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Beleo ae A BRAND COMPANY SAFETY GUIDE Cuplok False work ERECTION PROCEDURE INTRODUCTION Cuplok Falsework structures are usually supporting heavy concrete loads via Formwork Beams in Aluminium, Stee! or Timber. The arrangement of the Cuplok grid will usually be based on a design drawing, and this should be closely studied prior to arrival on site. The ground should be further checked on site prior to commencement in case any construction processes have changed conditions. The precise grid arrangement will usually be critical to the effective support of any loads, so the design should not be deviated from except with the specific agreement of an authorised SGB engineer. INSPECTION At least two persons will be required. Check that all the required components are present, and that there is no obvious faulty equipment. Identify the different horizontal lengths and place in batches. Determine the setting out point — usually the highest ground level ASSEMBLY EB Lay out the first timber beerers/ sleepers in approximately the right positions, Position Socket Base Plates (or Rocking Base/ Bracing Base Plates - see illustration below) and Jacks. Check the components types and lengths required from the drawing BB Lay out first Horizontals (Ledgers) ensuring that you have identified the correct lengths. EB Locate a Vertical (probably spigoted unless very low level) of the right length (Standard) over the first Universal Jack While one person holds the Verical, insert two Base Horizontals and tighten top cup). This will now be self- supporting. Add timber sole pads. BI Position the next Vertical and in the same way locate horizontals and fasten. When the first bay has been completed, level in Jacks, but keep adjustment to the minimum. Add upper level of horizontals, { BB Locate diagonal bracing (Adjustable Braces Short or Long} in appropriate bays. Continue to erect first lift components, but check that each bay is level as you proceed. Ifthe ground is uneven, check the rise in relation to the available Jack adjustment, distance (a). Start at the highest point (o). (b) Bil Upper Lift ~Construct working platfom for next lift. This can be achieved with either lapped scaffold boards or Cuplok Intermediate Transoms. Ensure that the wedge device on Intermediate Transoms is firmly secure. Hl Locate next vertical (which may be open ended), ensuring that the correct length has been selected. Toeboards will be required when there is a risk of materials being dislodged when the platform is being used to deposit materials. BE Where appropriate, add Jack Braces. The addition of sole plates will give greater working room for Jack Brace Adjustment. Bil Formwork Level ~ Adjust Jacks to approximately the correct length (See Illustration) and then insert into open ended Vertical. The next stage may be incorporated if desired. BH Locate head component (Forkhead, Base/ Head Plate or Rocking Forkhead } over Universal Jack. Adjust to level in. Continue until Head Components for that area are completed. IB Take the Formwork Beam (Dualform Alumium/Mkil Steel Soldier/Timber) and locate in Forkhead or Plate. Fasten using wedge Beam/ method as described in drawing. STRIKING The dismantling process will be the reverse ofthe initial assembly, but the following should be observed The striking of heavy loads may require special measures in order to release the initial friction. If unsure, consult your SGB Formwork Branch, Working platforms will