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Effect of Type of Acid Used in Direct Acidification Procedures

on Moisture, Firmness, and Calcium Levels of Cheese

Department of Food Science and Industries, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Abstract are well-established, the effect of type of acid

Blue cheese was made by direct acidifica- used in direct acidification has not been in-
tion of milk, with phosphoric, hydrochloric, vestigated thoroughly. Our study was under-
lactic, and citric acids prior to rennet co- taken to dete~nine the effects of type of acid
agulation. These acids except citric were on composition and firmness of curd and calcium
used to make Pizza cheese. Calcium levels retention in curd made by direct acidification.
were significantly higher in both varieties
of cheese made with phosphoric acid; Blue
cheese made with citric acid had the lowest Cheese manufacture. Blue cheese was manu-
calcium level. Cheese made with phosphoric factured from milk standardized to 4.0% fat
and hydrochloric acids had lower moisture by blending pasteurized, homogenized (2,000
contents and were firmer th~n cheese made psi) 35% cream and raw skimmilk. Portions
with lactic or citric acids. of the milk were acidified to p H 5.6 at 4.4 C
with concentrated hydrochloric, phosphoric, lac-
Systems which have been deveIoped for the tic, or citric acids and made into cheese by the
continuous production of cheese curd depend procedure in Table 1 (18). I n certain trials
upon acid development by lactic cultures during 0.5% lactic starter culture was added to lower
a preripening stage or by hydrolyzable acidu- the p H after manufacturing.
lants or upon direct acidification of milk prior Pizza cheese was made by the procedure of
to rennet coagulation (1-4, 6, 10, 11). I n the Larson et al. (16), as given in Table 2. Milk
systems using direct acidification for manufac- used for cheese making was standardized to
ture of Blue and Pizza cheese, the p H of the 2.0% fat by blending pasteurized, homogenized
milk was adjusted to 5.6 at 4.4 C with food (500 psi), whole milk with pasteurized skim-
grade acids and the milk coagulated with ren- milk.
net (16, 18). The curd was formed under qui- Curd firmness. Firmness measurenmnts were
escent conditions and then cut into cubes by made, with a Precision Junior Penetrometer
traditional procedures or the milk was agitated (17), of curd prior to whey drahlage, of Blue
during coagulation. Small flocs of curd which cheese after 18-hr drainage in open-ended hoops,
formed during the continuous agitation pro- and of Pizza cheese after brine-salting for 24
cedure aggregated with further stirring. The hr. Curd at draining was removed from the
cubes and aggregates of curd were then handled whey with a strainer scoop and prepared for
by traditional procedures. Formation of curd firnmess measurements by methods of Emmons
by direct acidification procedures would be ex- and Price (8). Cylindrical samples of cheese,
pected to alter the rate of coagulation, char- 2.5 cm in diameter and 8.0 cm deep, were
acteristics of the curd, equilibria of the milk fitted tightly into the cylindrical sample con-
salts, level of calcium associated with the casein,
and retention of minerals in the curd (7, 9, 12, TABLE 1
14, 15). Manufacturing procedure for Blue cheese usirLg
While the effects of decreases in p H on curd direct acidification techniques
formation and curd characteristics made by Temperature
traditional or direct acidification procedures Operation Time (C)
Acidify milk to pH 5.6 8:00 4.4
l~eeeived for publication December 20, 1966. Add rennet
50 ml/453.6 kg milk 8:20 30.0
1 Published with permission of the Director of Cut (cubes-l.27 cma) 8:50 30.0
the Agricultural Experiment Station, University Steam on 8:50 30.0
of Wisconsin, Madison. Steam off 9:10 35.6
This study was supported in part by a gran~ Drain whey 9:55 35.6
from Cooperative Research Service, United States Hoop (add mold spores) 10:00
Department of Agrlcu]ture. Curd allowed to drain
s Present address: Faculty of Agriculture, Ein overnight in hoops without
added pressure
Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, U.A.R.

