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Come And See Yourself As Others Prepare for Narberth's I School Notes
See You at the Tennis Association's Bible Conference I "Witholll hallillg", withollt r"st.
Liftillg betl.~r 111' to hest." '
"Scandalous Revue" on March 12 '.l1y Ih., ('OlIlIlJitl"".)
Wi 1h II", 1."111"11 s.'aSlJlI 1,,'1',' lJU I' 'I'h., Sllld"IlIs a lid 1'1"'11 It " ,n'I'I' ,·,'rv
thollg·ht~ HIt' cplil'kl'llt'd towuJ"41 stl't'llgth- 111,11<'11 "(':'IS(.'d wi~h tli" 'lIIi~l~h' !IJ'ogr:ll'lI
OPEN ATTEMPTS TO "BRIBE" ACTORS PROVE UNSUCCESSFUL- t'J1illf~· otll' J'~'lij!il)tJ:-' ,·il'\\'x HI1l1 dtttil~:-'. ot thl' /'il'III"1' LJtl'ral',I' :-,i"'·ll'l\". 'rhi"h
TICKETS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MEMBERS. :\Ialll- hlJllII'" ill :\'arl,,'rth han' I"'l'n \'is- II':lS lil'ld Oil Friday al'l "I'll 0011, j··,'!rl'lIan-
it,'d 'with ,i,·kll"ss this willt,'r-Ihe win- ~(Jlh. Thp alldilol'illlll 1'lalfol'lIl sll,i-
1,'I' lias 1,,'(,11 IIl1dlll\' s,"·"l'l'-lIlalll' uther d"1I1." b"('alll" a "0111'1 !'Onlll. alld thcl'e
slIl1'(lrillgs 11:\\1' 11(;'11 1'lIdul'('d tlin't lIwk(\ look I'la,·,' a 1I10,'k 1rilrl ill wbi<'11 .1(111)
If you wallt 10 lilll! out a lot· of illtrr- allybody ill :\arhprth nl't'd hop" to b" tht' tr('H:"ltl'l' of' till' Lord ':-; Itlc:=ising (Ia~­ LOJlg'('I'kt'l' J>it·kip \\':l:-i t1'ied fol' ha\'ill'"
estillg thillgs abollt youI' IIrighbors, alld
disrol"l'l' what is said alld dOli,' al sOllle
oVPr!ool,ed ill this "SC'all,]alous Rp-
I'll('. " Open at telllpis have he('n mll<lp
THE FIRESIDE "I'ly slJlIght 1'01'-11 lid, if lIothillg moJ'(',
w,' klllJ\\' Ihal IlJ S,'I'\'P Go,] 111111 oJ,p,·
slo]PII 1'1'0111 11", d('sk of HOll. I~r<'~',,'h Oll thp aftel'1I0011 of ]-\'!rl'1lan'
of tht' il:-,Pt'l'(lt Hh,(·tillg'S" ofsOlue of 10 hribp memhers of thp 'Pelillis "\sso- Ililll, 'n' ,'all l'XI"'1'! to be h!('ssPI!. . 11th, hl't Ir('ell Ih .. hOlll's of ]~ 110011 all;1
onr HlO:--t t'xt'lu:-,iVt" organizatiotlH-in "iatioll to "kpep 1I1l' oul ·01' that scall- \\.(' I,a ,." II II l'l,,·('i H'd a gn'a t IIH'asul'l' j 1'. :\1., (IIlp 1'Prfl'(·tly goo,l 1-:1Ig"li'h
FirlHI :-oprillg dallt'p, .:\ull\l'ieall Legion,
brief, if yOIl "·:lllt to h,'ar, alld se,' 1'01'- dalolls alfair," hilt all to 110 purpose,
Fl'ida~' ,,\'elling, April :1O. or \\'oddl.'- hl,'ssiugs, (','ell thongh lhe !JooJ" '~'hp .llIdg(', .John ~raglliI'P, W:lS
tray('d ill Yi,·i,l ,!raJllali,' ""'lIpS, all th" I r you arp that killd of a ('iti,.plI YOII II. C. of L. do('s tl'\' to wl'l'ek th('s(' a I~I,,' n",,,I,,d hy his "tn,'ielll ('1(,l'k, ,101111
l"eaJHlnl. g·o:-:~ip. (\t~·., of 0111' O\Y11 hC)Jl1c lIlay rps! assllr,'d thai "vollr "illS ~,'ill hl('ssillg". .Iust as t'}", far think.'1' is IIJlI,'gas, :II"! all intl'rpslp,!. tholl"h Ull-
tOWII, se.' allY IlIelliber of the Xllr!H'rth fill,l yOIl ont" ill Ihp hig 'Hpl'll(' al EIIiI today urgillg' th()~l' ahout him to :-;a\'e
011 :\(an·h Ii, \\'l'dllcsday ""piling, the p.r<:.i lldi ,·",! .illl'.". Th,' pasr of thc"plain-
Tpllllis "\sso;·ia.tioll alltl hllY a tidtet Hall Frida~' p,'enillg, ~Ia1'<'h ]2. a good )Il1rt ion of today"s ('Ht'llillg':-; til lIn was 1Ip11('ld h," L:l\q'rl' D. Fai]e
Sf. I'atri"k's Da.\' tlallel' of the- Amer-
for tl11~ big (ltltertailll1l(llit t~) he given p.-uarl1 :q.will~t the l1a,\':-; of uIH'(lrtaillty B~- IlIpallS of liis ('hosl'll ,,:itllessps, Fr"li
I I' yon "SUSj1Pl'!" that yOIl a 1'<' "nn' i"nll Lrg·iou will Ill' hel,l in Elm lIn]1.
ill Eltll Hall, Fritla.\" (,\,pllillg, ~ral'l'l{ 12. SOIlJc,\\·lll'rp :dll'ad; just :-,0 should we ht' JTal'Rl'h al,,1 1J(,is SlIIith. hp p]cad I:i"
dpr sllspicioll" hy tIl(' Telillis ,\sso,·ia-
"Our 011'11 ~h'alltlalous Henlp" is tbe gatht'riIlA' ,!.!1'('atpl" sl'iritn:d eftnIillgs, I'asp ,·Irarl." nJI(] for('rfll!Iy. The In\\'-
tioll, Ihen by all nll'aliS hllY a t i<'l,pt
tit!1' of Ihp lll'rforlllaIH'p, alltl we ,'all all<l with I~aster jllst a short tlist:alll'e ~'('l' 1'01' thp drfplH]allt wa~ LOllis Hil·k-
and go to tI;(' pntl'1'ta illllH'lIi. It iSIl'1 S"un tor's N o\"plty .1n,.,. Orehrslra has
assur,' you that till' atrair will bp all lin: .Hl' tno ~howp.1 dignily all(] p]l'al'
,','rr~' ,Ia~' thai yon gpt all oppol'tnllily ),p,'n plIg"agpd for t'lI" mi(]-wintl'r ,!anep awa,\'. IIlOSt of liS will gi,·" he"d to ollr
Ihal Ih., title illlp]ips, :I11t1 thrll some! tlllllklllg in thr handlill!! of hi" si(](' of
to l"Pf' \'our:'Hlh'(l~ as othfll':' SPC YOU. all'] tlwR(' to he hd,! Sf. Patri(,k's Day iIll'n'aHl'd 1I"l'd of "Ollllllllllioll with Go,]
It ". i.lI , of "0111'''', be !,,'rfect!y all right
Proha hl.~. Y011 illlRginc you'rfl :t ~'(lr.'" alo] April :10, all'! as long as thl' AIIll'r- and !l11r Bih](':" will hi' I'('ad 1I1(1l't~ pag-· 1111' ('asp, ('allillA' ns his' witlll':-;S{'S .Tolll;
to hl'lug y01l1' g"rall(]motll('r, hut it might ni"lde, _\I'thlll' ('ooke alld 1':I'lI('st .1"11-
spdatp alldnllohtrnsivp ilidivitlllal. whrTl il'all Lpgioll lllaJlag('~ tllp flallrPR we ran (' rI,\'.
he just as 11'('11 to make SUI'I' Ihal sh(' killS,
a" a matt('I' of fact yon '1'1' 011<' of thr n]1 look forwan] to a long ryplling of' I I' ,r,' :11'(' dis"ollragl'l] a Ill] 1'",,1 that
i~ strong' PHough to staJlfl a g-OO(] dpa] OUI' li\,(,;-; :lrc good, 1'](':111 :\1111 npright, , Suell illf(ll"pstillg' parts \\-Pl't\ hl'ou~dlt,
flillni"st Il1en-Or one '01' tIl<' IIlllSt illtrr- PJljoYUlPTlL
of hearl~' laugbillg. tOI'WHI"] h~' th(' witn('ss,'S all.l slleh
('~tillg' hilt withal g'ossil'Y WOlllC'J1 ill '11111 ,.!'t 0111' trollh]"s arp lIIallifold WP
Tiek('ls 1I1ll\" 11011' hp ohtaillp,] from d"1'th of fp"lillg was showll b,' thl'llJ
Xarlwrth! "all ;'Plld tJIl' Book of .Ioh wilh ;'pas-
lIuy of th,' 1I1ellll\1'I's of the Assoeiatioll. !'I'OIlI 1illlP to limr, tllat Ihr jllr.~· foulI.l
('Olll" a lid srI' the 01(1 lown tllrned BplI,ianliu T. Whitl', of -I:!::l Dudlc~' 'lI,rillg ,·olllfor!. \\'" all know Ill' .Job,
hut we 1'l"'omllll'II'] that yuu grt yours It 110 pns.''' mattl')" 10 g'j\.p as their \,C'1'-
illJo'idp ont! Sec tlul l'ip'],II:ll'ill,!! iUI- II \"I'nu". hns bp,'n Irallsfprrc,1 hy his With ~{'\·t'll SOIl:-: anel t1l1'('(' ,laughtpl's-
imllle,]ja tely. 'lirt-""ui]1,' "
p('rsollation of - - ! Iinll, thp Franklin Bugar Hdining Com' huyillg ('ats and shops 1'0)' thj~ hig fall1·
TJ,,' 1~i,JI j'l;nli"I"'d sl'l"II<]i,] dl'ill foT"
In lIt xt WP(lk ':-- i:-:~l1(, Wl' ll()Jll' to print

