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I don't do housework on Sundays normally. But tomorrow I will tidy my room, because my boyfriend
Jim is going to come. The bus arrives at 10. I think Jim will come on time as usual, because he likes

to be punctual. I will look forward to him. We have a date

every Sunday and I always look forward to him. Tomorrow we are going to have a special date. We are
going to see his parents. We will have a good time, I hope.

Exercise 2


The meeting starts at 8.30 tonight.


No, I don't watch TV every day.

What WILL YOU DO after school ?

I don't know what I'll do.


Yes, she is going to try it.


He is leaving next month.

How often SHE HELP ?

She helps me twice a week.


No, no. Marion won't study at university.

Exercise 3

It snows here.This is a cold place(1a)

It is snowing here.Look at that(2a)

I’m writing a story.I’m going to finish it soon.(1b)

I write short stories.I’m not novelist.(2a)

This bag is so heavy! Will you take it?(1b)

The final exam is on Monday.Are you going to take it?(2a)

My laptop doesn’t work!What will you do?(1b)

I can see you!What are you going to do ?(2a)

Exercise 1

1) Did you meet (Past Indefinite Active) Frank in Toronto?

2) He had a break after he had been walking (Past Perfect Progressive Active) for two hours.

3) I have known (Present Perfect Active) her for a long time.

4) We cleaned the windows and the car on Saturday morning.

5) I worked in York for a week in 1998.

6) I saw you in your office with a girl! Really? We were just talking.

7) How many cupboards have they moved since yesterday?

8) As he was riding a bike, a dog bit him.

9) When the dog bit him, he fell off his bike.

10) I didn't notice that you had come.

11) I can't stand it anymore. I have been polishing the furniture since breakfast.

12) Has he washed the dishes yet?

13) They bought a hotel in York, but then then sold it.

14) She couldn't play yesterday because she had sprained her ankle the day before.

15) I can't find Todd. Where is he? –He 's been working in the garage.

16) She has been putting books on the shelves all day. That's why she is so exhausted.

17) The sun was shining and we were lying on the white sand.

18) You have arrived at last! Where have you been so long?

19) I was so relaxed because I had not been doing anything all day.

20) What’t your teaching experience? Have you ever taught any one?
21) She's hurt her arm. -When did she hurt it?

22) Where is Mum? -She has been doing the shopping all the morning.

23) At 9.30 I was watching a documentary on TV. It started at 9.20.

Exercise 2

We had stayed in Bristol from January to March. (stay).

Where is my wine ? Someone has drunk my wine! (drink).

When you has crashed had you been driving fast? (crash, drive).

I'm sorry. Dad isn't here. He has been decorate our neighbour's flat since the morning (decorate).

What a nice coat! Where have you bought it? (buy)

At 6 o'clock he had sat there for three hours! (sit)

I want to learn French. But I haven’t started yet. (not start)

We didn't want to spend our holiday in Strobl because had already been there. (be)

What have you done ?

You are so dirty! (do) Oh, no! I have lost my way. What shall I do? (lose)

Jim hasn’t washed the dishes after dinner.The kitchen sink is full of plates. (not wash) .

She has contacted three clients since the morning. (contact)

I couldn't help you. I didn't understand your problems. (not understand)

Does he know about it? Have you told him yet? (tell)

Bill admitted that he hadn't sent the catalogue to the agency. (not send)

As soon as I got the message, I left my house. (get, leave)

While Maggie was knitting a new jumper, Jill and I were reading. (knit, read).

Here he is! He wasn't looking for me all the time, he was waiting for Ann!

Will you be in your room at 5.30? - Yes, I think I will be packing my suitcase.

Nice to meet you! I haven't seen you for 10 years. What have you been doing all this time?

He hasn't died, but he'll be back home today. The doctors managed to cure him.

After we climbed to the top of the hill we had a great view of the day.

The pigeon finally delivered the news after it had been flying for the whole day.

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