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Community Club's I Are You Going to the I First Dahlia Show Nar-
Bazaar a Big Success .Spring Tennis Dance? berth Civic Association
Saturday, Sept. 25
NEXT FRIDAY EVENING. /. ,\ppli"al iOIl 1'01' spal"e, 'statillg
TICKETS MAY BE OB· II 11111 hl'l' of I'xhil>ils, III11S1 he ill the
.;\al'bel'th wa,; giYeli all extraurdillary TAINED FROM MEM· III:llIag'l'III1'lIt'S hallds at !<'as!. tWl'nt.y-
treat. Priday alll! ::;atul'(!ay of la"t week, BERS OF THE 1'0111' huul's ill ad\':1 IIl' (' of the l'xhibi-
whell the WOlllall'~ COllllllllllity Cluh ASSOCIATION.
gaye a two-day Bazaar ill Elm Hali
alld the r. ~l. C. A., the latt"r h"ill;!
THE FIRESIDE .. \\'ithonl haltillg, without I'I'sl,
h.\' II A.
,\i1 ('xhihits IIIUSt h,' in pOSItIOn
~/. sharp 011 day of exhibi·
"By jingo, 1 'm g-Iall you rl'lllill<1el[ Lifting hettl'r Ill' tu hI'S!." tioJI.
u~ed for sUJlJI/,], ouly.
lIIe!" l'xclainll',l a cl'rlaill rl'sident of FOU?-ID-Gol,1 eut]' Ii Ilk, initials If.
The Bazaar, ulld,'r thc 1ll:.mlg-clII"lIt ~. (:I.I Exhil>itlll's to furllish their
:'\arl)('rlh, \\'ho is also a lIIemher of C. Call at Post Ollie('.
of ~[I'~. W.•/. ~llllhoJlalld, wa, IIl1ique Commencement. OI\'lI l"olltailll'I~. ~ (h) Exhibits 10 be
th" :'\arherth Tellnis As~ociati(,II, the
ill its mallY hooths alld oth,,1' illtl'rcst· COllIlllCIl(,l'Hll'l1t ('xpreist's of thp gnuI- tagged with lIallle of exhil.Htor and
oth('r day, \l'hell lll' \\,as rClllin,h'd to ~lr.Carroll
DOWIll'S, of the Ph il:1Il 1'1·
ill).!', up-to-th('-lllililltC -f"aturcs. ~III('h uating- class of thl' High S"hool will 1I11!1IIH']' of elas:o;.
el'(,uit is giYen. to ~Irs. .:Ilulhollalld and IH'Pp Friday f!Vl'lling, ~ray 7, opel). phia "'ationnl Bank, ha~ bel'n atten,l-
For on that <'\'(,Iling tIll' 'rennis A~so­ he hl'Id Thllr~da:r, ,Julle lith, at S.O(J :;. After til" l~xhibits lire anangeil,
her IlUlIlf>rOIlS assistallts who ha \"l' heeu illg the sl'"ion of the Fnit",1 Stntl's
(·iatioll "'ill gh'(' H:-; spl'ill~ flanec in o 'elo('k in thl' Srhool Atlllitoriuni. The tIll',\' ~hall 1)(' ulluer the exclusi\'eehargc
wOI'Idl1~ fOl' JllallY wceks past to g-i\'c Chamlll'r of Commeree nt' ,\t1nntic Cit~~
Elm Hall. pll111il' is invited. iiI' tile mallagelllent au,u n0.olle shall
tl)(' :'\al'l)('rth fall,s something alit of this \\'cek
Thp dalll'l' is for thl' IIIrlll]ll'rs of the AlmUal Field Day. tU1l1'1I or 1'('lIl0,'e thelll I\'itholit, (lonsent
til<' ordillar~', alld as everYOlle pJailily of ,·ollllllittee.
Asso('iation anll thp;1' \\'in's, alll1 thl'ir of Ihe hig e""lIls of the school
H1 W. :-;11(·11 was the rnse. 'I'hl' ntlention of all l"it iZl'lIs i~ ('alle,l 0111'
fri elllb. .\ 11 mrlll hers ha \'1' ]wen sup- ,\','al' is J·'i"jtl !)a,\'. J"rOIIl the little tots 4. All t10WI'I'S sho\\'11 ill cOlllpdition
011 hoth e,'ellillgs thc Refreshmellts 10 tlic Forest Firr' Prol'lnmatioll h.v
plied with til'kels, awl if you ,·Oll1lt. to 1l1l.' hig I>oys alld girls, thl.' stlldellt LllI,t hI' gl'ol\'n by the ,'xhihitorti.
Committce weI'(' ,'olll]l('lIcd to close the William C. Sproul. (lo"l'l'IIor of I'('un-
tllllOJl,Lr ~'Ol1t" friP1Jfls :IlIY lllC'mlwl'f' of 11H' ;j. G n'l'US may be allol\'ed ill ·<Jis-
doors of the r. :'If. C. A. or elsc slipper s,\'h'all ;':1. ,\ I'OP~' of tllC proclamntion 'hody joins ill (,olllpl'liti\'e feats. The
T"lll1is Assoriation an,1 1'II,io~' Ilaul'in).!'. datI' l\'ill he ~lollday, ~lay ::Ist. 'rhl' I'X- playillg exhihits. 'I'hl' amount of greens
wOIII,1 hn ,'I' "Ollt ille,l Imtil t hl' wee i8 post I'd ill thl' 10hlo~' of tIll' Xarherth
sma' hOllrs of th,' mllrllillg. It seelilell spl'nk to lho~l' 1I11'10'hers :1n,1 lhe~' \l'ill t·n·iSl'~ will h!'g-ill wit h hril'f Jlll'lIIol'ial ~Ii:l]j hI' gOHrne,1 by tlll' judges.
I'llst Omee.
~urpl~' yon ,,-ith fi"kets or get thcm l'x"I'I'iSl'~ in thl' allilitoriulll. A eOllllllit- Ii. .\uy Illt'l'itol'ious exhibit not pro-
tllat Elm Hall heltl I'\"l,ryl,,"l~' ill ~ar­
1'01' ~·ou. I,'" has h"I'1I al'poillt!',1 10 I'olllllillnil'at" "id"d for ill Sl'hl,dllll' I\'ill he suitably
I)('rth, :ul(l frlllll all np!war:luccs c,-cry :'Ill'. and ~Irs. Fl'l'd \\",thl'l'ill, of
Thrn' \\'ilI 11(' a .lazz Or,·hl'~lrn, all with th,' .. :'II"lIlol';al" COllllllitt"p of ret'(lgJlizcd.
one was rcady at· all t illll'S to spelld Washing-tou. n. C" "'Cl'l' ill 7"arh('rth
lnll(',lllp nnd rl':llly to ll'nrl Ihl' ,lnlll·illg- .\:arlH'l'th, Il'ilh Ih,' hoI'" that hOlll's alld i. 'fhl' priz,',; for tIlt, most ml'ritorious
fl'cely all,l 10 tah,' alhalltag-e lIf the 0""1' Illl' \I""'k (,11,1 \'i~itiug ~lrs. \Yelh-
a~ lOll,!.! ns an~"oll(l w:tnt:-: to l1an('(\. 01" plalls 11Ia,Y hI' :lnallgl'tI withont' pOIl- I'xlIihit ~liall I", alitolllatieally 'awariled
mallY ofl'erings at the \'ariolls hooths. !'rill's l'ar('nts, :'Ilr. alill ~rrs. lI(,llI'~' T.
ill other \\'ol'lls. until Rill Kil'kpatril'k tlil'!. ill 1he follo\\'ing manner: AIliirst prizes
It is hoped that slll'il all atl'ail' will :\ ash, of Olltlley a ,'('nllc.
sa~'s Ill' has hn,l I'nollgh danl·illg for onc Mr. Emett Memorial. sh:lll ('ollilf th'" I'oillts. All ~econd
be giYell later 011 hy ot,hel' organiza-
I'YPlling! "rizl'~, Ihl''''' I'oillfs. All third prizes,
tiOIlS, and WC IIndl'rstall,l frlllll a fillall' 011 Fl'i,h)', ~Ja'y itll, :It ~ o'('lopl"
At all thl' entertainments gi,-rn hy Thosc who hl':lI'll .:Iliss Cordelia :::;ieg- 1111" poill1. The t'xhihitors reeei\'ing the
cial stall,lpllillt it \I'as wilh OIlC cxcep' hl'i"f I'Xl'rpisl's \I'ill hI' he1<l to the mem-
t hI' T"lI1Iis A~sol'ial ion duri Ilg thl' past I'l'i,'d, the l"harming ,·tlntrallo who sallg gT,'all'st 11111111)('1' of points shall rel'eive
tioll the most ~I1""l'ssftll alTair hclll in ory of l\Ir. Emett.
~(I:tSOll thel'l' lIn~ h(ll'll l"U II Il' llalleing' at. al the L'omlllullil,1' Cluh Bazaar, arc I lir~t prizt'j l"\t't.'()IIc1, Sll'l'ontl priz<'; and
tl", I'n,l 01' thl' regular programs, uuo hopillg fur au,1 upportunity to heal' Athletics.
Notes of tlIe Bazaar. third, lhird prize.
\l'hilt' lhl' "II1<'rlailllllt'liis han' all h"l'n h,'r al-lain. :'Iliss Ali,·" Coud"s' dainlY Our hOllll' Il'alll \1'011 in galll" of hase-
:'1[1'. C. P. Cooh, ~[r. Althouse, nnll Exhibits.
"n.ioy"'l. allllost I'\'l'r~'hody hn.s said dalll'ilig ,nlS also a ,It'light. W(, hopI' haH against Amhlt·1' h~' "'ore of !l to i.
:'Ill'. .1. E. Cmnston, of GJa,lwynll, Class J-~lost Im'l'i tOl'ious exhibit,
Ihat thl'~' Ilillll't haY-I' a 10llg pnollg"h :\arhl'rth ilia,\' hI' iu th" linl' uf Iier
C\'u\l'\',l, l'a,·h Ilon:t1e,1 a tOll of conI, thl'l't' 1'l'i%('s loy l'uillt". l·'irst prize,
limp to ,Ian,·,'. 'I'hat', \\'h~' thp Entl'r· tOllr, \I-hil"h WI' ul'del'stand ~he will
":h i('I; WCI'(' \I'on by ~[r. Gpol'gl' B.
:'Ilal11l. 6l1:l4 Paschall a\,plIUC, \Ye~t Phil-
tailllllt'nt ('Ollllllittl'l' has arranged thi~
~p(\eial sprill~ danep. T1H'l'p will h(1 no
luab' in lhe Ileal' :',Iture. Ladies Auxiliary of American
I 1"'III1~yll'aliia J101'1iCllIllll'a! i::loeiety'ti
siil'er ltll'tlal; ~ccolld pl'ize, l','uusyh'a-
adelphia; ~[r. Rolll'rt :'1111"11101', a lid ~Ir.
A. L. Jacohy, of Xarherth.
l'nt,'rtaiJllnellf 011 the p\-pning of '!Ira~'
i, although thrrl' \\'ill hI' an intl'resting-
Th" Bryn :'Ilallr H,'\'('ls all,l Plays LegiOn Holds Meeting Ilia lIo1'1ieullural
ul,"laJ; third priz,', rildloll.
i::lociety's bronze

