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Object 4: Administration of drugs to laboratory animals by Intra peritoneal (i.

p) route



ICR mice, Sprague Dawley Rats


Disposable gloves, Mask, Normal saline, Syringes, Alcohol 70%, shaving machine


Intra peritoneal drug administration technique refers to the administration of the drug material
inside the peritoneal cavity, which is surrounded by peritoneal membrane- a membrane that
surrounds the visceral organs. Usually lower right or left quadrant is adopted for i.p injection
to avoid the entrance of needle into vital organs. Intraperitoneal route is the most common
route being technically simple and easy. It allows quite long periods of absorption from the
repository site. The rate of absorption by this route is usually one-half to one-fourth as rapid
as from the intravenous one. Limitations are the sensitivity of the tissue to irritating
substances, less tolerance to solutions of non-physiological pH. These should be isotonic and
quite large volume can be administered by this route.


1. Restrain the mouse by scruff method. Expose the ventral side of the mice, tilting the head
down at a slight angle.

2. Clean the area using 70% ethanol.

3. Divide the abdomen into four quadrants by imaginary vertical and transverse lines.

4. Sterile needle should be placed in the lower right or left quadrant of the mice abdomen.

5. Insert the needle at a 40° angle.

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