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suitable for revised 2008 Cambritige TTC EL teats Pure Rerayt ttt Retr iit writing ih i H H Fa 05 Unit Family and friends ® EERIE Listening icons A Speaking a Sencar: Z Writing a descriptive informal letter ..... ‘ EBe. scies 7 Unit? Adventure * [EEE Listening an Speaking 22 ‘Writing a story ey ‘Unit3 Health and fitness r .29 M 3 . I, Spee ee a9 ‘Speaking Falster seccseta al ‘Writing a transactional letter/e-mail asking for information and making a request...._.43 Unit 5 Travel CEE Listening Speaking... ‘Writing an article Unité = Modern life [SIE Listening isch Speaking... Writing an essay discussing a problem and suggesting solutions... Unit? Food and drink Listening Writing » transactional letter/e-mail of complaint ae oo BZ 87 88 393 Speaking ...... : By Sas ‘Writing a transactional letter/e-mail giving information and making arrangements 9 ‘Unit 11 Youth culture (SETI Listening Writing an essay expressing an opinion Unit 12 FCE Practice Test oe Introduction The aim of the book Double Plus 82 will help you prepare for the Cambridge FCE Examination, the Michigan ECCE Examination and other exams at B2 level. By using this book you will develop your listening, speaking and writing skills, become familiar with the examination tasks and prepare effectively for the corresponding parts of the exams. Outline of the Cambridge FCE Examination eo ee) PART | TASK TYPE | NUMBER OF QUESTIONS: |_| Multipte choice | 8 2 _| Gapped text Pe if 7 3 | Muleiple matching is TOTAL: 30 es eA A ee ae) PART | TASK TYPE 2 = —_—$§ eek CP WORDS. 1 | Compulsory task abs ts0 j Srntsctionel Jovtr.(forwel itorrmel)orssme [0 as ‘One tatk from a choies of four | (article, nan-transactional leer: review. oe report, essay) euee aod oer) PART| TASK TYPE NUMBER OF QUESTIONS |__| Multiple choice cloze Be = Opel dost 2 3 Word formation 0 4) Key word transformation & ase ee | PART| TASKTYPE NUMBER OF QUESTIONS. er |__| Multiple choiew 8 2_| Sentence completion 0 3_| Multipte marching 5 4 Mukiple choice 7 Mat PART | TASK TYPE = [DURATION __1__| Shore exchanges between each candidate and the inceriocutor 3 minuves 2 | Long tun from each candidate. with a brief response from the other candidace 4 minutes 3_| Candidaves talk to each other 3 minutes 4 | Candidates talle to each other and the interlocutor 4 minutes The listening part of the Cambridge FCE Examination ‘There are thirty questions in the FCE Listening Comprehension ‘Test. Each of the four parts of the test contains one ‘or more recorded texts which is played twice. The listening texts may be monologues or conversations based om ‘everyday situations (e., lectures, telephone messages, interviews), The recordings include a variety of accents. The aim of Paper 4is to est candidates’ ability to: 4. understand the gist (general meaning) and main points of a spoken text bi listen for details or specific information «. make deductions when information is not clearly stated Part 1 consists of eight short unrelated texts lasting about thirty seconds each, Candidates have to answer eight ‘multiple choice questions with three options each. The questions and the options are both read out on the recording and printed on the question paper. In parts 2, 3 and 4 the questions are not read out dn the recording, but candidates are given adequate time to read through them before listening to the txt. Part 2 consists of a text lasting about three minutes. Candidates have to answer ten questions by completing. sentences, They have to write a word ot short phrase (usually aot longer than three words) in the blanks provided. ‘The questions follow the order of the information in the text, Minor spelling mistakes are not penalised, as long as the answers are recognisable. Part 3 consists of five short texts, of about thirty seconds each, which are usually theme-related. Candidates have to complete a multiple matching task. There is alist of six possible answers, five of which must be matched with the sents Part 4 consists of a text lasting about three minutes. Candidates have to answer seven multiple choice questions with three options each, ‘® Always read the questions carefully before listening to the recording. This will give you some idea of what are going to hear and what kind of answers you arc looking for. ‘© Do not worry about unfamiliar words that you may hear in the recording. ‘This will only distract you. Try to ‘understand the general meaning of the text, ‘@ When dealing with questions that have two or three options try to justify why the answer you have chosen is correct and the other options incorrect. ‘© When answering the questions in Part 2, check that your answer makes sense with the part of the sentence already given. ‘© Answer all the questions even if you are nat sure of the answers, and give only one answer to each question. _ The