Our Town October 16, 1920

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Final Match to Decide Doubles Cham- Many Women Will Vote

pionship is Scheduled to be II
Played This Afternoon I
MENT FROM KIRI{PATRICK AND STAPLES WILL lVIEE'J.' THE .\110111 !ltl 111'1' ('('111. IIf 1hI' I't':,!i:-;.t ('1'1,11
SAME TEAM TODAY-SO rf OUGHT TO BE SOME MATCH, WoIIII'1i \"H1I'I':-: of tlll' ('Ollllty 1I:1\'C' 1':lid
lh,' ""111'1," l:1x I""i"d, ''''''''I'dint!: 10 \\"il'
lin III ~. I>i('!'('I',"iOIl, Cll'l'l, ill t'hal',~ll of
THE FIRESIDE lh,' ('''"111.'" '1'1"':1'1""'1'. ,\" 11"11:11, hll"i'
""",", pi "I,e,] 111' ,,1 t",· 1:1"1 h01l1' "lid 1"01' (1od antI COllntr~', we associate 11111'-
\\"iti! Olle tlf lhl' tL'all:-i dl'h'j'llliJII'd III tl':llliS, C't'II~;i:--:til1g" Ill' i'irl\llatril'k nllll Itl:JII." dl'l·idt·d to ,'Ollll' thl'llll;.!ll
\\11111('11 :-;t'I\"t'~ tUg"('l.Ilt,r for tllP following- plll'l'0:-;\'s:
To lIpllldd and tIeft'lld the COII~tlllltloll Ill'
l'<'l"ill t II<' I)ollld,'" I 'halllp;oll"bip 1it I" (;,'"g,,", "'illi:lI11" ","I \\'hil11",". ,tI,,1 wi! II 1 ill' fax .ill:-:t hl'fol'l' 1 ht' Ilflin' ('in;.;' 1111' {"lIlft'd Statp:-; of AlIlPl'iea: tn maililain
\\,,(11) ill last ~"t'ar':-; ttJlII'J1:llllt'1l1, aliI! Illl' '.'''11 _\lIl,,," "lid ,\l..r~"'l. 1"'1')'(''<'111 ..,: ~II·. ('ha rI"" ('. :-;""
lI:idl h"" 1',,1111'11"1] "d [""I 'l'hlln;<1".". 101\\" :Iud or'dl'I"; to (ostel' and lI{'l'fwlllule
Ollt' 1I1lllcll'l'il Jll')' l'f'nt, . :\JIlt'rl(':tnlslII: to
01 h,·,. h':l1l1 ,''/ IIa i1y
tI,'I "!'Ill i "".\ 10 1'" :\":lrllt'riiJ alld 1I1:lr!t' :I \'1'1','" 1·I"t·dild/, \,,, 1'1"'1'1 h, I h,' hig- di"t \'il'l, II'h\'l'" !lIl.i pl'(':-;I'I'\"1' t Iil' Illt'lI1ol'ipS anti illeidt'JiI:-; of 0111'
1'1'1111< " Irip to (',llor'lelo ,,1,,1 [·tali.
;]SSlIl·j;llillll ill thl' gl'l'al ".:11': to ilh'lliealt'
gaill tlio~t' hOlJIII':--; \\"hi('h tlll','" !la"l' hp}11 ~hll\\'ill,:...:. \\ illllillg all lhl' :--illgll':--: \\"1111 PIt \\"1'1'1' I'q~·i;-;tt·l't'd. jlllllJll'd froJJi ,;-f
a :-;PII:-;P "I' individnal (Ihlig-atiull 111 tllp
ill :t II II III Ill' l' of 1':I:--t ,Ypal'=-', ~'(l1I 111:1." 111:11,'"'_''' "lid "II hill Oil" or tb,' dOIlI>1,'" :\fas' paid :i('t'Olllll:-; to ilIon' thlill ;)(10, ;\ ('OIJllllllllil,\", :-;t:1I(' :lllt{ ~atioll: 10 L'lIl11hal.
1l01l'1 fOl'gP1. 11,,' !T"llo\l'''''''' llll' :III 1oel'a(',\" of hoth tltt' clas:-;ps nllll tilt·
dl'lH'lId 011 it, tht'l'l' is goillg ttl lIt' :1 Illnll"!t(':--, BUI with hl'I'tllllill,!.! IlIodl':-"t.v ('ht·t·k for 1he allltltlllt \Va:-- St'llt ill fl'1l1JI to lll:ll(p rig-lit t hl' m:lslI'l' of
'i lJ l'l'alJ<o Ilall,'e 10 he hel" iu ";Im Hull. 111 a s:..w:-; :
line telllli" IlIat!'!1 Oil lh" ,'''nl't" 01' thl' th,'," foq.!,"ot to l' hrillg 11i1l11l' tilt, 11'1' di"t I'id 1I'i! h "HI hOl'izllt iOIl 10 I'''~' migllt: to IJl'ollwte IH':U'C :11111 good will 011
:-(:Jtlll'el,,~' "'-('lIi"g, Orto],er :30. pari Ii: to saft'g"tHlI'tI :IutI t rallslllit to pos-
N'arhl'rth '1\'11 IIi" '\"'""iaii"ll '1'111:-\ :-'t"lll"('~, .• :-ill t lit' II 1':"" t Wi' (':111 dll i~ 1 tl tlit' Inx fill' til(' wu)II1'II. Thp :l~st·S:--OI' ill Ipl'lt,'" tIJl l
pr'lnL'ipl('s of jll~tj(·l', fl'('pdolll
and dl'llIoC)';jey: to l'Onsf'(,l'att' and snn{'Ufy
:-;A'IT]W.\ Y M"TEH~OO\', O("I'OBI':ll ""y 11,,11 "" "I"""" ", ti,l'" 11""" ""d h.... po,,', r:lil I" h,·,,1' \h" JlIi", \\'111. II. ~"I'I"'l'th IIIl1d,' Ih,' ,'lailll thaI lI .. arl," 0111' t'ollll'wll':.;IJip hy our uevotion to mutual
'I'll Jo: :--;IXTI':I,;:\TII. ]!I~I1, ,\. Il, ,Fl'i"lId all" "lid Ihat ,,1'1"1' lb" IIIal,·h,'" th,'
I~,'-I'I',"I"lk 011 1Ill' "L"a;':-II" "I' ~a' ,,11 "I' 1 I", ",,,111"" i II I, i" ,li"ll'i'" "n' H," !lp]pfllhlp:o;s,-l'n'l1mhle to the ('OJl!'itittltioll
of t!ll' A IJlPI'I('Hn L<,:,,dOIl,
\\':111"1' ('o,,-all, I'll''''''' Ill'I"~) ;\al'hul'Ib "1,,.'",'1''' \I""" "III"l'laill"d hy liolls" ~\IIIII'::l.'" 1""t'llittg', (h'lohl'J' l~th, I'll ill i.'a 11'.
III "11",,. 'I'ol'd", tl,,· lillal" ill tl'e Ow Lalighol'lJI' JlI:I.'"I'I~ :11 clillllt'1' at 1111' }"lllll' t·I:I~Sl'S of WtllllllJl al'C lloW {'li~i­
]lOll"],'" T"1I1'1I11lU'lIt \\'ill 1,,' 111".",·d this ,']n], hOIl"·. hI" 10 "01 .., all(\ if ."oHI' ",if", ,]aHg-hl,,1'
Your tax )"t\t,t'ipt is l't':ldy JlO\\", :tlld
~:lt II I'cl a," hopt'd til
aftt'I'II'ItIIl, It b ,'all he lIael at 1\'"I:II'd', Ilmg :-;101"', 111" 1I10111t'I' !':lib 10 t'oll](' 1l1ll1pr all." of
'rill' til'st "I' the \\'illl,,1' "'I'i"" of
"1,, I't tl,,' lII"l,'h 1"'tlllIl'Ily "t ~ "'..]'I\'k, Hilt Ih"I"<' " a <lili'''I'''1I1 lal<' 10 1,,11 (~i \'p t llt~ :--;:t lilt· 1l:11l1t' :1:-; t lin 1 l'1l1l'I'I',1 011 111l':-;1' IIt':ld~ :--hp Jllll:-:1 wai1 foul' yp:l),~ to
:1110111 tlll~ .iOtl1'1I1'y 10 .\rdlllllJ'(' Oil ~llll· da IH't':-; ;..:i '''t'll h,\' the' .\ 1I1l'l'il,:t II 1.I·g'ioB
Thl~ t'(lJltt'lldill~ t"l!IlI:--; will 1)(' ~1t'~:-:I"~. "ott' Pn'sitlt'J11.
fol' allotht'l'
t I", }loll ]I<lok. I'o"t \1':" i,,'\<1 ill 1,:1111 11:<11 la' I Friel"y
\\'''l'lI'i"k alld :-;h"", ''', ~"'''I'''. I\i\'k tiny a f1 1'1'110011, ",,!II'n' oIlI' 11It·:11 1'1a:.('I':-' 1. 011 agt'. :\ girl who i~ ~ 1 hl·fort'
tlit' g'llt':-;tl'" of 111,' .\l'dlllul'p Tl'lIl1i~ I'Jlill~,
~o"PIlI1It'r ~, :lnd 1J:l~ 1101 n':II'hl't! oI')
la I ri"k alii] :-\t""I,'". '\(-1"1'
1)011'1 foq,!,·('t 111 hUllt ,"0111" J"\lllllllag::'
TIlt' EIIlt'rtaillllll'1I1 ('Ullllllittt'l' il:lS rt'-
1.""1 .",.",. \\'al'wkl, "lid :-\"a\\' '''"' ('1111,. ~"l'h"I'II, II" a "
\'('III'''''''III('d h.,- .,'"al''' 011 h"l'on' lh"l ,Ial'"
fur the J,illg'~ I>aughl\'l';-;' 1';111 salt· 01'
('pi\I'd :1 g'p'at 111:111." 1"lIq,.?,TallllaliHlls
11". llollhh'" 'I'il1,' ill Iii" lill"l, ";.;,,ill'l I" 1','" t "a III'. hll I. "" d 1" I "II. 11'" 1""t :!, ThllSP rt'g"i:,,1pJ'('tl 011 1'l'g'1I1:lI' I'l'gis~
'1'''''"<1,,.'', 0"1,,1,,'1' ~Iith, \'olil'." ~Ir" . .1. till tllt' :--l'll·(·tioJl of tilt, tll'l"lJt'~tl"a :111ft
],il'l,p"ll'i"k alld :-\t::I.]'·". "lid pn',-ioll' ;111 tilt' si IIg'lt,:-: 1lI:l1 "llt,~ 11111 Olll'-t 11:1 J11\~ 11':11 i"l1 ']:1."", a "d \I ho I'"id I }Il'i I' 1" X
T, I):ll'lillg-toll, ~1,llOIIt- li:.!:-;·IL h('fllrt,
III II", 11111' ('it," 1,',,111<'1'. \\" B, n. J1aH-, t1lt' :IITilll,~I'IIIt'llt Ill' tllt' dt'i'lIl'ati\lIl~1
to 1:,,1 ,\"':11' II", 1:I1t,',. h,,01 \I'tllI Ih" h .. fol'l' Odoht'r ~,
:\10" ,]""" t h,· ~,it h, "" 1'111111"" g" I\' i 11 h" Ililh \lhil·h lh,',\' \I','\''' 1",11"'.1 "" "hl.v
lh:lIldt':-; hOIlOIS ill a IIlllllht'!' of tlll"ll:l :111<1 1\\" "111 "I' t!J" 1hI''''' dOllble"
l'o]]""I"d oil lh"t ,]"." h.. fo ...· I~ "',,jo,,\( ::. PJ'opC'l't,'" OWIIt'I'~ wlin 11:1'''(' paid :l
II," tIt" \\"OIlIl'II':--; :\uxilinr.'Y.
1I11'1I1". :-\" il dll""II'I l"k,' :,' IllIgh FIII!~ ll1att·hl·~, .-\g":Iill. ill tllt' d(lllhlp~, i1 ,,'a~ tax to th .. ,'oHIII," \\"ilhill 1\1" ,,',':\1"
I\ill~~ 1~:Irdll"1" til ]ll'(·d'i,"t :1 Ilill H"II :11"ng \lill, :\rd'ahilJ. \lho
)100)1. Tilt' hi.~h {·la:-;:--; IIlu:o;i,' tll:ll Ih.' on'hl':'-
('rtlll! fll' a }It't"'iotls 1tl :\O"t'11I1H'1' ~,
~:I\('r1 111" 'la,\", ""illllillg' 0111' :ltld lo:--;ill;.!· 11":1 ftll'lli:·dlt'd i~ :,111'1' to :lltl":lt'! l:il'J.!."cr
good li'"t'ly malt'li 1hi:-; :tftl"'1I 00 1l. 4. ]f'I1.1pl's of ltIOI·tg·:tgt' or II III II t'.'· :11
~-\ IIlt'l'ling" of tllt' I)it't·c·ttll'.. . Ill' tIll' :lltd ]:ll"gl'l" ;It tC'lld:Jllt't'~.
If \\"1' WI'1'(' (,:dlpd IIJlIlIl to dt' . . ('rillt' 011(' :-;('1. :llld ll':1dill.~ ill lIlt' 1liil'd Wlll'I1 illl"I'I,,,t. ",ho ha\'<' p"id " :-\t"t" t"x
tlit, rllllr 1'1ny,'I'~. ill addititJll ttl ;"::I,,·ill~..!," dar!,tll':--:' ~ttlJlPt'd tbt, pln.vill.!!' \,(,,'<\I"\I"l'k (i"il<l 'I'''' 1",ld "t l!Jl' 1i"1:"·
\\" it h in t ""II '~"t':1 1':--,
lit' ~Ir ...:, .-\" p, HI',lit'l'l' 011 Fl'id:l~', ('tlLll-
111111,11 ill f'a,"ClI' uf tlll'ir ~l,ill :l~ It'lIlli:-; Bllt 1111' d 1'1'111,11':0;1 " Ill'ft':! t t':lllll' ill Th .. 1:,,1 t \10 1I:II'I<·d "]I1""i·" \\"ill Ill' AMERICAN LEGION DANCE
IlIittt't'~ "'l'n' nPJl"iIl1(·t! :llId ;l 1'1':1 Ii;'!'l'
'11'1 i"t", \I,' 1IIi!~111 lIdol I h1l1 :\11'. :-;h" \I- 0111' IIf t1ll' ~illg'I":-i 1I1:111'lit':O;, \\"1J('I~ tlllt' 1'1''/11 i1"'1] 111 '/II:tl i 1',1' 1ii' fOil' I Ill' 1,:1"1' I i,," SCHEDULE,
1I11'lli~ for 1!Jl' :l1l111l:d llll'l'till,,:..!. to Ill'
('f) '"l"'~ 1 lin'" til' fUll I' l'll\ll"l:-, :I t 011 I' I i III ~ I t'f 0111" X:tl'ht'rtll prid,':-; \\":1:-' 110t lIIlI.\" HO:Jl'll 1111 tht' da.\' pf tIJI' .. It'I'1ioll, Th,'.\" '1'),,,1".1,,-,, (~I""'III"",d"I, Oel(I1"'r -'.
witll 1I10lt' (,:1:'-1', Spt'l·tI :l11t1 :-,l,ill tll:tll <1"1',,,,1 "d, hilt liy "II "1'1"111"111 11'110 11<'1- .. ,' ltt'ld \\"Pdllt':--d:I." :11'1 t']'IlUIIl, ,'.: /I'''t'111111'1"
1I111:--t tal(p :Ill :dlid:J\"it :11I:-I\\"('l'ilq,,! 11lIt';-:" Thllr;-;d:ty. ~lI"t'ildl(ll' :!.""i,
t h(' n '"t good pla.'·t'!' {'o\"l'l'~ Ollt': 1"-"11 1'Itllt'd lip hi:o; :-;Il'(""p:-; Ill' l't'llltl\'(',l
1l1th. ,,1 th,' \'''1'11<'1'11. l'n'"Io,":I'I';:II' li Hn ", J'1'g~'!'ll;llg l""··;'!"lH·t', t'i~·.
l !,:!;!(' :.' ri ci:t,\, I h'l't'llli ii' I' ii,
11".1 '!I'; '\~:ll"'·;"I.· Il.,l,., •• l .. •· ".:.}~ .1\" ~,;" ""1:,, r, ,IIH i. :1 ,·,·t i I'd J It.~ 101 l'i'll:1 till' ( '11 i \":l1rtlll:" Itl:lll 1:--; !lilt t'XJll,(·t I,d til :--;:1111I'd:t'" (:\(:t;-i.plt·r:ld,'~. .J :111":11",1' 1.
~ppt.',l :Il1d (ltl:ltll~" :It'I·urat·.\'' of 01](' or l'~'" wi1111''-;:-':I'~, (I:'\lIdl'd 1111 IIlUre 111:111 :--:i~ .'ll:1111'1I.~(' :til,'" \\"11111:111 :tt Ih,' 1'"1b "11.1 Frid:,,'"' ,1:1 IIlIa 1"." :!1.
~11'. Ht'lllillgtoll':-; "'t'1!-klltl\\JI j'p\\'lill;.! 01' :--t',('11 ht':td:-; of )lI'I':"pil':ltitlll dllli'l~~" .\11'. 11 ,,'I'''
nl I. :-illlith 1111.1 f"'lIil.", ,iI 1I1111':--~ ,,"n I'd wllrl\I'I'S 11:1\"1' pt'I':'OIl:I! "'rid".", 1,'"1",,,,,1'." 1",
pi,"'''S ill th,· hallol" (If lh,' 1111" (',,1,,11,,1 1hi' t'!ll il'(' 1·()Iltl':,t. :-\"lIi""II, JII<liall", \\lio II"," 111"'11 I'i"it
('01])'; Ih1l1 :\11'. :-\1:1"],.,,. \\"1"'11 il "111111'" Tht' :-:1'1I1't'~ of till' .\)'1111l01't' 111:J11,11t'~ ill;': hi" Iorothel', Edl\'''rd 1'. :->lIlilli, 111' (Continlled on pa,ge 4,)
(Continlled on Page 4,)
to P(\!'~iStt'llt, dt'tt'l'lllill,'d--alld it' ,"1111 follo\\": (l, Stalllt'.'" Hol1gt,l':-' cll't'I':Itl'd ~III' :-,i'Jllth ~al'lJl'I'Ih a,,'I1I1<'. ("I' Iii"
han' "\'('1' pla.",',1 a,~aill"1 hill,--:I\,'I'II] Yall .\111"'11. 1i·II, (i·l: ""I''']d La"" dl" I'""t \\"",,\(, han' n'; 111'11".1 hOI "", :\11', ~lIoLild iI:1\
r .. g,-1J1Hl'i1~', i~:I t't't.~:\I1:\I' (dd :-;('1h Thtllll:l:-'
llilll".. If: \lhi'" ~II'. Eirl'1ln1l'i,'k ,,"It\l',
("al,'d ]1. y, \\'hitll".'" Ii·~. li·-I; PI'" '11,
X. ('111111<·11." 1]"I',·"t,·,] :\Iil,,· ~I,'('a1Jill,
~lIlit h~ wllo 1I:I:-i 11('1'11 ill ~1'I'iJi:l 1'111" till'
1':1:--;1 ,'"l'aJ'~ wa;-; ollt' Ill' 1111' IIlt'lIdlt,]':.; (II
An Open Letter '\ !loll' hl1I"Ollg·1J.
111,,,1 /i,'ld, \lhi,'" \\'(lilld 1)(' "I'"ill1lll,' ill
:-':1':l~OIl rill' till' fllu1hall tl':llll, :llId th'~
I' :t III'J'Il1:1-

