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Boost Narberth

Answer the Red

And Knock No One
Cross Roll Call


Fine Progress on Narberth Volunteers Tennis Dinner-Dance

Playground Plan Save Valuable Was a Big Success
Property From Fire
Illtl'rp~t in 1hp I'ln,l'gl'll\l II ,1 l'ro.ip,·t flll,Jutlillg, or (·Olll'H'. rnllll'll\' Grtl-
gro\\"~ apa('1' and it i~ "ollli,lent Iy px- ~:I1l 's "sJlPtleh lIf .Hl'l;l'ptn 11l'(',;' wh('1l
pl'('\pd that th(' fnll amollnt !'t'quirpd HEROIC WORK. h,' wa,.; pl'.esplltl'd \\"Ith a sil"l'r ,'III', the
will he ~l"'lIn'd Iwforl' thp Jir~t in\"('~t­ annnal ])Inlll'l··])nll"'· of thp Xarh"rth
()r~' llll·(\tiug J1('xt Tl1llsd:l~· p\'PlIing, :\0- Xarh,'rth has 1IJ:11I.'· thillgs to h,' proud 'I"'nllis "\ss'J('iat iOIl. last lo'ri <I: 1\' lIi"ht
yplnlwr :W. 1!1::!1I. at EIIJI HaIl, whpn thp
B~--Law~ ('onllllitt,,(, ,dll 1'('1'0l't and thp
or, alld 1I0t thl' lL-ast or tlll'se is thpir
\\"illillg alld ej]j"i"lIt \"(Jllilltl','r fire eOJIl"
THE FIRESIDE in Ehn Jlall, was II hig sn,,(,pss~lIot t~
~ay howlillg, pal'ti"nlal'ly al'tpr '!'hol'\l)"s
A"o"int ion fOl'1u,'d ill ]wl'mallpnt fn~h­ pally, ttl\\" ('xt('1I1}HII':llll'OllS J'('1Il:1I'ks!
For God nnd Countr~·. we nssoclate our·
JOIl. A g'('U{II'OllS mortgage (,:lU, of Or/('(' agaill tIll' hOJ s al'(' hi',-hl" ,,0111- ]\fail yonI' parcels cadJ'. ')'he p:lrly slal'l,'t! ,.;hortl\· aft ('I' ,.;eyell ~~h·es tog-ether for the followtng' pllrl'oscs:
('OUI''1', Ill' h:lll on th(' I'r0l'prt,\', hut tIll' 1I1('lIdp,! 011 work that ,,"oul,1 h~ a' "rpdit o'el(wk, wh"11 Chait'lIlall i~oh Pattisoll, ] 0 uphold IIl1d defeud the Coustllutlou of
Borough J'('~i,lt'nts aI'<' not likpl~' to aUow to, a paill l'ity ,lppartIlH'II1. Parcels sent by mail may be marked oj' th". Entl'l'tailllll('lIt COllllltit t PI'. l'1ap- the \julled Htntes of AlI1eriea: to mnlntnln
p"d hIS halld", and allllonlll'pd that it law 11lld ol'd ..r; to foster and perpetuate
thi~ l'ath('1' ulllk~irahh' fl'atun' to oe- Do you IUlow that the :\arhcrth Fin' "Do not open until Xmas." one hundred pel' cent, Amerlcunism' to
eur, a~ it i~ poillt!',1 Ollt that ,.;u"h all Co 11 lJHl 11:'-· has a l'l"('Orll of :-ia ,"iulJ' c\"ery would he a er.,·illg shallle, or words to preserve the mell10rles and lnchleuts of' our
al'rangl'llll'nt woul,1 nol I'a~' pa r li"ular propel't.,· to whil'h they ha,"~ heell :\[:", all,1 ~I!'s: .John I~. Brooks eujo~'l'<l that dIed, to Il't tIll' hig- ll-shape(1 tahle ussoelatlon In the Great 'Val'; to inculcate
a sense of hl<Jlviduui ohlig-ntlon to the
trihllte to Xal'lll'l'th's "h"i" pl'i,I<' 01' ('a- "a lied? the J hanksglYlng" hollllay,.; in .-\tJalllll' !!:roall allY !ollger 1JllllL'r til(' '\"l'i"ht of community, Stat .. lind NutIon; to combat
paeity. :1I1l1 it ,\oul,1 ,h'l'l'i\"(, th(' enter· That 110 Ii \'es ha n' heell 10";1. where it City, all th,' good thillgs that \\"pre \\~titiug tI", nutoel'ue~' of both the .. lasses and the
lll'i~e of that highl,\' "on"ert,'d a~l)('et was hUIIJ:lIJl.,' possihle to sa\"e them; to to h,~ l'ollsume,]. masses; to make rig-ht the master of
'J'l1(' illYitat iOIl was promptly n"('epte<l mlg-ht; to promote pence and g-oo,1 will on
whidl is warl':lIJtetl h~' thp fine impl'on'- tIll' limit of hran'ry alld splf-~aerilic,'. A InfoJ'mation iR tI"siJ'l'<l hy th,' Post- l'nrth; to suf"g-uurd nnd trunsmit To pos·
nH'nt ('ont('nlplat('tl. 11' this pha~e of lille re,'ord for It fille hOlly 01' me II-vol· 11I:t:-;t lIl' ('011<·('1'11 i JIg the pJ't,:-:(\ilt re:--i <I('II('P aud the "l'1ehratioll wa,.; Oil! The ,Iiller~ terll.\' the pI'lnclp1<'s of just ieI'. freedom
the matter ha~ p~,'al)(',1 the attention IIl1tpers all-llo aile pai,l~riskillg th('ir of :\Ir~. Dehora .lohnsOlI, iii years 01,]. weJ"p illtl' I'I't1}1ted sevt'rul tiIIIL':-; hy sOllie ulld demo"rac~'; to eonse"rate :111<1 snnetlty
of any of our eitiz('n~, it i~ suggestl'l! stUllts-jllst to hreak tllP IlInllo(oJlY ot our comradeship by our devotion to mutual
li\"p,.; 11l)[1 elldurill!!: hanlship,.; that our heipfulnpss.-Preamble to the Constitution
that the~' al'pl~' thpil' sense of thl' fit- li \"l'~, prol'erties and belollg"illgs might Buy Christlllas SealR this year for pating-whi"h Bill Hall alld \Vitlter of th!' Americnn Lc/;ion,
n('~s of things to all the eil'l'unl,.;tanc,·s, he san',1 from the ravages of fire. all your 'Christmas nlail. Heip stamp Sha wall II Ca 1'1 :\let zg-pr all agree i,.; uO
Hn,1 th,'y will ,.;oon ,1e,'itl(' that thl' ,,0' Pri,la~', the twelfth, \\"as a "old tlay IIUt the \Vhite 1'lagul'. Bn~' YOUI' ,.;eals Inollotonj' at all!
opl'ratio'n ('~,.;ential j,.; in dil'e!'t ratio to allll liremen hilll to 1)(' n'al "smoke cat- in Xarberth. Finally eanll' the p1"l'sl'lItatioll of the
the hendits to he h(',.;to",etl, an,1 onec PI'S" to sa\"e the Ellis hou,.;e, hut it was prizes WOIl ill thp Hllllllal 'j'nurn:lIJl('Ilt.
, 'rile Xu rherth Ameriean Legion BuilLl·
that fad i~ rlearlv nntl fairl\' (',.;tah- dOlle. :\[rs. Gertl'lllle Heu<lI'I'son, of :;:11 DIIlI· 'rhi:-; Yl\:ll' the }IrizeH wpre sih'el' ('lipS,
Illg alH] Loan ARsocation will open its
lisll('tl, goo,] Amcri"an men,' alwa~'''; An' yOIl 1I0t proud to 1w at !L'ast a lpy HSl'nu<', iH ('lItcrtaillinp: her COl1Sill, alld to e\"('11 attl'mpt to do more thall
See on d Series on 'l'lIesday evening
seorllful of Iwing hell'('tl where the~­
Dccemher i, at 7:30 o'cloek at th~
I'olltrihutillg Illemlwr of our fire "om- :\Iiss ~annie I,fl'.uion, of Pasadena, Cal., sa," that pal'h allll "'"L'I'Y one of them
ran help thpm,.;el\'('s, will fOl'th",ith wa~ a h,'auty woul,1 be ,'prgillg 011 that
pall~'1 o\"llr Ihullksgl\"lJlg. Little Of!iee, Cor. Elmwood a;ld Essex
s('ampel' in with their inve~tnlent,.;, in The thn'e tlollars allllual dues is 1I0t tl!tJ1p alld nnue('.',.;sal'\' joh of "il[ling
$100 Jl1ultiples, with a $1,OO() maximlllll. hy all~· Illeall" a har,lshil', alld theil, :\[1'. lllld ::\[rs.•Iohu B. Brooks attentl- th(' wplI 1\lIOWIl :L11l1 'fail;ilillr lGv.
A Ave.
Olllv a f('w morp thousaud tl olla 1'''; ton, our fire prntedioll re,III,'es your eost I'd the w",ltling hl'l'akfast, gin'n for f,'w words, howp\"('I', eon"erniIig: th,'
nee,1 'to 1)(' seeul'ed to mal{(' the full JlIl'lHhl'I'S to \\"hOIiI thl\ ('ups were gh'cII, LABOR AND THE LEGION.
of lire illsuralll'e ahout twenty per (~ellt. :\IJ'. and :\[rs.•la11ll's BakpJ' at the Ar- 0111' of the tlaily pap,'rs last ,,·eek
amount requirptl, to ellahle the grollutl Below a 1l'ttL'r from :\[1'. Ellis: I'adia, on \Vellnes,lay lIloming. and wh.,· t h"," '\"l'n' a wal'lle,l, \"ill 1I0t
to 1)(' taken 0\"('1' for spot ,'a,.;h, in ,,"hil'h he :un iss. gll ,"e U \"l'ry illterl'stillg- a""oullt of the
eyellt the I)('st low-tlown pl'iee will nat- ?\arherth, Pa., XO\". 16, 1!l~0. Xalllrall.,· IlJOSt illtl'rest Cl'lItered 11I,'ptillg Ill,ld hy thl' World War Yet,
Xmas panels should IH' maill',l ,'arl)' ".I':IIIS ill rpfpl'<'u('" to thp hUlIlIS 'lues,
ul'all~' he ,.;ecul'p,l, l\lld \\"ith I'('sl)('d to :\[1'. Chas. Y. ?\oel, al'o.und thp first Ex-l're"idpnt's CUI',
Chief, Xarherth Fire Company, 111 III wrappetl se,·ur.. I\·, l'an'pls lIlav h .. t lOll.
the tli""ussiou whieh has ohtainetl re- insun'd up to $,;.00 j'oJ' :;".; $,; to' $::!,J, wh1('h was awardl',1 to the memher
"artlin" the pl'iee of the plot t hp Bor- Xarlwrth, Penna. whosp playillg ,Iurillg the past sellson Oue. of th,' ";llPal,,'rs, a l:uhor lepre·
5(,.; $2,; to $;;0, }(i('.; $,;0 to $100, 2;; ...
~ugh (';n h(' assure'] that men: not ho.v". Dl'ar Sir:
Euelosetl please fiud report to the
~hOWl'd t hl' g"1't':Itl'st inl}lro\"l'Hll\lIt. TIJis Sl'utatl'"p, ('Oil <ll'1Il II l'(l. tlll\ Ameri('an
~~l'g'.ioJl Oil the g"l'otlllfl of fa"ol'illg tap·
will hc "pnt to marl,,'t wh('n this illl- Civil Sl'n·icL' examination in :'\arhprth went to \Va.,·n,' lIal'l'i", whose pla.ving
portant pha,.;e of tIll' Illattpr ('onll'S to h,' State I"irp :\[arshal filiI' [I out to the throu!!:hout the summer has illljll'oYed Ita!JSJJl.
to-da~'. LOl'al sp"rl'tar~' is :\liss Buth Wby shoul,l \\,P, th!' llIa.iurit~· rauk
settletl, an,1 t hpn' ean he fuJI "onfi,I<'n,'e he"t of my abilit~·, iUIlI I agaiu ,,'aut steadily alld "ousist('lItly, The other" to
to thank ~'ou allll your "OUJ]lllU~' for the Haws at the post ofli,'[', who will ,.;up- llIlll Iilp, who aI'<' lI!'arl~' nil lahorers
that the figure e\"('ntually I'aid will rep- pl.y all nel'e,.;saI'Y blanks an,1 instruc- WhOlll l'Up:" WlII'l' g-i\'l'Jl Wl.'rp:
\\"ouIIL'rflll work you tlitl in puttillg out Champiollhip Singles-F. T. Vall ourspl\"ps, fa\'or the eapitalists?
re;;ent rock-hottom and wiIl indicate tions.
thaT ever~' plpment whil'h ('old,1 propcrl,\' th,' fire at IllV r('si[h'II('e. Ankpn; I'unllpr up, A, 'I'. Grng:lII. 'I'hl' Lp!!:ioll is fOllllllL'd Oil the ha,.;ie
I also wHl;t to tL'II you that tIll' ad- ChampioJishijl ])oubll's-:\Iessrs. War· prill"iplps of showillg no l'a,"oriti";llI to
he utilized to ?\arberth ',.; a<lYalltage was Civil Sen'icc examination in Narberth
employ('<! ill the tnulL', Therd'ore, have justL'r for the Contriinltiollship IlIsur· wi('k and Shuw (a "up 10 l'llch); run- politi,'s, enl'ital, labor or :In,· olle 1'1"
nll,'e Compfluy was thpre today, autl 1I0t November 2i. Lam.: sccretaQ' is :Miss ligioll or spd. .
110 mhgidllgs a bOllt a hot "h joh, hut Huth Haws at the post oHice, who wiII ners lip, :\Iessrs. Kil'kpatriek alld Sta-
put your mOlle~" up on the assumllee olll~' "ol1lplimcnted your compally ou tl\(' ple,.; (a ('up to eal'h). The lahor 1'lllli{'als ar[' ]purlling ales·
,,"ork they did at thi,.; fin'. hut s:\id that ,.;upply all neees,.;ary blanks unu illstruc' "Oll 1'1'0111 thl' r('adioll of thl' \\"al'. 1I0t
that the sl'"uritv for it will always he Championship COllsolatioll Singll's-
worth more thail pal', as a privatI: yell- he was aiways yery I-!Iatl ~\'llell he Iwartl tions.
W. D. B. EnlJls. th(' adioll.
tu)"(' woul,1 oll\"iou~I~' han' to IHl~' marl' that .,·our ('olllpally was pn'spllt nt au~' eha mpiollship Consolat ion Douhlcs-
lin' that thp~' ha,1 anything to [10 with. :\[1'. William Lh"illgstoll, of l'h['stllut VICTORY MEDALS.
for th(' lall<l thall the Pla~'groull,1 "\,.;so- ,\ ",'uup. has n'tul'lI"<1 frol1l a lhrel' :\I<',.;sr,.;, Bai!P.,· allll Edg,'rtoll \a ('111' to
\Sigllp,l) DA \"In :\L ELLIS. eaeh). !t is 1I0\\" Jlllssihl(' to olltain ,·lIur Yie·
eiatioll ,'xlwels to pay, w('pks' \'i,.;it in the Southern Statps. ~Ir.
111 11l0re than UII(' (':l:"'(', teJl(lpr~ of Ex-Pl'psi,I,'nt's ('up, for lIn'ntl,,,t Im- tor.'· :\Ipdal with littk 01' uo ti'ouhlp 011
Li \"j Jig-stOll I'PIJortl" hn "iug llxpl'ril\IH'(lll your part.
$1.000 havp heplI mal!L' to thl' pro.ip,·t, }lI'OVl'II11 ' llt ill Pla~·itlg" DUl'ing ~(':JSOIl
\'l'J'~~ (·(lid wl'athpJ' :llld a :'l"'('I'(, ~J1UW­
as all outright gift. hut fill(' as this
spirit is, it I'olllli .. ts with the purpose of
Japanese Day at the storm. ]!l::!O-WaYlle Harris.
'\lId th,'n thp tahlpR \\"P1'(' I'lpa1'(',1 alld
YIIU will W:llIt this :\I('dal. so take
ad\"alltag(' of .VOUI' oJlPortullit~·, \Vl'ite
tl:p ,·]wir,.; pushl',1 ha"k agaill~t to th" '\l'Jny Hp"I'nitinl-! Olli,"'. 1:1~:1
the ('uteI'IH·i:--e. ill llllleh th(1 sallll' JllaJlll('r
thnt a lueagl"fl l'l'pn':-il' lltatioJl of (,itizPJls
W<>llltl (kpri ,'p th(' pro,i,'eI of its most
Community Club AUlOug tIll' Peuu rootpr~ at the game
\lith t'olumbia at :\,,\\" YOl'k ou Satur- walls, alld tIl(' on'hl'stm, \\"hi"h had !'n-
lin'lIl',1 thl' ,linnL'I' with it" musi", tllrn-
H:II'(' :-:t l'('l't for HJlJllil'at ion:-i, 01' :-il'(' your