speaking test of the Cambridge FCE Examination “The FCE Speaking Test contains four parts and lasts about fourteen minutes. It interview between two candidates and two examiners. Both examiners assess the candidates, but only one of them, the interlocutor, ‘conducts the interview. Part | lasts three to four minutes. The interlocutor has a conversation with exch candidate, in turn, about topics ‘candidates are familiar with (c.g the place they come from, their family; neighbourhood, school, hobbies, et). The aim is to make the candidates feel comfortable. This part tests the candidates’ ability to vouvey personal information in correct and fluent English, * Part 2 lasts about four minutes. Each candidate is asked to compare and contrast a set of theme-related photographs. The candidate should not describe the photographs in detail, but focus on the similarities ant differences. This will take about one minute. Then, the other candidate is asked to make-a brief comment on the same photographs for about twenty seconds. The candidates are assessed on vocabulary, structures and organisation of the language when expressing their opinion. Part 3 lasts about three minutes. The candidates ate given visual prompts such as pictures, drawings or maps and ‘must carry out a conversation in order to.complete a given task. This may involve speculating, prioritising, planning, decision making or problem solving, The candidates are assessec! on their ability to exchange information/opinions, justify their opinions and manage a conversation in English. Part 4 lasts about four minutes. The interlocutor leads a difcussion between the two candidates based and expanding on the theme dealt with in Part 3, The aim is to test the candidates’ conversation skills, © Smile and look confident. ‘© Speak clearly. Appropriate speed of delivery is also important. . Ifyou haven't understood samething, do not hesitate to ask for clarification. Use questions like “Could you please repeat that?” or “Could you please say that again”, \@ When you are asked a question, try to answer immediately, Remember that time is limited and you have to show that you are able to express yourself adequately. . If you can't remember a word, don't stop abruptly. Try to use other words to express what you mean. © Try to use a range of vocabulary and structures. Do not repeat the same words all the time. Remember that ‘you are being assessed on your language skills. ‘© Do not answer questions with just a “yes” or “na”, Try to justify your answers using examples or arguments. The examiners need am adequate amount of language in order to assess you. ‘@ Remember, no answer is right or wrong, as long as it is justified. @ When you nced more time to think about what to say, use phrases such as: “Well, let’s see now" or “Well, let me think”. ‘© Always look at the person you are talking to, whether it’s the other candidate oF the interlocutor, ‘© In the discussion tasks, begin speaking with your partner immediately. Help each other if one of you gets stuck by asking a question, for instance. It is your responsibility to make the conversation flow naturally. | mal The writing part of the Cambridge FCE Examination ‘The FCE Writing Test containe two parts and lasts 1 hour and 20 minutes. Candidates are asked to write for'a specific purpose, having a particular reader in mind. The word limit is 120-150 wards for Part 1 and 120-180 words for Part 2. Part Iisa guided writing task and is compulsory. Candidates ae given up to three short texts ithe form of advertisements, leter, notes, etc. The task they have to compete is writing a transactional leter oF which can be formal, semi-formal or informal — asking for or giving information, making a camplaint, et. Part 2 consists of four tasks. Candidates must do one out of the four given tasks. The writing tasks requized for this part include non-transactionalleters (formal and informal), reports, articles, compositions essays), stories and reviews. Task number five is based on the sct books. Before you start # Read the rubric carefily and undertine the key wordsiphraces and the pots which you need to include in your writing. ‘© Ask yourself who you are writing to and why you are writing. ‘© Decide on the appropriate layout and style. Planning your text ‘© Make notes of any ideas you have on a scrap piece of paper. Your notes could be in point form ot under headings ‘© Refer back to the rubric and choose your best ideas, - Group relaicd ideas together. ‘@ Put your ideas in order of importance. One way of doing this is by numbering them. ‘© Make sure you include all the poimts mentioned in the rubric, ‘Writing your text @ Start by writing an interesting introduction, informing your reader what you are going to write about. © Use paragraphs. ‘@ Begin cach paragraph with a topic sentence, @ Make sure that your ideas/arguments/information appear in a logical order. @ Inclade a range of vocabulary and expressions. # Avoid repetition of the same words and expressions. ‘@ Use appropriate linking words/phrases to join your ideas and make your writing flow. @ Use appropriate tenses and grammar structures. ‘® Keep the reader in mind so that you write in an appropriate style. 