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Final 2020


Give a full answer to the following questions based on the

studied texts.

1. What can you say about the history of

football? ​The ​game​ of ​football​ takes its form. The
most admitted story tells that the ​game​ was developed
in England in the 12th century. In this century, ​games
that resembled ​football​ were played on meadows and
roads in England. Besides from kiks the ​game​ involved
als punches of the ball with the fist.

2. How can the popularization of football help to unite people from all
over the world? Everyone in the world loves football, in England they
call it is capable of ​uniting the whole ​ ​world ​through the shared
passion for the game. We need more events like it, to force people around the
world​ to interact with one another in positive ways and achieve a deeper
understanding of the cultures other than their own.

3. Which factors and characteristics play an important role in forming a

top athlete? ​self-confidence, motivation, emotional control, and concentration.
This is the main factors and characters to be a top athlete.

4. What are fast-twitch fibres and slow –twitch

fibres? ​ ​slow-twitch​ muscle ​fibers​ support long distance
endurance activities like marathon running, while ​fast​-​twitch
muscle ​fibers​ support quick, powerful movements such as
sprinting or weightlifting.

5. How has the perception of skin colour changed, over the

centuries, in
denoting a social status of a person of beauty in different

6. What role does tattooing and body scarring play in some

cultures? In some countries tattooing have some cultural and
religional role. ​For example, Japan and Egypt both used some ​tattoos​ as
protective symbols, while Samoa and Japan used certain ​tattoos​ to denote
an individual's ranks. In japan, yakuza, the japanese mafia, are strongly
associated with tattoos.

7. How do scientists explain the psychological perception of

beauty in
different cultures?

8. How is the culture of hair styling different in Papua New

Guinea? ​ Each group has created its own expressive forms in art, costumes,
weaponry, singing,hair styling, music, architecture and much more.

9. What is the main reason for hunting and killing snow

leopards? ​Snow leopards​ are often ​killed​ by local farmers because
they prey on livestock such as sheep, goats, horses, and yak calves. It is
like some everyday life hunting but the problem is that the snow leopards
have very little numbers in the world and the humans have to protect
them, nor to make business with it.

10. How do conservationists think to make snow leopards more

valuable alive than dead? Snow leopards is more valued dead than
alive, it is so sad but conservationists think that it is possible to let
leopards more valuable alive than dad.

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