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Dashboards from Power BI Desktop to Service

1. Importarea datelor

1. Crearea elementelor de tip vizualizations

2. Publicarea elementelor in Service si posibilitatea de a le salva si ca document cu extensia

3. Deschiderea fisierului in Power BI Service

4. Elementele noi pot fi atasate pe dashboard-urile deja existente sau se poate crea un
dashboard nou
5. Dashboard-ul nou creat poate fi distribuit altor persoane din organizatie
Se pot stabili nivelul de acces pentru fiecare persoana care va avea acces la acest dashboard


o Prin importarea datelor in Power Query Editor le putem edita, converti etc si apoi le putem
importa in Power BI Desktop pentru a le folosi la crearea vizualizations
1. Dupa importarea datelor, tabelele si legaturile dintre acestea pot fi vazute in Model View
2. Relatiile dintre tabele se pot modifica
3. Se pot crea noi formule de calcul
Datasets in Power BI Service

1. Pe baza datelor importate Power BI poate genera automat grafice etc

2. Acestea pot fi vazute apasand pe butonul View Insights

3. Sunt create mai multe Vizualizations

4. Acestea pot fi adaugate pe un dashboard existent sau se poate crea unul nou
Distribuirea dashboard-urilor din Power BI Service

❑ Anyone whom you share a dashboard with can see and interact with it exactly
as you do. However, they have read-only access to the underlying reports,
and they have no access to the underlying datasets.
❑ When you share a dashboard with colleagues you are sharing the underlying
dataset as well. Your colleagues get access to the entire dataset unless row-
level security (RLS) limits their access. Report authors may use capabilities that
customize user experiences when viewing or interacting with reports, for
example hiding columns, limiting the actions on visuals, and others. These
customized user experience do not restrict what data users can access in the
dataset. Use row-level security (RLS) in the dataset so that each person's
credentials determine which data they can access.
❑ Everyone you share your dashboard with can see it and interact with the
related reports in Reading view. In general, they can't create reports or save
changes to existing reports. However, if you select Allow users to build new
content using the underlying datasets, they can create their own reports in
other workspaces based on the dataset for this dashboard or report.
❑ Although no one can see or download the dataset, they can access the dataset
directly by using the Analyze in Excel feature. An admin can restrict the
ability to use Analyze in Excel for everyone in a group

Workspaces in Power BI Service

❑ Create Groups, which you can use as a security model to identify a subset of users
who have access to dashboards, reports, and datasets that you create.
❑ Workspaces are places to collaborate with colleagues to create and refine
collections of dashboards, reports, and paginated reports
❑ New workspaces - are now the default workspace in Power BI. -Assign
workspace roles to user groups: security groups, distribution lists, Office 365
groups, and individuals.
▪ Create a workspace in Power BI without creating an Office 365
▪ Use more granular workspaces roles for more flexible
permissions management in a workspace.
▪ The Power BI admin can control who can create workspaces in
Power BI.

New Workspace
1. Crearea unui workspace se face prin apasarea butonului
3. Crearea unui dashboard in cadrul workspace-ului

Classic workspace
1. Crearea unui workspace clasic
2. Nivelul de acces poate fi stabilit de catre admin

3. Schimbarea rolurilor membrilor

4. Crearea unui site SharePoint pentru acest workspace
Crearea aplicatiilor din Power BI Service
1. Selectarea elementelor care sunt dorite in aplicatie

2. Crearea aplicatiei

3. Completarea informatiilor
4. Specificarea nivelului de acces, cui ii este distribuit setul de aplicatii

5. Publicarea aplicatiei

6. Gasirea ei in meniul lateral la sectiunea Apps

7. In cazul in care aplicatia este distribuita intregii organizatii

8. Inainte de a publica aplicatia este permisa stabilirea nivelurilor de acces pentru seturile de
9. La adaugarea utilizatorilor noi se poate stabili ce permisiuni au

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