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Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur (M)

Amount of Estimate Rs. #REF! Lakhs

Description of Item Quantity Rate Per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical
specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of
shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious
material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material
as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTH

Cft 2627.81
Cum 73.58 133.77 Cum 9843.00

2 #REF!
Cft 329.28
Cum 9.22 #REF! Cum #REF!

3 Plain cement concrete(1:4:8) proportion (cement) fine aggregate

coarse aggregate for foundation using 40mm size HBG
Metal(SS.5) from approved quarry including cost and conveyance
of all materials like cement, sand coarse aggregate water including
machine mixing and vibrating charges, seneriage charges etc to site
including of all materials and all labour charges etc. finished item
of work as per SS of APSS for levelling course.

Cft 322.47
Cum 9.03 3691.11 Cum 33331.00

4 #REF!
Cft 1626.75
Cum 45.55 #REF! Cum #REF!

5 #REF!
Cft 2627.81
Cum 73.58 #REF! Cum #REF!
6 #REF!
Cft 1332.93
Cum 37.32 #REF! Cum #REF!

7 #REF!
Cft 279.30
Cum 7.82 #REF! Cum #REF!

8 #REF!
Cft 163.01
Cum 4.56 #REF! Cum #REF!
Description of Item Quantity Rate Per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
9 #REF!
Cft 200.25
Cum 5.61 #REF! Cum #REF!

10 #REF!
Cft 22.94
Cum 0.64 #REF! Cum #REF!
11 #REF!
Sft 18.66
Rmt 1.68 #REF! Rmt #REF!

12 #REF!
Cft 170.63
Cum 4.78 #REF! Cum #REF!

13 #REF!
Cft 488.84
Cum 13.69 #REF! Cum #REF!
14 #REF!
A) 9" BRICK WALL 1212.75
Cum 33.96 #REF! Cum #REF!

B) 4.5" BRICK WALL 906.00

Cum 25.37 #REF! Cum #REF!

15 #REF!
Sft 1479.63
Sqm 133.17 #REF! Sqm #REF!

16 #REF!
Sft 467.25
Sqm 42.05 #REF! Sqm #REF!

17 #REF!
INTERNAL 2810.25
Sqm 252.92 #REF! Sqm #REF!
EXTERNAL 1564.75
Sqm 140.83 #REF! Sqm #REF!

18 #REF!
A) PORTICO 37.69
Sqm 3.39 #REF! Sqm #REF!
Sqm 20.99 #REF! Sqm #REF!


Sqm 1.44 #REF! Sqm #REF!
Description of Item Quantity Rate Per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
Sqm 40.77 #REF! Sqm #REF!

19 #REF!
Sft 1209.06
Sqm 108.82 #REF! Sqm #REF!

20 #REF!
Cft 34.38
Cum 0.96 #REF! Cum #REF!

21 #REF!
Kgs 4027.91 #REF! Kg #REF!

22 #REF!
Sft 46.65
Sqm 4.20 #REF! Sqm #REF!

23 DOOR: Timber shall be of the kind as specified may be teak,

shisham, sal, deodar, etc. The timber shall be of best quality , well
seasoned and free from sap, knots, cracks, and other defects. All
wood work shall be planed and neatly and truly finished to the
exact dimensions. All joints shall be neat and strong, truly and
accurately fitted, and glued before being fitted together. Chaukhats:
The Chaukhats shall be properly framed and joined by mortise and
tenon joint with hard wooden pins and the joints shall be coated
with white lead before being fited together. The chaukhats shall be
of sectionas per drawing may be 7.5 X 10 cm, 10X 10Cm 8X 12cm
section. Concealed faces of chaukhats shall be painted with two
coats of coaltar or solignum and the other faces shall be painted
with a prime coat before fixing is position. Shutters or leaves: the
shutters may be panelled glazed part panelled and part glazed
battened or venetian as specified the thickness of shutters shall be
(11/2" to 2) 3cm to 5cm

as specified the styles rails and penels shall be planted and neatly
and truly finished to the exact dimensions. The styles and rails shall
be ramed properly and accurately with morties and tenon joint and
fixed with wooden pins. Panels shall be of one piece
Description of Item Quantity Rate Per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
without any joint and shall be fixed with 12mm (1/2") insertions
into the rails and styles and rails provided with mouldings as per
design. The thickness of panels shall be 12mm to 25mm (1/2" to
1") as specified all rails over 15cm(6")in width shall have double
tenon notenon shall exceed one forth of thickness of the plank for
glazed windows sash bars shall not be less than 40mm X 40mm
and glasses shall be fixed with nails and putty or with wooden
deading over felf as specifed all joints shall be glued before being
fitted. Fittings all doors shall be provided with handle on both sides
and all windous with handles on the inner side one of the doors of
each room shall be provided with sliding bolts on the outer side for
locking necessary hinges tower bolts hook bolts , stops for keeping
the leaves ipen, and also wooden block to prevent leaves strick the
jambs of wall etc.., shall be provied the fittings may be of iron
brass or oxidized as specified as approved quality screws shall be
of suitable length and corrects diaemeter and shall be fixed with
screw driver and not by hammering.

Sft 176.75
Sqm 15.91 3884.70 Sqm 61806.00
24 Supplying and fixing of fully glazed anodised aluminium hinged
type window wth fan light as per drawing using standard outer
frame 38.5x 33 x21x2.5mm thk and central mullion of
size59(3mm)x33(2.5mm)x25(3mm) and shutters made of anodised
aluminium Z section 24.5(3mm)x33(4mm)x21(3mm) using 5mm
thk glass fitted with suitable aluminium glazing clips and rubber
beading incl: suppllying and fixing fricion hinges (2no.per shutter )
handle with lock (1no per shutter)incl; cost and conveyance to site
of aluminium sections glass rubber beading fixtures etc., incl;
labour charges for manufacturing window fixing in position using
wooden blocks and sheet metal screws etc., complete tor finished
item (sections confirming to IS 1948-67) and as per consultants)

Sft 189.00
Sqm 17.01 3884.70 Sqm 66079.00
25 Glazed ventilator as per drawing using anodised aluminium
sections of 38.5x33x21x2.5mm thick outer frame and central
mullion of size 59(3mm) x 33(2.5mm) x 25(3mm) and shutters
made of anodised aluminium Z section 24.5(3mm) x 33(4mm) x
21(3mm) and 5mm thick plain glass fitted with suitable aluminium
glazing be made of single panel shutter of 25mm thk. provided with
keyless lock 10mm aluminium tower clips and rubber beading
including supply and fixing of nos. frictions hinges 2no ISI marked
anodised aluminium tower bolts 75mm long including cost and
conveyance of all materialss to site fixtures in position using
wooden blocks & sheet metals screws etc., (complete tor finished
item(confirm IS- 1946-1961 and as approved by consultant) Total
all floors

Sft 18.00
Sqm 1.62 3884.70 Sqm 6293.00
Description of Item Quantity Rate Per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6

26 #REF!
Sft 396.07
Sqm 35.65 #REF! Sqm #REF!

27 #REF!
INTERNAL 2810.25
Sqm 252.92 #REF! Sqm #REF!
EXTERNAL 1564.75
Sqm 140.83 #REF! Sqm #REF!

28 #REF!
Sft 1209.06
Sqm 108.82 #REF! Sqm #REF!

29 #REF!
Sft 224.00
Sqm 20.16 #REF! Sqm #REF!

30 #REF!
Sft 925.41
Sqm 83.29 #REF! Sqm #REF!

31 #REF!
Sft 42.00
Sqm 3.78 #REF! Sqm #REF!


35 Add LS for Round Off #REF!

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur

Amount of Estimate Rs. 0.50 Lakhs

The above said work has been administratively sanctioned under 14 th finance grant vide
G.P.Gudur Dt. with an amount of Rs. 0.5 Lakhs.

Hence the estimate is prepared with the following provisions

1 Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1
including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious
material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with
excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTH

2 Plain cement concrete(1:4:8) proportion (cement) fine aggregate coarse aggregate for foundation using
40mm size HBG Metal(SS.5) from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
cement, sand coarse aggregate water including machine mixing and vibrating charges, seneriage charges
etc to site including of all materials and all labour charges etc. finished item of work as per SS of APSS
for levelling course.

3 Plain Cement concrete Grade M20 - Nominal Mix using 20mm gauge HG metal including C/C of all
materials and labour charges etc., comp.

