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Newell and Grugan W'in Neighbor Merion Wars

Fourth of July TournalDent- on Speeders
~rl'rion i~ nfler a II who exceed I he
automohile speed limit. Two ~pecinl
DEFEAT WILLIAMS AND wmTNE Y IN ONE OF THE MOST EXCITING policemcn have heen placed 011 the
FIVE-SET MATCHES EVER SEEN ON LOCAL COURTS- high ways of this ~rn in Line suhnrb
with t110 result that on onc daY last
LOSERS MAKE GAME CO ME-BACK IN THIRD SET. week the names of forty-ninc speeders
were turned in, and all will hc fincd.
That the l\fcrion officials arc in earn-
"Do any of these matches ever go Fourth Set. est is shown bv the fad. that of thc
to five sets1" innocently asked lL new Williams and Whitney- forty-nine repoi'led, hn'nty-sc\'en arc
member of the Narberth Tennis Asso-
ciation last Saturday afternoon along
o 1 2 :3 -! 4 5 5 6- (i
Xl'well lind Grugan-
THE FIRESIDE rcsiUents of Merion aud not a few arc
among the hest known residents of the
about the end of the second set in the 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3- 3 model suburb.
final Illatch for winner's honors in the Points. The first game of the second series of "We are detcrmilled to stop this HAROLD D. SPEAKMAN. POST 356,
Fourth of .July Tournament. Williams and Whitney- basehall will he I'la,"ed this afternoon automobile speeding, which has gone NARBERTH, PA.
And forthwith Messrs. X ewell and 3 4 i 4 4 1 9 0 4-3(1 at Ardmore, whl'n Narberth lines up beyond all limi ts," said Edwul'll Bok,
Grugan who finally won the tourna- Xewell and Grugan- against St. Dennis. presiden t of the l\Iprion Civic Associa-
Illent, dnd Messrs. Williams and Whit- 5 1 5 2 1 4 3 4 2-31 tion, "and there will be uo remittance "To foster and perpetua te a one
ney proceeded to stage one of the best Fifth Set. of fincs, either. High and low will OC hundred percent. Americanism," "To
played and most exciting championship Williams and Whitney- dealt with the same. I understand that inculcate a sense of individual oblign-
o 0 0 1 1 2 2 2- 2 ~Ir. and ~Irs. T. H. ~[anchester, of
matches ever seen on the local courts. last week three of the Directors of the tion to the community, State, and Nn-
Newell and Gruglln finally won by the Newell and Grugan- 441 'Voodhine avenue, were very pleas-
alltly surprised when ~Ir. and ~Irs. B. Civic Commission were caught-very tion.' ,
score of 6-3, 6-4, 6-8, 3-6, 6-2, but 12:l;\4456-6 well; they will be dealt with the same
Williams and 'Vhitne~r 's "come-back" Points. H. ~rowery, accompanicd br ~Ir. awl For God and Country, we associate
l\frs. N. T. Segal' aud daughter, ;Tane, as any others. A half-mile' speed run'
after losing the first two sets was noth- William,; and Whitnev- is now being laid out in Merion, and ourselves together for the following
ing short of sensational. 1 i 3 4 0 9 2 5-25 lIlotored from :Mechanicsburg to spend purposes:
the week-end with them. two special policemen will he detailed
That third set, which wus won by Newell and Grngan- to report any violations of the State To uphold and defend the Constitu-
Williams and Whitney after playing 14 4 4 5 1 4 7 4 7-36 law. Merion will hereafter be a 'trap' tion of the United States of America;
games, was a hattlp from start to fin- Faults--Williams 5, Whitney 5, New- and will so become known. But speed- to maintain law and order; to foster
ish. The first game, for example, went ell 2,· Grugan 11. Foot faults--Grugan Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Darlington enter- ing is to be stopped before serious ae- and perpetuate a one hundred per cent.
to deuce no less than 14 times. And 2. tained over the week end Mr. Darling: cid{)nts occur, and to prevcnt our beau- Americanism; to preserve the memories
again in the fourth game there were Final score-Newell and Gru~an de- ton's uncles and cousins, Mr. Martin tiful roads being worn out by reckless and incidents of our association in the
five deuces. feated WilliaJlls and Whitney, 6-3, 6-4, Darlington and daughter, Edith, of Ar- driving. " Great 'Var; to inculcate a sense of in-
6-8, 3-6, 6-2. cadia, Missouri, and Mr. Wedlin and dividual obligation to the comIllunity,
Pity the Poor Referee. State and Nation; to combat the au-
daugllter, Ruth, of Seattle, Washing-
At the end of the seventh game the ton. tocracy of both the classes and the
score stood: Newell and Grugan 2 sets,
Willilllns and Whitney 0, alHI the for-
Remember July 30, Fall Flower Show maSses; to make right the master of
might; to promote peace and good will
mer had 5 gaml's to .the latter's 2 in
the third set. It certainly looked then
Il.S though a few more minutes would
Date of Tennis Dance Elm Ball, Sept. 25th
on earth; to sa'feguard and transmit to
posterity the principles of justice, free-
dom, and democracy; to consecrate and
Perhaps the amateur grower is won·
finish the tournament, and Beferee Bill TENNIS ASSOCIATION PLANNING dering just what to do at this time in sanctify our comradeship by our devo-
Hall began looking around o\"('r the ANOTHER SOCIAL AFFAIR TO order to have more and better flowers Dahlias, tion to mutual helpfulness. (Pream-
.:Iourts from his "eminent position," BE HELD IN ELM HALL at the proper flowering time, late Au- Asters, hIe, Constitution of the American
hopeful that he might soon be down on ONE WEEK FROM NEXT gust to October 1st or the :first killing Cosmos, Legion.)
the ground once more and playing a FRIDAY NIGHT frost.. Snapdragons, Wanted at least seven new members
little tennnis himself. But Jloor Bill! Zinnias, to help us pass the century mark.
That WilliamS' and Whitney cOInbina- A great many dahlia tubers are
)fembers of the Narberth Tennis As· plantcd in soil ihat; Ims been formerly Annual Larkspur. Have you planned tu take aJvllntage
don had no compassion on him a-tull. sociation, their wives, and their friends of the vlleation plan offered by the At-
For they proceedClI to win the eighth used for vegetable gardens and which Vegetables.
arc wllrned not to schedule their vaca- has been richly fertilized. A soil of lantic City Postf One or two weeks,
"ame, and then the ninth, and then the tions to include Friday eV{)J1Ing, July Classes below, spedal prizes to be an· reasonable rates, old-time camp life.
tenth, and then the eleventh, bringing ahout 50 per cent. coal ashes has been
30. For on that date the Association found to be the best, as dahlias do not nouneed later. Ex-service man, do you realize that
the ~ame score to 6-5 in their faVOr. will give a shirt waist dance. you are preventing your mother, wife
Newell and Grugan won the twelfth need much nourishment early in their Three ribbons each class.
Chairman Pattison, 'Of the Entertain- growing season, the idea being to just or sisters frOm becoming members of
" game, but then their opponcnts gather- Class I-Beans, green pod. 1 quart. one of the most active Women's Auxil-
ment Committee, is alread,y arranging keep them growing in order that the Class '2-Beans, wax. 1 quart.
ed in the next two and won the set, an interesting program, inclUding one iaries in the State1
8-6. substance will not all go to bush, at Clnss 3-Beans, lima, bu~h. 1 qt.
special feature which he says willll,!ake the expense of flowers, later in the Have you seen the beautiful silk
The fourth set, although closely con· Class 4-Beans, lima, pole. 1 qt. Post Banner the Women '5 Auxiliary
a big hit with all toCnnis players. season. Class 5-Beets. 6. (Shown with
tested, went much more quickly and Members will be supplied with tick- donated to the Post~
was won by Williams and Whitney, 6-3. There is a time to fertilize, and that tops.) A summary of some of the work be-
ets and all other. details of the affair Class 6-Brussels Sprouts. 3 stems.
Newell and Grugan "came to the this coming week. is about August 15th, or when the buds ing done by the National American-
bat" in the fifth set determined to begin to form, buds appearing before Class 7-'Cabbage. I head:- ism Commission of the American
The Ladies' Committee of the Asso- ClaB8 8--Cantaloupe. 1 head.
"do or die," and they certainly did ciation also wishes to announce that this time should be pinched off; they Legion.
" do. " They won the first three games, will appear again and produce better Class 9'Carrot. 6. (Shown with tops.) 1. National Americanism Conuuission.
it has planned a masque ball for Hal- Class 1D--Cauliflower. 1 head.