I'o,.;t A,I.iutanl. •
da~' l\"l'('(' :\lis"ps l1uth Jla,,",.;, :\larian
,,"holl'Hllue aSIH'l'I. :lllll thl'l'pforp a mo~t lIa""s. :\Iarian (;raham, El,'auor \Vil- I'd 10 th,' popnlar .iazz all,1 Bob I'ntli-
_\t th,' Comlllunit~, ('Iuh Oil TlIl'sdav THE SOUTH SIDE APPROACH TO
earll,'sl rP'Iu"st is madl' for 1Il1itp(1 all,1 sou un,1 .Iilll 1l0nnpll\' alld all the oth,'r
1I11a 1l i IllOl1:-O Sllpport. h.\" ill \"(·:-;t HHlllt s for ~h,'l'l' \\"~'n' thn'p spL'akers, all with IIlo;t son, ,\gnp,.; Hos,'. :\Ir. .Iohn Xash a Ill!
lp;ldillg: ('XPOIIPllts o'r till' jazsit'hol'l';lll NARBERTH STATION.
from 011(' to tell shan's at :\'11111 I'al'h, lilt "1'''''1 IlIg snhj"et s. :\1 iss KIIOX, oj' .la,·k \'ri"e, "
:.\1't prol",pdp,1 to hop, skip, g"lid,' and 01\(' of 0111' "'pII"known an,1 01,1 hor-
tlH.' fil':-;t illYt.' :-itors' Ilj(l('tilig' (Ill
thL' \','ar East Helil'f SOl'iL't~-, rl'1at,',1 cllq.~'hit(\s ('xJlI'l'~:-;l'd hi:-; appl'l'l'iat ion of
Thp arti,·lp . . . \':1 1'1"'I,t 11 \'la~"gl'Ouud "nnlp thp light fnntnsti,· nntil the 01'-
IIt'l" Yl'ry !'Llt'l'nt PXIH.'l'iplIl·PS ill ..:\1'- the' Lpgil!II'S p)'0l't):-oal tu (I{'\,ll!'Y the
u('xt rrl1('l-'da~~ (,\"llIJing pro('(-'l'lls to hl1:-i- ,·llPstra itRI'lt' had to .illnJ]I anL! nlll 1'01'
1Ill'llia. 'I'hp ,'xtl'l'llIity or th,' hUllg,'r of (;1'1,.; l"nd,'1' \Vay," whi,·h lIpp,'a('('d in lot and Iltt].. otli,'" at th,' "tat ion 011
]II'SS, a "all "'ill 1w madl' for llllditiollal Ja:--1. \n'('k ':-; iS~,.qI(·. W:I:-O "t'rY fa \"orahlv thp last traill.
th\'H' I'pop!p Ill'ing' that- Ilothing l'an th" south sidp, .
suh,,;,'ril'tioll";. to :dl'ol'll all ['itizl'lIs all ('(",pi,",',1 b." t1lp 1)('01'1<' of :'\;Irh,'rth, an;1 ., \\'as a pl,'a"alll t illle hilll h~' all?"
ta)(p thL'ir e~'"s ofl' the groulI,1 le,.;t the" It ha,.; nlad,' it 1'0~si1>h' to b'l'p this
opportullity to parli,·ip:l!p ill th" '""11- onr r"l'Ol'tl'r askpt! ('huirman I'attisoll,
lIIi"" a graill of foo,!. :\[rs, n. F, Wo,)(i. it, ,",,'['Ins a~ though Xarl,,'rth, as a ullit, plot (If g'l'olllld fI'Olllh('('()Jllill" :111 <,:,"c·
ture frolll its \"l'r,Y hpgillnillg, with all "It was ahso!lltl'1y IIl1allinlous!" re-
the l're~tjgl' al't'ruing' to "fOlllltl(']'s." C!lail'lnall of LitL'l':Itllre, gaH' a hook re- \\"111. stand ha,,!; of the playgTound prop-
plil'd :\1 r. Pat t i~()n . .
~tll·('. ~
,'Il'\\" (III .lt1fl'n'y }'aruol's "Giftt' I) l11<l' n:-;ill(J1I as out linPll. :rllt' Lt'~joll 's "lalls fol' IlP:\111 it'~'iJlg
and it i" a",'ol'llillgly ,'xl"'elpd that th ..
.lo('plYIl" :lllll "B]:ll·k Bart h'lll\" 's TreHs- thl"; plot alld nlakillg it I'0s,.dbh· to l"lItl
fir~t roll "all will ill,lil'at .. h"~'oll,1 '11 11'''-
The (·harat·tl'l' of tht.'~p lIo\"t'ls
tioll that Xal'!ll'l'th is ill,h, .. tl ill the Y:IlI-
guard of s'lua\'(' allll fair "id,' ['IIllL-a,'or.
WHz.; Pl't'Sl'lIh'd ill :l vel'\' ('h'HI' Hnt! 11l~
The Xarherth Ameri"au Legion Buil,!-
ill~'awl Loan As:..;o~'i:lt iOIl 0IH.'IIS its Sl'('~
olld sprips on nl'l",'nJ!lI'r ith. An appli-
Enlargement of a h"ll'ing hand to anot],,'r '""I'\' wOl'thv
f1l'g:lllizatioJl an' 1I1(\l'tillg" with 'l1ail:,~ al;·
,.;tl'lll'tin' Ulall))['r. :\Irs. \Vilhnl' F.lIam· 1'J'(l\",l1hy Ina II,'" hoo\<t "I'S of "OUI' Home
iltoll. of' t',\"I1")'d, who sl'0ke Oil the "at ion hlank for slo"k app,'ars on the Presbyterian Church '('o\\"lI" alld will SOOll Ill' I"I'ad,' for the
t'nlllnltlllit~·'s :-;:tIIl,tioJl as a ·1lll'llloria.l
Tennis Association Inautll'l':"' :Iud {'t1:-;tOIlIH of thL' .Ja}laIlC':"t.'
ppllplt' of tll,la~', h:,,1 UlaH\' 1I0"l'1 eUJ'ios
fJ'olll hpI: trip through ,J:Il;au. 'l'hl' <lolls
la:-.t pagL' of' this i:";SllP of Our TO\\'II.
'I'h(' A~soeiatiou nll'['ts thl' fir,.;t Tne,.;dav
of p\"l'ry month at 1';lmwoo,1 an,1 E";Sl'X Nearing Completion pl'op.."it illn.