I'ali:'-, to the South, He I"f't A"arh('J'th il.\' di,]II't WIlITY hilll, lIOt with spyell
the "omj1l<'l~ program of lhis Pllt .. rtain- Bllt Ihprp, \\,p a]mosl 1<'t thp "at 0111
tho'l' who took 1,:lrt alld ,!loo,1 fUll foJ'
Oil Waslliugtoll'S BirtJJ(Jay for his IIl'W t llollsa lid sh('pp a II d Ii ,.,' Ii 11I1l!rptl yokp
ment, hut ill thp IIIPan\\'hilr \\,P wallt to oj' thp hag. Bp on the ]nok.lllt for lIext
Ii .. h] , aud pxp(',·ts to Illo,'r his filJlIi]~' 111' Ox('n II Ill]' all the r,'sl Of his w,:alth, 11le alillil'II'· ...
"a." thai \l'e ba \"p ]rarlletl from Yery wppk's Ollr TowlI. ~Iaylll' thp com-
10 SOlllh ('arolilln SOOll, .""1. he SilO II fOllnd hilllSl'lt' SIlI'l'OUnl]("!
reliab]1' SOlll"'PS that 1I0ho,]y \\'ho is plpte program will h(' p;'illtp,!.
with troll hlp ill 111:111" WII\'s-worHl' on' Sophomore Doings.
111::11 \Y(' 11 \.1'1' ('XlII'I't' til II;'. •loh :-\01\'('11
'I'll(' ~01'hi)lllol'e 1II0llthh· .. lass mret-
\fl'. .Inhll Irl'illg Bright. alii! "II pin IIt-
;II~ for suhurhau hOIll('s In' :'III'. A. E.
W"hlr·rf. \11'. Bright's In]i, will b., a.·-
The Women's Auxili- till' probl"1II h~' the "lit in' surrl'lIrlel' to
tl)(' will of God, and if ,'ou ,,·ill n'lId
till' hook agaill ,\'011 ,rill'lilll] thai 1hr
illg· IYIIS h.. ld at thp hOllll,'of :\riss Flor-
I'III'P ~i IJI pSOIl. E~SI'X :1 \-I)I1IH~.
gT:lJII for tJll' {'\·Plling was as follow!":
The {l1'0-

"olllp:lIli"d b.,' ulo"iup; pil'lun's nIl<] ~rr.

\\' oh h'rl 's In lk h~' 1'0]01"'11 sl i,],'s.
\11'. :\'nsh appoilllpd a I'Ollllllitt"., oil
ary Narberth Y,M,C.A. "'lIlillg' was '·PI',y happ,'--h,' h,"] twi"e
,," 1I:111·h as hp hlld h"fol'p-his ,]all:.:h-
11'rs w"rt' Ih" fairesl ill tb,' l'lIlll. alld
Ill' ]j\·lld 111:111\', IIl:ill'" ,"(':11':-; nfh'l".
A "hol't alld ilnl'0l'tallt bllSill('ss 1II.'('t-
illp:. followed hy (lallt·ing"t gaBles alltl
1I1i1Uillations, ~rr. Eo A:. ~[us,·hnlllp. ~rr, All illtl'l't ' stiJlg' SI'l'IJP of the (I\'(,llin,~
11. .1. Edgar nnd ~Irs. C. P. j<"lId.'r. H"ading ";111 SIIl"I~·illg tllP Bi]'],' in
\\":1:-0 :l 1110('1, l.\,pddill~, with Vil'('-PI'I'~i­
Tll1' rpgllJnr IIIOllthly III('eting nf thl' \ ok(ls a Ilt'\\' and hip:1J('J' gooll in our
'I'll<' ::i""rt'tary was instrul'le(] to Wl'itl' \\'oln"n 's Auxiliarv will 1)(' hpld Oil ~[on­ ''''"l ~I,,'rr.,- liS IIlillislt'r, ~fr. H"I",·"
1Il0d,' "I' li,·illg' alII] is Jlal'ti"II]arl~' to 1)('
thl' Prl'shytl'ri;1lI Chun·h all,l ask p,'r- 'Vllllallla](,'r. II I]('\\, 1I11'lnber of tIlt'
I'n.,·. :\Iarr'h lsi, :;1 S o'l'!npk prolllpll~'. "]l'ollIag,'d in X:III"'l'lh at this tilllP,
Illi"sion to I,d,l' o"pr the Bulletin Boanl S0l'bolllor., Class, Ill'sl l1Ian, ~riss ""I'lla
Thi:-: 111('\11 jug prollli:..;p:-, to hp (lIIP of' \111- lis we a)'(' SOIlII to ha,·p thp I'ril'il('gp of
forlllerly JIlaiulaillPd hy the ~Ien 's Cluh ,ra]th.,' Ira" IIlni'l (If honor, ~ri!"s L(lJ:i~l'
::'-,i:l1 i;;:,'rr'st, .• ~id :1. L;, . . ~(':~~~c ...;. 1,1.il11 ili':ll'ill~' :-,OllH of thp 1j('~t Bih]l' stullents

of thp \'I'pshyterian Chul'ch. PlIl'i lIa, (Jow('r gi 1'1. The hl'itleSl1lll itls
ill .. hJ(!t' all olTi"l'l's of' th" orgauizatioll. of llJis ('Olllltn' at all all 11-l'cl, Bih]('
w"rp ~riss"s llorllthy Chalfant an(l .1"1111
~Ir. :\ash rl'Jlorted on the 11<'11' Bub- a 1'(' pl:l1l1ting to llJltprtaill a lal';lC' gath- "'Jllf")'('n,',' 10 'hp hphl al the J')'(·s]w·· Hnlls101l. Last 111;1· not ]('ast, :\riss
urhan .:\:-;:.;oeiatioll hciJlg: formed along ('l'i Iq..! ', !,:,-pryollf\ \\",,1('0111('. t"riall ehlll'<·h tllIl'ing hoh' Wpl'k, h·r· :\rllrtha ~rlll'till and ~rr. Donll](1 Fai],'
1hl' ~lain LiIH', with thp i.!ea of co- f'·illlling' Oil Pallll SlIlIday :1I11! l'olllillll' .11'., \\'('rp 1l1I1rri(',!. :\rr. Jolin ~fagllil'l:
oJll'ratioli ou ei"ic illlpro"l'ml'uls wilh illg ("'1'1'," "\'(,1Iillg IInti] 'Easl('r SlIllll:!,·. g':1 \"('1 t]ll' hri(ll' a "pay.
lh., foul' townships and oUP borough ill THE PEABODY PEW. 1'0 altl'l1'] thpsl' Illl'ptin"s "'ill grl'all" Thl' "vplling ('IH]e,] with ,1<'Ii"htflll
ANNUAL MEETING AND this tl'l'ritory. IIng·nll'nt onl' stilI]." :1I]l]~nllr goo,] eon;- 1'"f'l'rShllll'ntR lind honlr again. ~
ELECTION OF OFFICERS IIlllllil~' will grrat]~· stl'rllgth('11 ils spir-
Thl' tlnte 1'01' thp Annual Plowel' Bholl· The ~"hool is ill,]('hlt,(] to ~rr. R. n.
THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH lias ,1l'fiuitl'ly Jixpd for .Iullc .J. n)l(l (!:I,." YoU h"nnl th" tal,; or the" P"a' illla 1 illtJlll'II"(, throngh th is ,'ollling S('~'lIlollr for Ih,' fin(' contribuli01I of
18, 8.15 P. M., Y. M. C. A. 'hotly PI'\\""! Bil,]e "0111'('1'<'11('('.
Ihl' n](,.'ling agn'('(! that this ,lall' shou·ld hool{s l'('I·('i\·p!l this w(,l'lc
1I0t bp ehang",!. Flowl'r Show .,onllllil-
A old, .''(It Ollt' P\"PI' lIPW,
10\"1' :-;1 ('lI','· :\rr. Gpo]';.!/, rllllP~. :I \·C'r,'" Pl'Oll1illPnf
FLOWER SHOW-ROSES, To those who loye rOlllnn,·,' nIH] qnain1 hllSilil'SS Illlln of Phila,!t'lphia. who is
PEONIES, t,'.,,, 10 bl' appointl'l] nol lall'r than th" Athletic Notes.
:..;torip~. too. "lRO all I'arllrsl alu] rapab](' work,'!' for
~\ pri I JllPet i 11~. Th,' ]o'I'(',hllll'lI boys b"at the lIllI-cr·
SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND Old songs will I", Slillg, old I'0slum,'s .rt'SllS 'C'li I'ist, 1:-0 PXIH I·t't'11 to 1)(' OIH' of