lost the fourth, won the fifth, lost the lowe'en, Saturday evening, October 30, flowers later. The cooler nights of One of the most important recom-
sixth, and then gathered in the sev- in Elm Hall. September make the finer flowers. Celery. 5 stalks. mendations of the National Convention
enth and eighth and-set, match and If two or more shoots have appeared Class ll-Chard, Swiss. 3 heads. waS that a National Americanism Com-
tournament championship. from a tuber it will be found better to Clasl! 12-'Chinese.Cabbage. 1 head. mission be created "to endeavor to
BAG SOME BIG GAME IN A Class 13-'Corn, white. 6 ears.
MERION DRIVE AGAINST remove all but the strongest stem, so realize in the United States the basic
Summary. that the strength in the ground! will go Class 14-Corn, yellow. 6 ears. ideal of the American Legion of 100%
The game and point scores follow: SPEEDERS. Class l'5--Cucumber. 6.
to make one good stem, rather than Americanism through the planning, es-
seveml inferior ones. In eases where Class 16-Egg Plant. 1. tablishment and conduct of a continu-
First Set. CIVIC ASSOCIATION GETS OWN Class 17-Endive, green curled. 3
Williams and Whitney- DIRECTORS IN NET SET only two stems are growing nicely bpI- ous constructive educational system de·
anced, it is possibly safer to allow them plants. signed to:
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3-- 3 FOR MOTORISTS. Class 18-Kale. 1 head.
Newell and Grugan- to remain rather than risk injuring the (a) Combat all anti-American ten-
plant. Class 19-Kohl Rllbi. 3 plants. dencies, activities and propaganda.
001 2 3 4 5 56--6 WILL FAVOR NO ONE. Class 2D--Lettuee. 3 hcads.
Points. Keep the bed free from weeds, :\nd (b) Work for the education of im-
Any hewing that is going to be done Class 21-oni()ns, white. 8. migrants, prospective ,American citi-
Williams and Whitney-- keep surface of ground raked or hoed, Class 22-0nions, yellow. 6.
at Merion is going to be done "to the not only to kill weeds, but to moisten zens and alien residents in the princi-
7 5 2 2 2 3 7 4 0--32 line" and the chips can ''fall where, Class 2'3-0nions, red. 6.
:Newell and Grugan- and aerate the soil. Do not let the ples of Americanism.
whcn, how and why they will, espe- Class 2~Parsnips. 3. (Shown with (e) Inculcate the ideas of American-
5 3 4 4 4 7 9 2 4--40 ground cake. Nature will take care of tops.)
cially with regard to speeding motor- watering for the present. ism on the citizen population, particu-
Second Set. ists. Class ZI5-Pepper, red or green. 3. larly the basic American principle that
Williams and Whitney- As a result, it is said, a number of The Dahlia Show Committee will be Class 26--->Peas in pod. 1 quart. the interests of all the people are above
o 0 1 2 2 3 3 3 44--4 prominent residents of that famous glad to answer questions to the best Class 27-Potato, 'Cobbler. 1;4 peck. those of any special interest or any so-
:Newell and Grugan suburb will shortly have an appoint- of their ability and experience as ama- Class 28-Potato, extra early. 1,4 pk. called class or section of the people.
1 222 3 3 4 5 n 6-- 6 ment with the "Judge" and it is also teur growers, if letters are addressed Clnss 29-Potato, late winter. 14 pk. (d,) Spread throughout the people of
Points. stated that among them are members to Box No. 118. (Any variety.) the nation information as to the real
Williams and Whitney-- of the Board of Directors of the Mer- Class 30-Pumpkin.. 1. nature and principles of American Gov-
DAHL'JA SHOW COIDnTTEE. Class 31-Radish. 6. (Shown with
2159343145--39 ion Civic Association. ernment.
Newell and Grugan- This is "coming back" with a ven- July 17th, 1920. tops.) (e) Foster the teaching of American-
4 4 3 7 5 2 7 4 1 7--44 geance, because the appointment with Clnss 32-Ruta Bage.. 6. ism in all schools,.
Third Set. the 'squire mentioned is a direct re- Class 33-8alsify. 6. Do you reall your American Legion
Willinms anll Whitney-- sult of n campaign being waged by Class 34-Squash. 1. Weekly~ Net circulation now over
11112223456678--8 the Civic Association itself against all CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Class 35-Tomato. 6. 675,000 copies.
who exceed the speed limits on its al- Class 3G-Turnip. 6. The" Bursts and Duds" page equals
:Newell and Grugan- most perfect roads.
o 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6-- 6 Two cents per word If cash accom- any joke page.
Two special pqlicemen have been panies advertisement; otherWise, dve
Points. placed on the highways of the :Main For Exceptional BraverY.
Williams and Vi'hitney-- Line suburb, und on one day last week cents per word. WEDDINGS.
A colored soMicr, returning to the
17 3 2 3 4 0 5 4 4 4 5 0 4 4--59 names of 49 speeders were turned in. Southern tOWII whence he hau bcen
Newell and Grugan- It is the determination of the Civic As- whisked by Unclc Sum, und hearing a
9 5 4 11 1 4 7 2 2 1 3 4 1 2--56 sociation that all of them will be fined. FOR SALE-New 22-foot extcnsiou lad- Markle-Hines. decoration 011 his manly I' hest, was the
How carncst M:erion officials arc der. Extended length, 44 fect. J. On June 30th, at the Narberth l\Ieth- cynosurc for all the dusky hl'lles of
=~1ll111111111l1l1ll1ll11ll1ll11111 .:: about it comes fro III the fact that 27 D .• Sutherland, 444 Woodbine avenue, odist Episcopal jlarsonage, Mr. George the place.
of the 49 have been found to be resi- "What dut you got pinned on you~"
ALL LETTERS dents of the comlllunity, including s.ollle
of the best known men and wOlllen of
Narberth. (40-p) R. Markle, of Narberth, lind Miss Anna
~L Hines, of Philadelphia, were united
in marriage hy the Re\'. Arthur S.
asked one.
"Dut tlin't nothin' but jes' a little
FOR Merion. . LOST~Leather dog leash, in Narberth.
'Valls. 01' crow de gurry.' ,
"'Ve arc determinel'l to stop this Finder please lct\\·e it at Post Ollice. "How cOllle you get that crow de
NARBERTH automobile speeding, which has I{one
heyond all limits," saW Edward Bok,
gurr~1?' ,
"How cOllle? Ain't no how comc.
pl'esident of the Merion Civic Asso- PLANTS FOR SALE-To III a toes, Egg Dcy jes' gins it me fer lettill' a
MUlt. Carry a cintion, "and there will be no remit- Plants, Peppers, Lettuce, :Mint an~ On July 10th, 1920, a yery quiet mid· French ossifer kiss me.' '-The Ameri-
tlllll'l' of fines either. High and low will Cabbage. Asters, Scarlet Sage, Man- sUlllmer wedding took place at Down- eun Legion 'Veekly.
TWO CENT STAMP be dealt with the same. r uuderstand
t.ha t last week three of the directors of
golds, Chrysanthemums, Geraniullls, Sun ingtown, Po., wllen Miss Leanora 'Von-
derland, of Green Tree, Pa., became the
Flowers. 312 Essex avenue. NOTICE.
the Civic Association were caught; very bride of Frederick W. Ashton, of
And Be Addressed well, tlley will be deal~ with the same Wynnewood Manor, Wynne, Pa.
as the others. FOR SALE-Large Cabinet Phono- The wedding took place at the resi· All persons residing in the Borough
To The Street Number "A half-mile 'speed run' is now be- graph, in good condition, $50.00. Box dence of Rev. Shupert, who perfonned of Narberth aro requested to report con-
in~ laid out in Merion and the two spe- the ceremony. . tagious diseases to the Board of Health.
966, Narberth.
And NOT to th. cial policemen will be detailed to re- The bride wore II beautiful white Those llOt haYing a doetol' for whooping
port any violations of the State law. satin dress and veil trimmed with cough must report such. cases and
I . P. O. Box Number Ii :Merion will hereafter be a 'trap' and
will so become known. But speeding is
JOB PRINTING-Joseph F. Barclay,
Jr., 312 Essex avenue. Phone Nar-
orange blossoms and carried a handsome
bouquet of sweet peas. After the cere-
keep children on their own premises.
This is a State law, and all those neg-
i ii to be stopped before serious accidents berth I617-J. . (39) mony the bride and groom left on an lecting to report same are subject to a
~ Consult Your TelePhone:Jj- occur and to prevent the beautiful extended honeymoon through tile South, fine.
I Directory i roads from being torn up by reckless FOB. SALE-Firewood. Telephone Nar- and on their return they will reside in GEORGE B. SUPPLEE,
LWIatUWWlWnlbUlllnlllUUU1IIUUUl&natlnUllUllUllmwtltWlUlIIII1II1UUIIIUlfllllluuu,J driving. " berth 1218. (40-e) Paoli, PaT Secretary.
lbQIUUIltQtI............ IIUUUrl.. I.......,lllN......... ruU~1W1
,/ '-.