TABLE 2 7O i I
Msaufacturing procedure for Pizza cheese using • PHOSPHORIC ACID
direct acidification and continuous agitation O HYDROCHLORIC ACID
techniques u.I A LACTIC ACID
Temperature Z~
Operation Time (C) Z~
Acidify milk to pH 5.6 8:00 4.4
Add rennet 0
100 ml/453.6 kg milk 8:20 35.0 0
Stir continuously
during coagulation on
Settle curd 8:35 35.0
Begin whey drainage 8:40 35.0 ~- 4O
End whey drainage 8:50 35.0
Begin st_retching and U.l
molding curd in water n
at 82.2 C 8:50
Curd is cooled and brine- 3.0 I I I
salted for 24 hr at 7.2 C 48 49 50 51 52
FIG. 1. Relationship between firmness and mois-
tainer used by Emmons and Price. A cone- ture levels of Pizza cheese made with different
tipped cylinder weighing 50.64 g was allowed acids. Measurements were fallen after brine-
to penetrate into samples of curd or cheese for salthlg.
5 see. Results are expressed in millimeters of
penetration of the needle. II0 I I I I I
Cheese analyses. Moisture in cheese was de- • PHOSPHORIC ACID
termined by drying 3-g samples in 50-ml bea- Ul O HYDROCHLORIC ACID
kers in a forced-draft oven at 110 C for 16 hr. aJ IOO -• CITRIC ACID A
Cheese samples were prepared for calcium analy- A LACTIC ACID A
sis as described by Weik (19). Calcium levels 9.0
were determined by titration with ethylenedi-
amine tetraacetate after passing the sample O
through a column packed with Duolite A-4 to
remove phosphates (13). Duplicate calcium
analyses were made on each lot of cheese. OIL 0
n.. E 7.C
Z~" 6£
Cheese m o ~ t u r e levels. M o i s t u r e levels m the 8_
finished B l u e a n d P i z z a cheese w e r e affected
similarly by the type of acid used to acidify 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
milk. Mean moisture percentages for Blue CHEESE MOISTURE ("7.)
cheese made with phosphoric, hydrochloric, :FIG. 2. Relationship between firmness and mois-
lactic, and citric acids were 45.56, 46.60, 48.54, ture levels of Blue cheese made with different
and 47.61% in lots made with 0.5% lactic cul- a~ids. Measurements were taken after overnight
ture, and 47.69, 47.64, 49.09, and 50.48% in draining.
lots made without added culture. Mean mois-
ture levels in Pizza cheese made with phos- tween firmness and moisture was not shown for
phoric, hydrochloric, and lactic acids were 49.72, Blue cheese made without lactic culture. Gas
50.39, and 50.75%. production in this cheese during overnight
Cheese firmness. Blue cheese prior to drain- drainage at room temperature obviated firm-
age of whey and after 18-hr drainage in hoops ness nleasurements.
was firmer when made from milk acidified with Lactic cultures altered the relative mois-
phosphoric and hydrochloric acids than milk ture and firmness of Blue cheese made with
acidified with lactic or citric acids. Pizza cheese lactic and citric acids. When cultures were
was also firmer when phosphoric and hydro- used, cheese made with citric acid was firmer
chloric acids were used as acidulants rather and lower in moisture than cheese made with
than lactic acid. A consistent relationship ex- lactic acid (Figure 2). The opposite was true
isted between moisture levels and firmness for when lactic cultures were not used. The dif-
both varieties of cheese made with the different ferences apparently were established during
acids (Figures 1 and 2). The relationship be- overnight draining, since curd made with citric

acid was softer at cutting and draining whether fragile citric acid curd as compared to curd
or not lactic cultures were used. made with lactic acid. When lactic cultures
Calcium content. Blue and Pizza cheese made were not used and the significant drop in p i t
with phosphoric acid had significantly higher did not occur during overnight draining, the
calcium contents than cheese made with the curd made with citric acid was softer and had
other acids (Table 3). Citric acid gave the a higher moisture content than curd made with
the other acids.
The higher calcium levels in cheese made with
phosphoric acid probably resulted from co-
Effect of type of acid on calcium content of Blue precipitation of the calcium phosphate with
and Pizza cheese made by direct acidification
procedures the milk protein. Creamer and Waugh observed
higher calcium levels in Ca-a,-casein precipitate
mg Ca/g cheese solids when phosphate was added to the casein solu-
Type of
acid Blue" Pizzab tion before precipitation (5). They attributed
this to precipitation of calcium phosphate, and
Phosphoric 9.91 11.47 also found an inverse relationship between cal-
Hydrochloric 7.41 8.99
Lactic 7.72 8.60 cium content and solvation of precipitated
Citric 5.03 Ca-a~-easein. Cheese made with phosphoric
Means of two replicate trials. and citric acids in this study showed the same
b Means of four replicate trials. inverse relationship between calcium and mois-
ture contents. The relationship did not hold
true for cheese made with lactic and hydro-
lowest calcium levels in Blue cheese. Levels of
calcium in Blue cheese made with phosphoric chloric acids.
acid were 33.8, 28.3, and 97.0% higher than
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