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Business Proposal

Prepared by:
Ferna Sita
Fransisca Dwiyana
Lisa Marisa
Prawiro Ngadimin


Praise and gratitude for the presence of God Almighty, because with His blessing and grace

that we can complete the preparation of the W World Restaurant Business Proposal. The aims

and objectives of the preparation of this proposal are to fulfill the task of the Hospitality course

regarding making a business proposal properly and correctly which is guided by Mrs. Fransiska

Way Warti. In truth, we could not have completed our business proposal without a support

group. First of all, our parents, who supported us with love and understanding. And secondly,

our lecturer, Mrs. Fransiska Way Warti whom has provided patient advice and guidance. Thank

you all for your unwavering support.

Table of contents…...............................................................................................................….3
CHAPTER I : Introduction
1. Company description..............................................................................................................4
2. Business objective…..............................................................................................................5
3. Mission statement…...............................................................................................................5
4. Vision statements…...............................................................................................................5
5. Organizational structure….....................................................................................................5
CHAPTER II : Marketing strategy
1. Marketing mix
a. Product…...................................................................................................................6
b. Price….......................................................................................................................6
c. Place...........................................................................................................................6
d. Promotion...................................................................................................................6
e. People….....................................................................................................................6
f. Process…....................................................................................................................7
g. Physical evidence…...................................................................................................7
2. SWOT analysis…...............................................................................................................8-9
CHAPTER III : Financial planning
1. Cost of capital.......................................................................................................................10
2. Capital used..........................................................................................................................10
3. Company assets....................................................................................................................10
4. Fixed cost.............................................................................................................................10
5. Variabel cost.........................................................................................................................10
6. Target selling........................................................................................................................11
7. Cash flow..............................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER IV : Conclusion..................................................................................................12

1. Company description
W World restaurant was founded in 2020 located in Gajah mada street, Pontianak. The
restoran is esthablished by Ferna sita, Fransisca Dwiyana, Lisa Marisa, and Prawiro Ngadimin
which is a joint venture restaurant. The name of the restaurant was inspired by the webtoon
aplication that is provide an online comic, so that W World is the shorten word of Webtoon
World Restaurant. The concept is also implies according to the name, so it is full of 2D comic
wallpaper. Customers will feel like they are in a comic world because all the stuff is well
designed with 2D comic wallpaper or 2D painting, its included the food utensils such as plate,
spoon, fork, cup, chopstick, and etc.
W World restaurant is the first western restaurant with comic concept in Pontianak. Not
only providing a unique concept, but also such an delicious western food. According to the
survey from GoDaddy, Milenial generation will visit to the restaurant that provide
instagramable view wether it is the food or the concept. The better the restaurant concept or
menu offered, the more millennials will be interested in visiting the restaurant. This is also
supported by research conducted by Zizzi, an Italian restaurant. As many as 30 percent of
millennials in the UK will avoid restaurants with poor concepts or unattractive social media
displays. The main target of this restaurant is customers comes from millineal generation who
likes to post interested things into their social media. Except millenial generation, other target
is Pontianak residents with middle to high class who likes to eat western food.
The food is made from highest quality ingridients and some of them is imported from
other country such as the sausage, pasta, and some of the seasoning. Although we sell western
food, the taste of our food will be adjusted to the Indonesian tongue, so that every Pontianak
resident can try the food even they are not western food lovers. Menu list was made according
to the most famous western food in Indonesia so when reading the menu list, it will give
familiar feeling and customers will be easier to decide which food they would like to order.
Customers’ satisfaction is the main priority of our business, we focussed on the taste of
the food and concept that we provide, we make sure that our waiter is well trained and
experiencing on theirs job. We also provide higienity in all aspects of the restaurant, start from
the kitchen, food and drink making process and washing process. Especially in covid-19
pandemic, we make sure that all of the staff is in healthy condition and following protocol from
the government.

