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Course title: International human resource management

Course code: QTRE409
Department: Faculty of Business Administration
Credit hours: 3
Prerequite(s): QTRE403, QTRE401

No. Instructors’ name Email Phone number
1 ThS Ngô Quý Nhâm 0904063835
ThS Dương Thi Hoài
2 0985867488
ThS Hoàng Thị THùy
3 0989891205

In a global marketplace, the success and, indeed, the survival of an organization
depend on how well it manages its workforce. The global organization must
effectively manage the home country, the host country and often, third country
nationals in a variety of employment settings. Decisions about the proportion of each
type of employee to use, how to recruit, compensate, and manage these employees,
and the nature and the extent of customization are critical issues facing firms today.
This course addresses the factors to be considered in making these international
human resource management decisions. To begin, the course will examine various theoretical
frameworks of cultural differences to understand employee motivations across the world. The
primary focus, however, is on developing a practical tool kit of models and techniques that
you can apply to managerial problems in IHRM


* Knowledge
1. Understanding the nature of International HRM and appreciate how and why
International HRM has become so critical to competitiveness and to our society's
2. Understanding the differences between global environment and local
environment, then understanding challenge issues in international human resource
3. Understanding the differences when conducting IHRM in different types of
international company
4. To better understand the implications of human resource management in global
context such as staffing, recruitment and selection, training and development,
performance management, compensation, industrial relationship
5. Understand the trends and future challenges of international human resource
* Skills
6. Build self-learning and self-study skills
7. Build and enhance problem-solving and decision-making ability in management
situations in general, and in human resource management in particular.
8. Have ability to build career roadmap in international company.
9. Improve human skills such as teamworking, communication and presentation.
* Attitude
10. Be cooperative and active in teamwork
11. Develop greater sensitivity and confidence to effectively impact the management
activities when working across cultures.

4.1. Textbook
1. Dowling, Peter J. Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle (2013). International Human
Resource Management (6th Edition), Hamshire, Cengage Learning.
4.2. Compulsory Readings
2. Raymond Noe (2009). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management,
McGrawHill Education
3. Richard M. Steers, Carlos J. Sanchez-Runde, and Luciara Nardon (2010).
Management Across Cultures – Developing global competitiveness, Cambridge
5.1. Course content
Time Allocation
Hour(s) on the class Essays, Self-study with
No. Content
Practice, Assignments, teacher’s
Seminar Teamwork tutorials
1 Chapter 1: Introduction 3 0 6
Chapter 2: Cultural context of
2 international human resource 2 1 4.5
Chapter 3: Organizational
3 2 1 4.5
Chapter 4: IHRM in Cross-
4 border M&A, international 2 1 4.5 4.5
alliances and SMEs
Chapter 5: Sourcing human
resource for global markets –
5,6 5 1 4.5 10.5
staffing, recruitment and
7 Midterm exam 3 0 0 6
Chapter 6: International
8 2 1 4.5 4.5
Performance Management
Chapter 7: International
9 training, development and 2 1 4.5 4.5
Chapter 8: International
10 5 1 4.5 10.5
Chapter 9: International
11 industrial relations and the 2 1 4.5
global institutional context
Chapter 10: International
12 human resource trends and 2 1 4.5
future challenges
14 Group Presentation 0 3 1.5
15 Group Presentation 0 3 1.5
Total 30 15 22.5 67.5
(*) Group presentations may be held individually or in combination with theoretical lessons
from the 9th session.

5.2. Schedule of lectures

Lecture 1: Chapter 1: Global realities and Management challenges
Teaching Hour(s Students’
Activities ) preparation
Lecture 3 1.1. Defining International HRM Read Chapter
1.2. Differences between domestic and 1 - Textbook
international HRM
1.3. Variables that moderate differences
between domestic and international HRM
1.4. Applying a Strategic view of IHRM
1.5. The changing context of IHRM
Seminar 0
Essays, exercise,
Self-study with the 6
teacher’s tutorials
Assessment (….) - International HRM definition
- Differences between domestic and international
- Variables that moderate differences between
domestic and international HRM
- Strategic view of IHRM
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and
learning methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- - Location: Office of the Faculty of Business
Administration, 2nd Floor, Building B