4 Write a conclusion which summarises your ideas. \@ Make sure that your writing is neat and easy to read. ‘Checking your text ‘® Check that you have completed all parts of the task and have written using an appropriate style and layout, © Add any necessary details and eliminate irrelevant points. © Check that you have kept to the points mentioned in Weiting pour text. + Check your spelling, punctuation and grammar. \ Make sure you have kept within the word limit. Outline of the Michigan ECCE Examination Cent coy Dt coy 2 parts, multiple-choice answers: 50 total Part |= short dialogues followed by a 30. items recorded question with answer choices i , lin the form of pictures ens Part 2—a longer talk divided Into 20 items ssegmenes; each segment is followed by ‘24 recorded questions and printed . multiple-choice answers 13 parts, multiple-choice answers 100 total 80 mins gammar 35 terns Ces Noerathie hesanetny vocabulary + 35 ives the reading section consists of 3 texts 30 items followed by multiple-choice questions a choice of letter or essay response one task 30 mins based on a printed prompt in the form ofa letter from a magazine advice * ‘column, short article, or a memo 41 one-to-one interaction, using visual 104I5 mins prompts De ° 3 The listening part of the Michigan ECCE Examination ust lithe first part ofthe test there are approximately 30 short dislogues or announcements which test canis! ability to understand spoken English in everyday situations. The dialogues are always between a man and a woman, Each recording, is played only once and is followed by a recorded question, ‘The answer choices for each question are pucturas. ‘hw «candidates have to choose one of the three pictures which best answers the question they have heard © Look at the three pictures carefully before you start listening. This will give you some jcea of what you are abouit to hear, © As you listen, concentrate on the pictures. You will probably need to eliminate options before you find the correct answer. . Fe ‘© Each question is followed by a twelve-second pause, Use this time to answer the particular question and look at the next set of pictures. ‘® You will need to identify the relationship between the speakers, the content/topic af the conversation, where the conversation is taking place, possible functions (e.g. asking for / giving directions/opinions, etc.) '® Pay close attention to the speakers’ intonation and word stress. These can give you useful information about the speakers' feelings, mood or attitude, © Make sure you transfer your answers to the answer sheet clenrly and carefully. ‘The second part tests candidates’ understanding of a longer talk, in the form of a radio interview, The intervicw is heard in sections and is played only once. After each section, candidates are asked two to four questions. All the questions are recorded, The answer choices are printed in the test booklet, Each group of answer choices that relate to one part of the interview is separated from the preceding/following choices by lines. For each question, candidates have to choose one of the three answer choices in the test booklet. a ‘© While you are listening, itis essential that you take notes of names, dates, places, numbers, events, or anything else that you may think is important. However, you shouldn't waste time writing out full words, It is advisable to use abbreviations, that is only parts of the words (c.g, info instead of information, NY instead of New York). This will help you remember important detaile, ‘# Listen carefully to the interviewer's question, This can give you same idea of the kind of answer the guest speaker is about to give. © There isa twelve-second pause between cach question. Use this time to answer the particular question and read the next set of answer choices before you hear the next question, ‘# Don’t work on a question when the next question is being spoken. @ Don’t leave any questions unanswered. 