EVENING, JUNE 5. :\(1'. :\ash and ~Ir. Ed)!ar w,'r.' ap- f"l'd ::1'<] 1I'alll at r'ra '·(,I'forrl Fehrllan-
)'l',"ip\\', OUI' sJH':ll{("\r~. Al'l'Hllg"fllllC'nts ar(l hf'ing
Jlointl'd a "Olllillittl'l' of 111'0 to Inl'el It h, b." a S"OI''' "I' ~(I-I i. The ]ille-lI'p
DAHLIA SHOW Tll1' st~'I('s that ha'-r ]Iass(',! II-ilh th.' l'1;ll]" 10 oblaill othpr 1'I'ollJillrlli 1111'11
with Ih,' Borongh Coun";l ('ol](JIlittep rl'- \\":1:-; as fttll{l\\-~:
SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND Pl1ahotl" I'pw'. of no,l. all11 in :10 (,:11'11' isslll' of Olll'
gal'dillg' thn (Il'petioll of }Icnn:tllf'nt :-,igll~ ,\ sill','r ('oll,,;·t ion is aRke,] of yOU :\' A UHI·:WI' II. HAVI';HFORll.
EVENING, SEPTEMBER 25 '1'0"·11 w" "xlw,'t 10 (n,'s('111 an aftractiYe
to lIIark thl' l'ntraIH"'S tIl th" B"l'ough \\'hpII ~'ou 'I." hpard all aholll li,p "P"a- PI'()~·J':111l 1'01' 0111' Bihll' l·flllff'J'PIl('(I. BlIlld ... , , " .. " Porwa I'd ..• " .••. Ewing
of ?\arllPl'th. hodY P(l\\"." A h('nr/,· ill\"itatioll is ('xIPII']l',l 10 (·lll,lIn,II. .. ,., 1,'OI'Wlll'd , .. Shoeh
At th" suggpstioll of ~rr. Will. H. n. AI lh,' '1'('('sln'lprian Church, ('Yenillg lh" 10"111h;'rs :111<1 :ltll'lIl]llllls of Xal'- 1I(',·k..1 ' .. ' ('<'lIt"r :\IitchrlJ
ING. Hall, tl1l' r,litol' of OUI' TowlI agn,.'d to of :\rar"h !lth .. Odiol'll .. , GlIllrd ~Iorris
bl'l'th', 1·11111'<']"'S 10 tlli" Rihll' "0111'('1'-
Thp I'pglllar IIInnthly nll'ptillg of the prillt eopies of th,' n"w Illotor "ehi,·II' PJlI'fI, :11)11 to tlll' ll('weOllll'I'S to 0111' town .lIill ..)!as .. , Onanl , ~nllllll"rlill
Xarberth Cid,' Assoeiatioll 'I'as held ill ]a W :IIIlI ask,,(] rpsiden ts of thp horough Ilw] otlll'rs. a ]lrarlv \\'l']I'0111r will lw
Fi,'],l goa]s-Hond, Ii; Caldwell. ::;
the Y. ~r. C. A, Thllrsda~' pvrllillg, Fph- to do ",,('r,l'thing possibl" to Sl'P that it :It'4"O I'll C'll" ,
is st ri,'1 h' en fOI'<'pd for t hp ]J('ncfit of I':will)!', -I; Mit"h"II, :\(orris, ~IeClah-:I.",
I'nar~' l!l. 'fJ'('a,urpl"s r"llOrt r"a(1 all'! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
all ,·OlWpI:lIl'I!.
I. Slibstitlltps-Xarh"l'lh. CUllningh'llil
approY,"!. ('as]Jipr's 1'<'port oil 0111' for lIill ..glls; Havel'fol'd, ~I('Clat"hy fllr
To\\'n rpa d ,11,,1 approve'!.
'PhI' I'rpsid"111 1I:ll11ed ~rr. IT. H. Hill,'-
gas. :\rr. Gl'orgP O. SlIlith and ~rr..Johll
A lIIotioli was n"HIl' Ill' ~rr. Hall alld
st"'oIH]('d by ~[r. \\'oh!ert Ihnt thp Ci"i.·
.\sso(,ialiOl; hold to thpir s('h.,.]n1(' of
'fwo cents per word if ensll ne·eolll-
"Illiles advertisement; otherWise. five
"rnts per word.
Tennis Members Urged SlIlIIlIIel'l in.
Hpfpr"l'-TowlIp, II a V .. 1'-

B. ,\lkpr as a Ill'\\' Tn'l' I'lalltill" ('0111-

lIIittpp 10 "olltiIlIlP Illp \\'01'], stmipd hy
tll" rl'gular nlonthl~' nll'l'tillg of l]iJ'('d-
ors, to 1)(' hl'l(l on thl' Ihir,1 Thurslln."
to Attend Meeting 1'h(' Xllrhprth High ~ehool Girls rlP-
fpated thl' lla,]dollfil'1d High Sehoo]
Girls on 'l'lll'stlay (III 0111' tJoor hy a s"ore
~hp orig.iual "olllmittee 111'0 ."pars age;, of paeh IIIonlh. ~rolioll ,'arril'l!. nl'-
I WANT 10 buy th .. spar" li,llr of n of :1I·~1i. 'rhp ,'isitol's pnt uJi a goo,l
III planllllg IIIrllloria] t1'<'PS ill ='I'lI'hprlh turn posteartls will IJ{' Sl'nt to all 01'- I'l'obahl~' Ihe 11I0St important busi light. hili "oultl not sillp the Xarbpl'th
~troJlg haif-growli ;-;l·hoo] ho~·. (II'
ill hOllol' of ,·!'tpralls of thp "'arid \Var. lieNS and diredol's in 01',1,,1' to II'\' anll III'HS IIIl,ptillg' 11Iat till' Xllrbl'l'th 1'rllnis pillY f'rolll II a I'S<'lI III Powlel' to bllSk .. t.
.\'lItlllg titan in high :"i('houJ, or a lahorer 1:-;
~Ir. K A. ~ruH<'halllp rrportptl thai hp sr,·ul'l' a hrttpr ath'n,bn"" to 'tIl"," Asso"iatioll lias P,'('I' .. aller! will he hrlrl
spurt: tilllf', late aft(\rtlooll allil (,,·plling:.;"
h'l4] arrallg"p,] for a prolllilll'lIt sppa]wr lu('etillgs. Fl'ida.,- ""ening, ~[a]'('h ]ll, in the Y.
Every (lay, OJ' as nlall~· 11a~"H a w(l('l{ :u.; COMMUNITY CLUB NOTES.
for !1H' allllllal mretillg ill ~rar(·h, alltl \rrPlilig Ill]jonl'lll'd al l~).:W. :\1. C, A. It will h., th,' allnn,,1 1I1('('t-
,l1so for a puhli .. 1I1('('ting 011 Fri,]uy Illay \w. Apply P. W. I~. Stedelll, 1::1
:\l.eri011 An'lIl\(', :\al'hl'l'lh. aft!'r Ii 1'. ?-1. ill;!, :111£1 PV(')'." llH'm)H'l' of the As:..w ('in- .\ patl'ioti,· nOI" was sl nJ"k ill the
I'Yeliing. ~rareh :!(J. At Ihis tilllp thel:e
(Continued on Page 3.) un ~[on,]ay, \Vedn!'stlay. ill' Batun]ay of tion is mosl nl'gPlltl~' I'l'qu"st('(] 10 llll d,',·ol'll t iOlls at t hp COlllllililiity (,]uh,
will bp illtprt'stillg tall\S Oil .'omlllllnit,· ]ll'espn t.
the ,,",'pk of Fehrnary ::l:\rd. Eligage- 'PIll'sdav al'terlloon.
pIa lining 'IS to housillg and mads I;y Xnt 01l1~' will Ill'\\' o!n,'<'rs he e]"I't(',1
mrnt to last until X oHmhel', 19::l0. ~rl's. ·.Iohll \V.• Jon-", who has hill! this,
....... --~---------
(l!l-e) for th,' coming season, hilt thel'(' will
hI' suhl1littpa for 111(' eonsi.ll'l'ation an,]
mattpl' in eharg.. tilis winter, haR ShOWll
great taslt' lind ingennil~' in h"r "ffeets.
ESTATE OF WILLIAM B. GODFREY, 11",·isioli nf' thl' nlpl1Ih('I'S a 1'(']I0rt frol1l The slH'a kN 1'01' t hp a l't l'moon WllS
BAND CONCERT latp of thp Borough of Xarherlh, (1<'- till' sppcia] "Ollllllitll'r appointed at Ihp ~[isH .]pssiea Dnnnell~', s"l'l'otary of the
,'pasl',I.-LettI'I'R of atlministration c. t. rl"'''lIt special lII('din~. The facts con· Fair Pril'P Comlliission of Philadc]phia.
and Conlilluous a. 011 the al,on, ('stale ha\'illg llPell tain(',] in this 1'1' po I't· all.l thr fl'('om- ~riss Donllplly thn'\\' fJ'psh light on
grantetl 10 the lllHlcrsigned, all persons 1I11'II<latiolis that tlll' "ollllnitlt'l' \l'ill
DANCE (Two Orchestras) ill,]ehlc<1 to th!' said ('stat!' al'!' rpqllrst- I1Illl,(' ,'it·a]l\· ('on,'el'll r,'erv mcmbel' of
this Illu,'h-,Jisl'uSSCU suh,ieet and ga'-e
hpJ' andil'IJ('e some hplpful suggestions
To be Held al (',] to make payment, anti thosp hn,'ing th(' T('lInis' Associatioll. There S]1OIIJ,! towan] lIIpetinl-( prpsellt ahnormal c(Jn-
,'Iaims to present Ihe same, withont. (le- Ill' a ]00 1"'1' ,·rllt. at!pn,lall"p of th.,
ELM HALL la v. to IIIrl1llll'rship.
~Irs. T. Xop] Bnllt'r sling two song·~
NARBERTH 'THE WAYXE TITLE $: THUST CO., 1':vrn' 1111'1111",1' of the 1'pnllis Asso- vt'I'~' l'harmillg"ly, alld a tpll-minute lalk
Or to itR Attornev. ,'illtion' is II I')!r,]' to sPt: asiap Fri.l:l\· on Counl.,· IUHI· BOl'ough Go,·('mIlH'nt
Tuesday Evening, March 2, 1920 FREDERIC B. ·CATXERT. ",'ening. ~ra]'('h Ill, and come to th'e \I'ns giveu hy ~rrs. A. B. Ross.
BENEFIT OF (J]2 Rca] Estllie Trnst. BniJaing. \'. ~r. r. A. (lI·ompll.y at S o'el(l('k. Thp follo,\'illg ladies acted as host-
Pl'ilafle]phia. (:!4-c) .'ssrs for t hp a fterlloon: :\oIl'S. E. C.
NARBERTH FIREMEN'S TOWill'. ~I'rs. ]loy S. ,ronps, Mrs. Horace
RELIEF ASSOCIATION FREY, late of Ihe Borongh of Nar· P. ~rool'e, :\[rs. SlIllIuel Atherholt:.
CONCERT DANCING Iwrth, dpceased. LetterR of a'lmillist.r:t· The \VolIlI'n's Allxi!ian' of thp Xal'- Legislative Class.
lion d. h. II. c. t. a. on tll<' aho\'e rslate hpl'lh Y. ~r. C. A. aI'" a]Triu]y planning- TlH' .·lass will mpet 1'hll1'sdIIV. ~rlln'h
8 to 9,15 P. M. 9.15 to 11 P. M. ,Ith, at :\ o'"IOl'k, at 104 Forrest a,·enue.
MUSTC BY ha\'ing been gmnt.ed t.o the undersigned, for thpir spring ruml'nag"" saIl', lIna will
a J1 persons indehted to the saiel ('stllte 1)(' glad to rpJic"e all ]lOuselwppcl's who Suhjpl'! 1'01' sllJ(]y, "State Govprn.
arr re<]III'Htetl to maliC pllynlCllt, 1I1](] II 1'0 eontemp]ating moving- in the nCllr
those ]mdng claims to presQnt the samc, futnr(', of nnv rlisclln]e.l elothing, fund- ClUb ChOruS.
Tickets, 50c.
wit]lOut dellly, to Inl'e. rhina, jlictureR, hool,s, shol's, pt"., 'l'hp Chorus will make it.s first appellI"
From Any Active Member of the Fire Company THE \VA:YNT~ TITLE 8.: TRUST CO., rtc. Xothing is too old to fin,l a pur- IIlJ('O at lin ('vrning musicalp in the nenr
01' to its Attorney, "haspr· i'f it is clean. Arrangements fulurr. Thp <late lind program will bo
CO~IE IF YOU CAN. IF YOU CAN'T COl\m, BUY A TICKET. FREDEIHC B. CALVEUT, ha"e ])('en ma,lc to spml for pl\l'kageR at announe",] in next w('ek's paper.