4 RCC M-20 Nominal Mix (Cement : Fine Aggregate : Coarse Aggregate) corresponding to Table 9 of IS
456 using 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from approved
quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse
aggregate, water etc., to site and including seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all materials
including all operational incidental and labour charges such as machine mixing, laying concrete, curing
etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work, but
excluding centering shuttering.

5 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in foundation complete as per drawings and
technical specifications for Bars below 36mm dia including overlaps and wastage, where they are not

6 Plastering with CM (1:3), 12 mm thick including C/C of all materials and labour charges etc., comp.

7 Add LS for U/S item of works.

The Detailed Estimate is prepared with the above provisions with current SSR for the year 2016-17
and submitting for favour of according Technical Sanction

Asst. Engineer
RWS&S Gudur

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur (M)
Amount of Estimate Rs. 0.50 Lakhs
Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for structures
as per drawing and technical
specifications Clause 305.1 including
setting out, construction of shoring
and bracing, removal of stumps and
other deleterious material and disposal
upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling in trenches
with excavated suitable material as
per Technical Specification 305

Drain Portion 1x2 2.40 1.70 0.60 4.90 cum

Culvert Portion 1x2 4.00 1.90 0.60 9.12 cum
14.02 cum 133.77 Cum 1875.00
2 Plain cement concrete(1:4:8)
proportion (cement) fine aggregate
coarse aggregate for foundation using
40mm size HBG Metal(SS.5) from
approved quarry including cost and
conveyance of all materials like
cement, sand coarse aggregate water
including machine mixing and
vibrating charges, seneriage charges
etc to site including of all materials
and all labour charges etc. finished
item of work as per SS of APSS for
levelling course.

Drain Portion 1x2 2.40 1.70 0.15 1.22 cum

Culvert Portion 1x1 4.00 1.90 0.25 1.90 cum
3.12 cum 3691.11 Cum 11516.00

3 Plain Cement concrete Grade M20 -

Nominal Mix using 20mm gauge HG
metal including C/C of all materials
and labour charges etc., comp.

Both sides 1x4 2.40 0.23 0.45 0.99 cum

Culvert Portion 1x2 4.00 0.45 0.45 1.62 cum
2.61 cum 6402.52 Cum 16711.00
4 Plastering with CM (1:3), 12 mm
thick including C/C of all materials
and labour charges etc., comp.

1x1 2.40 2.20 5.28 sqmt

Culvert Portion 1x1 4.00 2.20 8.80 sqmt
14.08 sqmt 1250.74 10 m 2 1761.00
Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5 RCC M-20 Nominal Mix (Cement :
Fine Aggregate : Coarse Aggregate)
corresponding to Table 9 of IS 456
using 20mm size graded machine
crushed hard granite metal (coarse
aggregate) from approved quarry
including cost and conveyance of all
materials like cement, fine aggregate
(sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to
site and including seigniorage
charges, sales & other taxes on all
materials including all operational
incidental and labour charges such as
machine mixing, laying concrete,
curing etc., complete but excluding
cost of steel and its fabrication
charges for finished item of work, but
excluding centering shuttering.

1x1 4.00 1.70 0.20 1.36 cum 8133.44 Cum 11061.00

6 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD
bar reinforcement in foundation
complete as per drawings and
technical specifications for Bars
below 36mm dia including overlaps
and wastage, where they are not
welded. 1x1 136.00 136 Kgs 45.23 kg 6151.00
7 Add LS for U/S item of works. LS 925.00
Total Rs. 50000.00

Asst. Engineer
RWS&S Gudur

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur (M)

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Total Rs. 0.00

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Asst. Engineer ###

RWS&S Gudur ###
Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur (M)
Deduct t
Average 14% Over Initial Cost Seignor
Sl. Item No. / Name of the Cost of Stacki Net Cost
Description of Item Lead in head and incl. Seign age Total Rate Unit
No. Code Quarry Lead contractors ng of Lead
Kms & 25% MC Charges
Profits Charg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 9 10
1 Sand for Mortor M-006 Akeru vagu 45.00 584.85 -73.50 511.35 566.00 - 1077.35 Cum

2 Sand for Filling M-004 Akeru vagu 45.00 584.85 -73.50 511.35 302.00 - 813.35 Cum

3 40mm HGB metal SS-5 MC M-054 Nekkonda 30.00 401.10 -43.96 357.14 845.00 - 1202.14 Cum

4 20mm HGB metal SS-5 MC M-053 Nekkonda 30.00 401.10 -43.96 357.14 1365.00 - 1722.14 Cum
5 10mm HGB metal M-52 Nekkonda 30.00 455.70 -51.60 404.10 252.00 - 656.10 Cum
CRS Stone (30x30x45 cm) (including
6 seignorage charges and loading) = per cum Irrn-13 Nekkonda 30.00 455.70 -51.60 404.10 262.00 - 666.10 Cum
stones required = 24.70 Nos x 13 = 321.1
Through Stones 20cmx20cm39 to 60cm
(including seigiorage charges and loading) =
7 Irrn-13 Nekkonda 30.00 455.70 -51.60 404.10 2499.90 2904.00 Cum
per cum stones required = 64.10 Nos x 39 =
5 Gravel Local 5.00 112.35 -7.35 105.00 103.00 - 208.00 Cum

6 Cement 43 Grade (including loading charges) 6000/MT 6.00 Kg

7 Cold Twisted bars (HYSD/TMT) including loading charges) 37500/MT 37500.00 MT

1) Certified that the leads provided in the estimate is correct to the best of my knowledge and the stone used Hard Granite.
2) Certified that the metal and stone quarry is of blasting variety
3) 25% extra may be allowed as the materials obtained from quarry is machine crushing.

Asst. Engineer
Deduct t
Average 14% Over Initial Cost Seignor
Sl. Item No. / Name of the Cost of Stacki Net Cost
Description of Item Lead in head and incl. Seign age Total Rate Unit
No. Code Quarry Lead contractors ng of Lead
Kms & 25% MC Charges
Profits Charg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 9 10
RWS&S Gudur

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur (M)

Sl. Ref. Item Amount

Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.)
No. Code (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Unit - 1 Cum

a) Materials
Cement Kg 480.00 6.00 2880.00

Coarse Sand Cum 1.05 1077.35 1131.22

Seignorage Charges

b) Labour

Man Mazdoor for mixing mortar Day 0.20 350.00 70.00

Rate per 1 Cum 4081.22


Unit - 1 Cum

a) Materials

Cement Kg 288.00 6.00 1728.00

Coarse Sand Cum 1.05 1077.35 1131.22

Seignorage Charges

b) Labour

Man Mazdoor for mixing mortar Day 0.20 350.00 70.00

Rate per 1 Cum 2929.22


Unit - 1 Cum

a) Materials

Cement Kg 240.00 6.00 1440.00

Coarse Sand Cum 1.05 1077.35 1131.22

Seignorage Charges

b) Labour

Man Mazdoor for mixing mortar Day 0.20 350.00 70.00

Rate per 1 Cum 2641.22

Sl. Ref. Item Amount
Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.)
No. Code (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Earthwork in excavation for structures as per

drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1
including setting out, construction of shoring and
bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious
material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing
of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with
excavated suitable material as per Technical
Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTH

Ordinary Soil Manual Means

Upto 3 m depth
Unit = Cum

Taking out put = 10 Cum

a) Labour

Mate Day 0.00

Mazdoor (Unskilled) Day 3.64 350.00 1274.00

Add VAT @ 5% 5% 1274.00 63.70

Rate per 10 Cum 1337.70

Rate per Cum 133.77

Plain cement concrete(1:4:8) proportion (cement)

fine aggregate coarse aggregate for foundation
using 40mm size HBG Metal(SS.5) from approved
quarry including cost and conveyance of all
3 BLD-CSTN-3-7 materials like cement, sand coarse aggregate water
including machine mixing and vibrating charges,
seneriage charges etc to site including of all
materials and all labour charges etc. finished item
of work as per SS of APSS for levelling course.

Unit = Cum

a) Material

Cement Kg 162.00 6.00 972.00

Coarse Aggregate 40mm Cum 0.90 1202.14 1081.93

Coarse Sand Cum 0.45 1077.35 484.81

Seignorage Charges for CA

Seignorage Charges for FA

Water (Including for curing) Item No.M-189 Kl 1.20 77.00 92.40

b) Machinery

Concrete Mixer 10/7 cft (0.20/0.80 cum) Capacity) Hour 1.00 353.20 353.20

c) Labour

Mason 1st Class Day 0.10 445.00 44.50

Sl. Ref. Item Amount
Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.)
No. Code (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mazdoor (Unskilled) Day 1.39 350.00 486.50

Add VAT @ 5% 5% 3515.34 175.77

Rate per Cum 3691.11

BLD- 67 RR Masonry in CM (1:6) mix using HG Stone
4 CSTN-6- including cost and conveyance of all materials and
12 labour charges etc., complete.

