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Annual Tennis Tournament Starts "Glad-to-See-~ on-Home 7

Next Saturday Afternoon Dance, September 10th

SINGLES, DOUBLES, AND LADIES' SINGLES, .\ ,. Glad·To·Se,'· Yon-Hollll'" Shirt
DOUBLES, AND MIXED DOUBLES, .Waist Dall{~e will be' ginll by the :"ar'
berth Tennis ~\,;socilltioll at mill Hall,
}'ri(!:IY eycnillg, Septcmber lO.
The annual Labor Day Tournament .Inl~' tournament of schednlillg all The affair will be in thl' nature of a
of the Narberth Tennis Association will
open next Saturday afternoon, Septem·
mat ehPS worked so successfully and sat·
isfaetorily that it will again be in force
THE FIRESIDE , 'get·together party" of the melllbers,
t hei r I\' iH~s and friellll~, aft el' t h" sUlll'
her 4, 011 the courts on Essex and Elm· dllrillg thp ('ouling tOllrllallienL That Iner vacations.
wood avenues. i", illClh'i,lnal members entered in the Ti('],pts llIay he ohtain("t from any HAROLD D. SPEAKMAN, POST 356,
Play will start promptly at 2 0 'clocl" sillgles tonrnal1lpnt and tPflms entered of the memhers of the Association.
and uuder the tournament rules adopt· All women who wish to NARBERTH, PA.
in thp clonhlps tOlll'lllllll<'lIt lllUst he on This dante is one of a series of social
cd by the Tournament Commihee, all thp C'Olll'1s lit the tilllc "pt h~' the ,'OF" vote at the coming elt ction altairs anu. entertaillnl<'nts that the
entrants must be on the equrts at that A VAOATION FOR $5.00 A WEEK.
III i1 t('p for ton rna ment matches, and must register, August 3ht j';ntprtailllnellt COllllllitl<'<' is 1'1HlIllillg
11OHr, reail~' to play when called, or n'l11a ill on thp g-ronllds ready to play, for the fall aud ",intpr Hcason.
frrf'"it their lIl:lt,·heH. J1ltltl:-:~ ~~JI('I·ific·:dly pxc'l1:-o('d for the <1n~·.
and September 1st, as the Who I\'allts a vacation at Atlantic
A little 1:<ter I\'ill eOme the annual Cit .,., ~. ,J., at a cost that. mukes tho
'1'111' tnlll'lIanll'ut e"ent" will inelllde: FlIihll(' t.o Ill,'et this rule will resnlt ill Assessor will sit at the polls. c1illner·danee ",ith the awarding' of
at the Fire House from 6 to old ]]. C. of L. look ill indee,!! Fi"e
M"II '" sillg-Ies. a clpflllllt ag-aiust indi"idllal or h'III11. prizes won in the big tournament which .:o1lars a ",eck for II holiday nt u seaside
;'Ten " dOllbll's. Members Urged to Oo.operate. 9 P. M., for this purpose. stnrt" llext ~aturcla.,', an,] s<"'eral novel ! I,'sort kllo\\'n the world overl
Ladies' singles.* I'llt,'rtainlllent. features.
TII past to\ll'llalllpllts. with the "x""!,' I f you want it, here's YOllr chancc.
Ladies' uoubles.* CHAS. V',NOEL, Some tinl<' durillg- the late fall a rl'/-:'
t iOIl of tIll' I"ollrth 01' .JII1~· l'\'ellt this The Atlant ic City 1'0,1 of Iltp Legion
:/Ifixed doubles.* Commilleeman \lIar" Broadway pl'OlltH't ion" j:-; III'OIl!- I
.\"('a 1', 1IJ:J1l'l,,"s ha \'(' not hpen schednled, It:.,; op,'ncd Calllp Franklin lJ'OIier and
*Thes" three c"ents have becn tenta· IIl1d if a play"r was not 011 hallcl whell ised. Chairman Bob Pattison "II."" hl~ has a"('(lnlillotlat ions for :2(10 nlCll ullder
t ivcl,v s"hedllled, eontingeut IIpon the )1:'S tIll' ·'hi:,.! ('\'I'lIt'~ llJllli~ ~lpe\"(', :Iud
c·:d)P,1 10 pl:t~., the match was post- ,'al]\'a". AllY Legiolluail'e anywhero in
number of l'lItril's reeeiv",1. The TOlll· And thl'y tllll thi" a ,11'." ,·onlltry. Ill' 11a\'(' h,'en J('liahl~' illl'ol'llll'll that
P'"I"C!. This 11lls r,'''nlte,l ill llIall~' of thp I h,' ,'ollnt r~' ean applr for membership
nmnent COlllmittee has ruled that if I Pllrllalll"llt" lH'illg ,lrllwn ont lat" illto the \\"irelc:-,s huz.i hpl'1l \Y(ll'kill~ O\'Pi't ill~e
i II 111l' e:ullp. ~l('11 fl'oUl '~Iassachusetts,
there arc eight "utl'ies in lhc Indi,,'" E2will 1'. ])0111 alld family ha\"l~ rl" lat(,I,I' !",t\I'l','n th,' I'attisoll 8tatioll Oil
11,,, frill alld has pro"pll lluslltisf:ll·tOI'.\' Alablllll:l, V"l'llllJnt, Xew Hampshire,
siug-Ies au,l eight tcams ,'ntere" iu tl,,' ill P\·(lJ".V way.
tnned frojJl Oeean City, N. J. eh""t llUt a ",'nlll' :l1ld th" DOllllClly. i ~"II' York alld ~ew Jersey already
ladies' rlollhles alltl the mixl~,l ,10Ilbh>". ~I ('III1><'rs III"" I'p'I1ll'st ",I, therefoJ'(', 10
Bl'lasco Rl'treat at Oepan City. \\'1'11,
i hi. I'" t al,en up tho offer. -..,
these three e""lIts will he playe,l. 'I'h i" ('n-opC'l'atC' \\-itlJ th(' rI'0l1l'IHlJlll'1l1 C0111-
BI1",,}oa1l today. :-it. J)l'lIni" at :--'ar- \rl' on H'l'. :::-.; 1lIt' }1l'1 iH'OIH' \I:-;l'll 1{) lip
I>,"rth. 1I'I'as quit<, a .ioh 1'01' the Atlantic'
,loes not mean that there 'I'ill h" uo IIlittee, alld hI' Oil hlllld promptl," at th" :-'0 fond of sayill;.1.
laaies' singles lIuless thel'e arc abo ('it,'" "os1 to g'"t th,' "auI[> untl"r II'ay,
appoilltel1 hOllr caeh ,lay that 10nrlla- Bllt in tIn' 1lIl':ln",hil,' c1o11't for!! 1'1
hnt uow tlil' plal'(' i" hnUllllillg. A plot·
baies' dOIl11les and mixed douhles, hilt p'Pli1 Ill:d('hp:-; :In' ~dl('(1111(l(1. ~[iss Gl':l(,P Haight spcnt a few days 1 hI' dla,I·To.~]el" Yon-nollle Dance, Fri·
of land otl'l'1'"d hy 1);\' "il,'" at the Inlet
that each e\'Cut 'I'ill be played only if ill Xal'!:I'l'th this week. day I"'elling-, 8CI'1('lllIIl'r lO-t hat's a
II:lS el,'a1'l'd II,\' fat ig'll(' details from the
the specified Illlmber of entries are reo \\"<'k frCllll lll'xl Fri,lll.", 01' the first
"ost and t 1\'('11 t." t "Id s wit h wooden
Entries Olose Next Friday Night,
::Wedding Bells ~Ti"s L. 1\., Dialllllllll is at M1. pocono
for a fl'II' weeks.
1~l'icla." night aftcr Labor Du~"
I'al t isou eOlJc!tllle(1 that the 'Weather
IIcors I\'<'l'l' l'il,·h"d. A canteen was
huilt to spr\'(' hreakfast and a light
Entries will he received by any mem· ~Iall ('olll,lll't e]Il11·k all thl' hol 11'('ath<'r
IUlleh hl,,,idl'~ haudin~ out chocolate
her of the 'I'oul'uameut Committee up to Simpson-Thompson. "0 ,'arl," in S,'ptem],l'r. all (1 "0 hI' c1,'('i,l"d hal'S amI" hUl1lps" aud all the rest of
00 \\. ed lI"s,I:I,\', .\ ogll"t :2;it h, at 1I00n, .Jallll'" S. Hall. Olle of 0111' kltcr cal'- ll,ake tJliB ,bncl' another shirt. waist.
8 P. :/IT. Fl'iday, September::' Thc UII'm·
ri"l's, has rl'tul'lIl'd 1'1'0111 his \,acatioll. I he re~u!:lr o. ,I. st o,·J, of edibles and
bel'S of this cOlllmittee arc A. J. Newell, I thl' 1'. I';. Chlll'<'h of the ;'leuiator, all'air.
"r.. r. Kirkpatrick and A. C. StapJ<>s.
The entrnnce fcc for elll·h ('\,<'lIt will
\11'. Willialll C. ~i:lll'so", of :;\arherth,
,.1:01 :\1 i,,".\lllrie Louis" '['ho:"l'soo, or ~Ir. .IaUll'S c\. ,\r1111I1u- alld family
\I"lllber" :,re llrgpd to be on hand
and brillg their friend". .\ good .i"zz
"ift ,lrillkables.
rrLt\ t'tliilp \Y:l:-, i'oJ'lllaliy iJlaugul'ated
'hil 1'.d"!l'llia, I\'ere married. with :I hig hlow·out whell the Rotary
he $1.00 per memhel'. I\n' sllllllliering al Oeean City. or('/Iestra 'I'ill be on the job, and there
(,lub of .\tlallti,· City h"ld 11 dinner.
Memhers arc lookillg- fOl'll'lll'l1 to th" : is ,,\'I'IT }'('aHOJI to heli"I'1' that, as Rill