Telephones. Of course, "1
SHOULD KNOW. 1267 deliver - an,
'fhrift is the expression of rcul put rio 1268 time.
An Exp'.!riment in CO-operative otislll in thcse davs just as it wu:, in 1Iany changes having been made in
Journalism-No Paid Workers. Ih" period of the~ wa'r. That warning the 1Iotor Laws of the Comlllonwcalth The Brightest Spot in Narberth
and IIpp"al hilS ,just hecn issucd to the of Pennsylyltuia at the 1!J19 Legisla'
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
AllIeri"an people hy the National Asso- tive Session, it is deemed adl"isablc to
l"iation of Crellit 1[('n in thc forlll of a
Owned and Published every Saturday Il'tter dirccted from Nl'w York to each bring to the attention of the motoring
br of its Illl'mbers. "The dance of indus· I public the salicnt points in which they
the Narberth Civic Association.
trial death in which the pcople of Allier·
ica arc now partil,ipating, should 1'l'aSe
111'1'01'" the,\' han' to pay thc 'pipcr,"
would he most vitally in teres ted.
All 11I0tor vchicles must be )'('gister-
Aubscription price one dollar &I1d fifty cd with the Statc Highway j)"partment
llents per year in advance.
thl' appeal dedares in urging' thc
'\llIerir'an people to IIPsist fro III Ih"jr
~'r:ltnl'ag'c of extrn,'ag-:lJlep."
hefore their operation on puhlic high·
ways; non·residents may operate ye,
For Good Taxi Service
4'The extravagalh'c of our
Silll'l' Al'llIist in' da I' is on" of thosl'
lWoP]p hicles in Penusylvania for tI)(, sallie
period of time grnnte<1 by their State
Call Narberth 1633
OIVIC ASSOCIATION psy"hologieal plll'no;nl'na 10 whil·h man 24 Hour Service
is suhjel't, During the Il'nr we sanitic- to residents of PeJlnsylvania. hnt Slh.n
March 26, 1920. "d gh1l1l,l', hut with the c('sslllion of Itos- exemption shall not apply to ('01111111'1'-
President, Robert J. Edgar.
Vicc-President, Joseph n. Nash.
Vice·President, Augustus .J. Loos.
tilil il'S, Ih" rl'strailll'tI fl'l'!ing hrokc
]00:;(' :11111 \\"(' W('lIt 011 a l':llllJlagl' of ('X~
tra'":q,!ullc'e Hlll·h a:-; t1P\"Cl' hpfol'P hnH
cial vehicles owned hy foreign corpora'
tions or indiyi<1uals nsed in this Stal<'
1I10rc frequently than onc (1) round
Vice-Presidellt, 11rs. C, P. Fowler. hl'Cll ,'xhihitl'd ill thc lantl.
trip in anyone week nOr to thc operat,
Treasurer, Miss Maisie J. Simpson. "'['llis nation i" sOlin II flll\llallll'nlalll'
Sccretary, Miss Ruth E. Prescott. 1111<1 tliis sOlln,lnl'ss will ('"nlinll" if ppl;- ors thereof. We Invite Your Inquiries Regarding
pit- \\'ill gin' 111' th"ir foll,l', \\'ill h,','olll(' Application for l'cgistration to hc
Directors 1923, 1[rs. A. B. Ross, Mrs. IIIIH(' diligpnt, will Ilork as hlllllan hl'- made upon hlank forllls prepared aIHI Narberth Real Estate
D. D. Stickney, J. Garficld Atherholt, illg·~ :--houI(l worl( (lurillg' a 1"illlP of ;;t ]'P~S
1. A. MilIer, C. Lawrence Warwick, A. and strain. Thrifl is in 0111' opinion
furnished by the State Highway Dr·
pal'tment; nO other forms accl'ptabll',
and Assure You of Our Best Efforts
E. Wohlert; Dircctors 1922, J. .f. Ca· Ih" I'XIII'l'ssion of rl'a! palriotislll in
brey, Walter A. Fox, H. H. Hillegas, thl'sl' days ,jllst :1" il was ill thl' pl'rio,l Application for rl'gistrntion of 1110tor to Answer Your Requirements
Charles II. A. Chain. \V, H. D. Hall, of th(' \\'ar. Thl' peopl(' Il'ho SPI'IH! vellicle docs not carry with it right of
Harry A, .Jacobs; Directors 1921, F. A. ,'('"klt'ssl,l' al'l' losing sig-ht of thp na- This office does a strL tly brokerage busine!!s and has no par-
owner to operate unless accompa::ied
Lanahan, Daniel Leitch, George T. t'ion's trarlitions; indeel] thl'v ar(' en- ticular properties in which it is interested-thus guaranteeing the
Knutzen, J. B. Nesper, E. A. Muschamp, (langC'l'illg OUt' ill~titl1tioll:-: whIl,n HmHP by application for operator's licen"e.
Fletcher W. Stites, ]ow spit'its \,"(1 ar(' harhoring" afl' S('- Operator's license upon application is· buyer unbiased information regarding any particular property.
"I'('t ly plottillg" to destroy. sued to ownCl'S free; all others. $1.00. Our Rt>!erence.s-Anyone with whom we have done business
"\\'1' shonld pr:ll't il'p an,1 pl"(':lI'h l'on- To insure prompt ,lelivel',\' of licen",',
HARRY A. JACOBS, "Ialltl~·, ,Ip"laring Ihat for 01lrSI']\'('8 \l'p
Editor. shall do onl' hl'st to slOp Ihis insanity
ma ke correct answers to all 'luest ions ROBERT ~. NASH
iu applicntion, Remit propcr fel'. Do
alld hring to a eloSI' thl' nH'lodr:lJlla of Real Estate Broker
pxtrHyagalll'(l that is f'llstiJlg' fp:lI' illl0 not guess your I}lllnufacturer's or motor
the h('arls of tIll' l"'ople anll pJ'OI]lIeing number. If in Ilouht. Sl'e the local 1001 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA
I"('''tdls that arl' immoml and ,ll'strlle- dealer for your vehie]" who can inforll1
Associate Editors. tin. Re.idence, 104 Grayling Avenue, Narberth
you \I'here thesc numhers arc to be
,t Pl'il'PS ('an hl' 10\\"('1'<.111 In· PC'OIlO- foun d. Do not guess the horse power, R.lid.nce Phone: Narberth 605
l,Iiies pral'lil'I"! all :dong till; linl' if
.MAIZIE, J~ .~d{PSON, I:ihor as 1\'l'lI as I'apital will tlo its part, hut usc the fOl'lI1nla i!iVI'II in thl' law.