Unit = 1 Cum
a) Material
Cement Kg 79.20 6.00 475.20
CR Stone Cum 0.44 666.10 293.08
RR Stone Cum 0.50 656.10 328.05
Bond Stones 7 Nos 0.24x0.24x0.39 = 0.16 cum Cum 0.16 2904.00 464.64
Fine aggregate (Sand) Cum 0.33 1077.35 355.53
Seignorage Charges for FA (Included in Material)
Seignorage Charges for Stone (Included in Material)
b) Labour
Mason 1st Class Day 1.20 445.00 534.00
Mazdoor (Unskilled) Day 2.00 350.00 700.00
Add VAT @ 5% 5% 3150.50 157.53

Rate per Cum 3308.03

BLD-CSTN-6- Plain Cement concrete Grade M20 - Nominal Mix
5 12 using 20mm gauge HG metal including C/C of all
materials and labour charges etc., comp.

Unit = 1 Cum
a) Material
Cement Kg 400.00 6.00 2400.00
Coarse aggregate 20mm cum 0.90 1722.14 1549.93
Fine aggregate (Sand) cum 0.45 1077.35 484.81
Seigniorage charges for C.A (Included in Material)
Seigniorage charges for F.A (Included in Material)

Mason 1st class day 0.10 445.00 44.50

b) Mazdoor (unskilled) day 2.36 350.00 826.00
Water (including for curing) kl 1.20 77.00 92.40
Mazdoor (Unskilled) Day 2.00 350.00 700.00
Add VAT @ 5% 5% 6097.64 304.88
Sl. Ref. Item Amount
Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.)
No. Code (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rate per Cum 6402.52

6 BLD-CSTN-8-7
Plastering with CM (1:3), 12 mm thick including
C/C of all materials and labour charges etc., comp.

Unit = 10 sqm

Cement Mortar (1:3) cum 0.15 4081.22 612.18
Seigniorage charges for F.A cum 0.15
Mason 1st class day 0.60 405.00 243.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 0.96 350.00 336.00
Add VAT @ 5% 5% 1191.18 59.56
Rate for 10 sqm 1250.74

RCC M-20 Nominal Mix (Cement : Fine Aggregate :

Coarse Aggregate) corresponding to Table 9 of IS
456 using 20mm size graded machine crushed
hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of
all materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand)
7 BLD-CSTN-3-13 coarse aggregate, water etc., to site and including
seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all
materials including all operational incidental and
labour charges such as machine mixing, laying
concrete, curing etc., complete but excluding cost
of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item
of work, but excluding centering shuttering.

Unit = Cum
a) Material
20mm HBG metal Cum 0.90 1722.14 1549.93
Coarse Sand Cum 0.45 1077.35 484.81
Cement Kg 325.00 6.00 1950.00
Seignorage Charges for CA (Included in Material)
Seignorage Charges for FA (Included in Material)
b) Labour
1st Class Mason Day 0.07 445.00 29.82
2nd Class Mason Day 0.13 405.00 53.87
Mazdoor (Men & Women) Day 2.50 350.00 875.00
c) Machinery
Concrete Mixer 10/7 cft (0.20/0.80 cum) Capacity) Hour 0.27 353.20 94.30
Sl. Ref. Item Amount
Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.)
No. Code (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Vibrator Charges Hour 0.27 185.90
Water (Including for curing) Kl 1.20 77.00 92.40
Rate per Cum 5130.13
I) For RCC Slab
Cost of RCC M-20 Cum 1.00 5130.13 5130.13
Centering charges as per Bidg SSR (Plinth Beam) Cum 1.00 2616.00 2616.00
Add VAT @ 5% 5% 7746.13 387.31
Rate for 1 cum 8133.44
Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar
reinforcement in foundation complete as per
8 BLD-CSTN-4-1 drawings and technical specifications for Bars
below 36mm dia including overlaps and wastage,
where they are not welded.
Unit = T
a) Material

HYSD bars including 5 percement for overlaps and

MT 1.05 37500.00 39375.00

Binding Wire Kg 6.00 55.00 330.00

b) Labour
Blacksmith / Bar bender Day 2.00 565.00 1130.00
Mazdoor (Unskilled) Day 6.40 350.00 2240.00
Add VAT @ 5% 5% 43075.00 2153.75
Rate per Tonne 45228.75
Rate per Kg 45.23
1 Collection and Spreading of Gravel including
watering and rolling with HRR irrespective of
thickness in layers
Cost of Gravel as per lead chart cum 1.00 208.00 208.00
Spreding and rolling charges as per SSR 2008-09 cum 1.00 23.00 23.00
Add VAT @ 5% 5% 231.00 11.55
Cost per cu m 242.55

Asst. Engineer
RWS&S Gudur

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur
Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Drilling of 6½" dia Bore Well in with 1x1 70 - - 70.00 275.00 Rmt 19250.00
power rig drilling in all types of soils and
such as loose soils and hard rock formation
including inserting of Casing pipe etc.,

2 Inserting 180mm dia 6kg/sqcm PVC Pipe 1x1 24 - - 24.00 470.99 Rmt 11304.00
for casing including all charges etc
complete. Plain Casing Pipe.

Total Rs. 30554.00

Asst. Engineer ###

RWS&S Gudur ###

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur
(V),Gudur (M)

Description of Item of work Quantity Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5
1 Supply and Delivery of 10.00 HP Monoblock 1.00 No 31850.00 31850.00
Submersible Three Phase Pumpset suitable to Open
2 MS Switch board cable comprising with Star Delta 1.00 No 14210.00 14210.00
Starter, fuses, single phasing preventor, poilet lamps
& with box wiring 2 KVAR power factor.
3 Supply and Delivery of 50mm dia GI Pipe "B" Class 30.00 Rmt 303.80 9114.00
4 Supply and Delivery of 6.00 PVC insulated 80.00 Rmt 137.20 10976.00
and PVC shethed flexible 3 core flat type
submersible cables.
5 Supply and Delivery of Glavanised Mild steel bends 3.00 Nos 156.80 470.00
havy duty "C" Class threaded at both ends 50mm dia
900 Bends with ARM length of 20 Cms (Centre to

6 Supply and Delivery of 50mm dia MS Flange set (2 2.00 Set 264.60 529.00
Nos) of 150mm dia, 12mm thick of (Each flange)
with 4 Nos 15mm dia Bolts and Nuts
7 Supply and Delivery of 50mm dia MS Clampset 2.00 Sets 686.00 1372.00
450mm length, 12mm thick plate 75mm wide with 6
Nos of 16mm dia Bolts and Nuts
8 Supply and Delivery of 50mm dia GI couplings 12.00 Nos 117.60 1411.00
9 Supply and Delivery of 50mm dia GI Non Return 1.00 No 980.00 980.00
10 Supply and Delivery of 7/16 Single core Aluminium 270.00 Rmt 19.60 5292.00
Service Wire
11 Add 4% VAT 3048.00
12 Erection charges of Pumpset 1.00 Job 4410.00 4410.00
TOTAL Rs. 83662.00

Asst. Engineer #REF!

RWS&S Gudur #REF!

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur (M)

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 #REF!
Curb Wall 1xp 9.00 0.45 0.45 5.723 #REF! Cum #REF!
For abvoe GL 1xp 9.00 0.10 1.00 2.826 #REF! Cum #REF!
For Steining upto 3.00m 1xp 9.00 0.10 3.00 8.478 #REF! Cum #REF!
For Steining upto 5.00 m 1xp 9.00 0.10 2.00 5.652 #REF! Cum #REF!
For Steining upto 7.00m 1xp 9.00 0.10 1.00 2.826 #REF! Cum #REF!
2 #REF!
1530.00 #REF! Kg #REF!

3 #REF! 1x10 5 HP 8 hrs - 400.00 #REF! Hph #REF!

(5 HP x 8 Hrs x 10 days)

Total Rs. #REF!

Asst. Engineer #REF!

RWS&S Gudur #REF!