110 IIlllI'I' lIll'!"t",\" 1'01' 11 i:-; "llpolll'nt. \\"11t'11 Ii·::. li·-I; ])"lIald ('allll'!J,,1I ,1<·I"'"I"d .1. lltl' Tl',·hnil·:d Clllllllli:O;:'oioll for t ht, ~\'I'. ft'lIl1i:--: I'lItllll:-:i:t:-,ts, wlltl illt'llldl' folk oj·
('. :\£"K,,]J. ,i-'j, (j.], (j._j; '\lIt!I""~' j)" ~ltl"'-'Ill' (:O'"t'l'Ill1lt'lIt,
II "lIl1l''' ,>I,' \1,,1111,,·1''' lIl' ('lIUII<·il "lid
it ('OHlt'S tn ('\Itlillg :tilt! :-;lit·illg:---IIH' l,i:11I ('roal iall :111,1 \"aryil1g :Ig·t.':" :llld hoth :"('Xl'~, HIIg"hl to
hall-th"'l a :-\ollth .\III"l'i"lIl1 1'l·,,,III· nIII"li,'r 11"fl):!1t'd Hoy \Yilli:tlll:-i, Ii-l. ::-fi, ~I r. ;"-illllth is :Ill l'xpl'l'l on t ht' tll""'}op" "'"lIlI\I'-\Oitiz"II" ,,1' .'\"rJ,(')'Ih; llo:--s,,~:-" :tdt'qu:dt, fat·ilitil·:O;,
Ulh('1' 1'11-
1iolJist ~hows for :l fl'lltl\\" 10\\"11:'111:111 (i--I; \\'. H. P. 11:111 d"I',·"I,'d ]1"1',,1d 1I11'lIt til' 1'11:11 :lIHl was 1'0),111('1"1.," 1'011 "'h,'" duly :II,d "1I]igllil'IIl'd ""If·i,,· 1el'l'ri:--,':-- for pl"t11l1(ltiJlg' tIll' '\"l·lf:tl"t' :11111
wlio ~taI1l1:-; ill till' '\'n,\' Ill' 11"('rthrll\\"illg: n"d fl"','" (i.-I. (i.-I. lIt'dl'd \\"itll till' HUrt'all ,d' :\Iillt':-i, i". to 1I1'gl' a IiIlP of at'fitlIJ,
tt'I't':O;l. t'OlllhiJle lWflPilll':--:- of tilt, I'tllllillIJJli1y ",ill :'11~­
the old gtl"('l'IlIlH'llt :llld ~t'ltillg lip of:1 P,,"li],'~; Lall" all'] ('''"l1l'lIy cl"I',':J1,'d :-;. ,\. I he,\' 1')'('""ul a II" \I'''l'l'u I a!,l'l·aJ. Hilt g-t'~t 1 hl'lll:"pI, t':--.
IIP\\' 011('. 1'''11 ,\11](,'11 all'] :\£<'1,,,11, ,I-G. G·::. (j.~; \II,,'" "pp0\,IlIlIily ,'oi,)('id,'" \l'itl, tl,,,,,,, Fill' lhl'~l' \":Iritfll:-" or~:llliz:t1illIJ:-- t" :tt
Ollt:<i,]l' 01' Ihi", 1 II<'~' ,,1',' 1111 '-"I'~' Hlliig-"I''' al"] ])"nh"qi<'J' ,1<'I"'at .. ,] "'il, Ih(~ :--itlllllll(lIlS to .!l't-isioll is illlpt·l'ati'·l'. 1('111111 t" 11I'OI'l! n" the 1It'('ded :It'I'Ollllllll-
Tltt.' fir:--t illlllll:1I 1'111' :\Iollt
II;t'l'l illg
11i" .. 1',,110"-" alld "]11," 1111 ahog-"th,'\' li:llil" alII] \YI,illl(',\', (j.], (j,~: '11111 1Ia][ glllllt'I',\" l 'Otlllt,'''' til'
t hI'
:-;1I(,h a "il u"t iOIl "o"l'r"ut" .'\ar],nth datiol1;-i thrtlllg'h illdl'JH'IHltIHI (·jf{)r~
friplllll~" g:JJlI('. Trnsl ill;.! 111:\t 1lit'SI' ft'\\" :llId :.r,'('ahill all·lilll -,],'I',,:t!"ll ('nI'l LI,:t;:.!:lIt' OJ'\\"Ollltltl ('it il.('Il:-; \\"dl hI' hpld I lId:J~-. 11 !'!·"I" \l'il h you, ",i I" "II "I' would h(' 1I11('t'(lIlOtll i"a 1: II lit Itlll,\" t 11:1 t.
lilli'" ",ill filld )'ltll \1-,,11. 1I11d hlt"illg- t" 1'al'k,,1' a".] (',,1111'1,,·11. ,I,ll. G·~, G,;'. ill :\ol"l'i:--ll1\\"1I a~ tllt' Irat·illt' ('1111,,1>1'- "", to detl'r"Jill" ",h"ll,,'r 'I'l' "h:"1 d,,· hut tl,,'i .. "Ifol't" I\'(lilld "(llIl1i,'1 ""d 111111
Sl'e rOll 1hi:-, :-;atllrda.\· ai'tl'1'1I0 1l 11 Oil the' "('I,:p ill }Il·rtIlHIlI'J1t fOl'lllS Ollr 1II1SUI"" if,'" t'a,'ll lItht'l' to :\ gI't':Jt t·X!I'IIt. ~1I1·11
Knlh :I"('lIl1l Ilt':!t' I-'I'i('dl,'.,· :""tl't'1'1, till
l ,