~[iss :Mary Gnra, 404 ::>oulh :'\nrherth \rill l){l givl'1I again thi~ yl::ll' UII the
fral11rr or 1\\'0 infrorln'·l'rl. \I'hirh oU,!!hf 'I'hl~ Ladies' Auxili:ll'j' of th,~ llal'oltl Tltrcl' I'l'iZl'~ 1'01' ea,·ll uf follo\\'ing
a\'cnue, and Mrs. \Vm. H. Coheeof, 210 l"olh'ge camplls, :'Ilay i alltl S. Jt wi 11
to 111'0\,1' \'er~' plljoyahle. D. Spealilllan Post, :;:;1;, 01' thl' AlIll'ri- ('lasses:
Essex avenue, each took hOllll\ an Ch\l·· Ill' thl' fifth ~Ia,l' Day in the history
The Entrrlainnll'nt COlllmiHel' is ('all Ll'g"ioll hel,1 a lIlel'tilig on Tuesday Cia" ~-Bl'~1 gl'u('ral display of
tric Iloll. of thl' eolleg" alld the lirsl ~ince 1!lJ4.
nnxious for e\'l'ry mellllwr of the Asso- "\'l'llillg ill Elm Hall. 'I'herl' wen' a dahlies arrallg,'d I'or dIed.
~[r. Hoherl Dothanl hl'ld Ihe hll'ky :'III'S. Olis SI,inuI'r, of Bryn ~Ia\\'r, will
riation to a ttrll rl, anll hring' along' n~ IIUIII]"'I' 01' lopil's hrollght up for dis- C1as~ :\-Bl'~1 l'olJtod iolt of peony
lluml)('r for the thl'atre hox, and ~[r. 11(' dir"dor ur' lh,' fl't,· all,1 :'Ill'. ::>nnllll'l
lllan~' of his hirn,ls ns hI' r:11'I'S to in- ('ll:-;~ioJl, prolllilJ('IIt' among" "'hidl W(lre dahlias, Oil,' ltloolll ,,:It'h, six \':lrieties.
.Tanll's J)onndl~', of Bryn ~Ia\\'r, a ..\rfhur King', Jtol'lUl'l'I' in ElIglish ,Iil'-
\·itr. th .. follol\'illg: Class -I-Best l'olh-d iOll of deeorative
Landers, Frary"'" Clarl,e e1edri,' iron. lion at Bryn ~la\\'r, th,' ,·oa,·h.
TIrllll'mhrr, 1hl' llntp is Fri,la~' 1'\-1'11- A TowlI :'Ila~s :'I[ .... t illg to hl' h,']d in dahlias, oue hIoolll eal'h, ,ix varieties.
~[r,. ,I. Ch:llW!t1' hl'('allll' thl' Ill'light-
illg. ~rn~' i, an.l tIll' p1n~'r is Bhl1 Hall. El1II Hall Oll ~[a.\' lith, to al'rallge a I 'Ia" ;)-Bl'~1 eolleet iOlt of caelus
l',l Oll'nl'r of the Polychrome Inmp do·
"alllpaig'lI to l'aiSl' 1II0l1 ...V for lhl' ~[e­ dah lias, oue 101ooul l'ach, ~ix vaz'ieties.
natl'd hy ~[r. ~1('Donal,l, of \Vayl'"
Narberth Clean-up Illodal FUJlil, 10 b(' 11:"'1'<1 ill ('ollll(lC'tioll ('lass (i-Bt'~t 1'"I1"d iOIl of hyhrid-