still be required, including platforms to initially store small amounts of material prior to lowering fully. Do not drop components directly to the ground. ® If too many components are released at once, the structure could become unstable: this should be done carefully in sequence. ACCESSORIES: SLOPING APPLICATIONS Within the Cuplok range there are a series of components to provide safe and reliable solutions to sloping ground or sloping soft applications. Sloping Ground — The Rocking Base Plate will support verticals to @ maximum angle of 60 degrees from the vertical Cuplok Standard Bracing Coupler Rocking Base Plato "timber Soe Pat Jack: 5)e" dia. x4” long steel ‘screws par base plate Sloping Soffits —The rocking forkhead gives support to slabs with slopes in one or two directions Secondary sloping is achieved by rotating the small handles on the socket at the bottom of the forkhead. 7 Se: For guidance on Cuplok applications refer to the users manual fn ooo Fe oo SEQUENCE OF ERECTION FOR CONVENTIONAL CUPLOK SUPPORT SYSTEM (1) Layout the horizontals as well os bose plates (with jack) for the first bay in the designed setting positions as shown in the opproved drawings. QM Ensure that ground is even and clear from debris (2) Insert the first pair of verticals into the adjustable base jack and connect the verticals with a horizontal in the lowest cup joint by inserting the blades into the cups. Level the horizontal by adjusting the base jock. (3) With Man A stil holding the first poir of verticals, Man B inserts the third vertical into the jack ond connects it to the first poir with another horizontal. The upper cups can then be dropped temporarily into the locking position, The fourth vertical can now be connected further by a horizontal and the boy leveled after which the upper cups can already be locked into position using @ ERECTION PROCEDURE 1 of 4 $68. sno wanna ‘oman coma ERECTION PROCEDURE 2 of 4 (4) The first bay of cuplok is completed by locating the upper horizontals and adjusting its verticality QA do not forget to secure top fixing cups (5) Extend the required number of bays as shown in plan, The bracings should be put in immediately after each lift has been erected. For bracing connections use Drop Forged Double Coupler or Swivel Coupler os provided by SCB. QS PPE must be worn at all times! (6) For installation of upper lifts, temporary decking should be placed for erectors. Also make sure to secure ladder to horizontal AN Solely tHearness shot be worn ond anchored to a fecure pomnt of cupik structure ot al times when working al heigt scien es (7) It is now a simple matter of extending the Cuplok support system by connecting verticals and horizontals to the existing lift AX during the possing up process, ensure that the person at higher level has a firm grip of the ‘material before the person ot the lower level releases it. (8) Upon successful erection of the verticals ‘and horizontals up to the required height as shown in sectional drawings, the top jack with forkhecd can now be installed after which the primary aluminum beam T150 con be placed on the forkhead and levelled accordingly. QS Leveling can be done by adjusting the top jacks. | erection procenuRe 3 of 4 ‘Bradnere segs stast alumna] aeons ota Fa 60a 6198 (9) The secondary aluminum beams S150 can ‘now be placed according to spacing provided in the approved drawings. All secondary beams are o be secured with universal clamps to primary beam 1150, QA\ Use 2 nos. of universal clamp