('ourls-:II"I al"" ~:l!t1I',]a~' 1""'11 iII;':, 0,.. Thlll'"d".". (kl"I,,· .. ~I"I, :Ii ;: "',·1,,;,1,, pHs:"t'd ptl~:-;i"ilit it's in J'(':--III't·t to ;-;pt'i:t1 a pI"ojt'l'I sllliuld hi' I':I:--t'd UpOIl :1 l':lrt'
1(1)('1' ::0, at th,' :\£"''111"..,,,\<0 Hall III
1';1111 Hall ("<1",)-c-\\'" 1'''Ill"in, "1II:1,\' \1',. Plant Now For .\1 ..", .I"hll 0, :\liIJ<o ... :-\Ial" ('h"inoall.
,yi II "1"'11 alld :,,]d, ,."" I "i" ill;.! "11,1 ""'''I
alld "d"""tiollal "",i,-iti"", 01' ,,11,"1 :':1"-
rilil"t, OU1" }ll'l'itagl' t1Jroll~h hl·I,tllp~:-,·
1'1111.,- ,]",'i""d "lid ""-,,n]il,";"'! 1'1"".
alld to ilt' 1'11'1'1,1 h"I', it 11111:-;1 lit' :t htll'"
l1ot-C()l'tli:tll,'~ :llld Sillt·t'I'('ly, ~'()111':-:." IIt':-'~ 01' lad\. or \"i~ioll,
A Few Tennis Notes, Spring Flowers (,'''t'l'y }ll'J'!"Oti illh'I'(':-,lt'd i~ iJl'''itt'd to IH'
1'1'"",,"1. 10'011,,11' i111_':- ~II'''. ~I<I"' .. ·" a;\' 1II a 1'''''''111 i"'lIl' of Our To'" II 1 H'II-
ollg"h t1l1(h'l't:Jkill,!.!. h:ll'k.·d h:,· I lit' ~('lIti­
1I1t'llt alld 11ll' 1"t'.-;lIllrt·(':-; til' tllt ,,·!lolt· l

Frank Ba"l' allel "-, p, I{, I';,-all", dl'(''''', I II" "111111,,1 ,·It'd i"l1 lI'i II 1,,' 1It'ld. t,,!'!',] 10 l""',",,'lIt lh,' 11"",1" 01' th,' );al" ('Ollllllllllit,", 11 i:-- Sllp:g·(·:-;1('.j 11I:lt t!lt'
"Olltl'lI<1"I'" for tl'" hOllOI'" ill th,' ('OU' I'l'rlh t]'(l0P of Bo," :,.i,'ollt", alld Ih, h"rollgh IlIi,!-'ht I'm,'id" "t 1"II"t Ihe
sohtioll Sillg-le" Final", ",ill pl'ohahl,\' I't'SIHIJll"'L' :--ho\\"P(} tht' l'xistCIIl'(' of a puh- gTolIIlll \\"Jll't't ' tilt, l'('qlli~itt' playiJlg
WHICH TO PLANT PEONIES, (vontinued on pa,ge 4.)
,le"i<11' the l'hallll'ioll"lJip thi" al't,·I'UOOIJ. lie ~pjrit \l'hi"h g-in,:, hi~h ho!," Ih:J1 a /i"I,]s ""d IllIildillg-" "ould h,' e"l:dlli"h,·d
"Both hoy" al''' n",,"I)('I''' of this ,'Illh, hl'O:III,·1' illlprO'-l'III"llt progralll will tilld for the liSt' of tlll' \":tritJu:--: tll'galliz·l.-
ana prolliise to gi,'(' g-onl} :JI'('I)IlIJ1~ of "up!",rl. ,\s 011/' 01' 0111' 111",,1 1'\'''/",,'1 l'rl lion",
1hpIJIsph"(\:--. " CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEttTS ,'itizells o\)SCI'\'l"], ill "o!'!]ialJ," jlld"r,,'
Classes for Spring Flower Show. TIl(~ I'rt.'~:--illg" llatllll' of tIlt, 11l'ohlt'lIl
* illp: thu slIgg-estiotl ill hehalf of t 11t~
TII'o ceats per 11'01',1 If cash accom- h(~('Olllt'S appnrPllt whl'1l
it. is ('ollsidcl't'd
:\£1'. E"all~ ,'.. on hi" \\'a)' toll,,· filial:< panies advcrtlscmcnt: other\\'lsc, IIvc
~I'Ollt troop, 111l~re Hl't' othel' ('all~(':, of
Ih,,1 thl'I'!' J'('Ill"ill" ",-ail"h],~ oilly (JI'"
cll} '\~l'tlIlP~aa.'" aftl'1'1I0011 h,\" dpf('HtiJl~ B,·"I "a~e I~ 01' 111"1'(' ,]ollh!,' 1101l't'1'" "qllal Illl'l'it \\"hi,'11 ought to be ,'oll"id,
ill ;; 01' III OJ'(' ('olCirs-Fil'~t pJ'ize, (I Ii () c(\nts [wr \\'01'(1. "I""'l' wilhill Ih,' hOl'ollg-h lilllit:< th"t
:\1"1'. Foot!', 'j.;" (i,.j. S·Ii, "'h"11 illtel" Y,PHr°:-; RnIJseriptioll 10 Gal'tll'tl ~raga:
"1'(',]-Ihal prod"i"" should luad,·. I",
\1'",,],1 flll'lIi'h tl", 1I"L'ded 'l'hi" "1'(.,,.
Yi!'\\',',1 ill his hl'l'akl'ast 1'00111 tfll' Il,'xl "IIW. for l'X:lIllP],', 1'01' lhe g-irl" of the ",0111'
'i" 1he t ra..t I,"ill;': hl't\l"'ell 1\lll'lll'Ook
1llOrllillg, ?\r1'. Footp t1IHfll' tl1(' f tl llo\\'illg" B!'st. ('oll",'lion "f ;i dOllhle \'aril'tie". FOR SALE-Autolllubile, Uhallllcl''' Jlllll1ity, alit! fol' hoys \\"110 nre 1.110 ,VtHlllg'
II I"] t h" tl':I,' k" 1'",,1 "f \VYlllle\l'ood
Kl'\"l\I1-JlaS~('llg'cl': eXt'cllellt opl'urtull- or 100 01,] I" join Ihe '~l'ollt",
~tatt'III('nt: "Y"u JII"~' quote Ill" "" olle f10\\'!'1' of ea,'h in ""!llllate \'ases.
"""1111". It i" "Wiled h," the ]"'I1I1"yl-
sa~"itl~ it \\'a~ a d:lJ't1 goo,l IlIah'h, l'Spfl- Best :l h]oollls \\'hite I't'onil'~ ill I \'a~(' .. il," to I'lll'"hase hig11·gl'ade "al' ,,1I<~:·.p. ~('\"('rHl of 0111' JHost lI~(,rlll orgalliza-
:\ll'"h:llli"aIly pert'e"l. C"l'd tin':', ;\". ,""uia Haill'oad, :11,,1 t,olllprises ahout
B.,,,t :J hloo1ll~ pinl, or pink an,] CI'Cal1l ' !l Eltll\\,oo<l :I"l'., ='al'''ertl1 ;J(i7'\\', ',I' t itllll"', indeed, an~ hOllleless, or ('olllll1('.t
"iall," that "econcl sl't." ~ix ''''I'I'''.
alIII'll' 1'111' the purposes ill
:\fenlhpl'" ot' the '1'''"l1i" A"",wiat iOIl
[1potdt)s ill 1 ,·n~e. °

Best :\ hloonls ,]al'k pillk peonies ill l '