.-.... 612 Real Estate Trust Bnil<1ing.

Prilndelphin. (:!4-c)
I\ny time if you will phon(' Narberth
l64ll·W, 62:l,R, or ] (Jll-W.
Chorus rpllPllrsa] Monday eyeni ng"
~l.lll','h 1st, at S o'l'1ock .
or course, we

this man think of his feHow citizens at YOII haye paid off your $4,000 loan at Telephones.
OUR TOWN aH? Does he e\'cl' change his shirt?
Does he ever wash his neck? Does he
a earrJ'ing charge of ollly $1,480 and
owe nothing.
deliver - an)'
place - an)'
allow chickens (fl'athl'l'l'd OIll'S) to roam On a straight lIIortgage at 5 1/\!,j,; you 1268 time.
Ar. Ex~riment in Cf\·operative ill his parlor'? Of eOUl'se, Illy SOli, you lI'ilI p:Jy ill llltel'est $220 per ycar, or
Journalism-No Paid Workers. would pl'ohahly hn\"(' to thillk of these
questiolls rather thall utter thl'lIl aloud,
$2,;)J]'li7 ill l:li llIonths, :Jilt] you still
owc $4,000.
The Brightest Spot in Narberth

depell,lillg 011 th!' size of thl' glly-that 'rhlls the huilllillg all,1 loall associa-
Owxicd and Published every Saturday
is, if you eal'l'd ill the least for the tioll will hu\"e sa\"l~d yon $l,, ant!
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by the Narberth Civic Association. state of your health. YOll will ha\"e th" utlnllltag"e and sat is-
Some of these tire,1 husille"s III ell, i':J,'tioll of h,'illg' l~lcar of yonI' t1l'bt.
Subscription pricc onC dollar and fifty
eents per y('ar in adyancc.
who can always find plellt~' of timc for
lc'nllis, golf, ete .. secm to he I·spccially
lin'11 or Ims\' whl'lI thL're's a little SIIOW
If the 5tJ'ai~ht mortgage itltl'n'~t rate
ahoye I'l'fl'rrl'd to is six pl'r el'ut. ill-
stpat! of ;)J/~~;, tllp hniltlillg" a,-so.·iation
----,------ ------------- or i"e on 'the si,lewalk. A lid those plall will 1Ia\'(' s:I\'ed .\'011 $1,2(j(I illsll':lll
~~Ullllg' (dga l'<,tte-('oll:-;uJlling- h\H'](:-; that
'll'al'1y 10\'(' all ol'L'II'air :,pol'l" might 111'
of $],0:31.li7.
As a SaVing Fund.
For Good Taxi Service
April 24, 1919. 1"'IIIill<1l'<1 that thl' "l,'al'illg of a path ill
frollt of tll,'il' hOIl1l'" wOll111 ill 110 wi""
iJupail' tlll'ir athll'ti,' ahiliti!'s. lout. 011
) .... 011 Ilia\' ;';lIh~kri1ll' fllr a~ JlIlIlI\' slln!'!'s
:11 Ollt~ doi1:l I' 1"'1' 1II0llt h a~ YOll' .. a I'" 10
Call Narberth 1633
President-MI'.•Joseph H. Nash. 1·:tl'l·,'~. }\j)' :lppfoxilll:11"ly :+1::7 paid
th,' eoutral'y. 1I'lIl1ld SI'I'\'I' to l"',,p tl'l'il'
1I11t~('1('s fJ"oJl\ g:('ttil1g: ton soft. ill yOU will l't,{· .. i\"(' *~llil for (':It'll :-;11:11""
24 Hour Service
Vice-Prcsi den t-l\lr. .J fillies Ar,tma n,
tlla't 1II,lIlIl'l'S, J l' yOll :11'" alol., to pay
Mr. A. J. Loos. itlr. J. Dothal'll. n. TIH'l'l' ':-, n "'alk Oll E:-,:-o:px .\ \'1'1I1Il', ill
Secretary-itlr. H. .J. Edgar.
Treasurcr-lIliss Maizie Simpson.
frollt of a ]lllhlil' g::lJ'agt\ t1l:11 i:-, ill-
"al'iahh oil\'. i,·\- or 11'1'1. It's ,lifli-
l'lllt to' 11:l\·j'g-:ltp ':11 :IllY 1iIlH', llllt, 011
t"lI dollars pl'r ""'IIIh .'"Oll \\'ill 1'I,.· .. i,'1'
$2,1100 at lIlat IIril.". 1'1\'I'lIty d,II1:lrs 1"'1'
lI,ollth will 1>rill'" ,'011 $ at II''''
t urit,-. ,~ .
Direc tors-:\II'..J. .J. eu 1.> 1'('y, Mrs. C. ho.'": if ~-on I·:\n g·pt l;~- 111"t slopillg,
~. Fo",lur. Mr. II. H. Hillegas, :\lr. Chas.
H. A. Chain, l\rr. \Y. H. D. Hull, Mr. H.
A. Jaeobs, MI'. F. A. L:\Ilahun. ]\[1'.
DlLlliel Leitch, Mr. G. Kllntzcn, lIlr. R.
J. Nesp!'r, Mr. E. A. J\]uscJoa JIlp, 1\1r.
,-lil'l'l'r.'" :,i.1t',,:']k \\'ith 1,11111'" i,d:",t ~'lln
""" "'alk a ti~lJi rlll't'. "',,111.1 1h., Bor-
ollg'll hi' 1inl.}I' In d:llll:\g'I'~ ill 1':1:--1' Id' all
:l<'l' i (lell t ?

'J'ht' lIl:l II ,. fri"lIds "I' E<1 1',11'1",1' \\'ill

,\'011 ~:IY. JlI'l'haJI:-- I
or ! m::y 11,'I'd tIll'

11101]('\" hl'f'ol'f' tll(, :-:tOI·l.:: 111:11111'(':-;. 11' :-'tldl

i,; II;., 1':lSI'. '-,,1I JJ1a\" with,lraw tIle
:ll1lullllf paid ill', J'I,,·,'iyj'llg flllll' ]I('J ('1'111.
illl Prt's1 for t114' 1 illll' i I \\':1:-' ill tIlt,