~Jr . .;\I'nl :\nl1<'rson, of I'hil:llll'lphia,

ver.\' willingly carrie'l hmn" thl' Colon-
Narberth Civic Assn. Week
with thl' 111011".\' :tl r..a II.,' l'olkl'1'·ll.
011 thl' "\"'lIillg 01' :'Ila.\' 21st, the Ln-
l':wl 1I~ daldia:--, Ollt' hloUlli earh, six ya-
I'il'l ii'S.
,lips' Auxiliary I\'ill l'nlt'l'1ain th,' l1"r- l'la~:--: 7-Hl':-,t Y:l:--P of olle Yariety, six:
ial rUg". ,\'hich \I'as th,' arti~li,' work
SIXTH ANNUAL SPRING FLOWER oW D. SJleaklll:I1I Post ill EIIll Hall, or mol't' Id""llI~, lout 1I0t more than
of nne of 0111' ai<lr':->, :\Tis:-; Loui~(' I'~np:­ MAY 3 TO MAY 7-SEE ASH COL-
SHOW-ROSES. PEONIES, ETC., all,1 it i~ to he lloped that. all the mem- t.\\'elve.
lantl, Elnlll'oo,l :l\','nue. LECTION ROUTES BELOW,
h,'I'~ of hoth thl' Post allil thl' Allxiliary l'la~s S-Bt'~1 J!I~() :\arllel'th gl'o\\'n
Next WI'"I, a full a 11(1 ,'olllplpt" li,t ELM HALL, SATURDAY,
will h .. S!"'dlillg, sho\\'n \\'ith Stl'lIl. Pirsl prize,
nf llll' donations will 1)(' puhlishc,l. JUNE 5, 1920, 3-5 P. M.,
Thc .\:arlJerlh Ci\'le .\~su,·iatiuu lllls Thl' Anxiliary is plalllling a tllPatl'l' l'I'ltlls~'lnlllia Jlorlil'ltltllral Soeidy
~lrs. HOI'nl'l' E. ~roorl' still Iws a 7-9 P.M.
for tile pa~t four ~'ears prollluled a ]wnl'fit for thl' l'\'I'lIings of ~lay ~-Hh BrOIlZl' ~l l'llal; ""'oud prize, l'ihbon;
goo<1 ,,,ll'l'lion of ,·hildn'n 's (1r"s~es, :l
spring {·Iean-up of house aBtl gardl'Jl alill 2;jth at the Chpsfnut Stl'l'el Opcra t hiI'd prize, ribbon.
an<1 4 ~-"ars sizp, also a nUlllher of in-
Exhihit~ to hi' taggl'd \\'ilh l'lass uf I'Ilhhish, wlIrkiug \\'itll our Burough HOlIs ... to Sl'e ~fiss Charlottr ClI'I'l'lIl\'ool1 Class !l-Largest (ladus dahlia.
fnnt I'lothl's at hcr rpsi,lenee, 210 Es-
I'xhihit anll naill(' of l'xhihitul' all,1 de- lJig-h\\'ay Departmeut. in "Ling"1'1' Lon!l:l'l' Letty," a musical l'lass 1O-La l'g-est pl'ony dahlia.
sex a"pnue.
lin'red to Cloak Hooln, 8ecolld Floor, 'I'h" at!,litiolial expl'nse for extrn "Ollll'd~' I\'hi('h has been well criticised. Class II-La l'gest hybrid dah·
]wtl\"een 11 A. :'II. and 1 P. :M. tcallls is hoi'll" hy.lh,· Civil' Associa- rrij·kt ls JIIay he :-;penl'L\tl frulIl any 111cnl·
1 lia.
WOMEN'S COMMUNITY CLUB ChilJren to hring tlo\\'crs an,l hasket~
01' YH:-:PS to :-;tage and to arrange CX~
t ion tn'a,ury alit! the I'XIH'ulliture has
I'rOV('1I \1'1'11 worth while.
1,,·1' of thl' Auxiliary. Clas:; 1~-Lal'g"('st decoratin' duhlia.
CIa" J:1-1.a r!!est dahlia in sltow.
The rl'b'1l1ar Illeeting of the Club will hihits. ,Iudging frolll 1.:\0 and :\ (,>'cloek. Fronl ~lay :: to :'Ilay i the Highway SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES. Class 14-B,'~1 "olJtodion of 11120 Nllr·
be held un TueSllay afternoon, ~Iay Conunittees. ])l'partnll'ut will I'l'movl' ruhhish along ht'l't 11 growll ~('(I(lli ngs.
4th, at a P. ~l., in thc hall of the :Nar- the routc of their I'l'gular ash (~oll('e­ Jf pcople H'elll unkind, nl:l,l the fif- Cia" 1;j-~lost artistil' bnsket in
1'IIhlieity-JJ. A•• lacohs, W. A. Fox,
I)['rth Fire 1I0USI', llue to the fad that tion, lout eallnot llallllle ruhhish afb'l' Il'l'lIth chapl"1' of ,John. sho\\,o
,I. B. MacKenzie.
the Y. ~r. C. A. Buililing is <'1osel]. these dat"s. It' you ha"e thc hlues, 1'('a,1 thl' Class 16-~Jost nl'tisti .. exhibit.
Arrangem,'nt of Exhihits-~Irs. Eo A.
The prog"ram \ril1 consist of reallings PIl'ase pln"e all lllat!'rial as Jl('ar 'I'l\'cllty-se\'enth Psalm. Class 17--Bl'st <1ahlia ill show.
~[llsl'hallll', ~liss ~L ,J. ::;iIlIPSllII, ~lrs.
h;r ~lrs. G. ~r. Da"is alill solos h.v ~[rs. si'll''''nlks as possihll' in onll'l' to sa\'" If yuur I'Ol'kl'thuok i,; eillptj', read Cia" lS-lknt gl'lIl'l'al Ilisplay, 1I0t
,J. G. Atherho!t, :'I[r~. F. A. Clark.
•Jo,,'ph Bar,·la,I·. Tht' Cluh Chol'll8 "'ill t illl(' 1'01' l'ollertol's. tIle 'l'hil'ty-se\'''lIth 1'sallll. Il'ss thall flftl'l'lI' hloOlns, one variety.
To 8eeun' ."lllg-"~-A.•J. l.Joos, F. A.
also rellll('r some sl'lections. , So J'll'asl' 11:1\'1' 'yOIlI' ,':llIS or hox('s I f you an' all out of ,ort" rend the ('lass 1!l-Bl'st ('0]]1'('1 ion of dahlins,
It is eXj)('l'lPII that a Il'cture Oil the I'I'a,I," :lJlll rplIlemhrl' that while !'he t\\'elfth ehapt"r of Hehl'ew,•. fiftl','11 nll'il'lies, OUI' hloolll cal'1I' in 110t
I 'ri ZI'S-S. ,\. Rudolf, 2d, Mr. .1. .J.
1\l(lxil'an situntion will 1)(' I!i"l'n. ,ll'i\-l'l's arr prl'lt~' hnsk~' thl'~' I'alllwl If .von are losing ('onfitleJlee in llll'lI, lNs than foul' plasses.
ea hn'y.
he l'xpl'et(',l to halllllr· h:trl'f']s of ro,·l, read th,' thil'l"I'lIth 1·1I:1[Jt .. r of 1 COI'- Class 20-Best ('o]ll'l·tiOIl of ,lahlias,
PIallt Exehauge-:\[rs. A. B. Ross,
or othl'r eOllt:tinl'r, whil'h nrr sOllll'tinll's nll~' variet~·, not JH'p\'ion~I~' Ill'll\'ilkll
~[r8. I';. A. ~11I~I'hnlllp, ~[rs •• 1. n. Nash.
pl:H'I',l l1('ar thr sidewalk allll thpn I I' .'-ou lilld t hI' I\'orld growing small for.
(By a memher of thc Auxiliary.) I'Otll'll l'lnnts-~[iss Fanni" Loos,
fillell with llpa\'~' IIlntrria!. :lIlt! .\'ourstllf :.!l'l~at, read the Xilll
. (Continued on Page 2.)
~lrs. F. Hi,·hal'll Gin'onl, :\Irs. H. E.
The \\' 0111 a II 's Auxiliary uf t ht' p]'('s- 1"I'lIt h l'~alili.
hyteriall Chnrch will hold a Birtlillay If yon an' di"'onl'aget! ahout y01l1'
ellt Flowl'l's antl Bout tonil'r,'s-~Irs. NOTICE.
Part", at the chnreh UII thl' ai'll'rnoon work, rl'at! tllt' 0111' llulldrl'd alld CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT!'
1~lpIl"lll'r W. ~;;Hit"s, ~liss H. Eo I'rl's('otl. Thl' I'l'gulal' ash l'oll"dioll \I'ill ho
of :'Ilay ;jth, frolll ~.::O 10 fJ.:W. T\\"'lIty-sixt h I'sallil.
Pllllt'h Bo,I'1-~lrs. C. P. Fowl"r. "IlIittl'll for thl' w('rl, .-\pril 26th to :'Il:t~'
This "I'It'hratps the i;jlh birthday of If' .\'011 ,'allliot ha"" ~'onr O\l'lI I\'a." 'rwo ('l'nt" pl"r "'or,l If cash necOll\-
:\lllSi,·-.I. n. Xnsh, E. A. ~[us('h:lIup. lst.
f1l1l1tps 111l\'l'I'ti""llll'llt: 0Ihpr",181'. nyC'
unl' of our chartt'r lll('mht'r,;, "Grand- Therl' will hI' two colll'et.ions dllring" in PY(ll'~·thillg·. l\(l(lp ~'O\ll' 1Iiouth sll11t
('t'nt~ ppr \Y01'11.
11m" Cald\\'t'II, WhOll1 we all so dearly :'I[a~': :\[ay 3,1 tn Hit. eollcctioll of allll l'l'all thl' Ihil',1 l'haptcl' of ./anll's.
10\'1', and who has SI'I'\',',I H' faithfnlly SEEK $250,000 FOR BRYN MAWR. :tshp~ and clean-up, nn,l ~In:r lith to
~l ~t. collcction of nshes.
in thechul'('h. MAIN LINE SEASON OPENS MAY 22
During .Tunc, ,July, August amI Scp- 'FOR SALE-Coal burning kit.chen
Gifts for thl' Pn'shytl'rian Orphan· ~[r8. lI!'rlwrt Lin('olu Clark will Iwad hl'lltl'r. Has wat('r·hack connce.tion
tern her, there will hp one eollert.ion rarh , I
age will he hroughl ill h~' 1l1l'lllhcrs of tlie ('ollllllitte(' of repJ'l'sl'utntives of 1II0nth, starting on thl' first :Monday, .:\l'l':lllgPll\('llt:-; :"11'(' hpillg: lOIIlIlJll"ttlll fill' kit{'}l(\tl hoilPT. ;l~G \Voodhinc ave.,
th .. Auxiliary. women's orgnnizntions \\'hieh willraisp which will be d0\'otptl to work on the I'apidly fol' the oJ'l'ning of thl' :'Ilain :'\arlwl'th. (29-p)
Al1 nc\\, memhl'rs of t h,' l'hur,·h :lIld $250,000 in n State·wide call1paig-n for ).fort.h Side. (111(1 Tnpsdl1:V to South Sid". Line hasehall srason, which will oecur
congregntion nrc esp('cial1y im'ited t'o This sehedulc will h" followed closclv WANTED-Uoolll, furnished or Im-
smal1 amounts of fivc <lollars or multi- Muv 22. The schedulc is being pre·
unless interfered with bv unfors('cil furnishc,l. Xo meals. Business wo-
meet with us on this tlute. pit's of fivr dolla rs to estahlish a Wil- horough work. . parl'd h~' :t pommittl'e ronsisting' of
'('ome and see "Gmndma" put 111'1 limu P('nn Foundation: at Bryn Mawr PI'Psidl'nt :\[pCrea. :'Ifr. Shol'll1al,1'1' unll mnn. PItolle :~26 R. (29·1')
birthday cake. College. Cluil'l' Wrigllt. COl\OnJNITY CLUB '8 BAZJAAR A
Street Commissioner.

OUR TOWN To relie"e the acute shortage of farm expenses of this company which your Telephones, "e
Of course,
laburers in this State, the Penn~yl\'ll.­ Commission established when it pre- 1267 deliver - al11
nia ])epartment of Lahol' alII] Industry, serihed the present sehedules of rates place - an1
in its order of April 4, l!117, after n 1268 time.
Ac Exp~riment in Cfl-operative through its Burl'llu of EJllployment, hilS painstaking 'and exhaustive investiga-
Journalism-No Paid Workers. set aside Saturday of l'nch wepk as
Purm Labor Day at each of its of-
Iion running over a periou of more than
three years.
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Owned and Published every Saturday
by the Narberth Civic Association.

