lll"n~('lIlt'lIt.
Xarhcl'th Ci\'ic .A:-;:-;ol'iatioJl, l"('I'l.'i\"C'll )lri,·,'s a,I(I'<1 arc hp;.!illning t.o come
thl' following lettl'r 1'1'0111 the j>1'1I11,yl- :'Ilal'k yOlll' ,·:,ll'lIolar--April ~:ll'd :111l] <le,·i.ll' to tal,,' a \l'a]](,-il'~ sll"h a Wilh t,\O sll,·I, illdlll"'II"'lItS, hllll' "all
dO\l'1I nO\\' that 0111' altitllde Oil the pri,.e :!ltl,. Haz:'ar for Hailding' FilII'] of 1hl' ]o\'l'ly ,]a.,·, ~'on kilO\\,. f'1I 11'" take our
\':llIia ]Jortielllt.llral Soeil'(,·: yOll till ot 111'1' I lin II ('OUlt to 1'1Ijlly the l

qlll'st ion i, knO\\'n. \\'0111:111', ('''I1I1IIUllity Club's 111'11' lJllild· "allP :1I"] wif,' all.1' slal't arollll<l th .. Sl'lIiul' :tl'tHI'~ :llld :ll·tl'l':-::"(,~!
,. Thl' P"I1I1,\'h'allia ilorti"lIlt IIral
SO"idy lll'rl'hy'allthorizl's .\'0111' Asso· "ThpH \\'0 arl' g'oillg" tu ~() to huibl· bIg, 10\1'11 to ~" .. whai' "hang,·s haye been Tid,l'l' 111:1\' I,,· obtailll',I f,,1' fifty
ciatioll to 011',,1' ill its lIallll' olle sill'l'r "I', alltl lIaye th"1Il hllild for II". If, luad(\ (lul'illg" our hih(\l'lIatioll. That ':-: ,·""t~. "' fell"1'1'''' J'\' "d 'eats for early
owing' to the high eost of llI:ltpl'ial:-; the a good wll1'(]-it lIH":tllS ~()nl('thillg .Irish,
alit! two hrollzl' IIl1'dals as priz.', al the ~Ir. all,1 ~ll's. H. L. B,'afty "xl"'d to I'lIr.. ha'l·r, lila," hI' had for seyellt....iiyc.
Hose :tlld 1'I'OllY Show. to hI' held 011 hllild,'rs callno! Jillall"" th,' tliillg th"II1' OI'I'Up," t hpi l' lIt'W bUlIgalo,,,, ('01'lIl'1 T thinl;. Tt's g-rt'at to he ('<lll"at(',ll AllY plIl'il "'llillg "'II ti,'I",ts will I,e
•JUIIC ;,tb, ]!l~lI.' sl'lYl's, ,,'e will fillallee thl'lIl. I'ri.·1' alld Xarh''1·th a \"'11 Ill'S, ahout Fir,t w" hea,l fill' AllthwYIl Farms to awanlt'd adllli:-o:-:iull 1'l't'(I.
"Also 0111' si]yl'r all,l two hronze "So far so good. It i~ in1[llJI'talJt ill :'Ilay hI. ,('I' \\\a t has h.,,'oille of th~ seyera] mil •
lioll loads of hllnlwl'. 111" haulillg- of CAS'I'.
nll"]al, to hI' ofl','rl'd a" I'riz l', at the this ('OIlIlPetioll t ha t t h., lI"\\' hon"l', ,10
Dahlia f'llil\\', S"ptl'llIhl'r :!;,th, ]!1~0. 1I0t iliaI' ill allY way th,' ~i1t's thl',\' ."., \\'hl"IJ <lllrlllg th" ,rilllt'r mOllths ha~1I 't {'oll,talll'l' II"r,·y. the' brilliallt yOllllg
T1Il'J'(' \\'ill b,· a J'('cl'ption to Re\', A. <1011(' a tltillg' to 0111' roads. At the
"'1'hl' ,·Ias,cs for thl"e IIIl'dal~. we ell!'y or Ihl' eOlllltl',"~i"l'. Th.,,\' ,\'ill hI' daughtl'l' of Bar\'l'\' Dar,'\·, a
S. \Vall, alld f:lluily Oil Priday l"'(,I1-
!'lltirl.'l\" to your .:\~:-'lIl,j:ltioll. uf :trtisti(~ dl':..d g:ll. of th-(', six Pal'111:-'-w<, don't S('t~ all\~ f'arm:-i, hut lIlul t i-Ill illiol1ai,..·. Eli ~a hl'lh 'JI:I rseh
]l\[l\"C YOll H10:-:t illg'. .-\I'ri] !lth. ill thl' Xarherth ~1. E. )j('Yl'r Willd, we se(\ ~:~r1Jl'rth 's hig ('"I('stl', a \·i,·:tt,jolls E'J't Jl(,1t )Ilaid, in l
1'::11 011'1'1' th;'1II iii ela'S,·s ,1'011 han' al- allll S,,\'I'II rooms alld It:lth. 'I'h,'\' will ('h 111',,1,.
rl':llly lIIa,l., Ill', or in 111'11' 1·la".'~. if yOIl he SO d"signed tha t til"." will 1I;lt •It> , apartJllellt hOIl'" growlI olll~' a tritle 1 Ill' "Ill ploy of {'Oll,t :111"",
sec fit. p!'l,.. ia1l' I"·o[)('rt.\' ill Ih"il' yieillity. ,ir,,'" la,t fall. m.-illg I'robahly to th" Iloroth,' ])",.\,'
Th(,,Y 1Il1l~t IH\ :til Hl'ti:-:ti,' :1:-::-:('1'.
TOil ig1lt :<1 Ehll Hall. the \\"lllla II'S :ll"~PIII'1' of tht' lll'iek ]a\"el'~, t':lI'pl'nt('J's, ,\1111 1I,'la\all, a ,..'dll'·('d g"llti,·\\'O-
"\\'ill \'011 killdh· notir\· II' aftl'r '11111 1IJ1111 it ,I' ,'llIh "ard party. Of ('our,l',
('a"h ,1111\;' to WhOI;1 tIll' 1I',,'dab ha,'1'
I ,,1,' .• \'ho :11''' ~Iill soj,;ul'lling at t.heir B1all. lll:lll:q.!,'tll" of tlll~ 'ruxl'do-
"Furt ht·]"JIlOl't'. \\'t' :I 1'(' g:niJlg t (I ln' \'!lll ",ill Ill' tht'I'!'. ~L'i('k(lt:-; et\1I 1)(1 :-,:('-
101"'11 a \\'ar.ll'd. allil \1'" will ha\'1' thl'!lI :'-;ollth"l'lI ('aliforoia hllllgalows, hut its III'ook ('llIh JlIIU'''.
,'ar"rnl 1I0t 10 ",..·"t allY hon,,'~ that ',·urt·ol ff'll" 1Ill'llIl,,'rs of th,' Clllh 01 1IItilll:lt t \ shapt\ i:-; :-:til1 :-:ollll'thilJ~ to liP
'llitahh' "n~ra\"'" alld ,kli\"'rl'd to the will 1101 10.. ill k,'el'in;.! ;"ith Ih,' rllral IIl1th :-;. [)urboroll'
adlllitlan,"· paid at 1hl' door. gll"''''<l at. A littl" furt}lI'r :doll!! ,n~ :'II ildl'"d ]),·Ia \ all. 1,~-y,'ar,ol,1 dau!!l,-
:-iUl'('(lss'ful ~xhihit ot's," ,·harat'("r or th" :'Ilain Lill". 'I'hat JIIU,t
"." a 1'01\' of what appl'ar to hc striped t"r ot' AI1I1 alld .la'I'I'r ])I'!aVall.
he 1'!'l'St'I'\"'d at all ,·osts. AII<I I IIIa.\· afl'air~. hut a ,,10"'1' ill~ll('l'lioll re\,('nb
']'hl' j>"III1S1'h'ania lIortiellllllra] So- ~ay h,'"" that if \\." ":1 II 1I0t. ol.taill ]fa \'1' you 1'1':111 "Thp Oh,je!'t of the light-),,'art,'d. fOlld or displa,'"
Xarh"rth Civic "\~sociation." tI", fad that th.", are 1I0t stripps hut. sl'lItillll'lItal. a 1111 \'aill.
dd\' is th .. oidl"l ",,·il'1\' ill th,' Ullitl',i Illl:l1lgh laud Jll~al' .. :\nll1lon' WP \\'ill ,~t' It is
Stat'.·, d,"'o1<"! to th .. inil'rl'st~ of lIort- :-lOll\(' distaJl(,L~ H\\':l\~ nud l'al'r\~ 0111' PIn· prillted 1'1'0111 time to time in t.he col· s1:l ts pa~ted oil 1;la .. k I':IJH'I', :JIll I that. Soh"pig h~illtZI'1l
111111" (If thi, p:l]lt' 1', and shoul(l he read Ih,' afl'airs an' re:dl\' illt,,",],·t! for :'III',. Blaill\\ood. a so"il'lI' It'ad,'r or
i"nlt IJI'I'. I I ha' all l'x'·l'lIl'lIt. list of !,lo~"'''S to thl' pIa 11'1' ill hu,,'s.·
1II"lIllwrs; 011 Ihl' roll 01' IIIl'lllbcrsllip --allll rl':ll] again. hou,('~. A ftl'r I"a dll~ Slat Row n'e 'rUXt'dohrook, , , , , . ,<':t'l't 1'1Iclt\ Ho:-,s
"\\'•• will 1101 att""I!,1 to <le\'"lo!, th" 1Iotit'(\ a thro1lg goill~ -tOWHJ'fl' thp GPIl- Fa\' Blaill\\'oo.l. :'Ifr~. Blaill\\'(II11I'~
are to hi, fOlllld th(' II a 1111'S of 1II0't. of l:lll<l in hllgl' hlo,·I"" a, Ih,' Gov,'rlllll"111
th., pronlilll'lIt eitiz<-lIs of Philadclphia (\1'a1 'V:l\PIl(\, and 110W 0111' euriositv is . d.'hlltalli .. daug-ht('r,
'0 ,",·,·.'ssfully ,lid. \\' l' will, instca<1, Two Ill' our flltllrl' ,].. IIlItalltl's, ::'I[i~~ Ih.Holllrl;l" a rousl"l. 'I'he fig'lIrl' of Go\'- PIOrl'lItilla ~lu,'II,'r
:lnd YiciIJil\'. TIll' list of 1I11'lIIh,'rs frolll
thc date of'it, fOllllllation (]S:!7) to t.he
hu,\' S111:JlI plot, h,'1''', IIll'1'(' alld <'\'I'I'Y' :'11:11.('1 lIau.,\, and ~Iiss :'I[ahelKirk "1'1101' "'E,1war(1~ appl'ars 11I'fore our "\li,'1' Stanlt',\', a gracl'flll sOl'il'1~'
\.-111'1'1' alld illl[ll'o\'" I'aeh wilh a f.,w I'alri .. k. '1'1'1I't th .. East!'r Itolilllly' with vi,ioll, allll w" ,"Ii],' in happy allti('ipa- girl ... , .... "", .GI':l(~(\ \\Y()olt'III'k~
]J)'{'Sl'lIt ,Jatl', has h""11 k.'pt ,·olllpll'le. dwellillgs of thl' Iyl'" I have <1e>'erihl"l.
]ts oh,il'l'ts, as Sl't forth ill ils char· fl'i"lId~ in I'ittshllrg-h and ?'ell' YOI'lL t iOIl.-hut WI' \\','n' ollt of lll.. k as Fr..da :\Ia"oll, a tnlical sO"i,'t" "irl
\Vl' may eyl'U I'reel all :lparlnll'lIt :'IIi" L. \'I'ma :\falth", of thi, s!'1, i~ n,"al. It waR Ollh· th" 'l'l'lIl1i, Cluh ill apP(':ll'arH·(:,., (Not Yilt" t'17(1'''('tl)
tel', are to })1·Olllotl.' all(l l'III'OUl':Lg'1' IIoft- housl' 01' two-ill a sllitahle ul'ighbur· ill X,,\\' York ('it,". .' , "row<1 alii] tlll·ir wi'".,s an,] hahil's all.l ~fr,. H"ITi",k, a h..alltil'1I1 )'Ollllg' Sol'
il'ultnrl' allll ,·rl'at., a 10\'1' alld intl'-I','st hoocl, of I~OU),S(~,
for plallts, t1oWl'rs, frnits allll \'l'gl'- 1I10tlll'l'·ill-lawS ont for all illsp""lioll cit'f." lIlHtroll, ..•• Ii'r:lllcPs ninllltlllll
"\V,· haye 1I0t ~"'I fig'un',l what th,' of th.· Sitl- of thl' 11"\\' It'lIl1i~ ('ourts f'tI~a II Hllg":'!S, ~1 rs. DC]tlY:l II'~ 11laid
1a hIes. ""lItS will bl'. '],h",..' will be uOlhill;::
]11 a""or,lall"l' with the ahove oh,je,·,ts. lIa\'l' vou ol'der",1 vonI' dahlia roots? all,l l'lnh honse. SlI<lden]y somebo<ly sl'rntllt: .. _ I':nlllla ::\llIe]],'r
this :,;ot'i(\ty is oirpl'illg its ~ih'PI' :uul
g'i""n away. '['hat \\'(lItld 1I0t b" fail' Th!' gr";lers arc disirihntillg eOIIl]lI('(,~ shri"ks an,] onr <1i'ap}loilltlll"lIt is for· ('I·u;.!l'r Blaillll'ootl, ,Mrs. Blainwood's
til huil.lel's :\lId otl,,·rs. "\ud th,'n' Illust anti ,·olllpr.. hellsive catalog-nl's. Hoots only SOli I. GII,tan' 1':1'I1lllall
brollze n]('(1al, as ])J'izes at the exhibi- he a fair but 1I,,)(ll'l'alt' rl'1uru upon the (Continued on Page 4.)
,honld he planted in the open ahout
tions of the Narberth Civic Associat.ion "apital in\'estl"l. (Continued on Page 4.)
:'I[a." ];', so· that. your flowers will be
for l!l~O, in ordl'r to I'lIl'onrage the pro- "All t.he hOllsl's ,rill hl' mOth'rn. at· J'('ady for the ?'arhl'rth Dahlia Show,
duet ion of IlI'ttl'r lIorti.'nltnral 1'1'0' i tl'aeti\"t' Hud ']l<JIIlPY.' J f llee(,8sar~p', WI' S"p1t'1II bl'r ~;).
ducts in ?'arh('rth mill vieillity. will huild stn'ets. la.\' S,,\,'L')'S :11111 otlll~r
pipes all,l sid,~walks_ There is 11101'1' lalld
TOl1lght (::;atlll'day) ill ElIII Hall, the
tlJ:lll i:-; Ilcp({('d ill this sPction. Hot
, I'uough h0111 I'S. WI' will try to halalll'" \rOlllall's l'o III II IlI1 I it \' Club will hold Republican Party vs. Democratic
thiugs up a Lit. .'\0 hou~es will be tOl'll U "urd party, at wh(eh ;,(10 and hri.lgl' Party T\\'o Cl'nts per \\'01'<1 If "ash llceOI\l-