Calls for Volunteers \\"{'I'e UJllque. the utiniatur(' ivorv ('nr\"~

illg~ wen' al.1I1()~t 1IIlh('lie\"ahll~, :llltl
a \"('nu,''';, from i.:W to !),Oll 1'. .:\L
'I'h"I"I' will 'IH' a spp(·ial n\(,,'t illg of
lIlany IIthl'r 1"1'('l'S "IJ:lJ'al'll'J'isti .. of ,Iap- :\[1'. and :\[rs. W. B. lIulnes, :;oli South ED IN SERVICE LAST SUNDAY. the' I)ost Oil Ii'riday ('\"('lIing. ])l't'l'lIlhC'r
MEMBERS ASKED TO REPORT a npsp I"'III'It'. Xarhprth a\,['nup, on SllIlllay, X","pmlH'J' CHURCH AND SUNDAY 10. ill onr lIpW hlllll". 'I'hp p!P1'! iOll of
NEXT SATURDAY, DECEMBER :\lJ'R. E. C. Batf'hl'lor. PI'l'Si<lpHt of the 1-1, "plphralt'<! the fiftil'th annin'rsarv SCHOOL GROWING. otli,·"r,.; for tll(' ypar 1!l::!1 will tab' place
4, AT NEW COURTS-BRING Cluh, oJH'JJpd the lllt't't illg h.y I'eacling a (If their \vl'tldillg 1ly a flitlJl('l'. Tho:.;p at t hi,.; tilll('.
SHOVELS. RAKES, ETC. pl':l,'.('J' IlIllllp hy \\'il1iaul I'l'nn for the pl'l'spnt \\"1'1'(': TIll' hrid('slnai,l, :\[iss '1'hp '~lIlargl'III<'lIt
of the Rllllday
~'itO" of Philadelphia in I(iS·I, ill"] whi"h Jlarril't E. BI'()\\"n, Philadelphia; :\11'. R"hool port iOIl of th.. i'I'<'shyt,'riall
E,"er~' 1111'1111",1' of th" Xat'lwrth
Ili~ A,.;so";atioll--all,1 this illl'lu,lps
I"; III1W tahnlat",[ lin ;,ronzp in thl' uorth
"ol'l'idoJ' of 'L'it~, Hall. 'I'hl' mus;,' was
and :\Irs. P. \V. B. lIulnl's, :\[arion H.
lIumps. \V. B. lIunles, ,11'., :\[1'". Enllna
ehul',·his 1I0\\, pral'1i,·all.,· "0 11''111 eI "d.
It wa~ al'luall.\' pla,·..d ill s.. r-:il'(' last
:\[,·I\:plJ-al'(· ill,'itpII, IIrg,"1, rl''1ueste,1 E. Collins. ))pnnis,"ille, X .•1.; ;\[is~; 1·]·

(Continued on Page 3.)

al'pJ'opriatl' to thl' ,Ia~'. :\[rs, ,\. B,
1"11 A. '['aylor, Philallelphia.
~uJI(I:I.Y 1110l'llillg.
:\[at,'rial "Xp:IIISioll of th .. 8ullt!aY
Y. M. C. A. News
(Continued on Page 3.) R" hool at 1<'lId:IIIl'" ill 1'<,,·,'lIt "pa rs Iliad'"
it' t1l'('l\H~al'Y foJ' till' Board ~)t' Trll:-;t<~lIS E\"('ryhol1,v i:-; working" l'llthJ]~i:t:-;til·al·
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS to pro\"id .. 11101'(' "I'a"l' for thl' i:iuIIII,," I~' ill Jl('('paration for onl' Big Fair to he
R,·hool ,·Iass rOOll1s. III ordpr to ,10 1\(,1,1 Oil l·'rida~· t'\'t'lling UIIIl ~atllt'tl:1Y
Two cents per WOrt! It cash accom· this, it. W:IS ,lL-,·i,I,',1 to "lIlar:.:l' tll<' Pl'pS- ' af'tl'rJ100n alld (l\'('lIing-, J)(,l't'lllhl'l' ;';1'<1

The First Investors' Meeting pnnles advertisement; otherwise. live

cents per word.
pllt hulldlllg by ,'oll,.;trul'lilll! all l'xtell-
:-;ion on thl ' lIorth side allli' J"l\JlloLl(\ling
thl' hasell\ellt rOOJIIH.
and ·[th. Arrangelllpnts han' bp,'n made
to 11I'O\'idp first elass IIlu~i" 1'01' tI\(, dallc,
ing. 'l'hp ('ntpl'taillln(,lIt. whil'!\ will he
of the 'I'hp Ill'\\' portioll l'xt pntl" to \\"ithin a ~in'n frp", ,,"ill h,' worth III 0 \'(, than the
FOR SALE-Shakpr slt'am nI1['anizpr, s.hort ,Ii,.;t.all"!' of thl' 1I0rth property pri"" .01' th" admission t il'kl't, The per·
:-;O}lS III ('hargp of' th(' ~e\'en (!ifl'ercllt

Narberth Playground Association .dso Edison ',.; lIome Phonograph,

ehl'ap. 126 Conway A\"('nne, Xarh,'rth.
(i -1')
1111<', lllld IS Hi fl'!'t hy ::!i fppt ill size.
With thi,.;, all,1 thl' rpllI'J(Il'1pt! illt,'rior,
thl' SUllday S"hool spa,,!, has I"'ell ill-
1"ll!PS ('ollnh'rs al'P . .I,latllling
thlllgS. ,\s all a,ldltJollld [(':ltun' of at-
for hi~

(Incorporated) ('l'l':I:-1('<1 ;;) IH')' t:l'tlL Oil till' haSPIIIPllt

1t""l'1 all,1 ;;(1 ]ll'r '·"IIt. 011 the lir,.;t Jloor.
tl':ldioll, :\Iill!alll 'I'ha,.;ill ',.; llIilJill('I'Y aua
Iln'ssmakillg dassl's will exhihit . hats
En'ry 1II'("'aut ion \\"as tak!'n ill the all,1 gowlls whil'h the" ha\"(' llIa,le. 'rhe;;e
WILL 'BE HELD AT ree~lIst rudioll of thl'ha";!'III!'lIt portillll will show ill part fhp pXl'pptiollal re-
to IJISllre absolutely agaillst ,lalllpIlI'SS. sults the wolllen I'llrolled ill thpse elasses

ELM HALL rug, ii.:lxl0.6;
tahle, dotlles
J II fad this spaee 1I0W has all tho ad·
\"alltages of the first 11001' rOOll\s.
I'l'aliz('. ResJlOlIspS for l'ontrihutioll [lJ'C
I-!ratifyillg. 'I'hel'(, will Ill' ,lisplaved a
'1'0 0.\"1'1'<·01l1l' the usual tlalllplle,.;s pre\" splell did variety of Christlllas silgges·
conditioIl. Call
\\ Tuesday Evening, November 30, 1920 Emmett, POl'est :lIL'lIt 111 sub-surface rOOI1lS the outside
Ilmillag" was first reyispd. COlleretp
tions .
The husiness lIIen of the eOllllllunity
8.15 P. M. :lir,wa~'s were l'onstruetetl pmcti"all,Y who arc llttending our" Business "'len's
W ANTE])-l\[en to solicit orders for to the busel1lent 11001' 10Yel, and the Special 'Gym Class' '-which mepts e,"cry
;\IOJlllar. Wedllesduy and Thursday
Make Sure To Be On Hand ! fruit anLl ornamental trees, roses,
shrubs, etc. Part or full time. Pay
weekly. Quaker Hill Nurseries, New·
wulls were w:lterproofed iuside llS well
llS on tho outside. e\'l'ning from 5.00 to 6.15-ure v cry.:"

ark, New York State. (7-p) (Continued on Page 4.) (Continued on Page 3)

Telephones, Of course, ".

into the ueep urif'ts to fi\'oid all ap' Hed Cross, which holds Il place 110 other
OUR TOWN proachillg autonlOhile that could not
tUl'll frolll its nano\\' path.
agclIl')' could possibly fill.-Philadelphia
]lIljlliI'CI", e,litorilll.
1267 deliver -

As lin illstan"e, on :'\al'hel'th Avenue, Whl'u I. first read the ahove article 1268 time.
An Exp~riment in C(\-operative hct\l'cl'lI 11a \'erfol'd A ""II Ill' alld .l\Iont- m~' hloo,l IJOilcd. Tal' alld feathcrs was

Journalism-No Paid Workers. g"lll('ry "\,'ellllc, fe\\' paths, if lIny, were tbe 1irst thill!! J thought of to lIIake The Brightest Spot in Narberth
J're!'d from SIlO\\" all,l ill many instllllccS him a bird of allot her color.
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
.1 Owned and Published every Saturday
the Narberth Civic Association.
"01,1 Sol" til 1"11 e,l th" SIIOW into WIL-
l CI', making' t h!' ~id,'w:llks
"rc!'ks during the ,lay III1U, when fl'Oz-
l'lI, skating rinl;s lit lIight.
'\\Theil 1 stoo,1 at the foot. of the
gnl\'es of' two H,'(I Cro"s lIurses, killed
hy a bomh ,hopped 011 a hospital, Ilnd
r,':tlized that th('," \\'ere surl'ollJlded by
Subscription price aile ,Iollnr ana fiftj'
E,'idelltly thc Borollgh Coull('il has the mell for whosl' liI"es the\' riskc,1
cents per year ill a,h-allce. tltl'jr OWIl 11111] sal'rifieed so 1II11;~h, 1 felt
eithcl' 1101' passed lin ordillallce eOIll-
pl'lIing :'\arherth r('sidcllts to keep their mol'l' thall "OII1I"'lIsate,1 for the little Asbestos Insulating Company
hit J was ahlt to (10 ill lilt.. great cl'isi:1
sidl'wlll1<s fn'e frOl1l SIIO\\' anll iee, 1111-
of the World "'ar.