Subscription price one dollar e,nd fifty

eents per year in advance,
tiel's. It. lillS been leal'lled that Sat-
urday is a con '-enil'u.t day fur farmers
to lllept workel's at the State Lahor Bu-
renu for the ]Jllrpose of a rranging for
their hire for the season.
It should be ob,-ious that the result
of opcrations under prl'sent rates consti-
tutcs a serious menace to our erellit,
which will be destroyed entirely if ade·
lJuate rclici' be not promptly alfon]ed.
The estimated demand for extensiuns
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term

Tn the Philadelphia ])istriet, Farm llud additions iu 1920 will require $10,-
Lahor Day is ohsel'Yed at- tl,,' head- 000,000 of new lIIoney. .Even if 110 lIew
patrons were adueu and it were at-
For Goo,d Taxi Service
OFFICERS OF THE NARBERTH '1J1artl'I'S of thl' State ElllploYllleut Of-
CIVIC ASSOCIATION liee, ];3]9-1521 Ardl stn'l't, Philadel-
tempted to restrict the service to the
number who 1I0W have it., there would
Call Narberth 1633
phia, where e,"cry drort is IlIlule b~' tho
March 26, 1920.
Department's ofijeials to pro-eure com-
still be required in 1020, $7,000,000 of
new money to coyer replacemellts at the
24 Hour Service
President, Robert J. Edgar. present level of prices and the con-
Vice-President, Joseph II. Nash.
Vice-President, Augustus .J. Loos.
Vice-President, Mrs. C. P. Fowler.
petent farm workers to nwet the urg-
ent need of Penns.,·l\-ania 'sfarmers.
HUlJ(lreds of high school hoys will
stant flux in the telephone business ow-
ing to discon nections, l'l'lIlonils alit]
changes of location of telephones, ne-
Treasurer, :lIIiss Maisie .J. Simpson. be plneel1 on farms throughout the cessitating capital additions to both
Secretary, Miss Huth E. Prescott. the exchauge and toll plants.
State during the sum1l1pr ,-acntion. Tn
Directors 1923, Mrs. A. B. Ross, Mrs. a further effort to supply farm In'bor· Failure to seeure new money each We Invite Your Inquiries Regarding
D. D. Stickney, .J. Garfiel,] Atherholt, ,"ear would not only prevent the gidng
I. A. Miller, C. Lawrence Warwick, A. ers. t.hl' Bun'au of Eluplo~-ll1ent. officials
expect fo hn,-e nle bo~'s go int.o the
"f auy service to additional patrons, Narberth Real Estate
E. Wohlert; Directors 1922, .J. .J. Ca- bll t wOllld also cause a progressi ye dc-
brey, Walter A. Fox, H. R. Hillegns, eountn-. ,luring .June • .Tul~· nnl1 August. terioral ion in til(' lJuality aIHI diminu- and Assure You of Our Best Efforts
Charles H. A. Chain, W. R. D. Hall, where the~- cnn llaye hpalthful l'mploy- [iou iu the quantity of scryice ren-
Harry A .•TacolJs; Directors 1!l21, F. A. ment, wholesome fool1, gool1 wages nnd '!PI'l'U to exist iug' patrons-deterioration
to Answer Your Requirements
Lanahan, Daniel Leitch, George T. ill quality 'beeausc of bclt of lIlouey to
Knutzen, J. B, Nesper, l~. A. ~hls(\hnmp, i nsl rudh-l' experienec.
ill troduee econolll ies nnd improvement.s
This office does a strictly brokerage business and has no par-
Fletcher W. Sti tes. as thl' telephone art advances, and ticular properties in which it is interested-thus guaranteeing the
----------------- BIRTHS AND DEATHS.
diminution in quantity because of the
inevitable net aunual loss of patrons in
buyer unbiased information regarding any particular property.
HARRY A. JACOBS, spite of every effort to maintain u con· Our Re/.rt1nct1s-Anyone with whom we have done business
Editor. Birth~ ill 110ntgol1lery count.y during
stant uum1Jer. For exampll', thl're WIll
he 10;3,000 disconnel'tious during the
19U) were much gl'Cater than deaths, current year, of which 70,000 will dis- ROBERT ~_ NASH
)(1'8. Roy E. Clark, Henry Rose, accordillg to a eomlJilatioll of the re- appear and 3;3,000 will mo'"e their 10- Real Estate Broker
lV. T. Melchior A. J. Loos, turns of local registrars ju~t completed eation. Pither within the same com- 1001 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA
Associate 'itom. by ])I'pnty Controlll'r William C. Ir- llIuuity or to another ill this common-
lI'eallil. '1'0 gi'-e serdel' to 70,000 new MEMBER. PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE BOARD
patrous to replacl' those who llisappear Re.idence, 104 Grayling Avenue, Narberth
~'he total ,le:llhs Wl're ~;!)(j;:, aw] the' will require nl'W mouey for new nnd
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, Relideace Phoae: Narberth 605
births, 4.. 114. a,l'litional plant, as will also the pro-
Oashier. viding of uew plaut to reconUl'et into
the system thl' 85,000 who change t.heir
Send all advertising and news items to
P. O. Box 966.
Bell Telephone Co. Asks For loeat.ion. This phase of the telephone
husiul'SS is here strl'ssed, not so mueh
heeause of the finnncial effect upon the ANNOUNCEMENT
Our Town is on sale at the depot
newsstand, and at the store of H. E.
Increase in Rate Schednle "ompauy, as to illdicate tbe paramount
interest of thl' puhlie in the qualit~· nnd
Davis. s,'ope of their senicp. AllY change of
iEntered as second-class mattcr
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office r.t
the prt'~pnt p()li,'~" of the eompan~' in
this re~I)('ct ,,-oulll I'hnngl' the nttitu<ll'
of the public from that of geueral ae-
Horace S. Boyd
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act CHARGES. quiescpnc!' to that of 0IJPn and nctin'
of March, 1879.
To aft rael: ne\\' eapital nnimpairptl
Interior Decorator
"1'1',1 it i~ l'sscn tial. Paperhanging and Painting
As t hI' rate of rdurn of public spn--
OUR TOWN will gladly print The lie\\' Bpll Telephonl' rates, \\'hich iec eOllll'anies is limited by I'egulat.ion,
arc to go inlo ('/rl'ct on )[ay 1Ht, -were Now located at
any news it-llm about any subject such t'OJllpanies can appeal for mOlll'y
tileu \\'ith the Pnhlic Sen-il'l' COlnmis- only to the relatively sJlJaIl classes of
that is of interest to Narberth sion at Harrisburg, 11arch ]!l, 1!l20, by t'oJl~llr\"ati\'e jllYl'~tors, such as sav- 104 Forrest Avenue Narberth
folks, but in order to meet the 'rhe Bell 'l'l'!epholle Company of Penn- ing-s, p,!lll'at;onal and charitnble illsti-
printing schedule, all • 'copy" syhania. l\ew rates hayc I)('('n \\'orked tulions. and indi\"iuunls whose income BELL PHONE: NARBERTH 3156
"':-manuscripts-must reach the nut for I'H'r~- exchange ill the Stnte. i~ l!t'riYt'I! wholly or chiefly from in-
\\'lIynl', Bryn )1n,wr, Ardmore. ).; aI'- H'stpll enpitaI. '1'0 such cOllseryatiyp
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each )wrth, Ml'I'ion and Cynwyt1 will he ask- ,·Iassl's "e"urity of principal alld reason-
New Show Room and Shop
week. I'd to pllY as follo\\'s after :May 1st. able assnranee of regularity of diyi-
The 0l<1 ratp~ arc giH'1I for comparison: tlellds arc of \'ital consequence. Such
Monthly Business Base seeurity of principal and regularity of
tli,-i,lpnds this eOJllpany cllnnot now of-
SATURDAY, MAY I, 19Z0 Int1h-ir1nal
$4.00 1'1'1' 1'1'0111 thl' n'H'nue~ dprived froJlJ its
existing- rntC:'R.
Tire In-Soles
'l'm)-Party 4.fiO :),00 The mile multiplier Puncture and blowout proof
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS 1~onr'Pariy 4.00 Increasing the ratps for telephone
"l'rYiel'. and thns ndding to the hnrdens THIS IS NOT A RELINER OR FILLER
Fire, 350 Monthly Residence Base Rates. But a lcientifically designed In-Sole to brace, lupporl and prolect the tire.
1I0\\' lH'ing borne by the public hy ren-
Police, 1250 New. Old. "on of Ihl' high eosts of the necessities
IIIUiYidual $3.25 $3.00
A diacovery that marks a new era for automobile users.
of ]ifp. all'ol't]s nl'ifher pleasure nor TIRE IN-SOLE is NOT-
Two-Part ,. . _ , .. , 2.7;3 2.50 gwlitkation to the officers of this com- 1st: A Subotitute for Air 2nd: Guaranteed to Make Tires Puncture & Blowout Proof
Ponr-Pa I'i," 2.25 2.00 pa ny. 'rlll'~- a]"(' eonst.rained to take
Edib~riaI :\'l'\\' toil and long <listanec rates are
:Ibo inlrodneetl. As a mattl'r of fact,
this course hy thdr plain duty to
The price of a set of four costs less than one good tire and will
outwear a great many set8 of tires. It slips into the tire without
their pnlrons, 1l1l'ir l'mployees, and the cementing or fastening of any kind. Can be changed from one tire to
lhl' s"'ll'dull'~ in USI' prior to Deeemlwr holders of thl'ir ~ecurities and stock. another as easy as an inner tUbe.
GET READY FOR THE FLOWER 1. J!I1!l. are l'l'introdncetl wilh hut slig'ht
1II0difi,'ations. 'l'his pro\'id,'s uniform- Yours very truly, TIRE IN-SOLE il ..uoroal eed "ot to chafe tube or lire. Will aot heat lir•• or crt ep.
SHOW. (st1.) L. H. Kinnanl, Presi,lellt, TIRE IN-SOLE has ~hock Stop Rr.aker :ltrlp. M.kel ridiall ...ier.
it ,. within l'enn,,-l\-ania and makes the TIRl;; IN-SOLE permita of ten pouodslower InflotioD.lliviall more Itrenllth to ioaer tuba
Stall' eonforJn ,,:ifh th .. system in usc The Bt'll 'I'eh'phone Co. of Penna. TIRE IIII.gol E "ollble. you to w •• r out your tir.s.
for inlerstiltl' taIls. j'\ight rntes will TIRE-IN-SOLE!' made in lizel for all tire••
In spite of the weather during tlw A phone' call or postal card will brina represenhtive who wiIJ be plea!!ed to demobltral~.
:'1~'aill he in effect.
past week, we arc on the threshold of Thl' l'ollll'anr's ldlt'r to thl' COllllllis" The Sales Representative nearest to you is
spring, and our local gardeners and
flower lovers arc alre:uly preparing' for
sioll I'xl'laillillg thl' 1I1'l'd 1'01' grenter
n'n'IIUl'S is repro,luced:
First Dablia Show E. O. CONKLING, Phop~O~B~h,:~~~308 Narberth, Pal
the Flower ShOll" 10 ))(' held on Sat.-
urdny nftcnlOon and eypning, .Tun{) 5,
:\I.r.•Johll G. Hopwood, Actillg Sec'y,
The Public ~el'\-iee COllllllissioll
Narberth Civic Association Distributing point and lamp!e. to be seeo at General WaYne Inn.
TIRE IN-SOLE M'F·G. CO. Phone, Narberth 1297