I August will ."I'e a hi~ erOI\'<1 of out·of-
t onrllamellt with a great ,1<:'al of inter· I Ward-Yowell.
poulld-nol,l ell'SC·,'llt pill. Apply P.
Hall ",'olllcl H:ly. "II pka"allt time ",ill
(OWll guestH in tlte teuts and it is
cst and l1lan~' g'ootl Tllat('hes ma~' COllfi· I Oil ~:al IInl:l;", AUg'u"t 21st, at the . " had h~' al!."
O. Box 88. , I'lannl'd to 0pl'ratl' the "alllp until ahout
,!plltIy he expected. :\lIl'h('lth :\I"tho,list El'isc'opal Church,
thp Illiddl,' of 8,'pteUlh,'l', ~Iost of the
Attraf'1:iYe aud Ylllllahle prizes will \1 I. Inill 'I'. Ward alit! ~Iiss Corrie P. ASH OOLLEOTIONS.
:\Tr. Bell. 'I'. \\'hit", of SUlllllle1'\'illc, onl'·t iUl" Yanks li\'e th"re iu their bath·
be awarded to winllprs alld rnnners·np \"1\1,,11, hoth of Xarherth, we~'e mar·
S. C., "'as a \'isitol' iu Narherth this in)..:" suits, as Oll" of thp I)('st heaches in
in both the regular e"ellts allll the "Oll- ried. Will he ma,l<' on 1h" nOl'th si<le Tues·
week. I h" rl'sort is oulr a short distanco
"olation tournaments. ,'ay alld \\'e,llles,lay, Septemher 7th and
All Matches to Be Scheduled. Lukens-Hiller. Sth; south sicll'. 'I'hursr!ay all<l Fri,la~',
Han' yOll crd,'r('c\ your !H'ollies to Aud. of C'OUI'SP, thne's no k. p. lIlld
~Tatchcs will be ~chednled for next Oil Prilla.\', Au!!usl :20th, at the home ~l'pt(,llIher !l1l1 au<l 10th.
I'lllnt Il,'" fall I\n,l hloolll for the Spring no t:ll'''' It's a "traight, (lut'and-out,
Satnnla~' afternoon from ~ 0 ·,·l'll'k to r t hl' hri,l". ~Tr. Huss,,11 X. Lukens, of Duriug- the mOllth of 01'1011('1' allll the I
Flow(\!' Show? "o':I"'~·oll-l'l"a",,. l'roposit iOll. All of
(j 0 ',·Ioek, and for all ,la.\" Lahor Day, \'al'hl'rth, all,l ~liBS EnlUla H, Hillel', of follo",iug- lilOnths, ulltil further notice,
Atlanti,' (,il~', from the Boanlwalk at·
~folldny, September 6, from !l A. 1L to l'hilat!"lphill. \I'l'n' marriell. the cere· :':;hes 'I'ill he ('ol](>et"cl ea"h week, :;"1:on-
tr:l('lions, whieh aI''' SOUle attractions,
1~ 1If., and from ~ P. :/If. to 6. P. M. '''''11,'' h"ing' )1('1'1'01'111(',1 h." Re,'. D. S. (Oontinued on Page 3,) day and 'I'llestIll\'. north l'itIe; \Vpdnes· ,
to sl'a hathing', thcalcrs all,l has<,1Ia1l,
'I'1,c plall triecl dnrillg' the Fourth of I·:"hellllan. da~' antI 'I'hursd;I~" south side. !
aI'" Ihl'r" for 111" illl'ol1ling- Lpgiolluaires
aIm. n. Hl'PLEE,
to C' hoosl' from. All it needs besides
8t rl'ct COlllmissionel.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE MENTS th" fh'e dollars a w('ek is an applica-
tion to ,James Butler, 1;;]3 Atlantic
ayenue. Atkllltie Citro wlto is listing
panies advertisement; otherWise, five TION.
I hereby subscribe for shares of Stock 10 the t he visitors.
cents [Ie]' word. So far as is knowll this is the first
NARBERTH AMERICAN LEGION :\Tr. and :/III'S. .Taul<'s Frntantoni de· thillg- of its killcl to h,' operatl'tI hy II
BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION sire to tllank .the neighbors and frien<ls 1.,"·i(,1! Post. 'I'hl'rl' will be nO attempt
for their sympathy towar,l them at the
Series Beginning September 7, 1920. FOR SALE, OHEAP-Perambulator • f' ;'lI'1 t IJco "alll p for profit. It is simply
time of sorrow in the <leath of th<'ir
hab)' eoach, good condition. Phone " 1'1' 0 I'"sit iOll to g-h'e any man of t.he
Name : .. Xarberth 341·J. (45·4ll p)
little daugMer Annie, on Aug-uRt 18th. L"p ion who tIesires it a chance for a
Address , .. \',acatioll hy the sea amid ideal sur-
FOR RENT-Nicely furllished room ad· '1'he l'Iarherth American Legiou l'ot:!lllillg-S at a purely nominal cost.
SHARES-$l.OO Each ENTRANOE FEE-25c Per Share
joining bath, for business gentlelllan. Bnilding antI Loan Association will Th" (,oUllllittpe ill "harg{' of the l'llIllIT,
:Make checks payable to NARBloiH'I'H A:\fER~OAN LEGION BUILD· Apply cYellings, 87 Windsor a ,"cnuc, open its first series on Tuesday even· which was rpsponsible for its d~velop­
ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Narherth. (45·4(j p) ing, September 7th, at 7.30 o'clock, in lllent, is ,'omposed of Willilllll C. Fish"r,
Meetings First Tuesday of e"ery month at the Log Cabin, HaYerford and the "Log Cabin," conteI' Narberth and Capt. Frederick Hickman, Walter
Xarberth a"enues, 7.30 to g P. M. FOR SALE-Buick '1'ouring Car, new Haverford avenues.. The subscription lIanBteiu, .Tames "N. Butler, .Toseph
Officers top, good condition, new rubber, ex- t~ stock in this association is not re· S" h W.1ftz, A ngust Go"tz, Dr. Sa l1Iu,,1
Clarence 'I'. Faries, President Hany A. Simpson, Secretary tm tire, starter. Price, $350. Address stricted to members of the Legion. Stern, Sam Izenskie, James Heenan,
George O. Smith, Vice·President Horace T. Smedley, Treasurer ~OO Grayling a venue, Narborth.( 4iHllp) Everybody is invited to become a stock· Dr. Samuel SlIlasin antI Louis G. )Ie-
Walter 1\f. Burkhardt, Esq., Solicitor holder, find we earnestly solicit your
FOR SALE-Lathe, drill pross, porta- Corkle.-Th" Ameri"all Legion \Veekly.
Directors patronage.
A. W. Burns Art'hur C. Kohl Harry A. Simpson ble forge, 2·horse power eledrie mo'
H. Newton Compton' ,John A. Mowrer, Jr. Horace 'I'. Smedle,}' tor, transmission, etc. Fine condition. INSTRUOTION THAT OOUNTS.
Alfred L. 'Cutts William L. Peebles George O. Smith Equiplllent of pri\"ate machine shop. H. Now is the time to takl' lIlh-:llltage
Clarence '1'. Faries, M. D Alban E. Reid Donald P. Trotter B. Barclay, Merion, Pa. (45.46 p) of the opportunity offer"cl nil "x'spr\'i"e
James W. Follin S. Robert Ross Edwin Wipf n. lllen of obtaining free instruction in the
Alexander C. Shand, Jr. DOG LOST-Black and whito femalo fol1owillg courHes: School of ·Comlllcrce,
Pomeranian, Aug. 21st. ,Child grier- Technical Schools, Preparntor~' 8"llOol,
ing loss. Heward for return or informa- S"hool of Musi,', Ac('onnts all,l Finallce,
t ion. Phone Narberth' liOl-W. (45-46p) Automohile Sehonl, Busill""S Sehoo!.
There lIrp quit ... a 11 llIuhp I' of free
Accommodations are Wanted WANTED-Young laay clerk in e1tlluy
and icc cream store, three aftel'lloons
Bc'holarsltips opell to ex·service men.
For fl1l'fller informatioll sce the Post
and three e,·enings. Ivy Candy Shop,
'-\'ljutant or call at the Central Y: M:'
for Several School Teachers of the Narberth Schools. Narberth. (45·46 p) C. A. Building. 14~1 Art'll st red.
Rooms. preferably with board. from September Jst. FOR SALE-Full sized pool table; easy
Will those who are likely to be int~rested kindly terms. Address "W," care of Box
Do not forget tho opening night of
the NlIrberth American Legion Build.
communicate with !l66, Narberth.
ing lIntl Loan Association, 'September
FOR SALE-Largo sized Cabinet Phon- 7th. 1'1"p1'\' member should subscribe to
ns IIlllny ~hareR as he is llllle to '·:lrry.
Mrs. A. M. Crater, 218 Hampden Ave., Narberth ograph; cheap; SOme records thrown
in. AddreRS "H," care of Box 066,
Narberth. (Oontinued on Page 4.)