315 W. MElin Street, Norristown, Pa.

d,'r the I"'lIall,\' of II filll', 01' the orJi·
March 26, 1920. 111111('(' is hut. II "SCl'llp of paper" not 1 \\'i"hpd th(,11 that thc 1I10thel's of PHONES
President, Hobert J. Edgar. \\'Ol't h,\" of ellf'oreclll""t. those boys 1'0ul,l ~(", thl'ough my (',vcs 791 Market 4686 Narberth 302-J or 661·J
Vice-President, Joscph H, Nash.
Vicc-President, Augustus J. Loos.
I Ii". illll"I',I, 1I0t ,jp"irahlc to rl'rnll
S1ll'h ullpll'a"allt. 1lI1'1I10rics at this t.illle,
\\'hat I ~II\\'. Thcl'e lil,e two gUlll'diall
IIngels WI'I'" tho"p two eXlIllI!,ll's of the
highl'st type 01' \\'olll:\nho()(l-" AllIeri-
.._ .
Vice·President, :Mrs. C, P. Fowler. wl"'11 t h,' snlllllll']' has ",'lIn',ely ,'ast. ofr
'l'rensllrer, ~Iiss 1IIaizie .J, Simpson. ils 1'01",,,, hnt. if 1111 ordillllnce hilS not !'lIn He,1 CI'OSS XUl'scs."
'1'he \\'ol'k ,10111' bv the Hed Cross
Estimates submitted on covering Boilers, Pip-
Secretary, Miss Huth E. Prescott. 1""'11 1111""",1, it ",oul,l he \\'ell lit this
Directors 1923, Mrs. A. B, Ross, Mrs.
tilll(' for th'l BOl'ollgh COIIIIl'il to talw Cltapt('1' ill :\111'111'1'1 It 'has nJa,le an illl- ing, etc. All kinds of covering for all purposes
d.. fillit!' lIl'lioll, thus hl'lpillg to [;cep its pJ'('ssioll npon th,' h"lIl'ts of tit" Hlen
D. D. Stickney, J. Garfield Atherholt, 0\\'11 f'1',,1 dlT dUl'ill'" the ,',olllill" willter, allll ],0"" \\'ho \\'(,lIt Ollt fl'om :'\ul'herth
1. A. l\Iiller, C, Lawrence Warwic]t, A. alld 10 1;I'.. i,:'\lIrh7.l'lh thl' ~,Ieallest, thllt stllu,ls out lil;1' a "heacon light"
E. Wohlert; Directors 192£, J. J. Co.' hl'ighll'''l IIl1d l)('st Borough all the :Main to g'lIal'd liS t'hrough 1111 the stOl'llIS of
brey, Walter A. Fox, II, R. Hillegas, Lille. lif",
Charles H. A, Chaill, W, R. D. Hull, C. C. S.
Harrv A.•Jacobs; Directors 1921, F. A,
\\'1' 1111\'1' 1I0t had all opportllllity to
Daniel Leitch, George T.
J. B. Kesper, Fletcher \V. Tit!' "Puhlie Ledg"I'" aPl'al'elltly 11:1(1
th!' :'\lIrhl'rlh 1'1llygl'ouII(1 ill llIilld whell
slto\\' our apl'l'e,'ialion, all,lne\'('1' will to
tl,,' gl'l'atp"t 1111'11""1'('. !>ut it is hoped
that tlll' plans 111111,,1' pl'ogl'e"s ",ill at
it puhli"hl'd the fullowing editorial 011
Tucsdlly, :'\o\'ellll)('1' :!:lnl, J!I:!U:
II':tst sho\\, 0111' 10v:1I1\' alll! 10\'" fol'
Ihis gn'at orglluization: . . REALTOR ..
Your Home TOWIl. Specializing in
"Thel'e i" sOlllething the llIatlpl' with SCOUT NEWS.
A. J. Loos, Henry Rose, the Illall who ,Ioe,"'t eal'l' for tile place
hc lin's ill; who dOl'''II't ('OllIe hal'k t.o
AS~0cillte Editors. it \\'ith S'JlIIl.' de~I"'" of' I'lIptlll'<' alld I'C' , ,\ t la"t \r-ll Ill( \'c a hOllle 01' 0111' 0\\'11
li!'f. '1'he '(,(!I'ld ,'iliz"11 who hOllsls Ihat IIl1d Olle that \\'c arc all IHOIl(l of'. BUYING
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, alll'l:il'es arc alil,1' 10 lIilll alld 1111)' plal'e Our organization ,,'as forllled a~~out
Cashier, is hOIlll wlll'l'l' Ill' 11:llIg:-; lIi:-: hat JlJi:-;Sl'S
l fh'p rears :I,:.!O and during thnt 1ime we SELLING
out of hi" lil'l' 0111' of thl' iiI'S\. all,l hll\'(' 111'\'('1' h:1I1 a lH'l'lIulIIelll pla"1' to
Send all advertising and news items to
:--t I'OIlg"l':,t i IItl'II1 i "('S to dl~('l'lle~· alld llllll't", that j:o:, Olle that \\'t' ,,"PI't' SU)'(l or. RENTING
dul\"-whi,'11 ;" tli,' d,',in' to ",in tlll~ \Ve tllke thi" ol'l'0l'tullit,\' of thallk,
P. O. Box 966. g"t'J1~'I'HI I'stl'('11l :llId good opilJioll of the illg thl' )'. ;\1. C..\, all,l EIIII lIall fol' Mortgages-Fire Insurance
Our Town is on sale at the depot t'Olllllll1llitv ill wili(,1J lllll' t1wplb. Thl'l'C nl1o\\'illg' lIS to u:-<e th0ir l'()()lH:-; ill the
newsstand, and at the store of H. E, is 110 n'\\'~lrd ill III II lit','· whit'h l'ulIlpHres I'IISt. 1I1111 a"sul''' Ih"nl that it I''''IS vel',\' 1001 Che.tnut Sheet, Phil.. 104 Grayling Avenue, Narberth
Davis, ill vallie wilh til" ,~oldl'lI tl','a","'" of a 1lI1l,,1t apl'n,,'illtl"l. for. if it Itad Ilot Walnut 4443 • Race 1580 Narberth 605
g'o,,,1 n'pllt", II' a 111:111 ,'hl'at, IIl1d lies 1ll'l'u 101' thplIl, the :'\arlll'I'th '1'1'0 0 ]1
Entered as seeond·class matt.:lr alld steals alld hl'al'" I'ab,' ",it II"';';. he \\"olJld not he in pxi,tenl'l' to,la\'.
Member, Philadelphia Real Elltote Board
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office r.t III:I,\" hllild III' a gl'<'al I'ortllll" alld still 0111' :-;,'out ~ra"tl'l' I'",.ei\'pd' II ,'hel'k
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act I", pla,,,'II'd at lIig'lil with th" kllow],'dg') 1'01' '1'1;';11,110 \\'ith th,' I'o]]o\\,illg 11011':
thaI Iho",' :d,olll him 1I0id a 10\\' Opillioll "EII,",os(',l plellse fiud ,·h",'k for
of March, 1879. of hi" "ol'lb and work,. PI'. Eliot, of fl,ill,lIl1. whi"h will "0\,('1' SIX Illl)lItll,,'
1I:1l'\'al'd. ]l:iS told It,; tli"t it is th,' fa- )'('111 01' thl' '1ual't,'rs ~'Oll Ita\'(' :II'quil'(',I,
"O]':dJll' ~l!,illioll of :l 11I:I1I"'S h(JlIIP town 10g,'lltl'l' \\'ilh an IIdditiolllll :1'::11,1111 fol'

111:lt is ""lJl'lh l':Irllillg nlld J'{'taillillg",

OUR TOWN will gladly print flll'lIishill;.!:"", wlJi,'h ~'1111 will ph\:l~l' ('x-
any news itc:Jm about any subject
that is of interest to Narberth
Olll' (If thl' lll'ig'ltlIHl':' Illig-hI he \\"I'Ollg;
I,nt if 11''' I:d;(' tli,' Sllllllll:ltioll of I'"liat
IIlall,v :In' ;-;ayillg, ,\"(' JII'ldl:dtl~· shall ar-
I'i\'" :11 a .ill,t I'st ilual".
I"'lld a" yOIl \\'ill. Should the' sllb.ipl'l
,;1' this "'HII"'ratioll ",1111,' II]' at 1111.
1'11':1-" ,a ,I" thllt :'\al'bl'l'lh "itizpn" ,,'ho
folks, but in order to meet the :Il'l\ i1l1l'J'(\st{\(1 ill :1{'l!ip\'irq.!,· :-,lll'{'l\:-:S 1'01'

printing schedule, all • 'copy" ":'Iln,'I,\' to li\,' ill a pla('(, d"p,n't tl", Bo\' :-;,'Ollt 1lI0\'ellll'lIt h:,,'l.' 1('lIt a to live within one's income always rather than some day to
-manuscripts-must reach the
III:1k" "Ill' a ,'i1 iZl'II, Y"1I1' h":11'1 will I,,, h:IIHl il'l ~(\('l1rjJlg th{\ ~11111 JIl'l'l's:-<ar,'· to
\\line y""1' II'OJ'!; hilS 1""'11 1'111 ill 10 11l'11' 1'"li,'\'" ~'1I111' 1'1"''''111' I'li~ht, a 1111 lhat have to live without it. Saving something regularly, no
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each fnr,,":trd :illy gllod tiling 111:11 is goillg'. ,\·Oll dl) lHd f('l'l ]lri"i1q!,"l'd to lllC'lIt ion
week. Of "OIlI'SI', olle IIIIISI Ill' tnll' t" the illl' thl' ll:lIlIl'S. :1:-: ,'"Otl :ll'P illllll'P:"::-:l\d thl'~~
matter how little, is the surest way.
III,'di:I1,' f:lIl1il\" "il'l']P alld I"ok 1\'(,11 to would b,' b,'tt,'1' ph'a"",1 if ~""I di,l 1I0t
t h t' roof( n"l a'lI d I hl' dool'\'a 1',1 of Oil" 's do ~(J," Savings deposited here are investments as well, for
0\\'11 h,'w-,'h"ld lil'sl 01' all: Ilul that ill' :'\0 \\'01',1" ,'all Ie]] ho\\' the :\lIl'b('rlh
SAT., NOVEMBER 27, 1920 tilllat" illlloo!' d,'\'otioll, "OIlIIlIl'lIdahle :-;"'"I1s al'p!'l'"ial(',l thi, illll'rl,,,t ill tli,'il' deposits earn 3% interest compounded. Begin the upbuilding
:IS it i:"", 1I1:IY 1Il'('(l1II(' :I ~('IJish :""l'1I1 illll'lIt bl'halt' alld \\ill "ho\\' tlteir appl'<'!'ia-
that tal;es JlO t hou~ht for tho'" 111"11" tioll b~' putting :'\a1'bl'rtlt Oil th,' HIliI'
of your income protection fund, by opening an account with us.
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS un'S "I' pUblic welfare ill w!lose benefits III Ilip :'IllIill Lilli' Ili\'i"ioll of thc Bo~'
Fire, 350 we all share. Fault -lilld,'r, arc II II III],el'- :-','outs of AlIIl'l'["a.
h':-;~. who :-;lHlld l'l':ld" wilh hal'sll ('('II~lll'l\
Police, 1250 .\uoth,'1' illstalJ('" of illt,'rl'sl sho\\'11
alld Sll:tl' .illdgllll'II1'III"'" II'hal t h" toil-
l'1'~ art' ,loillg-. Till' tllill'l':- :1J'l' tfln hu=-,,'·
1)\' II "itiz"11 of :'\al'b"l'th i" that \\'1'
It;"", ol'd"I','d -111 folilillg "I,ail's 1'01' 0111'
The Merion Title and Trust Company
doillg th,' 1I',,!'k "I' th,' falllt,tilld"I''', all,l
qU:ll'fl'r:-:, whith (':ttllt'l to :-t;:L""On. 'ro ollr
Editorial IIII'.'" ":IIIII"t st"p to "Xplllill, \\'hllt
1'\-t'I','" 1'1:llItntioll IIi' hlllll:lll hpillg::-< is ill
'1II'I'l'i,,', \\'" I'",'"i\'('d II "hI"']; 1'01' :1',1O.0il
10 "0\"'1' Sllnll' I'l'oln a :'\ar1)(,l'th I'itizl.'u