'. Oa.shier. '\\'all'h Ihe priee' has hel'n onr wllteh· Pleasnl"l' motor vl'hic!es arl' r('g-istered
,.'. r "
wore] for nlOnths. Hl'r(' has !)('('II thl' according to exae1 horse power, the
,·hil'f dangl'r point in onr situation 1lJ1<! State Highway Department taking the
II'(' wel"OIl1e an,l'Odng that will I,el'p
'; Bend.'iiIt
u: . . "".
" : - ',,',
news items to pl'i"l's from ~oari liP; to a point frolll fractional pnrt of a horse power in an
1'. O. Box; 966.
",Our ,Town is on sale at' thc depot
whi"h violt'nt n'al'lion \l'(lUhl ineyit-
nl>l,\' hring' on a sudden collaJlse in ollr
~t )·II('1\11'p.··
cases, The acepptNI 1lOrs(' power for
I the registration 'Of l1Iotor vehicles p!"u-
pe1led hy steam or electricity shan be
The ,Pocket" Bank
newsstand, and at the store of H. E.
'I'hl' stand takl'n hI' thl' :'Ialiollal As- that given and "certified to hy thc man-
Qav~s, "ol'iation of 'l'rl'r]il ':\[I'n on tIll' I'l'O-
Jlomi(' :-iituatioll has hl'111l I'I'P"iol1s1y px· ufacturer. ISneither ~afe nor profitable because money carried In
Entered as second· class matter
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office r.t
1"'l'ssl',1 in eo-opl'ration wilh thl' "am-
paig-II of fll(\ S:lYitlg's ni,"i~.; joll of flip
Requirements of Operator. one·s p"ckets or kept at home IS ofte~' lost, and often
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act l' 1'1'11 SU 1',1' Dl'parlnll'nl, for it \I':1S n'al· Liccn~cd 0PC1'llt.Ol' lllUHt be sixtecn unwisely s p e n t . ' . ; ,
of March, 1879, iZl'd thaI thrift alld saying "oul,! 1101 (10) YCllrs of age or over and paid
I'l'odll('e an adl''1l1atl' I'eonomie ptfl'l'l dril'l'r IIIUSt be eightecn (18) years of
111llt·XS th0 s:tyitlgs gailH.'(l ,,"pre safe· Money deposited In a checking account here IS safe;
gllar,ll,a in saI'l' anl! produeli\'(' in\'('st· ag(' ,or ol'el'; they must have had at
1II(,l1ts, Sueh inYestment is proYid('d hy least fhe (5) days' experience in the an easily accessible record of expenditures revealing
tll<' s:I\"illg:-; s(l('lll'itips of flit' Go\,el"ll·
OUR TOWN will gladly print
ltH1Jlt, 'Val" Savings Stamps and 1.' J't'Hs·
opcratioll of a lIIotor vehicle, and must ways to economIze IS provided; and many avenues of
any n41ws item about any subject not be physieally and Illcntally incapac,
\1ry Sa vi ng~ (1(,1't i til· a tps, cle~igllel1 to
itated. AnJ' pl'rsou who has lost thc
profits are opened to depositors.
that is of interest to Narberth olll'iall' Ihl' lIlistll]«'n ]loli",\' of ",sa\'-
:., folks" but in order to meet the ilJg at tlit' ~pigot and wasting' at the nsc of one hand 01' hoth, or Irho has
printing schedule, all "copy"
hUIIg-holt>.' , i lost the usc of both feet, or whose eye,
, -manuscripts-must reach the , sigh t is so impaired that wit.h the aid
of glasses he eannot distinguish suh-,
,editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each
",' week. Fraternity- slantial objects ch'arly at It aist:mcl' The Merion Title and Trust Company
of one hundrell and fifty (150) fed, or
An Americanism who sha1l hal-e less than tw(,nty (20)
'per centulll of norm:tl vision, or who !
Narberth Office "Opposite Station
",.SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1920 ' By S. ROBERT ROSS, IUl\'e less than t.\\'o (2) pl'r centum of
normal hearing, shall be considered
physically ineapacitate<1, and eannot he
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS (Oontinued from Issue of June 26.) lil'ensed to operatc II motor vehicll'.
Fire, 350 Physical or mental incapacitation does
Police, 1250
There arl' those II'ho ha\'(' ('Ollle
alllong liS, throug'hout the :'Iatioll, who
lin> ignol'llnt of I ho rca I lIleanings of
fratl'rnity or II'ho ha\'e Iwcn lIlisiu-
not pn'I'ellt the registvation of a motor
I'ehicle hy an owner. Special permits
to he issued upon application to those
hal'ing lost the use of one IHIIJd only,
Baseball Today
slruded'in thl' real IIll'anings of AlIler-
il'anislll. '1'0 Iho"c of thclll who are
Editorial a IIl('n a hit' to our laws IIn,1 to 0111' order
of things lI'e ('xtellll a hl'arty II'rIeollll'.
upon rcel'ipt of evidence or demonstra-
tion showing tll11t applicant has had AT ARDMORE
And 11'1' liS AIIll'rieans han' 0111' ,lull' sufficient experience in the operation
tOll'ard thl'se peopll'. We lIIust hl,fp of a motor vehicle.
AN ORDINANCE them to unllerstand fraternity-by a
gl'tll'rOns, kindl~' attilude toward th('1Il
Any person operating his or her em- Game Called 3.15 P. M.
To repeal an Ordniance entitled "An ployer's llIotor vehicle at any time shall
11'1' must instTul't thclII properly in the
Onlinance to Sa \'C llayligh t and Pro, duties :Ind JIleanings of ~\1I1l\rieallisllI­ he termed a paid <1river.
Vil1l~ Standal'll 'filiI(' for Ihe Borough and we lI'ill Illuke good citizens of them, A1I cl'rtificates of license arc not
of Narberth."
\Vh"rclls, Recl'lIt al'! ion on thc part
10 our hplipfit and thl'ir happiness.
'ro IIlosl' of them II'ho come with the
1'1II'POSC of l'hanging our ways, alld of·
valid un til signed by licensec or
I licensees.
I Learncr's Permits issued to persons
of Philadelphia City Council has made fcring us for the' ehangc the untried !"
prineil'les of fanatics who sec in their O\'er sixteen (16) years of age to oper-