Lt't.' 's fiarag·p. (;j~-.i) Ih"il' hellenl"'lIt al'li"itie~ Oil "ulf,'ra",·l'
a",] with lIO a~Sllrall('e lhat the~' will he :
de\l·. 'l'he lalld is 1I0W open to 1'111'-
\'ase. chase, But if it i~ to he obtainell by
pln:-.p,] t\\'ll ollt'llf·tO\\'1I "lIgag"lIlpllt" BOARD WANTED ill ;\'al'herth for ahle 10 cOlltilllle. Snit able quarter" are
Best. :J h]o01lls rei] IH'ollies ill I \':1"", the b(}rou~h prompt action is neel'''-
lnsl \\'1'1'1(, 011 Ratnr<1a)' aft(,l'IIool1 till'," Best :1 ho01lls ~illglc peonies in I Hl"e. t'alllily 01' thrl'e. T\\"o rOOIllS <I""ired, Ilcctlell for the Ameriean Legion anll
sury; for it is IIndl'rstood that a bll:,i-
",ere 111<' glle"t" of the Bn('lIs Conllty Bl'sl hloolll Eclll]is Superha, !lark pink. fllrlli"hl',l 01' nllt'nl'lIi"I,,',1. 1'. 0, Box 111(' C'lIUp Fire Girls. 'rhe N:lrhel'th
Be~I hloolll Pesti "a ?I£axillla, white,
ne~s linu i~ lIog'otialin~ for II,,· plot,
CtHl1Itr,v C'llIh al La 11 g), " nil' , Threc I~'j, ;\:Il'hprll,. (.1'1') ha"l'h"lI t"alll, ",hi"h has hl'l'1I :I S'lIlr"e
. Bl'st hloom 1\Ion". •J ules Elie, light
I'lIIk. of "lIt"I'I:l1l1ll1l'lIt, alltl di"Iill,'lioll 10 Ihl' (Continued on Page 2,)
----------------------,I Bl'st. bloom Pelix Cl'Ou,,~e, red.
WANTED-\rOlllall to do J"'ns.. ,,,orl,
foul' JHol'IlillgS a w('e].;:. frtltH H llllti]
• 'YOU'D BE SURPRISED 1~, Xo wll:-;hiug, ironing OJ' l'uokillg.
Best exhihit (1cl'lIIan -'I'is. 13 ,1il1'el'('lIt
('olol'~. I spike ea"h-Fil'"l prize. OIl('
_\11'''. 1[01'1<i"", .j Chp"tllllt a" .. lIn(', :\lIl"
h('l'lh. (I·,')
To see yourself in nllnia,ture, at YC:lr 's suh~cl'ipt ion 10 t he Fie", PI'
t.lle "Tom ThlWlb WedduJg," to Gro"'ci"
Best cxhihit Sihel'iall Iris, ~ or
will meet
mol'!' WANTED-8"alllstre~s10 ']0 plain ilia·
be held in Na,rberth M, E,
Church, Come see the Kiddies
Best 3 spikes, lYase. Pallidn Da I·
('lIillp "IitdJil1g hy duy. lO~ Wood"i,]e Tuesday Evening, October 19th, 8 P. M.
1IIatiea, 1'1 \'ender. ' aV('l1l1e. 'Phol1e NllrlH'rth 17:30·\\', (].,,) at 214 Wayne Avenue
act like regular grown-up ladies
and gentlemen at tlle Wedding. Best 3 spikcs, lyase, :\ri']llight, clmk
Date to be announced later, purple. COMMUNITY CLUB 1l1e\lIher ",ill takc Teacher, REV. H. S. TILLIS
~est 3 spikes, I ,'usc, Flol't'nlillli AlIm, ('111'1' of ehih1rcn evcnings, 'Phone
All will be welcomed Subject: lhe General Epistle of James
\\'hltc. Xurberth 1685·M. (l-p)

AN OPEN LETTER AsSenlbly, First District. Telephones. or

couree, W.
(Continued from Page 1.) Harold U. Pikc, Hepllhliel1u. deliver - an,
desigllillg to lIlakc it the site of it COlli' 'Villil1m XOl'tOIl, Democl'llt. place-aDJ
lIl('1'eial plallt whi(:h, howc\'er useful
1268 time.
An Exp~riment in Cf'-operative Alfred .1. POi'll, Socialist.

Journalism-No Paid Workers.

alld ri's pl'C't: a hIe, WOllld he :l. disfigure· Le\\'is Ryan, Singlc Tax. The Brightest Spot in Narberth
mCllt to a l'"sill"lItial ueighhorhoo,l. Assembly, Second District.
Owned and Published every Saturday If this Inst n\'ailnhl" trad of land .Joseph A. Huth, Rcpllhlieall. A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by the Narberth Civic Association. is p"1'1II itt cd 1: 0 pass hl'yolld our I'l'aeh, \Villium ,\. "'heell'f, Demouat.
Nal'hel'th will he fore\'el' depri,·,'d of ('iraI'll'S D. Artnstrollg, Sot:ialist.
Subscription price one dollar end fifty the 0PP0l't ullit." to estahlish a play· Assembly, Third District.
• ents per ycnr in advance. gl'oulI(1 all,1 athll'tic lit'ld alld ,'ollljll'e·
hl'lIsi\'el~' I'lalllll',l "elltl'l' for the COlli'
lsaiah 'I'. lla!'lemall, Rpllllhliean.
.\Ifn'd ~L Hadl'r, Dl'mOl·rat.
Asbestos Insulating Company
OFFICERS OF THE NARBERTH IIIUllit~·'s sOl'iaJ Ill'li"iti,'s; il will h,'
Hohcrt \V. WOr!I, SOl'ialist. 315 W. Main Street, Norristown, Pa.
ullahh' to elljoy, ill a word. thos" (a,·;I- .10hn J,. j)oan, Prohibitionist:.
March 26, 1920. ilil's 1'111' h"althflll I'l"'n'atioll alld :1111· Assembly, Fourth District. PHONES
Presiuent, Robert J. Edgar. door {'xe"('i~e whi('h II i:;till~lIi~h nd;· '1'honHis H. Brown, n"]1I1hliean. Norriatown 791 Market 4686 Narberth 302.J
Vice-President, Joseph II. Nash.
Vice·President, Augustus J. Loos.
urhall IiI',' 1'1'0111 thl' ,·I':tllljll'd "xisll'll':<
of the (·it,\'.
.Joseph Eo Blanek, ])clI1oerat:. .. a._. a.a .•
Vice·Prcsident, Mrs. C. P. Fowler. E'lwin S. 01'1', i:'tWinlist.
Trcllsurer, Miss Maisie J. Simpson. 0111' situatioll is that whi,·h "'-l'l'y C. \\'. Rambo, Prohihitionist, Estimates submitted on covering Boilers, Pip-
Secretary, Miss Bulh E. Prescott. ~Tl)\\'i ng" {'OlllIII 1IJ1 i t~" 11:l~ 111 fllt'(' SOOIH'J' ~[arsllllll ]','opl,'s, Sin;.:lt' "'ax.
Dircctors 1923, Mrs. A. B. Ross, Mrs. or lat('r. 'I'h(' I'('slllts of :dt,'rllati,'" pol- ing, etc. All kinds of covering for all purposes
D. D. Stickney, .1. Garfield Atherholt, it'ips ;11'(' 1It'fol'(, u:-; ill two ('oJl:-;pil·t1oll:::' Y. M. C. A. NEWS.
1. A. Miller, C. Lawrence Warwick, A. (·x:llup1(':-;. 'rhl) llIllPllifi('PIl1 c·it.\· of A 1'1111 prog'1'II1II of \'aried helpi'1I1 ae·

.....•...• -
E. Wohlert; Directors 1922, J. J. Ca·
brey, Walter A. Fox, H. R. Hillegas,
\\'ashillg,toll. whil'h thl' world so ad·
min's tod~I.''', \\'as p]anll<'d ill ,Jptail
th'itil's lIlak('s the huilding of tho Low·
1'1' ~Ierion J.)"l'arfluellt of tire Young
.......... _-
Charles H. A. Chain, ,V. R. D. Hall,
Harry A .•Jaeobs; Dircctors 1921, F. A. whell it was a \'illag" small,,1' thall :'a1'- ~I,'u 's Christiau Assol'iation of I'bila-
Lanahan, Daniel J"eitch, George T.
Knutzen, .J. B. Nesper, E. A. Mur ehamp,
1lt'l'th is 110\\'; its hroad a\'<'IIII<'S :ll.d
shad"I] ,·in·II's with their ra,]iatiug'
,it'lplria situa!l'tI al .\]'(111I01'(', 1'a., a
I'I'IY hu",.,· pIa,·."
Fletcher W. Stites. th 0 1'011 g'h fa I'{':-i lIa \,p {'OIlH' illt 0 lIC'IIl~ The demand for the small, modern home in Nar-
.\ ,.olll'le phasl'''' of sl'I'\'i,'1' reII dl'I'l,,1
with its gTowth, a",'OI',lillg' to all 01'- by t h,' Ass,lt'iat ion a re of \'ita I intere~( berth l up to say $9,000.00) is constantly in-
,1pn',1 prognllll. Bl'eallse of laek of fore·
Editor. si;.:ht, on th,' othl'1' hand, l'hila,lt'II,!Ii',
al t hi' t illil'. Thl' .-\ssol'iat iOIl Employ- creasing. '\
1I1l'IIt E)(t'hallg'e opl'ratl'd thro\lg'llOul
has hall to r,'sort to \':Ist tll'stnll't ion of thl' (·it." :Il1d "oIlIJIIUllity is ,Ioillg it great: We have very few bomes of this description for
.A. J. Loos, Henry Rose, pl'0IH'rty, nt ~tag'gerillg (lXpeIlSP, ill (d'· ,ll'al of work. Our ,:elltral olliee, 1-121 sale (and we sold two of tbem last week). We
As~()ciate Editors. tlpr to 0]11'11 highways an,1 brl"l'hill;~
:-iJHU'('S ill ('ollgt':-;h'd di~tJ'it·t~,
Areh stl"'I'I, throu;.dl \\'hieh most. place· would certainly like to get in touch at tbis time
lHPllt~ art' t'l('an'd) is l'l"('lHlI't'tl to ~(\r\'c
Till' }lrohlplll ('OJlfl'Olltill~ ~H .. iH\ .. tll i:-: (lllIp1(l.\·l'r~ ill 1110S1' :lJl~' hllSilll1SS a:-; W{·n
with owners of tbis class of real estate who are
cashier. h\s:-, I'xtPllsi\"P nllcl 1C's;-.; (·oHlp1l'x. of as pla"l' lit'opl,' who wallt. a position, considering selling.
I'onrsp. than that of a IHlpllloll' l'ilO". rl';!ard!l'ss of lI'hat thl' positioll lIlay h,'.
Bend all advertising and news items to
P. O. Box 966.
nut it is of p1'(\(·i:-;(11,'· thl' SHIIIl' nat-lin', Oll'jllg' to thl' l'Olltilllll'd shortagl' of ROBERT ~. NASH
E"asion and postponenlent wi'l III1'ali housing qllart('l':-'~ our 10llgillg exehallge
Our Town is on sale at the depot 1001 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA
0J'J'0rtlluity fOl'c\'('r lost au,] ~l. t'li i lin' jl'; a]:-;o :-'t'I'\'ing' in iJlt'l'lla~iJlg; lItlJllhl'l':-;
newsstand, and at the store of H. Eo
lIf tJll:l\-ailillg )'('gn't. COllra~(l~)I:"'i :Illcl pl'op1c who 11,,('11 housillg' a(·I·Otllllloda· Or 104 Gra,lillg Avenue, Narberth Phone, Narberth 605
Davis. far-sig'htp,l I:etion \\'ill lIIean thl' ,!Pn']· tiollH. ')'hl' .\sso(·jation is alwa."s gla,1 Our Rt>f.rences-Anyone with whom we have done business
Entered as second-class mattilr O}lllll'1I1 of a "olllnillnil,\' life whil'h will to ]{':II'JI of' ,'011111:-: 01" apartllll'llts \\'hil'h
October 15, 1914, at thll Post Office r.t hI' of illllllpasilrahlc hl'nl'JiI to this autl 1lli~ht Ill' Ol'('upipd h~' lhm'i(' ("ollling to
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act l·owing ~(,JIPratiolls. pl'OlIlilll'lIt phase of 0111' HI'I'\'i"e i" .\tIlCI'-
of March, 1879. :\arJll'rth '", eitizl'n" look eonlil]pntly liS for Hlll'h :I""Ollllllo']atiolls. A third
lot hl'ir !Iouol'('<! olli"ials for toonsl rnl't- i('alliz:ltioll \\'01'1(, 111 ,'o·operatioll with