BAZAAR (lown to Ilia kl' 1'00111 for tJlllSt' Hf'W

hOlIlI'S. \Ve Jlcl'd :tll the hOllsl's w,'
lla \"C'.' ,
will fl'all1f1' .·x"h"i ...·/y. 'l'hl'l'l' will he
t:t!oI,'s for all alll! rl'rl'l~~I11llel1ts arl' 1'1'"".
A largl' "rowd is l'xpel'1l'd, hut. th"l'e
UncleI' t.he Auspices of the
ranfl's n<!\'ertiscmcnt; otherWise. tl\'c
cen ts per word.

Narberth Fire House "\If,..'tl 111. Colills. hl'ad of the ::'IIaill will I", a pia,·,· rl'~('l'\,,,tl for you.
of the FOR SALE-Li\'illg- Hoom Sl'l, ;: l'il'Cl'S,
Friday and Saturday Lint' Citizells' A;,::-;ol'iatiolJ, saill: "E\"p *:1;].00; COII"h ('rapestr)'), :1' 1;,.00;
"!'J'whl're alollg the ,\[aill Lillc thl' Th,'I'<' will be so mallY nCl'essary ~Iahogall.r Library 'rabIe, *-10.00; $800
April 23 and 24 1JI0"ellleut is ulldl'r way to pro\'ide al'tiel." a(. attrnc!i\'e pric;'s and good Mrs. Rosalie Loew Whitney l'ln.yer Piallo alld $75 worth of lIlusie
2 to 10 P.M. houses suittLble for I,,'rsolls of moderatl' lJu:J1ity thllt c"cryone ought to make of New York rolls, ;j;-!;'O.OO. lJlj Wootlsitle a\"l'. (:!lj.l')
means, aud for workillgllll·n. All sorts sonll' provision for earrying their goo,ls Representing t.he Republican
Supper, Cabaret, Dancing of houses are "CIT searl''', Iant! is high hOIIlI'; therefore, bring your shopping
National 'VolI\an's 'Committ.ec
FOR SALE-11m fel'! of 3-ft. higlL
in price, anu the 'tend,'ney is t.o put up Itag, with ~'OU April ~;lrd and 24th, at h"ul-{C. Phol'" Narberth 30S. (:~(j.p )
the cheapest SOl't of dl','elol'ment that th" \\'omllll's Community Club Bazaar vs.
will PIlY t.he largest return. iu Elrll Hall. Mrs. Antoinette Funk
"']'his we will ,·olll,bat. Rows of
COMMUNITY CLUB CARD Representing t.ho Democratic
houses arc I'll til'l,I." Oil t of place, a n,1 H,' 1'l~1'\' SUI'<' \'011 mark \'our cnlen-
PARTY National Woman '8 Committee
unnecessary. 'VI' walll houses that will dar ahea;' to th~ dates of "April 2:lrd
TO-NIGHT. be a lJllrt. of thc gL'lIeml rllral atmos· and 24th, at \\'hil'11 time the Building of Washington
]lhere.' , THURSDAY, APRIL 15TH, LOST-Gold pin, with blue l'lIa 11:<,1
8 P. M. Fun(l Bazllar of the 'Vmnan's COntmllll' forget-lIIe'Hot,,; \'alupd as kCllp,.aht'.
ity Cluh will take plnce. The Commun- 8.15 P. M.
AT ELM HALL Heward. Box 272. (:!li-!, )
it~· Club is contellJplating the erection
TICKETS, $1.00 of a Conllllullity Building, and it is to FOR SALE-Coal burning kitchl'n heat-
HAVE YOU PAID YOUR SUB- (,\'('1'."0111' 's nd\'antnge to g-h'e them uU CYNWYD
REFRESHMENTS Pl'. Has water·huck connection for
till' assistallce ilossib]e with their und'.!r- Tickets, Admitting Two, $1.00 Idt,'lll'n boilpr. 326 Woodbine aye.
SRIPTION TO OUR TOWN? tnking on the uuteR above mentiolle<l. (28']1)

----------~- - -
= Of course, "'I

for yeurs, if 1I0t us good as we e\'er the sign of his trade. Xowudays your Telephones,
deliver - aD1
:III'. Stitl'S lIstoulllleU' hi" andielllOe by
modern phaJ'llllteist uses that same col-
ored ,\'ater in the preRcriptions, and
1267 place --111
1268 time.
his IIlltn,e1olls memory ill ijnotillg ut who 10i0ll's but what red hair has a
Ac Exp~riment in C(l-operative gn'at Jtollgth from lltaslerl'iec"s of Eng- bearinl-: on that nrj' thillg~ He's at
Journalism-No Paid Workers. lish literature und frolll the worlt1 's the Fi I'e-ll lIuse t hl' first Thursday of The Brightest Spot in Narberth
h ist 01'\". Th,' ideaIisla :1I1l1 Alllericun- el·er;l' mllllth, alld we sugg,'st Y01l ~<'t
Owned and Published every Saturday
by the Narberth Civie Association.

