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Acknowledgement……………………………………………… (i)

Abstract………………………………………………………… (ii)

Chapter-1: Introduction
Serial No Topics Page No

Chapter-2: Methodology
2.1 Data 5
2.2 Study area 5
2.3 Study population 6
2.4 Data Collection 6
2.5 Data collection instrument 6
2.6 Questionnaire development 6
2.7 Method of Data Collection 7
2.8 Editing 7
2.9 Data analysis procedure 7
2.10 Univariate Analysis 8
2.11 Bi-variate Analysis 8
2.12 Multiple linear regression 8
2.13 Limitation of the study 8
Chapter-3: Univariate Analysis 9-20
Chapter-4: Bi-variate analysis and Test 21-24
Chapter-5: Multiple linear regression
5.1 Review of simple linear regression 25
5.2 Multiple linear regression 26
Chapter-6: Discussion 27-28
References 29
Appendix 30-31
List of Tables
Serial No Topics Page No
3.1 Percentage distribution of gender of the respondents 9
3.2 Percentage distribution of faculty of the respondents 10
3.3 Percentage distribution of department of the respondents 11
3.4 Percentage distribution of income of the respondents 12
3.5 Percentage distribution of source of income of respondents 13
3.6 Percentage distribution of accessing information of the respondents 14
3.7 Percentage of main cause of internet accessing 15
3.8 Percentage distribution of time spends on internet 16
3.9 Percentage distribution of opinion about effect of Internet 17
3.10 Frequency distribution health problems 18
3.11 Percentage distribution of time spends on study of respondents 19
3.12 Percentage distribution of device by which access to internet 20
4.1 Table of mean comparison between CGPA and internet access 21
4.2 ANOVA table for comparison between internet access and CGPA 21
4.3 Correlation between time spend on study and internet 22
4.4 Cross tabulation between Gender and internet access 23
4.5 Chi-square test result for Gender and internet access 23
4.6 Representation of mean CGPA by Gender with table 24
5.1 Output of multiple linear regression 26
List of Figures
Serial No Topics Page No
3.1 Graphical presentation of gender of the respondents 9
3.2 Graphical presentation of faculty of the respondents 10
3.3 Graphical presentation of department of the respondents 11
3.4 Graphical presentation of income of the respondents 12
3.5 Graphical presentation of source of income of respondents 13
3.6 Graphical presentation of accessing information of the respondents 14
3.7 Graphical presentation of main cause of internet accessing 15
3.8 Graphical presentation of time spends on internet 16
3.9 Graphical presentation of opinion about effect of Internet 17
3.10 Graphical presentation health problems 18
3.11 Graphical presentation of time spends on study of respondents 19
3.12 Graphical presentation of device by which access to internet 20
4.1 Internet access by gender 23
4.2 Graphical representation of mean CGPA by Gender 24

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