it illadvisablc to continue in force an
ate lIlotor vehicles are for a period of
Ordinuncc to SUI-C daylight in the Bor- O\I'n raYings the panaeea of all world
errors, wc I'xtellll a weleollll' rl'sprn'd in thirty (30) days, hut shan be valid
This II the First Game of the Second Seriel
ough of Narbcrt.h, pit~· amI s,\'Inpathy, hoping- that through only whcn learner is accompanied by a
The Council of the Borough of No.1" the fratl'rnity of our attitude to\\"al'll licensed operator.
herth docs ordain: them th('\· wiiI soon he eonl"inccl! of the mcnt, Harrisburg, I'll. Fcc for new Hegistrlttion of lilly motor vehicle 01'
Section 1. Th at the Ordinance cn- fallaI',\' of the propaganda the~' pl'l>ach Heavy penalty for misstatemcnt of
platcs $1.00, except in case of motor-
and turn to us seeking the big truth- facts in application. Registration plates license of any driver may be suspended
titled "An Ordinancc to Save Daylight Arnerit'anisJII. cycles or motor-bicycles, whcre new Or revoked nfter It hearing if the evi-
must be rigidly attached, one on the
llnd Provide St andard Timc for thc To thosc of thcm who cOllle with the pia Ie fee is $.50. dence warrnnts same.
front, the other on the rear of llIotor
Borough of Narberth," llpprovcd thc II1"0wed purpose of fOl'l'ing us to aceept. Dealers' plates are to be used only Advise the State Highway Depart·
vehicle. They shall be parallel to the
ninth day of Fchl"llary, ninetcen hun- the pl'inciplt,s of govcrJllnent too lIew- upon vehicles owned bJ' a dealer and mcnt immediately upon theft of motor
too unsound to prove to he anything axles, shall not be underneath any part
dred and twcnty, be and the same is operated hy such dellier or his em' I'chicle. Notify Bame Department upon
hnt: ultilllate failure-and of foreing us of the hody more than twelve (12)
hereby repealed, to ll('(~el't these prineipll's through any ployees for the pnrpose of delllonstrllt- ),ecovery of s/lid vehicle.
inches from the rear end thereof, sha1l
Passed this 14th day of June, A. D. and el'cry diaholieal l1Ieans which eome ing said vehidc to a prospecth'e cus- The State Highway Department has
not be covered, obscured, bent, altered
1920. 10 hltJllI"':"to thpnl we extend a hearty tomer, testing or removing sl1m(' from installed a section to assist in recovery
inl·itation to go ha('k II'hence theJ' came. or defaced, in any manner, and the
W. R. D. HALL, storage place, shipping point, or place of stolen Yehicles, which is eo·operat·
\Vhih' lI'e must tell"h all who eome lower edge of the rear plate shall be
President of Council. of delivery, before 01' lifter sale. inp; with other Stntes and with local
Attcst: to us to thp end thac good eitizenship not ll'sS than fifteen (15) inches ahove
is elel'ated hy thp presence of the nell" the ground. The rear plate to be il- Alwnys have with you your authority police authorities.
,'lllners-there is no need of retll)'(ling luminated -at night. Plates shaIl be kept to oporate motor vehicle, such ns Own' 110tor vehicle shall be pro\'ided with
SecreturJ' of Council. thl'ir groll'lh and del"elopml'nt by the
I'oiee of I'ndieal faJlacy. Nor enn WL' free from oil, grense, dirt, Or other sub- ('r's Dri vcr's License, Licensed Opcra' adequate brakes, horn, bell, or other
Approved this ;lOth dlly of June, tor's License, Pnid Drh'cr's License, signal dcvice, and, where such vehicle
A. D. 1920. a {ford to permit the poisoning of the stance likely to impair their legibility.
CARROLL DO\VNES, miIHls of the future leaders of the COtll\. In the event of the loss of one or Special Operator's License or Learn' is so constructed or covered as to pre·'
try hy the II'hispering of insidious both registration ph"tes, or should a er's Permit, whichever the case mny be. vont the operator thereof frolll hltving
Chief Burgess.
propagalllla. There is no place in Amer- Rcgistration certificate should be car-
-_ _----------
.. ica for the Anarchist, the Bolshevist,
the Nihilist, the Red Socialist, and the
plate or plates be so defaced that the
number thereon is illegible, it shall be ricd in motor vehicle.
a sufficient dew of the traffic following,
the automobile as well as heavy trucks
like. It is safer and more prudent to the duty of the owner to apply to the Notify State Highwlty Department or commercial vehicles, and all other
retul'll them to their kind nnd to com· within one (1) week after change of closed cars, i. e., sedans, limousines,
Frederic A. Lanahan pletc their education in Americllnism
through a correspondence course.
State Highway Department for new
plates witliin forty-eight (48) hours of residence. coupes, etc., are required to nttnch mir·
In,urance· Service his discovery of the lOBS or defacement License will be refused applicants ror or other devices to enable operator
Fraternity is too precious a gift to to sec the rond to the rear.
offer the ungrltteful. of such plate or plates, thereby avoid- who arc known or proven to be reck-
205 Forest A vee N.rb~~I1; ... R Americllnism is too precious It gem ing arrest. Old plate or plates ,to 'be re- less or careless opel'O.tors or habitunl
to cast before swine. turned to the State Highway Depart· violntors of the Motor J.. aws. (OontinUed on Page S.)