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur (M)

SubWork: C/o. 100 KL SUMP

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for structures
as per drawing and technical
specifications Clause 305.1 including
setting out, construction of shoring and
bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious material and disposal upto a
lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling in trenches with
excavated suitable material as per
Technical Specification 305 MORD /

1st Mattu 1xp/4 8.20 8.20 3.00 158.45 133.77 Cum 21196.00
2nd Mattu 1xp/4 8.20 8.20 0.50 26.41 #REF! Cum #REF!
3rd Mattu 1xp/4 8.20 8.20 0.00 0.00 #REF! Cum #REF!

2 Plain cement concrete(1:4:8) proportion

(cement) fine aggregate coarse
aggregate for foundation using 40mm
size HBG Metal(SS.5) from approved
quarry including cost and conveyance of
all materials like cement, sand coarse
aggregate water including machine
mixing and vibrating charges, seneriage
charges etc to site including of all
materials and all labour charges etc.
finished item of work as per SS of APSS
for levelling course.

1xp/4 8.20 8.20 0.30 15.85 3691.11 Cum 58504.00

3 #REF!
1xp/4 8.20 8.20 0.30 15.85 #REF! Cum #REF!

4 #REF!
1xp/4 8.20 8.20 0.30 15.85 #REF! Cum #REF!

5 #REF!
1xp 7.43 3.00 0.18 12.61 #REF! Cum #REF!

6 #REF!
2xp 4.53 1.81 0.10 5.15 #REF! Cum #REF!
Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7 #REF!
1xp 7.55 0.30 0.30 2.13 #REF! Cum #REF!

8 #REF!
Bottom Slab 1xp/4 7.25 7.25 - 41.29
Side Wall Inside 1xp 7.25 - 3.00 68.34
Top of the Dome 2xp 4.53 - 1.81 51.52
161.15 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

9 #REF!
Side Wall Outside 1xp 7.60 - 0.30 7.16
Top of the Dome 2xp 8.32 - 1.67 87.31
94.47 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

10 #REF!
Side Wall Outside 1xp 7.60 - 0.30 7.16
Ring Beam 1xp 7.85 - 0.73 18.01
Top of the Dome 2xp 4.53 - 1.81 51.52
76.69 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

11 #REF!
3310.00 #REF! Kg #REF!

12 Supply and placing of the Manhole

Cover including cost and conveyance of
all materials and labour charges etc.,
1x2 - - - 2.00 500.00 Each 1000.00

13 Supply and Fixing of following GI pipes

and specials etc., complete to cistern.
80mm dia GI Pipe 1x1 4.70 - - 4.70 588.00 Rmt 2764.00
80mm dia GI Bends 1x1 - - - 1.00 294.00 Each 294.00
80mm dia GI Couplings 1x3 - - - 3.00 176.40 Each 529.00

14 Add LS for other U/S item of works. LS 36.00

Total Rs. #REF!

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Asst. Engineer
RWS&S Gudur

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur (M)

SubWork: C/o. 60 KL SUMP

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for structures
as per drawing and technical
specifications Clause 305.1 including
setting out, construction of shoring and
bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious material and disposal upto a
lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling in trenches with
excavated suitable material as per
Technical Specification 305 MORD /

1st Mattu 1xp/4 6.45 6.45 3.00 98.04 133.77 Cum 13115.00
2nd Mattu 1xp/4 6.45 6.45 0.50 16.34 #REF! Cum #REF!
3rd Mattu 1xp/4 6.45 6.45 0.00 0.00 #REF! Cum #REF!

2 Plain cement concrete(1:4:8) proportion

(cement) fine aggregate coarse
aggregate for foundation using 40mm
size HBG Metal(SS.5) from approved
quarry including cost and conveyance of
all materials like cement, sand coarse
aggregate water including machine
mixing and vibrating charges, seneriage
charges etc to site including of all
materials and all labour charges etc.
finished item of work as per SS of APSS
for levelling course.

1xp/4 6.45 6.45 0.30 9.80 3691.11 Cum 36173.00

3 #REF!
1xp/4 6.45 6.45 0.30 9.80 #REF! Cum #REF!

4 #REF!
1xp/4 6.45 6.45 0.30 9.80 #REF! Cum #REF!

5 #REF!
1xp 5.68 3.00 0.18 9.64 #REF! Cum #REF!

6 #REF!
2xp 3.19 1.57 0.10 3.15 #REF! Cum #REF!
Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7 #REF!
1xp 5.80 0.30 0.30 1.64 #REF! Cum #REF!

8 #REF!
Bottom Slab 1xp/4 5.50 5.50 - 23.76
Side Wall Inside 1xp 5.50 - 3.00 51.84
Top of the Dome 2xp 3.19 - 1.57 31.47
107.07 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

9 #REF!
Side Wall Outside 1xp 5.85 - 0.30 5.51
Top of the Dome 2xp 8.32 - 1.67 87.31
92.82 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

10 #REF!
Side Wall Outside 1xp 5.85 - 0.30 5.51
Ring Beam 1xp 6.10 - 0.73 13.99
Top of the Dome 2xp 3.19 - 1.57 31.47
50.97 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

11 #REF!
2500.00 #REF! Kg #REF!

12 Supply and placing of the Manhole

Cover including cost and conveyance of
all materials and labour charges etc.,
1x2 - - - 2.00 500.00 Each 1000.00

13 Supply and Fixing of following GI pipes

and specials etc., complete to cistern.
80mm dia GI Pipe 1x1 4.70 - - 4.70 588.00 Rmt 2764.00
80mm dia GI Bends 1x1 - - - 1.00 294.00 Each 294.00
80mm dia GI Couplings 1x3 - - - 3.00 176.40 Each 529.00

14 Add LS for other U/S item of works. LS 11965.00

Total Rs. #REF!

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Asst. Engineer
RWS&S Gudur

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur (M)

SubWork: C/o. 60 KL SUMP

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for structures
as per drawing and technical
specifications Clause 305.1 including
setting out, construction of shoring and
bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious material and disposal upto a
lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling in trenches with
excavated suitable material as per
Technical Specification 305 MORD /

1st Mattu 1xp/4 6.45 6.45 3.00 98.04 133.77 Cum 13115.00
2nd Mattu 1xp/4 6.45 6.45 0.50 16.34 #REF! Cum #REF!
3rd Mattu 1xp/4 6.45 6.45 0.00 0.00 #REF! Cum #REF!

2 Plain cement concrete(1:4:8) proportion

(cement) fine aggregate coarse
aggregate for foundation using 40mm
size HBG Metal(SS.5) from approved
quarry including cost and conveyance of
all materials like cement, sand coarse
aggregate water including machine
mixing and vibrating charges, seneriage
charges etc to site including of all
materials and all labour charges etc.
finished item of work as per SS of APSS
for levelling course.

1xp/4 6.45 6.45 0.30 9.80 3691.11 Cum 36173.00

3 #REF!
1xp/4 6.45 6.45 0.30 9.80 #REF! Cum #REF!

4 #REF!
1xp/4 6.45 6.45 0.30 9.80 #REF! Cum #REF!

5 #REF!
1xp 5.68 3.00 0.18 9.64 #REF! Cum #REF!

6 #REF!
2xp 1.69 1.38 0.10 1.47 #REF! Cum #REF!
Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7 #REF!
1xp 5.80 0.30 0.30 1.64 #REF! Cum #REF!

8 #REF!
Bottom Slab 1xp/4 5.50 5.50 - 23.76
Side Wall Inside 1xp 5.50 - 3.00 51.84
Top of the Dome 2xp 1.69 - 1.38 14.66
90.26 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

9 #REF!
Side Wall Outside 1xp 5.85 - 0.30 5.51
Top of the Dome 2xp 8.32 - 1.67 87.31
92.82 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

10 #REF!
Side Wall Outside 1xp 5.85 - 0.30 5.51
Ring Beam 1xp 6.10 - 0.73 13.99
Top of the Dome 2xp 1.69 - 1.38 14.66
34.16 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

11 #REF!
2044.00 #REF! Kg #REF!

12 Supply and placing of the Manhole

Cover including cost and conveyance of
all materials and labour charges etc.,
1x2 - - - 2.00 500.00 Each 1000.00

13 Supply and Fixing of following GI pipes

and specials etc., complete to cistern.
80mm dia GI Pipe 1x1 4.70 - - 4.70 588.00 Rmt 2764.00
80mm dia GI Bends 1x1 - - - 1.00 294.00 Each 294.00
80mm dia GI Couplings 1x3 - - - 3.00 176.40 Each 529.00

14 Add LS for other U/S item of works. LS 24599.00

Total Rs. #REF!