for each S150 beam. (10) Plywood ploced on secondary beams are to be nailed to timber insert of secondary beam S150. QS Plywood face grain to be laid parallel to spon. RECTION PROCEDURE « of « “ecu SEQUENCE OF DISMANTLING FOR m Kk SUPPORT SYSTEM (1) For dismantling of falsework, ensure thot proper decking is installed for workers to stand. AM Sofety Hearness shall be worn and anchored to a secure point of cupiok structure at all times when working at height. INT ATTIT Ne E17 (2) Release the top jacks by striking the release handle. Ensure that all the top jacks are lowered for striking of the formwork AY Aveo shalt be cordoned off ond warring. signs shall be placed before dismantling work is storted SMANTUNG PROCEDURE 1 of 2 868 Aura Segre om TT 3Gu Rent. Spee cane as ez ean Fax oz ‘aman courant (3) Remove plywood formwork and dismantle the secondary ond primery beams. Lower oluminun beams using ropes where necessary. Q\ Do not throw the beams or any matericls from height. If materials are to be lowered down by passing from one person to another, make sure that the person receiving the material has o firm grip before the other person releases it (4) Dismantling is done in reverse order of installation Start to remove top jacks, horizontals, and verticals ZNAli small items dismantled should be placed in a container YSUANTUNG PROCEDURE 2 af 2 CANTILEVER ‘A’ FRAME INSTALLATION (MAN-HANDLED) ‘SAFE WORKING PROCEDURE 1. CUPLOK TOWERS TO ERECT RST PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF "A FRAME, ENSURE THAT ALL CUPLOK TOMERS ARE TIEORACED TOCOLUMN OR SESIDES EXISTING TONERS. REFER TO SAFETY GUIDE FOR CUPLOK FALSEWORK ERECTION PROCEDURE, ONE MAN WOULD BE ON THE TOP PLATFORM AND THE OTHER WOULD BE [Ar THE PLATFORM BELOW TO CAREFULLY BRING OUT THE FRAME FEN THE FRAUE|S OUT, THE MAN AGOVE VELL SLOWLY PULLIT UNTIL ‘THE FRAME REACHES THE BOTTOM CUP POSITION ‘ 3. SAFELY INSTALLATION OF DECKING TO ‘THE’A FRAME SHOULD BEINSTALL ED PROPERLY ENSURE THAT CUPS ARE TIGHTENED, “A FRAME LOCATION ARE IN [ACCORDANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS se cms ef meen 2 ‘sgeaueyogrenrona 2, CANTILEVER FRAME INSTALLATION. [A ENSURE THAT SAFETY EDGE PROTECTION ARE INSTALLED. ‘8 PROVIDE WORKNG PLATFORM @ NECESSARY LEVEL FOR RANE INSTALLATION. ATLEAST TWOMEN ARE REQUIRED TO INSTALL THE FRAME, 5. USE A PULLEY SYSTEN AROUND HORLZONTAL LEDGER 8 7 ‘THEN PRAME FOR LIFTING 7 UF G.TME VAN BELOW WILL THEN INSERTIT AND TIGHTEN The CUP WITH A HAMBIER H.WHEN FULLY TIGHTENED, THE MAN ABOVE WILL CONTINUE ‘TO CAREFULLY PULL THE FRAME UNTIL AT THE TOP CUP POSITION. Fk ONTO THE CUP AND TIGHTENED I, PREMUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES SAFETY HARNESS SHALL BE WORN ‘AND ANCHORED TO A SECURE PONT OF ATALLTINES WHEN, WORKNG ATHEIGHT / ALLPERIMETERIEDGE sHoULO CS fave saPery e0Ge paoTectiOn HaNDTOOLS TO SECURE WeTH UANVARO CANTILEVER ‘A’ FRAME INSTALLATION (CRANE LIFTING) ‘SAFE WORKING PROCEDURE 4, CUPLOK TOWERS TO ERECT FIRST PROR TO (e OeorveR Ws revaae WeTALLATION! INSTALLATION OF "x FRAME. ENSURE THAT ALL CUPLOK TOWERS ARE TIEDLACED 'A ENSURE THAT SAFETY EDGE PROTECTION ARE INSTALLED, TO COLUMN Of BESIDES EXISTING TOWERS ‘3 PROMDE WORKING PLATFORM @ NECESSARY LEVEL FOR REFER TO SAFETY GUIDE FOR CUPLOK FALSEWORK. FRAME INSTALLATION. ERECTION PROCEDURE, C.ATLEAST THO MEN ARE REQUIRED TO INSTALL THE FRAME. ©. QWE MAN WOULD BE ON THE TOF PLATFORM ANDTHE OTHER WOULD BEF, WHEN REACHES THE POINT WHERE THE FRAME CAN AATTHE PLATFORM BELOW SAFELY HOLD