OUR TOWN will gladly print

i\'(, lea,],'r"'hip in forwarding this IIrg·
"lItl.,· ,!t'sil'llb!l' 1111l1,'rtakillg-, and stan:]
othpl' 1110\'('1I1t'lIts a]llllg' this ]jllt'~ \\"(' art'
dl"'l'lol'illg' a s.,'slt'll1 of \\'ol'k that wil'i The Merion Title and Trust Company
any news it'3m about any subject I'l'ady, ) ani Slln', to ,'o'opl'l'II t l' lo~'a II,\' nmkp it ('UII\'('lIi('llt for allY wllo wallt
, that is of interest to Narberth \\ ith th,'nl ill hl'inging it to I't'aliza' ;lIn. t'ul'llll'l' hl'lp ill It'al'lIillg to I'l'ad or wl'itl' OF ARDMORE, PA.
folks, but in order to meet the IlH. 0, .1. S:\YIlEH )':III-!:1ish, 01' l\llow IllnJ'{' of the l'll'lHt'lIt~
printing schedule, all • 'copy" oj' lJla t !ll'lIIat i("s, AIIIPri(':1 IIlslll alld g:O\"-
-manuscripts-must reach the WOMEN PAY TAXES. I'l'I1t1l1'!ll. will ha\'(' all opportllllit." to
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each 1[01'1' thall l,illll or thl' :!,OOO WlllIll'n ,10 so this \\'illll'l'. Statement Close of Business, September 30, 1920
week. who ]'(lg'istpl'('fl ill LO\\"l'1" :\Ierioll TO\\'I1~ ~('l'ilq..!,· 1111 )'P:lSOll \\"ll~· tlip:,' :-;hOllJd
ship ha,'c I'aill their ,'onnt~' tnx all,l Hot l'lI,ill.'" :l goud ~ol"i:d l"'tllling' this ]~Ei:'OI'HCES L1.\BILITII·:~
to ,·\ltt' :d tht' t'll,('ti'lll J'~."·d
:Il'i.' f'li~ih!l.· rll~l H., ,,\!l tlil' r,'1'1l .... !! 111':-:. (1111' Loa.n" ..... ,., •.... $1,'1110,53fl,02 C"pit"l l'1tnek $~92,618.00_,_
1I101lth. .Jlllliors had a .'011:: good tim" oil Thill'S' Mortgages and Judg- SUllllus ,... 222,946.00
SATURDAY, OCr03ER 16, 1920 ,1a," "\'l'lIill;!, Ol'tolll'l' I~th, at tIll'il' ments . 965,360.68 Undivide:l Profits... 196,115.52
COUNTY CANDIDATES. lIH1rSlllllalI'l\'- alld 'half slllok,' 1'''l1sl. Commercial Paper .. 1,195,656.73 Reserve for Depreci-
List Certified by Commonwealth Secre Galllt'S,1 stol'.\··tl'llin~ Hlltl :l g'flllPl'al g-OOI~ DoclUnentary Stamps 50.00 ation . 5,'73956
\ Fire, 350
tary to Commissioners. timp ehal':It'tt'l'izPll t11<.' {'''(,Iling P\,(lllt:-o. Real Estate, Furni- Bills Payable . '15.000.00
r Policc, 1250 .\""lll'lling to th,' ""I'lilkatioll of the
~1"·l'ptnl'.'· of the COIIIIIIOII\\'ealth to the
Th,' Y. :\1. (' .•\. ('1l1l11l1t'I'I'ial L,'ag'111'
o]){'llpd tllt'ir f-;I'aSnll 011 .:\londa.\" (l\'l'lI-
ture and Fixtures.
Cash on Hand and in
179,253.49 Commercial Paper
sold ., - . . . . . . . . . . 287,847.05
(1 01ll111 issiollPrs of :\loutgOlllcr.v COtlllt~~. ill~, O,'lll]1t'1' 11th, with t\\'11 IlIat"'Il" "" Banks..... 341,712.31 Deposits 3,360,203.99
wit h l'l'fl'J'l'II"(' to t hl' (lflieial ballot. to the Y. :\1. C, .\. alll'.'·s. 'I'h,' .\lIto Bo.\'~
Editorial Ill' IISI'I] at fhl' ,'olllillg XO"l'lIlber elee· 1'11111',1 a~aillst thl' Bosilless ~[ell. lilt.! $4,639,570.12 $4,639.570.12
t iOIlS, thp aspiJ':lllt:-; for CongrcRSJnan stnl't,'d hl'a')' hy takillg all thr""
alld ASSl'llIhlYlIll'lI ill the \,:lI'iOllS llis· g:lIl1Pf'. At tll{' SalJll' tilllP, th(' SL
'1'0 t hI' Editor of OUI' TowlI. tri"ls of tIll' '·()lIl1t~· are: :\Ial'\'" :\Iell's Clllh lilt'! OIl thl' Brollsllll
all,'~:s t.h,' Posl Otli,·l' tt'alll. willncrs Ill'
Narberth Office - - Opposite Station
.As a waiter of gt'lIl'l'ul illfor~lIatioll, Congressman, Eighth District
(Bucks-Montgomery) last ~'('a 1"" !,lIp. Tht' flll'mel' t ('a 111 a I'
the prol"'rty oWIl,'rs all,1 n'si,!l'IIts of
11"111'." \\'. \\·atsoll. H"I"lhlieall. l'al't'lItl~' 1':11nl' oot \\'ith thpil' tedh s,'t
Narberth will 1I0t" that: th" IIlillilllllnl
11 a 1'\'''.'' S. l'!lllllllll'r, D"IIl,wra 1:. to- lila 1", the Ill'st "f it again",t 1l11';1'
charge Oil I11l'i I' wa t "I' hi 11 is oln it t ,,11
Irwill n. EIII],", SOt'ialist. hl'a\'~' 0PPOIIplltH. Th,'," ,lid it h." takin.!.!
and inst e:ul t ht'n~ is a sel'\"il·p t'harg't' of
approxilllately :j;:!.OO 11I'1' lIlollth. 'l'hl'o. KOOIIS, Prohihil iOllis1:. t\\'o oot "I' tlll'l'(' ~nllit's.
This IlJakes ~'Olll' 'lllal'll'l'lJ watt'\· hill
:j;:?1I0 1Il0l'e thall h"I'l'tofon', or all :ltl·
"alice of :j;S.OIJ 1"'1' ,\'''al' Oil JOIII' watl'l' will be worth a while investment if ordered to measure
J'cnt. here. You will get
Thc writer has ,'011I III ulli,·:tl ",I wilh I. Artistic Hand Tailoring
the Public SeT\'i"l' COllllllissioll at Hal"
rishul'g alll] is :lll\'ised hy thl'lIl that a
HON. WM. H. BERRY 2. Splendid and accurate fit
hcarillg was ha,1 Oil thl' lOth of .Iulle. 3. Authentic and Smart Styles
]!l:!0, wh"l'eal it was agrt)lld that thl'
4. Quality Trimmings
co)upall~··s tarin', P. 8. C,} PeJlu:l. ~o. ;),
cffect i \'I' .J ul~' 1st. should Ill' filed ou oue WILL SPEAK ON 5. Exclusive 100% all pure Wool Fabrics
dH~·'~ ]lot" iec. Come in, m lke your selection for a new Suit or Overcoat
m~sl ))],;:\'1' (W :\AlWEH'I'IJ. from the grand assortment of over 500 styles on display.

'1'he follo\\'i IIg' leI t el' l'\' iden t I," \\'as

"Cfhe League of Nations~f French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing, Scouring, Pressing.
Repairing. Work Guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
'Hit ten by 001' of tiro Narhel'th ho~'s
Telephone us, Narberth 1749 R. .and our automobile
who, olldollhte'lI.'·' appl'l.'l'iatl',l th,' "p- will call at your home for your clothes.
portullities whil'h thl' Y. M. C. A. of·
fered to 001' IOl'al ho.,'s, HII,l \\hill' the
letter cHnlC' to OUI' TOWII llllsiglll'tl, y~t
In, arc taIling the lilll'l'tj' to pohlish it. 102 Forrest Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
'1'0 the E,litol' of 0111' To\\'n: ELM HALL
111 lasl \\'l'ek's isslle of y"OI' papel' 1
1 Open Eveni"gs Until 9 0 'clock
1I0ti,'1' that. step'" ha"e hl'l'lI lal"'11 t.o
entl Ihl' sll'l't't loafillg' in Xal'hl'l'th. I
thillk t his is a \'I'I'~' g-oo,1 idea, hilt why
Monday Night, October 18 t=============='
HOWARD'S DRUG STORE ROBBED. hilll 0PI'II th,' dl'lIg' 'torI', w.hi('h Sh'l\""lli:
do th"." not. "1"'11 the Y. }l. C. A. so
\'"C can have so'nu' plal'(' to go 011 \\'illtpl' Lower Merion Police Make Arrest Sun- t.hat t he rear windo\\' 11I1l1 h,"'n hl'okl'II'1
c"enillg's'! Tt wOIII,l hI' a good thing AT 8 P.M. day Morning. In eonfessing' thl' robhl'1' atilllittl',l,
if thc)' \\'oul,) Opl'lI it alld l\llmit IIII'm· About' :!.I:i Illst i'iulI,lay 1II01'lliug' Of· thnt he was a dl'lIg' IIl]tlid or •• <lop" ;,
bl'l's ollly. Iii-pI'S Holf all'] Cl'lIig-, of' the LOln'r lil'lItl," am] should Ira\'(' hecn ill 131'0011·
0:\ E OF' '1'lm BOrS. :\Il'rioll l'0li('c, sloppl',1 tl sllspi,'io",; 1."11 to gd his perio'lieal "shot" 1'1'0111
lookillg- "htll'a.. tl'r lIlI \\'~'IIIl"\\'O''') Houd, tho 1'0 Ii "I' <1"p:l1'tJlIl'IIt. TIll' pris'lJll'l'
:\It'rioll. A sl'lln'h s11o,\'('(l tllllt thl' mllll was hel,1 in 1\\'(l1nol'l' for a hl'ariJlg.
SELF-DENIAL vs. WORRY "llrril~l1 plll'kag"s of 1II0l'philll', opiullI. Poliee }ll'otedioll like this is it \,alll'
alld lll'roill, also tl l'a,·I{ll~e of ('oills in ahle asset: to the ,'oll1lnullit~,. The Low-
Life 11lS\lrnlWt~ may 1l)pHIl l,wlI'·llt'nlal. hut
It. also means fre"dolll f"oml'l'esent fiuxlety Women and Men All Welcome a ~[erioll 'I'itle ulI,1 Trust: COlllptlll,Y er Mprioll )loliel', aml Otlil'ers Hoff 111111
iud fut 111'0 wOl'l'r. \\'rapper. Craig cHp"I'iall~" a 1'1' to Ill' l'olllllll'lI,ll'<l
'I'hc olli"l'rs I'ousl'd ::\11'. Howard frolll in the higltl's!. 1<'l'Ins for this arrest a1\l1
FREDERtC A. LANAHAN his Suuday mOfnillg ~Iulllher lllll1 hnd theit: ahility nlld Yig-ilnII l'l'.
:lOu ],'oreHt ,\,.•.. I'h"" .. Nllrherth au
.... ~.
i t·.... n·;:1'
J ij " (Y
,je('t, "J esus and the Uc1igion of 'l'ur-
key." Text, Acts 4: 10-12. 'l'he quartet
B. Stiles in Boys' Life for October. In
it he makes this comment:
Kill, That Cold With will sing, "I Am Alpha lind Omegn:,"
hy Stainer. 'fhe pastol' will al~o gi\'e
" 'I think e\"ery scout should become
n general collcctor, und after this,
~pecjalizc if he SO desires. Besides be·
Finest Pholoplay The-
atre 01 Its Size In the
Entire World.
1111 ohjed ScrlllOIl to ehildrcn on "The Pb.lopIaye-ConllnuoulO f 0 A. M. 10 II.S8
+\Ll:~ Hat and the Child." illg a grent help to his study of geog- P. M.

