4.1 Relation Between CGPA and Internet Access

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Chapter-4: Bivariate analysis and test

4.1 Relation between CGPA and Internet access

Table4.1: Table of mean comparison between CGPA and internet access.

Access Mean N Std.Deviation
Yes 3.2977 107 .26015
No 3.4800 7 .10786

Comment: Mean CGPA of the respondents who access to internet is little bit lower than the
mean CGPA of the respondents who don’t access to internet.

Hypothesis: Ho: CGPA does not depend on internet access.

Ha: CGPA depends on internet access.

Table4.2: ANOVA table for mean comparison between internet access and CGPA.

S.S df M.Square F Sig.
Between Groups .218 1 .218 3.377 .069
Within Groups 7.244 112 .065

Comment: From the ANOVA table our calculated F statistic 3.377 is less than the critical
value 3.925 at 5% level of significance. Hence we fail to reject the null hypothesis, i.e. CGPA
does not get influenced by access to the internet.

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Chapter-4: Bivariate analysis and test

4.2 Correlation between times spends on internet and time spends on study.

Table4.3: Correlation between ‘time spends on study’ and ‘time spends on internet’.

Time spend Spend time
on internet on study
Time spend on Pearson 1 -.441
internet Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 115 115

From the correlation table there has a negative value of Pearson Correlation, hence we may
conclude that increase of one causes decrease to other. More precisely with the increase of
time spend on internet, study time decreases.

Again p-value is less than .05; hence it is clear that there has a significant relation between
time spends on internet and time spends on study.

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Chapter-4: Bivariate analysis and test

4.3 Relation between Gender and Internet access

Table4.4: Cross tabulation between Gender and internet access.

Gender * Access
Gender Access Total
Yes No
Male 92 1 93
Female 15 6 21

Comment: Among the 93 male respondent, 92 of them access to internet. And among 21
female respondent, 15 of them access to internet.

Hypothesis: Ho: Access to internet does not depend on gender.

Table4.5: Chi-square test result.

Chi-Square Tests
Value DF
Pearson Chi-Square 22.473 1

Comment: Pearson Chi-square value is 22.473 is greater than the Chi-square critical value
3.84 with 1 d.f at 5% level of significance. Hence we may reject the null hypothesis, i.e.
Internet access depends on gender.

Figure4.1: Internet access by gender

Internet access by Gender

Yes No

Comment: From the graph it is clear that most of the female respondents don’t access to
internet. But almost all the male respondents access to internet.

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Chapter-4: Bivariate analysis and test

4.4 Mean CGPA by Gender

Table4.6: Representation of mean CGPA by Gender with table.

CGPA of the respondents
Gender Mean N
Male 3.29 93
Female 3.37 22
Total 3.30 115

Figure4.2: Graphical representation of mean CGPA by Gender.

Mean CGPA by Gender



3.24 3.26 3.28 3.3 3.32 3.34 3.36 3.38

Comment: From the above figure it is clear that mean CGPA for female is greater than mean
CGPA for male respondents.

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