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Asst. Engineer
RWS&S Gudur

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur (M)

SubWork: C/o. 40 KL SUMP

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for structures
as per drawing and technical
specifications Clause 305.1 including
setting out, construction of shoring and
bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious material and disposal upto a
lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling in trenches with
excavated suitable material as per
Technical Specification 305 MORD /

1st Mattu 1xp/4 5.45 5.45 3.00 69.99 133.77 Cum 9363.00
2nd Mattu 1xp/4 5.45 5.45 0.50 11.67 #REF! Cum #REF!
3rd Mattu 1xp/4 5.45 5.45 0.00 0.00 #REF! Cum #REF!

2 Plain cement concrete(1:4:8) proportion

(cement) fine aggregate coarse
aggregate for foundation using 40mm
size HBG Metal(SS.5) from approved
quarry including cost and conveyance of
all materials like cement, sand coarse
aggregate water including machine
mixing and vibrating charges, seneriage
charges etc to site including of all
materials and all labour charges etc.
finished item of work as per SS of APSS
for levelling course.

1xp/4 5.45 5.45 0.30 7.00 3691.11 Cum 25838.00

3 #REF!
1xp/4 5.45 5.45 0.30 7.00 #REF! Cum #REF!

4 #REF!
1xp/4 5.45 5.45 0.30 7.00 #REF! Cum #REF!

5 #REF!
1xp 4.68 3.00 0.18 7.94 #REF! Cum #REF!

6 #REF!
2xp 2.61 1.29 0.10 2.12 #REF! Cum #REF!
Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7 #REF!
1xp 4.80 0.30 0.30 1.36 #REF! Cum #REF!

8 #REF!
Bottom Slab 1xp/4 4.50 4.50 - 15.91
Side Wall Inside 1xp 4.50 - 3.00 42.42
Top of the Dome 2xp 2.61 - 1.29 21.16
79.49 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

9 #REF!
Side Wall Outside 1xp 4.85 - 0.30 4.57
Top of the Dome 2xp 8.32 - 1.67 87.31
91.88 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

10 #REF!
Side Wall Outside 1xp 4.85 - 0.30 4.57
Ring Beam 1xp 5.10 - 0.73 11.70
Top of the Dome 2xp 2.61 - 1.29 21.16
37.43 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

11 #REF!
1700.00 #REF! Kg #REF!

12 Supply and placing of the Manhole

Cover including cost and conveyance of
all materials and labour charges etc.,
1x2 - - - 2.00 500.00 Each 1000.00

13 Supply and Fixing of following GI pipes

and specials etc., complete to cistern.
80mm dia GI Pipe 1x1 4.70 - - 4.70 588.00 Rmt 2764.00
80mm dia GI Bends 1x1 - - - 1.00 294.00 Each 294.00
80mm dia GI Couplings 1x3 - - - 3.00 176.40 Each 529.00

14 Add LS for other U/S item of works. LS 13871.00

Total Rs. #REF!

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Asst. Engineer
RWS&S Gudur

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur (M)

SubWork: C/o. 40 KL SUMP

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for structures
as per drawing and technical
specifications Clause 305.1 including
setting out, construction of shoring and
bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious material and disposal upto a
lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling in trenches with
excavated suitable material as per
Technical Specification 305 MORD /

1st Mattu 1xp/4 5.45 5.45 3.00 69.99 133.77 Cum 9363.00
2nd Mattu 1xp/4 5.45 5.45 0.50 11.67 #REF! Cum #REF!
3rd Mattu 1xp/4 5.45 5.45 0.00 0.00 #REF! Cum #REF!

2 Plain cement concrete(1:4:8) proportion

(cement) fine aggregate coarse
aggregate for foundation using 40mm
size HBG Metal(SS.5) from approved
quarry including cost and conveyance of
all materials like cement, sand coarse
aggregate water including machine
mixing and vibrating charges, seneriage
charges etc to site including of all
materials and all labour charges etc.
finished item of work as per SS of APSS
for levelling course.

1xp/4 5.45 5.45 0.30 7.00 3691.11 Cum 25838.00

3 #REF!
1xp/4 5.45 5.45 0.30 7.00 #REF! Cum #REF!

4 #REF!
1xp/4 5.45 5.45 0.30 7.00 #REF! Cum #REF!

5 #REF!
1xp 4.68 3.00 0.18 7.94 #REF! Cum #REF!

6 #REF!
2xp 1.56 1.13 0.10 1.11 #REF! Cum #REF!
Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7 #REF!
1xp 4.80 0.30 0.30 1.36 #REF! Cum #REF!

8 #REF!
Bottom Slab 1xp/4 4.50 4.50 - 15.91
Side Wall Inside 1xp 4.50 - 3.00 42.42
Top of the Dome 2xp 1.56 - 1.13 11.08
69.41 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

9 #REF!
Side Wall Outside 1xp 4.85 - 0.30 4.57
Top of the Dome 2xp 8.32 - 1.67 87.31
91.88 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

10 #REF!
Side Wall Outside 1xp 4.85 - 0.30 4.57
Ring Beam 1xp 5.10 - 0.73 11.70
Top of the Dome 2xp 1.56 - 1.13 11.08
27.35 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

11 #REF!
1577.00 #REF! Kg #REF!

12 Supply and placing of the Manhole

Cover including cost and conveyance of
all materials and labour charges etc.,
1x2 - - - 2.00 500.00 Each 1000.00

13 Supply and Fixing of following GI pipes

and specials etc., complete to cistern.
80mm dia GI Pipe 1x1 4.70 - - 4.70 588.00 Rmt 2764.00
80mm dia GI Bends 1x1 - - - 1.00 294.00 Each 294.00
80mm dia GI Couplings 1x3 - - - 3.00 176.40 Each 529.00

14 Add LS for other U/S item of works. LS 20220.00

Total Rs. #REF!

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Asst. Engineer
RWS&S Gudur

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur (M)

SubWork: C/o. 6 KL Cistern

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for structures
as per drawing and technical
specifications Clause 305.1 including
setting out, construction of shoring and
bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious material and disposal upto a
lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling in trenches with
excavated suitable material as per
Technical Specification 305 MORD /

Cistern Base 1xp/4 2.80 2.80 1.00 6.158

Platform 1xp 3.80 1.00 0.20 2.388
8.546 133.77 Cum 1143.00
2 #REF!
Cistern Base 1xp/4 2.80 2.20 0.30 1.452
Platform 1xp 3.80 1.00 0.15 1.791
3.243 #REF! Cum #REF!
3 Plain cement concrete(1:4:8) proportion
(cement) fine aggregate coarse
aggregate for foundation using 40mm
size HBG Metal(SS.5) from approved
quarry including cost and conveyance of
all materials like cement, sand coarse
aggregate water including machine
mixing and vibrating charges, seneriage
charges etc to site including of all
materials and all labour charges etc.
finished item of work as per SS of APSS
for levelling course.

Cistern Base 1xp/4 2.80 2.20 0.20 0.968

Platform 1xp 3.80 1.00 0.15 1.791
2.759 3691.11 Cum 10183.00
4 #REF!
Cistern Base Below G.L 1xp/4 2.80 2.70 0.50 2.969
Above G.L 1xp/4 2.80 2.70 0.45 2.672
5.641 #REF! Cum #REF!

5 #REF!
For Bottom 1xp/4 2.80 2.80 0.10 0.616
Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Platform 1xp 3.80 1.20 0.050 0.716
1.332 3700.58 Cum 4930.00

6 #REF!
1xp 1.80 0.13 2.50 1.838 #REF! Cum #REF!

7 #REF!
Basement alround (0.45+.10)m 1xp 1.80 - 0.55 3.111
3.111 #REF! 10m2 #REF!
8 #REF!
Over platform 1xp 3.80 1.20 - 14.328
Basement offset alround 1xp 1.55 0.25 - 1.218
15.545 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

9 #REF!
Basement alround 1xp 3.80 - 0.55 6.567
Basement offset alround 1xp 1.00 0.25 - 0.786
outside the cistern alround 1xp 1.80 - 2.50 14.139
21.491 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

10 Supply and Fixing of following GI pipes

and specials etc., complete to cistern.
50mm dia GI Pipe 1x1 4.50 - - 4.50 303.80 Rmt 1367.00
50mm dia GI coupling 1x1 - - - 1.00 117.60 Each 118.00
50mm dia GI Elbow 1x3 - - - 3.00 115.00 Each 345.00
50mm dia Gate Valve 1x1 - - - 1.00 1650.00 Each 1650.00
20mm dia Taps 1x6 - - - 6.00 60.00 Each 360.00
15mm dia GI couplings 1x6 - - - 6.00 60.00 Each 360.00
15mm dia GI Pipe 1x6 0.90 - - 5.40 115.00 Rmt 621.00

11 Provision for RCC Precast RCC Top

Cover including cost and conveyance of
all materials and labour charges etc.,
1x1 - - - 1.00 1000.00 Each 1000.00

12 #REF!
120.00 #REF! Kg #REF!