---.We I~~~:ii;i~:::r~:t~:~~~~;~~' ' '1 -

Fletcher W. Stites, :I[r. 11.. E. Wohlert, I,,, g1:ld I'" kllll\\' th:\t thl' "'cll-knoWll 1I:1111l-.: pf 111l' n:":,"(l('i:ttioll (I':\'I'''/,: 111:11 and Assure You of Our Best Efforts
ll:·:itor of' 1Ia\·I,rf'llrt1 .\"('11111'. \\ll() llH~ JI(l illtl'n'~1 IS paid (111 :-;11:11'1':-: \\'lJil'h :11'1'
Mr. Wa!t('r Y. Shu\\'. :Ill'. Walton M.
Il t '!'11 l1li.",:-:ill~' fIJI' :-:t'\·I'r~tl WI ' I'l.:: ..:. 11:1:-: a1 \\'ith<ll'a\\"11 hefnl'e the\- al'e 0111' ycar to Answer Your Requirements
Wentz, Mrs. C. W. Young, :I[rs.•Jame.' l.:~j lll'pt! 11'j{'atl'IL You l'fllllPlllllPI' Ell, old). . .
Foote. dllll ~t ~·Oll. :Illd 1111'" h(' 1l:":I'd 111 p:I1'1.::: lli:-: If yOIl sl,oll]II 1101'.1 III 011".". hoI "I ill This office does a stri tly hrokerage husiness and has DO par-
------- ... - .. - - - - - - ' .. _---- - .. - I'ar ill frollt oj' J):l\'i~' 1'\'I'lIing: after \\":"11 to kl'('P 1111 ."(1111' ,-.;JI:ln':-;, 1111' :l~~n­ ticular properties in which it is interested-thus guaranteeing the
i"'1'1l11lg, :lftl'l' whi('h ]It' I'rClI'I'l'dt',l 10 l,i:lfillil \yilllO:l11 ~·oll,:11 short 1l111it·p, ai
~ix 1)1'1' (·PIl1. Jll')' :1111111111. \Yi~hollj Sl't'ur-
buyer unbiased inform8.tion regarding any particular property.
"ddl"l'''s all of tIll' 1',,),,11"1'" tltat ha!,-
Editor. i1~', :IlI," :11111)11111 Ill' 111 11](, \\ ithllr:I\\':I1
11l'llI'd to he l'Oll;'::I'l'g-;Ifl'd ill 11l:lt \'it'ill- Our Rf'ferences-Anyone with whom we hlJ,ve done business
~---_._-----'--- it.,· "II tJ,,' t"J,i,·,. .iI· 1hl' d".,-: Ed's 11"'- \":111\1' flj' \'0111' .",ll:tr('~.
Mrs. Roy E. Clnrk, Ill'nlT Ros(', 1111't'1'" ~"t 10 btl :-'11 ]I/IJl\ilnr tllat 1h(~ KII \,Oll'!"(·1' "0\1 1;:I\-c' :111 in (rain :llld
11f)1hil'q.~ in l(;~;'. ''"lIll h:I\"P I1 dl','d a :i,·7 ROBERT ~. NASH
W. T. Melchior A, .1. Loos, .·:,,\\"ds 1,1"I·k,'d t]((, 11':,fli.· "" JI",','rl'''1"11
...\\·I'llllt' :tlld 1111' )lllli,'\' t'lIJ'('l'd hill) 10 h:ddt (If :-:yslt'lIIa1i,· :"::I\·ill.~, :IJld :1 fUlId Real Estate Broker
Associat., ·itors. 1::0\·" hi~ quart,",":,,: 10 :l }Ioint 011 l~o1'(,;..;t. h:1S h('(,ll :1I'('1I11111]:ltI'11 11\' llJ:il\:il1 o ' :-iIl1:111
It:dl' II',,,' ],I't \\"1"'11 \\'illd""1" alld If" '1'1" 1'".\'I""lIts ill slll·1, a II':I~: that th,'~' ],a,.'.' 1001 CHESTNUT SfREET, PHILADELPHIA
!\fATZIE ,r. SIMPl:>O]'\, I'llI'd. 1:'01' :":"\"1'1':11 \\"1'\,1.;:..: hi:-: :tdlllil'(,l's 1:01 lH ' ('lI :l 11111'11('11. I MEMBER. PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE BOARD
11:1\"(' JIlj:..:~t'd hilll :llld (·puld Hilt 111111\'1'- 1:"III,'II,h"I". Ih., fil"st thllUSllllI1 ,l/lIJ:lJ's I Residence, 1<)4 Gr,l.:!'ling Avenue, Narberth

st:l1l11 his al)~('IlI'I'. TItt, tltl11'I' Ila\" \\'tlnl
(':1111(' frllm .:\r"l'illlJ ~'111ar",. Ed ,:-:' h1flllP,
," till' hll 1·.1.'sl to s" n'. _\ Ht'r t hll f YOll
~: .'t till' 1,a],i t. .' Il-__._.__.__•__._.__. Re.idence
• .__•__. • ._._._._._._._.
Phone: Narberth 605
.~_. ~.
Send all ach'ertising and news items to tlt"t E.1 \\""" ,,,,,\\",'d III :,"d 1I'"uld h,,"I' , 1)0 yllll kllo\\' tlll'l tl,,· :';al"llt'I"II, Hllild·

to Ill' duo lllll. .:\ n':":l'llillif !t:ll'l\' \\":l~ ill~~' alld Loall A""oeiatioll has assisted
P. O. Box 966.
h:ls1il\' f(~']III'(l and ~1t't1'J' :-:I~n'}':d jlollr~ ill l'llr(·lla~illg· :2:~"" hilllll':-; durill,!! 1hl'
Our Town is on sale at the depot
work 'Ed W:I:": n·lll:l~('11. Ill' 11adll 't :'llf- lllil't('1'1l \"cal':": it ll:ls 11('1'11 ill l'xi:-:tPJlj'P,
lItlwsstand, and nt the store of H. Eo fl'I'i.'c! gT('atl~·. :1:-- hi..; l'allin \\,:IS \\"1,11 alld that':11 1h,' 1'1"'St'1I1 lillll' 1111'1"1' art'
Pavis. ,t'lI'kl'd \\"itll 1'''1''1. 11'" 11'111' tlta1 hI' ~7;; -tllt'kho],lt'r" "it), all a""l"llC';1' oj'
Entered llS second-class mlltt,'r II as ""I1(('\\"h:lt "h"rt of ,,"n1. ],ut tl1 a 1 Ilil't"{'('l1 sh:Jl'{\~ a ]H'I':-:Oll!
1a1"C';1' ,'xt"lIt this' II'''S oll'sd 1", a stnuk ~\:-i 1111 ' rt\ a J'l' 0\·1'1' :t 1hollSatlil liOIJl{'''';
October 15, 191·1. at the Post Office at
1'( ·otlll·}, g'o(Hl:-:, wlJif'h art' :-oai('l to hrl\'e ill tlp' llllt'{)lI.~lI, alld tlUI' p1'('s(,111 stud.::.·
~arberth, Pl'nnsylvania, under th!' act 1t,,]<I,'I's a 1'1' :,Il frolll :'\arhel"th, S/l II II'
l~ll' ~::IIlIP '\':ll'IlIing" ill11u('llt'I'. !,:d l'rllIll" 11111
of March. 1879. 'SI':': ttl rt'Ij('''" 11i:..: 11·(,tllJ'£':' .ill:'t :1:-: :-i(IOII (I: ;]It'lll st,ltllill!f ill tl!('i)' ]1l0IlC'· (':It'll
:1:": tl1(· ]'0:11: tn :\:il'hl'l'lh i~ 1l1:lflt , Jl:I~~ I' 111111 r~'(JlII :l~';"(;l:' :t~.; ~al\ FI':;I1(·i:..:('o,
:. :': (' t', i l' :11;: (1: J I 1 ~ 1, i 1t " . I k 1\ (j ,,\ 111: I 1 1!1 i:-.: \,,;' j(,1: ::;lll"·:-: tll:tl 1111 11'1' :111' :1 gn'nt
Ilt",\':-: will ht, \\ 1,lnlll:('d ll\' :1 ~:T(';ll 111:111." ::I:,Il," n sidl'Ilt:-.: ttl' 1 ill\ Illlr()tl~·lt \\·!Io
OUR TOWN will gladly print
jl('Old(' 11I'j"(,:dlfl[l:"';. .' ,jIlt, I' do IIl1t J<II"" ahollt th .. Narherth
any news itOlIll about any subject nlliJdllle," nlld Loall A~Stlt'i:11i()ll. 01' (,1st'
that is of interest to Narberth .·\S tiltH' g'O{'S :dllJl,'~ i: 11 ~ '1'11 r I ! t ';-: i II l' 1'1 ':I ;.; - ,th,'.'" h:;,'1' lIot thollgllt or tit.· Hllildillg'
folks, but in order to meet the ill!.!h· (,\,id('llt t1J:i~ .. "-;)11 illl' \\':It' 111 alld Loall I'lall of sayillg llIoney, and it We aIm tJ have the things your "Little Ones"
sp'it;, of tl,,· pari.'" 1)1:1: {': 1111 t i 11 111 l'() \\" ~ , I' i~ hOl'e,l that in Iltl' 111'\\' ",'ril's 1\" I\'ill will like.
printing schedUle, all • '>coPY" 1

],I'eaus!' it J,"pt 11,- 0111 (If \\·:1 r, lw\'(' a1 l(':lst 7;)1/; uf tl]{' 1'l,:..:illl'1l1:-; of
-manuscripts-must reach the :'\:t,.br'l'th takl' 0111 sl1lln's.
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each \"I''.\" :..:11:1l'l':--; lll:l\' hI' ohtai: ll \d :11 till'
Our hard c~ndles are made of the purest cane
.Iudge S1it(l~. ulIr llistillg'lli...;lIl'd lnl'al
week. ,iurist. :'I'z: "1'1111 111"1'1' III'ar a nlall \\"ho !\.("11ing" at 11lP }'=;in' 11011:--;('. Thllr:--dn.,", sugar WIth most delicate Bavors.
lI:ls m:l,l!' a 1nt flf 1110111'" ,·]aililill~ tha1 \I:t rl·h 4t h. lwt \\"ecn 7 ani! 9 0 'clock
llt' ~ :l ,·jl'tilll of l·il'('lll;\...:t:llll·('~' ']Ull' H 1'. ~1. Have you seen our new little "cuddly" dolls?
f"l1o\Y ,rho's .10Wll :llld out hl·:q.~·I..:dl1g­ ,\"k 1111\' "I' th., Dir"I'tors for infol1na-
tiolL :I lid , writt' 10 111(, fo'l'l'J'('tnl'\· fill' ;t The kind the children hug and take to bed
SATURDAY, February 28, 1920 ;Ihnllt llf"ill.~ n sl'lf-lIl:lt10 1ll:l11--hut Il1n:-:t
"111'," of thl' :tllll!!:t] !"l'I'"r!. ,,,hi!'h \\"ill
li];.,I." tll,'~· arl'."
~1l(1\\" 111(\ fH'fJ}H' :IJ!d solidity of :111 :1:-,SlI-
with them.
"CI'n.. ,
E~rEHtH;:'\C\' PHONE CALLS (,ia1ioll thoroll./.!."}ll,\· :"::Ift'.~·lIard"ll. ,':ll'lIill;.!
t'iLdlt 1'(')' (.{ltlt. llt'l' :1111111111 for il~ ~1fll'1.::­
Fire, 350
Policc, 1250
holdns. Ivy Candy Shop
----_._------------- ASSOCIATION MEANS Phone, Narberlh 1705 OpP. R. R. Station
Editorial As a Home.BuyinG Help. li('(ll'gt' .:\1.(:al'dilll'l', f(ll'll1,.'r1~· HI' Hl'l'-
\\\'JI hu1 11:IS liYl'll Illl \\"(J'Hlllillt'
III 11llyiIlg" 01' llllildilj~· :! !lPlld' -,""11
,\'\'\,;\\11', .:\arIH'l'th fo}' SI'\"t'l'al ,\"\':11':-':.
W. ARTHUR COLE "BIOGRAPHED" llltl!l('y :() 1 ;1,"