'i.no P. ~r.-YoulIg People's lIIeetiug. raphy nlld history, thc general knowl-
PhUa•• Pe.
Lellllcr, ;\[iHS Florence Silllpsou. edgc he llcqui res is often very useful.
i.-l;j P. ;\[,-E\'cl\ing wtlr~hip. Sull- He also indulges in an illtercsting alltl
.i1'1.t, "~ry Expl'l'il'nce ill Turl,,',)' as a profitable pastime, alld jf he correspon,ls
Hl'tl Cro~~ Nul's,'," hy 1\[i~H 1\[ary with a R(,ont in his favorite coulltry,
for whllt. 11101'(' call he wi~h 'I' "
Colds, Coughs ~OM\9 La Grippe
~Itllltlay, S.OO P. ~r.-Thl' ~[ell 's Cluh
will ]l\eet at t.h,~ hOllle 01' ~[I'. IIerlll'rt
Neglected Colds are Dangerous A. Seylllour, 10i \Voousidc lI\"Cllue. ~rr. ASH COLLECTIONS. WEEK of OCTOBER 18th
T' 'e', chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze.
('hlll'll'~ \\'. II:l1·\·('Y ••\~soeillte Gcuel'lJ1
1''' . Breaks up a cold in 24 hours - Relieves Sl'l'relal'y, Y. ~r. C. A. 01' Chillll, will £Jnring the nloll11l of Octo\,cr [(nd till)
I Grippe in 3 days-Excellent for Headache Cecil B. DeMille's
~1'('lIk on "IH There 1\1l~' Hope fill' following III011 th", nntil fnl'ther notice,
Quinin~ in this form does not affect the head-Cascara is best Tonic a~hes ,dll be col1t'det1 cach weck, 1\[on-
China'? .,
Laxative-No Opiate in Hi11's.
'I'lIe~dll~', 2.::0 1'. ~['-\Yllman 's ~ri~­ tlay alld Tnc~,lay, north ~itl,,; \Vel1ne~­

~illll eire·le will Illl'et ill the church.
Ll':H]eI', ~[j~s ~r:J1wl Sl'ylllllur. SlIh.i ect ,
tla.\" alill 'I'hllr~tlay, ~onth ~it1P.
G EO. 13. SUl'IJEE,
"Something to
"Olellllls of )[i~siollllry Truth."
,·ill 1 nl1l~il'. Tell will he scr\'(~d.
Spc- Street CUllllnis~ioner.
Think About"
\Vl'tlllesda~', 8.00 P. ~r.-~[i,l-wl'ek
Rev. JOIUI Van Ness, Minister. prayer SPl'vi(·(\. TOM THUMB WEDDING.
SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. Fri,1a~·. 8.00 P. ~r.-YolIllg Pcople'H
Mcctin~~ fur IICXt SUlltla,\': S,wial. Frcderick C. 'J'rapill', i he pre- 1'hl' kitlc1ies will ma~qllcrllde as MAIN I'ltODUCTION 8TAitTS AS NEAa
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa.. !lA;, A. ~r.--Snl1(laj" Sehuul. Con\- IlIil'r \"elltrilt1fJui~t, illl\"'nwllator nllll ~rown-lips at thiH 11L'lightfnl entertain- AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. 1\1.. 12.00. 1.00,
hillcd Bihlc Cla~~c~ tanght by ~[r. Yall ,1r:\Il1l1tie elltertainer will gi\'e :} pro- IIICllt to hc p;in'll ill Xarhcrth 1\[. E. 8.~/I. 11.411. 7.411. 9.80 P. 'AI.
Merion Meeting is open for worship Xe~R. gralll that. will delight 1111 \\'ho eOIlIt'. Chur"h the la~t. w('ck of this month.
every First·day Inorning at 11 0 'clock. i 11.00 A. 1\L-1'uhlic worship. The ~[r~. \Valkl'r Owell ant! ladies of com-
We eOldially welcome any visitors who ~aeJ'anlcnt of illfallt hapti~\ll will he oh- mittee nre doin~ thl'ir ntmo~t to wake
-desire to worship with us. s"i·\'pd. SerlllOIl 011 t hc "Dedication of
Childrc'n to God."
it a snceess. Let the little ones come
to I'eht'arsal~ regularlv eyery '['neR,1aY
ST. MARGARET'S R. C. CHUROH. i.OO P. ~r .-Chri~l ian Ent!e:l\'ol' Rev. Arthur S. Walls, Pastor.
lind Fridny nt :J P. l\{in church. - v Raymond Wei.s. Proprietor
Illt'cti IIg'. Sul.,it'('t, "Cil I'i~t ial\ Patl'iot-
Rev. R. F. Cowley. Rector. i:"'II1.' ,
Snnlll1~·. O"t oher 1 'ith: GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
nA5 A. ~r.-SnndllY SI'hool.
Early Mass on Sunday from April 1 i.-li' 1'. ~r.-E\'I'IJil\g \l"or~hip. B"r-
IIIt1ll t helllc, "'I'h" Call of ~[atthe\l"." lUi) A. ~I.-~[en 's Bihle ClaRs.
to October 31 at 6.30 A. M. From No- TION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS
:\lotHlny ('\"('1I1tlg'-7\lcfltitlg of t h(\ 11.00 A. ~r.-~rorllin~ wor~hi[l. St'r- T .lephoDe Na.rberth 1633
vember 1 to March 31, at 7 A. M. "La.te
Boal'tl of l>cal'ol\~. at thc h01ll1' of ~rr. mOil hy tIll' paRt or. President-Mrs. R. J. Rolston, Fort
Mass, 9.30. iA5 P. ~r.-En'lIin~ \\'orRhip. "'fhc
Masses on holy days, 6.30 and 8.30 A. 1I. Wilsoll. Washington.
''''t'lhll'~llay e\"('lIil\~-AIlIlUal Chul'l'h )':manl.iplltioll alld Ellfr:\IIchist'nlelit of
A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening devo· Vice-President-Mrs. D. T. Jones,
\\'OIllI'II "; or, "\Vh~' \\'011\1'11 Shonl,l
tions and other services at regular IIll'dillg for l'lt'l'tioll of elc1cl'~ aud ,1t'a,
,"Ol\~ . •\IIIlU:11 l'l'IHlrt of all Chllrch 01'- Vote," will he the pa~tol"s theme. E,'-
Secretary-Mrs. C. P. Fowler, Nar·
times. ('1'.1' man and e\'t'r~: \\,Olllall who ha~ not
~:l1Jizat ion~.
ALL SAINTS CHUROH, WYNNE- 'l'hur~tla~' e\'cllill~--~rp"ting of the ~('l'n the lip;ht Slll111ld ht'ar thiR mes- berth. Plumbing Roofing
\\' o III el\ 's Hi hIe ('la~s at t hc hOIlI!~ of Treasurer-Mrs. W. H. Pugh, Merion.
WOOD, PA. ~ng(".

\\'cI1I1PRtlay, Odoher ~Oth. S 1'. ~r.-

tl)(' )'a~tor.
Rev. Gibson Bell, Locum Tenens. ~fi,1-\I"eek lH"n~-er serYiI'.I'.
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate.
The Time is Ripe Now for Us
Sunday services: BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE ----~---

8.15 A. M.-Holy Communion. EVANGEL. COMJ.\{UTERS AT OLD RATES. to overhaul your HEAlING SyS-
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School. TEM for the coming WINTER.
11.00 A. l\L-Morning service and ser- RAV. Avery S. DemlllY. :t"astor, 'I'ht' GO\'PI'III1\I'1I1 i~ makillg all t'arlll'Rt. We are in a position to give you
mon. I1oul'~ of St' 1'\;"" Ot·!oht·1' li to :l::. Reading Railroad· Carries Passengers
A free llutobus brings the children to L'll'ort to illlhll'l' lllall~' of thL' Statl's to excellent SERVICE immediately.

and from Sunday School and the mem- ]!I:!O: plant t I'l'l'~ 011 a \\"hoh'~a1c' ~"all' allli in for Less Than Cent a Mile.
hers to and from Church, leaving Nar- SUl\lla.\-, !l..j;' A. ~L-Sullda.\· Sl'hool. WE are the Agents for the KING
SOlllP OIP:\:-;\11'(' ]"(':.:tOI'(' tlll'it' origillal
berth Station at 9.40 and 10.40. If Commntation t il'kel' ~oh1 tcn to fif- KOAL KARBURETOR, a device
11.00 A. ~l.-~rorllillg \l"or~hip. Suh- wl'alth. Thl'l'l'arc thonslllll\~ of acres which Kuts your Koal Bil12S-40%,
requested it will leave the station at tppn tilllcs faRtt'r than the usuul rate on
8.00 'for the early service. ~ ..
\~'ing i,ll,', e\'t'll in ~nl·h populo Statl'~ II" tie.;!""" ,. f.1).!.._~nllces.. Tl!ok_
Heali:Ts, CoHen aT d COill '~:lt)g;tr.
:t!' ;\cwYol'k --:iil7i P~tsylYnllia, whiei"l
= ('all he mlHlc to yil'1<1 lIlil\iollS of dollars
"onltl he hought lit thc old rah's, at
Give us a Kall. Narberth 302J.
Broad Strel't Station and the Con~oli­