BY THE TWO NEN, THE FRAME WiLL THEN BE . WHEN THE TWO MEN ARE IN POSTION TO FIX THE A FRAME. THE INSERTED ON THE TOP & BOTTOM POSITION AND THEN WL "FRAME IS HOW READY TO BE TRANSPORTED BY CRANE BE TIGHTENED THE CUP WT THE HAIER /)\ PPE MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES _/)\ SAFETY Hanes SHALL BE WORN a cvreven wae ror ‘AND ANCHORED To ASECURE POINT OF ATALLTIES WHEN WORKING AT HEIGHT |THE’ FRAME SHOULD BE INSTALL ED PROPERLY ENSURE THAT CUPS ARE. /\, ALLPERIMETERIEDGE SHOULD ‘TIGHTENED “A FRANC LOCATION ARE IN | HAVE SAFETY EDGE PROTECTION pL As inte as L) syeegeremnamor seme eas aise (em eset CANTILEVER ‘A’ FRAME INSTALLATION (w/ ACCES ) ‘SAFE WORKING PROCEDURE 1. CUPLOK TOWERS TO ERECT FIRST PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF "A Fran ENGURE THAT ALL CUPLOK TOWERS ARE TIEDLACED TO COLUMN OR BESIDES EXISTING TOWERS. REFER TO SAFETY GUIDE FOR CUPLOK FALSEWORK ERECTION PROCEDURE. 2. CANTILEVER A FRAME INSTALLATION ‘A ENSURE THAT SAFETY EDGE PROTECTION ARE INSTALLED, ' PROVIDE WORKENG PLATFORM @ NECESSARY LEVEL FOR FRAME INSTALLATION . "NO MEN ARE REQUIRED TOINSTALL THE ® FRAME. 6. PeUENT PROVIDES ACCESS SCAFFOLDING. ONE MAN TO [STAND AT THE ACCESS PLATFORM AND ANOTHER MAN AT THEINSIOE WORKING PLATFORAL E TWO NEN WOULD POSITION THE'A' FRAME, UNTILIT REACHES "THE TOP AND BOTTOM CUP POSITION, F. THEMAN INSIDE WOULD x THE A FRAMe AT BOTTOM CUP. THE MAN, STANDING AT THE SCAFFOLDING WLL ‘THEN Ox THE’ FRAME AT THE TO? CUP LOCATION. THE GuP Wut THEN BE “iGwTENEO BY HaMaveR. ISTHE’ FRAME SHOULD BE INSTAL €D PROPERLY ENSURE THAT CUPS ARE. TIGHTENED, ’A FRAME LOCATION ARE IN ACCORDANCE VATH THE DRAWINGS. 8 SAFELY INSTALLATION OF DECKING TO FOLLOW. > PREMUST BE WORN AT ALL TINES | SAFETY HARNESS SHALL 9€ WORN ‘AND ANCHORED TOA SECURE POINT OF AT ALL TMES WHEN WORKING AT HEIGHT. | ALPERMETERIEDGE SHOULD HAVE SAFETY E0GE PROTECTION HaNOTOOLS To SECURE wT URYARD METHOD STATEMENT FOR SAFE & PROPER USE OF TROLLEYS (LIFTING UNIT é& MOBILE UNIT CUPLOK HORIZONTAL —# CUPLOK VERTICAL # R 8 man sone | OIACONAL BRACING —f # 4 TROLLEY [turtne-uni) e BOTTOM LACK —| Gl t rnouLeY TYPICAL CUPLOK TABLE (MOBILE-UNiry (1) Remove base jack-bracing of Cuplok Table, AS Prior approval must be obtained before striking any port of the Table form TABLE LOWERED oom 2 LONEST wowaLe roca —} (3) Move Lifting—Unit to the Cuplok vertical (usually at 4 corner legs of Table). (4) Fit Movable Fork/Holder to the 2nd lowest cup of the Cuplok vertical. AX Core should be taken to prevent injuries during mounting of trolley TROLLEY (UFING et eight of Table Adjust Chain-Block (1.5 tons S.W.L) to make sure that trolleys carry the (6) Retract base \ Do not m Tats a et nil (8) Lower Toble down by releasing Chain—Block till Cuplok legs are sitting fully on the Mobile~Units. This process shall be done concurrently by 4 workers, one at a corner each, to maintain Table stability. Instruction to pull shall be given by one person & upward/downward movement is co-ordinated and raised at constant soeed of 200mm/min approx. (10) Move Table by pushing it to desired new location. Table shall now be riding on the Mobile-Units & force shall only be applied at or near the base of Table. QQ\ Ensure that ground is even and clear from debris. (11) To raise table to new po: W, ret (Lifti it ile nit) = 1.5 QS (12) SAW for each Trolley (Lif_ing-Unit / Mobile-Unit) = 1.5 tons [Pose 6 a] tion for concreting, reverse steps 9-1 above,

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