10 The writing part of the Michigan ECCE Examination ‘The writing part, which lasts 30 minutes, tests the candidates’ ability to express their idews in a clear and comprebensible way. ‘They will be asked to write a letter oF an essay (one page long oF about 180 - 175 words) based on prompt. This prompt might be a short letes, an article published in a newspaper or magazine, 0 memo. The letter or the essay must reflect the candidates’ views on the ideas presented in the prompt. © Read the prompt carefully and underline the key words/phrases and the points which you need to include in your writing. © As you have only 30 minutes you need to learn to organize your time efficiently. Spend five minutes planning your writing. Before you start writing, consider who you are writing to and what effect you want Your writing to have on the reader, This will determine the style and the kind of lapguage (formal / infortnal) you will have to use. # Aer you have finished, allow for some time vo check your writing, Rea it carefilly, ald any necessary details and check spelling, grammar and punctuation. se The speaking test of the Michigan ECCE Examination ‘The speaking testis an interview between the candidate and an examiner and it aims at assessing the candidate's oral production skills. It lasts 10-15 minutes and consists af four stapes: Stage 1 Candidates are asked questions about themselves, where they come from, their school, family, neighborhood, interests, hobbies, future plans, etc. The aim is to make them feel comfartable by talking about topics they are familiar with, Stage 2 Candidates are given a prompt including a short text and pictures about a problem or situation, Candidates ask the examiner questions in ordet 1 get the information they need to make a decision, ‘Stage 3 When candidates think they have gathered enough information, they report their solution, of their opinion bout the problem or situation to the examiner justifying why that solution or opinion is best. ‘Stage 4 Candidates are asked questions that elaborate on the topic introduced by the prompt. ‘@ Look confident and look at the examiner when speaking to him/her. Speak loudly and clearly sa that the examiner can hear you. ‘# Do not delay answering the questions and avoid making long pauses. You have to show that you are able to express yourself within a limited amount of time. ‘@ Do not answer questions with just a “yes” of “no” and do not give very short answers. : \@ if you haven't understood something, do not hesitate to ask for repetition or clarification, Use questions like “Could you please repeat that?” or "Could you say that again?” \@ [f you-can’t remember a word, do not stop abruptly. Try to use other words to express what you mean, © Try to use a range of vocabulary and structures. Do not repeat the same words all the time. 4# When you need more time to think about what to say, uses phrases such as "Well, let me think", or “Let me sec”, ‘© [n Task 2, itis important that you know how to ask questions, A combination of direct (“How long does the play last?) and indirect ("Could you tell me how long the play lasts?”) questions would be ideal. ‘Consider the situation carefully and ask questions which will help you in your decision-making. \@ In Task 3, comsiderall the information you have gathered carefully before making your final decision, ‘© Show that you are willing to talk and participate in the conversation, ‘Family and friends LISTENING es Pre-listening © Do you come from a big ora small farily? © How do you get on with the members of your family? © What should parents do in ‘order to manage both their family life and career? RA a ‘You will hear people talking in eight different situations, For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, Bor G, 1 You overhear this conversation between « man and a woman, Whi A They are colleagues. B They arc married to each other. a © They are brother and sister. is the relationship between them? 2 You will heara conversation between a man andl his son. Where is the man going to live when he retires? A. athis hotiday home B ina fiat °B Cin his existing home 3. You ovethear a man talking on the phone, What family occasion is the man going to miss? A. aNew Year's Eve party B his sister's wedding c oi Christmas dinner 4 You will hear two people talking, Why is Philip congratulating Michelle? A because Michelle is pregnant ichelle is graduating 8 o B because © because Michelle was accepted into university 5 Listen to this conversation, Who is going to wash the dishes? A. the boy B their! ; a 3 neither of them g 6 You will hear a woman having a telephone conversation with her husband. Which room is the woman choosing paint for? ‘ A her bedroom ‘ ‘oi B her kitchen . Cher office 7 Listen to this man talking to a friend. How did the man meet his girlfriend? A> Hemet her at university. : Bl B Hemet her through a friend. ‘© Hemet her by chance. : 8 Listen toa mother talking to her daughter on the phone. What does the mother refuse to dot A. cook dinner B attenda meeting C go shopping unit fee: You will hear John having a conversation with a friend, Amy, For questions 1-10, complete the notes which summarise what the speakers say. You will need to write a word or a short phrase in each box. John has trouble dealing with both family (life)/children | and career/wark/his job | 2 | He is thinking of stopping work/his job B ‘He is not very good at cooking o ‘He