I'd:-- it.
(·Iltil' ...;l' ..... \111\1'
!lIlt. J:IO:--j
In'lp, Yllll
ill If"

"i"d 1111 Prid:t". lo\'hruan- ~Ilth. Ill' Itad
],1'('11 ('Ullfil1t'(l'10 lIlt, 1J1;1l~1' for :-,I'\-l'ral
"You'll Like It"
'"I1It1hs. ()I'ath I\a,. attril,"t!',l III "i,1
In Olt' .J""I1:11'\' ;;111 isso(' III' TIll' !HII'I'O\\" 011 IIIflrt;....::I.~'I' f!'tllll a 11'1l:-.:t l'ulll"
:tg-l', hi' ha,·illg· l'l'at'llt'tl ;-;"\"('Jlt,\'-l'j~llt
l~ :111 all lUll Jll'il'l
,.keteh of
those wltu
our 0'0\'11 .\I'thlll' (·"Ie.
kilO\\" hi"l l,,'st. it ,.,11s 1I01h-
11:111,'" 0)' :111 i III Ii\" i I! 11:11.
do. y(lll :lI't' Hpj Ii!.::,,].\· til ~'t'l l'llUll,!.!h
1lIo!1t'y 1(1~t,tlll'r. at :111,\' oil" 1 illJ{', to
1111 t, J II 1';I"';l' ,V(lII
\'(':1 ),:-i.
, :--[1'. G:tl'llill,'r sen"'ll as a I'l'i"al<' 111
('l1l1ll'all~- D. l~·lth H,'gillll'lIt, PI'III1S,'"I,
illCY ll11Hl ' • 11l'l':111:'I' 1111' .\I'fltlll' of hll\·· !illllitl:<t., 1lit' 1,,:111. Till'I't'I',,],'. tl'l' 11001'1·
It071d is still th.' ,\rtlllll" "I' todaY-l'ipP;I-
t'll, Y(':--;. hut :--[ ill l';! 1'111':.-1. SltH"'ll',
:-.1 1':lig·ht~thillkitlg·, :lllaly/'illg·. aud lllU!-'t
01' 1111, loypr of his 1',,1IolI'-IIII'n. ,\!'thul',
.'_a"~·I' l·:ll'l'i(l:-' Illl, 'yIlt: k('i'p 1I:I . . ·iJl.~· illh'r-
P ...;t H lid yOll :11'1' jlhl ,\"lll'l'~' ~'llll :-ot :ll't ('Il.

Oil a huilding· :1:-.:~rlt'i:11 iOIl lll11rt.~,!":I;'~"I\

"'"1 tab, "lit ti\'(, ,.h"I'" 1'01' 1':(I'h $1.11110
\':lnia ·YlllUlltt'I'I'S. \\,:IS di:..whaq.~·\'tl ~I;I~'
1'>111, L"(j::, nt ll:ll'l'i~htlrg:, h~' I'P:\:-':Oll Ill'
l'xpil'atioH (It' tl l l'lll ot' s('r\"h·l', IIi:..:. ("JIll-
1':/11." t'Ollll11:lI11lt ' r \\"a~ Captain X. I~. fnr-
"Domestic" Coke
wp cOllC';ratuJall' .'""n~--l'oor Hil'hllr.1's
1I:t1l. 111' I\'as bOl"l1 ill P!'la",al'l' ('1I11llt~· Order now from your dealer
·Lol'I'l·\\"prl. alld }In,\' t,,·o dlll1:ll':-: ppr alld was 1earnillg' tit" tmtle of hla!'k·
Alm:ln:ll'. 1·'I'],ruII1'.'- 11;, ]!I~II.
,nolltlt for ":I,.J! ,,1::11'1'. 0111' .1011,,1' fol'
"'c. tllil. 01' :'\"r],I'I'IIt. l'llllC';ratu1:lt l'
you, Arthur. '
dill'S alll1 (,Ill' t1ol1:lI" 1'01' illt"1"<'st. \Yhell
1lit' shlll'e~ matlin' ~'llll oll-e nothing.
smitlt IIhell hL' 1'1I1i,t".1 at: the ag" "I'
('ighlpl'lI Y{\:lr~. Fl1l1pra} \\,a:-- hp1tl rrUI':":-
tI:t\' frolll thl' 1I11.1ertllkillg" 1'OOIl1S or
YOll han' pai,1 otl' thl' prill,'iplll of ~-(J1I1' Carried $10.00
10:111 s."stt'lllllti,·all.". "1I11 pro],:I],I," hllY<'
ClI·ad"s:\1. Stllard. Al'dIlIOI'l'. 1I1fl'nlll'lIt Price chuted, $9.50
:tt ClIl1f C"ll1etery.
Cub's Weekly Letter lIn1 IlllHH('d the lnnll(':~.

To Illustrate the Difference 011 a First

Prlce of Pea Coal $9.25 chuted in
JIa\"(' ."Oll S(,lIt ~'Olll' I'IlL'kag" of 1"11111' Good service by using this coal
Mortgage Loan of 84.000. 111:1<'(' to tht' \\'01111'11 's Auxiliary of th,'
To the Editor of Our To\\"n:
011 thll huil,ling' assoeiatiou plau you Y. '3-r.
C. A.? 1'h"se \\"llmClI Hn; Ollt fot,
Prazier Purse, our emcicllt C"USllS will takp out t\\"pn1\' ;;hnr<'s a 1111 pay 011(' hllll,lr(',l t]oll:lrs. al1t1 ~'Ollr ot\'erill:~
Enumerator and llllJateur fanu!'r, Sll\,b forty <1ollars 1)('1' IlJ 0'11 1h. .-\t maturity of tlis!'artl"t1 I'lothiJlg", fllrllitllrl', l'hill:!.
that :"I"arlwrth's popu1atiou is :J,701. All ill :Jpproxilllalt,j.\- );;7 uiouths. ~'ou will PI!'., l\(~ IIlnttl'l' ho\\" small. will ai,] thl'lII
lIIatt'rial1~' ill rl"ll'hillg their goal.

hOllor to thL' four. 'I'hpv aloll!' out of Ita\"{' paill $5,480 ill dll"s an,1 illlt'rl'st.
the whole population <:11'[;111'<1 their si<1 ...'-
walks lluring the r<'l'I'llt ilT spllll. 13p-
ing onc of the quartette, I fcel all the
Dlorc eOllstrailled tu nll'lItitJlI thp go,,,!
work. Not that] wouldn't 1lJ"lItioll it
ill :lll~- e\'ellt, hut ~'ou IUlo\\" ho\\' it i-
Camolt'll is rig'ht, tllP \\"alk,. of this
needed for the Garden. Greenhouse. Lawn Dnd Farm. including
the best vl1I'letlcs of Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Lawll Grass Seeds. FatrD
],urg' haye I)('en ill II disgTa"I'l'ul ('oudi- Seeds. RosC8. Dahlias, Hardy Percnnl:t1s and other Plants, Garden ltd-
tion, nll<1 in thinking' nf theil' 0111' W01l- There are six 50 - foot Lots that plcments, Lawn Mowers, Lawn J\oUers, Fertilizers, Insecticides, etc..
11ers \\"hnt has hpI'olue 01' the ulyl'in,1s of' DREER'S GARDEN BOOK FOR 1920
11l'ople wllo ust',l to tell us h;1\\- Illlll'h can be bought at an attractive fig- Will tell you how to obtain the best result. from
your home Ilarden.
thcy heli,'\'etl ill tIlL' G01dl'lI HU!I'. :':'ul'-
Call or Write for a cop,,-FREE
)lose you f'orllll'll y01l1' opinion of' a ure; IDEAL for either building
mall's ellar:ll·tl'\' or thp "outlitill11 of
his lIouseholt1 frolll thll state oj' hi,. silll'-
or investment. HENRYA.DREER 714-16 Chestnut StPhila.
wall" ",hi,'h ~·ou lI'ould he quilt, .iu,.tifkl1
ill 11oing. You woult1 ask yOUI'Sl'If: 1)OI'S


'fhat's not much for times like these, is it?
Better consider a policy which will give vou
nIl you otlJ.tht to ha\"c, making sure of - an
amount caleulatcd to cover entirelY the exi-
gency involved. Life Insurance is a iine friend.
r.ANAIIAN. 2011 Forest A\'enue
'1'. O. Box 352. Phon~. Nnl'b~rth 3-44 n.
NARBERTH 1713 Lee's fiarage
Phone 1505