Ot course, "1

taiued from George B. Supplee, Street Ao num!Jer of' 0111' stockholders have Telephones,
OUR TOWN COJllmissiouer, Narberth, Pa., or from taken out stoek for their children with
the illcn that they arc providil!g u. fund
1267 deliver - -111
place --111
Alhright & Melms, the eugineers, 907 1268 time,
Laud 'l'itlc, Philadelphia. A deposit for theil' education, and stock cun be
An Exp'.!riment in (;c\-operative
Journalism-No Paid Workers.
of $10.00 wili he reql1ircd for pluns Ilnd taken ill trust for any chi III under Ilge, The Brightest Spot in Narberth
spl'cifieations, whil'h will be rcturued allli ~toekholuers can take out one share
I1pOU rel'cipt of the plaus aud specifica· ollly if they so desire. The initiatioll A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
Owned and Published every Saturday tions in g'00/1 order. Certified ehcck for 1'1'1' on the opening' of the series is fifty

It;r the Narberth Civic Association. $100 must Ul'colllpany cach, hid. eents, eoverillg from one to [h'e shares,
inl'1usin'. 11' more than five shares arc

Rubscription price OIie dollar r.nd fifty

Coundl rl'scrves the rig'ht to rejcct
uny or all bills IlJHl awal'll thc eoutrllet taken out the fee is tell eellts per share, Asbestos Insulating Company
eents per year in advance.
as it may dCl'lIl to thl' lll'st intprest of anll eaeh share mcans the payment 315 W. Main, Street, Norristown, Pa.
'; hI' Borough. every month of $1.00 until the llmount
WALTO~ ),1. W E~'l'Z, pai,l in added to the earllillgs iu the PHONES
OFFICERS OF THE NARBERTH Ghairlllau of thc Highway Committee, series l'quals thc pnr value of $200 a Norriltown 791 Market 4686 Narberth 302·J
)'Iolltgomcry Couuty inuustrial ,,"urk· DOli 'I' forget tliat the thirtieth s,'rics
March 26, 1920.
President, Robert J. Edgar.
prs sufl'l'rcd two fatal al'l'idcllts during 0I'CII~ Septellll1l'r :!ull, i to !l 1'. :'IL, at Estimates submitted on covering Boilers, Pip-
,luly, aeeol'llillg' to a statpmcllt issued fhl' Fire lIonsc.
Viee·President, Joseph H. Nash.
Vice-President, Angustus J. Loos. today hy j)r. Clifforu B. Counell".r,
ing, etc. All kinds of covering for all purposes
Vice-President, Mrs. C. P. Fowler. Comllli~si()ucr of the l'eulisylvauill Dc· NOTICE TO GAS OONSUMERS.
Treasurer, Miss Maisie J. Simpson. partlilelit of Lahor alHI JU,lustr)'.
Secretary, Miss Uuth E. Prescott. Throughout the ::statc, :!·H fatalities Eft'ectivc September 26, 1920, we aTe
Directors 1923, Mrs. A. B. Ross, Mrs. (;l'l'Urrpd iu .luly. Se\'cnty-four of the :l1dng eertain changes ill our rules
D. D. Stickney, J. Garfield Atherholt, vidilliS \\"PI'l~ Plilployc,! iu iudustrial :'11(1 rpgnlations governing the supply We Invite Your Inquirjes Regarding
I. A. Miller, C. Lawrence Wandck, A.
E. Wohlert; Directors 1922, J. J. Ca-
plallt~, ;,-l \l"Cl'e public scnil'e workers of gas. '['hese will effect illcrellS<'S over
)ll'l'sent charges in the, following in-
Narberth Real Estate
brcy, Waltcr A. Fox, H. R. Hillegas, and 11:1 were millers. '['he ligures which
Charles H. A. Chain, W. R. D. Hall, Wl'J'(' l'lJII1l'ill'II by the Bureau of \\'ork- stances: and Assure You of Our Best Efforts
For street lighting, the rate per sin-
Harry A .•Jacobs; Dircctors 1921, F. A.
Lanahan, Daniel Lcitch, George T.
11]('11 'SCOlllJl"llSat iOIl show all ill crease
of :!-l fatal llIine aCl'idcllts last month trIll mantle iIlmp. including gas main-
to Answer Your Requirements
Knutzen, .J. B. Nesper, E. A. Mur ehamp, as cOlllparcd with .Iulle, whcll S!l were tenance, turn-on and shut-off ~el'dl'p, This office does a striLtly brokerage business and has no par-
Fletcher W. Stites. hllJ'lling from dusk until dawn, will be
;'l'ported. ticular properties in which it is interested-t-hus guaranteeing the
Durillg' .Iul.\' there were 26 fewcr fa- *2.150 per month instead of $2.00, as
HARRY A. JACOBS, lleretofore.
buyer unbiased information regarding any particular property.
tali/iI'S iu illdustrial plants, while thcre
Editor. was au illercase of Olle fatal aceiden! 'V1Jenever consumer's service pipes 0.,,. References-Anyone with whom we have done business
alnollg ]'ublic scn'ice workers. Aile, arc not bronght to II common point, and

A. J. Loos, Henry Rose,

ghclIy and Lll1.t..~rllc Countips reported the company is called upon to furnish ROBERT J. NASH
the largest Ilumhcr of al~cidents, with t \\'0 or more meters, each point of Real Estate Broker
As~')ciate Editors. metering shall he eonsillered as [l scp'
41 aud 2-l, J'('slll'etively. COlllmissioller
amte service, and will he hilled accord-
COllllelley's fl'por! ill'dicated :!4:! fatali- MEMBER. PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE BOARD
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, t iI'S ill .Iunp, :!ll ill ),[ay, alltl Iii in ingly.
In the event of a c.onsumer request- Relidence, 104 Grayling Avenue, Narberth
Oa.shier. ,-\pril.

.\ ut Olll ohi It' owners in PellnsyI vania

il1~ a c.hange in thc type of meter, if
f he meter has heen installed as speci- ....... _._. __ .. ..
Relidence Phone: Narberth 605

Bend all advertising an<i news items to WI'J'(' cautiolll',1 hy thp Dcpal'tment of fied in the consumer's meter Ilpplica-
P. O. Box 966. ~tatl' I'olicl' agaill~t the pral'til'e of t ion, there will he It cllflrge of $2.50,
Our Town is on sale at the depot lpa,-ing' t'ards enr:-;. 1'01' ('hanging from prepayment to reg-

Watch Two Men

]j('t'II:-"t.' ill tlH.'ir
newsstand, and at the store of H. K ),[otor car thie\'"s, tIll' polin' a~sl'rted, lllar meter or from regular to prepay-
Davis. lilld it eas~' to estahlish ilkntilh'atiou ment meter.
Entered as second-class matter aud show (l\"idpllt'(1 ,:1{' l'ar tlWllt'l'sllip If the consul1lcr'~ sen'icc is ,liseon'
I1cded for violation of contract, 1101l-
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office r.t whell 111{',\" :Il'l\ ill IHISSt'ssioll
l'aJ'(ls lll'ariug 1Il0tor numhl'l~~ that eOI"
of lit,t'll:-;e
payrneut of hills \\-11('11 llue, ptc" et'c"
pay a bill. One takes money from his pocket
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act
of },Ia.rch, 1879. 1't':'pOIl<! with tho~c 011 the car. or wllCn the COllSUllwr has ol'llcJ'p!l tIll' and receives change with a receipt, which must
~lallY ulOtorists, thc ]l0licl' sai,l, l':lI'r~' ,pl'dl'e ,liseontinupl! tempoJ'al'iI.\', the be kept safely for protection. The other pays
thpir lil'I'Il~1' l'al'tl~ ill the side pockets eonsumcr will hc c.hargcd $2,;)0 for eaeh
of thl'ir ('al's or Huder s('at~, therchy I'l'·conncetion. the exact sum by check, which is a receipt-he
OUR TOWN will gla.dly print
uy news 1t~m about any subject
Ilwkillg it ea~." I'lli' thien's to throw COFX'I'TES GAS AX]) I~LE("I'H)(, ('0. has no other bother.
oJliecrs ott thc trail of stoh~n lIIotors. AlIgu~t ~5, °1!l~0.
that is of interest to Narberth
folks, but in order to meet the
Hceeu t lr, polil'e ollieers stuppeu carB The convenient way costs nothing-it actually
ou the highways :lJlll iuspl'de,l license YOUR VACATION OPPOR::UNITY,
printing schedUle, all • •copy' ,
card~ aUIl motllr nllllJ1H'r~, alltl they al-
returns a profit in time saved, convenience and
-manuscripts-must reach the
III,,"l'd thc cal's to pro,·('etl. I,ater it de· SOBle titne ago we ad\·isl'tl yon of safety.
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each the 1'1'OIlOSell c:lIu[l at' Atlantil' City foJ'
vdopl',l that the automobiles had been
week. ~toleu hefore the poliee examineu the ex-sen'il'e Inell. 'l'his ('all'!l ha~ silll'l' Our facilities are at your service.
('aI's au,l theil' llrivcrs, hut because the h{,('OlllL\ a rculity and ha~ hel'll l'uter-