Total Rs. #REF!

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Asst. Engineer ###

RWS&S Gudur ###

Name of the Work : C/O Side drain and Culvert at Azmeera Mansingh H at Line thandaH/O Gudur (V),Gudur (M)

SubWork: C/o. 10 KL Cistern

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for structures
as per drawing and technical
specifications Clause 305.1 including
setting out, construction of shoring and
bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious material and disposal upto a
lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling in trenches with
excavated suitable material as per
Technical Specification 305 MORD /

Cistern Base 1xp/4 3.50 3.50 1.00 9.622

Platform 1xp 4.50 1.00 0.20 2.828
12.450 133.77 Cum 1665.00
2 #REF!
Cistern Base 1xp/4 3.50 3.50 0.30 2.887
Platform 1xp 4.50 1.00 0.20 2.828
5.715 #REF! Cum #REF!
3 Plain cement concrete(1:4:8) proportion
(cement) fine aggregate coarse
aggregate for foundation using 40mm
size HBG Metal(SS.5) from approved
quarry including cost and conveyance of
all materials like cement, sand coarse
aggregate water including machine
mixing and vibrating charges, seneriage
charges etc to site including of all
materials and all labour charges etc.
finished item of work as per SS of APSS
for levelling course.

Cistern Base 1xp/4 3.50 3.50 0.20 1.924

Platform 1xp 4.50 1.00 0.15 2.121
4.045 3691.11 Cum 14932.00
4 #REF!
Cistern Base Below G.L 1xp/4 3.50 3.50 0.50 4.811
Above G.L 1xp/4 3.50 3.50 0.45 4.330
9.141 #REF! Cum #REF!

5 #REF!
For Bottom 1xp/4 3.50 2.80 0.10 0.770
Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Platform 1xp 4.50 1.20 0.050 0.848
1.618 3700.58 Cum 5988.00

6 #REF!
1xp 2.30 0.13 2.50 2.349 #REF! Cum #REF!

7 #REF!
Basement alround (0.45+.10)m 1xp 3.50 - 0.55 6.048
6.048 #REF! 10m2 #REF!
8 #REF!
Over platform 1xp 3.50 1.20 - 13.196
Basement offset alround 1xp 1.55 0.25 - 1.218
14.414 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

9 #REF!
Basement alround 1xp 3.50 - 0.55 6.048
Basement offset alround 1xp 1.55 0.25 - 1.218
outside the cistern alround 1xp 2.50 - 2.50 19.638
26.903 #REF! 10m2 #REF!

10 Supply and Fixing of following GI pipes

and specials etc., complete to cistern.
50mm dia GI Pipe 1x1 4.50 - - 4.50 303.80 Rmt 1367.00
50mm dia GI coupling 1x1 - - - 1.00 117.60 Each 118.00
50mm dia GI Elbow 1x3 - - - 3.00 115.00 Each 345.00
50mm dia Gate Valve 1x1 - - - 1.00 1650.00 Each 1650.00
20mm dia Taps 1x6 - - - 6.00 60.00 Each 360.00
15mm dia GI couplings 1x6 - - - 6.00 60.00 Each 360.00
15mm dia GI Pipe 1x6 0.90 - - 5.40 115.00 Rmt 621.00

11 Provision for RCC Precast RCC Top

Cover including cost and conveyance of
all materials and labour charges etc.,
1x1 - - - 1.00 1000.00 Each 1000.00

12 #REF!
160.00 #REF! Kg #REF!

13 Add LS for other U/S item of works. LS 480.00

Total Rs. #REF!

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item Nos Qty Rate Per Amount
No. L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Asst. Engineer
RWS&S Gudur
Description of Item Nos Length Width Depth Qty Rate Per Amount
88 B53-Supply and fixing of Sal wood Door Double shutter fully paneled door of size 1.50 x 2.10 mts with frame
made of well seasoned salwood scantlings of size 100 x 75mm mm and shutter made of side rails 125mmx38,
top rail 125mmx38mm, bottom rail 125mmx38mm and intermediate rails of 125 x 38 mm and panels - 8 nos
25mm thick with all fixtures complete as per specifications (APSS No.1001 & 1002)(CSSR).

Door Size 1.50x2.10 Mtrs

Verticals 1x2 2.100 0.100 0.075 0.0315
Top and Bottom 1x2 1.650 0.100 0.075 0.0248
Shutter Verticals 1x4 2.040 0.125 0.038 0.0388
Shutter Rails 2x5 0.690 0.125 0.038 0.0328
0.1279 38847.00 Cum 4968.53
Planks 1x8 0.450 0.450 0.025 0.0405 49441.00 Cum 2002.36
Labour Charges for Scantlings (As per
Schedule Item No.286)
Carpenter Day 17.700 258.00 4567.00
Man Mazdoor Day 8.800 196.00 1725.00
6292.00 /Cum

Labour Charges 1x1 2.100 0.900 - 0.1684 6292.00 Cum 1059.57

FIXTURES Item Code Item No
MS Z Hold Fasts 1x6 - - - 6 Nos 12.00 Each 72.00
300mm Aluminium Aldrop 1x1 BMT-G.42 195 1 No 258.00 Each 258.00
300mm Alumiumum Latch 1x1 BMT-G.50 203 1 No 115.00 Each 115.00
200mm Aluminium Tower Bolts 1x2 BMT-G.9 162 2 Nos 86.00 Each 172.00
Butt hinges 125mm long Aluminium 1x8 BMT-G.25 178 8 Nos 96.00 Each 768.00
Door Stoppers Brass 1x2 BMT-G.46 199 2 Nos 135.00 Each 270.00
150mm Handle 1x4 BMT-G.34 187 4 Nos 85.00 Each 340.00
Wood Primer 1x1 BMT-J.5 353 1.10 Ltrs 110.00 Ltr 121.00
Total per Each Rs. 10146.46

89 B54-Supply and fixing of salwood Door single shutter fully paneled door of size 0.90 x 2.10 mts with frame of
sal Wood scantlings of size 100 x 75mm and bottom reeper of size 75x38mm and shutter of side rails 125mm
x38, top rail 125mmx38mm, bottom rail 175mmx38mm and intermediate rails of 125 x 38 mm and panels - 4
nos 25mm thick with all fixtures complete including cost and conveyance of all materials and labour charges
etc. complete as per specifications (APSS NO.1001 & 1002) (CSSR).

Door Size 0.90x2.10 Mtrs

Verticals 1x2 2.100 0.100 0.075 0.0315
Horizontals 1x1 1.050 0.100 0.075 0.0079
Shutter Verticals 1x2 2.040 0.125 0.038 0.0194
Shutter Rails 1x5 0.800 0.125 0.038 0.0190
0.0778 38847.00 Cum 3022.30
Planks 1x4 0.675 0.450 0.025 0.0304 49441.00 Cum 1503.01
Description of Item Nos Length Width Depth Qty Rate Per Amount
Labour Charges for Scantlings (As per
Schedule Item No.286)
Carpenter Day 17.700 258.00 4567.00
Man Mazdoor Day 8.800 196.00 1725.00
6292.00 /Cum

Labour Charges 1x1 2.100 0.900 0.1082 6292.00 Cum 680.79

FIXTURES Item Code Item No
MS Z Hold Fasts 1x6 - - - 6 Nos 12.00 Each 72.00
300mm Aluminium Aldrop 1x1 BMT-G.42 195 1 No 258.00 Each 258.00
150mm Aluminium Tower Bolt 1x1 BMT-G.8 161 1 No 69.00 Each 69.00
200mm Aluminium Tower Bolt 1x1 BMT-G.9 162 1 No 86.00 Each 86.00
Butt hinges 125mm long Aluminium 1x4 BMT-G.25 178 4 Nos 96.00 Each 384.00
Door Stoppers Brass 1x1 BMT-G.46 199 1 No 135.00 Each 135.00
150mm Handle 1x1 BMT-G.34 187 1 No 85.00 Each 85.00
Wood Primer 1x1 BMT-J.5 353 1 Ltr 110.00 Ltr 110.00
Total per Each Rs. 6405.10

90 B55-Supply and fixing of salwood Door single shutter fully paneled door of size 0.75 x 2.10 mts with frame of
Sal Wood scantlings of size 100 x 75mm and bottom reeper of size 75x38mm and shutter of side rails
125mmx38, top rail 125mmx38mm, bottom rail 125mmx38mm and intermediate rails of 125 x 38 mm and
panels - 4 nos 25mm thick with all fixtures complete including cost and conveyance of all materials and labour
charges etc. complete as per specifications (APSS NO.1001 & 1002) (CSSR).