believes that his life at the moment is. stressful i> | ‘He wants people he can trust to look after his childeon/the kids o ° His son is two yeors B~ John has problems with his son’s behaviour J | John doesn’t believe that problems can be solved only by hitting the children/kids oi He interrupts the conversation because he ison his way the aisport/pick up some relatives B 13 © Why is it important to have friends? (© "You can choose your friends but not your family.” What does this mean to you? The two pictures show people in different situations. Find the sim ties and differences using the ideas given below, your ideas and the vocabulary on the next page. Make notes in the space provided. z tm similarities s g Differences 1. Compare and contrast these pictures, saying What you think about each situation. Use the motes you have made, some of the expressions suggested below and the vocabulary on the next page. The two pictures show different families. Find the similarities and! differences using the ideas given below, your ideas and the vocabulary om this page. Make notes in the space provided, unit an ate Similarities = i Differences Compare and contrast these pictures, focusi ‘on the advantages and disadvantages of being a member of cither family. Use the notes you have made, some of the expressions suggested below and the vocabulary on this page . VOCABULARY Pictures A and B Cond D earetree talk behind sb's back affection guidance humiliated tense bond uclear family insecure togetherness chores sharing for upset companionship (un}spoile ® spo satisfied compete support sense of security ‘extended family unity WRITING a descriptive informal letter ‘Discuss the topic @ Do you write letters? Why/Why not? ‘Sif you moved to a new neighbourhood, would you kee, , we in touch with. i © What do you write to your friends about? : ee ae 1, Read the sample ki i ‘onshi , he ample eer ee, Wt o ou thin the relationship between the writer of the fetter and the Dear Bobby, Sorry I haven't written for so long but I've been busy trying to come to grips with my new school. It's not easy changing schools, believe me! : Where do f start? Ill tefl you about my school first. t's a five-minute walk {from my house, which is handy. As you know, | hate getting up early in the morning. ‘Anyway, it’s a spacious building and has lots af facilities - a fully equipped gymnasium, a huge library, an amphitheatre and three outdoor ffelds for football, hockey and cricket. Cool, don't you think? Now, about my new teachers. Most of them are alright, except, for my maths teacher, who seems really strict. He’s talt, thin and has a thick bushy beard. He gives us loads of work to do both in class and for homework. One good thing about him, though, is that he tells good jokes. "All in all, | can’t complain. t've made two new friends who live in my neighbourhood and we've joined the cricket team together. However, Ido miss you and all my other friends. Well, I'd better finish off here. Say hella to everyone and write soon. Take care, John 2. Answer these questions, a. What is the purpose of this letter? . What kind of language does the writer use in the letter? Find examples. 16 An informal letter isa personal letter written to a relative, friend or acquaintance. There are many reasons for writing, an informal letter and it can cover a variety of situations and events, Below is a general plan of an informal leiter including « description of a situation/event, a building, an object or general impressions of people. There are questions to help you when planning a letter of this type. Read the plan and compare it to the sample, + Use first names. + Use set phrases to begin your letter Why are you writing thiflecter? romeo) Pee (raler eo Guide to Writing). Who/What are you going to write about! + Say why you are writing, What situation/event are you going co write about? * Describe the most interesting details. How did you get involved in the situation/event? Cras observed. What is special about wihac you are describing? 3 pa ‘+ Wrice about your impressions and Which qualities of the person you are describing ‘your feelings. struck you? [oon a + Seate anything you wane to emphasise . Uewsec seer od your ree Js there anything you want to repeat? (EEE « Use a signature ending and your firse name below that ‘@ Make sure you understand what you need to include in your letter before you start writing it. 4 Refer to the reader in a friendly way and use informal language. ‘© Start a new paragraph for every major point, This will make il easier for the readet to follow your letter. ‘® Use linking words/phrases (c.g, well, by the way, anyway, what's more, of course, actually, as you know, also, you see) to make your writing flow better. ie © Use contractions (e.g. I'd, can't) # Include exclamation marks to show your excitement (eg. He is really handsome!). '® Use