A ~s~ur~.2 !A
News of tl1e <lrl1urrl1es
(Continued from l'age 2.)
Shirt Waist Dance

Merion Meeting House, Merion, 1'a.

Do not sound horn, bell, or signal
dcvice unnecessarily, but give reason-
able warning of yonI' approach to safe-
guard others.
To Be Given July 30
SPECIAL I Finest Photoplay The-
atre 01 Its Size In the
Entire World.
10 A. M. 10 U.S.

Meriou Meeting is open for worship

Do not operatc motor vehicle when
undcr the influcnce of intoxicating
All Summer Shoes PhU.... Pa.

every First-dny morning at 11 0 'clock.

We cUldially welcome any visitors who
liquor, any narcotic or habit producing
drugs, or permit other persons to oper-
Reduced to Cost
desire to worship with us. ate your illataI' vehicle in a like condi-
During .July :111(1 August the First tion. It may mean heavy fine or re- Members of the Narberth Tennis As- Better come in and look
Day (Sunday) School will he elo~c(l. vocn tion of liccnse, or both. soieatioll, their wivos, anel their friends them over
Do pot fail to render assistance after arc warned not to schcdule their vaca-
tions to includc E'rillay e\'clling, July
injuring person or propcrty and, upon
:;0. For on that date the Association WEEK of JULY 19
ST. MARGARET'S R. C. CHURCH. rcquest, give your name and adc1ress.
Failure to do this may ca usc your rpgis-
will give a shirt. waist dauee.
Chairman Pattison, of the Entcrtain·
Narberth Shoe Store
tra tion to he revoked.
Do not usc muffler cut-out in any
ment COlllmittee, is already arranging
all interesting program, including onc
209 Haverford Avenue Wallace Reid
Rev. R. F. COWley, Rector.
spccial feat nrc \"hich he "uys \\'ill make Narberth
Early Mass on Sunday from April 1
city, horough or incorporated town.
Do not usc chains or other ,1eYices
a big hit with all telllJis players.
"'ithin a week or tell days members
and Bebe Daniels
to October 31 at 6.30 A. M. From No- projecting more than one (1) iuch 011' will be supplicd with tick'ets an,] all
vember 1 to Murch 31, at 7 A. M. Late tires. other details of the affair.
The Ladies' Committee of the Asso- Subscribe for IN
Mass, 9.30. Upon thc transfer of o\\'nership, or ciation also wishcs to announce that
tIle destruction of any motor vehicle. it has plallned a masque ball for Hal-
"Our Town" "Sick-a-Bed"
__ __
Masses all holy days, 6.30 and 8.30 the registration shall expire. If motor 10\\'e 'ell, Saturday cvelliug, Odohel' :\0,
A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening devo- yellicle is saM the original owner shall i JI Elm Hall. --------_. . ._.,-,.- .. -"-'-
and (}ther services at regular remove registration plates and notify
the State Highway Department within
forty-eight (48) hours, giving name nnd OFFICERS OF THE WOMEN'S AUX·
adc1rpss of purchaser. ILIARY, NARBERTH Y. M. C. A. AS POSSIIILE TO 10.00 A. M., IlI.OO, ••00,
Upon transfer of ownership, the> own-
President-Mrs. D. D. Stickney.
Coal, Wood and 3.~II, 11.45, 7.411, 9.80 P. JI.
ALL SAINTS CHURCH, WYNNE- er may upon npplication register all- Vice-Presiden t-Mrs. ,r. B. Darlington.
WOOD, I'A. otJler motol' yehicle upon payment of Sccretary-Mrs. C, L. MeLcan.
Building Supplies
transfer fcc of $1.00. Provideil. how- Treasurer-Mrs. H. C. Keim.

Rev. Gibson Bell, Locum Tenens.

enr. That such motor vehicle is of Chairmen of Committees.
We have a few tons of NARBERTH GARAGE
equal or less horse po\ver or classifica-
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate. tion than tJlllt previously registereil, or
:;\fembership-)!rs. Samucl Dickie. By-Product Coke: for sale Raymond Weils, Proprietor
Visiting-Mrs. Romaine Hoffman.
Sunday services: upon payment of a fee of one ($1) House-Mrs. W. N. Mills. at $ 8.50 per ton deliver- GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
8.15 A. 1L-Holy Communion. dollar and the difterenl'e between the>. Social-Mrs. G. Merritt Davis.
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School. fcc originally paid and that due, if Music-:Mrs. T. Noel Butler. In ed cellar. EXPERT REPAIRING
11.00 A. M.-Morning service and ser- motor vehicle be properly registered in
mon. Telephone Narberth ,1633
A free autobus brings the children to a higher class.
and from Sunday School and the mem- Do not remove, oblitcrate, or aIter
hers to and from Church, leaving Nar-' 1II111ItJfacturcr's number, or engine num-
berth Station at 9.40 and 10.40. If ber on motor vclliclcs.
requested it will leave the station at
8.00 for the early service. Do not operate your motor yehicle
as a comlllon carrier (.iible~') without NARBI:RTU TAXI SERVICE COOK BROS.
approval am] certificate of the Public 250 Haverford Ave.
Service Commission. I?atrick P. Donahue
It is declare·a a felony to Wilfully
EVANGEL. ana maliciOllsly hurn, or cause to hc Taxi meets all trains Store orders promptly delivered PLUMBING
hurne,l. or to set fire to. to attempt to
Rev. Avery S. Delluny, B. D., Pastor. set fir!' to. an~' motor vellicle. lIfaximum
Baggage called for and delivered Freight delivered HEATING
Sel'\'i,,\!~ on Sunday, .July ]S, ]!l:!0:
!l.:W A. )L-l'ravel' ~e1'\·i(·".
penalty, fine of $1,000 and imprison-
Open Day and Night 'Phone 1633 ROOFING
ment of five (5) years. rPennsylYania
!Ui) A. )L·-Sun·da \' S"hool.
11.00 A. )f.-)Ion;ing worship. Ser-
Laws 288, 191!l.) PHONE,302J JOBBING
lIlon h,\" thc pastor: . (To be Continued Next Week.)
7.00 P.)L-Union twilight sl'rvi('c.
'''ednesday e\'cning at Il o'clock-
Uniou praycr 1I11,,,tillg' ill this "hur('h.
Leader furnishcll }", thl' .\ll'lhodist
Chllr"h. .
You will he \\'('I('on)(' tq ally nrall
Use Street Addresses Narberth Register
Two Lines, IOc per issue; 5c for each additional line
Clarence A. Spea~man
of thcs," ser\'i"es~ , .1
~ J ~.' ~ ..1 and Buy Your :Stamps Carpenter and Builder
. ~: .. _.