IIPt'd of. jl' it i:- to lI11\l rb!l is a group

wlto ha" :11\\':I\'s h,'''" illtl'l','stl'd iu the
of 111('11 S11l,h :1:-< (til gi\'l' hut "liP :-.liill-
;\[Ollt~olll"I',\- ('Ollllt~'illlhl't rial work- :-;t'Oll1 1l10,'('1l1'l\llt :Iud 1·\'l'I'" .. thill~ clsl\
('rs IHI'<' Yi,'lill" 01' 1!1 fatal a",'idellt, illg' pXlllllpl,') lit" 1"11' .\I1>l'rl I':, '1'111'11-
thai ha" 11l'plI a "!'l',lit to our to\\,II. Narberth Office • • Opposite Station
dUl'ilig' 111l' Jil':-,t Hill t \ nJ(lIlth~ of this "I'. who 10\"" otl,,'l's 1",111'1' thall tl,,'~­
\\'" also tal;,' this 0l'p0l'tullil~' 01' th:1II1;,
lo\'(' tI,,,il' 0\\'11 ,'asl' alld 'Illi"t alld ~l'l'l1d
year, :ll'l'ordillg' ttl figUl'l':-' :lllJlOlllIl'Ptl ll,\" ill~' l,illl 1'01' hi" illtl'l'p,t ill 0111' l,,'halt'
tll('IlI:""l'ht'~ ill :'elfll.':-:s l'lllka\'ol'. .:'\0
DI'. ('Iitl'tlrll B, (~ollll"II,'\' ('Olllllli",itlll"l' IIl1d IIlso II"SUI'<' Ilinl that \\'" will shm\'
111:111 g"l'!S tltl' Ilallll' of t,j\"il' patriot hy
of the' Il")':lI'IIII<'I,t tll' 1;:1'1>01' alld IlIdll'" 0111' aPI'l'l'"illtiou b~' 1I1:11dllg' tli" :'\ar-
tr,\'. Th" 1"'ptll'l \\'a, "tllll/,i"',1 h~' I he clllillg" 1ilillg'~ ~illlJd~· fill' hilllsl'lt'. lIe
1"'l'tlt '1'1'001' II ,')'(',lil to thl' "OlllIlIUllit,\',
11111'1 H'I'\(' tl", 1'"ldi,' illll'l','si alld tlle
BII]'('all tlt" 11"1",,'t itlll, 111l1'illg Ol'lol,,'1' A :'\AHHEH'l'H ~COt:'I'.
gt'III'I':11 .~(lod, lIot hi~ oWIi 1'o('I\(,t; while
110 falalit;"" 1\",,1''' l't'I",I'I,'d Itl III" :-'I:lt"
Hl1thol'itil':-' 1'1'0111 111:tl l'lIl1l1t Y. till' 1'1l11g"t' of lIi:-; (,h:ll'it~~ ma,'· l',o\'er the
'l'hl'tlll~holli till' :-'tal,' 'lhpl'(' \\'hole world. il ,itolllrl, ill the homely
],n~1l fat:1I :I('('id"lIt, t"l'tllll ,Ia II 11:11"\' 1 to !J1II'H.-':l;" i I'll lilt' hOlllt' t 1I roost' ill his own
'1 () \\ II,
:'\o\'"llIh('1' 1. S"\"'II hlllldl'l'd ;111:1 ""\"
(,111\',th',' tlt" thpllI \\'('1'(' 'IItl"'I'"d 1,,- lIIill' ,\IIr1 :'\:ll'l>nth i, your OWII HOllle will be worth a while investment if ordered to measure
(ll'fo:; ;:::: hy ll(\r.. . oll~ 1'lIlplo,\"('d ill'illI11l:-i- TtI\\" II, CHARLES EDWARD YOST.
here. You will get
trial plallb. alld ,l::~ 1>,\' plll>li,', ""I"\'i,'"
work,'I'" Till' Sial,,', f:llalit \' I'tll! 1"':II,h, 011 'I'hllrsda,\'. :'\"\'(,1lI1,cr ~;'j, at. I. Artistic Hand Tailoring
{',I ]~~ in O"toh('l', :If','ol'''lillg' ttl til"
Ids hOHlt', :!O~l CIll'stJlut a \"(,HUt\.
r{'pol't, l't"'"i\',,d h,\' thp 1)"parlllll'lIt, tlf 1'IIl'llllll'llia \\'a" Ih,' dired ('anse 2. Splendid and accurate lit
Lahol' a 1111 ] 11I11I,t r,\', "I' ;\11', Y"sl 's ,1<'alll. dC\'l'loped
'nll'J'l' ha"l' bt'l'lI ahusl1S ill the :-;trcet frolll a ,'old ,'ollfl':Il'!e,1 ahout 1.\\'0 3. Authentic and Smart Styles
Wl'l'}(:-; ng-n.
,di,'ilatioll 01' fllll,ls for wor];" 01' I'lmr-
it,\', 110 rlollht, al,,1 other IIletho,l" of ;\11', Y",l' for th(' jla"t fift('l'n
\'l'ars a ""\\'1'1',',1 Ill .. hl'11 of t.he
4. Quality Trimmings
5. Exclusive 100% all pure Wool Fabrics
To th(' Eilittll' of 0111' '!'O\\'II:- olltnillillg tl1l'l11 an' pl'l'fl'l'ablt 011 gpu-

"1':11 I'l'ill,'ipl"s, Hut wl"'11 1111', HiI'll S. \"1'1<"1'111 Fire ('Olllpall~' as a

Til"",' hl,'ak :'\tl\'plld",1' da\'''' I\"ith all ('ll!or,l'olllllti:-;:-.iolll'l' of ('lInl'ii ip:-! in Xl'\\' ,ll'i\','r alld ll"S!'lIlall. His los" ",ill Come in, m :ike your selection for a new Suit or Overcoat
nt'(':!sillll:ll hlll:,11'1' :!1'('Olllpnil i(lc1 h,'p a York, 1'l,1'l,I'.. . to tlio:""p who :lI'C 1'1lg'age11 Ill' <1""1'1,\' I'l'l':n't I (',I h~' his fel· from the grand assortment of over 500 styles on display.
tlu!']',v oj' :-:11/)\\", hring' to n\('ol1l't,tioll 111(\ I,,\\, (in'II">!1 alld llta II \- fl'il.'lId" in
ill t1l(' work uf gllttill~ Ill'''· lI!PIIJlIl'l'S
I\"illll'\" II,,,,,, or 1!lI!I,~Il, 11 i" 1101 ilif·
I'ol' 111(' Hl'tf ('1'o:-:s :l~ 'lpalllJ:llldhlr~," :'\:II'herl h. • French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing, Scouring, Pressing,
1i I'll It 'to tl;illl; I>a"k h'"" 111 a II a \"'al' :wo 'I'hl' flll"'l'al "I')'\'i,,(,s anl! illter- Repairing. Work Guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
hi' g'O(':' 1Il',,'ol\(l tIll' 11I:I1'1\:.
filld l'l,,':ililltl\\' 11:11111''' "tl\'''I'<'11 :\\arl"'l'th 1I11'IIt \\'ill Ill' pl'i\'lltl', l~riel"ls
mill \'i,'illil~' I\"ilh a light h1:l1l];,,1 tlt" IIi" argllll"'111 is ll1at th,'S(' I'ri,'ale
],,:1\' I':tll II t :!O!l ('h,'stllllt a H'lIne Telephone us, Narberth 1749 R, and our automobile
~1I0\\'. tlll'll Ito\\' a IIl'a\'i,,1' slIo\\'fall a,1,1- ,'h:ll'ili"s illll'l'l"'I'I' wilh the ,'ll'Ol'ts 01' will call at your home for your clothes.
ll'ri'day t'vL'uill;! at'tpl' 7.
<'d ttl thp dl'ligllt 01' Ihp 1;;,1" \\'ith thpil' 1'"I']i,' oili,'iab. ]I; is 1I0t a 1'011\'iIICiJl~
~h'd" alld Ii II a l!,\' Ittll\" a hlizzal'il pil,'d arglllll,,"t, ka,1 of all a" apl'li,',l to lhe
t]1I' liftlp \\'ltil" t1al;(',~ ltigh ill tltp lipid",
011 tl,,' la\\'II, alld ill thp "11"'1'1,, '!'l':Itli" TOE LOWER MERION TAILOR COMPANY
,\as hlol,!;,',I-tl'aill' "0111,1 1I0t 1'1111 011
~l·hl)d1l1l'. Hutolllllhill'S :u111 it'alll:' WPl't\
102 Forrest Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
hehl illl]tltll'''. alld ",alkill'" \\'a" tltl' tllll\"
WHY for flllt' to U'l,j :I1'l)~lId.
it di,l 1101 I:il;p'ltlllg, hO\\'I'\'pl'. for thl'
l':Iiho:ld ,'olli/'ally 10' rid ii, tl'a"ks of
~1If),,", :llld for till' :""1l0W plow:"" til llP(11l
It's Better to Be In at the Start!
If you have not already indica1 ed that you desire to
Open Evenings Until 9 O'clock

th(' 1'tl:IIII\"I"'S to alltolllohih'" allil tl'alllS,

be one of the founders of the Narberth Playground
hilt ill fe\\.' ill,lall""s, :111.1 tlll'lI lIOt 1111-
til a fl'\\' \\I'I'1<s af'tpl' th(' Sllll\\' f'1'1I, di,1
the }<wal I'l):.;idI'1I1~ l'PlllOve :IS 111111'h HS :t
Association, the opportunity will be afforded you at the LEE'S GARAGE
sho"1'1 fllll of SilO\\, fl'lIlll the' "(,llIl'lIt Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries on
paths thllt :11101'11 111l' fl'ollts of' tll(,il'
prolwl'ties. 'I'hl'ollg'holll t h!' Ii ,,!'101Ig'
First Investors' Meeting all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing
wintl'r ])(',l('sll'illlls nS('11 thc str!'l'ts, "011-
tilluing' to \\':111;. hlllt' ,'Iilub, lind f'lIn ELM HALL Work Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies
Narberth 1605 L. C. SHAHA.N, Prop.
Tuesday, November 30, 1920
B.US P. M.
A Guaranteed Investment
Lifi' hlfo:t11'HUf't\ is Ollt' of t Ill' lH'~t fOI'II1~
The Misses Zentmayer's
or lU\"('RtUH'IIt. hpc'ltlll-lP It g'l\'('~ nftpl' 0111' Investments at Interest, $100 to $1000
(1t'Jln~lt :111 ill~ll1nt g'lll1l'l1llh'(1 of n tlI\1l'1l
]:u'g'l'l' SUJIl thUll flip tlt'Jlo:o:Il, - Money to b. r.'urned in a .hort tim.
FREDERIC A. LANAHAN Will Reopen September 15, 1920
l'hulIl' !'tnrherth :tU n.

BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE they get in this class. Only those who

A~S~UT~.E !A
EVANGEL. try it can apprcciate tho value derived.

Kill That Cold With Rev. Avery S. Denuny, Pastor,

Sunday, Noyembel' 28, 1920:
Our Comet basketball team is show-
ing SOIllC good playing, meeting fast
tcams. '['hose who cnjoy t.his gallle will, Finest PhotoplaY The-
atre 01 Its Size In the
+\Ll:~ 10.45 A. l\L-Bible School. Dr. Rus-
sell, a returned missionary from the
no doubt, enjoy dropping around somc
'l'hursday and Saturday evening to se"

Pb.toplayll-Conlinunus 10 A. M. to 11.S1
Philippine Island'S, will speak. a g'a III C. On Saturday evening, Novem·
11.00 A. l\I.-:'I[orning worship. Ser- hcr 2itJI, they will play on our home
mon by thc pastor on the subjcct, "The floor the N01'l'isto\\'n Hi-Y team. Phlla.. Pa.
Return of thc :Mayflower." Children's Our Commercial Bowling League
sermon on "A Lessou in 'fhunksgiv- teams arc rolling away with the usual
ing. " amount of enthusiasm, and with little
Colds, Coughs ~O.M\9 La Grippe
'i.00 P. J\I.-Young People's :Meeting.
Lea<1er, :Miss Emma J\Iueller.
change in the position of team stand·
'iAG P. J\I.-E,'ening worship. Ser-
Neglected Colds are Dangerous mon subject, "The Sayings of .lesus."
Tcam standing to dat.e: PROGRAM
\Yednesday evcning at 8 0 'clock- \Von. Lost.
T"'l:" no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze.
SOilg aud prayer sen'iee conducted by _\ut a Boys . 15 3
Breaks up a cold in 24 hours - Relieves the pastor. Post 011icc . 16 5
Grippe in 3 days-Excellent for Headache You ",ill he welcome to any or all of :'lIen's Club . 13 5 WEEK of NOVEMBER 22
Quinine in this form does not 'affect the head-Cascara is best Tonic thesc sen'ices. Busi lIess ?lIen . 13 8
Laxative-No Opiate in Hill's. Bronsoll . 'i 8
ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT lIig'hlan'l Park . 5 16
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister,
?lIeetings for next Sunday:
:'I[erion T. & '[' . 2 16
"Behold My Wife"
!lAG A. l\L-Suuday School. All de-
11.00 A. :.\L-Public worship. Ser- Tennis Association
Rev. Arthur S. WallS, Pastor. mon on lessons from the Pilgrim Fa-
t hers.
'i.00 P. :.\L-,lunior :1I1<1 Senior Christ-
Calls for Volnnteers
Sunday, N o,'em bel' 28th: (Continued from Page 1)
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa.. ian Endea yor Meetings. IIIAIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS NBA.
\I.,lii A. ?lI.-Sullday ~chool.
\lAG A. :.\I.-Mell's Bihle Class. Hall.
7.4;) P. l\L-Evening "'orship. Ser- AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. 111" 1lI.00, '.00,
mon themc, "The 'l'ouch of u Hand." and commanded to appear on the new
Merion Meeting is open for worship F. W. Stites, teacher. S...lli. 15.415. '1.415. 9.80 P. U.
11.00 A. :.\1.-:'IIol'lling ,,'orship. Ser- Next '" ec1nesday: courts next Saturday afternoon, Decem-
every First·day morning at 11 a 'clock. 10,00 A. :.\I.-Womell'~ Auxiliarv. 1'01-
JIIon h~' the )lastor on t he theme, "Such uer 4, anued to the teeth with rakes,
We curdially welcome any visitors who lowcd by lunchcon, at the ehU1:eh in
as I lIa ve," a message for mcn and spades, coal shovcls and \\'heel uarrows,
the nc\\,' primary room. to assist Chairman Hall, of the Board
desire to worship with us.