in Elm Hall. of l'enllsylnlllia,

Saturday, Sept. 26
The sholl' lI'ill UP oflieially known as
the Hose and Peony Sholl', because those
])l'ar Sir:
There is trallsmitted hcrowith, for fil-
(Continued from Page 1.) The enormous demand by the Railroads, PUblic Utilities and Indus-
arc the 111'0 110wers dominating ex- illg with ~'ollr HOllorable COllll1lission
a'·l·or,]ing- to la,,-, UI'W nnd redsed Glass 21-13est Geisha or Geisha Su- trials for mOney for equipment .nd permanent improvements has caused the
Iii hits at this season of thl' year. But. S('hl'dull's of toll alld exchange rutes of price- of money to ad vance. Because of this, investments can be made now
perba dahlia (peony, scarlet and gold). , to return 7% or more in securities which a few months ago would have looked
as usual there wiII be elassl's for man\, this '·_olllpan.)".
Durillg the year l!lUi the an'ragl' op- Class 22-Best IIortulanu~ 1!'ict dah- cheap as a 5% investment. We will be glad to make suggestioDs for the in·
other flowl'rs, a conlplete list of whici, vestment of surplus funds in small or large amounts.
will be nnlloUlwcd in Our Town, prob- t'ratillg l'xjll'IISe per tl'lepholle was $2.53 lilt (decorative, salmon).
a month, whl'reas, o"'ing to the mpid Pennsylvania Railroad Ten Year 7s. New York Central EqUipment 7s,
nbly next week. ClaSH 2:.l-Best Margueri to Boul' hon New Chester Water Company Two Year 65, ,at prices to yield nbout 7'/0.
rise in the l'osts of lIIaterial allli lahor,
TlJis annual spring flower show, the lIIonthly aye rage for Decl'lIIher, llahlia (cactus, pink aluI white). SAVE TO INVEST INVEST TO SAVE
wldch was ori~inater1 some yl'ars ngo 1!11!l, alld .Jalluary, 1!)20, was $:I,4;j,- W. G. HOPPER
hy )fr. _nnd ::\frs. Stites, has been con- au jlll'J'('a~l' of $0.!l2, which when ap- Class 24-B('st Kalif dahlin (hybrid, Member Phila. Stock Exchange WM. G. HOPPER & CO.
"lil',1 10 the a,-erage nUln!)('r of tele- cactus, scarlet). STOCK AND BOND BROKERS
ductl',1 for se"cral ~'ears past h.y the "houl's in in December, 1!1I9, H. B. HOPPER
For each of the following there will Member Philo. Stock Exchange 28 South Third St., Philadelphia
Ci"ir "\ssoeintion. anrl has prO\"ed to alld .Jalluary, ]!l20, to "'it. (HS,OOO,
be onl' of thl' most popu1:lI' ("'l'nts of ginls approxilllately $5US,OOO a lIIollth. he three prizes:
the year. This J'('Iu'('sP1Jts the a verng-c excess of
0llPratill~ expPIlsPH in ])cL'(llllhcr, IDID,
Class 25-Bl'st Sl'mple late-1Jrullching
"T(' l'UIl1l01 1I1'gP our (·itiz{'IIS fOil JlllH.'h, alI(I .January, ]!l20, on'r the le,-el of asters. THIS OFFICE
we belie,"l'., 10 entl'r lhl' sholl' nlll] ex- 1!l]G, iu spite of the introdudion by the
Class 2U-Bl'st Cn'go Giant asters. HAS MANY BUYERS
hihit their ehoicest hlooms. Thl' Nnr- management of every kllown and feas-
herth FlolI'l'r SllOW is not a profl's- illll' l1Il'th,}(1 of eeollolllY. \Vhen express- Class 2i-Be~t Half Dwarf Antirrhin-
sional aft'ail' in aJl~' SI'JlSt' of tl1<' \Yon].
I'd ill tl'rlllS of income, this III cans that, nm (Snapdragon). FOR HOUSES BETWEEN FIVE
I'n'll aSHlllllillg 110 further rise in the
Theflowl'rs nrl' all grown in h01ll1' gar- eosts of lIIaterial and lahor, t.he esti- Class 2S~Bpst Ginut Ant,irrhinum. AND TEN THOUSAND
dens hy 1101n(' folks. n n,1 I\"C' know of ilia tl'd gross revennes for] 920 £1'011I the
no l',-ent on the Nn rIll' rl-ll ealel1(1ar thnt l'xisting rates woul,1 1)(' approximately Siugle Cosmos.
Class 2!l-Best White Lltdy Lenox
affords more people more genuinl' pleas- $:2i."OO,OOO, with operating e~1.Jenses of
approxil1lately $2i,::WO,OOO, leadng net. Cln~s aD-Best Pink Lady Lenox Sin-
ure. I'l',-enues for the yeur of only $300,000 g-le Cos,,>os. FOR QUICK RESULTS
for intpl'l'st and di"idends on an in,-est- Class 31-Best Crimson Cosmos.

mpnt of morl' thall $100,000,000.
Thl' new sehedules were prepared to
IIh'pt thl'sl' present opcrllting facts nnd
Class 32-Best Yellow Cosmos.
Class 33-Best display of 'Cosmos nr- LiatYourswith BENT T. HYBERG
Frederic A. Lanahan lln' estil1lah'n to produce additional
rp,-enlles to meet the increase in oper- rauged for effect.
atiug' expellses per nnnllJll at.tributalblo Class 34-Best exhibit Annual Lark-
In.urance - Service solpl~' to the l'xeess of pre"ailing costs spur.
205 Forest Ave. Narb~~a;"4 R of material and labor oyer the leyel of
All flowers in exhibit to be donated
Phone: NARBERTH 1713
the Yl'ar lOW. nnd hence to restore thnt
!:=========-' rl'lationshiplJl'twcen tIle revenul'S nn_d to Bryn Mawr Hospitnl.
G.45 P. M.-.ll1uior C. E. meeting, un-
News of tl1t Qrl1urrl1tB dpr the dirpction of ::\[r·s. Kntllllrine LEE'S GARAGE 112 Milli.os
TJ'Owbridge. Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries on used last yea!"'"
7.00 P, M.-Seuior C. E. meeting, led
all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing
hy Helen Keim,
Work Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies to KILL COLDS
Merton Meeting House, Merion, Pa.. i,45 P. ::\L-E:\'ening- worship. Ser-
mon th('ml', "Thp Swimming Iroll." Narberth 180S L. C. SHAHAN, Prop. SILL'S
Merion Meeti~g is open for worship
every First·day morning at 11 a 'clock.
We cordially welcome any visitors who
Church Notes.
Next "rpunesda~' at'teflloon all ladies
of the congregation ilLvited to the
to post on the bulletin board a notice
of the time, place and ohjeet of such
lIIeeting. Such notie" shall be posted
desire to worship with us. as long before thc date of the meeting
Landscape Gardener
Birthday Part~· to he held in the 8ROMIDt
First day school opens at 10 A. M. as eircumstancps ]wrmit, in order that
ehnreh at 2,30 P, l\L
Classes are held for both adults and
children. Those interested are invited N('xt Wednesl1ay c\'ening, 8 P. M.,
all members shall ha \'e reasonable op-
portunity to II ttend the meeting. But Lester Y. Bowman Standard cold remedy Eor 20 yeara
-in tablet form-safe, lure, no
opiates-breaks up a cold in 24
to attend. mceting in the interpsts of the Amer- in no case shall a meeting- be convened hours-relieves grip in 3 days,
on less than twenty-foul' houl's' Ilotice. Trimminlf Tree. aad Shrubbery
icall Snnday School Union, with an Money back if it fails. The
Quorum Members. 'I'\\"t'nty \'oting Carinlf for Lawn. genuine box has a Red
ST. MARGARET'S R. C. CHURCH. lHldress hy ::'III'. ,T. H. Dades, illustrat- Gradinlf ••d Cementinlf top wIt h Mr, HilI's
Illembers shall constitute a quorum. picture,
e,l hy lantern l'lides.
At All Drall Stor••
N~xt Friday e\'cning the eMers and ARTICLE \'11. Prompt Service by· Experienced
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector. their wivcs will Ill' cntcrtained at the Amendments. This 'Constitution may and Reliable Men
Early Mass on Sunday from April 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Compton. be amended nt any thne by vote of

A ~S~UT~.~!A
two-thirds of the memhers present and Phone 371 J P.0.80x794
to October 31 at 6.30 A. M. From No- Motller's Day will be duly observed entitled to vote, provided thirty days'
vember 1 to March 31, at 7 A. M. Late in thiR church on Sunday morning, notice of the meeting' and of the pro-
Mass, 10.00 A. M. throughout the year. 'May fl. posed amendments shall have been Finest Photoplay The-
Masses on holy days, 6.30 and 8..30 given. reach their destination with that atre 01 Its Size In the
(Re-copied by R, .T. Ellg-ar, from A .•T. promptness the writers expect and Entire World.
A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening devo- Loos' copy of Mn reh 11, 1919, on April whieh shoulu characterize the work of Pb.toplays-Conlinunus 101\. M. to 11.8'
tions and other services at regular 19, 1920.) the postoffice. P.M.
times. SOllie eoulltry merchants and plauters
curry on their letterheads tIll'ir ship- PhUa.• Pa.