Rubscription priee one dollar and fifty

i:-itll l';)JICl~i \'l'cl 1)\~ ~[r. StH es, alld lll:LCle
1'1'l,,·til'al by his -YCI')' clear explanation,
Wl\rt' 11lO:"t t.'xaltlld. Tral-jug'
Ihl'ough till' \'1ll'ious periods or tinll' his
philosophy, ~[l'. Stitl''; lIlalk lllalJif,~st
that real idl'alislll anll g,'nuin" Anll'ri-
hinl ill a corller ulI',l put the qUl'stioll
ril-:ht, at him youl'sl'lf, h1lt: .1011 't he sO
1III'all lts to re~al'd t.ht' allswel' as private
pl'lIllt'rty It ft er lYe told ~"IIU how t.o get
l".\l{Ju;wrH AVE.: WI' call't say
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term


.cnts per year in ad,·ance. ea1lislll hatl Ihl'ir inl'l'l'tioll at the tinle
dl'lillitd~- wht'll the IIipkis~' arc goillg


of Christ, wllen thl! Piline :llasler
1'l'olllltigntl',1 His dodrin,'s.
10 opell up their lIew hOIl';\'. hut y01l
I'all lIP. vcry sure it. will he all .',"ellt to
For Good Taxi Service
~lr. Tholll:lS ~\1'I1l:-i1 rung' i:-; to 1.)(.' COIl-
April 24, 1919.
gratulllted Oil lh,' sl'll'dioll or :Ill'. ~tites
ns a ~uhslitlltl' alld, hOlll the 0l'inioll
1", relllemh·el'l"l. All optioll has alre'\Ily
Iwt'll sl'l'url'd 011 holh the ham alld the
"'Ihhagt', alld we art' ill a posit.ioll to
Call Narberth 1633
l'oieeL! I,.,' Illl' Illellll,,'I'~ pl"l'SI'nt, :.\11'. slatl' positi\'l'ly Ihat th.'rl' is 110 truth
President-Mr.•10seph H. Nash. :-:;titps will 1)(' Jl\o:-;1 \\'t'lt'oJlH.~ as a reg-
whale"l'r 111 the rumlll' Ihat the aft'air
24 Hour Service
Vice-President-llfr. James Ar,tman, ular SI'I'lIk,'1'. t1light. ho p"s1.pOllel! ulllil the rcpl'al of
~I.r. AJ'lllstl'ong, illhis ('Oll\,j\"'ial ulan-
Mr. A. J. Loos, Mr. R .•J. Dothard.
Secretary-Mr. R. .J. Edgar.
Treasurer-Miss lIIaizie Simpson.
Ill'l', to1tl a few t'XIH\l'il\Jlt:Pli of his re-
Cl'lIt Irip 10 111,' eoast alld' ,ttld"d ~
slol'y nl'l'rtll'rintl' al lhis ~eaSOIl. :1[1'.
tht' ISth Al11on,lull'lIt. Fl't'l! has a lot
of fl'iellds, hl~ has, all,l I,,'sidl's he's a
fon'sightl',l f"llo\\' hiIlISI'lt', en'lI if he
is a PPllloerat.
Directors--Mr.•1. .J. Cahrey, Mrs. C. AnllS11'ollg"s sll.!.q.~;t\sti()t1 tu the Blenl-
h,'rs tltnl thl"" inlrodu,'" tltl'ms"lu's to 1'\\'0 :lL\Hl ES: You asl, us if Wll
P. Fowler, Mr. II. R. Hillegas. ilfr. Chaf'. ,'nl·1I oth,'r n·ll.l gl'l bt'II"1' n'·'j1:aill1t·d 1'1"'1' hpanl of a youllg huly who liked
H. A. Chain, Mr. W. R. D. Hall, Mr. H. is Ill0St littillg. \\'hy ~il around likt' a a '·.I'rlaill ~prilll-: hat, hut t1i,111't like We Invite Your Inquiries Regarding
A. Jaeobs, Mr. F. A. Lanahan, Mr. Illllll}l 011 :1 log< waitillg' to he formally ils pri,'I', alltl SO ,"'ciuel! to fall 011 the
Daniel Leitch, lIfr. G. Knutzen, Mr. R. I'n'sl'1I1,'d 10 ,Y0llr lIt'igllhor at the
Innl'hl'lIlI ll1h]t'! (;l'( al'tjuainl"d. 111-
'I PI'S () f the sllll't' to gpt ellough money Narberth Real Estate
J. Nesper, Mr. E. A. Muscc.amp, ]lfr. t II pay 1'01' it. \Vcll, 11011", II"P wouldn't
Fletcher W. Stites, Mr. A. E. Wohlert,
tl'ud1l"" youl'St,If. .:'\0 oltt' \\"ill hllrm thillk thnl such II thiug was possihle, and Assure You of Our Best Efforts
you if ~';)11 :L('('o:..;t a strallgCl' allcl ttlll hilt Ihcre's 110 tellillg what will happen
Mr. Walter Y. Shaw, Mr. Walton M. II'ho YIIlI aI',' anti ask tlte other fellow \\'ith the 111 It ,1 l'lIsh of fa~hillll which to Answer Your Requirements
Wentz, Mrs. C. W. Young, Mrs. James his l;anll'. It \\'ould 1I0t ht' IImiss tfi has its ;!rip 011 our pOllr old \\'01'],1, :llul
pul a slll,dl "anl ill thl' hlllionholt' of 1 'Ill thillkil11-: that if thl' 1:\(li,'s would This office does a stric.t1y brokerage business and bas no par-
011" ('(lats llbpl:lying oll!' 1l:lIlH':i 1 so allY ollly at10pt the poke-bollllets again, the ticular properties in which it is interested-thus guaranteeing the
1'1ltlllll'l'aSSlllt'IIt thlll might exist he- Sllllle 0111' fill' the wholl' v.'al'. it. 1,'01l1d
HARRY A. JACOBS, c':\lIS,' of lIot ku()\\,illg ('\'t'r~' Dill' lIIight ~'O a lOJlg' wn~'s to\\·a-l'(i~ clilllillHting- buyer unbiased information regarding any particular property.
Editor. 1w l'Plllo\'etL Bolslt('vislll. Ld's St't' if the ('0111111UII-
Thi~ '1'hllrsdlll". :III'. Thotlla~ ~ltnll­
Oar R"f_rences-Anyone with whom we have done business
il~- Clllh 11'011 't. tal,e that l\I:1ttpl' III'.
1·I'O';S. rOI"lUt'1' 1';'l'si.ll'lIl or Ihn Phila-
10.:'\A IlEAHT: W" ,'all't possibly
Mrs. Roy E. Clink, Henry Rose, dl'll'hill H,'lIl Eslntl' Hllal'd 1I11d I'x-I'I','si-
all~\\'l'r ~·()lIr qupstioll this \\,(\p]" for ROBERT J. NASH
W. T. Melchior A.•1. Laos, dt'nt Ill' th., Kill'lIl1l1is ('Iuh. will spcak Real Estate Broker
\1',' ha"('II't h:lt! II solit:l1',I' opporlullit~'
Associate ·itors. at tht' IUIIl'1lt'flll. :lIt'. ~halll'l'lIs~ Itas an
illten':.;tillg" :J(bll'(·~;";. Wf' aI',' ~1l1't\. as his to ask hill} whl'I'(' he j~ goill~ this ~llJll­ 1001 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA
----- --------- :-:ty]p is :11\\':1,\':'; <{uitl' fn'p and hi:-; :lq.!,'u- 1111'1'. \Vill ll't ~·ou kno\\' 1111,'1'. Yes, it
MAIZ!E .J. SIMPSON, Uit'llis at't' alll':I\'s fllrt,t'rlll. lIas a good idpll to pl'ill! hb pi<'1urt',
:llId we :lgr('e with all yon s:tY n1HI111 Relidence, 104 Gra"ling Avenue, Narberth
Casl.1ier. (10111<' (lilt ;,Jltl 11":11' sulJlf' f.!ond
sIW"(,!Il's. All hllllr 11111'" a 1I'" .. k with his pul,'hritud,', hut liS 10;'1-: as l;is 1111111" Relidene. Phone: Narberth 605
flit, 111"llIh,'l's of lltl' Bllillkl's' Ex,'halll-:'~ \l'I1S prillted, too. r ":111'1 1I1It1l'rstalld
Send all advertising and news items to will ~i,"l' YOII a Jlt\\\' It\HSI' 011 lift'. \l'IIY ~·ou l-:il'1 s tlidll'l tab' th,'St' pl'\'-
P. O. Box gu6. sonltl muttl'rs up dil't'I·I. "'t' '1'1' alw:lYs
,lispose.l to he eo-op"l'lItil'l', .11',·idetll,Y
Our Town is on sale at the depot
newsstand, and at the store of H. Eo Answers to Sll, hul \\"1' simpl.l" ":llIlIot' pIa.,' allY
1':I,·orit.,s. His pholll 1I\ullh,'r i, ill
Entered as second-class matt,}r Correspondents tltl' hoo1, alld ulltlt'I' his rel!ul:lr 1111 mI'.
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at
1l1:lldll~ iIlQt1it'jl':-; will