Lecture 2: Chapter 2: The cultural context of IHRM

Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 2 2.1.Definition and characteristic of Read Chapter 2-
culture Textbook
2.2. Studies on cross – cultural
2.3. The influence of culture on IHRM
Seminar 1 Discussion – case studies 1-4 (chapter
Essays, exercise,
Self-study 4.5
with the
Assessment (….) - The influence of culture on IHRM
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- - Location: Office of the Faculty of Business
Administration, 2nd Floor, Building B

Lecture 3: Chapter 3: Organizational context

Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 2 3.1. Standardization and Localization of Read Chapter 3 -
IHRM practices Textbook
3.1.1. Factors driving standardization
3.1.2. Factors driving localization
3.2. The path to global status
3.3. Control mechanism
Seminar 1 Short case study discussion
Essays, exercise,
Self-study 4.5
with the
Assessment (….) - Standardization and Localization of IHRM practices
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- - Location: Office of the Faculty of Business
Administration, 2nd Floor, Building B

Lecture 4: Chapter 4: IHRM in Cross-border M&A, international alliances and SMEs

Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 5 4.1. IHRM in cross-border M&A Read Chapter 4 -
4.2. IHRM in International equity joint Textbook
4.3. IHRM in international SMEs
4.4. Culture and Communication
Seminar 1 Case study
Essays, exercise, 4.5 Case study
Self-study 10.5
with the
Assessment (….) - IHRM practice in different type of international
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- - Location: Office of the Faculty of Business
Administration, 2nd Floor, Building B

Lecture 5 + 6: Chapter 5: Sourcing Human Resources for Global Markets – Staffing,

Recruitment and Selection
Teaching Hour(s) Content Students’
Activities preparation
Lecture 5 5.1. Approaches to staffing Read Chapter 5 -
5.2. Transferring staff for international Textbook
business activities
5.3. Recruitment and selection of
international managers

Seminar 1
Essays, exercise, 4.5 Case study discussion
Self-study 10.5
with the
Assessment (….) Recruitment and selection of international managers
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration,
2nd Floor, Building B

Lecture 7: Midterm exam

Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 0 Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – Textbook Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4,
5 - Textbook
Seminar 0
Essays, exercise, 0
with the 6
Assessment 3 Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – Textbook
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration,
2nd Floor, Building B

Lecture 8: Chapter 6: International Performance Management

Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 2 6.1. Multinational performance Read Chapter 6 -
management Textbook
6.2. Control and performance
6.3. Performance management of
international employees
6.4. Performance Appraisal of
International employees
Seminar 1 Developing performance appraisal
program for an international company
Essays, exercise, 4.5 Developing performance appraisal
assignments program for an international company
Self-study 4.5
with the
Assessment (….) - Describe relationship between control and
performance management
- Describe characteristics of performance management
of international employees
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- - Location: Office of the Faculty of Business
Administration, 2nd Floor, Building B

Lecture 9 : Chapter 7: International Training, Development and Careers

Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 2 7.1. Components of Effective pre- Read Chapter 7 -
departure training program Textbook
7.2. Developing staff through
international assignment
7.3. Re-entry and career issues
Seminar 1 Design a pre-departure training
program and re-entry program
Essays, exercise, 4.5 Design a pre-departure training
assignments program and re-entry program
Self-study 4.5
with the
Assessment (….) - How to build an effective pre-departure training
- How to develop staff through international
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- - Location: Office of the Faculty of Business
Administration, 2nd Floor, Building B

Lecture 10 + 11: Chapter 8: International compensation

Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 5 8.1. Key components of international Read Chapter 8 –
compensation program for expatriates Textbook
8.2. Approaches to International
Compensation of expatriates
8.3. Patterns in Complexity, Challenges
and Choice
Seminar 1 In class discussion
Essays, exercise, 4.5 Design compensation program for
assignments expatriates
Self-study 10.5
with the
Assessment (….) Components of an international compensation program
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration,
2nd Floor, Building B

Lecture 12: Chapter 9: International Industrial Relations and the Global Institutional
Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 2 9.1. Key Issues in International Read Chapter 9 –
Industrial Relations Textbook
9. 2. Trade Unions and International
Industrial Relations
9.3. Codes of Conduct – Monitoring
HRM Practices Around the World
Seminar 1 In class discussion
Essays, exercise,
Self-study 4.5
with the
Assessment (….) - Key Issues in International Industrial Relations
- The roles of trade union.
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- - Location: Office of the Faculty of Business
Administration, 2nd Floor, Building B