:EI. epa:l.r:l.:ng
(Continued from Page 1) til the Coulltry Cluh, whpl'c wc ~olt'c<l
ulltil ,lark T'hl'll \1'" tra1Jl'yl'u hack til
tO\l'1l ulHI ,luucp,l till ,lawll. Theil WI'
!lIoton',l to thc h1'Uf'11 alld Frilluycil
often follows a
Neglected Cold
Narberth's First thl're.' ,
Till' hl'othl'l' 011 th" fU1'I1l wrotc lJa('lc KILL THE COLD!
Dahlia Show ""I'stndu." w" hu~;:i,'d to tO\l'1l aud
J,as .. ha!1I'd :J \I aft"rllooll. Th"l1 wc wellt tllLeS
to :,\"d's aud pllk<'n'l] till 1110 rlliIIg. '1'0-
dnl' WI' 1111111',1 out. to th" 1'0rll,Ii,,]d allli
]1' then' is OJlI' f1owl'r ill whil·h llJ1-
l1:-;lIalillt(\r~l:-;t 1Ia:-; IIt ' {'1l :-;hoWJl during'
"', ;'·hu wl'd 1ill slll1lloll·lI. Th"ll II'" Slip'
;;"I'''d ,,",1 t h"11 \1'1' l'il'l'l] fill' a II'hill'.
lhl' last I\'\\' years ill :'\ar1)('rth, it is
,\ft,'r lhat WI' stain'as,'d 111' III OUI' rOOl1l
lhl' Ihhlia.
Thl'rt' al't' ahout 1 Wl'lIt~· gal'llt'llt'I'S
:'lId 1Il',lsll'ad",1 ulltil 111(' ,·llll·k flYe<l." 8.R.OMIDf.
"'h" last \'I'ar 1111,1 fiJll' ('olll,,·tioJls, allo!
__ j.:,;". B. 111I;:h .., ill Till' \\-I'ill'l'. Standard cold remedy for 20 years
-in tablet form-safe, sure, no
:l l"l'(ll'di II;!' to l'P}lOl't~ thp.\' arC' goil~g jn opiates-breaks up a cold in 24
1'01' dahlias '1uitl' 1I I"t 111"1'1' l'xtl;II'1I'('I,I' OFFICERS OF THE WOMEN'S AUX· hours-relieves grip in 3 days.
ILIARY, NARBERTH Y. M. C. A. Money baek if it fails. The
lhis \'('al'. genuine box has a Red
,\ 'Pahlia Sholl' has 1,1'('11 sugg t ',t.'<1, top \V i t h Mr. Hill's
:llld tllt' CiYil' ...\sslwiatitln i:-i :lrl':tllgill.~· I'r,',i']"lIt-~[r,. D. 1l. ~tit-l(Jle.". pictnre,
for a ,hll\l' to hI' hl,le1 Oil :-'::1111'<1;1.". :-;"1" Yi('p-I'l'c,idt'lIt--~ll".. J. n.
llarlingloll. At All Drug Stores
1t'llIht1l' ~;""i. TIll' St·lJ(·dlllt' III ]'1l1\·~ :lod :-""'l'l'lan,-.. ~rr,,. ('. L. ~[,.],,'al1.
I'xhihits. II'hil·h ill..1I1<!" d:ddi;ls. ;I-In".
(:-'Il:llldl:l.!~nll~). :llld t·o~­
Trl'asllr(:r-~[r,. II. C. 1\:.,jlll.
They couldnt h)e built
A ~S~UT~.e!A
:llitil'l'llil1\llll:-: Chairmen of Committees.
]110:-'. \\'ill bl' pllhli~';[lt'd ill :til (':Ir!~' i'l~l
~r"1II1)('r,llil'--\rr,. :"""111"1 llickil'.

~~w for twic~$71,ooo

i ion Ill' OUI' '1'0\\"11.
Y;~it;IlI!:-~[r,,- HOIII"i"t, llol1'lllan.
11 is 111(\ 1'111')IlI:-;I' Ill' tIll' \'"1!11lIill t ' I ' Flnesl Pholoplay The-
IloII"e·.:...·~lrs. W. :\. ~Iilk alre 0111.. Size in the
ttl nl:--lI prin1 dirt·l·tiolls for: plalltlllg' :llld
~11I,il·--:\lr,. T. :'\01,1 Hilt 11'1'. . EnlireWorld.
(l'ro\yillo' (.olll))ikd 11\' It\adlll~' t\xlH\rt~ fill
SOI·ial-·~II'~. G. ~lt'l'ril t ]>a \·is.
~:ddi:ls~'al111 to l'\Ibfi~ll tlIi:--; ;:!f'Ol'lll:ltioli Pb.lophn·,..-Conlinuous to 1\. M. to 11.311
hi 1111' ('ldlllllll~ III' Oil I' T,,"YII :11 till' P.M.
proJlI'!' till:I' 11l1'l111.~"dIOllt 1111' ,~-':I:-:OI1 ... When the talk turns from politics to railroads, Philo., Po.
O:!nlt'lll'f':-: wlin 11:1\"(' :1I11l111't"] d:l/llJ:I.'"
1nlt \\"ho 11:1\"1' 1101 :tftPl!!jlll'rl t i l g"l'llW and the traveler with the cocksure air breaks
t1"'II1. ,'all 1''1sil.l· 1',,11011' il'" I'rillll',j d.i'
l"1,(.tiOIl:-;. :llld h:I\"l':I p:fllId ('11:111('1' to \\"111
in with, "There's an awful lot of 'water' in
pup:-; or riJdlO1J:-: :11 tllt· ~lIo\\". :I~ it. i:-: the railroads," here are some hard~pan facts PROGRAM
~tl'i('11\- 1'111' ;21'11\\"('1":-: :Jllli
:JIlln1t'111' IJl-
lplI,]p,i 10 ill1pn'st a11 ga]'l],'nl'r~ in thi~ to give him:
],ill'" of f:dl 11 II 11'1' 1'S.
f'~,r flirt 1\1'1' ; 1I1'''1'1ll'' 1 iOIl Oil ,!"h1i"
O"}'OWiTlf" or dl't:lil:-: :1:-; 1u 1lit' ll:llIli:1 .t.. merican railroads havz cost $80,900 a mile
~1111\\", ~"l'it(\ 111 tlH' l):l1dia ~11\l\\" ('1I1l1-
lIIill,"'. 1'. O. B"x lilil.
11 1-::\11)' HO:"I·:.
-roadbed, strnctures, stations, yards, termin-
als, freight and· passenger trains-cverythinJ
"Mary's Ankle"
FI~,\:\E ,\. ('1,.\1:10::.
from the great city terminals to the last spike. WITH
HOBEHT .1. 1':1)(;,\1;.
A good concrete-and-aspbalt l,ighway costs
A Yl'IT Ilt-lightfll] ,1Il'j,ris,; i'~'1'I.I· lIa" $36,000 a mile-- just a bar'e ro:\rJ. not count-
l'l'lIt!<'n'ti ~I1',.·.llIhll .1. 1',,111, lIt 111,' II""'" ina' the cost of culverts, bridges, etc.
of' hp1' p"n'1I1'. ~I r. :11101 ~1 rs: .llIs"I,h Il . . b
),l"ag"uil'l', 011 ].'(\].1'11:11'.\' ~·lth. III 11111101' lIt
)IAI!'1 l'nouuc'J'lO:-.i STAnTS AS SEAR
hp1' hirtllll"", 'rh,' gnp,l, illl·lll,!t-d ~Ir.
alii] ~[rs. \\'iJli:1111 ~[".". ~Ir. .Iallll;s 'l'.
Our railroads couldn't be duplicated to~ ,\8 l'OSSIBJ,I~ TO 10.00 A. )1 .. 12.00. 2.00.
3.')5, 5."15. 7.-15, 9.30 P. 1\1.
1'''111. B1'yll ~rall'r. 1':1.; ~ll'. ,,1,,1 ~lrs. day for $150,000 a mile.
FnInk D. \\'"rlll'r,~li,s :'\"1,,1i,, \"ox .
.Al'lllllOn', P:I.~ ~[l'. Ellgl'llI' Pil'ard. Ln-
(l'an; ~[r. ,,1101 ~[r". 'I'hlllllas B. H.. df,·l'u,
\11'. .Iallll's H. Plp1t'h,'r. :\1 r. !"ilzl':iI-
ril.k. ~1r. E1Ji~ou }'l"tt·!Il'r. ~lr. alld ~[r,.
;1011;1 A. lIap;I'l'ly. \\'1',1 l'1Jil:It!t-II'],;at
They are capitalized for only $71,000 a mile-
much less than their actual value. Seventy-one NARBERTH GARAGE
~ris, ~Iil,lr",l nll\\'l'l1. \\'a"a, 1'".; ~II'. thousand dollars today will buy one locomotive. Raymond Weiss, Proprietor
R:l1l'h C. Sharadill.l'ulzl11"·u, l'a.; ~II·.
;Jollll Jo'. ~[a~llil'l'. ~lr. ,,11,1 ~Ir, .. fohll .1,
Paul. ~ris~" Eliz:I1'l'll1 ~la;:uil'l'. ~li",
f'ophia ~[IlSpll, ~1r. .losI'ph ~r:lgllirl':
English raiiways are capitalized at $274,000 a EXPERT REPAIRING
.h·., :llll] ~lis~ KathrYII .1. ~ra,~-l1ll'l'. 01 mile; the French at$155,OOO; German $132,000; Telephone Narberth 1633
':\ar]H'r1h, Pa. even in Canada (still in pioneer development)
they are capitalized at $67,000 a mile. The
MANUFACTURED VERBS. average for all foreign countries is $100,000. GOOD VALUE
The use of "Yf'l'h:-- 1I1:1I111t':I{'tlll't'll Oltt In the following up-to date homes:
of 1l01111S is sa1irizl'll ill 1111' ~t(ll'~· of Low capitalization and high operating effici-
11ll' rity ho\' "l,o \1'1'01., t" his 1,1',,1111'1'
ency have enabled American Railroads to pay 208 Grayling Avenue
(( II t Ill' fa 1'111': ,. Th urst1a:, WI' alltacf] aut
34 Avon Road
the highest wages while charging the lowest
36 Avon Road
rates. 100 Avon Road
Phone, Narberth 1687

J. A. CALDWELL CJhis advertisenlent is published by the WM. D. & H. r. SMEDLEY

.5J.ssociation of8<.ailway DXilcutives ALTERATIONS

and INSURANCE Those dcsirill.~ ;1I10,.,,,o/ioll concernillil tIre railroad si/UGi/ion Clarence A. Speakman
may obtain lifera:llrc by writing to Tlte A ss"cia/iOll of
Railway Eucutives, 61 Broadway, New York Carpenter and Builder
NARBERTH, PA. Phone 1652-& Narberth

......... -------- -------------


Fortune Gas
Day Phone, Narberth 302 J
Night Phone, Narberth 344 J

SABlE CENSORE Notlce··on and Aft.r April (st GLEAN···SAFE···WHOLESOME

WALiON BROS. Frank Coradetti Paper nanglng and Decorating OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARAN'lEED
tOO ESSEX AVENUE 212 Merion Avenue s. E. Corner Woodbine and Williams he.
Phone 672 Box 596. Narberth
Narberth. Pasteurized Milk 1 DEL/\lERJES
BrynCIOPl~lkCerlined WEST PUlL".
(Pedrlatle Soclet;v) OVERBRItOK
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening.
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered.
Contractor in Hauling, Cotter's Market Special "Guernsey"
(Roberts'&: Sharpie",.' BALA-CYNWY
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. . Cement Work, Labor and Dairies) NARBERTH
Prime Beef, Spring Lamb,
all work requiring services Country Dressed Veal and
Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOII
NEW CHES fER WATER COMPANY of experienced men in the Pork, Sugar Cured Hams Cream.