2. Business Objective
Business objective is the result that we hope to achieve when running and growing the
restaurant, here is the business objective of W World Restaurant :
1. Getting and staying profitable, to reach this goals, we will focus on controlling costs in both
production and operations while maintaining the profit margin on product sold.
2. Productivity of people and resources, we try our best to always provide all of the resources of
our employees need to remain as productive as possible.
3. Excellent attraction customer service, Keeping the customers always happy will be a primary
objective of the restaurant.
4. Dealing with changes, Always update to every change that might happen and planning
strategies regarding to the changes. We believe that a change is an opportunity not a threat.
5. Staying ahead of the competition, new competitor will always appear to beat the business even
we comes with the one and only concepts in the city, but the possibly that other competitor’s
copycat is a real nighmares, so that keeping the quality of product and promoting the restaurant
is the primary way to maintain it.
3. Mission statement
Our mission is To be one of the most unique restaurant that serve flavorful food, heartfelt
service dan unforgetable experience
4. Vision statement
Our vision is to create an attractive place to visit in Pontianak and to increase local and interlocal
tourism visiting by adding unique rare instagramable object.
5. Organizational structure

General manager
Prawiro Ngadimin

Marketing manager Finance manager Production manager
Lisa Marisa Ferna Sita Fransisca Dwiyana

r r
r P P
Web,brochure P Social media Accountant Finance Chef Supervisor
& etc designer promoter administrator
r r r
r r P
Cashier Helper Waitres Sweeper
r r r r

P Table P
1. Marketing Mix 7P
Marketing mix is used to describe the combination of different marketing activities that a
business does to best meet the needs of the market it is targeting (Jobber and Fahy, 2009).
Accordingly, the purpose of this report is to analyse how W World , a Western restaurant on
in Pontianak uses the marketing mix. Identifying where this restaurant succeeds in using the
7Ps and where it fails and proposing what improvements can be made.
a. Product
This Restaurant provides western menus that prioritize taste and consumers comfort. There is
several kinds of Appetizer, Main course, dessert and also a variety of drinks. Our food menu
list consist of Sirloin Steak, Chicken steak, Burger, various pastas, etc. Although, the restaurant
serving western food which of course also does not eliminate the distinctive taste of the city so
that it still fits the tongue of Pontianak citizen.

b. Price
The menu price in this restaurant adjust to the target market as a strategy to get the attention of
consumers. The price we provide is quite expensive and in accordance with our target market,
namely middle to top. The price of food at this restaurant ranges from Rp.15.000 – Rp.100.000
and the price of drinks ranges from Rp. 8.000 – Rp. 30.000.

c. Place
We will open this restaurant on Gajah Mada Street Pontianak because it is one of the culinary
centers of the city that is crowded with Pontianak people.

d. Promotion
The promotion strategy that we will do is to share it on social media. As we know, social media
is now the fastest media to spread news, therefore we use social media to help us promote this
restaurant. After that we will make banners to put on street corners as well as brochures to
distribute. When the restaurant opens, we will invite well known influencers in Pontianak to
visit our restaurant in order to attract people’s attention. We will also provide attractive promos
so that consumers feel happy and interested. Fruthermore, we hope that the promotion will be
carried out by satisfied consumers so that they spread restaurant information by mouth of

e. People
In our target market, our restaurant consumers are children, adolescents, and families who want
to enjoy eating time together. With the price we provide, we target our market to be the middle
class to high for the Pontianak people.