Na'rberth Register
Two Linel/. IOc per iSl/ue; Sc for each additional line
l'\'('r~' ~'ellr jf lilantl'tI with trl'I'R. Ii
is pointL'tl ont that although the Ea~t.­
('I'll Stat{\~ ()11(1(~ POSl"P:.;~t'a 1l101'C 1hUll
tlatec1 Tiel,et. Olliep, lit. Sixtecnth lllld
Chl'Rtllnt ~trl'ct~.
'I'he I'clln~yh'lIl1ia HlIill'oall IIl1non n c,
t J'('P:-; for thpir OWlI l1~e thp~p

lIIU~t. 1I0W illlpol't Inlllhel' fl'OIll the
I'll that ;-',1:;8 til'kct~ Wl're Rolc1 to ~nh,
nrhanitcR at hoth ojlil'e~ and ;jSil at the
For Permanent
Gottshall, II. K. Public Aceoulltunt, 303 In('k,,,ol1 •. \nIH>. YioHn I nstl'uetion.
rl'l'll'ldwlll', Nnl'lIt'l't II :;1ti-,l.
P:tt'ifi(', C(la~t, of at
I"'II~('.-Oetoll('r n(J.'"~· Li fl'.
('0111':--('. gl'p:\t (\x·
~rarket ~tl't'el 111111 (':ln1l1l'n ferries.
Hailrolld ofiieillis tleelal'etl Ule slIll'
Conway A\,el\ue, Narberth. 1'11.
1[elm. H. (). Certilled Public Accountant. Loos, I'auny II. Piano teach cr.
203 Dudley av.... Phcne. Narberth IOO-W. ~tllditl. Al'eude llldg. Phone, 316-J.
111l IHI'I'l'c1ellt I'd al\!1 1he t·lcl'il'al forreR BUY A
SCOUTS SHOULD COLLECT h:1Il grt'"t. dillil'ulty ill eopill~ with the
Lee.' Garaee-Repalrlng, Etc. Phone. 1606. STAMPS. 111111:-:11:11 ~itllCltioll, e:\lI:"ptl lly ('Olllllllltl'l':-:
Narberth Garage. phone Nurberth IG33.
See display ad\'ertiselllent In tbls Issue.
Donahlle, l'ntrlek 1'-. 1'hone 1G33.
Jeft'erles. oJ. U. 111 Narb.rtb ave.
Phon., 666·M.
Simpson, J1arry A. 232 Essex Ave.
Phone, Narberth 636.
Tyson, Warren R. Phone. Narberth 1202-W..
"C. \\". Ikl'k\\'ith, a p:l tro! lPac1l'r
who ~pceialir.e~ in thl' ,lllIllP~ of Silllll,
who \\'1'1'1' ,ntlit'il'lItl~' flll',sightell to
tll];l' atl\'llntllgp of the I'oad'~ rnlin)!
thllt t il'kl't~ h(Ju~ht. prior to 'rhnI'Ht1a~'
Smedley Built Home
See displa~' ad\'ertiselllcllt 111 thI~ Isslle. hll~ all al'tiele 011 thi~ snh,il'd \\'hit'h woul,l he hOIlOI'(',1 until expiration of
BANKS he wroll' ~l'l'rilllly for th(' .1 a III hOI'l'I' thei I' t erllls.
Merion Title &: Trust Co. Pbone. Ardmore I.
See dlspla.\· ad vertlsement In thl. I••u•.
Fenton. Carl F. 606 Essex ave. Phon•. 618-~
Phlla. addre... 1808 Che.tnut It. Loou.t III i~Rlle of Stalllp Coll,·dill~.'· ~lI~'H Kt'lIl WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
Zentmnyer. Joseph. 228 S. 15th st.• Phlla.
DUILDERS PAINTERS Phode, Narberth 1687
Shand. Alex. C.. Jr. Pbone. No. 1710. Walzer. Fred.
Narberth Station.
Smedley. Wm. D. &: U. T. Phonc. (l()().
See dlspley advertisement In tbls I•• U ••
117 Winsor ave. Pbon•• 1247-J.
1IO)·tI. Horaee S. 104 Forrest A\'e. Phone 35G
D..ds. 11. E. Pbone. 1264-W.
See dleplay advertl.em.nt In thl. Issu•.
Ivy Candy Shol"
..Arcadl..... 16tb acd Cheetnut stL, Pbll.
21ll Haverford Ave. Phone, Narbertb 1705. VICTOR RECORDS
See dIsplaY advertisement In tbl. I.sue.
Jenkins. Cba" L. OPEN EVENINGS
103 Dudley ave. Pbone. 1(184. Cook Bros. Phone 302-J.
See dlspla~' advertisement In tbls issue. NARBiRTH. PA.
COAL AND COKE. Wall, II. D. Phonc, Nurbcrtll 1G02-,J.
Cool<. C: P. Phone. Nnrbertb 302-J. See display advertle.ment In tbl. I••u•.
See displaY advertisement In tbis Issne_
CONTRACTOR OF PLASTERING Caldwell, J. A. Phone, 1687
Fratantolll, James, &: Sons.
23ll Halll(,den ave. Pbone, 16ll7-W.
See dl.play advertl.ement In tbl. luu•.
FrltllCh, H. C. Phone. 362-W.
See dl.play adv.rtl.em.nt I" tbl. I••ue. 33 E. LANCASTER AVENUE, ARDMORE
Cotter's Meats
DENTISTS 1I,'berg. Bent T. Phone 1713.
Orr. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Phone. In-w. See display advertisement In this Issue.
Phlla. Phone, Filbert 4262. Keith Bid&,. Na.h, Bob.rt J. Phone. 80G. A Quality For
I We offer complete stocks-new records
Schembs, Dr. John. Phone Narberth 316·W. Money for First and Second Mortll'all'e•.
Cor. Grayling and wIndsor aves. Simpson, JlltneS C. 233 E•••x ave.
Office Honrs untilll P. M. dnlly· Phone, 636, or 1420 Ch.stnut st.
KOOFING, ETC. on ht of month-Victor Service Supreme People Who
Howard·s. Phone. 1267. Gara-McGlnley Co. Phone, 12G8-W. Want The Best
S•• dlspla)' advertls.ment ·In this '.'lUe_ See display advertl.ement In tbl. Is.ue.
Ca.e, W. G. Phone. 305-W.
Hiller. Jobo A. 243 Ion. ave. Pbone. 881-J
Shop. 246 Hav.rford av•. Phon.. 1316-J I MAIN LINE HOME OF THE VICTOR II Groceries and Provisions
~§" "' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ', " " " " '" " '" , , , ,"', , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,., , , , , , , , , ,", , , " '" .", , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , J~
See displaY advertisement In tbls Issue. SCHOOLS.
Pugh. Verl U6 Iona ave. The l'IiHSCK Zentlllft;)"Cr'H, lilnderltl\rten, ]2ri
Nar. Phone. 660·W. Ard, Phone. 161-.1. l"',I;'lllltlllllllllllllllUIlIlItIlIUtIllIIlUUlIllllm"lmlllllllllllIIlIlIlUlIlllllllllll1l11tlllllllllUII1UlIIlUlImIlIl1ll111llIIllIl1l1111ll1l1111111l111l1l11111l1I1U1'1I1l11111111llttl'"tlll"lll""ltlltl'lltlllltllllUtl'IIII'tIlllllt""II'lIl1l11.'
'''Indsor avpnue. Nurbcl·th.
FISH AND OYSTERS Sec displny ud\'{,l'tI~clllcnt In this Issuc.
Imperial Grocery Co. Phone. Narberth' 60S.
Good Wear Shoe Bepalr Shop,
bowman, Samuel P. (Llf•. ) Constantine. B. G. 252 Haverford ave.
116 Elmwood ave. Phon., 668-W.
!frotter Bros. (Fire••tc.)
209 Woodsld. ave. Phone. 1263-R_
Phone, Narberth 1706-W.
Rell'lnelll, I·'rank. 209 Haverford ave.
Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries on
all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing
Subscribe for
Wimer. "·m.
Wood. 106 Forest Avenue.
See display udvertisemcnt In this Issue.
Phone. 326 n.
LAWYERS The above departm.nt .bould be of tb.
create.t u.e to the community. the lI.t con·
Work Guaranteed
Narberth 1 805
Oils, Gas, Supplies
L. C. SHAHAN, Prop.
"'Our TobJn"
Gilroy, John 211 Essex ave. Phone. lIU·R. talns the name ot .very profe_lona.1 man,
Phlla. addr.... Lincoln Bide. tradesman, mechanic, ehopkeeper. etc.• wh.
Stlte., Fletcher W. 413 Haverford ave. does or can In any way eerve hi. fellow· ,
Phone. 372-W Phlla. addr•••• Croz.r Bide.
town.man, and who t. pro&,resslve onou&,b
to add name to lI.t of R.&,lster.
A. It I. dlmcult for those contrlbutlnl
The Misses Zentmayer's H. C. FRITSCH
McDonald John. Narberth phone. UIB. their time and eltort. to the production of
1638 Che.t.•t.• Phlla. Phone. Spruce 1118.
"Our Town" to per.onallY either know or
Interview all such. It would be moat belp- KINDERGARTEN Pr tpertles For Root aod
Fire losar.nee
ful It tho.e not now found In th. printed
Cotter, Ho"..rd F. Phone. 1298.
S.e dl.play advertisement In thl. ISlue. list would .end In a memo of their nam••.
addre••, phons number. and bWllneuea or
Will Reopen September 15, 1920 Bell Pbooe au lY.
MILK profe••lons for lI.tlng. Thl. will cost as rol·
8cott-Pow..U Dalrle" Phon•• Pre.ton un. lows: 10 cents eacb luue for I line.: 5 a.nu 125 WINDSOR AVENUE "ltD BuDdJo,. NarberUt. Plio
Bee displaY adv.rtlsement In thl. I••ue for each additional lin•.

Tax receipts for those who lmvc paid
clIn be IUlll h,v applyillg at Howard's
Drug Store. DOII't negleet voting at OUR PRODUCTS ARI! GUARANTEED
the KO"elllher I'lel'tioa. 'rIds is tl,l! UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
ballller tOWII for thl' lIUllIl.cr of WOlllen
General Wayne Inn
Pasteurized Milk I" DELIVERIES
Brynelovlll Certilled 'WEST PHILA
(Pedrlalle Soelely) OVERBROOK
Special .. Guernse)' •• MERION
'1'he Xn rhert h High i:;chool Foothall Milk WYNNEFIELD
Squad g-aye the Jladdollfiel<l High
School a sl'thnck hy defcatillg thOll1 011
the fOrIlIl,r'S iicld, :W to 0, Oil Friday
Established 1704
Dalrle.. )
Cream BuUermllk
Table and Whipping
,Iohll l>icki,,'s "lid rllllS m,,) "\rt
Cook's lille JllulI~illg wcre tl", features
of tho gmlle, with tl\(' plnyillg of Odi-
orlle alld Kllnpp hl'illg dose s"I'ol"Is. SCOTT-POWEtt DAIRIES
'rhe High 8l'hool ('o:l"h. ~rr. Bnrfoat,
is dC\'clopillg olle of the hest squads
e,-er tun,,'d out ill the lIigh Sehool.
DO YOU KNOW 45th and Parrish 8ts.
Credit to )11'. BarfonL
'rhe foot hall sqund plays Lower that on February 6th, 1795, General Anthony Wayne
Merioll High ~"hooJ oil th,' lattcr's HARRY B. WALL
grollllds ti,day. 11,,1'" is a good ellalll'e
for j hc IH'opl,' /If .\' n rI ... rl h to scc the
on his way to Philadelphia from Fallen Timbers, Plumbing, Gas Fitting
ho~'s ill n"tioll. and Heating
E,-cryl,,,".,' Ollt nlld s,"~ a good galll(" stopped at the General Wayne Inn! NARBERTH PA
Pl1One, Narberth 319 J
~Igr. of .\'arherth High S .. hool
FoothnlI 'feanl.