Narberth, Pcnnsyhania, under the act )111':1:->" "'rill' 1111' :111:-;\\"1-'1':-; 11lf'.'" would
of March, 1879. Iii,,' 11:-: III mal":l' 011 IIlI' 1','\'1'1':-'1'
:..;il1l' of till' :-:111'1'1. MAIN LINE EMPLOY· Horace Boyd
~(Il·TII ~I))I':: :\11, tht' ,l"IIUIIg' ll1all
\\hlJ~{' pit-tun' :IPJlt\:ll'l'd in las1 wl'"k's
OUR TOWN will gladly print
a.ny news it~m about any subject
i;-;:--lIt' i~ JllIt 11I:ll'ril'd, :\1111 to 111 .... IH's{
of llll)' 10Iflwl'·tJ.g-t' j:-- lint lih:pl.,- to he Weekly Bulletin Interior 'Decorator
Tht' ('ll1th:'", ,,!Jil'h YlIU ;";I"'<,TII to
that is of interest to Narberth :-;'11011.
adlH i 1'1' ;";1 I h ig'lJ I,'" ,\'PI',' II:HlglJ t hpfol'e
Paperhanging and Painting
folkS. but in order to meet the Positions Open
th,' \ral' :lIttJ II" ulltlt'l'stalld th,'\' art' all
printing schedule, all ' •copy' , W(llll. ,rt'"l1 a;..;k llilll nhtlllt '}!I'o\\"ing Now located at
1 COUPLE (white)
-manuscripts-must reach the a nlll~t:ll·ht', 1'111 iSIl', t hilt rntht'1' a 1 COUPLE (colored)
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each ppr~ttlJ:d Q\ll'St jtlll? YOllr h:l111lwritin}.!'
i, II tJ 111'11 1Ijp. hllt ~II'. 1I01l":lI'll was 11It'all
1 GARDENER 104 Forrest Avenue Narberth
II'h,'n ht' sol,l ylIU thllt ,'xl 1'1I.,t. ~Iake 2 CHILD'S NURSES (white) BELL PHONE; NARBERTH 356
hilll till", it hn;'k. 1 FIRST-CLASS BUTLER (Pro-
=' AIN~TIOOK I'.\HK: ~ugg,'sl you testant)
SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1920 "':tit 1'111' tllp 1ij.!,'htnlll;!-lltlgs. a;..; .,'(nl 1 KITCHEN MAID New Show Room and Shop
1-:111 :dlllll-: \\"ilhlllli nll~' lil-:hl" at all last 1 FIRST-CLASS COOK (Pro~o:;t­
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS wi II t "I', IIl1d \\'It,· tlo vou n"",l th.,tIl ant)
Fire, 350 noll' fhllt tit., ui;.(hls al·t~ shol'l,'r! :.\lay- A SETTLED WOMAN (colored
Police, 1250 1)(\ t1J(\ Ci"it' ,.\:-;:..;cwiatiotl (':Ill :lrrallgt"'l or White)
1'111' 1II0rt' 111:111 01lt' moon a 1llOllth, 11l1t COOKS (white)
III III1.V rill" ~·Oll IIIUSt. not expect eyery- 2 COOKING AND DOWN-
Editorial thill" ill tlti~ lif". ,,01\ kilO\\". ('nn't.
llllflt~':-'d a II d yOlll' 1'(:qll{'st fll r lwtt PI'
STAIRS (white)
I'll:ld:..;, as if you gl·t t11(,111 :"0111' f:unil~~
i, SUI't' to 1\'11 lit a nla"ltill", '"1l1 thptl
RESSES (white)
what :lrt\ you p:oillg' to (10? Thai' TH'''· 1 CHAMBERMAID (colored)
III 1111' I4prirq,!,' 1 illlP Whl'll a yot1ll;! I: II f ~·IIUI· t!lIn~lt1 er 's 'I'PII ri Ilg" IIlust 1mye 2 SECOND MAIDS (l White. 1
Sl't "on b1l1'1, II hit. but shl' 's \\'ol'th it. colored)
Jrltlll':-; fnlJ('~' liglltl,\" tllrll:-' to t!ttlllg'1Il:-; ot'
JU:lTl", 1""\'4'1'\· l'PlIt of it. allcl thl'J'(' 's lloth· 2 GENERAL MAIDS (white)
One or
--hasPhall, tllt' hl"lI~(\kt'I'IH·I" ...; thou,!.!'llt:" two coats of
i IIg :'·011 sllolJ1fl n'('llSt\ 11(""'1". 2 GENERAL MAIDS (colored)
ttll'Jl to ~pl'illg' lJlI lI:-,t' t,ll':1 II i liP: :Iud tbt'
(TTl I';: YOIl gUl'sse.l it. J'i~ht. little HOUSECLEANERS Bay State
~'al'(l{,II('1"'~ 10 l'll'alling' tip t hi' lawlI:"; :111(1
41(\:11', "'f' h:lYl' I'l't'pi,"pd H 1I111UlH' I' of DAY WORKERS
g':ll'dt'll:-' aull hUJ'ning lilll'r, dri(\d ]l\:L"P...;,
"I,'. l"t1<'I" IIbouf th,' pil·IIlI''' in th,' 1'rIp"I"
ment Coat-
Quit" fn"Il"'1I1Iy lin's ,,,,' liU;hl",1 :11,,1 hut 1l0llP :I:..; inf(,l'l):",tin:l as )'11111':-'. 'VI,'11 Positions Wanted
:~l'l' 11 lit ('art'J'lI11r \\:111'lJl'd :-: .. 1ltat IHII'Il' Il'!l him II'hrIt '"OU SrIV IIbollt thllt l\IO\'- ing and your
ill,Q. hr:lllcl:-: lin' iik"ll" 1t1 Ih' .IH'UJltl anll illg' l,il'turt, idt·':l. hn1' we (·:tTl't, :1nSWI\l' 1 CHAUFFEUR AND OUTSIDE
:-:,,{ lir'C' to 111" III".!:I' dr,'" ;.!1'.1:-:'" pa1l'll~ for him on thll! olh,')· '1nl',;1 iOIl. It's MAN home will be admired by everyone. It waterproofs all
1,1'11 P Y1'111'. don't forg'l'l, III1tI it's tlot 1 CHAUFFEUR & GARDENER
c:]' ~,l 1'1I:1p:-; igllitt' Illt' :..;hill~lt' ron!'.
1 CHAUFFEUR (colored)
buildings of brick. stucCO or cement. It pro-
"·hilt· th,· ='arh.'rth Fin' ('1I111pau.," is 1010\\"1l to lU:lII thill' hI' 1'\'1'1' rcfusI',1 a
sillg]t' l'PqUt'st. that was 1 GARDENER (white) tects against the beating of the hardest rains
n1w:LYl" ],(,:Jdy :111.] \\"illillg- t(l :lI1S\\"t'l' :1 P\,PI' ll1a(l(' 011
c,:t11, flll) 1woIIIl' t':lll S:I,'t' 111:111," \1I1T}('t'PS- hilli. Faint 1It'al't lIP\,C'1' ,yon fillt~ luan, 3 COOKS (colored) and is impervious to sun or storm, heat or
sary trips hy "ill,,'r burllilll-: th"ir nIh- 1','nlt'1111\t'1', 1Iut .1011 '1' liSP thllt I'ioll'nt 2 WAITRESSES cold. Economical because it is very lasting.
hish ill lII"t:ll "lIlltail,,'rs \\'hieh :Irt' ,·iol"t I'rIl'"r \l"l,,'n ~"on \\"I'itl' hitll lint! 1 CHAMBERJ.\oIAID Does not require painting every year or two,
(1011 ~t forgl'1 h,'· an)' lllt':lIlS to Pll(~lo~(\ 1 GENERAL MAID (White)
lunar fell' this PIII'I)(l:-:t\ or rnrf'full," like whitewash or cold water paints.
,,'ate1lilll-: th"ir lir"s; if possihlc wait- a "oupl,' of .lahlia roots.
Phone or write for booklet No. 10 show-
leg' for a (la," ",ht'lI t !It'I't. i:-: 110 hl"~h 1"llll';-110\':';I';: WI' .lon·1 lolo\\" 11'11\" Main Line Employment Bureau ing many photos of Bay State Coated Homes.
": 111 c~. pt'()ph~ ill tht' drug: 1111~irll'ss lIsu:d(,· Telephone, Ardmore 1163-
Ll't US (·(l·npt·t':ltl' ,,,ith till 1':-; t' 1\"I'S. hll\'l' rt'd hail'. hnt IlII1Y]1\' it hll~ SOtllt'· Sample also, if you like. Phone Spruce 973
tlting to ,10 \l'ith tho~~ 01,1 ,lll'"s \\"hl'lI MERION T. & T. BUILDING
till' :l.jl0l IIt'ell ry IIS.·tI ,·olo\'(·d I~':il PI' liS ARDMORE
WllDSWeRTn, neWL1\ND & eel, Inc.
TIES. 1524 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa.
I From Buildl'rs' (;uicl., of ~Ial... h ~-L)

'rh,' fourth IUIIl'!It'OIi of tl,,' ~InSt"" INVESTI

nnillh'l's' EXI·!tIlIlI-:" \l'ill hI' 111'Id lit 1111' The present market offers excellent opportunities for investment at prices
CIIl\'el' Rootll. B..1I.. nl .. -81 I'a t ford. '1'1111 r~­ that will return the investor from Five per cent on Government Bonds to Seven
d'I\-. 1\[III'l'h ~;"jlh. III 1:!.::O. Priol' til Ih,' or Eight per cellt on Railroad. Public Utility and Industrial Securities.
11l;,,·heOlI. th .. :lll'lIlh"l'shi" ('IIllIllIitt,',.
We will gladly make suggestions for the investment of surplus funds in
small or large amounts. SA VE TO INVEST. INVE8T TO SAVE.
,,·ill hold a 1l11,('till~ in tilt' sallll' 1'(l1i 11 1
at 12 1IL WILLIAM G. HOPPER & CO.• 28 S. Third Street. Philadelphia HAS MANY BUYERS
Those ,rho fail,·tI 10 11I1Il'11 \l'ilh th,'
EXt'lIaJl~p lI}(,tllht l l's last Thursday miss- FOR HOUSES BETWEEN FIVE
ell a 1IIo~. ;f- ill:--:'I'il'ing- :Jdtln'~:-,. 1"II,tc'1I('1'