The Public and the Post -omce ping" point, which is uot alwusy a post-
office, and their corrcsponuents are
then often led into error.
WOOD, PA. Errors in abbreviating thc n:lIne of
Every citizen owes it to himself to the State is another fruitful cause of PROGRAM
Rev. Gibson Bell, Locum Tenens. make such study of our national post-
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate. ucla)'. A(ldressing mail to a diseon-
oilice as will enable him to understanu tinueu postoffice neeessarily will delay
Sunday services: . the facilities and advantages it alIords, delivery, and lIIllny letters auuressed
S.15 A. :M:.-Hoh- C'olllnlU1JlOn. as well as the conuitions uuder which ., ('ity," omitting the Jltlllle of the city, WEEK of MAY 3
9,45 A. ::'If.-SIlI·HIllY School. it performs its work This knowledge
11.00 A. ::'If.-::\{orni'ng- service and ser- hlls causpd thelll to visit otIll'r eiti!'s
will cnableany citizen to secure great- than the one ,to which they w!'re des-
mon. '''' benefit from the postofficc anu to cul- tined.
A free antohns hrillg-s the chilflren to
and from Snndav S('hoo] and the lIlelll-
hcrs to and fronl Church, leaving Nar-
tivatc better postal servicc for all.
The postoffice docs not chnllcnge, hut
invites criticisJJl, anu one way in which
Then, again, letters iutenued for de,
li\'ery at a frce de1ivPI'Y officc have
heen' slol\' in rpaching thpir dest i n:lt ion
Wallace Reid
herth Station at fUO anrl lOAD. If
requcRted it will 11':\\'1' tlIP station at
8.00 for the earl~- sen'ice,
Constitution of the Narberth 1 he public can co-operate is by olIcr-
ing suggestions and cuIling attention
to imperfections in the service, which
I"'(,lluse of tl\(, ahs!'lIce of spel'ilic st reet
ad(ln'ss, or \\"here the audress gi n'n is IN
the int ersection of two strpets.
Civic Association are not always apparent to the man POI' instance, the delivery of a leU .. r
There arc nrany ways in wlli('h the
public can assist the postoffice in en-
ad<ln'ssed to the "corner of l'oy(lras
and Ralllpart streds, New Orleans,"
ARTIOLE 1. ,\·ilt probabI.\, IH' uelayed heeausl' of Ihe
Rev. Avery S. Denuny, B. D., Pastor.
Name. '1'he name of this organiza-
tion shall be the Narberth Civic Asso-
~\lrillff e1licil'nt hallllJing and prompt de-
';\'l'I\'of thp III ail. In the first place.
1:ad that tll('l"l' ar!' fonr sueh eomers,
:lu,1 !'aeh is in the district of a spparate
ciation. a 11 llIail should be addressed legib]y, t.'nrrier.
ARTICLE II. aud 1he address should he complete. 'l'hrouph a fortnitous happening th ..
Sunday, ::'IIay 2, 1920: The ,Ieli very of mail is ofteu delaye(l,
Object. The object of the Association It'tt<'r may go (Iirectly into th!' h:\lltls
Scn'iccs by Evangclists Sullivan and and sometimes made impossihle, h.\' an of the right cllrrier, but th,' chanc ..s MAIN I'UODUCTION STARTS AS NEAR
'Wadsworth. shall be to impro\'e and bcautify the 'lIuissiou of an important part of the a,I,
borough and vicinity and to nssist and an' that it will be successivel.\' han<lk,l AS I'OSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. ~I .. 12.00, 2.00,
11.00 A. :l>1.-Sl'rIlIOn hy H,'\'. Arthur oIl'('ss, s\lch as the strl'pt lIu1I\b('l', O\' the I,v the other three earriprs be forI' it
eoopernte with the authorities in en- room uU1l\bp\, whl'1I a(ld\'('s~ecl to an of- 3.,Jr., 5.45, 7,45, 9.30 I'. BI.
L. Wadsworth, of Clllifol'llill, on "A fortill" laws alHI oruillallces relating Ii;lal]\, reaches the fO\ll'th or rig-ht ou".
lice huilding.
Present Pressing Prohlcm." Reception t h"rPt~; to promote. any project having A gn'at deal of ti1l\p is lost in cn-
All eun'lopes should heal' in the up-
1"'1' left hand COl'nl'r the nallle and a,l-
of new ll\cmhers an(1 COllim union Sl'l'\'- I 'for its purpose tIll' betterment of the oIpa vo\'ing to suppl~. corrcct acl,!resses ,Iress of the sel\(ler of the lett,'r, so that
tommunity as "'hole; to provide a a n (I suppl~-iJlg- omissions. Delays are
icc. Jlleans of acquiring" and Jisseminating
7.45 ·P. ::'II.-Illustrated sermon 1y information on any subject of geueral
Re\"' Frank L. Snl1i\':lIl. Suhject, "The. interest; and to foster and maintain a
o('casioucd in (Ieeiphering ]H'culiar ch iro-
gTaphic cha meters and eeeentric sppll-
i IIg. whose interpretatioll ",ould ha ffle
if it should fail 10 reach the alllln'ss('!'
it lJIay be prolllptly I'.. turned to the
s"urler, whieh the Gove1'JlIllPnt agreps
?lfifl' Trcc." This scrmon has bcen fra 1ernal spiri t among- thc pcople of our the sldll of Jln l'xpert reader of e\lllpi-
to (10 without allflitionnl cost. Raymond Wei.s, Proprietor
('ommunity. Lctters add rcsse,1 to 011(' person a 1'1'
form inscriptions,
gh'en nearly two tllOusand tillles and is
illnstrnted with chart aud cartoons. ARTICLE III. The "g-uess" (for thc conclusion
sometimes erroneously ]llar!'1l in the
1)ostof11e(' box helon[!"ing to Hnotl1<'r, a n.l
\,('Hr·hcd is oft I'll a guess) llIa~- he ,nong
These men will address the ,",un day Membership. All persons residing in
this comJllunity an' mem!J"rs and arc aurl the ll'tter is sent to sOllle ar!rlress
the delaY in the ,kli\'cry to the prop!'\'
)ll'J'sonwill depend upon the ])J'OIll]ltll(,SS
ScllOol and Young- People's meeting-. entitled to attend Illeetiugs of th~~._As­ whirll; likl' "a shaft of I'anrlom 'sl'nt. with whir,h thl' l('tter is rptnl'llPII to Telephone Narberth 1633
soeiation anl1 Il\'ail themseln's of its fillils mink the arellpr littlp Illeant." the post office or fOf\varded to the ad-
Church Notes. henefits. Lettcrs are oftpu arldressed to ship- Ilresscp hy the persoll rpeeiving- it in
The hundreulllilliou uollar campaign ARTICLE IV. pi:w points whieh are not postof11ces, l'rror.
Dues. '1'he annual dnes of voting allll, of emirsI', such letters rlo 1I0t nela~'illg- H\() posting- of mail h~' husi-
of .NOJthern Baptists is on. This church
went o\'cr her allotuwnt last ::Sunday by III embers shalJ be One Dollar ($1.00);

