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DSCI 310
Homework Session (Blue Team)


What are the external performance objectives for the M&S business, and
how do these differ from those for existing customers?
First of all, M&S has a large collection for the cards, which is about 600,000 sheets, and
around 5k to 19k sheets by their current clients which means M&S is a potential customer
who demands more than others, Moreover, M&S is a huge seller that need nonstop stock. So,
suddenly it is difficult to cut the quantity of orders because they must assist their own clients
on time. If we compared it to the professional producers, they are generally little, small, with
fewer supplies, it is difficult to expect what they are doing in the business operations. They
can also cut off sales due to financial depression or even company termination. Likewise,
M&S does not request for a smaller transport time. They will prepare the order in advance so
that no difficulty should appear later on, and they produce it only standard cards less variety.
If we compare it with the current one, they always demand for a little distribution time
because of their rare style of design over different cards and in smaller quantity. M&S deals
differently with existing customers so that they would have some unique pattern.

What are the potential risks and rewards of accepting the order from
M&S is a large retailer, which means it is a chance for Wace Burgess to find and grab a new
business. If we look into the market it shows that it is changing so, Wace Burgess may realize
this chance to evaluate their modern production strategy, and can also check about their
strategy to be in the leading position in the market or not. Plus M&S is a global enterprise
who does have a large network so it will be the opportunity for Wace Burgees to be with
them and have a globally hand on the work no doubt M&S is with a huge quantity which
may bring a high-level of sales to the Wace Burgees, which will give benefit to their entire
financial statements throughout the year. But it is a fair chance to be the world class
company, to be known in every corner of the world. Working with the huge companies will
give great benefit to the Wace Burgees. As their reputation will be build on this. They can
have higher market share. In every way they will get advantages.
Nevertheless, there are also some risk for them to take. Like it can also harm their image as
which they already build by just doing a small mistake. Because it will cost them in delaying
the production so better for them if they take care of that. Because mistakes can bring failure
to the company. They may lose their permanent customers because of the current clients and
the changes which they will make for the new ones. And, M&S would involve the metallic
inks and gold-blocking, which is not a source in Wace Burgess’s existing suppliers. They
may need to obtain for a new supplier and build up a brand-new relationship with them,
which cost their moment and assets to do so, communication obstacles may increase with a
new business associate.
Adding on, they need to complete the task in a particular time as the order is limited. They
have secured a Christmas card order a month and a half later (October), which means they
only have half a month to complete the job (in November). and with this condition, maybe
employees may work under high pressure and got demotivated for chasing the deadline. And
if they do complete the task it should be well organized with no mistake because it can bring
low quality of time, so they need to take care of that.

Should management introduce any special or different practices in the

factory to handle the M&S order, if it is received?
I personally think they should do that because if Wace Burgess chosen to receive the order.
And for their capacity, the factory can bring the over shifts, overtime for the workers to get
more results on producing quantity. The should set-up time for the litho print which will
increase the pace up to 2 to 3 hours. To One Side from the printing job, there are some
vacancies of packing. So, the company can hire part time workers and set them up with a
skilled employee to complete the job.

Should the company accept the order if they get it?

I recommend they should accept it. Because the market is converting, and the massive sellers
performed a crucial role in the publishing market. This a opportunity for them to stay
competitive in the business with such a big seller, M&S. It is also a corporate opportunity for
Wace Burgess to make connection with several huge sellers and will be a good
way for them to promote their products but there will be risks but it can be solve in different
ways so they should take this opportunity. As, several sectors have also maintained that the
order’s needs are likely to achieve. Hence, I believed that they have a great capacity to
achieve this order. This will be the first step for the Wace Burgess to enter in the huge seller
market and build more trust with M&S which will later help them to be on top class business.

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