Stit,'s, a PI'Otllilll'ltI I'hilll'i<ol"hill IlIw-
yel'. I\'IIS ~nhstillltl'll lit thl' lust miuutp
to sl'l'lIk ill pIa.· .. 01' ~I::.i"l' 0"1"'1':\1 DOLLARS
Pl'irC', G{IIlPral Pl'il't' W;I:": til g:ivt.' tlit" r===,.
!"nlll~\ lll('s:-:agt'
JIlPtlllwl'l'i "ita]
l'l'l'taillly 110 0111' will tlollht thllt :III'.
for 1I1tlll,
~tit('s g~l"t' a 1IIl'1"S:lg:t' to fll .. nl('1Hht'r~ SEEDS
needed for the Garden. Greenhouse. Lawn ODd Farm.lncludlnll
t ha t was liS g'lloti liS hilS hl"'11 h"l1l',l the best varieties of Veaetsble and Flower Seeds, Lawn Grnsa Seeds, Farm
Seeds, Roses. Dahlias. Hardy Perennials and other Plants, Garden Itn·
lIlemellts. Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rollers, FertWzers, Insecticides, etc..
LiatYourswith BENT T. HYBERG
Frederic A. Lanahan W1l1 tell you how to obtain the be.t r ••ult. from
your home lJarden. NARBERTH STATION
Call Dr Write for a c:oPJr-FREE
Insurance - Service Phone: NARBERTH 1713
205 Forest A vee N•• b~~;'h344R
HENRYA.DREER 714-1(, ChestnatSt,Pbila.

reception of new members, follow-)d l.ly
LEE'S GARAGE Pneumonia
observance of the Lord's Supper. often follows a
6.45 P. M.-.Iunior C. E. meeting. Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries on
7 P. 1>L-Senior C. Eo mc,·ting. L,'ad- Neglected Cold
SOOIETY OF FRIENDS. er, William Weld. all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing
7.45 P. M.-E,'ening worship. tler-
mon thelllc, "The Light of Lifc."
Work. Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa.. SOI1\O of till' heautiful Easter music Narberth 1605 L. C. SHAHAN, Prop. t1ILrS
will he rl-peatell.
Merion Meeting is open for worship
every First·day morning at 11 a 'clock.
Tuesday evening, April 13, thl' \Vest-
l1\inster Circle ml','ts lit the home of
?Ill'S. O'Hare.
saus met. on Tues,l:ly uight at. the
:\Len's Club in Wayne, rcorganized for
We cOldially welcome any visitors who Wednesdav ('\·I'ning. April 14, Proisc t he season of 1920, rotaining the same Landscape Gardener
desire to worship with us. and 'I'"st iJlI;lny I1\I'l'ting, follow')d by nll'l1\bership as last )"":11', appointed a BaOMID£
the studv of t he Sunday School lcsoon. s,·hcdule committee and got everything
First day school opens at 10 A. M.
Classes arc held for both adults and '1'hurs,iay. ;1 P. ?lL-\Vomen's Bihlc
Class meeting at th,' homl' of' ?llr~.
in shape for the opening of the season.
'rhe various cluhs \\'I're represented
Lester Y. Bowman Standard cold remedy for 20 year..
-in tablet form-safe, sure, no
opiates-breaks up a cold in 24
chiltlren. Those interested are invited hours-relieves grip in 3 days.
Hupp. at the l1\eeting hy the fol!o\\'iug mag' Trimming Tree. and Shrubbery Money back if it fails. The
to n ttend. F)'ida~· p\"(lliing', April IH-Tpaellors' Hail'S: genuine box has a Red
Caring for Lawn. top wit h Mr. Hill's
:\,so,'iat ion l1\ect.ing. \\'anle, Charll's C. I-'ho,'mak,'r: Bryn Grading Ilad Cementinc picture,
:\lawi, Lacy Gano an,l Guy \Vright; At All Drull Stor••
ST. MARGARET'S R. C. CHURCH. J{Pl'\l'yn, Larri... Higgins; Paoli, Lew
EASTER DANCE FOR HOSPITAL. Prompt Service by Exper;enced
JIateh; St. Denis, of Ardmore, Edward
Groll'. and Xarl)l'rth, Charlie Burns and and Reliable Men
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector.
Early Mass on Sunday from April 1
to October 31 at 6.30 A. M. From No·
vember 1 to March 31, at 7 A. M. Late
All J';astl'r ,lanee ill aill of the social
s,'rYiep <I"l'artm<'nt. of the Bryn 1[awr
I10spital will J)(, hdtl April 15 at tll!'
~I ,'rion C'ricl,et Club.
Lew Nicholson.
Officers were el",·.t etl as follows:
Prl'sident, Charles A. ?II eCrea, Bl'r'
'Fir;;1: Vie,'·Presi,J<>nt. A. A. H. Cani-
Phone 371 J P. O. Box 794