Door Size 0.75x2.10 Mtrs

Verticals 1x2 2.100 0.100 0.075 0.0315
Horizontals 1x1 0.900 0.100 0.075 0.0068
Shutter Verticals 1x2 2.040 0.128 0.038 0.0198
Shutter Rails 1x5 0.650 0.125 0.038 0.0154
0.0735 38847.00 Cum 2855.25

Planks 1x4 0.525 0.450 0.025 0.0236 49441.00 Cum 1166.81

Labour Charges for Scantlings (As per
Schedule Item No.286)
Carpenter Day 17.700 258.00 4567.00
Man Mazdoor Day 8.800 196.00 1725.00
6292.00 /Cum

Labour Charges 1x1 2.100 0.900 0.0971 6292.00 Cum 610.95

FIXTURES Item Code Item No
MS Z Hold Fasts 1x6 - - - 6 Nos 12.00 Each 72.00
300mm Aluminium Aldrop 1x1 BMT-G.42 195 1 No 258.00 Each 258.00
150mm Aluminium Tower Bolt 1x1 BMT-G.8 161 1 No 69.00 Each 69.00
200mm Aluminium Tower Bolt 1x1 BMT-G.9 162 1 No 86.00 Each 86.00
Butt hinges 125mm long Aluminium 1x4 BMT-G.25 178 4 Nos 96.00 Each 384.00
Door Stoppers MS 1x1 BMT-G.53 206 1 No 34.00 Each 34.00
Description of Item Nos Length Width Depth Qty Rate Per Amount
150mm Handle 1x1 BMT-G.34 187 1 No 85.00 Each 85.00
Wood Primer 1x1 BMT-J.5 353 1 Ltr 110.00 Ltr 121.00
Total per Each Rs. 5742.01
91 B56-Supply and fixing of Window size 0.90 x 1.35 mt with sal wood frame of size 75x100mm along with II
class teak wood three shutters made with styles& rails of 100mmx30mm thick with 12mm prelaminated particle
board both side laminated interior grade and S/F of 4Nos. MS Hold fasts, 6Nos. MS tower bolts 100mm long. 6
Nos. MS Hinges 75mm long,2Nos MS Handles 3 Nos window stays. incl. all labour charges and fixing 11 Nos.
16mm plain safety bars in to frame etc,(CSSR)

Window Size 0.90x1.35 Mtrs

Verticals 1x4 1.350 0.100 0.075 0.0405
Top & Bottom 1x2 1.050 0.100 0.075 0.0158
0.0563 38847.00 Cum 2187.09
2nd Class Teak Wood
Shutter Styles 3x2 1.250 0.100 0.030 0.0225
Shutter Rails 2x2 0.400 0.100 0.030 0.0048
0.0273 54738.00 Cum 1494.35
Planks 12mm thick prelaminated
particl board with both side laminated 1x2 0.300 1.150 - 0.6900 588.00 Sqm 405.72
interio grade
Labour Charges for Scantlings (As per Schedule Item No.286)
Carpenter Day 17.700 258.00 4567.00
Man Mazdoor Day 8.800 196.00 1725.00
6292.00 /Cum
Labour Charges 1x1 2.100 0.900 0.0836 6292.00 Cum 526.01
FIXTURES Item Code Item No
16mm dia Bars 1x11 0.90 - - 9.90 Rmt x1.580
15.640 Kgs #VALUE! Kg #VALUE!
MS Hold Fasts 1x4 - - - 4 Nos 12.00 Each 48.00
100mm long MS Tower Bolts 1x6 BMT-G.14 167 6 Nos 18.00 Each 108.00
75mm long MS Hinges 1x6 BMT-G.27 180 6 Nos 8.00 Each 48.00
125mm Long MS Handles 1x2 BMT-G.35 188 2 Nos 23.00 Each 46.00
Window Stays Brass 1x3 BMT-G.47 200 3 Nos 154.00 Each 462.00
Wood Primer 1x1 BMT-J.5 353 1.00 Ltr 110.00 Ltr 110.00
Total per Each Rs. #VALUE!
92 B57-Manufacture supply and fixing of ventilators size 0.60 x 0.75m in position of Hindalco or equivalent make
powder coated with approved paint and shade alluminium door made out of sections with sections specification
NO.2762 ,2763,2764 fixed 5 mm thick plain glass of approved make using Neoprene gas ket with necessary
hinges, handles, using appropriate fastners in wall lintels including cost and conveyance of all materials and
labour charges complete for finished item of work.(CSSR).

Outer Frame Section 63.50 x 38.10x1.50mm thick

Verticals 2 x 0.755 m 1.500 Rmt
Top & Bottom 2 x 0.60m 1.200 Rmt
Aluminium 1x1 2.700 0.942 2.54 250.00 Kg 635.85
Lowers 1x8 - - - 8 Nos 30.00 Each 240.00
'L' Angles 1x8 - - - 8 Nos 35.00 Each 280.00
Glass 0.75 x 0.60 1x1 0.750 0.600 - 0.45 334.00 Sqm 150.30
Labour Charges 1x1 0.750 0.600 - 0.45 96.00 Sqm 43.20
Grill 0.75x0.60 1x1 0.750 0.600 - 0.45 965.00 Sqm 434.25
Description of Item Nos Length Width Depth Qty Rate Per Amount
F Section 2x0.60 1x2 0.600 - - 1.20
F Section 2x0.75 1x2 0.750 - - 1.50
2.70 27.00 Rmt 72.90
Machinery Charges 0.45 135.00 Sqm 60.75
Total per Each Rs. 1917.25
CONVEYANCE CHARGES OF SSR-2016-17 (Including idle hire charges of
Lead upto
31.50 30.40 50.70
Lead upto
44.10 42.60 70.90
Lead upto
58.80 58.80 94.60
Lead upto
71.40 71.10 114.80
Lead upto
84.00 84.00 135.10

5km to 30km 12.60 12.60 20.30

beyond 30km 10.50 10.50 16.90

Loading 18.90 Loading 37.80 Loading 52.00

Unloading 9.45 Unloading 18.90 Unloading 52.00
Cost of Load / Lead in Cost of Load / Lead in Cost of Load /
Lead in Kms
Lead Unload Kms Lead Unload Kms Lead Unload
1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12
1.00 59.85 28.35 1.00 87.10 56.70 1.00 154.70 104.00
2.00 72.45 28.35 2.00 99.30 56.70 2.00 174.90 104.00
3.00 87.15 28.35 3.00 115.50 56.70 3.00 198.60 104.00
4.00 99.75 28.35 4.00 127.80 56.70 4.00 218.80 104.00
5.00 112.35 28.35 5.00 140.70 56.70 5.00 239.10 104.00
6.00 124.95 6.00 153.30 6.00 259.40
7.00 137.55 7.00 165.90 7.00 279.70
8.00 150.15 8.00 178.50 8.00 300.00
9.00 162.75 9.00 191.10 9.00 320.30
10.00 175.35 10.00 203.70 10.00 340.60
11.00 187.95 11.00 216.30 11.00 360.90
12.00 200.55 12.00 228.90 12.00 381.20
13.00 213.15 13.00 241.50 13.00 401.50
14.00 225.75 14.00 254.10 14.00 421.80
15.00 238.35 15.00 266.70 15.00 442.10
16.00 250.95 16.00 279.30 16.00 462.40
17.00 263.55 17.00 291.90 17.00 482.70
18.00 276.15 18.00 304.50 18.00 503.00
19.00 288.75 19.00 317.10 19.00 523.30
20.00 301.35 20.00 329.70 20.00 543.60
21.00 313.95 21.00 342.30 21.00 563.90
22.00 326.55 22.00 354.90 22.00 584.20
23.00 339.15 23.00 367.50 23.00 604.50
24.00 351.75 24.00 380.10 24.00 624.80
25.00 364.35 25.00 392.70 25.00 645.10
26.00 376.95 26.00 405.30 26.00 665.40
27.00 389.55 27.00 417.90 27.00 685.70
28.00 402.15 28.00 430.50 28.00 706.00
29.00 414.75 29.00 443.10 29.00 726.30
30.00 427.35 30.00 455.70 30.00 746.60