in Narberth , . ACCOV'NTANTS
Gottshall, H. Ii.. l'uulic Acco'untant; '1'ax
Reports, AUdits. ctc., accompliShed. 303
Scott-Powell Dalrle8. Phone. Preston 239h Phone 1652-R
Conwli~' aveQ.ue.. Narucrth, Pa. See advertisement In thll II.ue _. I
. ;..-.~_ -. ~--::oo.o;':;'~::;'.;,;,c.;;.',:,.,;:o...:"c....'-J---'>':..-'
~~-" - KeIm, H. <Y. Certified Puhllc Acaountant. IItUSIV ,
Rev. Arthur S. Walls, Pastor. 202 Dudley av". Phone. Narberth IOO-W. Loos, I'auny U. Plano tcacher.
Our citizens are. Ul:ged to remember
that now that wo havc house-to-house
delivery of mail, sfrcet . addrcsscs
Lee8' Oarage-Repalrln~. Etc. Phon•• 1606.
l5tudln, Arcade Bhlg. Phone. 316·J.
For Perma~ent
; SUllda~', .July 18:
~hould be used in addressing' all mail Norberth Garage. Phone Naruel'th 1633.
S"e display ad vel'L1semen t in this issue. .Jefferle8, .J. H. III Narberth' av...
: !l,45 A. )L-Suu,lay Sehoo!. for dclivery in Narberth. The only ex- Phone. 666-lIt!..
r AU'I'O~I08ILE SElt\'ICE Simpson, Harry A. 232 Essex. Ave.
I ]1.00 A. M.-Momillg wOI'"hip. ScI'- ccptions to this rule will be those cases Censore, Bahle. Phone, 672.
ilIon hy tlJC pa"tor. where u few individuals or busincss Sec display advertisemcnt in this Issue. Phone. Narberth 636. . .;. - . .'
TY80n, Warren R. Phone, Narberth 1202-W
i 7.00 P. )L-Ullion twilight ~er\"ice at concerns ha \'e retained their post ofiice Donahue, Patrick 1". Phone tIl3:!.
See dlslllu~' advel'lIselll"nt In this Issue. Ol'TICIAl.'t8
l'lJl'nl'r of Halh!Hlcn aIH] '''in,lsor ayc- boxes. .
BANKS Fenton, Carl F. 606 ES8ex ave. Phone. 618-"
n'ues. SCl'IllOn hy the He\". A. S. Dcm- By making sure that you have the Merion Title 8: Tru8t Co. Phone. Ardmore I. Philo. addre... 180. Chmnut lit. Loaut III
my, .,

