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Semester/A.Y: 1st / 2020 – 2022

Professor: Mr. Fernando V. Alarcon Jr., LPT
Section/Schedule: MA 3A, TUESDAY 1:00-2:30

ACTIVITY 1.1 Extended Definition of Philippine History

Instructions: The following modules/videos will help you understand the Definition of
Philippine History as our introduction to Readings in Philippine History. Take
time in analyzing the terminologies and concepts about History using the
following links below.

(1) Watch and learn the definition and nature of Philippine history from

(2) To support the first video, you may also watch and learn the Philippines as
the Pearl of the Orient from

(3) Read the article (pages 3-11 ONLY) by EnP. Moises C. Torrentira Jr., PhD

After you’ve watched the videos and read the article, you are tasked to do a 3-
paragraph essay containing important details about Philippine History
(Definition, nature, and sources.) Use the 3 rd page below in writing your text.
Do not forget to include citations and supporting ideas on your paper. A rubric
is provided to you as your guide in writing your first activity.


Deadline of submission is on Saturday, October 17, 2020 until 6:00 pm
only. You may start sending your finished essay in my email address
with a file name, SURNAME_GEN 115_A1.1 on Friday but once you
submit your paper, you will no longer be able to edit, add, or make
changes. There is no need to rush yourself in submitting the paper early.
It will only affect the quality of your essay. I advise that you take your
time in writing your paper.

Synchronous class will start on October 20, 1:00-2:30pm.

GEN 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202
Should you have any clarifications or concerns, you may send me a message in
my email address, Just include your full name and
the section you are in. Be safe!

a. The connection of every
details is visible
b. The text is timely and
relevant to/with today’s
25 pts
c. Proper sequence of ideas
and information are

a. The students used
updated citations or
references in supporting
ideas in the text.
b. The sources are reliable 15 pts
and made the text clear
and easy to understand.
c. The writers/authors
are/were recognized in
the text.

a. Observed proper
punctuation marks in
writing the text.
10 pts
b. Followed the format set
by the instructor.
c. Cleanliness of the text.

TOTAL 50 pts

GEN 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202
Name: Abigan, Roselle R. Date Submitted: October 17, 2020
Year and Section: BSMA-3A Professor: Mr. Fernando Alarcon Jr.,LPT

The Philippines was described as the "Pearl of the Orient Sea" during 1751 by the Spanish
Jesuit missionary Fr. Juan Delgado because it is said that gold and silver was used as the
currency before for the trading system. But also, it is because of its well-known natural beauty
that became incredibly special such its tropical climate, attractive spots, thousands of islands,
and marvelous mountains that can be found in the Philippine archipelago. Even our National
hero Dr. Jose Rizal featured Philippines as 'Perla De Oriente' in his poem entitled Mi Ultimo
Adios. Before, the Philippines had many proposed names such 'Haring Katagalugan' by Andres
Bonifacio, 'Kapatiran' or 'LuzViMinda' that was named after the 3 major islands the Luzon,
Visayas, and Mindanao, 'Rizalia/Rizaline Republic' to give honor to our national hero Dr. Jose
Rizal, and lastly the 'Maharlika', the famous one proposed by former president Ferdinand Marcos.
The Philippines is called as the Pearl of the Orient Sea because it was compared as a treasure as
pearl, since we all know that Philippines is recognized for its wealthy natural resources, example
of it is the 34 kilogram of pearl found in its archipelago that is known as the world's biggest.
Importantly, what makes Philippines wealthy and well-known is because that it has a rich history
that built it to what it is right now.