more than 20 per cent. The subscrip-

tions of thc day add('d to those al-
of contributing memlH'rs, Two Dollars
$2.00); of snstaining Illenlbers, Five COOK BROS.
/)olIars ($5.00) or mor,,; IHLyable at thc
250 Haverford Ave.
read~· made amounted to $11,u20.
Four hundred dollars was rec'lutly
I ime application is reecived an(1 annual-
h- thereafter at the time of annu:;1 NOTICE
lileeting'. AlJ ,paying llIembcrs pri\'i-
added to thp pastor's salary, Ill~king leged to \'ote. To the Automobile Owners of Narberth, Pa.:
au increase of six huudred i u t \\'0 years PLUMBING
ARTICLE V. The Montgomery Garage, Located at Montgomery
and II building site has heen purdws,'d
ou Esspx a\'euue 011 the uorth side,
Officers. The officcrs of the Associa· and Io na Avenues, Narberth, Pa., is now open for HEATING
with the expectation of erecting a new
: ion shalJ be composed of voting mem- business, under new ownership. 4l We are prepared ROOFING
bers and shulJ consist of a President,
ull'lllorial cllllrch building. three Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a to do vulcanizing, re-treading, and all tire repairs_
Corresponding Secretnry, ::t Treasurer, 4l \ye handle tire accessories, oil., greases and PHONE, 302 J JOBBING
and a Board of Directors consisting of gasolIne. CI. In the near future we will have in a full
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ,'ighteen (IS) members. The otlicers line of auto supplies, and we will do auto repairing in
sh~'llJ hold ollice for the term of one
all its branches. fl We have plenty of etorage space,
Rev. Arthur Smith Walls, Pastor.
\'par and the directors shall be plected
~ix for one year, six for two y"ars, and a.nd all our prices are reasonable. CI. All work posi- JOBBING ALTERATIONS
six for three yeurs, and thereaftpr six tively guaranteed. fl Day and night service.
buuuay, ~La~' 2nu:
U.-!5 A. ~l.-Sullday :::>chool. Classes
('aeh year for three years. 'The Prpsi-
den t, Vi ce-Presiden t awl Secretar~' Your patronage is earnestly solicited. Clarence A. Speakman
shall, by \'irtue of their oiliee, be mem- Bell Phone P- O. Box J. G. WERKING
fo!' all ages,
11.00 A. ~L-::\lorning worship. He-
bers of the Board of Directors anrl shall
preside 11 t its meeti ngs. Narberth 368 618 Owner Carpenter and Builder
ceptiou of \IIeJlluers. COllllllunion. Officers. The Board of Directors shall
('hoose from their number four persons, Phone 1652-R Narberth
;;,00 1'. lII.-Children's Church. Ob- who, with the Presi(lent of thc Associa-
jed t:tlk by ~Ir. Chalker, of Naruerth; tion, shall constitute an Executi \'l' COUI-
suhjcct, ' , Mollie Heart, , , or "Thl) mittee of which the President shall bo
Hea rt '1'hat Grew." Chairman, which committee shall hn\'c
7.00 1', lIL-Epworth Ll'aglle. A se\,\'-
ie,' for young people.
power to transact any husiness of tile
Board; provided, that any act done b~­
them sllllll he subjcct to, the npproval The Prestige of a Check Model Homes
i.45 P. l\L-E\'CJIling worship. Pas- of the Bonrd of Directors, We have a new line of ,up-
There shall be no rcg-nlar meetings of
tor's tlll'Il\(', "The Kllowledge of
the Board of Dirl'etors. hnt meeting-s to-date attractive homes in
Christ. " shall be held from timc to fimp as tlH' is seldom appreciated by those without a checking the best part of Narberth.
A hearty Wl'lt-oille to all serdel's. hnsiness nnrl interests of the Associa-
Wednesday, ~Iay 5th, S P. ?lL-Pmy· tion may require, account. It silently demonstrates business acumen,
er meeting. 'I'opi,·," 'Vithered Hauds." Quorum Directors. A majority of the
systematic method, and individualizes the depositor.
Board shall constitute a quorum. Price. ranginlf from
Advance Notice.
Sundn~-, May !lth, will he :Mother's
Meetings. An annual meeting of the
A check drawn on this institution does more-it $10,500 to $IS 500 j
Dny, all day,' and will be observed with Associa tion for the purpose of elect, indicates the confidence of a strong bank that IS
sermons and special lllusic. Do not ing officers und for tmnsacting such
fail to secure aull wear the white flow· other busint'ss as may come before th6 valuable in many ways. WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
er for l\fother. meeting shall be held during the month
of l\[ar('h of 'each year Oil such date as
lIIa.\· h,' fixed by 'tl\(' Board of Direc- Arrange to open a checking account here and
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. tors or by the Executh'e Committee. prove the value of these truths. Phone, Narberth 1687
Therc shall be no other stnted meet-
ing'S of the Association, but meetings
Rev. John Van Ness, Pastor. sha II, he called by thc Prcsident at any
tillie, upon the request of the Board of
Directors, 01' of thc Executive Com- The Merioc Title and Trust Company J. A. CALDWELL
?lIeeting for next Sunday:
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School. A place
mittee, or upon the written req·uest of
any ten voting members, who shall
ano n welcome for all. state in writing' th~ purpose for wltieh Narberth Office
the~· desire Buch meeting' to be cnlled.
11.00 A. 1.L-Public worship. Ser-
'Whenever n meeting is to ,be called,
mon therne, "A New Song,"
it slmll be the duty of the Secretary


tOO ESSEX AVENUE Prime Beef, Sprinl[ Lamb, 212 Merion Avenue
Phone 672
Country Dressed Veal and Narberth. Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES
TAXI SERVICE Pork, Sugar Cured Hams
and Bacon PHONE 1689
Brynclovls CerUlied
(Pedrlalle Soelety)
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening. PHONE us YOUR ORDER TO.DAY Speelal .. Guernsey" MERION
Contractor in Hauling, Milk WVNNEFIELD
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered. You will find our prices Tight
(Roberts' &. Sharpless' DALA-CVNWl'
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. Cement Work, Labor and Dairies)
Groceries and Provisions NARBERTH
all work requiring services Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
Table and YVhlpplng WYNNEWOOD
of experienced men in the Cream.

upkeep of lawns and gar-

45th and Parrish Sts.
Capa Service is shoe
repairing that makes
old shoes equal to new
for the whole family. H. C. FRITSCH HARRY B. WALL
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Convenient to the Broad St. Station
Pl'tpertles For Rent and Sal. and Heating
e J

1502 Ches&l.ut St.

Fire Iosuraoe4l
Ben Pbone au ll.
Phonc, Narberth 319 J

How much should I give Shoes 1d't he£o:re 9A.M.

"lin BnlldJO!r. Narbel1la, Pa
Cc11\. be baa. same da8 5 B.M.. and
to make this a better world? Main Line Commuters
~ERTAIN man in New York filled out his may have this special DAVIS' FOR CHILDREN

A Income tax report. '

It showed an income so large that his tax was
service for all ordinary
repair work inclUding
new soles and heels.
Complete Line of
Goodyear Tennis Shoes
Spring Styles Now in
53%0 Andhis total gifts to church and char- SPECIAL SHINE SERVICE
209 Haverford Avenue
ity for the year were $148.
Think of it-thousands spent for luxuries and
pleasure for himself; and $148 to leave the world The Narberth Electric Shop
a little better than he found itl
Most of us do better than that; but not so very
that dries without a wringer.
Henry & Compton
much bette~·. lIess houses until the n·ry last lllolnl'lIl, w. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave. PLUM'BING
instead of ha\·ing" it depusited thl"Uugh Steam and Hot Water Heating
Our average daily gift for all church causes fa t Ite day, produces congestioll in the
Phone. Narbarth 395 W

post ofiice tlu,[ \·ery frl'quent Iy n'sult s

-less than we spend for daily papers Bell Phone. 661.J-1611-W
In causing the mail to lIIiss l'ady ,les-
-less than a local telephone call patch.
-less than a third of the day's car fare ·I'he forl'g'uing- {'al1:-'~'s of clelay in lIes· rat'a.':M~Ginl~1Q
-less than 3 cents a day 1':I,,'1t alld dPliyt·ry of lll:lils ean only Ii" U IZ3 South 17!1! S!. Philade!lCl: ~
No wonder that 80% of the ministers of America eOlTeete,[ alld relllove,] hy the puhli".,
and while, of eourse, it is 1I0t expeete,l
Subscribe for
are paid less than $20 a week. No wonder that that perfeetion eall be reached, the re-
the church hospitals tum away thousands ofsick sults which would follow a nOl"lnalIy
,·losl· response hy the public for eo-oper-
GARAnteed Roofs "Our Town"
people a year. No wonder that China has only a tion would hc surprising, and, as al-
one doctor for every 400,000 people. No wonder retHly stated, amply repay the tilne an,l