11 ri vel's he1<1 the proper license cards taiuillg mCll frOlll all parts of the "oun'
try, It has 1I11t, howI!n'r, b"I'1I u,,'1! til
SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1920 the poliec Ilill 1\ot susl'l'et theft:.
its fllll l'all:ll·ity, all,l we feci that the


The policl' urgc Jllotorists to carry
t hl'ir lil'l'uSC cards iu their clothiug, and I'ri dleges of thl' eamp shoulll be ex- The Merion Title and Trust Company
lllJ(lpl' llO l,j('{'UlllstaIH'l':O: ]"':1\'(\ thp (':\nls t ('lIdpl] to a larg'cr number of men, This
Fire, 350
ill the l'ar, I'all he aeeolllplished hy g'iving the ell' Narberth Office •• Opposite Station
Police, 1250 fl'rl'li", the willcs! publicity, and to
that ('III! :1'(' would be pkascl! to havc

Editorial Building and Loan Notes ~'llU brillg the matter to the attention
of every mP11I her of yOIl I' Post. The
The ",'\'l'ut h se ries Ill' the :\ arbert h
t'hargt iH :i';j per" w(~l'h:. whi(·lJ l'lIt-itl!':;

Bllildillg' aull Loa u Assoeiat iOIl l'xpil'l'll

Our subsaihcrs al'e no douht
aware that onl~' two IInmhl'I'S of
Our Town have hccn issued dur-
ill .\ugust. allll chccks for 0\'('1' $·Hl,IIOO
JI:' \'C hl'('ll sellt out to st oe khohll'l's owu·
iJl~ shaJ'PJ-j ill that series.
a man to a eot in a t'ent wit h li",' 01'
se\'en otheJ's. '1'he cots are fitted with
lIlattresses III III hlankets. The tellts
ha VI' wooden floors and there is n
Baseball Today
The uew thirtil,th ~eries will he open
ing' thl' mouth of August. While lat rilll' eCJuipped \dt h mlllleru plumh-
ror suhseriptiou Thursda~' I'n'lliug, Scp·
we have had two (II' thl't't' l"OIll- iu~ IlJlll shuwer bath~, A I'alltl'ell i~
1'1:l,int~ in this rl'spect, )'et is was
teullll'r 21111, from i until !l 1'. ),r. at the
[.'in' l!OIlSI', and attl'utioll i~ again
operatetl wherc the lIIeu lllay seeurc AT NARBERTH
110 fault of the pditor that sudl hl'eal<fasts allli light lunchl's. eigars,
l'aIlcd to the faet that resilll'nts of 2'\ar-
.. l'ollditioll 1Ia1'1'PIIPl1. soft. drinks and souvcuirs at a reason-
h('1't h anll thcir fril'nlls ('an mal<e 110
Owiug to thl' ahsoilltl' sl'al'l'ity ahll' I·OSt. The CIUUI' is locatcll in It de-
hettpr illV('~tIlII'Ut than h.\' taking' out Game Called 3.15 P. M.
(of lIews ulld tlH' failure of our lightJul spot at the llllet, away from
... hllrp:-:. ill tlds nc''" ~(lri(ls, as tilt' I'ntp
lowuspeoplt' to Sl'llll iu loe:d thc ('ollg'pstioll of the city ant! at the
of profit last yl'ar was S.2'k. :\llll the
items for the pupcr, uel'l'ssitatl'd same time within easy reach of the
all'airs of the Assodation ar!' in fille
t hl' omissiou of thl' two issues ill heach, boardwalk, trolleys and every
ql1p~tiou. lt mu~t Iw horJll' in
mind that this papcr has uo paid
'1'he pre~ent otTil'I'rs of the Xarhel'th
Builtlillg' alltl Loall Associatioll arc as
For reservations address
workl'r~ whatsoe\'cr, aud I1UIt'~s follows: 'Vm. D. Smedley, President;
l;n~ Atlantic Iwenue,
sl1pport is giveu by its subscrib· Wm, R. Kraft, Vil·l'·Prpsielent; C. H.
prs as to l1ews items. uo other ),r('C'~Il'ter, 'j'reasurcr; Thos. C. Trotter,
Atlantic City, N ..J.
ml'aus arc Ilvailahle t,o procure .Tr., S<,eret:lI')'; Fletcher 'V. Stites, So-
thl' uew~ of onr horough. aile or YELLOW 1921 AUTO TAGS FOR
lil.itor; Directors, 'V 111. D. SlI1ellle~', A,
two local items per week from r. Redifer, Will. B. Kraft, 'C. H. Mc-

mallY of our )'('sidel1ts would help Cartel', Thos. O. Trotter, Jr., H. O.
I1S to get out a JIll1ch hett(']' pa- The Hig'hwa)' Department has adopt-
Fl'itseh. Canlell 'Varner, C. S. Powell,
pl'r, aud we solicit their CO-OPI'J'll- {l, n. ?-.[et7.gel', 'V. S. 1-10war<l, .10hn S.
eel a )'eliow ta~ with hlal'k lettcring a~
tion iu this respcct. Kl'tell:llll, DnniC'l Leitch. Auy of the the type for Pellllsyh-unia's automobill'
:,]lO\'e officprs or d ireetors \\' ill he ver)' alld trul'k registration for 1921 and or·
1-------------' fdall to pxplain thc Builliing 111111 Loan ,ler~ for manufacture will provide for
NOTICE TO BIDDERS. a g'I'eatcr quantity thall e\'CI' Iwfon'
idea a nd a rrllllgl' fo'r you to become l\
owi JIg to the numerous new registra-
Sealed proposals wiII he rcceived for
constrl1ctillg approximatcly 815 fl'P't of
stocl<lioldel' ill the AssOl'iation, an,l if
for a II)' I'l'ason you eXIll'l't to Ill' ont of
tioll:' eOlltinually heing' made. 'rhe yl'l· Try Our Delicious Ice Cream
low :11111 hla"k tag was first usell ill
8-incll vitrified pipe sewcrs aud three :\arlll'rth on that nil"M, will takp youI'
lhi~ State ill 1!l08 allll again t'hrec years
22 cents the plate 80 cents the quart
Illnn1101es, up to 8 P. 111. Septcmher 6, ~lIhs"rii'tion allll make the 1I1"'e:'sar~' ar-
1920, at the office of Borough Cuuucil, ra IIgel1lents for you. Our Ice Crealn Sodas
Narberth, Pa., whell the sumc will be E,-t'l'\P new ~har(' inl'rt."~HH.\S 1h(\ aSl-\C'tli:ol
,opened by the Highwuy COJllmittee. nf the 'As~ol'iation as well as illcreasill;! UN.TUST SUSPICION, are rich, creamy and cool
PlilIlS und specifications may be ob- th<, h01'l'0wing' capal'ity so that hy he· A proml young' faHler telbgraplll'd
l'()Jllill/! II sto"ldlOlder )'on lIot onl~' hpn· the ne\\'S of his happhlcss to llis brother Our Soda Fountain
in tlJe~e worlls: "A halldsome ho)' has
efit ~'ollrsclf hy I'ecei \'ing O\'l1l' 8,/" 011
come to Illy house IllI,1 e!aims to be
is kept immaculately clean
~'onr in\'estment, hut you hellefit yOl1J'
lll'ighhor hy furnishing the Assoeiation your nephe\\', 'VI' an' Iloillg our lwst Ask to see our hand.painted place cards and tally card.
Frederic A. Lanahan with a largcr, wol'1dnl" capital so tlint to g'i \'p him a propel' well'omc."
Insur,ance • Service it \"ill he possihle to take care of llny
lolms that may b<' ,yished on account of
The hrothl'r, however, failed 10 SCI'
tlhl' poillt amI wired lJack: "I have no
Ivy Candy Shop
205 Forest Ave. N..,:'~;L;44R onl' of )'OUl' neighbors purchasing his nephl'\\', '('hI' yomlg' man is un im- Phone. Narberth 1105 OPP. R. R. Station
l'ome. ""~tor,' '-Bostoll Trauseript.

