Jumps and Branches: Machine-Level and Systems Programming

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Jumps and


Machine-Level and
Systems Programming

Henri Casanova (henric@hawaii.edu)

Modifying Instruction Flow
 So far we have seen instructions to
 Move data back and forth between memory and
 Do some data conversion
 Perform arithmetic operation on that data
 Now we’re going to learn about instructions that
modify the order in which instructions are executed
 i.e., we not always execute the next instruction
 High-level programming languages provide control
 for loops, while loop, if-then-else statements, etc.
 Assembly language basically provides a goto
 An infamous instruction, that causes “spaghetti code”
The JMP Instruction
 JMP allows you to “jump” to a code label
 Example:

add eax, ebx
jmp here
sub al, bl These instructions will
movsx ax, al never be executed!

call print_int
The JMP Instruction
 The ability to jump to a label in the assembly code is convenient
 In machine code there is no such thing as a label: only addresses
 So one would constantly have to compute addresses by hand
 e.g., “jump to the instruction +4319 bytes from here in the source code”
 e.g., “jump to the instruction -18 bytes from here in the source code”
 This is what programmers, way back when, used to do by hand, using
signed displacements in bytes
 The displacements are added to the EIP register (program counter)
 There are three versions of the JMP instruction in machine code:
 Short jump: Can only jump to an instruction that is within 128 bytes in
memory of the jump instruction (1-byte displacement)
 Near jump: 4-byte displacement (any location in the code segment)
 Far jump: very rare jump to another code segment
 We won’t use this at all
The JMP Instruction
 A short jump:
jmp label
or jmp short label
 A near jump:
jmp near label
 Why do we even have this?
 Remember that instructions are encoded in binary
 To jump one needs to encode the number of bytes to add/subtract to the
program counter
 If this number is large, we need many bits to encode it
 If this number is small, we want to use few bits so that our program
takes less space in memory
 i.e., the encoding of a short jmp instruction takes fewer bits than the
encoding of a near jmp instruction (3 bytes less)
 In a code that has 100,000 near jumps, if you can replace 50% of them
by short jumps, you save ~150KB (in the size of the executable)
Conditional Branches
 The JMP instruction is an unconditional
 We also have conditional branch instructions
 These instructions jump to an address in the
code segment (i.e., a label) based on the
content of the FLAGS register
 As a programmer you don’t modify the FLAGS
register, instead it is updated by
 All instructions that perform arithmetic operations
 The cmp instruction, which subtracts one operand
from another but doesn’t store the result anywhere
Unsigned Integers
 When you use unsigned integers the bits in the FLAGS
register (also called “flags”) that are important are:
 ZF: The Zero Flag (set to 1 if result is 0)
 CF: The Carry Flag
 During an arithmetic operation, used to detect overflow or to do
clever arithmetic since it may denote a carry or a borrow
 Consider: cmp a, b (which computes a-b)
 If a = b: ZF is set, CF is not set
 If a < b: ZF is not set, CF is set (borrow)
 If you were computing the difference for real, this would mean an
 If a > b: ZF is not set, CF is not set
 Therefore, by looking at ZF and CF you can determine the
result of the comparison!
 We’ll see how we “look” at the flags shortly
Signed Integers
 For signed integers you should care about
three flags:
 ZF: zero flag
 OF: overflow flag (set to 1 if the result overflows

or underflows)
 SF: sign flag (set to 1 if the result is negative)

 Consider: cmp a, b (which computes a-b)

 If a = b: ZF is set, OF is not set, SF is not set
 If a < b: ZF is not set, and SF ≠ OF
 If a > b: ZF is not set, and SF = OF
 Therefore, by looking at ZF, SF, and OF you can
determine the result of the comparison!
Signed Integers: SF and OF???
 Why do we have this odd relationship between SF
and OF?
 Consider two signed integers a and b, and
remember that we compute (a-b)
 If a < b
 If there is no overflow, then (a-b) is a negative number!
 If there is overflow, then (a-b) is (erroneously) a positive
 Therefore, in both cases SF ≠ OF
 If a > b
 If there is no overflow, the (correct) result is positive
 If there is an overflow, the (incorrect) result is negative
 Therefore, in both cases SF = OF
Signed Integers: SF and OF???
 Example: a = 80h (-128d), b = 23h (+35d) (a < b)
 a - b = a + (-b) = 80h + DDh = 15Dh
 dropping the 1, we get 5Dh (+93d), which is erroneously positive!
 So, SF=0 and OF=1
 Example: a = F3h (-13d), b = 23h (+35d) (a < b)
 a - b = a + (-b) = F3h + DDh = D0h (-48d)
 D0h is negative and we have no overflow (in range)
 So, SF=1 and OF=0
 Example: a = F3h (-13d), b = 82h (-126d) (a > b)
 a - b = a + (-b) = F3h + 7Eh = 171h
 dropping the 1, we get 71h (+113d), which is positive and we have no
 So, SF=0 and OF=0
 Example: a = 70h (112d), b = D8h (-40d) (a > b)
 a - b = a + (-b) = 70h + 28h = 98h, which is erroneously negative
 So, SF=1 and OF=1