Narberth Register
labor which ;;ueh eo-oper:,l ion might
that every church board and charity society is eost.
forever meeting deficits, forever passing the hat.
It isn't because we are selfish; it isn't because we Two Lines, lOc per iuue; 5c for each additional line
don't want to help. It's just because no one has ever put MEETING.
up a great big program to us, and asked us to think of the ACCOUNTANTS MILK
Golt.hall, II. Ii:. l'uulic Accountant; 'l'ax Scott-Powell Dalrle•• Phone. Pre.ton 2898.
work of the church in a systematic businesslike way. Hcports. Audits, ctc.• accolllpllshed. 303 See display advertil!lement In tbls 18.uo.
There will IJC a special nll'cling uf the Conwuy a\"t'IlUC, Naruerth, Pa.
The Interchurch World Movement represents the united Flower Sltow CUllllllittee in Council
KeiJn, H. O. CerUIl.d Public Accountant. MUSIC
202 Dudley ava • Phon•• Narb.rth 300-W. Laos, I·-ann)· H. Pinno tencuer.
program of thirty denominations. They have surveyed GhaJll!Jer, Thursday en'ning, ~[ay :!1I, !I 8tndlo, Arcnd,· Bldg. Phone, 3IG-J,
their whole task, no business could have done it better. 1'.~I., after directurs' Inceting.
Le. .' GaraSe-R.palrlng, Etc. Phone. 1606. :\"OTAltY PUBLIC.
Narberth Garl1l:e. 1'honc Na!"uerth 1033. ".O'erles. J. U. 111 Narb.rth
They have budgeted their needs; no business could have PillulllICl'tiJlg, 'rucsday l·\·l'JliHg, .JUlIl' ~cc dlsiliay a,II'crl!scmcnt In this Issue. Phone. 666-M.
a more scientific budget. They have united to prevent the 1. AU'l'O~IOlnJ.E SEJt\'ICE ~lnlJ)Son. J{nrr.l" i\. 23~ Essex Ave.
1'11011('. Nnrbt'rtu tl3G.
possibility of waste and duplication. At least a million dol- Cen.ore, Sable. Phone. 072.
~cc display ad vertlsemcll t In this Issue. Ty.on, Warren R. Phone, Nuruerth 1202- W.
lars will be saved by the fact that thirty individual cam- BANKS OPTICIA~S
paigns are joined in one united effort, ABOUT DAHLIAS. llIerion Title ,. Trust Co. Phon., Ardmore I. Fenton, Carl F. 606 ES8ex ave. Phone. 6JPI-~
See dl.pla~- advertl.ement In thle ISlue. Philo.. addre... 1808 Chestnut at. Loouat III.
And they come to the men or women who love America BUILDERS , Z.ntmaYer, Joseph. 228 S. 15th st.. Phil••
There is just two JIlore weeks in Shand, Alex. C.• Jr. Phone. No. 1710.
-to you-this week asking you to use them as the chan- Naruerth Station.
which to get your dahlia roots in t iml' Walzer. Fred.
nel through which a certain definite part of Y01Jr income Smedle.v. Wm. D. & H. T. Phone. tiOO. 117 Wln.or aVe. Phone. 1247 -J.
for planting OIL ~[ay 15. See display advertisement In tblll 18!!11ue
can be be applied to make this a better world. CANDY, ETC. PAPER IIANGER!l
The Dahlia Show will be hdtl on Sep- Witte. (;00. ,\. I'holJ(', NnrlJerth 300 R.
Only you can determine what part of your income that Davis, II. E. Phone. 1264·W.
tember :2;j :lIH1 at that the bloollls will See ..dvertl.ement In thll la.ue See Display Advertisement In thIs Issue.
should be. be just right if they are planted IIOt h·y Candy Shol', PIIOTO I'LAYS
21!l Huverford Aye. Phone. Narberth 1705. "Arcadia," 16th and Chelltnut lit••, PbU..
It's a good time right now to answer that question. lIIueh earlier or later than :May 15. CAIU'ENTEUS AND BUILDERS S.e dllplllY advertl••ment In thle 1.lue,
I'LU~IUJ:\"(;, ETC.
We're passing through the world just once; how much Have the ground retHly and ,'xantille "enkln.. Cha.. L.
103 Dudley ..v•. Phone. 382-1.1. Cook Uro.. Phone 1~1O J.
better will the world be because you pa!:sed through? now the roots that haye beell wintered Sllenkman. Clnrellee A. Phone 1t152- R. See display advertisement In thl1 1111111
over, as you llIay wan,t to order some See dl~play advertisement In thIs Issue. 1I"!IrJ" &; Compton. Phones 061-.J & 1012- 'V.
COAL AND COI{E. ~"l' (lls(llnr 'Hh·"rtlsclIJcn t In this Issne
Ill'\\, Cook. C. P. Phone, Narbprth 302-,T. Wall. H. n. Phone, 319-J, .
April 25th See dlsplny n,IYcrtisement In this Issue. See dlepl..y ..dvertlsement In thl. Issul.
May 2nd Caradettl. I'rnllk. Phone Nuruprth 1(j8\l. Caldwell, ,I. A. Phone. 1087
Campaign See dlspln~' a,lYertlsemcnt In this Issue. S.e display advertl.ement In thla luu..
I"ratantonl, Jame., ,. Sons. S.e dIsplay adv.rtl.ement In thle Iisue.
FOR YOUR DOG. 23\l Hampden aYt'. Phone. 10!l7-W.
H~·berlt, Uent T. Phone 1713.
nENTJSTS See dlsplllY advertisement In thIs Issue.

0htINTERCHURCH Hesieuts of Narberth who own dogs

alld who huYe not renewed their liccnses
for 1!l:20 should write to Irvin Bard-
Orr, Dr. A. I •• 101 Elmwood ..v. Phone. 3U-W.
Phlla. Phone. FII b.rt 4262. Keith Bldll:.
Dr. ,J. II. Ludwig lOll Forrest Ave., Nar-
uerth, Pa, Offiee hours: 8.30 to 5.30. Open
Nash, Roben J. Phone, 606.
Money for Flrot and Second Mortgacel.
Simpson, James C. 232 E •• ex ave.

World Movement lIIun, County Tl'eusurer, Norristown. The

Jllethod of procedure is as follows: Ask
evenings. Phone. 1708.
Sehemhs, Dr. ,John. Phone Nnrberth 310-W.
Cor. Grayling nnd WIndsor nves.
Phone. 636. or 1420 Che.tnut It.
Gara-McGlnley Co. Phone. 1268·W.

of 9forth ..America .\lr, Banlman to send' you an applica-

tioll for u 11120 dog licensc allli cncJose
Offiee Honrs until !l P. 111. dnlly.
Howard's. Phon., 1267,
See adv.rtle.ment In thla luue.
lIiller, John A. 243 Jona ave. Phone, 161·J.
Shop, 246 Havertord ave. Phone, lllJl.J.
either a t\\'o-cent stamp or 1I. stamped See ..y advertisement In thll Isaue. SIIOEMAKEBS
ne fI""'lcallort of tMs alIoertjsement ;s made /los~ible t"",,"gII t"e t:tIOfJrJTItirm fI and addressed ell \"clope. The County EI.ECTRICIANS Good Wear Shoe nepalr Shop,
Con.tantlno. D. C;. 2;;2 IJn\-erford nve.
thirty Jenom;t1aliolls, Tre.asur~r will theu mail you thc appli- Ca.e, 'V. G. Phonl'. all;;- ,Yo
Sec dlslllny a,II"l'I'tlsplllelll In this Issue. Phone, Nm'b('rth 170(1· W.
catIOn forlll, and UpOIl receipt of this
PUCh. Veri 226 lona av•. UeA"ln.m. Frank. 20ll Hnverford ave.
f01'l1l you shoul<l fill it out and JIlail it Nar. Phone. 660-W. Ard, Phone, 161-J. Sce display advertisement In thIs Issue.
!llIck to the County 'Treasurer, enclos- FISH AND OYSTERS STOmi: AND BONn BROKERS.
Illg th? necessary fcc. A postage stamp Imperial Grocery Co. Phon.. Narberth 606, UOII"Cr. Wm. Go, & Co. PhiladelphIa.
or self·addresse,l and stumped enYclope INSURANVE See dlsplny ndvertlsl'mcnt In thIs. Issue.

===DRfEll'S shoultl also he onclose<1 with the appli- IJowman, Samuel P. (Life.) TAILORS
116 Elmwood ave. Phone, 663·W. Premo.t, H. Phone, 1254-.T.
,·alion. In two or three days the Coun· Jones. "·m. J. 103 S. Narb.rth ave, Phone,
See dlsplny advl'rtlsement In thIs Issue.
t.y 'freasurer will mail you the ncw 680-J Phil.....ddr•••. P.nn Mutual Bldg.
HI~O license. ' Trolter Bro.. (FI re, etc.)
209 Woodside ave. Phone. 1262-R. The Ilbove d.pllrtment .Dould be of th.
"·Imer. "·m. Wood. lOti Forest Avenuo. I\'r...te.t u.e to the community. the list con-
Everythlnl1 needed fortheGnrden, Greenhouse, LllWlllllld including
Phone. 320 R.
tilim. the n"me ot .v.ry profeutonal man,
tradesman. mechnnlc, shopkeeper. etc., wbe
the best varieties of Veaetnble and Flower Seeds, Lawn Grn88 Seeds FOfQ1 PCl1n"~·h·lInla Laundr~' Co. Phllndelpula. do.e or c..n In any w..y .erve hie tellow-
Seeds, ROSeR, Dahllns, HlU'dy Perel1l1la1s nnd other Plants, Gnrd~n lin- S('!' display u'h'ertiselllent in thIs Issue. townsmlln, Ilnd who I. progreselve enoutrb
lllemllllts, Lawn Mowers, Lawn noDers, FerdUzers,. InsecticIdes. etc.. LAWYERS to ..dd nllme to lI.t 'If Regllter.
An elth·rJr lIIan. ,ld\"ill~ a Hen!"y, Gilroy. John 211 E •••x aV•. Phone. 1246-R. A. It I. dlfflcult for those contrlbutlnl
DREER'S GARDEN BOOK FOR 1920 sl~d<1ellly fetched up iu a dru~ stoi·e Phil... addro••, Lincoln Bldg. time ..nd elforts to the produotlon ot
WUI teU J'ou how to obtaIn the best resulta from wlIldo\\,. Stlte.. Fletcher W. 41~ Haverford ave, "Our Town" to peroonall)' either know or
your home tranlen. Phone 372-W Phil .., ..ddres., Croz.r Bldg. Interview all such. It would be mOlt help·
Call or Write for a COM-FREE "Js t1lis tIle lirst tillle ~'ou eH'I' (Iroye LIGHTING FIXTURES ful If thoee not now found In the prInted
a ('ar'/" asked It police olliccr. llIeDonald John. Narberth phone, 12BS. lIet would .end In .. memo of their nam.s,
.HENRY'A.DREER 714-16 ChestnutSf.,Pbila. . "No, sir," was the {::"rilll rl'plYi "this
IS the l:1st."-.lo11rnnl of the Anll'rican
1633 Ch ••tl et,. Phlla. Phone. Spruce 111M.
addre••, phone numbere and bUlllne_a or
profes.lonl for lIating. This w\l1 cost· ... fol·
lows: 10 cents each Issue for ! IInel: I canto
Cotter, Ho.. ard F. Phone. 1298.
:\[edi"nl Association. See display advertllement In thll Ilaue. fol' eaoh additional line.

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