. STRAFFORD HAS CIVIC BODY. A large numlJer of members of t.h e OFFICERS OF THE WOMEN'S AUX-
NtlUB of t!tt QUturr!ttB
. A ~s~m~.2!A
Ardmore Chamber of Commerce accom- ILIARY, NARBERTH Y. M. C. A.
panied by their wives and families cn- Finest Photoplay The-
Citizens of Strafford ha\'e organized joyed the first anIlual picnic held at President-Mrs. D. D. Stickney. alre 011111 SIze In the
the Strafford 'Civic Association with a Vice·President-Mrs. J. B. Darlington. EnUre World.
Lcnape Park, \\'est Chester, on 'Ved·
\'iew to better conditions in the pretty Secretary-Mrs. C. L. McLean. Pb.toplaY8-Contlnunus 10 A. M. to U.8'
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa. town. F. D. Dimmick lias been elected P.~.
Treasurer-Mrs. H. C. Keirn.
President; Edward P. Beale, Vice-Presi· PhUIa..Pa.
dent; W. C. Kirk, Secretury, and John Hey. A. S. Walls and family have re- Chairmen of Committees.
Merion Meeting is open for worship
L. Moyer, Treasurer. t umed from a most plensnnt and Membership-Mrs. Samuel Dickie.
every First·day morning at 11 0 'clock.
'rhe President has appointed the fol· healthful trip do\\'n on the fnrm in Visiting-Mrs. Romaine Hoffman.
We cVldially welcome any visitors who
lowing committees: lIr a r.d:! ]1(1, where fried eh icken is in House-Mrs. W. N. Mills.
dl'sire to worship with us.
Puhlie Safety, Charles Winter Baily, ~'l': SOli all,1 frcsh strawherries on tap Social-Mrs. G. Merritt Davis.
H. IV. 1I101'gan, 'V. C. Kirk, chairman; fr'm lIIay till XO\'ember. Music-Mrs. T. Noel Butler.
Public 'Vorks, N. H. 1I1eLure, ,Joseph
Batten, Paul Lewis, chairman; \Vays WEEK of AUGUST 30
Bev. R. F. Cowley, Bector. and :Means, Edwal'll F. Beale, ::\Iurdoch 'i'hl're urI' llIuny trel'S in this section
t 1::. t should he trimmed, as low branches

l{pn(lrick, 'Charles Winter Baily, chair-
Early Mass on Sunday from April 1
to October 31 at 6.30 A. M. From No·
lllHn; lI[cmbership, H. B. Hegister, .John
H. l't'ehin, H. Emott Harc, ehairman.
are :l nuisance to pedestrians who usc
t he sidewalks, especially on a rainy day,
Mabel Normand
vembcr 1 to March 31, at 7 A. M. Late a 11,1 the high branches and foliage
Muss, 9.30. ,'roun<l thc strcet ligllts make some sec- in
Masses on holy days, 6.30 and 8.30
THE FIRESIDE t ions dUllgerous for travel. All Summer Shoes
A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening devo-
tions and other services at regular (Continued from Page 1.)
Reduced to Cost "The Slim Princess"
times. Perhaps you h:I\'e sOllie Dahlias and
~lr. and 1111'S. T. Noel Butler, of Es· "rc lint quite snre just whidl typt' they
ALL SAINTS OHURCH, WYNNE- sex a \"en HC, arc sl'l<lltling their \'aeatioll :. re. The Dahlia Sho\\'CollllJlittt'l' ha\'e Better come in and look
at Asbur,}- Park, N. J. pla('('u ill the 1vy Shop \\'i IIdow a sl'l'ci· them over
lliCn of each of the ten types with a
A8 POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. 111., 12.00, 1.00,
~ir. George A. ::\Iahl and family arc "anl explaining' how thpy ar!' ,listin-
8.~1I. 11.411. Mil. 9.90 P. 1I.
Rev. Gibson Bell, Locum Tenens.
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate.
honll' frolll a trip through ;\ew Eng-
Narberth Shoe Store
Sunday services: The rcceipts of the Post Omee for the 209 Haverford Avenue
8.15 A. M.-Holy Communion.
9.45 A. l\L--8unday School.
~Ir. Charll's Buc IUlIllJl an,1 lI[iss I <la
Buekman re!ul'nl'd from Iknnuda alill
month of .July werc lIormal, though lIOt
so many of Ollr folks ha n~ occasion to
11.00 A. l\I.-Morning service and ser, Raymond Weiss, Proprietor
mono are lIOW in the l'ocouo 1Ilouutains, "oJ]Je to the omce silJ('" city deli\'ery
A free uutobus brings the childrcn tv
and from Sunday School and the mem' 1I1r. and lI[rs. ,John K. Ketchaul ha"1'
Ilas hccn cstablished. Thc carriers will
h,ing' books of staJJlps to patrons who
bers to and from Church, leavjllg ;\ar,
berth Station at 9.40 and 1O.4U. if
rl'turlled from a month's stay in At- fiJlll it illcon\'enient to cOJ)\f! to the Subscribe for EXPERT REPAIRING
requested it will leave the stlltiou at lautic City. (fliee. Rooks arc 2;)c., 4!l('., i3e. !lnd
8.00 for the curly service.
MI'. .James P. Donnelly and family
!lie. "Our ·Town" Telephone Narberth 1633

BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE will return to Xarherth about Septem-

••••• w __ ._ • • • • • • • • • • • _ • • • • - - -
EVANGEL. hl'l' 1st.

Rev. Avery S. Demmy, Pastor. He\'. H. ::\1. Chalfont has returned

from a \'acation spent in the western
Sunday, August 2!lth: Plumbing Roofing
9,45 A. ::\I.-Bible Schoo!.
11.00 A. ::\L-::\Iorning servicc. Ser-
s(',·tion of the State.
mou by Hcv. Chas. "'. Harvcy, mis- 'rhe Montgomery County Teal'h"rs Patrick F. Donahue
sionary, returned from Chinll. Institute \\'iII be. helrl at the High The Time is Ripe Now for Us
6.:10 P. ::\I.-Uuion twilight sen'icc, Sehool Building, Norristown, from Au-
Taxi meets all trains Store orders promptly delivered
corner of \Vindsor aud Hampdcn ave·
uncs. Iu casc of raill this scrvice wili
g'as!. 30th to Sept eadJl'r 3rt1.
Baggage called for and delivered Freight delivered
to overhaul your HEATING SYS·
rEM for the coming WINTER .
Ill' ht'l<1 in the Preshytcrian Church. C. A. S. ~[('Clellan, of \\'oodside :lY(~­ We are in a position to gh'e you
Ht'\'. Chas. ,Yo Han't'y wili prcach. lIue, has been quite ill for seyeral Open Day and Night Phone 1633 excellent SERVICE immed,ately.
"'t'<1ncs\lay, Scpt!'llIhC'r 1, at S P. 1\L IH'l'ks. His condition is improving nal!
WE are the Agenls for the KING
-lTnion prayer llll'pt il1g in thp Bnpti:o\t : he expeets to be a bout soon. KOAL KA~BURETOR, a device
Church. Tht' ~[etho<1i,t Church wiil pro· which Kuts'· our Koal Bill 25-40 %.
\·ide the leader. Ardmore fire eagines were called out designed for Furnaces, Tank
,·Iosl' to Illidnight last Sunday by a Heaters, Boilers ar d Coal Ranges.