The nature of the Philippines based on its history was it is consists of over 7,000 islands
that inhabited by one hundred million people and the archipelago has for thousands of years ago.
This was started during 80's, immigrants and adventures from all over East Asia and as far India
and Middle East. It is believed that migrating began to populate the Philippines that could
possibly brought cultures such 'Sa Huyn culture' that was believed originated from Vietnam.
Immigrants also brought two Indian religions in the Philippines the Buddhism and Hinduism. As
time goes by, the society in the Philippines became stratified in a group of one hundred family or
more which is called barangays, each led by a Datu, while the datu is under by a Rajah which the
one who led several barangays called bayan and the kingdom became extremely wealthy and had
a trade relations in the entire Eastern world. Tondo, Manila was became famous because it set as
a trading hub before, supported and proven by the Laguna Copperplate Inscription which is the
earliest written record were the State of Tondo was mentioned in the script. The barangay of
Tondo expanded the control throughout the Luzon and expand their territory. In the earliest part
of the history several long-lasting states formed to middle ages including 'Ma-i' which is now
known as Mindoro, who held diplomatic relations with Song dynasty of China until Tondo.
During 1200 Rajahnate of Cebu was founded by a minor prince of the Southern India. In year
GEN 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202
1001 Rajahnate of Butuan was also formally disestablished and was known for mining golds, its
gold products, and extensive trade networks reaching the civilizations of modern-day of many
countries like China, Japan, Indonesia, etc. There is also Kingdom of Caboloan that appeared in
year 1406-1576 which was came from Ming dynasty that became great competitor of Tondo. The
Sultanate of Maguindanao was also formed in the South during 1515-18888 that was ruled by
Sultans and maintained favorable relations with the Dutch English for over three centuries until
the Philippines finally fell to the Spaniards in the 19th century in 1521. In this year, the Spanish
expedition started, it was led by a Portuguese named Ferdinand Magellan, this expedition
happened because Spaniards believed that the Philippines is the rich Spice Islands and during
this time the value of spices was equivalent to the value of golds. After this, the Spaniards left but
would return instantly sending five subsequent expeditions. The Rajah of Cebu declared
commitment to the Spanish and converted to Catholicism. Ferdinand Magellan proposed 'Las
Islas de San Lazaro' and 'Las Islas de Poniente' as the names for the Philippines. Eventually, in
1543 Ruy Lopez de Villalobos renamed the island 'Las Filipinas' after Philip II king of Spain.
Because of the invasion of Spaniards, much of the Manila City was burnt to the ground leaving
nothing that could trace the identity of the earliest Filipino and many dialects and scripts are
completely disappeared over time. Over the centuries of Spanish rule, Spanish became the
primary language in the Philippines. Following with the Spanish-American War, the Philippines
became an American territory but shortly fell to Japanese empire and in 1935 became an
American Commonwealth again. Americans introduce monetary system in the Philippines called
peso. During the year 1946-1962 the exchange rate is just two peso per dollar and as time went
on the Asian financial crisis started that dropped the value of peso. After the American period, the
Marcos era was started. The Philippine Republic was established which was replaced by the
dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos who ruled as a dictator under Martial Law from 1972 until
1981. During the time of Marcos the Philippines was known and set as a model to other countries
in terms of development and became known as 'Tiger of Asia' until 1980's the economic crisis
began because of political issues that criticized the government and the regime of Marcos lasted
after 20 years, he eventually removed from power and fled to Hawaii. He was replaced by Corazon
Aquino followed by more presidents.

Historical source is the original source that contain important historical information that could
explain the background of one's place or things that interprets it to what it is right now. There are
diverse sources of history including documentary that is used by historians as evidence includes
books, newspaper, magazines, journal, maps architectural perspective and photographs. The
other sources of history are the archaeological records that refer to preserved remains of human
beings that are generally categorized as fossils and artifacts. The fossils are remains of animals,
plants, and other organism from the distant past, while artifacts are remnants of material culture
developed by human beings such clothes, jewelry, pottery, and stone tools. The third kind of
historical source are the oral and video accounts, these are usually recorded in video and audio
cassettes and compact discs that usually use by media people for their public affair works and
news. There are two kinds of historical sources the primary and secondary sources. The primary
sources refer to documents, physical objects, and oral or video accounts made by an individual or
a group present at the time and place being described. These materials provide facts from people
who actually witnessed the event. The Secondary sources, on the other hand, are materials made
by people long after the events being described had taken place. These historical sources are the
things that we can use to understand the present by examining what went before.

GEN 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202

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