womcn who have lost heart, and for
some others.
(UG P. ::\1.-E1'\\'ol'th League devo-
2.00 P. :'I1.-:'IIeetillg' of the \Vomen '5
:'IIissionary Socicty.
S.OO P. :'II.-Prayer ana praisc mcrl-
of Trustees, and the other Trustel's, ill '
sp1'eadiug six ur seven car loads of
t ional mect ing'. A service for young
ing'. 'l'hcme for consideration, "Ex-
clllders u\'e1' the new courts. Raymond Weils. Proprietor
I't'oplc. Gooll Gospel singing. Old clothcs-that is, the oldest old
Cll~0S Ill\'ol\'iJl~ Expcrif>Jlcc."
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector. i.·J,] P. ::'I1.-I';velling' "'orship. SCI"
lIlOn h~' the pastor. :'I[nsie fllrnished hy
Xext Frida.,' c,'('niug the el<1ers anrl
clothes, allli particularly old shoes-will
IJe the regllblion costullie. Evcr.ybody
tlll,ir "'i,'cs ",ill Ill' ,'ntertaine<1 hy J\Ir.
Earl~' :'IIass 011 ~lIllllays at 'i A. ?II.
lh,' ehorlls of thirlv trained voiel's un'
d"r the IliI'l'etion of Professor Clarcnce a Ill] :'III'S Pcehlcs.
is request cd tu be at the courts, at ll:lv-
cr1'ol'll aUl! ~lontgomer.y Avenues as
Rehearsals haye hpgun for tlle Christ- Telephone Narberth 1633
Late ?lIa'S, 10 A. :'IL C. ~ice. mas musie in thc Sua,la~' Sehool, under
suon after one 0 'clock as pussible.
~lonll:l\'. :'\ovCllllH'r 20th, 8.00 1'. :'11.- 'rhe high cust of uuilding applies to
:.\Iasscs 011 holy dnys, (i.:lO allll 8.:\0 I':P\\'Ol't h' Lcag'lIe hllsi ncss and social thl' din'dion of J\[p~srs. lIa~'\\'ard and tcnuis courb just as it docs to any
A. ::'II. "'cckllays at S. E,'Cllillg dm'o- Stalll. 11' has h.'en lipl'idcll to hol<1 t\\-O
l'Yl'lliJig-. .A rl'ol'12:allizatioIl. Old InCIll~ 01 hcr kiul! of cunstructiuu \\'ork, aul! if
l'ntprtainmcnls nnc for thc pril_nary
tiOIlS awl other sl'!'viel's at regular h.'rs a 1\(1 nc'" ",olilil-he I1lcmhcrs in- c"cry lllelllber of thc Associatiun \\'ill
(·lafisrs on ,\r-pdllesda~· (,"elling, DCCClll-
times. vited.
\\'c,lncsda~', ])pl'l'llI1Jl'r 1st, 'i.00 P. :'II.
-l'n'paratory lllPluh,'rs elass. 8.00 P.
hcr 22, an<l the other for the ol.Jcr de-
partmcnts on the e,'cning of Deccm'
her 2:L
report for duty at the new couris next
~atul'llay aJ'tenlUon, Dcccmber -J, :tnl!
lend a \\'illiug haud, the Association
ALL SAINTS CHURCH, WYNNE- ~I.-:'II id·\\'t','1< hOllr of prayer. \\' ill sa ,'e a lot uf muuey-and don't for-
WOOD, PA. !li"'pmlll'r ~th. aft,'nloon a 1111 c,'cn' get, Illelllbcrs, lhat e"ery penny thus Plumbing Roofing
in:.!'-.\Ilnual Christmas Bazaar of La- JAPANESE DAY AT THE COMMUN- sa"ed is a penny saH'd iu your o\\'n
Rev. Gibson Bcll, L8CUlll Tenens. di;'s' Aid Soeil'ly at Yo ~I. C. A. Build- ITY CLUB. pockct. Heating
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate. illg', ::-Jome .,'cars ago the ~tatc of ~Iis­
Sunday services: . (Continued from Page 1.) souri dccideli to rebuild its old roads The Time is Ripe Now for Us
8.15 A, l\L-Holy COIll IllU III on. \Ye \\'ish to thaol< Ollr fricnds ",ho alld construd a lot of lie\\, road,ray.
9.45 A. :.\I.-Sunllay School. I':l1rOllizPll thf' :-;(Jtl1-:-'1il'riJq.~ lno\"ill~ UO'S aceompan ic,l :'II r,;.•Joseph Barelay, '!'IIe (ion'rllor i"sued a call for citizen to overhaul your HEATING SYS·
11.00 A. ?l1.-:Morning service and ser- pi('ful't', "Tllt~ ~tl't':llll of J.Jife" shown who }'('ndcl'l'<l a .Japalll'"e folk song en- ,'olunll,.'rs, alld set a good exalllplc by TEM for the coming WINTER.
mon. in 0111' "hllr('h last 'I'PPI<. It grippcli titled, "'rhe COlllltitlg ::;ong." rrl~e hciug' tlie Jirsl to oJfel' his sen'ices. ,For
A free autobus brings the children to the alldielll'l' as tht'~· are rarely grip' \\'ords \\,crc tr:\Ilslatcd and the nlUS1C 111'1' da "S t IIosc .\J.issouriaus-tllUusalld~ We are in a position to give you
and from Sunu:lY School and the mem· jlPcl . h~p any nl(':.;~age or prrfOrm:lllrC in nlO,h'l'nized froll\ t hc original vcrsion of th";Il-donllcd ovcr:tlb alld swnllg excellent SERVICE immediately.
hers to and frol~1 Church, lcadng Nar- t hesc 11:\\·s. 'I'hose ",ho sa", ",ill not hy Koscak "Thrce I.ittle !'i .. ks alld sho"els, aud surprised 1I0t
berth Station at 9.40 and 10.40. If :'Iiaids l<']'Oll\ Sehoo]" \l'as givcn hy three WE are the Agents for the KING
""01 flll,g','t. :'I la ," its ilupress upOn the only the rest of thc cIHllItry, but them-
requestcd it \\'ill lca"c the statioll at KOAL KARBURETOR, a device
hOllle life of 0111' to\\'n 10llg ahi,lt'. sehool O'irb-:'Ilis,;es ILofrluan, Ohdykc S1'!VPS as \\'cll by doiug as big and Jiue
8.00 for the early sen'ice. and Ba;clay. l\Iiss Dosc Hicklin sang a lIie,,·c ur l'uHd-huildlJlg wurk ati 11:.,::;
which Kuts your Koal Bill 25-40% ,
a .Japancse love song, anli J\Iiss Ann ("'cr iIeen dOlle ally,rhl'rc siuce the \\'cll- desiRned for Furnaces, Tank
Healers, Boilers ar d Coal Ranges.
Barelay sang a lul1ah~' hy Eugene I~iel<1, 1010\\'11 .\pl'iall \ray \\'as pUl on the
nlusie hv :'III'S. .Jo,;cph Barcla~'. The lila 1" Narberth 302J.
Narberth Register
Give us a Kall.
girls ,\'ere all dres,;cd in prctty ld· :-:)0 l't..'lltl' lllber, tPJlllb 1Ill'lllhel':-i, next
J110Jlas. ~atllnla,\' ancruoolI, j)., .. elllber 4, you
:\[rs. Johll \\'. ;fO""l'. Dir.>et:or of Dec- a rc urged to rl'port. at t hc lIC\\, cuurts
Two Lines, IDe per iuue; 5e for each aJJitionalline orat ion, h:lll the j'o01'n arrangcd ",ith at lIaH,rfol'd an,l :,[olltg'oJllery A,'eulw;,
,JapallPsc s{'re('lI~, t:l111e senrf~, \":u.;c:-;~
1l'a ~l't :1IH1 g'(,lleral .Jap:lJlI':..;e hang-lIlg;.;.
as ~U(JJl after Olll~ o\'!oek as lJo~:-;ill1e.
\\'car ."our ol.l cloth.,s, espeeially old
For Permanent
ACCOUN'I'ANTS 303 I ,Iacl,,,,,,, .\l1l1e. y~:,~~I~\lSll'ucliou. 'fhe hostesses sl)l',·iug: tea were i\1.r:,.
Gottshall, II. Ii. Puulic Accountaut,
COll\Vfi)' A"PlllW. NarlH'rlh. Pa.
kelm, H. c. Certltted Publlc Accountant.
rl'l'h-'JdlOlll', Na l'lJerth :J}(j-.J.
I .. o()~, J,'UIIIl,)' 11. Plano tpneher.
II. A ..Ja"ohs, ~Irs. Hoherl :'\ash, :'III'S.
I';. G. S,·hanro1h. :'1[1'';. 1Iarohl Fenno,
~hlH':-;~ aJld hring' eitlll~r a
"oal shoH'1 ur a rakp, or all thre('-
:-'jlatlc or a
203 Dudley av". Phone. Narberth 300-W. SW.llo, Al'cade lIidg. I'!:one, 31G-J. alld a \\'hcd harro\\' if YOU ha,'e oue,
~lrs. ,f. W. Bli"', alld :\Il's. Horace
;\~lm,..'I'o", ('O\'EHI~G. I'VBLIC.
oJeO'erles, J. II. 111 Narberth ave. :'Ilool'l'. '1'he." a Iso \\'on' th" killlona.
alld !I'nd a halld iu sl're;ldillg the "in-
d,'rs f'or the foulldal ion of the lIew
Afoihesto!'i IIl!"lIlatil1J,:" CeunIHln;\',
:-n:; "., ~I:till :-;lrt'pt. SOI't'istown. 1':1. Phone, 666-M. courts.