Finest Pholoploy The-
olre 01 II" Size In Ihe
Mass, 10.00 A. M. throughout the year. Entire World.
CAN'T QUAlJFY BECAUSE OF zal't'S, \Vnynl'.
Masses on holy days, 6.30 and 8.30 MEASLES. ,S"contl Vire-Presi,ll'nt, Gur WrigllT, Pb.IOplav,,-Conllnuflus lOA. M. 10 U.3'
A. l\f. Weekdays at 8. Evening devo- 1:"'/1 ",fawr. Phone, Narberth 1687 P.M.
tions and other services at regular Bl'cause h.'r hall'" is still qua.rallti,ll'u i:;l'erl't:l1'Y"I'I-ea~lIr"r,"'alter G. C"tlll" Philo.• Po.
for measll's, of wh ieh se\'eral of' hcr ton, Berwyn.
times. ehil,lrl'n hay" bl'ell sllff,'rers, 1lrs.. r. C.
81'1I"rs, ,11'., of Merion, recently llppoint·
I'd a ll1"mber of the I,ower Merion
It was del'i,ll'tl to pl'ly th,' ,a11\p
sdll'<lule as bst year-twenty ~".UH'g
w,11, a split. season. A Sehed,l1o ('011\'
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Board of Educatioll, has not yet quali-
fied, hut expects to <10 so in a felv
nlittC'. consisting of ",fessrs. McCrea,
Shoe~lnker antI "'right, wa, lln11\I"l.
Rev. Arthur S. Walls, Pastor. days. His majest.y the U'llp will l'l'('l'i';'~ $5
a gmne a/ltl expenses 1hi,; j""nr, a,,,l and INSURANCE
Slinday, April llth: the dues wore ill"rpase<l fronl $~ 1'.1 $12 WEEK of APRIL 12
POSTPONES WOMEN'S POLITICAL TH'r mOllth. A forf"it. of $10, r<'tllrn·
nA,'j A. ::\L-SllIlIl:lY Sehoo!. Classes DEBATE.
for all a~,'s. . ahll' at the elltl of thl' spasOIl. wiil I,,' NARBERTH, PA.
11 A. :'.I.-:\lorlling wnrship. '1'\\'0 postetl hy ea,'h cluh.
Th" politil'a] <1 ..hat .. arrangl'd hy the Au orgallizat ion to foster nil hr:lI1eheg
chnirs, 1""1'111011 ),\' Il,'\. Arthul' 8. 'Vall~.
:; \'. :\1.-Chil;lrcII·s t'iJlIrch. y .. ~ted
choir. All th,' ,'hilcl,-.. n of i1ll' borough
\\"mnan's Clnh of Cynwyd, between
:\lrs. Rosalie LocII' Whitney, of New
of sport has lll'en organizl',l at RrY/l
:\faw" :,ntl that tl':lIU will pl:t~' u'"l,'r
"Thou Art
York, who will P1'l'~"ltl the Re]1uhliea n 11:<' "',1'",: of thl' Hr.\'ll :\lawr :11"11 '"
In" 1I10,t l'ol'llailly in\'it ..cl. Ohject talk point: of vi .. w. an,1 :'.lrs. Antoinette
bv RH. "\rthllr H. Walls. Plink. of \Vashing't"n. who will give
Cluh. \\L;, ,\'ill ulana~:'e \"'ayne is as
The Man"
. 7 P. M.-E]1\\'orth L ..a.!.!I1". A sl'r\'i"l'
for yonng pl'oph'.
7.-!,'j 1'. :\L-I':\'('lIill~ w"rship. '1'he
the Dl'IlIocra1 ic ~i,le. is postponl',l until
1'h1ll'~<1a~' e\'ening'. April 1;'5. Thl' llIert,
ing will he hl'lrl at Sf. :\latthins' Hall.
:ypt ali qpOI (Jllrst inn. ffJIP 11n Il~PS llI0:--!.
h"ar,1 lIrl' Ah. Brook". Rl'rt Fl'rg1;son
:'.ull .\nstill JToul'k
Go~p('l ill S()l'IllClIl :11\11 ~ollg. In the following up-to· date homes:
Ahnnt ~e"t'li hllntlrl-,l 1"'''S''"' atl"llIl
<'<1 onr s<'rl'it- ..s last Slilltla~'. \\'" 111'1'
gl:1l1 April shn\l','rs ,1" nnt alwa~'s ,1I'lt'r
--:\lanv a f,'llow ,vho hnast,; ,.hont
his pnll' with th,' :.:irls is "\'l'lItnally
rnjH',l in.
The Women's Auxili- 208 Grayling Avenue
34 Avon Road
chnreh·goers. Yon ar .. inYite,l to 1'01111'
anel lll'ar the 01,1 Gosp,,1 al'pli .. ,1 to 1110,1-
ern prohlems. Snhlllit ill \ITitill)! to th,'
-:\lall~' a goo,l llIan has a I,:ul ,on.
hnt it's a poor rnl,' that wnll't wnr],
holh ways.
ary Narberth Y,M,C,A, 36 Avon Road
100 Avon Road
AS l'OSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. 111.. 12.00, 2.00,
3.·JIi, 11.45, 7.45, 9.S0 p. 111.
pastor HIJ~~ ]f.lgifitll:df' thtlJIII: ~·tlll w~lllll1 -E\'c'r~' llIan to his trulle. Still, the
1'h" Go\'ernillg Board of I he \ro,
haYP (li~('l1sS(\fl f','olll 1]1(\ n ' ]lg"IOl1:-:: '"If'W-
foothall pln~·,'r has 10 101011' his hl'Il'k lllllIl'S AuxiliuJ'v i~ Y('l'\~ ClIIXiul1s to dis- OTHERS BEING BUILT
poi n1. an<1 taelde as \\,,,11 a~ the rigger. pose of the fol10\l'illg :',t: an ,'arly ,lat.".
-:\fuggins: "A hnttlc of champagne The prices asl{e,l wi II h,' 1I10St. at t raet-
llf':0tl1n !!iyp 111(\ a ~plitting hpal1·
Rl1gp'·i;l~: "T l'l't·all. hnW(lvcl',
ive, anll the lI1ell1bers ot' the Board
will be glad to S'll'Ve yon at allY tillll',
i I' you phone 1611 W. or (i~:1 H.
that VOII \\,<'1''' lllwa\'~ \\'illin~ 10 split Raymond Weils, Proprietor
Rev. Avery S. Demmy, B. D., Pastor. 011(\ \~'ith 111(\." •
];") aprons rnadc of g-ing'ham, pcrc'alt\
lawIl, pteo, in bUJJ.!.!.-alow, garc!PII, anl1
HO\lr, of ,,'n·i.,,' S\l\l,la~' "\I,ril ll.
- " P,'npll' talk aJ,ont me jnst tel"
rihIY, " ,ai.l th,' soei"tv woman. "PCI" otht'J' styles, all perfl'dl~' fresh.
~,j sll1all celluloid dolls ,In'';Sl',l ill
1n~O: lJ:lp~ 'if ~·Oll tli,l1l1t your gO"'Jls ~o
n.:W-Pravl'r 8<'I'\·i,·e. their very best gowlI' alld all 1',,:,,1.,' to
f1.,!;'--Sul;llav R,'hool. :\lrs. Dr. ?lL G.
1.",III'r, of ('hina, \\'ill a,l,ln'" thl'
low th" ha('khil,'l's I'lIi!.!ht 1", ,li,,'onl"
agl'I1.' ~ Sl1~gl'st pc1 t hl~ long·;;;l1fl"I'ring plt'ase thl' ldtlllies.
100 bottlt's of \'lW ill a , 1.. 111011 an,l or-
Clarence A. Speakman Telephone Narberth 1633
s"hoo1. allgl' flavoring. Ahout one hUIl,ll'''ll bot,
1l.OO-?lforning worship. Ohjl'f'1 I",·
tles ha,'e alrea'h' heell ';01,1 an,1 have Carpenter and Builder [>~"'~~~"'~'>-"'~~~~'1
SOli for (·hil,lr"ll. Rl'rll1oll l,y tl1l' pastor. given elltire satisfactioll. The pricl' is
Ext'l'll"llt lllu,i,' hy 111" l·hoil'. 35 cents per two-ounce hottle. Phone 1652-R Narberth v I
7.00-Yonllg Ppople's ?lll'l'tillg'. Topil', ProgTalll \I'I'l'k of :llolI,la~'. :\pri1 1~:
~rllllcl:l\'. April 1~, Charl,'s Hay in
The re,'enue dcri \'[',1 frolll t.hl' ahove ~~ I~
""'hat Shall "'I' Do with 0111' SIlIl'
"Al:lr;1I Cl'H'k An,l\' "; 'l'I1""la~', April
will help to puy a eoal hill which must
% I
he settlell by April :lOth. ?ll:l~' we
dan?" ;0\ ph. 1:1: ];'·22.
7.4;'-"Ey()ning "'oT~hir, ~illgill~ of
GMpl'l JT~-IIlIlS. in~piring lI1\1si,' h~' 1h"
rhoir :\1111 hdl'f Jll('ssngp frolH t11P ]):I~­
1::. HI:tIl"hl' S\\'I'"t' ill "The DI':1I1Ii"r
S,'x": '\",,<1I1"f',la~'. April H, Holmrt
1\os\\,orth ill "B"hil1,1 th" Door";
sen'e you ~
The rnlnlllage is coming ill YN.'· sat- ~~Pay W·It h~I
TIII1I',,<1a\' ..-'pdl 1;'. Emilio Chantal'll ill

tor, isfactoril.Y, but we 'I'ill be grat"flll for
"Tlll' "{,'1I0\\' HOOlll ": Prida~', Al'rill~.
'VI'(llll':-;(l:l\~ ('Yl'Tlillg tIll' l-Hh, !l~ R
() °e]O(.k-S01'q.! and p!'n~~l'l" St,]'\"jpp," :-;1Ih- Hol ..'rt \\'a r\l,i"k ill "'I'hl' Treo of
a<J,litionnl contrihlltion~. P1<'as" pholll'
YOUI" 'I'i,hes t.o Hill \\', 01" ()~:: R. COOK BROS.
I A Pen I
j"d. the 8\1ntla~' S,'hool I,',"on for Hnll- KIIO\d,.<lg.,'·: Satnrda~', April 1i, J:wk . Will thc members please return at
tlaY. 1,~th. "\\'hl'll a Part is Clrc'ater l'i,'ldo ....l ill "Littl" Sh"]ll,,'rtl of King· OII('C to ~rrs. Darlington all aprons and 250 Haverford Ave.
1h:;11 Ih" Whol,'," .!l"lg", i: l·~l. <l0l1I COlli".·· H'"Hlini. 2nd "pi,o,ll'. to ?Ill'''. Homaine Hoffman all dolls
You \I·ill hI' \\'I'l,'olll" to allY or all of :\lntt an,l .I .. n·. ",llllissioll. I'hil,1I"'II. which were distrihnt,',l s,'""ral nlOnths
11 ... : adnlts. 2~,·. ~
t.hC's(\ ~('r,-ir(lF'~
ago to he prepared for the hazaar; .
All memlll'rs of th,' Al1xili:l1'\' aI'''
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. COME, YOU SIZZLIN ' DAYS! f('min,l,',l to I"esen'", the last night of HEAlING ~
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. Main Line Amateur League Re-eleets
:\ pril, Friday, the 30th, for the Y. 111.
And know where
Charlie McCrea as President. % Your Money goes I
1'01' Ilt'xt ~llllda\': A Six-ClUb Circuit. -Th .. worst thillg abol1t family jars
A.' ~L-:";I1I1<1ar Sello'-,J.
n.";' tPh(l\~ 'J'(\ nil'! Thp 7\1"nill l.li 11 t' Ll'aguC' is that: thl'~' an' 111"'1'1' h"rmctienlly ~ ~
11 A, \l.--:\rol'llin)! worship, ]'1I1<li" or Si;1I0Il'I'III-,' amateur haHehalI a'rti- s('aled. ~ ~
~ ~
~ Have a Checking ~
~ I
~ ~
~ Account with us ~
~ ~ ~~ ~

Why Blankets and Comforts Need Washing Now I
Checking Accounts

~ Our ideas about many familiar things develop as we move along. If blankets and comforts were washed 0. ~ ~
~ once a twelve-month a century ago, our forefathers thought it was sufficient.
~ I
~ Savrng
' A ccounts ~~
~ ~ ~ I~
~~ Now we know that these bedclothes become soiled, even if to the eye they may seem sanitary enough. ~~ ~
~ ~
~ Deposits over ~
~., If you would have your blankets and comforts n.s ~ I ~
~ ~
spotless and immaculate as your other bed linen, send them :0
~~ ~
to us. We employ a special methOd of laWldering that makes them light and fresh, that gives them a wonderful
~ ~
ffi I I
~ ~ ~ ~
I~ ~
~ Our method of drying frees blankets and comforts from every impurity-gives to them thc feel and look that ~
~ nature bestows when they are dried in the sUllShine on a summer's day. ~ I
~ Send us such of your comforts 'and blankets as you can spare the next time our representative calls for your
i0~ I~ The Merion Title &I~
family washing. Or, telepllOne, and we will have our man stop in when next he visits your neighborhood. ~~
II Trust Company II
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ I ~
~ ~
~ ~ ~~ ~~

~% Narberth Office
~ Bell Phone, PRESTON 5576 313-27 North Thirty-second Street, Philadelphia ~ I ~
~ ~ ~ ~
[~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

SABlE CENSORE Notlce--on Ind Aft.r "prilist GLEAN···SAFE··..WHOLESOME


WALTON BROS. Frank Coradetti Paper RanglOB and De~oraling OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
Phone 672 tOO ESSEX AVENUE 212 Merion Avenue s. E. Corner Woodbine and Williams Ave,
Bos 596. Narberth
Narberth. Pasleurlzed Milk 1 DELlVERlES
Brynelovl.. Cerlilied
(Pedrlallc Society)

Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening.

Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered.
Contractor in Hauling, Cotter's Market Special .. Guern.. ey ••
(Roberl..·&Sharple....• BALA-CYNWY
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. Cement Work, Labor and Dalrle.. )
Prime Beef, Spring Lamb, NARBERTH
all work requiring services Country Dressed Veal and
Cream Bullermllk ARDMORE
Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
of experienced men in the Pork, Sugar Cured Hams Cream.

upkeep of lawns and gar- and Bacon

dens, etc.
You will find our prices right SCOTT-POWElL DAIRIES
Groceries and Provisions 45th and Parrish 8ts.
(Continued from Page I.) H. C. FRITSCH HA.RRY B. WALL
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
g01tl'lI in Ihl' I'x,'itl'III,'n1. Chill!rell l'u,l- I'r tpertJes For Rent aDd Sal,
,lie up to t!Il'ir pal'ellts, \dlo iu thl'
and Heating
JI1eHlltilllO arc ~L'pJdllg 'HlHI!ter i'l'Olll a Fire Insurance NARBERTH PA
dallger the !Iature of which is not yet Phone, Narberth 319 J
quitc apparent to us. Hnt we I\lIOw a Bell Phone lil! W.
moment latl'I'. Down the aYCIlUC cOllies
rL two-scnt clL, twd\'e-l'assenger O,'er,
'',In BofldJng. Narberth, p~
load at the ratl' of GU miles an hour
and dri ven h~' t hat prince of ehauf·
fl'urs, thl' Count. Du:\I'arais. Of course,
Frank Reginelli
,\'hen it is spcn that the COUllt is at SPECIAL & COMPLETF LINE OF
the whed our fl'ars are quid,',1 an,l
\\P hung' our ht'ads in shallle-, ht'cuus('
Easter Novelties Narberth Shoe Store
Ihc Count Ile"l'r runs over peol'l.'. His
:'!"'l'ialty is stOll" pillars, ete.
\\'" eUllt illue our strull alld lilld lIlallY DAVIS' Repair Shop
1Il'\\' ,]e"I'!0l'mellts ullder \\'ay, especial,

REBUILT ly of All th I\'yu j<'a rill prol'ert ies. \Ve

,,'olllier \\'hpu. if ""1'1', that tract \\'ill
"lIjoy the I'ri"ih'gl' 01' heeomillg a part
of th t, ,. Y,'ar !{OUlll! HOllle 'fo\\,II." The Narbertb Electric Sbop
By the Golden Rule \Vh"11 t hI' t""llis folks ha\'e Jai,1 out
thcir IIt'I\' "ourts allll their dream 01' a Will solve all your electric troubles
not by the rule of Gold ,'Inh hOIl'" has I """JlIlL' a rl'alizatioll,
that !1l'1"'1' Ilau'rford aU'lIn" s"dioll
lI'ill he all t'\·.,11 1Il0re ul'siruh!e place to
Wc wirc old houses like new Quickly and without
damnae, Let U8 estimate on your work. We can
save you money on fixtures, porta.bles. floor lamps
and appliancea,
Henry & Compton
T aHIRTi denominations of the Church are uniting in
simultaneous campaign in the week of April 25th-
Il'sid,' thall it is tuuay alld illciL!elltally
a \':t1uald" a,)'\'l,rtiselllellt of -",arlg'rth,
Jt. """1111',) as though e"eryIJlldy ill
W. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
Phone. Narb.rth 395 W
Steam and Hot Water Heating
May 2nd. NARBER1H. PA.
-",arlJl'rlh \l'as out alld that eu'rylJod~'
They are uniting because the task before the Church is \\H:-. h:lppy, Jt \VtlS a::; thuugh we wen.~ Bell Phone. 661·J-1611·W
too great for anyone denomination; because there must be so lllal'\, shut-ius \\'ho haLl sudd('II!1'
1"'1'11 releas(',l aud had llecided to luak~,
no duplication of effort; no waste. Ih t , most of it. At the suuthlu'st cor· rara':M~Ginle~~
U 123 Sooth 17~ 5!. PhiladelPhia: ~
These churches know that the world needs many things;
but it needs Faith most of all.
11"1' of \\'illd.-.,I' allL! j<'ol'l'eSl lI'l' Ihong-Ill
1u1' a 1I1Ullll'lIt we were in ~cntHt(JlL br- Subscribe for
('aus" Ihe sidel"alk resemhled SO IIlnch
They know that there can be no final solution of our the tiL\ e·ius Wh1L'h urc so COJlllllUll ill
the hard coal capit:d. At .'\arbrooK
GARAnteed Roofs "Our Town"
economic problems that is not a spiritual solution, based l'ark the Illud "'as lluite del'p, I\'hl('h
on the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Golden Rule. l'fe"l'llll'd tlUi' ul'pruacllulg' sl'veral H1'-
ral'l'JltJy goud ::;lllJ~[aHtjal lloU:-ies iu tilL:
They have had the courage to survey the whole task,
and to ask for a budget large enough to sustain (1) the
work abroad, (2) the work at home including the church's
tllurtie uf l'J'l'Ctiull, CUllIlC1lIl1:LU \,'clllz;
W:Is J'o:t 1111 Jig' abuut \\"l'1Ug'lUg' hI:; 11:LlltlS
auLl WHlliJlg, ~'U1J, thL'se l'uad:';~ \Vuat
Narberth Register
Two Lines, JOe per iuue; Sc for each additional line
part In the huge (ask of Americanization, (3) the colleges sHaH Ill' el('1' do:" These puliticJ:lHS
and (4) hospitais supported by the Churches, (5) the reli- all' aluusillg-tlll'y really thlJlK thl'y are
gl'llllIg' a\l'ay lIith Inat stull'. A:J
gious training of the young, and to provide (6) a living t11011~11 ljll'~' earL'd hu\\' tile taxl'ayers'
Gottshall, II. Ii. I'ublic Accountnnt; Tnx Scott-Powell Ualrles. Phone. Preston 2398,
wage for the Church's ministers. har<l I'arlll'd ,loUan; \l'erc slJent. Call't Hcports, A IIlIit.s. etc,. uccompllshed. 303 See dlsPhlY adverttl!lement In tbte la.ue,
lo0J u:-', I,y heck. l'on\\'u~' n,·pnUl'. Nurbcrt1l, I'n.
The budget is large in the aggregate; yet \I'd], \1'1.' 'J'e tired-l'erhajJs lIut a>
Kelm, H. C. Certified Public Accountant. MUSIC
202 Dudley av". Phone. Narberth aoo-w. I"out;, Fuull'" U. Piano tenclJer.
if each person who loves America would tlll~ \\ntl'r, alld we gu hUlllt~, l':l:-,:-;iug Stndio, Al'l'uue BILlg. Phone, 3lG·J.
increase his contribution by only a few thruugh A:·;Jl,·ille ou the way, being weB Lees' Garage-Repairing. Etc, Phone. 1606. :'\O'l'AHY I'UBLIC.
dollars the whole amount would be satislil'd \\'ith our Hl'st '!HIlIg oulillg Nnr1l"rth Gar,,!:,e. Phone Narberth 1G33. JeWerles. J. 11. 111 Narberth ave.
all,l Il'l'Iillg that .'\ariJerth is uccumillg Hee display ud"erlis('JJlent tn tills issue. I' hone. 666.Ai,
easily subscribed. ,\U'l'lnIOBILE l-IJ<;IH'ICE Sinll)Son, IJnrr~' J\. :!a:! Essex Ave.
:t lIIore aud JIlUre lll'z-'iralJle rL':':'ldL'Jltl~l1 I'hon!', Nlll'bl'l'Ih (iali.
Censore, Sable. Phone, G72.
We face the task of rebuilding the world. lull'U all th" lillil'. See displu~' ullnrtisenil'lIt in thts issue. Tyson, Warren R. Phonc, Nnrbert1l 120~- W.
Let the cornerstone be a strong and vital 'trulu lllust be told, 110 lIlatter \\'hom BANKS Ol'TJClAloS
il hurlS. 1,,'l llU Olle ~a.r tltal U111' Alerlon Title &: Trust Co. Phone, Ardmore I, Fenton. Carl F. 506 Essex aVe. Phone. 61S-W
church in every American community; '1 U\I'lI iSh't wir, (,,'ell thou,;h tUI' l"t· See display fldvertlsement In this i!lsue. Phlla. add rea&, 1801 Cbestnut .t. Locuat UI.
and the measuring rod by which the !lor hiJl\self I ' ou trial. ''therefore 1 BUILDERS Zentma~'er. Jo.ellh. 228 S. 1uth st., 1'1I1Ia.
builders build must be the Golden Rule. ask you, ::;iJ', \l'JI~' ~·ou nlu a JJ1I1"y III SllIlnd, Alex. C...Ir. Phone, No. 1ilO. PAINTERS
Narberth station. n'alzer, Fred.
:--arlJL'rth 11'1 t!1lJ UI j!OSSI'~"lIg a JIlUl'j' Sm.. dl"~·. Will. IJ. &: II. T. Phone. GOO, 117 Winsor ave. Pholle, 1247·J.
Ji('('IISL': "\.1''' yuu exellll'l JUst because See display advertisement In tble hUlue.
tile IJ1':; utliee Holder:-; arc ~'uur eU:-:1011l- C,\.NDY, ETC. PAPEIt IIANUEltS
lJ.. ,'ls, II. E. Phone, 1254-W.
Witte. Goo. A. Fairview "ve.
United April 25th l'rlS! .\lurlllJ1g' afler Jllofuiug the See Displny Au vcrtlsement In this Issue.
See display advertlselnent In tbis tll8ue,
Financiai to Burg",s, HUlltel' .\lclJo\\'eJ! and oue or
h'y C"nd~' 8hol', I'UOTO PLAYS
Campaign May 2nd tllO othn Ju,'al Jighls are sel'U at th" ~l!l Haverford Ave. Phone, Nnruert1l 170;;. "Arcadia," 16th and Chestnut ata., Pbll...
j!u,t OJlil'" ,,,,,util'g Ihe al'rinil of your CAIU'J<;NTEItS AND BUII,DEItS See display advertis~lnent In tbls la.ue.
Jlack. U1 cuuj'~e, it :'i a~:-;uJIlPd that .you .Jenkin.. Chas. L. I'J,UAIBING, ETC.
103 Dudley ave, Phone. 382-M. Cook Uros. Phone 1~1O .J.
('ollt'l,t fan'~ 1'1'Ull1 tlte~'w l't'gl!lal's, as lit) SI)elllunnn. Clarence A. Phone lrki~- H.
UIIl' 1I'0uid be/i,'I'e luI' a 1Il01llellt that
See dlsplny auvertisement In till, luue.
S"c disilluy ulll'CrtlsPlDent ia this Issue,
COAl, ,\NIJ COKE. Wall, U. B. Phone, 319-J.
lIJl'lI of tllt·it' :-\lalldilq,!," wuuld (let'l'pi tOIl-
Cool<. C. P. Phone, Nurul'rth :\O~-.J. See dlsDlo.y advertisement In thla I••u.,
lilll!,',1 f'r,"· trausj!ul'(atiou. Alld such See displa~' adn'rtisl'!l\cnt in this issue. REAL ESTATE
IIt'JjJg' toll' (':l:-;t', .You an' ('olllpetillg; with CO:-iTItACTOH. Clild wcll, ". ,1\. PliOIll', lU~7
lh" I'. H. H. alld ,'huu],[ tal\e out a tax- Cnrlldettl, I'rllnk. Phone Nnrb.. rth 1G8!l. See display advertisement In this la.ue.
i"alt li"I'IISl', j'ull or IILl j!ull. Hee displn~' advl'rtisl'!l\l'nt in thts issue. Fritsch, H. C. Phone, 262-W.
CUB. CONTUACTOU OF I'LASTEltlNU Sce dlslliay advertisement In thIs Issue,