f. Process
This restaurant will continue to pay attention to every process, both in the process of choosing
the ingredients used, the process of producing food, the process of serving consumers, the
cleaning process, and consumers safety. Of course, these processes have their own standards in
order to create a quality restaurant. To achieve customer satisfaction and make W World
restaurant’s products reach consumers' hands easily we also provides transaction process
between W World Restaurant and customer:
- Dine in
- Take away
- Online orders (Grab/Gojek)

g. Physical evidence
Our restaurant has a different concept from other restaurants. It can even be said that our
restaurant is the first restaurant in Pontianak that uses a comic concept and has black and white
nuances.The interior that is used also makes a special attraction for consumers who come so
that is has interesting spots to take pictures. The comfort and taste of food are the main things
we will continue to pay attention for consumers. The concept of W World Restaurant will be
divided into two areas, they are:
- Indoor atmosphere, Inside the restaurant customers will found themselves falls
into comic world because all of the interior, wallpaper and even the food utensils is
decorated as well as look like in the comic book. Our indoor area consist of 2 floor, in the
first floor, the decoration is more likely the ussual restaurant design with wooden table
chair and of course covered with 2D comic stikers. We also adding some unique photo spot
in this floor. The point is customers is able to enjoy theirs food as comic actors do in their
world. The second floor will be full of decorations and photospots, and also the seats looked
much classier because we add some kinds of classy 2D Comic wallpaper that come with
sofa seat and bigger size of table.
- Outdoor atmosphere, Each floor will have their own outdoor table. The design
of the outdoor one is just the same, the things that differs them is the views. We adding
some kinds of beautiful plant and colorful light to turn on at night. The table and chairs will
also covered with 2D comic wallpaper or painting.

The total number of tables if it combined all is 80. Every customers are able to choose
wherever place or table they like as long as it haven’t filled yet. The things that concern
us in building a comfortable restaurant atmosphere are :
- Cleanliness
The concepts is full of black and white nuances, as we know, white is a color that
gets dirty easily. We will paint or covered our decorations with material that are not
easily dirty such as we use oil based paint and highest quality of wallpaper stikers.
Keeping the place always clean will make the customers feel comfortable.
- Lighting
Adjust ligthing to make it the most appropriate lighting. This is also important
things to concern because we need to keep our customers get enough light when
eating or taking a picture with our instagramble concepts.

- Keep a friendly and warm services all the time
All customers wants to be treated well, so we have trained our staff to always smile
and serve customers warmly. We always opens for any kind of complaint from the
customers and learn by it. This so important to keep a good feedback from
2. SWOT Analysis
The purpose of this tool is to evaluate the restaurant’s position in the hospitality industry, to
see how establishment ranks compared to competitors (both direct and indirect), and
understand how external factors can affect our restaurant business. In addition to that, a SWOT
analysis can help us in strategic planning, brainstorming, and decision making. This is because
the SWOT analysis gives you an idea of how your restaurant is performing and which areas
need attention.
a. Strength
1. First restaurant with comic concept in the city, with this strength, we sure that our
concept is able to attract Pontianak residents to visit the restaurant. As we know,
Pontianak people is known with theirs curiosity especially something new like our
2. Strategic location, W World restaurant located in centre of city which is the most
crowded street. At night, lot of people will go out and spending theirs night in this street
with theirs friends.
3. Offering famous western food without eliminate Indonesian taste on it. We unsure
that every choice of our menu list is already adjusted with Indonesian tongue especially
to Pontianak resident’s taste of food. Beside that, our beverage have a good place to
customer because most of our drink was made with healthy ingredients or made with
high quality one. For example, we are using best quality of chocolate in our drink.
4. Photogenic spot is available in our restaurant. We can say that most of our restaurant
is such a photogenic spot because our 2D design will make our customers feels like
entering to comic world.
b. Weakness
1. Food and drink prices are quite expensive.
2. Availability of the ingredients sometimes can be difficult to find because some of
them is imported from abroad.
3. The attractiveness of the restaurant is come from the concept, People tend to comes
and visit the restaurant in order to feel the sensation of entering comic world. But, since
these pandemic haven’t solved yet, the number of visiting customers is decreased.