fa Ise a1:lrlll tc!Pphonl"l from the AnI·
more trolley station. Narberth Register Give us a Kali. Narberth 302 J. II
Two Linea, IOe per inue; 5c for each additional line
Rev. Arthur S. Walls, Pastor. .J a ('k ::\L Ira ws, t hc As,istnnt Post-
mastl'r at ="arher!.h, expccts to Yisit JOBBING ALTERATIONS
SnJl{lay, August 29th: . \l:COU I'iTA~TS MILK
IlPlroit, ~[iehi!,!an, :tJlll Xiagam 1':tlls (lottNhnll, II. Ii.. Puhlic .:\.eI'Ollllt:lllt, :_:u~
!l.45 A. ~I.-Sunday Sl'hoo],
11.00 A. ~L-::\Iorning' worship. Ser-
IdIile on his \'acution. CUllwar AVl'lltlt', :"llrLH-'I'th. 1 1 :1.
Kelm, H. C. Certified PUblic Accountanl.
~\:utt ..l'o\VeU
Uu.lrJel. Phone, Preston ~31:J~
display adverUsement In this Il!1aUe
Clarence A. Speakman
203 Dudley av-. Phone. Narberth lOO·W.
ilion 1;y the Rev. T. F. Rucker.
6.:10 P. ~1.-0pen·air twilight serviec,
' Look in ilads' window and see the AUTO.1l0IHLES.
Lees' Garalle-Repalrlng. Etc. Phone, 1605.
I.. oos, J"UIJII)'
~llldl{J. A
Il. Pinuo tl·ncher.
l'eude Bldg. 1'hone, 3111.J. Carpenter and Builder
11'011 Aile enlt ;,·ator ofr"rl',1 as u prize
('orllcr Gra:"lillg and "'in,lsor an'llues. h~' ~[a ull' 's St'l',l 11 oasc in t hI' \'l';!l't a hI" Narberth Garage. Phone Narberth 11133. SOTAIU' I·UllLIC. Phone 1652·R. Narberth
::;ce dis(lla~- advertisement In thIs Issue. J.'l1crlc., J. 11. III :-.Iarbertb ave.
Werlncsday, Septembcr 1-Ullion ('lasses at th" Fall Flowcr Show. I' hone. 666-M.
pl'ayl'r mcptillg at the Ba pt ist Church. ~inlIHj()U, Ilorry A. ::!32 Essex Ave
Censore, Sabie. PhOIlC, Oi2.
The last llllion pra~'C'r me('(illg· of the :'\[r:-;. S. Earlp Clal'kp. of DlldltlY :~\.p. ::;ee dislJla~' advertisement In this Issue.
Donahue, rut rick I". Phone ]G:!:!.
I'llone. Narberth G3G. .
Tyson, \"arren R. Phone, NarIJerth 1202· W. For Permanent
. '(':1ROIl. nue, has heen \'isiting in GleH'laad . ::;ce displa~' Julycrtisclllent in this issne. OI"l'ICIAMj
Ohio, allll will retul'll by auto with her BANKS
1IIerion Title & Trust Co. Phone, Ardmore a.
)i"enloll. Carl '''. 506 Essex ave. Phone, 618 .. \\
Phil... addre... 1808 Chestnut sto Looust I'"
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. hrother, ~rr. H. H. He]lderson. See display adver\lsemenl In thl. Issue, ZentmaYer, JONel.h. 228 S. 15th st.. Phlla.
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. 1\[iss :!I[ary Super, who has heen do- Shand, Alex. C.. Jr. PllOne. No. 1710. Walzer, "'red.
Narberth Station. 117 Winsor ave. Phoue. 1247.J.
ing' relief work in J\rlllcnia with the

Smedley Built Home

Smedle~·. Wm. D. & 11. T. Phone. 000.
rrh~ mc('t ings for ]J('xt Sunday arc as Xcar East Helicf, returned yestenlny See display ad verUsement In thlB luue, l'Al'Elt HANGllIOG.
CANDY, ETC. UO)'ti. Horace is. 104 Forrest Ave. Phone 350
follows: 10 hl'r hOllle on ~Iontgonlt'ry avenue.
Va"'., 11. E. Phone. 1254-W.
!1.-!5 A. ~r.-Sullda~· Sehool. All de· See display adverllsemen( In thl. Issue. PHOTO PLAJi'8
partmcnts. E,1. Gris\\·ol,l, he s('z: "With all till' h'y Candy Shop, "Arcudla." 16th and Chestnut ~L Phlla
219 Haverford An. Phone. Narbertb li05. See display advertisement In thl~ Issue.
11.00 A. ~r.-Puhlic worship. The ruins w" urI' hu\'ing, pnshing the lawn
sermon will hc dc1i,'erc,1 by Rc\'. Lewis Illowcr i~ getting to lH\ a prnfes!'"ioll all
"eDklns. Chas. L.
I'LV.1lllING. ETC.
Cool' Uros. Phone 302-J. WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
~r. Keim, of Narberth. 103 DudleY ave. Phone, 382-M. iSee dlspla~' advertisement In this Issue.
:ts own." Speakman. Clarence A. Phone 1052·R. "''.'11, H. U. Phone. Nurberth 11102.J. Phone, Narberth 1687
6.30 P. M.- t;nion twilight ml'eting. See display advertisement In this Issue. See dll1play advertisement In tbls
rhe spealier is fUl'nishpd by the Bap' Hl'\'. Loy.ul Y. Graham, ~[rs. Graham COAL AND COKE. ItEAL E8TATE
ist Church.
The last of thc scrips of unioll prayer·
and ~[iss Emil.\· Grahulll, of Hahway,
X . .T., un' visiting' MI'. and Mrs.•John
Cook, C. P. Phone, Narberth 302·J.
See display advertisement In this Issue.
Caldwell, J. A. Phone, l118i
See display advertisement In tbl. I88U.
Fritsch, H. C. Phone, 252-W.
lIcetings wili be hel<! Ill'xt Wedncsday I K. Ketcham.
Caradettl. Frank. Phone Narbertb 1689.
See dlsplny advertlsemen~ In tbls Issue.
See display advertlsemenl It' tbls I•• u.
H)'berg, Bent T. Phone 1713. REAL ESTATE
eYcning at S 0 \'Iock in tlw Baptist . See display advertisement 10 thla Isaue.
Church. 'rhe len(l('1' will he furnished Willialll H. Folwcll, who has been ap- CONTRACTOR OF PLA8TERING Na8h, Raben .J. Phone. 605.
by the MetllOdist Church. pointcd Tl'casul'l'r of the State Republi-
Fratantonl. James, & Son8.
239 Hampden ave. Phone, 1697-W.
Money tor First and Second Mortllalles
Simpson, JIlme8 C. 232 Essex ave. and INSUKANCE
Pbone, fi36. or 1420 Chestnut st.
Arrangements hn \'e heen mnde to ea n Cumjlll ig'1l ConlJnHtcl', is a promi- DENTISTS
101,1 the final mccting' of the serics ncnt rcsidl'n!. of Mcrion and an officer Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Phone, III-W.
Gara-1IlcGlnley Co. Phone, 125S.W.
of nnion twilight scn'h'es on the even· of thl' ~Ierion Civic Assol·iation. Phil... Phone. Filbert 4Z5~. Keith Bide. See dIsplay advertisement In thIs Is.ue.
Schemb8, Dr. ,John. Phone Narberth 316-\V. IlIlIer• .Jobn A. :In Ion.. ave. Phone. 861-J
llg' of "Labor Snnday," September 5. Cor. Grayling and Windsor aves. Shop. 246 Havertord ave. Phone, 12U-J
Re\·. 'I'. W. Da \'is. who ha,. hl'l'll l'fl· 11[1'. amI ::\[rs. Ohas. ::\t. Irwin and Office Hours until 9 P. M. dally,
gaged in religious work :It Hog Islnnd,
has been secured as the speaker on that
children, Dorothy III III Chadl's, hn\'C'
. hccn spending' their \'a,'ation ut· Ning·
Howard'•. Phone. 1367.
See display advertisemeDt In thl. Issue,
'l'he :\IIHMeH Zt·utJnu,,·er'l'i IUndcrgu.rtclI, 125
Windsor fi\'cnu(', ;';urIJerth.
See disl'ln~' IHln'l'tlsPIl\Put In this Issue.
Cotter's Meats
occasion. He will discuss tho relation ara Palls, 'Nashington, D. C., an,l Ocpan Case, W. G. Phone, 305-\". 8HOEMAKERS
of the Churdl to till' labor prohlt'm. Gnn-e, N. J. See display ndvertlscment In this Issue. Good Wear 8hoe Repair 8hop,
PUllh. Veri 225 lona ave.
Nar. Phone. 650-W. Ard. Phone. 168-.1.
Conslllntlne, n. G. 252 Haverford ave
Phone, Narberth 170()· W. .
A Quality For
FlSB AND OYSTERS Reginelll, Frank. 2011 Haverford ave. People Who
ImperIal Grocery Co. Phone. Narberth 606. Sec display advertlsement,ln this IS8ue.
1I01111er. \Vm. G., & Co. Philadelphia.
Want The Best
.. -._-- AND
. INVEST. BowmaD. Samuel P. (Lite.)
116 Elmwood ave. Phone. 653·W.
Trotter Bros. (Fire, etc.)
209 Woodside ave. Phone. U62-R.
See display advertisement In this Issue.

Wimer. Wm. \"ood. 106 Forest Avenue.

