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14D - Nutrients practice answer key- grade 7

Write the correct options in your notebook. Do not write all questions

1. Vitamins help fight diseases

A. True

B. False

2. Consider which foods you would want to eat more of if the Doctor told you to eat
more Fibre.

A. Broccoli, spinach, apples and strawberries

B. Yogurt, poultry, milk, and eggs

C. Cheddar cheese, lean meat, and fish

D. None of the above.

3. This food group is our body's best source of energy-

A. Meat Group or proteins

B. Fats, Oils, Sweets

C. Breads and Cereal or Carbohydrates

D. Fruits and vegetables

4. Which of the following does not affect how much water a person needs?

A. body size

B. physical activity level (how active they are)

C. heat exposure

D. how much water you had the day before

5. Analyze the following situation:

A teenage has trouble with getting cavities and the dentist suggests increasing the
amount of calcium the teen is getting in their diet. Decide which of the following
explains a good plan of action for better dental health.

A. Include a milk shake and brushing their teeth more often

B. Drinking at least 3 8 oz glasses of milk each day and calcium fortified orange

C. Drinking more chocolate milk because it is a good recovery drink after exercise.

D. All of the above

6. What does your body need to replace red blood cells? 

A. Calcium

B. Vitamins

C. Iron

D. Proteins

7. The only way to get all the nutrients you need is 

A. to drink alcohol in moderation 

B. to eat a combination of foods 

C. to eat the same foods over and over again 

D. to eat a vegetarian diet

8. All of the following give us energy except :

A. protein 

B. fats 

C. vitamins 

D. carbohydrates

9. Which of the following food constituents helps in smooth functioning of the digestive

A. vitamins

B. minerals

C. proteins

D. fibre

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