c. Opportunities
1. There is no restaurant offers the same concept as we are, so we believe this going to
be our opportunity to increase the selling.
2. People with middle high class tend to like european or american style of food, so our
food style is suit with them.
3. People love to take a picture whenever meet with interesting view, so our restaurant
is already promoted by them because they will post theirs picture at social media. We
sure that everybody who seen theirs picture is attracted to experience it for themselves
4. In nowdays, There are more people who prioritize quality over price. People will pay
more as long as they get the best quality of product, especially when eating food. The
better quality offered, the more delicious it taste.
d. Threat
1. Taxes that always increase every year, such as restaurant tax, shipping tax such as
spice,chocolate,pasta,etc from abroad that enter Indonesia.
2. Rise in food price, Price uncertainties affect everyone within the food industry from
the supplier and producer right through to the restaurant owners and ultimately the
customer. Climate change can be looked at as one of the main contributors as the
elements dictate the viability and ultimate availability of crops.
3. New competitor, Some new competitor will appear with other entertaining concepts
as we do.

1. Cost of capital
Our capital to run this restaurant is Rp.400.000.000, the capital come from personal
investation by the owner.
2. Capital Used

Kitchen Equipment Rp 40.000.000

Store Equipment Rp 35.000.000
Renovation Rp 20.000.000
Interior Expense Rp 85.000.000
Wages Expense (Repairman) Rp 15.000.000
Total Capital Used Rp 195.000.000

3. Company assets

Kitchen equipment Rp 40.000.000

Store Equipment Rp 35.000.000

Total Assets Rp 75.000.000

Depreciation Expenses/
Month Rp 1.562.500

4. Fixed cost

Salary Expenses Rp 30.000.000

Telephone & Electricity Expenses Rp 4.000.000
Rent Expense Rp 20.000.000
Advertising Expenses Rp 2.500.000
Other Operating Expenses Rp 1.400.000
Depreciation Expenses Rp 1.562.500
Total Fixed Cost/Month Rp 59.462.500
Total Fixed Cost/Year Rp 713.550.000

5. Variabel cost

Production Expense 60.000.000

Total Variabel Cost/ Month 60.000.000

Total Variabel Cost/ Year 720.000.000

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6. Target selling
No. Information Total/month
1 Food Rp. 75,000,000
2 Drinks Rp. 55,000,000
Selling target/month Rp 130,000,000
Selling target/year Rp 1,560,000,000

7. Cash flow W World Restaurant

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Sales 390.000.000 393.900.000 397.839.000 401.817.390
Other Income 2.000.000 2.000.000 2.000.000 2.000.000

TOTAL CASH INFLOW 392.000.000 395.900.000 399.839.000 403.817.390

Production Expense 180.000.000 181.800.000 183.618.000 185.454.180
Salary Expenses 90.000.000 90.000.000 90.000.000 90.000.000
Telephone & Electricity
Expenses 12.000.000 12.000.000 12.000.000 12.000.000
Rent Expense 60.000.000 60.000.000 60.000.000 60.000.000
Advertising Expenses 7.500.000 7.500.000 7.500.000 7.500.000
Other Operating Expenses 4.200.000 4.200.000 4.200.000 4.200.000
Depreciation Expenses 4.687.500 4.687.500 4.687.500 4.687.500

TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW 358.387.500 360.187.500 362.005.500 363.841.680

NET CASHFLOW 33.612.500 35.712.500 37.833.500 39.975.710

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As a conclusion, W World restaurant is a business establishment that always wants to make a

famous restaurant in town with their delicous food and new concept. Our business can compete

well with other similarbusiness as well. Moreover, W World retsuaran has make lots of efforts

during the survey for the establishment of business and in terms of its financial projections. In

connection with that, we are aiming to provide best quality of food and friendly service to our

customers’ wants and to fulfill theirs satisfaction when entering restaurant. We are very

confident and believe that our business venture will create and establish a very satisfactory

investment return every year. Our business will continuously make concentrate in the business

strategies, especially interms of marketing to ensure that the business is well known to the

customers. There will be a lot of new western food and well known drink choice that we make.

We hope that we will be able to build a good loyal customer base in every year.

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