}i'ratantonl, ,-huDes, 8;, 800M.
~3!l HUlnpden n"I', Phone, 1G!l7- 'V.
Orr. Dr. A. I •• 101 Elmwood aVo Phone, 3U-W.
IblJcr!:" Uent T. Phone 1713.
See dlslllll~' nd,'crtisement In t1lls Issue.
Naoh, Itoben J. Phone, 606.
Money tor First and Second Morteagee,

World MovcInent Th,' j'l'illrijJal of' oue of two grammel'

:-oell(tul:-: ill a .Nc\\" j~JlgJahd cit~', :\11'.
.JOlll'S by llaJlll', wisht1tl to geL :-;l\lI:e
Phlla, Phone. Filbert 4252. Keith Bid ....
Dr.•J. II. J.u"wi~ 109 Forrest Ave.. Nar·
1)('l'th. Pn. Office hours: 8,30 to u,30. Open
l'vPlling-s, Phone. 170~.
SlmlJ80D, Jomes C. 232 ESRes ave,
Phone. 636. or 1420 Chestnut et.

of fMJrth Jmerica {'Xl 1':1 g'llogl'aphit':-\ fruJlI 1\11'. BrowlI,

l'rill,'ij>al of till' othp!, school, allel so
h" ,"III :J ho\' \\'ith a lIute to that ",[eet.
lu half ';11
hUllr the boy relurlll'd,
Sd.cmb., Ilr. ,John. Phone Narberth 31G·
Cor, Gl'nyling nnll 'Vlnll~or uves.
Omee Honrs until !l I'. M. dnlly.
lJowllrd'R. Phone. 1267.
Ollrll-!\fcGlnley Co. Phone, 1268·W.
See display advertisement In thla Issue.
tImer, John A. 243 lona ave. Phone. 661-J.
Shop. 246 Havertord ave. Phone. 1226-.J.
Tlu JUD/it/JtlOfl of tIm ndvertlJemet/t 11 mane poulble by the SIIOEMAKERS
See dlspla)' advertlsemerJt In tblll lalJU8.
hrillgillg a hca,'~' ullice ehair, and a IIlO- Good "'eRr Shoe 1tt-luAlr Shop.
,ooperatlofl of thirty denomi"atlom 111<'1\1 latl'r allo(hl'l' bov arrin'L! with a
ELECTRICIANS COI1~tllntlne, D. n. ~rl:! I-IIl\'erfol'u u\'e,
CUfoie, "~. G. PhOllP. 3~15- ''''. Phone, Nnrb!'rtb 1700- W.
1'("I'1('st frolll ::<lr. Bl'o;\,1l lhat till' lil's~ ~el' diHplny IlllvPI't1semen! in this Issue.
neKlncl1l, I·'rank. 20!l lInverfor,1 nve.
\Joy should hl'ill).l back the chair that Pult'h. Veri 225 Jona ave. S!'e Lllsplnr llt!Hrtispment in lhls issne.
lie had c:~l.·ril'd 01L Nar. Pbone, 660-W. Ard, Phone. 163-J.
SCHOOL NOTES g'ood Hillt' thj~ spring, aJlcl~ wl'uther Pl'l'~ ;'Ilr. JpU('R Wl1S lIlystified. "What did
yOIl "ay to ~lr. Bt'~)\\'1l whell you WPU(
Imperlall Gr"""ry Co. Phone, Narberth 606. UOI11.cr, "·m. G., & Co. Phlladelphin.
Sec dlslllllr ndvcrtlsemellt In this Issne.
(Continued from Page 1.) mittillg. will nlH'1I the s<,asoll at Ard- INSURANCE
Illorl' Oil Prilla)' afternoon, whl'lI thl'~' I,) the sdlOol'?" he usked his owu lI\es' Bow.nnn, Samuel P. (Lite.) TAU,OItS
!--ellg't'J". 116 Elmwood ave. Phone, 663-W, Premo.t, II. Pllone. l~54,J.
I' ross hats ,with thl' Lowl'r ;'Ill'rioll High .lIoncR. Wm. J. 103 S, Narherth ave. Pbone,
Ralph Hastings, a young ('1'001\, "1 tlidIl 't ~a.v ullythillg," waH 111(' Hee displnr advcrtlscment In t1lls Issne.
Heh"oJ. \Vi I h ollly two da vs of out- 680.J, Phlla. addrese. Penn Mutual Bide.
Fredl'riek Jlars,·h rpplr. "! just gUYC him the Ilote." Trottcr Bros. (Fire. etc.)
dOlll' worl\, our 1;0.\'" play' t hl'ir 1irst
John, chauffeur to COllslallel', "\\'hat then'!" 209 Woodside ave, Phone, 1262-R. The above department should be ot tb.
g:alllP a~ailll.;t u ,\"p11 forJlled teUll1, hut "'Imer, lVm. "'00.1. lOG Forest A,"cnuc. greatest use to the community, the list con-
1)oillll<1 Fa i II' "He tol,! JIll' to take n chair, aud I
l'xpl'd 10 1'(1nll' hOIlll' vidors, Onr fil'ltl Phone. 3~0 n. talml the name ot every proteealonal m ..n.
Jasper DeJanlll, 1I11 e!lll'rly s"h'lItist, took it 'lUll hrought it up here.' '-- LAVNDUY. tradesman, mechanic, ahopkeeper. etc.. ...h.
is "till in hat! l'ollclitioll, hut it few
La\\'I'\'1I1'1' H. !Ioustou
lln.'·s of snn alld hrl'ezl's will allow us Y{J~IIII 's COIupanion. J>ennR~'h'"nlll Lauutlr~' Co. Phllndelp1lln. does or can In any ....ay aerve bl. tellow-
S~'I"cster Cmlle, a diflident chap of ReI' displns ndvertlsclllent In tbis Issuc. townsman, and who la proereaslve enougb
1() get to ,,'o1'k ill pnrIlP:-;!. to add name to list ot Register.
g-00<1 family \\'a\'lll' lIarri~ LAWYEItS
Bert Shaffer. all I'lIthu,illSti;' hut 'I'hl' tr:ll'k tl'lInl has l'lIll'rl'll the 1'1'1111, THE BUSY HOUSEHUSBAND. Gilroy. Jobn 211 Essex ave. Phone. 1246-R. As It Is dlfflcult tor those contributing
Phlla. address. Lincoln Bide. theIr time and el'torta to tbe production ot
aw~\\'ani memher of the younger >vh'allia RI'!:I\' Ca1'llival aJl(I tIle Lower StiteR. F1"tcber W. 413 Havertord ..ve. "Our Town" to personally eltber know or
ill'rioll illters'(·holastil's. \Ve hu"e ROil\(' I'I'0huhly no other systeJll will ('yer Phone. 372-W Pblla. addreaa. Crozer Bide, Interview all auelt, It .... ould be moat help-
SOC1('ty set of Tuxe<1obrook,
promising hoys, und with a little traill- Ill' deyist'd for losillg' 101l~ and \'u!uahle LIGHTING FlXTUBES tul It thoae not now tound In tbe printed
Hoss Ho\\'ellstpin list would aend In a memo ot tbelr name.,
illg they should hring' hOllors to the Il'ad penl'i!s out of one's waistcoat McDonald Jobn. Narberth pbone. 1388. addresa, phone numbers snd buslns_s or
1IIll'ket which will quitc equul for ef· 1613 Chest. st.. Phlla, Phon" Spruce UU
~'''1001. NlIrlwrth is rurely reprCl'eutell ~IEATS, ETC.
proteaalon. tor Uatlne. Thla will cost as fol·
Athletics. III these meets, (lilt! this year is our lil-ielll'Y shnking down the furnace.- Iowa: 10 centa each luue tor J lines: Ii QeDta
Cotter. Ho>\ard F. Phone. 1288. for e..ch addltlon..1 lin.,
The High School promiscs to ha Yl' u chunc!' to get in und beut the gun. Ohio State J·ournlll. 'See display advertisement In tbls tuue.

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