AMERICAN LEGION Tbe Narbertb Electric Sbop

(Continued from Page 1,)
Table d'Hote A la Carte Service LAUNDRYETTE-lhe Washer
that driea without a wringer.
E,!:ida," pras'jueradc), _\[arch 18.
lo'ri,!ay, Apl'i1 :!!I.
Fl'iday, )1 ay :!II.
Banquet Rooms w. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
Phone. Narbe,th 395 W


The Hal'old n, Spcakmnll Post, :l5ij,
1\. L., has sellt out, an invitatioll to all
posts :110111;" t hI' ~ln in LillC lo ,join n
basketball and howlillg !l'ague nhout to
Special Platter 'Dinners Sunday
be fOl"lllcd.
'rltis will IIl'11' thl' 1I1l'IIIhel's of the
GARAnteed Roofs.
}'osts alollg th(, ~[aill LillI' to gl'l hett!'1
ICCjuailltl',1 with ,'a"h oth,'r alld to
,'urIc IIlJ a J'l'('11 illt"n'.'t ill sJlLlIlS. Orchestra Dancing Every Evening
011 ;'''l'Ollllt of so IlIall,Y f!'llows 1I0t Complete Line of
willg :t1dl' to g,'t out t,1 hl'lp furllish Goodyear Tennis Shces
he club hOUSl', tlw ,'(lllllllitt"" ha' ,1L'· CIGARS, STATIONERY, MAGAZINES
,ided to hayl' a ('Ollt rlldor Jilli,h it III'
so liS to he SUJ'l' to I",,·.,
it l'Olllpll't,4:I
Hill fUl'uish"d h." Anllisti,·c Da.'-. r- •••••••••••
'1'h,' Bllildillg' a III I Loall "\ssol'iatioll
grnlltl'd its iirst loall at the Illeetillg of
"atalogucs of thc pil'turcs takcn of all.'"
alld all di,·isiolls.
Ballowe'en Masquerade Dance REAL ESTATE
,Ill' assol'iatioll Oil 'l'ul'sd:,," !'\'Pllillg, 0,,-
ober 5.
Till' ::>ig-1I111 Corps hlls ,;j,OOO dill"'I'l'lIt
M"'III'S aud IllOI'e thall J,OOO,OOO feet of
Bt'njamin P. Oh,lyl,t', fath"1" of 1101'-
a",~ C. Ohdyke, of ~ I, FOIT,'st a ,,'uut',
to be Given by Ladies
At Narberth Station there
It woul,J ha,'p ,10ll(':1 n'tl'ran ,lirel'llir
g-ood to hal"" hl'ar,1 til" argllllll'lIts alld
lI,otioll pi,·tlll'l' filtll, illustratillg th,'
:I(,ti"itips of the "\II1l'rj,.1I11 "\nlly at
.\'al"hl'rth, ,Ii!'d 'I'ul'sda~' night ill th ..
I'rpsh.'"tt'riau Hospital, I'hilatlt'lphia, ,Ii'
of Tennis Associalion is a Real Estale Office
hl'alt dis,'as('. Membel's of the Narbcrth Tennis As- that is giving courtesy,
COJlsidcl'utioll gh't'll iJi. st'I(,(.tillg' tJll~ hUIIH' HIH1 jn ]?'I'al)(~(l, Eng-lalld, Jtal~'~
sociation and theil' wi\"l'.s and friends
right loan lI'hi"h 1I"{Jllld bl' thc saf"st Hussia. Hclgilllll, Luxl'llIbollrg, AlIstl'ill, arc asked to keep ill mind the Hallow- service and knowlEdge
and hest iuYest 1I1l'1I1 of 11Ip st,)('khold- ': (;"rIIJ:1l1.'", fiih"ria 111111 pI9c\I'h('l'e. I Many Women Will Vote \) 'en Masqueradc Vallee which will he
gi"en in EIIIl Hall, Saturday ""euillg,
in matters concerning
ers' lII'oney. ('lIpil's of t,hcsc pidul'PS lIIay be ob- property. We are at your
(Continued from Page 1.) October 30.
The first SNips will hp 1I"ld op,'u taill"d from thc l'hotographie Sl'dioll,
'rhe affair will bc g-i"cn hy the La- service. Phone
until aftcl' the 1I1l'l'ting in .\'lI'·l'lliher. Sigllal COl'pS, l'uitl'd Statl'''; .\rtll~·, ,lies' COlllmittee of t he Association alld
\\':\shillgtou, D. C.. at pl'il'cs as fllllo\l's: l\lIowll'd~e of H WOIIHUI 'H tax hl'illg paid NA~BERTH 17 J 3
promises to hc a Ilig party-lols of fun
SIGNAL CORPS PHOTOS NOW ON For the st:lllda I'd pl'int, (; 'l~xS I/~ ~lH~ llI:Jy goet :tway with the vote. for evcryhody. ~lalJY unique and alllus,
SALE. iJIt,hl':-O. J;1 ('l..."ut:-o liP!" l',0py; ('1I1argp- 'rhe saml' 1"l'1!ulatiolls that h:l\"e aI'- ing costumes, :111\[ plenty of dancing
l'li,'d to 1I1l'1I alsn apply to "'Olllell vot- for all.
'rhl' 1:lIit"11 i-Hatl's Sigllal COl"pS IS
alLillg Yigorous st,'ps to f\"llstl"atl'. ill
1I1('lIts, 1"'1' "lip.'". J lxl.J iUl'hcs, bla,'k
and whitt', ~.o ('Pllt:-o; :-;t'pia, 4;j l'l"lltSj I'I'S. In on[l'1' to qualify for votillg, a
Blall 01' womHU lIlust ha\"c hepn a ('itj~
:\femhers of the Associntion will Ill'
suppliell with tickets in ahollt ten day~,
so far as possihle, Pl"oJitl't'riug" ill 1h,' I.Jxl' iu"h,'s, bJ:Il·k aud \l'hitt', ;j,j ('l'lItS,
Governnll'lIt's oflil'ial photo)!raphs of ~llpia, lj;j ('Pllts; 1tjx~() jlll·IIl.IS, ],]a(·1\ aJld Zl'1l of thp (Tllitc,l States olle month
the \\'oi'lt! \Var. Th,' Sigllal ('orps "all- ,.. hite, SO e"lIts. s,'pia, !In I'euls; JSx:!:l hcfol'e e!<'l'tioll. Olle yl'al' 's rc"i<1en('I'
101, stop pril"llte "onp,'rJIs fl"OIll hU,"ing
the stnndanl Sigual Corps pi,·tllrps mill
iUl'hes, blaek alld \l'hitl', !1O I'cuts, sl'pia';
$l.nOj ::!Ox24 iuchl's, bla"k alld \l'lIilp,
reselling thl'lU, alld t'ertaiu shre,,",l par- ' :j;]J;;, sl'pia. $1.:!;j; fllr th" l1Iotion pi,·-
ill t1le Statl' l1Iust he pl'oved hefor,' a
"it iz('n eall \'of<' ill that State. l'XI'('l't
wllel'e a citizen has preYiousl)' qualified. Educator
c. P. COOK
ies with an eye to the 0pp0l'tunit~· pre- anll six mOllths' I"l'si,]enl'e ill the State
tun' Jilm. pllsiti"l' print, ]ll ('('nts pCI'
lIIust he ]>l'oYed, To vote in all elec' Coal,Wood and
BClltC,) by the gl'l'at ,],'nl1ll1,1 for thl'sc
pictures :uIlOJlg px-:-;cl"viee 1lH'1l aud \YO-
lIIell, ltaye h('pn l'ollllucting" ('xtensi\"c
foot, tlllplieatL' 1I('!{atil"l', Sll "l'uts JlH
Ordl'rs should be IU:lllp h~' "atalogul'
tioll ,listriet, rl'silll'nc(' of at least: two
mOllths is rL'quil'('d,
Kreider Shoes Building Supplies
for Children
IHh-el'tising ,,:lInpaigns, ,·olll'(·j illg onlpl"s 11111111)('1' \l'h,'rl' possihll'. \\'here ael'css
We have a few tons of
for the pidlll'ps, hurillg th!' pid,ures
fro 111 the Signal Corps at eost and re-
to a l'atalogllL' is illlpral'til'a:hh', or
\l'h"re SOlJ\e pietlll'e 01' pidllres wautetl TBE FIRESIDE SPECIAL By~Product Coke for sale
Belling thplII at profits rnnging fl"olll 100
o 600 per cellt,
I'alluot he fOllurl listed in the cata-
(Continued from Page 1.) on School Shoes at $ 8.50 per ton deliver-
logue, the Photogral'hie Spl'tion of tIle
Dl'terlllinl"] to ilo something eon- Sigllal Corps will nndpl'takc to trael(
)lissl's ~ral'inll !lnd Buth ITaws visit· Better come in and look ed in cellar.
structin' to protect l'x-sel'\"il'e peoplc dO\l'n the s,'l'nes dpsil'l'rl if the l'Ust01nl'r
who want nese pic,tures.. the SignaJ will write in namillg the s(·elle. aetion. cd Mrs. Will. Kelley at hel' hOllle ill them over
Corps has supplied every puhlie library location, organilo:ation or illdiddual. All X orth Wales. ?III'S. Ke]]l')' WIIS 1'01"111('1'-
n the l'oulltry ,,'ith n catalogue con- ol'llers must be accompanil'll hy IIIOIIL'~' I)' ~l iss Adeli Ul' Lonzcll'l'e, a teal'her
in the Narbprth sl'hools. A daug-ht ('I'
taining n'ullllH'i'S all'] descriptions of all order, cortifie,l chl'ek or cash. Postag('
callie to the hOllle of ?lfr. ann Mrs. 209 Haverford Avenue
piptl1l'l's and ill~tructiolls for ordering stamps l'annot be ucce"te,1.
them. It hilS also eompileil alld has 'rhe Signal Corps has sold more thuu Ke]]py 011 SeptL'lIIhcr 25th, wholll thl')' Narberth
ha \'e IHlllle<1 Yirgiuia Elizabeth. Because of the decided depreciation
really to moil out to any olle interested • • ••••••••••• e a • • •_ .

:150,000 prints to elate.
of the enrreney of certain ]~llI'Opellll

--I countries as compared with tit" United

NOTICE I States dollur, the Post Oi1ice Depart-

ment has on]oreLl that cOllversioll of

Ullited Slates money shall after Au-

SABlE CENSORE NARDf:RTU TAXI SERVICE gust ]5, 1!l::!0, be 1111\,11' according to
the following tahle:
Authorized TAXI SERVICE at Narberth by I
Permit from Penna. R. R. and Certificate of Public I?atrick P. Donahue Great Britain ... 1 lJoulld $4,00
Netherlands ., .• ,I florin .38
Convenience from Public Service Commission.
.Taxi meets all trains ' Store orders promptly delivered Sweden •......• ,I krona ,24
Only authorized taxi cab service on call and demand Denmark •.•..•• 1 kronu .20
in Narberth. Baggage called for and delivered Freight delivered
Norway •.....••. 1 krona .20
France •.••.•••• $1.00 10.30 francS
Open Day and Night Phone 1633
1-_•••_ ..._ ...._ ....._._._._ _...._ _•_ _ .~._ ..._-._ _._.-.-_--------_-J
Bolgium •• , .••.• $1.00
Italy ••...••• , •• $1.00
10.30 froncs
10.30 francs

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