The above department should be ot tb'
..reatest ua. to tbe community. the 118t con
Groceries and Provisions
CL Narberth American' Legion Build- Phone. 320 R.
talns the name ot every protesslonal man
tradesman. mechanic, sbopkeeper, etc., wh.
doea or can In any way serve hl8 tellow
ing and Loan Association will open Gilroy, ,John 211 Es.ex ave. Phone, lU5-R.
Phlla. address, Lincoln Bide.
townsman, and who Is progressive enou.. ~
to add name to list ,,( Reclster.
their first series in S~ptember. Stlte8, Fletcher W. 418 Havertord ave.
Phone,.872-W Phil... addres•• Crozer Bldll.
As It la dllllcult tor those contrlbutlnt
theIr time and e\forts to the production or H. C. FRITSCH
LIGHTING FIXTURES "Our Town" to personally either know or
CL Watch for further announce- McDonald .John. Narberth phone. 1333..
1531 Chest.•t.. Phlla. Pbone. Spruce un.
Interview all suoh, It would he most help,
tul It those not now found In the prInted
Pr.pertieB For Bent and
Fire Inll1ll'anee
1I8t would send In a memo ot theIr nam.s
ments. lUEATS, ETC. addrellll, phone numhers and busInesses or
protesslons tor ltatln... Tbls wtll oost as tol BeU PhoBe II! IT.
Cotter. Howard F. Phone. 1218. lows: 10 centll each Issue tor I tines; I ceatl
See display advertisement In thIs tasU6. tor each addItional lias. ""U nullcIJng.. Narbe~ Pa
================== MAIN LINE CITIZENS' ASSOOIA-

First Dahlia Show

Committee on Vacant Lot Gardens.
Narberth Civic" Association (Continued from Page 1.)
This committco is a result of t he war
You pan savc money easier nnd to a und eontinues to find itself neoded.
SEPTEMBER 25TH, 1920 hetter adnlJltagc this wny. Saving When a shortage of food threatened and
$1.00 per lIIonth for from 132 to 144 Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES
ELM HALL people were being urge,] to raise as
lIIonths, or say ]:lS on thc avcrage, Brynclovls CertUled WEST PHILA.
much as possible of their o\l"n foo'l, the Milk
3 to 5 and 7 to 9 P. M. lPedrlaUc Society) OVERBROOK
meaus $200 in savings. eOlllmiHee obtaincd fronl owners of nt-
(':l1lt lots permission to use them for Special .. Guernsey" MERION
Be sure a ni! get a copy of next war gardens. The lots were ploughed
RULES. and fertilized and then di\'idc"d into (Roberts· &:. Sharpless' BALA-CYNWY
wpek's Our TOl\"n and look for an an- Dairies)
plots of suitable size apportioned to NARBERT~
All exhibits lIIust be iu position hy ] P. M. sharp on the day of exhibition.
1. that l\"i1l be a surprise to a Cream Buttermilk
men and women of the neighborhood, ARDMORE' .
Exhibitors to furnish their o\\"n containers. grent lI1any' and a henefit and oppor-
Exhibits to be tagged with uame of exhibitor aud number of class. Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD'
tunity to every melllber in the Legion. who had no land of their own, but who IC~eam.
4. After the pxhibits llre arranged they shall be under exclusive charge of were eager to raiso their own vegeta-
the mllnagement llnd lio one shall be allowed to touch or remove thelll without Bryn Jfawr will not have anything on
us in the ncar future. hips. The lots were given out at a nom-
consent of the (,olllmitlee.
5. AlI flowers shown in eompctition must he grown by the exhibitor.
6. Greens lIlay he allowerl in Ilisplaying ('xhibits, thc llmount of greens to
be governed by the judges. " The Ladies' Auxiliary arc inviled to
inal price, which barcly covered the ex-
pense of prepuration, ulld seeds were
so!rJ at. cost. Remarkablc crops were
7. Any lIleritorious cxhibit uot pro"idcII for in sehellule will be suitably heeome stewl;holders in the nCI\" Build- produced, but t.he inerease in the sup" 45th and Parrish Sts.
recognized. ing aud Loan Assoeiation. Do not let
8. 'rhe prize for the IIIOst lIIeritorious exhibit of dahlias shall be automat- ply of fooc] was not the only advantage
them have th" opportunity of showing resulting from the work. When the war
ically awarded in the following manncr: A1I first prizes shall count five roints,
a higllCr ]lpn>('ntage of shares per mem-
all second prizcs three points, third pri?es oue point. 'l'he exhibitor receiving
the greatest number of points shat! be award('d first pri?e, second, secon,l pri?e,
and third, third prize.
hpr. E"ery memher RhOIlid talk about
the n..w Builliing and LOlln Association
was over the deman(1 for lots I'ont inl"d
and it spemed \\'ort Ii wh ill' to ('an.,' 011 HARRY B. WALL
to lliR npighhnr. It will mean far 1lI0re
Ihe work of the committee. Plumbing, Gas Fitting
EXIUBl'l'S. During the present ycar, owing to
to us iu the future than it docs now. the great increuse in sales of property
and Heating
Class 1. ~Iost meritorious exhibit of Dahlias. Pri,ws to be awardcd as pro- n is with a great deal of pleasure
virlptl iu rule Xo. 8. First prize, Penns~"lnlJlia Horlicultural Society silvcr lIIcdal. for building, the snpply of lots has de' NARBERTH PA
that we acknowledge the congratu!a- creased; also the searcity of labor made
Second prize, Pennsylvania Horti('ultural Soeiety bronzc medal. Phone, Narberth 319 J
Glass:!. Bpst eolll'!'tion \'eon~' ])a lllias. Six nante<l ,"arieties, onc bloolll each, tion of the dirpctors of the Xarherth the ploughing a scrionH probltolll. Bnt
in individuul containers. Building lllHI Loan Association and we in the fa('e of thesp dillic'nlt if'S the eom-
Class 3. Best eolleetion f)1'1,orati,"c Dahlias, as in Class 2. in retnrn wiRh th('JIl eontinued sueecss
Cluss 4. Best collection Cactus Dahlias, as in Class 2. in ojlpning thpir thirtipth series.
lnittee has o,'er 100 plots nllder eulti· EDUCATOR
Class 5. Best eollpdion I-Iybricl Cactus Dahlias, as in Class 2. vation in A I'll mOl'C, lIa ,"prfol'll, Bryn
Class 6. Best "ollpetion Show Dahlias, a~ in Class 2. :-'fawr and Rospmollt, alld it feels that
Class 7. Best ('ol\petion Sin~le Dahlias, as in Class 2.
PRACTICAL SORROW. thp illlluslry and thrift sho"'n by the KREIDER SHOES
Closs 8. Best vasc of onc "ariet,Y, four or more h100ms. FOR CHILDREN
Class 9. Bcst 1illn :\arlwrth grllwn seedling, shown with stem. holdl'rs and the amount of goocl fresh
Class 10. Best 1!J:!O :\ a rl\l'rlh grllwn s,>c>lllin~, shown with stem. Fi rst prize, ".)acl.;:," slip asked, "wa~ there a "('gdahles proclueerl !lIore than just.ify Spring Styles Now in
PennsvlnlJlia Hortieultllral 8oeict,' hl"llllic medal. gil'l in l<'ran('(' ,,"ho was sorry to sec a ('ontilluation of the work.
ciass 11. Bcst Ca,·tll~ Dahlia'. :\0 ,>ntry n"eessary. The committpe hns tr;,'d to jllIt I h',", NARBERTH SHOE STORE
Class ]>, Best Petlll.Y Dahlia. :\11 l'ntry IIc('essary. yOlt goY"
1\"01'); Oil a hasis, but Frank Reginelli, Prop.
Class 1:{. Best H~'hrill Caet!ls Dahlia. Xo pntTy nccessary. The luoon was full, the sUlllmer night
Class ]4. Be,.;t Dl'corati"c Dahlia. :\0 elltr.,· necessary. Ihis year, ,,,ith the illereased cost of
was halmy, th(' halllluoc~k was huilt, for
lahor for plong-hing, it may face a defi-
209 Haverford Avenue
Class ]5. B,,~t Show Dahlia. XII I'lItrv nC('I'ssary, t '\"(I allll it RI'I'nll'd a shamc to break
Clliss ](i. Best Sin~lp Dahlia. :\11 1'lltlY Ilc('I'ssary,
it all up. ('it. 'l'he ~faill Linl' Citizens' Associa- NARBERTH, PA.
Class 17. Largest Dahlia in the Show. XII elllry necessary. First 11I'ize, tion is deJlellcJl'llt np"n its anllua] mem-
Miehpll ml·,lal. "f'd ral hl'l' ."'m didu'l ask ml' that
Class 1R, BI'~t ('1I11eetion I!l:!il Xarh(')"th gro""n sl'l',llillgS, in inc]i,"i,lu:JI con- '1'1(>stion, c]enr," he said. hcr"h i p dnes an eI t hI' eontrihut.ions of
Class 1!1. ~l()st artistic haskl'!, quality l'olisille"rp,l.
I , ; Bul 1 IIIIISI know. \\'p'I'I' I'ng-aged
:11111 .'""n should 11'11 nil' c·'·(,I'.'"thillg,"
intl'rl'stl'd frie'nds. Thl' fulllrl' of this
committee, thl'rel'IIl"c. dl'pEn,ls not olll~' The Narberfh Electric Sbop
Class :!O. B"s! Dahlia ill th" Show. XII PlItry Ill·c·,'ssar.\". First priz'·. on the cJemallcl 1'01' garell>ns, hnt 011 thp LAUNDRYETTE-lhe Washer
~l]l\ illsi:-:t P(l.
~Ii"hell medal. ,,"-opl'ration anel fillancial snpport of
Class:!1. Bpsl l'1I11l'l'tion Ill' Dahlias. fiftl>"l1 varil'lil's olle hloom each, in "J)('ar, I dOll't lik,' 10 talk ahout. that dries without a wringer.
illdh·itlual l'Ollt:l1tlt l':-i, ill 110t ]ps:-; thaJl rlllll' ('la:--:-:p:". l"irst prize, Stl'awhril1~e &
it-" t he public.
Clothipr cup. The cll:! il"!lIa II. ~f rs. F Y. Ha rt~­ W. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
"'l'hl'll YOII did lovl' hc·r. You did,
Class 22. B"st l'1I111'l'tilln Ill' Dahlias any' "rip! il>~ 1101 previously J))'ovic1ec] horne, ,1l'sirc's to thank the propert~' Phone. Narberth 396 W
~'on did, you did."
for-. <>"'l"l'rs "'hose gen(~rosity lws made the
Class 2:1. BI'st Geisha III' <l,'isha SlIp('rha Dahlia. "Xo, J didn't."
Class 24. Bpst Jl ort lila II liS Fil't Dah lia. "Ye's, .'"on ,]i,]. Ill' .,·ou'li tell ml' all • wor); possible.
Cla"s 25. Bl>st ~farguerit<· Boul'hllu Dahlia.
Cla~s 2(). fkst Kalif Dahlia.
"hout her."
Cla~s ~7. B,'st pxhihit Spmp]c' Branphing Asters.
"J didn't, I say."
,; YI·S. yon ,lid. Oh .•Ia.-l;, hOI\" c'olJ1d
U 123 Soutli Ill!! S!, PhiiadellibiCl: ~
Cla"s 28. Best exhihit Crpgo Giant Asters.
Clns" 29. Best exhihit Half Dwarf Snapdragons. yon wl)(\11 :,]J 11H' t illll' you wpre' I"JI-
Class :10. B,>st exhihit Giant Snapdragons.
Class in. Best "xhihit White Ladv Lenox Cosmos.
gaged to mel"
"I..ristflll a lllill1l1p Bud I'll gi"t ' 'yon
AViator Recovering in Oil TOWIl Hos-
pital from Gasoline Burns Will
GARAnteed Roofs
Cb ss :12. Bpst exhi hit Pink Lac": Lcnox Cosmos.
the "'IIOl!> RhIlY." h(' Raid in I"'spl'm- Resume Flying.
Class :{3. Bcst exhihit CrilllSOIl i.~osnlo".
Class :14. Best exhihit Yellow Cosmos. tion. "She was-"
Class :15. B"st displa~' IIf COSIl!OS :,rrange,1 for etrect. ""Tell? " Lientpllant Charll's "'a.'-lie Kerwood,
Class :W. Bpst e'xhihit Allnu:d Lark~pnr.
Class :Ii. Best exhihit Zinnias.
"Shc was m~' lallllllr,'sS. f ow('(] "her
t l\"C'1ve francs."
of Glndwynllp, who "oil thp f'roix II,>
Gnerre 111lc1 the l\Ipeiaillto ~rilitaire from
Class :1R. Best exhihit Marigolds, Complete Line of
Clnss :\!I. B"st colll'l"! ion alIt ,1001' Flow\'rs arrangell for effect. Frallce for his senic·eo; ill the Lafayette
Class 40. ~lost A rtistic Basket Outdoor Flowers. FI~'ilig Corps during the war, was in- Goodyear Tennis Sqoes
MULTIPLYING DIFFICULTIES. jur,'d alld hadly ll\lI"lI('c] Ihn',' ,n>l'ks ago CIGARS, STATIONERY, MAGAZlNlS
near Graudfield, Texas, wlten an air-
Children's Classes. 'I'he teaeher, a lady of 'lueRtionable plane pilotecl hy him nashI'll and the
Cla~~4], Best l'ollection Outdoor Flowprs arran/{cd by chil<lren unller ten agp, was haying :1 haJ'(l tinw getting gasoline tank exploded.
~'ears old.First prize, $3.00 in eash. Sec'OI1l1 prize, $2.00 in cash. .JOhlllly to menlOriz(' th,' na)lIps of the Lie'ntl'lIant Kerwoocl. who eontinuecl
Class 42. Best collection Outdoor Flo'I"l'rs arranged by children tcn to 11f- killgs of England. to tl.,· nftcr he returned to this country,
teen years old. First prize, $3.00 in eash. Seconcl prize, $~.OO iu cash.