Smedley Built Home

t5l"C displaY atl"l'l'tis\'IIlPtit in this issue. Simpson, lIarr)' A. 232 Essex Ave. '.l'I11' Choral SO"i,'I,' of thc (,luh ,rill
I'll one. Narberth G3(j. havl' 1hpil' first n'h";lrsal of th,' spason
AV1'())I()IHLI~S. T)'son, Warren It. Phone. Narberth 1202-W.
~' Garage-Repairing. Etc. Phone, 1605. 011 TIlP:-;(la \~ eY(\ll ill!!. =' O\'CllllH'l' :{t)t h. TENNIS MEMBERS, MAKE A NOTE
Narberth Gara"e. Phone Naruel'th IG33. Ol'TICIAlOl'l at S a 'elo,:k. at th,~ I'l'sid"nl'c of ~[rs. OF THIS DATE, FRIDAY,
See display auvertisclIlent in this Issue. Ft'ntun, Carl ,Ii 506 Essex ave. Phono, 6IS"W
I A, H. Boss, Forn,,.t .\""nue _\part-
,\l"I'O )IOBI 1.1'; ~ E I(:I~.
Donahue, l)olltril'k J'". PhOll<; J(j3?
It" Phil... addre 1801 Chestnut st. Locuat III,
Zelltmll)'er, Jose••h. 228 S. 15th 8t., Pblla. Inl'lIts. Prof. Da,'i.l Spratt. Choir :'I[as,
lt'l' at _\11 8a ints' l'hnreh, \Vynlle\\'oo,l,
Sec <.lisplay :lllvflrtiscBU'llt 111 tIllS issue.
S(lhi~ ("t'''!'ourt'. ]'110111'. ~arllt'rt II (i':!. "'alzer,
~"'red. has ]ll'I'n s",'lIrpd as th" ,·oIHllletor. Prof'. "I wOlldtll' 110\\" ~()Oll ] ('an n(lt a WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
~l.'l.' dl:·qllay atln'J"ti:-;('llll'lIt in this i:;sue. 117 Winsor ave. Pholle, 1241-J. Spm t t is fOl'1lll'I'I.,' "f :-;t. Pdl'r's Choi l' f!I:!I diary?" said o Ill' IIlclIlhl'r l~f' the
l'Al'IOt 11.\:-;(01:-;0. of l'hila.lelphia. :\ariIcrth 'Tellnis _\ssoeialion to anoth,
BANKS Uo;nl, Jlofu('(' S. :n:~ .:\It'l'tillg' House LalIt'. Phone, Narberth 1687
Merion Title &: Trll8t Co. Phone, Ardmore '. 1'11011{' 3.jti.
er Illclll1>cr or the sallie org'allization, the
See dlspla)' ad verttsement In tblll Issue. rl'h(' Chil,ll'C'II'~
I)arll·illg CIa:-;:.; lll(,C'ts other 1l10l'JliJl,!.!'. while the t\\"o were
Shanu, Ale". C.. Jr. Phone, No. 1710.
Narberth Stntlon.
Smedle~', Wm. )). &: II. T. Phon.', GOO.
"Areadla," 16th and Chestnut lite.,
See display advertls.ment In this ISlue,
Pblla every Saturday aftCI'1l00l1 at . j 0 'elol'k
in the l'olllniunity Uoom.
st:llllling' oil lIi e station platfol'lll wait-
i1Ig' for the S.18.
"\"hat's the lIlath'r ,\'ith I!J:!O;
l>nnit'l E. ~tt'dt'lll, .\1. U .•
Bee display advertisement In tbl8 le"ue.
:.!12 FOITt'st ,.:\Ye.
Ollice Hours: Ii l 0 ,~ 1'. .\1.
II}HHI{', 1\arul'rth GOl. 'I'hl' _\.lult Dall.·illg' Class \\'ill mcct
Jo'ri.!ay pvening', ])l"'Plll],,'r lOth, at 8
''au 'n' st i II ~ot 1Il0J'l~ t han a lIlouth of
'this war !I,j't? W]1\' hun'\' into Ill'xt
Davis, II. E. Phone, 1264-W. I'LV)lllING. ETC. o 'cllll·];. ill t he ('llIlIIllunit~, Uoom. \'PHr?" ~aid the ~c('o;ld lllcl;lhcr.
See display advertlsement In thle Issue. Cool' Br08. Phone 30:!-J. , t, \rell, you Sl'e it's this '\'It.'','' said and INSURANCE
Ivy Candy Shop, ~ _ ~ee display auve1'llsemcnt In this Issue. t hl..' fir:-;t 111(1111 bel". "The TCIlnis .A~so­
219 Haverforu Ave. Phone. Narberth 1,0". "'all, II. B. PhOIlC, NaruN·th I(jO:!-J. 'I'h" ~lilliIICI'\' Class ,vill mcet e,'cr~'
CAJU'ENTERS ANll BUILDERS See display adverUsement in tb18 tl.U., Thl1r:-;dav 111()l't;ill~ :It thp l'l':,:,idclll'll of eiatioll i~ going to g'iyc its Il<'xt l,l:lllee
"enklns. Chas. L. REAl. ESTATE ~ll's, C.' P. 1"0\\'1<;1', ln'i Ellll\\'ooll A,'e- -tlie JIlid\\'intl'r ,lallee I bclie,'e thcy
103 Dudley ave. Phone, I(jS4. Cllldwell, J. A. Phone, 1(j87 lUll'. eall it-Oil Prida.'· e,'euiug', ,Jauuary I-I,
See dlepla)' advertisement In this leau., nnll J. ",aut to 'jot .lowu that tlate, SO
CONTUAC'I'Olt OJ' PLASTERING Frasch, II. C. Phone, 252-W.
Fratantonl, JameN, 8;, Sons. See dIsplay advertisement I" this leaue, that I will lie ;UI'C au,l 1I0t iunke auY
239 lIam[luen ave. Phone, IG91'W, 1I)'berg, Bent T. Phone 1113. ARDMORE Y. M. C. A. NEWS. nth,'!' ·ell1.~·ag:l'IIl('J1t fur that evclIing. '1
Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood av. Phone. 3U-W.
. See displaY advertisement In this lasue.
!'iash, Robert oJ. Phone, 605.
Money for First and Second Mortgagee, (Continued from Page 1.)
dOIl't wallt to wiss auv of the 'l'Plluis
llanecs, all,l ,0 I tab' ;10 ('haul'ps. I'll Cotter's Meats
Phlla, Phone. Filbert 4252. Keith Bldg. SlrnJumn, JOllIes C. 232 Essex ave. "'I't' that 1!):!1 ,lian' as soon as I gct
Schembs, llr. John. Phone Narberth 31G· \V.
Cor. Grn~'llng nnd \Ylnusor aves.
Phone, 636. or 1420 Chestnut st.
llll\l'h pl,'asl',l \\'ith J'l'sllits "0far. A iu to\\'1I alld IIW]W ;n~' first eng'ag'elllent
Office Hours until n P. l\I. ually. liltl., Illor" tillll' \\'ill ]1l'o"e to thclll. he- for ih" lit'\\" ~','al'-T(,II11js ])atH'(', Priday A Quality For
Gara-lIlcGlnley Co. Phone, 1268.W. vOllil a sha,]o", of a tlollht, thc tll'finito
See display advertisement In this' ISlue. e"Plling'.•TaulIaJ'.'·].1. That's a pl'ctt.,'
DUVGGISTS ~':lhl(' of :--.u(,h 1"('en'atiol1al C'xl'l'ei:-'l's as
1I0\\'ord's. Phone. 1261. Ulller, John A. 243 Iona ave. Phone, 661-J
Shop. 246 Haverford ave. Phone. 1235.J
g'ollil ,ray to stnrt 1021. I'll say." People Who
See dIsplay advertisement In this Issue.
SCHIIOL,... Want The Best
ELECTIUClANS 1.'he :\liss('s Z('lltnlu~'cr's liintlergnrten, ]23
Cllse, lV. G. I'honp. :!!Jr;. \Y. Whlllsor n"t'IlIIt', l\'nl'hcl'th,
See dlsphl~' a,h'prtiselllent In this Issue.
('ugh, Veri 226 Iona ave.
Nar. Phone, 650·W. Ard. Phone, 163-J.
SCt' dispiay 'lIh't'rlisl'!lll'llt In this Issup.
Good Wear Shoe Re/lalr IShop.
Constantine, B. o. ~;j~ IInYl'rford ave.
Important Announcement Groceries and Proyisk:lr.
imperial Grocer)' Co. Phone, Narberth 606. Phone, NarlH'rth 170G, \Y.
bowman, Samuel P. (Life.)
~nrlJt'rth ~hoc ~ttlr~·. ~()!l
Sl'e ulsplnY ndvertlsement in this ISBue.
IJan'l'foril HYP. Thursday, December 9th, 8.00 P. M.
116 Elmwood ave. Phone. 65B·W. T.\II.on~.
Lnllnhul1, FOl'l'l':-:;t u'·C'.,
Frt'tlt'rlt,]{ .\.
1\'1I1'1I('I·lh. I'a,
:.!();j rrimost, lL ~:~.~ HaYt'I'ford :\VI'.• XUI'hp}"l II.
:-;1'(' (lIsfll"~' 'lIh"'l'llsl'!llt'llt in I his 1,,111'.
A meeting will be held at the
lli~play :lllv(,l't iSPIIH'llt ill tliis
Bros. (Fire, etc.)
209 Woodside aVe. Phone, 1262-8.
iS~lIl'. r.rhc I ..u\\'(·r .:\It.·riull '!'uilur <:UI111)1I11;\',
]O~ Forrl'st A Yl'll 11 1'. 1\ul'lH'l"th. Pa. Subscribe for
"'Imer, Wm. Wood. 100 Fore8t Avenue.
Phone, 326 R.
Gilroy. oJohn 211 Eesel< ave. Phone. 1Z45-R.
St'e ,llspia~' a.l\'l'rllsl'nll'nt III this Issue,
The above department should be of th.
greatest Use to the community. the lIot COn.
talns the name of every profe""lonal man,
Y. M. C. A. "'Our TobJn"
Phlla. I<ddress, Lincoln Bldg.
Iltltes, Fletcher W. 4J3 Haverford ave.
tradesman, mechanic, shopkeeper. etc., wbe
does or Can In any way serve his fellow,
To discuss and take action on the recommendation of
Phone, S12·W Phlla. address, Crozer Bldg. townsman, and who Is progre""lve enougb
to add name to list of Register.
the Directors of the Association that
McDonald oJohn. Narberth phone, 1288.
1533 Cheat. st.• Phlla. Phone, Spruce 1118.
Ae It Is dlfflcult fcr those contrlbutln.
their time and errorts to the production of THE PROPERTY BE SOLD II. C. FRITSCH
1IIEALS. "Our Town" to personally either know or
Generol "'a)'ne IlIn, Interview all such, It would be most help. Pnpertles For Bent and S_
tul If thoss not now found In the printed Be present and glve the Association the benefit of
John 'I', Od"n, Proprietor. list would send In a memo ot their nam.s, Fire Insurance
See dl8plny ndvertiselllent In this Issllc. addre"", phone numbers and bualns_s or
MEATS, ETC. professions for lIsting. This wUI cost ... tol, your thought. BeD Phone liB ".
(lotter, Ho".rd F. Phone. 1298. lows: 10 centll each luue tor' IIn.s; I
See display advertisement In this lasue. tor eacb additional lin•. WaD BnlldIDg. NarberD. Pa.

mo,]l'!!'(1 hy rellloyilig the two ,ingl!'

doors and [ll'o\'idillg lL ~l't of douhle
(]oor,. 'rhi, will allow a portion oj' the
J:Il'ge yeslihllle to be cmhodi!'d in the
l'hllreh propl'r, alld will relie\'l~ the 1'011- OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
g(~stioll whit'h fn'(jlll'ntly Ol'('lIrs al this UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
l'lItl':llll'e to the "hlln·h.
'['hl' wor]1 is ('ostillg' a]1pl'oxilllatel.\'
:f;lli,nUO, :1II(1 i~ hl'illg donl' loy ~ll'ssl'~.
\Vallaee and \\'al'lll~l', ar('hiteet,.
Pasteurized Milk I' DEL IVERIES
BrynclO~ilkCerlllled WEST PHILA.
It \I'as not !,"s,ibll' ill ('ollned iOIl with
(Pedrlallc SOciety) OVERBROOK
the work des('l'ihl"[ to prodde elllargl'11
fa('ilitie" for th" maill SlIlIda,\' :'h'hool, Special .. Guernsey" MERION
hl'eallse of Ihe llllditiollaI exp"lIse ill' Milk WVNNEFIELD
\·ohed. At pl'e'l'1I1 the Illaill sehoo] Ol'- (Roberts· & Sharples,,' BALA-CVNWV
eupil's 1101 0111,1' the SlIlIda,\' 8(·h""I 1'00m Dalrle,,)
hUI a ;!I'l'atl'r parI of the l'!lIIl'"h audi- Cream Bullermllk
Table and Whipping WVNNEWOOD'~
'l'IIl' t 1'II~1t'e~ a I'l' loold IIg 1'0 I' lI'a I'd to ilCream.
1he tillll' II'heli th('Y \\'ill he ahle to
huild a IIl'\I' 811I1da,\":';,.1"101 hllil,lillg 011
tIl" nl('allt lot 10 the "a"t of lhe Chllrl'h.
fj u:.VATIO.N FROM ftAftlPDE.N AVENUE 'I'hi~ IIl'W huiIdillg is plallllel] to he
IIst'll prill('ipall,\' for th,' Illaiu SllIll]a,\'
~h-hool. and ]1rohahl~' Dill' of the feat-
UI'l'S oj' thl' huildillg will he a slllall 45th and P.arrish Sts.
~tagl', ~o that the hllildillg call 11e IIset!
for elltl'rtaillllll'lItS. 'rhis IIl'W huildillg
M6INtltR) lI'ill he ('Dlltll,,,It',1 h.\· all ellclo~etl pasg·
27 'x 17' HgPWH.'~ to tlll1 I)(IW 1'00nl:-;
,trud,,(l, so that a('I'l'~S IIla~' he hat!

