Algeria Population: Djamel

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Part one :

Jane : Can you Tell me about your country Algeria ? I dont know a lot about it.

Djamel : Algeria is situated in the north of Africa . it covers a total area of 2,381,741 sq. km. making it the tenth
largest country in the world and the largest country of Africa. It has 998 km long coastline on the Mediterranean
Sea. The capital and the largest city of Algeria, is Algiers .It is located in the north of the country. There are two
official languages , Arabic and Tamazight. Algerian dinar is our national currency. Algeria has an
estimated population of 42.68 million, up from the official 2013 census .

Part two :

Jane : What about the tourism in Algeria ?

Djamel : There are many amazing and fabulous places in my country..My country has beautiful cities as Algiers,
Oran,Constantine,Bejaia., Tlemcen and Jijel ..etc.Algeria has a long history so we have a rich culture and many world heritage
sites like Beni Hammad Fort,Djémila,Casbah of Algiers,M'Zab Valley,Timgad,Tipasa,Tassili n'Ajjer . These sites describe our
ancestor's life and how they built a civilization in spite of the difficulties .We also have famous mosques and churches like
Ketchaoua Mosque,Notre-Dame d'Afrique,.A lot of international festivals are organized here.

Jane ; And What are the best sights the tourist should visit when he comes to Algeria ?

Djamel : Well . If you are fascinated by pictures of Saharan sand dunes, then a visit to the south of Algeria is is a
must ,where you can enjoy the most spectacular natural landmarks. And if you think about a beach vocation , the
north of Algeria is the best destination for you. Each region in Algeria worth to be visited. There are a lot of thermal
resorts like Hammam Essalihine,Esoukhna….. When you visit Algeria, its impossible to not taste our delicious food especially
the traditional one like couscous,Shakhshoukha,Rechta ….

Jane : Wonderful !,I’m sure , I will visit it one day.

Djamel : You are welcome my friend.

Djamel Djamel
Level : MS4 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 1 Lesson: listening and doing Framework: PDP

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able seek and exchange information on the web about
countries, monuments , landmarks and places of interest..
Targeted competencies: interact – interpret Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: a powerpoint file / W.
– produce. Board/ audio file
Target structure: - adjectives /simple

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

 Intel: Learner can understand verbal and non  Valuing the wonderful Algerian landmarks.
verbal messages .  Being proud of the national heritage.
- Meth: He can work in pairs or within the whole  Openness to the world.
- He can mobilize his resources
 .
- Com: He can use communication technology such as blogs,
website pages, forums of discussion, to interact with people of
other cultures.
 Per and soc: He socialises through oral or
written exchanges.

Ti Frame ;Procedure Foc Aims Mater Va

me work us ial kt
The teacher greets his PPS / the PPSs respond.
Warm Teacher shows students different Algerian landmarks ,monuments
up sand dunes, thermal resorts- fort- beaches….with Powerpoint. And Flash
asks : Brainstorm cards
Do you this place ? How do we call it ? ideas about V/
Where is it situated ?
Pre paces in W A/
Why is it important ?
listening Algeria/ using board
Have you ever visited one of these places?
T/L prior
T invites his PPSto listen to the part 1 of the dialogue
between Jane and Djamel and complete the following chart
To prepare board
with the right information
Location : ………………………….. the learner
Area :…………………………… (km2 for the
The lenght of the coastline …………………………….. km phase and
Capital ;……………………………………. explain the
Official languages:………………….. key words
Currency:…………………………………. Audio
file a/v
Population :……………………………….
 T invites his PPS to listen again to part 1 and check To listen and
their answers in pairs.. fill in the
T invites his PPS to listen to part two and find the missing
words in the following sentences;
1: There are many ………. and …… places in my country. TO The
encourage board
2- so we have a rich culture and many world ………………….
the L to work
3- If you are ………. by pictures of Saharan sand ……….. with his
4- where you can enjoy the most spectacular ….. landmarks.

- T asks his pps to work with their partners to compare their L/L To listen and
answers and correct each other. find the
- T invites his pps to listen again to part 2 and fill in the table words

World Famous Thermal Traditional

heritage mosques resorts dishes
sites and The
churches Listening for board

Discussion :T invites his PPs to work in small groups ( of 3 or 4

PPs)to discuss the following point:
listenin Djamel said: Each region in Algeria worth to be visited.
Do you agree?why ? The PP can The
use his board
Now write an email to your epal giving him/hersome critical V/
information about the most famous landmarks of Algeria. thinking A/
/share his K/T

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