Smedley Buill Home

rig-h t street addrcsses you will assist See dI8pla.\- advertisement In thl. I..,ue. Zentrnayer, Joseph. 228 S. 15th st.. Phlla.
. Wp,lne"day, .luly :!l, 8 1'. lII.-+Union in prompt sorting and delh'ering of BUILDERS PAINTERS
p)'ayer meeting at tIl(' Baptist Qhurch, mail. Shand, Alex. C.. Jr. Phone. No. 1710. Walzer, Fred.
Re\'. Arthur S. Wails, leader. ' Narberth Station. 117 Winsor ave. Phoue. U47-J.
Another thing-do 1I0t forget to buy Smedler. Wro. D. lJt. H. T. Phone, 600.
your postagc stamps and postal cards See display advertisement In this I..,ue, I',\I'EU Jl.\SGING.
at our local post office. \Ve do not CANDY, ETC. n()~'d, Jloral'e S. 101 Furrest A,"c. Phoup ;~;;fj
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. want to let the reccipts of our local
OUlce slump. A little though tfulness
Davl8, 11. E. Phone, 126f-W.
See dllplay advertisement In thl. 118ue. PHOTO PLAYS WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
Ivy Candy Shop, "Arcadia," 16th and Cheetnut sts Phil.
on the part of our residents in this 219 Haverford Ave. Phone. Narberth 1705.
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. connection will keep the reccipts at See dllplay advertl8ement In thl; I••ue
our locnl post office up to normal
"enkln8. Cha8. L. Cook IIro.. Phone 302-J,
------_. 103 Dudley ave. Phone. IB2-ltl.
'Meetings next Sunday a" fo.llows:
9.45 A. lIf.-Snhhnth Sehoo!.
. 11.00 A. l\I.-)Iorning worship. Ser-
mon by thc pastor. Fan Flower Show, Sat-
Slleakman, Clarence A. Phone 1652-R.
See display advertisement In this IS8ue.
Sec dlsplny ndvertlsement In this Issue.
Wall, U. B. Phone, Narberth 1602-J.
See dl8play advertl.ement In this luu.
7.00P. lII.-Union twilight mecting Cook, C. P. Phone. Narherth 302-J. Caldwell, J. A. Phone, 1687 REAL ESTATE
with ~cr11l.on by Rc\'. A. S. Dcmmy.
Union praycr mecting n('xl \Ve,lnes-
urday, September 25th See display advertisement in tbls issue.
See dllplay advertl8ement In this luu.
FrltllCh, H. Q. Phone, IU-W.
day cvening in the Baptist Chureh, COII-
Jude<l by Re\". A. S. Walls.
Dahlias, Asters, Cosmos, Snapdrag- Caradettl, Frank. Phone Narberth 1689.
See display advertisement In this Issue.
See dleplay advertllement In this Issu<
H)'berg. Bent T. Phone 1713. and INSURANCE
ons, Zinnias, Vegetablcs Classes for gar- CONTRACTOR 'OF PLASTERING See display advertisement in this Issue.
don vegetables grown by Narberth gar- Fratantoni, James, 8: Son8. Na8h, Boben J. Phone, 60&.
deners will be addcd to the list of ex- 239 Hampden ave. Phone, 1697-W. Money tor FIrst and S.cond J,(ortl'aee. NARBERTH, PA,
SImp80n, Jomes C. 232 E88ex ave.
THE UNPARDONABLE SIN. hibits for thc Fall Flower Show in Elm DENTISTS Phone. 686. or 1420 Chestnut st.
Orr. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Phone. IU·W.
Hall. Phlla. Phone. Filbert f26~. K81th Bide. HOOFING, ETQ.
To lh'c in a town, Many vegetable seeds can be planted Schemb., Dr. John. Phone Narberth 316-W. Ga,..-lItcGlnley Co. Phone, lUB-W.
To makc II Ih'ing off it, or out of it, Cor. Grayling 'and Windsor aves. See dl8play adVertisement In this Issue.
eluring July and August to be gathered Omce Hours until 9 P. M. dally. HlI1er. John A. 143 Iona ave. Phone, ....J
To ec1ucntc ~'our ehildren in it,
To get everything you pos~ibly can
in lute September in time for the
show. Watch Our Town for list of
Howard'8. Phone. 1267.
Shop. IU Haverfard ave. Phone, lJJ&.J
Cotter's Meats
out of it, See display advertl8ement In tbl. IPue.
classes and also information on What to ELEVTBIOIANS Good Wear Sboe Repair Shop,
And put absolutely uothing into it.-
The Plnn. Case, W. G. Phone. 395-\\'. Constantine, B. G. 252 Haverford ave.
Plant and When to Plant. See display ndv.ertlsement In this issue. Phone, Narberth 1706-W. A Quality .For
1'u.b. VerI 226 Iona ave. Reglnell1, Frank. 209 Haverford ave.
Nar. Phone, 660-W. Ard, Phone. 181-J. See display advertisement In this IS8ue. People Who
imperial Grocery Co. Phone, Narbertb 608.
. HOllper. Wro. G., 8: Co. Phlladelpbia. Want The Best
See display advertisement in tbis issue.
. . bowman, Samuel P. (Lite.)
116 Elmwood ave. Phone. .6I.W.
!'rottcr Bro.. (Fire. etc.)
209 Wood81de ave. Phone. 12'2-R. The above department shOUld be or tb. Groceries and Provisions
fl Narberth American Legion Build. Wimer, \Vm. \Vood. 106 Forest Avenue.
Phone, 326 R.
ereate8t use to the community, the 118t con
talns the name ot every proteUlonal man
tradellman, meohanlc, shopkeeper. eto., wht ,-=======!I
ing and Loan Association will open LAWYERS
GIlroy, .John 211 ave. Phone. 1I46-R.
does or can In any way 8erve his tellow
townsmlUl, and Who 18 proereulve enouel
their first series in September. Phlla. addres8, Lincoln Bid•.
Stlte8, Fletcher W. 41 a Hav8rford ave.
to add name to lI.t ot Reclst.r.
As It I. dlllleult tor thos8 aontrlbutlnl H. C. FRITSCH
Phone 3U-W Philo. address, Croaer Bide. their time and eltorta to the produotlon 01
fl WatCh for further announce- LIGHTING FIXTUBES
McDonald John. Narberth phone, U88.
"Our Town" to personally either know 01
interview all 8ueh, It would be most belp PnpertJes For Ben& ad Sale
ments. [3 8 C 1631 Chest. st.. Phil.. Phone. Spruce lin. tul It tho8e nat now tound In the prlnt8d
list would send ·In a memo :ot theIr nam•• Fire IDI1U'aJlee
llEATS, ETC. addres8, phone numbers and bUlne_ aJ
Cotter, Ho..arel F. Pbone, 1211. protessloM tor lIatlnc. This. will aoat .. tol·. Bell Plone III W.
llee dl8play advertl8ement In this luu.. Iowa: 10 aenta .aeh luu. tor I lin..: • _ntl
tor eaeb additional lin•.
"l.... BoDdlal'. Narlteru.. Pa.

Pasteurized Milk .DEL1VER1ES

Brynelovls CerUlied WEST PHILA.
(Pedrlallc Society) OVERBROOK
Special "Guernsey" MERION
(Roberts' ac ShRJ'pless'. BALA-CYNWY
Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
Table ood Wblpplng WYNNEWOOD

r 45th and Parrish Sts.

Plumbing, Gas Fitting

... and Heating

Phone, Narberth 319 J


When the train came and


in back in 19,.'0 Spring Style- Now in

Frank Reginelli, Prop.
209 Haverford Avenue
T EN years ago you might
have seen one or two
automobiles waiting outside
There is one tire, at least,
that makes no distinction
Tbe Narberth Electric Shop
the station, when the weather between small cars and large that dries without a wringer.
c~_rs so far as quality is con- W. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave•
was pleasant. • laOD., Narberth 3915 W
cerned-the U. S. Tire.
Today the square. is crowd-
cd with them. And most of Every u. S. Tire is just
the cars you generally see like every other in quality
Select your tir.. ao-
cardin, to the road. there are moderate-price cars. -the best its builders l!:now GARAnteed Roofs
they have to travel:
In sandy or hilly coun·
how to build.
trY. wherever the goinl
is apt to be heavy-The
U. S. Nobby.
Whatever the size of your DAVIS'
For ordinary countrY Complete Line of
roads-The U. S. Cham Anybody who tells you that car, the service you get out Goodyear Tennis Shoes
or UIOO.
For front wheell- owners of moderate-price of U. S. Tires is the same. CIOUS. STATlOJf!IY, MAOUIRES
The U. S. Plain.
For best reeultB- cars are not interested in the It isn't the car, but the man
quality of their tires has who owns the car, that sets
never met very many of
the standard to which U. s.
tires are made.

DAlOORD.......oQfAIIl-Usa>.PIA/" We come in contact with
the small car owner every
We feel the same way BENT T. HYBERG
day and we have fau'nd that about it. That's why we At Narberth Station
he isjust as much interested represent U. S. Tires in this
as the big car owner. community. BELL PHl'NE

United States Ti'res
AGGommodafions Arc Wanted
MAHAN'S MOTOR COe Cor Several School Teachers
of the Narberth I3chool8.
Rooms, preferably with
ARDMORE, PA. board, from September 1st.
W ill those who are likely to
be interested kindly com-
municate with
218 Hampden Ave., Narberth
SABlE .CENSORE Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick. deliveries on
SUCCESSOR TO . all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing BUSINESS NOTICE !
Work. Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies
WALTON BROS. The General Insurance Busi-
Narberth 180S L. C. SHAHAN, Prop. ness of the late
Phone 672 100 ESSEX A VENUE
TAXI SERVICE An inve8tment of about $1100. in a Prior Lien railroad security will purchase will be continued. Address
$2000. of par value and return $80. a year in income all inquiries to
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening. Full particulars on request
WILLIAM G. HOPPER. & CO. Walter M. Burkliardt, E.q.
. Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered. 1201.04...._d Titl. BuUdlD8
28 Third .street
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. M6111ber. 01 Philadelphia Block &eAaftge PHILADEL.HIA

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