('''II\'l'lIil;1I1!l- 1'1'011I the mai;1 SlIlIday

S('hool 1'0011; to the Pl'i1llary, .Julliol', all;1 Plumbing, Gas Fitting
-- - - - - - --l!a._ _....<!q Begi IIl1l'l'~' ])l'pa I't1lll'lIt;;.
\\'hell thc III'II' SlIlIday Sl'hool huild·
and Heating
illg is eOIl~tI'Udl'(1 it \;'ill he possible NARBERTH PA
to elllarge thl' L'hureh auditoriulll am]
al;;o emhotl,\' the pl'esellt SUIIIl:I~' SL'hoo]
Phone, Narberth 1602-J
1'00111 ill thl' sallie, thus proyiding seat-
PRJ,M.,U,y ~("OO L
illg ('apal'ity for ahout ;'iOO.
At PI'l'~l'lIt the ehurl'h auditoriu1ll is
too ~lIIall for the eOllgregatioll which
The Narbertb Electric Sbop

usually ill the 1lI0l'llilig sen'iL'('" oceu·
pil's also the elltil'l' SUllllay Sehool 1'00111.
that dries without a wringer.
w. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave_
RUN UP 27-0 SCORE ON HAVER- Phone. Narb.rth 395 W
:'\arhl'rth High Sehool warriors 1)]'0\'-
etl to hl' I)('tter mu(] hol'sl's, as well as
,tl'l)]iger foothall I'la~-ers, ill the gallic
lI'ith lIa verJ'oI'lI High yestert!ay, win-
U 123 South 17~ S!, Philadel~ ~
JlJ1I'lll~ OEDur",un
lIillg ill a Il0wn]1our of rain "col'e
16')[ le~~" of :.!i to n. At half tillle :\'al'herth had
t hl' lL'at!, Ii! to n. A 1'1"\1' 10~'al rootl'r"
fl'oln lIaverfol'll all(] :'\arl1l'rth watL'hetl
GARAnteed Roofs
the game ulltil the elld.
Cook "'o]'(,t! the lirst tOUl'!ltlOWII 011 a
10llg "lit! 1'1111. :'\0 ;!oal was kiL'kl'll. .J.
lJiekil' s"ol'e<1 the s(','()]111 tOIl"I11]OIl'II alll]
ki"kl't! lh!' goal 1'1'0111 touchdown. Cook

M"'~ . :iCtiOOl.
27'.ll,,' tl:"
s('o]'(,<1 th" thiI'l] 10uel"lown 011 a lille
plullgl' :1JI(] HilL'y \I'ent
Ha\'l'l'for,] Jilll' for the fOllrth.
Xarhrrt h H. Posit iOlls. Ila \'l'rfon] H. YOUR 1921 .AUTO Licensl.'s are
•Iinkins Ll'n l'n<1 POlI'ell ready.
EI'l]lIIan Lpft t:1('kle '" Caltlwell
YOUR Insurance for Property or
Krugell 1,l'ft guaI'lI Fisher
Automobile can be ipsued by Ull
\Var<l C"lItl'e A. 'Vnr,] in a new policy or your present
~rartin Right ;!ua rtl ., KilpatriL'k one increased.
Davis Hight ta('kle Durhalll
Otliol'lll' '" . " Hight end Pl'I'I'~' CAN YOU Replace your Furni-
PI,OOR PI,A." .1. Di"ki" Quartl'r-hlll'k ., HUl11l'hl'e~'s ture or Home with the amountof
~r. lJiekil' 1."ft half-har'll ..... Wra~' your present insurance policy.
TO BE BUILT IN FUTURE KlilIpP Hight half-hal'1I .. HolH'l'tson
Cook 1"1l1I-haek ~I ilIl'r WE CAN HELP YOU
H0fl1 rcl1 -:J Olll'S. 1~ III pi rp- L{\(\~. rpi we
-1:.! millut"s. 'l'ou(·hdowlI~-Cook.~; .J.
Dielde. Hih'Y. Go:;b frolll toUl'11l101l'1IS
-.1. Die]lie. \ral'till. Cook. Suhstitutiolls Narberth StalloD
-Hi]P\" for ~r. lJi('kil', 1"1111"11,,.\' for na-
Bihl" (,Ia~~ all'] till' Prill1ary Ikl'art- Thp Yl'~tihull' at thl' main l'lItralll'e to ds. l(ilIigau forKl'u~I'II, ~rllller for
Enlargement of Presbyterian II1l'lIt \I'ill u~e the hasl'lIll'uti the lI1aili
~ul"laY ~'h'hool 1'00111 all'] thl' .Iullior
thl' ,·llIlI'l'h auditoriulII i, also hl'illg re- Erdman. BlIl'ns for Fishl'l'. ACT NOW
Church Nearing Completion ..Ias~ '1'0 0 III will 10" Oil th" first floor,
\rhilp tllp dB('g'illlll\rl'\'~ {'Ins=-, will (Jet'U-
I',\' I hI' '1"'011'] floor 1'00111.
Thl' r,,~1 hall h:l~ h"l'lI l'lIlarg"d. whi(·h
(Continued from Page 1.) gi ,"(lS fl'(,c :\etess to the 1lt"\\" I'LIH r :-tair- SHARES $1.00 • Month ENTRANCE FEE, 25c per Share ~,,'\.-'\.-'\.-\\t'\.-,,'\.-"'''.:\'\::\'\::\''''\.-'\.-'\.-'\.-~''',,~''''\.,,~''',,~'\.'\.,,~,,~~
\la\·s. Thl' I'ast \\'all of thi~ hall i~ IIlal!L' (Fin' Month Only) ~'
~ For Good Work Patronize
UI" 01' full Il'lIgth ('athl'dral glass ~ash NARBERTH AMERICAN LEGION
~ H. PRIMOST 0~~
Dndl'r thl' floor a tl'n-inl'h air SIHlL'C lloor~. 'I'h is "Ollt rihute~ ~ulli"il'lIt hor-
",as pro\'ided, through whi('h 10.\' a ~l"'­ nl\I'l'd light 1'1'011I tl", .Iullior ('las~ roolll BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ~
cial arrangelnenl of Ihl' h"atillg pipes. a to alluw fllll u~e of thl' II"\\' ~tairwaY~ Elmwood and Euex AveDuea % 0
MHome Town Tailor j
eontjnuou~ flow of warm ail' pa~,,'~. wilhout th,' aid of artifil·ial light. • ~ %~

'Vlu.'11 tlll1 JlP\\, :-:tp:llll IJl'atill~ Hy:-;t"Plll i:-; 011 t hI' 1>:1'I'II"'lIt !P\'"I, a 111111"'1'11 I hereby subscribe for shares in the Second Series
in full opl'ration, the air IwlllW the Illlsl'-
IIlClit floor :1II(1 bel\l'eell t hl' IIl'W wood
kitdll'lI. to hl' lISI'11 ill '·Ollll(,,·tioll with
t'lItt.'l't:lillllll1 llts :Il1d ('Ollllllittl'(' SUppl'l"S,
which opens Tuesday Evening, December 7th. and enclosed pleafe W
~ French Dry Cleaning ~
",aiIlSl'oatillg alld thl' pla~t"r walls will has 10""11 ('ollsl I'll I' 1L',l. Ahulld:\Il1 ('Ioset find-Check, Cash, Money-Order-for $ . i~1 Dyeing, Scouring ~
chall;!e cVl'ry thirty nJiJlute:-; or IL':-is, (hi. :lnd l'il'l',-j(,P spat'(' has IIPPII l'J'o\"i(lt.'d, as ~
pellding UPOIi the Il'mperature ill~ide well as 11I0dl'ru I'lulI1hilig alld light illg.
Cross out Term. Not Used Amount ~ and Pressing ~
aJoI outside the huil<]illg. 'rill' Hoor it- Thl' l'rillian ~('hool 1'00111 Oil thi~ Il'yel Name _.._ . ~ ~
self is of douhli' thil'klil'SS, with J'e1t 11:.:-: nlso 11(' ..:11 pJllan,.?,'p,l :\1141 lIH)(lt\l'lIizl tl. l
~ Good Work Good Material ~'
palll'r 1H'l\n'l'lI the rough allll the tilli~h­ 0111' of' Ihl' Illost ~ati~f'ad()J'Y f('atures ~ ~
Address _ : . ~ All work called for and ~
ed floorillg.
011 the lirstfloor le\'el thl' .Jullior
of' th" work i~ thl' l'rilllal'Y 'I·hool 1'00111,
a delivered, Promises made ~

whil·h has :1"'1'11 l'lIlal'gl'd ;llId n'llIlll]PIl'(1
elass room has bl'ell l'xtl'lole(1 the J'ull alld whieh has 11l'ell m:O]I' \'('n' attraet·
Mail, or better still, "ring 10 meetltlg
For additional i1lformation cat! t/ic Secretary-Phone, NarhCl'lll GSC
o always fulfilled. ~
lellgth 0 ft he lIew !,ortioll of' t h,' huild-
ing. 'rhis makl's a 1'0011I Hi J'l'l't b.\· ~s
i \'l'. The wood \\'ol'k is Jilli~h;"] in ma-
hogall,\' 1'0101'. thl' walls ill light l'n'am, Officers
fed. To Ihe rl'ar alii] si,ll' of thi~ room and thl' willdo\\'~ alld dOllr~ tittl"] with
is n small retirillg room with toilet
Clarence '1'. Faries, Presidellt Harry A. Silll)lSOIl, Secretnry ,;". ~
l'athe,1ral glass.
George O. Smitil, Vice·President Horace T. Smedley, 'l'reasurer (1 234 Haverford Ave. ~
Aboye this room i, thl' "lkgillnl'r~"
cluss room, 15 fl'l't h~' ~S J'"et. A("'ess
to this room is h:ol hy a windillg stair-
Walter l\I. Burkhanlt, Esq., Solicitor
A. ·W. BlIl'IIs Arthur C. Kohl Harry A. Simpson
",ay. A lIew stainnl\' has also hel'lI
Imllt to the hasellll'lIt to r,'pla"e the DAVIS' H. Ne\\-ton Compton
Maurice B. rIll Marais
.1olm A. }\fowrer, Jr. Horace '1'. Smedley
old olle, whi"h was rathl'r nal'l'Ow alld William L. Peebles George O. Smith
Complete Line of
Clarence '1'. Faries, M. D Alban E. Reid Donald P. Trotter
]11 all, thl're arc nO\\' Ii\'l' sl'pamtl' alld Goodyear Tennis Shoes .Tames W. Follin S. Rohert Ross Edwin H. Wipf
distilll'l rOOlll~ whi(,ll will 10" u'l'd for
SUllda~- Sehool IHlrpo~l's. 'rhe )rl'n's
.---'._---_._-'-----------._.._---------_._---_._-_._._---_._----- --- . . .---- and

Kreider Shoes


Taxi Service Hauling of all kinds Vatrick P. Donahue on School Shoes
Packard Limousine to Hire Authorized Taxi Service, bv Certificate from Public Service Better come in and look
Commission, dated November J6, J920 them over
SABlE CENSORE Taxi meets all trains Store orders promptly delivered
Narberth Shpe Store
Baggage called for and delivered Freight delivered
209 Haverford Avenue
Open Day and Night 'Phone 1633 Narberth

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