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(From Baisakh till 12th Bhadra 2077)

Class: 7
Subject: Mathematics


1. Number in words (both systems)
2. L.C.M. (By factorization method) 29 no. 2
3. H.C.F. (By factorization method) 26 no. 2
4. Simplify (BODMAS rules) 56 no. 1
5. Simplify (Fraction + / -) 66 no. 3

6. Perimeter of triangles
7. Perimeter of squares
8. Perimeter of rectangles
9. Area of triangles
10. Area of squares
11. Area of rectangles
12. Volume of cuboids: 249
13. T.S.A. of cuboids: 249
14. Find the sizes of unknown angles 193
15. Simplify: 129
16. Find the product of: 129
17. Multiply 129
18. Volume of cubes 250
19. T.S.A. of cubes 250
20. Divide: 139 & 140
21. Simplify: 151 no. 1 & 2
22. Squares: 132 no. 1
23. Square forms: 133 no. 4
24. Area of triangles, rectangles, squares, 240
parallelograms and circles:
25. Work out these problems: 217 no. 1
26. Find the unknown sizes of angles …… 218 no. 2
27. Multiplication of fractions: 70
28. Division of fractions: 70
29. Simplify the following: 70 and 71
30. H.C.F. by division method 26 no. 3
31. L.C.M. by division method 29 no. 3
32. Find the square numbers: 36
33. Find the square roots: 36
34. Find the cube numbers: 41
35. Find the cube roots: 41
36. Set 14 and 15

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