31.00 437.85 31.00 466.20 31.00 763.50

32.00 448.35 32.00 476.70 32.00 780.40

33.00 458.85 33.00 487.20 33.00 797.30
Cost of Load / Lead in Cost of Load / Lead in Cost of Load /
Lead in Kms
Lead Unload Kms Lead Unload Kms Lead Unload
1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12
34.00 469.35 34.00 497.70 34.00 814.20
35.00 479.85 35.00 508.20 35.00 831.10
36.00 490.35 36.00 518.70 36.00 848.00
37.00 500.85 37.00 529.20 37.00 864.90
38.00 511.35 38.00 539.70 38.00 881.80
39.00 521.85 39.00 550.20 39.00 898.70
40.00 532.35 40.00 560.70 40.00 915.60
41.00 542.85 41.00 571.20 41.00 932.50
42.00 553.35 42.00 581.70 42.00 949.40
43.00 563.85 43.00 592.20 43.00 966.30
44.00 574.35 44.00 602.70 44.00 983.20
45.00 584.85 45.00 613.20 45.00 1000.10
46.00 595.35 46.00 623.70 46.00 1017.00
47.00 605.85 47.00 634.20 47.00 1033.90
48.00 616.35 48.00 644.70 48.00 1050.80
49.00 626.85 49.00 655.20 49.00 1067.70
50.00 637.35 50.00 665.70 50.00 1084.60
51.00 647.85 51.00 676.20 51.00 1101.50
52.00 658.35 52.00 686.70 52.00 1118.40
53.00 668.85 53.00 697.20 53.00 1135.30
54.00 679.35 54.00 707.70 54.00 1152.20
55.00 689.85 55.00 718.20 55.00 1169.10
56.00 700.35 56.00 728.70 56.00 1186.00
57.00 710.85 57.00 739.20 57.00 1202.90
58.00 721.35 58.00 749.70 58.00 1219.80
59.00 731.85 59.00 760.20 59.00 1236.70
60.00 742.35 60.00 770.70 60.00 1253.60
61.00 752.85 61.00 781.20 61.00 1270.50
62.00 763.35 62.00 791.70 62.00 1287.40
63.00 773.85 63.00 802.20 63.00 1304.30
64.00 784.35 64.00 812.70 64.00 1321.20
65.00 794.85 65.00 823.20 65.00 1338.10
66.00 805.35 66.00 833.70 66.00 1355.00
67.00 815.85 67.00 844.20 67.00 1371.90
68.00 826.35 68.00 854.70 68.00 1388.80
69.00 836.85 69.00 865.20 69.00 1405.70
70.00 847.35 70.00 875.70 70.00 1422.60
71.00 857.85 71.00 886.20 71.00 1439.50
72.00 868.35 72.00 896.70 72.00 1456.40
73.00 878.85 73.00 907.20 73.00 1473.30
74.00 889.35 74.00 917.70 74.00 1490.20
75.00 899.85 75.00 928.20 75.00 1507.10
76.00 910.35 76.00 938.70 76.00 1524.00
77.00 920.85 77.00 949.20 77.00 1540.90
78.00 931.35 78.00 959.70 78.00 1557.80
79.00 941.85 79.00 970.20 79.00 1574.70
80.00 952.35 80.00 980.70 80.00 1591.60
81.00 962.85 81.00 991.20 81.00 1608.50
82.00 973.35 82.00 1001.70 82.00 1625.40
83.00 983.85 83.00 1012.20 83.00 1642.30
84.00 994.35 84.00 1022.70 84.00 1659.20
85.00 1004.85 85.00 1033.20 85.00 1676.10
Cost of Load / Lead in Cost of Load / Lead in Cost of Load /
Lead in Kms
Lead Unload Kms Lead Unload Kms Lead Unload
1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12
86.00 1015.35 86.00 1043.70 86.00 1693.00
87.00 1025.85 87.00 1054.20 87.00 1709.90
88.00 1036.35 88.00 1064.70 88.00 1726.80
89.00 1046.85 89.00 1075.20 89.00 1743.70
90.00 1057.35 90.00 1085.70 90.00 1760.60
91.00 1067.85 91.00 1096.20 91.00 1777.50
92.00 1078.35 92.00 1106.70 92.00 1794.40
93.00 1088.85 93.00 1117.20 93.00 1811.30
94.00 1099.35 94.00 1127.70 94.00 1828.20
95.00 1109.85 95.00 1138.20 95.00 1845.10
96.00 1120.35 96.00 1148.70 96.00 1862.00
97.00 1130.85 97.00 1159.20 97.00 1878.90
98.00 1141.35 98.00 1169.70 98.00 1895.80
99.00 1151.85 99.00 1180.20 99.00 1912.70
100.00 1162.35 100.00 1190.70 100.00 1929.60
101.00 1172.85 101.00 1201.20 101.00 1946.50
102.00 1183.35 102.00 1211.70 102.00 1963.40
103.00 1193.85 103.00 1222.20 103.00 1980.30
104.00 1204.35 104.00 1232.70 104.00 1997.20
105.00 1214.85 105.00 1243.20 105.00 2014.10
106.00 1225.35 106.00 1253.70 106.00 2031.00
107.00 1235.85 107.00 1264.20 107.00 2047.90
108.00 1246.35 108.00 1274.70 108.00 2064.80
109.00 1256.85 109.00 1285.20 109.00 2081.70
110.00 1267.35 110.00 1295.70 110.00 2098.60
111.00 1277.85 111.00 1306.20 111.00 2115.50
112.00 1288.35 112.00 1316.70 112.00 2132.40
113.00 1298.85 113.00 1327.20 113.00 2149.30
114.00 1309.35 114.00 1337.70 114.00 2166.20
115.00 1319.85 115.00 1348.20 115.00 2183.10
116.00 1330.35 116.00 1358.70 116.00 2200.00
117.00 1340.85 117.00 1369.20 117.00 2216.90
118.00 1351.35 118.00 1379.70 118.00 2233.80
119.00 1361.85 119.00 1390.20 119.00 2250.70
120.00 1372.35 120.00 1400.70 120.00 2267.60
121.00 1382.85 121.00 1411.20 121.00 2284.50
122.00 1393.35 122.00 1421.70 122.00 2301.40
123.00 1403.85 123.00 1432.20 123.00 2318.30
124.00 1414.35 124.00 1442.70 124.00 2335.20
125.00 1424.85 125.00 1453.20 125.00 2352.10
126.00 1435.35 126.00 1463.70 126.00 2369.00
127.00 1445.85 127.00 1474.20 127.00 2385.90
128.00 1456.35 128.00 1484.70 128.00 2402.80
129.00 1466.85 129.00 1495.20 129.00 2419.70
130.00 1477.35 130.00 1505.70 130.00 2436.60
131.00 1487.85 131.00 1516.20 131.00 2453.50
132.00 1498.35 132.00 1526.70 132.00 2470.40
133.00 1508.85 133.00 1537.20 133.00 2487.30
134.00 1519.35 134.00 1547.70 134.00 2504.20
135.00 1529.85 135.00 1558.20 135.00 2521.10
136.00 1540.35 136.00 1568.70 136.00 2538.00
137.00 1550.85 137.00 1579.20 137.00 2554.90
Cost of Load / Lead in Cost of Load / Lead in Cost of Load /
Lead in Kms
Lead Unload Kms Lead Unload Kms Lead Unload
1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12
138.00 1561.35 138.00 1589.70 138.00 2571.80
139.00 1571.85 139.00 1600.20 139.00 2588.70
140.00 1582.35 140.00 1610.70 140.00 2605.60
141.00 1592.85 141.00 1621.20 141.00 2622.50
142.00 1603.35 142.00 1631.70 142.00 2639.40
143.00 1613.85 143.00 1642.20 143.00 2656.30
144.00 1624.35 144.00 1652.70 144.00 2673.20
145.00 1634.85 145.00 1663.20 145.00 2690.10
146.00 1645.35 146.00 1673.70 146.00 2707.00
147.00 1655.85 147.00 1684.20 147.00 2723.90
148.00 1666.35 148.00 1694.70 148.00 2740.80
149.00 1676.85 149.00 1705.20 149.00 2757.70
150.00 1687.35 150.00 1715.70 150.00 2774.60

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