cmp a,b ZF CF OF SF

a==b 1 0

a<b 0 1
a>b 0 0

a==b 1 0 0

a<b 0 v !v
a>b 0 v v
Simple Conditional Branches
 There is a large set of conditional branch
instructions that act based on bits in the
FLAGS register
 The simple ones just branch (or not)
depending on the value of one of the flags:
 ZF, OF, SF, CF, PF
 PF: Parity Flag
 Set to 0 if the number of bits set to 1 in the lower 8-bit
of the “result” is odd, to 1 otherwise
Simple Conditional Branches
JZ branches if ZF is set
JNZ branches if ZF is unset
JO branches if OF is set
JNO branches if OF is unset
JS branches is SF is set
JNS branches is SF is unset
JC branches if CF is set
JNC branches if CF is unset
JP branches if PF is set
JNP branches if PF is unset
 Consider the following C-like code wither register-like variables
if (EAX == 0)
EBX = 1;
EBX = 2;
 Here it is in x86 assembly

cmp eax, 0 ; do the comparison

jz thenblock ; if = 0, then goto thenblock
mov ebx, 2 ; else clause
jmp next ; jump over the then clause
mov ebx, 1 ; then clause
 Could use jnz and be the other way around
Another Example
 Say we have the following C code (let us assume that EAX
contains a value that we interpret as signed)
if (EAX >= 5)
EBX = 1;
EBX = 2;
 This is much less straightforward
 Let’s go back to our table for signed numbers
cmp a,b ZF OF SF After executing cmp eax, 5
a=b 1 0 0
if (OF = SF) then a >= b
a<b 0 v !v
a>b 0 v v
Another Example (continued)
 a>=b if (OF = SF)
 Skeleton program
cmp eax, 5 Comparison

???? Testing relevant flags

“Then” block
mov ebx, 1
jmp end
elseblock: “Else” block
mov ebx, 2
Another Example (continued)
 a>=b if (OF = SF)
 Program:

cmp eax, 5 ; do the comparison

jo oset ; if OF = 1 goto oset
js elseblock ; (OF=0) and (SF = 1) goto elseblock
jmp thenblock ; (OF=0) and (SF=0) goto thenblock
jns elseblock ; (OF=1) and (SF = 0) goto elseblock
jmp thenblock ; (OF=1) and (SF=1) goto thenblock
mov ebx, 1
jmp end
mov ebx, 2
Another Example (continued)
cmp eax, 5 ; do the comparison
jo oset ; if OF = 1 goto oset
js elseblock ; (OF=0) and (SF = 1) goto elseblock
jmp thenblock ; (OF=0) and (SF=0) goto thenblock
jns elseblock ; (OF=1) and (SF = 0) goto elseblock
jmp thenblock ; (OF=1) and (SF=1) goto thenblock
mov ebx, 1 Unneeded instruction, we
can just “fall through”
jmp end
mov ebx, 2
end: The book has the same example,
but their solution is the other way around
A bit too hard?
 One can play tricks by putting the else block
before the then block
 See example in the book
 The previous two examples are really
awkward, and it’s very easy to introduce bugs
 Consequently, x86 assembly provides other
branch instructions to make our life much
easier :)
 Let’s look at these instructions...
More branches
cmp x, y
signed unsigned
Instruction branches if Instruction branches if
JE x=y JE x=y
JNE x != y JNE x != y
JL, JNGE x<y JB, JNAE x<y
JLE, JNG x <= y JBE, JNA x <= y
JG, JNLE x>y JA, JNBE x>y
JGE, JNL x >= y JAE, JNB x >= y
Redoing our Example
if (EAX >= 5)
EBX = 1;
EBX = 2;

cmp eax, 5
jge thenblock
mov ebx, 2
jmp end
mov ebx, 1
The FLAGS register
 Is it very important to remember that many
instructions change the bits of the FLAGS
 So you should “act” on flag values
immediately, and not expect them to remain
unchanged inside FLAGS
 or you can save them by-hand for later use
 In the next set of lecture notes we’ll see how
to translate high-level control structures (if-
then-else, while, for, etc.) into assembly
based on what we just described
 We’ve basically seen if-the-else already

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