"'Vhy, when I was your age," she fnllowillg I'ight mOllths' \'xpcrienpe as
finally exclaimed, exaspcmted, "I could a wounded priSOIll'J' in Gl'rllla n~', I'l'-
recite thp n[]mps of aII 1 hI' Iii ngs for- c'entl~' ,\"('Ilt to thl' Texas oil fieJds to
Grand Prize Vegetable Classes. \\':lrd and backward." nla k~ flights for the Texas Aerial A SIGN OF OPPORTVNI1 Y
An "Iron. Age" two'wheel cultivutor, No. 301, will be given to the exhibitor "Yes 'm," repliel1 .Tohnny, unim· Transport anll Sale,; Corporation.
scoring the greatest nUIl1 her of points in vegeta hie dassel'. First pri zc eounts pressel], "but when you was my age
5 points, seeond prize :l points, third prize 1 point. He writl's to a fripllll at ,\rdmor"
thpre wasll't np:1rl.,· SO lIIan~' killgs.·' that t11e accident. to his machine occur-

red whill' he was Cll route frolll Tulsa
to Dallas. The C'xplosiou of thp gaso·
Class 1. Bp:!ns, green jlod. ] quart. Class ~1. Lptluee. :1 heads.
line' tllnk causecJ sprious genpraJ hurns BENT T. HYBERG
Class 2. Bpuns, waX. 1 quart. Class 22. Onions, white. 6. and he was t:l1;pn to a hospital at Burk·
Sunday Sehool 'l\'al']ll'r: "XIIW, ho.,·s, At Narberth Station
Class 3. Beans, lima, bush. 1 quart. Class 2:1. Onions, yellow. 6. hurn('!t., Texas.
there is a wonderful example in the life
Class 4. Beans, lima, pole. 1 quart. Class 24. Onions, red. 6. "I am informed that I will "be up
Class 5. Beets. 6. (Showu with tops.) Class 25. Parsnips. :1. (Shown with of the ant. En'ry da~' thp :\IIt gups to
and ahout in a week '5 time," he writes.
Class 6. Brussels Sprouts. 3 stems. top~.) work and worl,,' all clay. Every day the BELL PHONE
"I surl' hope so, as T am about fed up
Chlss 7. Cabbage. I head. • Clas~ :!6. Pepper, red 01' green. 3. ant is busy. Alid ill the end what hap- NARBERTH 171 3
Class 8." Cantaloupe. 1. Class 27. Peas in pod. 1 quart. on bed 1ifp and bandages, Outside of a
Class 9. Carrot. 6. (Shown with tops.) Class 27. Potato, Cobbler. 1,4 peck. few scars thn t. T ha ye succeeded in
Clas~ 10. Cauliflower. 1 hea<1.
Class 11. Celcr~" 5 stalks.
Class 2!l.
Class :lO.
Potato, ext.ra early. l;.i peck.
Potato, Jute wiuter. % peck.
'Villie: "Somebody steps on him."
ndding to my colledion I'll be just as
fit. as eyer and shonld hl' ill the apria1
Class 12. Chard, Swiss. 3 hell<1s. (AllY "aridy.)
Class ]3. Chiuese Cabbage. 1 1lelld. Clnss in. Pumpkin. 1. EN FAMILLE. saddle wit.hin a month's time."
Class 14. Corn, white. 6 ears. Clnss :12. Hadish. 6. (Shown with tops.)
Class 15. Corn, yellow. 6 car".
Class ]6. Cucumber. 6.
Class 17. Egg Plant. 1.
Class 18. Endive, green ('uriC'll. 3 plants.
Class 3il.
Class 34.
Class 35.
Class 36.
Ruta Baga. 6.
Sa1si fy. 6.
Squash. 1.
Tomuto, Beefsteak. 6.
"Ma, is Mr. .fones all a wfnlly old
man?' ,
"N 0, dear, I don't belieye so. 'Vhat

, 'Fi fteen dollars n week for teaehin'

c. P. COOK
Clnss 19. Kale. 1 head. Class :17. 'l'omato. Ponderosa. 6. schooH It's a. <1l1rn shamel They
Olass 20. Kohl llabi. 3 plants. Class 38. 'l'urnip." 6.
makes you ask'"
"Well, I think 11C must be, because oug-hta give ya eighteen or twenty dol-
Coal, Wood and
Ribbons will be awarded as first, second and third prizes in uU flower und I heard Pa say lust night that ,Mr.
.Tones raised his ante."
lars. Why, I'm get.tin' f{lJ"ty dollars
down to t:h' fact 'ry.' '-Life.
Building Supplies
vegetable classes where otllCr prizes arc not gh·en.
We have a few tons of
SABlE CENSORE LEE'S GARAGE By-Product Coke for sale
Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries on at $ 8.50 per ton deliver-
SUCCESSOR TO all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing ed in cellar.
WALTON BROS. Work Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies

Phone 672 100 ESSEX A VENUE

Narberth 1605 L. C. SHAHAN, Prop. BELMONT ELECTRIC CO.
TAXI SERVICE The Misses Zentmayer's 892 Belmont Avenue
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day ana evening. KINDERGARTEN Old House Wiring A Specialty
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered. Will Reopen September 15, 1920 Electrical Appliances Repairing
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc, 125 WINDSOR AVENUE 'Bell Phone-Belmont 4386

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