(CHESTER, PENNA.) upkeep of lawns and gar- and Bacon

Two Year Six Percent Secured Notes
DATED MARCH 1 st. 1920 DUE MARCH I at. J 922
You will find our prices right SCOTT-POWEll DAIRIES
Free of Penna. State Tax aad Normal Income Tax (up to two percent) Groceries and Provisions 45th and Parrish Sts.
Member Phila. Stock Exchange
Member Phila. Stock Exchange
28 South Third St., Philadelphia


Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Pnpertles For Rent and S••e
and Heating
Fire IDsor.Dee
BeU Phone li9 If.
".aU BoJIdJDIf. . Narbertllt P.

~._._._._._._.- Frank ReginelJi

SCHOOL SUPPLIES Narberth Shoe Store

AT and
I DAVIS' Repair Shop
__ • _ _ • ------J.

The Narberth Electric Shop NARBERTH, PA.

Win solve .n your electric troubles

We wire old houeeelike new quickly and without
damalle. Let ue estimate on your work. We can
For· Good - Work - See
:Jhe Telephone Situation in Pennsylvania
save you money on fixtures, portnbJes, floor lamps
and appliancee. H. PREMOST
W. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
Phone. Narberth 395 W
The Home Town Tailortng Parlor
T HIS Company is confronted by
a problem, which unaided it can,
not solve.
Briefly, the situation is this.
U [23 South 17~ ~[adtlj)/liC1: ~
234 Haverford Avenue
Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed
Cleaned. Pre8sed and Remodeled '
Work Called for and Delivered
French Dry Cleaning a Specialty
GARAnteed Roofs Bell 'Phone 12154.J
Our operating costs have for several
years been steadily rising- have now
practically doubled. In this respect we
have been experiencing only what you Narberth 'Register
have, in your factories, your offices and Two Lines, lOc per i..ue; 5c for each additional line

your homes. The income with which ACCOUNTANTS MILK

we pay our bills is derived fro111 the rates (iuttshull, II. Ii. Public AC4.:01lutnllt; Tax:
1t'·1I01·t s, A 11<IIt". aceolllplisl",d. 303
Scott·Powell Dalrlea. Phone. Preeton 211k,
See display advertlllement In tbt. falue.
charged for our service, and- ('OIlW:I\' :I \"PII 1I 1'• .Kal'lH'rU., Pa.
Ke1nl, ·R. C. Certified PUblic Acccuntant. MUSIC
202 Dudley av-. Phone, Narberth 100-W. Loos. 1"onny II. 1'1l1ll0 teaeiler.
These rates are now what they were AUTO~lOBILES.
Stndlo, Arcade Bldg. Phone, 31G·J.

before the war! Leee' Gara&,e-Repalrlng. Etc. Phone. 1605.

:-Illrllerth (;llrllJ:'e. I'llone NarLJerth 1633.
Jell'erles, J. U. 111 Narberth aVe.
l'!'l' dlsl'lllr Illlverti,elUent In this Issue. Phone, 666-M.
The problen1., then, is one of making AU'J'()~I()nIU~ SEltVICE
('ensore. Sallie. Phone, 072.
ends Ineet; and this, despite every prac, Sec dlsl'lllr all\'crtlsc1l1cnt In this issue.
I'enton, Carl F. 506 Eeees ave. Pbone, 6.8 .....
Phlla. addre... 180. Cbestnut lit. Locuat III.
tical econon1Y, we have for some time BANKS
Merion Title 1!1. Trust Co. Phone. Ardmore •.
ZentmaYer. Josel.h. 228 S. 15th st., Pblla.

been unable to do. See dlaplav ad vertls6111ent in thlll tlll!lUe,

BUILDERS Walzer, Fred.
117 Wlneor aVe. Phone, 12H-J.
Shllllli. Alex. Coo ,Jr. Phone. No. lil0.
The seriousness of the situation con.. ;\'llrbcrth station.
81111',11 e." , Wm. D. &: II. T. Phone, 600.
cerns every user. Weare certain that See display ad vertlsement In tblB IIl1lUe
Witte. Geo. A. Fairview ave.
Phone, CynWyd 778-J. Flret-ol. . work.
no one wants the quality of the service U..vls. H. E. Phone. 1254-W. PIIOTO PLAYS
See dlsplllY advertisement in tblll 1118U6.
to slump badly. It is a service that plays Ivv Cuntl)' ~hOl),
~I!) Ha"!'rforl1 An'. Phone. Narberth no;:;.
"Areadla." 16th and Cheetnut ste., Pbll..
Bee dleplay ad vertle.ment In tble Isaue
too vital a part in the every,hour life of CAltrENTERS AND BUll,DEBS I'LUMBlNG, ETC.
,1enklne, Ch.... L. Cook I1rns. Phone 1~10 ,J.
the community. 103 Dudley ave. Phone. 3S2-Mo. See display advertisement In tble IIBOe.
Sllea1ilUlln. Clarence A. Pllone H)52·R, Wall, lJ. B. Pbone, 319-J.
See dlsIJla~' ad\'l'rtisement In this Issue.
Weare asking the Public Service CONTltACTOlt 01·' PLASTEltiNG
Bee dleplay advertle.ment In thla laeue
Commission of this Comn10nwealth to Frptantonl, ,James, It Sons.
:!:m IJUll1ptlt'1l U\'P, PhOlH', IHni-\Y. l'lIld\\'ell, .1. A. Phone, 16Si
consider the inadequacy of our present UENTIST,S
Bee adverUeement In tble Illeue
Fritsch. H. C. Phone, 252-W.
revenues and to approve schedules of J)u\'hi, LawrcJU'c. Phone, Ardmore, IfJril.
see DlsplllY AdvertiselUent In this Issue.
See dlaplay advertleement In thle leaue
1I~·herJ:'. I1ent T. Phone 1i13
rates that will guarantee permanency, Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Pbone, IU-W. see dlsplllY advertisement I~ this IsslIe.
Phlla. Phone. Filbert 4252. Keltb Bide. Naeh, Robert J. Phona, 605.
extension and improvement to the busi.. Ill'. ,I. n. l,udwlJ:' 10!1 Forr!'st A,·('.• Nar·
lI<'1'th. I'll. Omee hours: 1'.30 to ;:;.:10. Open
Money for First and Second MorteaJel
Slml.eon. James C. 232 Eaaex ave.
ness and the service. p\'plliug's. Phone. l70S.
Sehembs, Dr. John. Phone Narberth 316·'V.
Phone. 636. or 1420 Cbestnut et.

Cor. Grayllng antI 'Vltllisor lives. JtOOFING, ETC.

It is our duty to present the situation Otllee HOllrs IInt1l \) P. ~I. dllily. G.. rs-lIleGlnle,. Co. Phone, 1253-W.
See display advertleement In thle laue.
to the public in its essential details, and Howard'a. Phone, 1267.
IIlIIer, John A. 243 Iona ave. Pbone, 661."
Shop, 246 Haverford ave. Pbone, U2&.J
Bee dleplay advertlaement In tble Ileue.
this we shall endeavor to do by frequent ELECTRICIANS SHOEMAKEBS
statements that will set forth its many Case, 'V. G. Phonl', :lllG· W.
See dlsplllY advel'tisl'lllt'nl In this Isslle.
Good Wear Shoe' Repair Shop,
Constantine, B. G. 2G2 Haverford ave.
aspects of in1mediate concern to tele.. PUJb, Veri 225 Iona ave.
Nar. Pbone, 650-W. Ard, Phone. l&3-J.
Phone. NIlt'bertb 1i06·W.
UeJ:'lnelll. rrank. 209 Haverford ave
phone users. FISH AND OYSTERS
Imperial Grocery Co. Phone, Narbertb 606.
See display advertisement In this IS~lIe.
Bowman, 'Samuel P. (Life.) Premost, H. Pilone. 1254'J.
116 Elmwood ave. Pbone. 658-W. See display advertisement In tbls lillie.
Jonee. Wm. J. 103 B. Narberth ave. Pbone,
630·J. Phlla. addreaa, Penn Mutual Bldg.
Trotter Broe. (Fire, etc.) The above department enould bs of tbo
209 Woodelde ave. Phone. 1262-R. &,reateat uee to the community, the lIet con.
LAWYERS talne the name of every profealonlll man.
tradeeman, mechanic, ahopkeeper, etc., wbl
Gilroy, John 211 Eaaex ave. Phone, 1245-R. doee or can In any way aerve hie fellow·
Phlla. addreaa, Lincoln Bide. townsman, and who la prOJrealve enourb
Stites, Fletcher W. 413 Haverford ave. to add name to lIat of Reelster.
Phone. 372-W Phil... addrea, Croser BIde.
The Bell Telephone Company LIGHTING FIXT11BES
Ae It la dlffloult for thoee contrlbutlnl
tbelr Ume and elforta to tbe production 01
"Our Town" to peraonally either know or
IIcDonald John. Narbertb phone, 1288.
of Pennsylvania 1533 Cheet. It.. Phlla. Pbone, Spruce .1U.
Interview all .ueb, It would be moet belp·
tul If thoae not now found In th. printed
lIat would lIend In a memo of their nama,
Cotter. HOMard F, Phone, 1288. addreaa, phone numbera and bualne_e or
aee dlllplay advertlaement In thle leeue.. profealona for lIetln&,. Tblll will oo.t as fol·
Hertzter, John B. Narbertb. lowe: 10 cente each laue for I line.; & oeD"
See display advertisement In tbll l. .oe. for eaoh additional line.

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