Lecture 13: Chapter 10: IHRM trends and future challenges

Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 2 10.1. International business ethic and Read Chapter 10 –
HRM Textbook
10.2. New global development on
criminalization of bribery
10.3. Challenges in uncertainty world:
Safety, security and couterterrorism
10.4. The evolving field of IHRM
Seminar 1 In class discussion
Essays, exercise,
Self-study 4.5
with the
Assessment (….) - Key trends and challenges in IHRM
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- - Location: Office of the Faculty of Business
Administration, 2nd Floor, Building B

Lecture 14: Presentation

Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 0 Presentation
Seminar 3 In class presentation
Essays, exercise,
Self-study 1.5
with the
Assessment (….)
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration,
2nd Floor, Building B

Lecture 15: Presentation

Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 0 Presentation
Seminar 3 In class presentation
Essays, exercise,
Self-study 1.5
with the
Assessment (….)
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration,
2nd Floor, Building B

5.3. Contribution to Course Learning Outcomes

Sessio Content CLO
Knowledge Skills Attitude
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 Chapter 2: Cultural 1 1 1 1 1 1
context of international
human resource
3 Chapter 3: Organizational 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 Chapter 4: IHRM in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Cross-border M&A,
international alliances and
5,6 Chapter 5: Sourcing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
human resource for global
markets – staffing,
recruitment and selection
7 Midterm exam 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 Chapter 6: International 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Performance Management
9 Chapter 7: International 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
training, development and
10,11 Chapter 8: International 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 Chapter 9: International 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
industrial relations and the
global institutional context
13 Chapter 10: International 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
human resource trends and
future challenges
14 Group Presentation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 Group Presentation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

6. Course policies
6.1 Requirements for final examination
Students are allowed to take the final exam only if the following conditions are
- Students must attend at least 70% class periods (11/15 sessions)
- Attendance is also required for all examination/ assignment periods. Students are
expected to pass at least 50% of those examinations. For courses those only requires one
examination, students are expected to earn at least 5 points out of 10.
- For an absence to be excused, the absence must be accompanied by a written
excuse from a doctor or other competent. If a student is absent for more than an allowed
number of sessions for the university’s mission, the instructor then can consider and decide,
but must ensure that no more than 60% of the sessions are taken and additional instruction is
required under the supervision of the instructor.
6.2 Bonus point policy
- Students who contribute in class discussions and are recognized by the teacher
(enrollment cards) will be credited to the attendance, mid-term and final scores.
- Students can propose and get the consent of the lecturer to write the subject
matter. If the essay is of good quality, it will be considered bonus points for mid-term or final
6.3 Assignment policy
All assignments must be the result of the students own work and effort.
- If 40% similarity is detected; the assignment’s score will be deducted.
- If more than 40% similarity is detected; the assignment will be zero-scored.
- Late submission will result in 10% deducted from assignment score for each day
- Missed work or more than 3 day late submission will be zero-scored.

7. Course asessment
7.1. Type of Asessment
*Formative assessment: Attendance (10%)
*Summative assessment (90%)
Assessment Rate Form of Time
Assessment allowance
Class participation 10%
Mid-term assessment 30% Multiple 45 minutes
Final assessment 60%
Assignment 20% Presentation 20 minutes
Final exam 40% Multiple 60 minutes

7.2. Assessment criteria

 General rules for all written documentations
All works are presented on A4 sized paper, size: 12, font: Times New Roman or VnTime;
margin settings as follows: top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left 3.5 cm, right 2 cm; spacing
 Group work
- Form: Group report and presentation
- Content: Presenting about international HRM Policy of one MNC.
- Criteria:
+ Clear and feasible topics 1 points
+ Logical analysis, straight to the point, practical refection 5 points
+ Use of variety of references, vivid examples 1 point
+ Coherent writing, precise citation 2 points
+ Good presentation skill 1 points
Total: 10 points
 Final examination:
- Form: Written test
- Content: all materials covered in the course schedule.
- The test is composed of two parts:
- Multiple choice questions (40-50 questions) : true-false, multiple-choice
(account for 60% of final score)
- Essays: 2-3 questions (account for 40%)
- Criteria:
+ Giving precise MC answers: 6 points
+ Clear, structured, informative essays: 4 points
Total: 10 points

Head of department Dean

Ngô Quý Nhâm

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