direct questions to make your letter more lively and personal (e.g. Doesn't it sound great?). © Include a variety of adjectives when describing events, buildings, objects or people, # Make sure you follow the layout of informal letters explained in Appendix |. Don't farget to use a greeting, set phrases to begin and end your letter and a signature ending, Look at the table below for ideas. Greetings Pees Set phrases for closing | Signature fea era in seal How are you (keeping)? ‘Well | think thar’s about ic, Yours, ohn, Hit What's new! ‘Well, that’s all for now. Your friend, cara hope you are fine, ‘Wel, 'd beccer finish off here. love, ‘Dear Aune Susan, ME NAVE you been upto? Imust go now, All my love, | haven’: heard from you for ages. Wriee son, Best wishes, a 4k was nice to hear from you. Waiting for your letter/reply. ‘All the best, Hasiger | was very happy to get your letter, look forward ta hearing from / Lots of kisses, ae “Thank you'Thanks for your leccer seeing you. Take care, ‘Sorry | haven't written for so long. See you s00n. Bye for now, co les eaken me ages to reply bur Keep in touch, I've been meaning to write back but. Say hello to everyone, Just chought Id drop you a tine. ‘Give my lovelregards to everyone, unit] RIT oF z e — “Writing practice 1. Read the rubric and the letter below. Complete the opening and closis phrases. Then, complete the blanks (1-15) in part that sometimes more than one answer may be posstble. Write a letter ta @ penjtiead describing the birthday party SOR you have just had and the resem which impressed you es ‘most. Do not write any oe addresses. (120-180 words) g paragraphs using appropriate set the letter using the adjectives in the bax. Note Dear Shelly, How ore you keeping? i's taken me ages to reply but I've bean pretty busy - you know seth the party cand all Let me tetl you about it. a You know how much my family love throwing _©80v99 (1) parties. Remember the party we had when you were here last summer? Well, my sixteenth birthday party was no exception. The party was held by the swimming pool and we haa coloured __ (2) candles and __=xotic/coloured _(3) flowers floating in the pool. What can / say about the food? We had _roditional/delicious (4) Spanish dishes and all the food was simply moutlwotsring/delicious (5). My mum had ordered a(n) _(6) chocolate cake, since we had over fifty people. it was absolutely s____(7)! te disappeared within seconds. Talso received lots of _‘ontostic/oxpensive_ (presents. The best one was the mountain bike my parents bought me. It's the __ _laicsi_(9) model and it must have been expensive (10). At least that's what my parents told me, It has an aluminium frame, padded (11) seat, ather (12) handle-bar grip and, believe it or not, a(n) Sigital (13) speedometer. Sounds great (14), doec='t it? Anyway, I've sent you some photos of the party and my new _____(15) bike, so that you can get an idea. Well | thin that’s about it for now, Keep in touch. Lots of love, Amelia $$$ 2. In the space provided, make a plan for each of the following letters. =. You are on holiday at your friend's holiday home. Writéa letter to your cousin in Austaaiia, giving « brief description of the house and letting him/her know what your holiday has been like s0 far. €. You have decided to do a course in London and are staying with your cousin, Write a letter to a friend ‘and telling him/her about the changes in your life. 3. Task for homework. Choose one of the above topics and write a letter of between 120 and 180 words in at appropriate style. Do not write any addresses. Gy = Adventure LISTENING -Pre-listening POC ‘@ What do you considet an adventure ta be? What kind of adventures can you think off ‘© Would you like to take part in an expedition through the Amazon? Why/Why not? Would you consider taking part in a car rally in the Sahara Desert? What kind of problems do you think you would have te cope with? Activity | : ‘You will hear five people describing some of the adventures they experienced during their expedition through the Amazon. For questions 1-5, choose which of the situations A-F each speaker is describing. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use A) Anencounter with a snake Speaker 1 E a B Tent which was set alight Speaker 2 c f2 4 C Seeking shelter from a stocm Speaker’S A 3 | D Canoe overturning in the river Speakers F a E Discovering a waterfall, unexpectedly Speaker 5 8 3 | F Asudden illness “Activity 2 ‘You will hear a man talking about a car rally he has taken part in. For questions, 1-7, choose the best answer A, B orc. 1 How did the speaker and his colleague feel about the Rally at first? ‘A. They immediately decided to take part. B They didn't take it seriously. © They couldn't believe it was happening ® oy 2) Who did they decide to ask for financial help? . A theirsponsor B acarsalesman C the general manager a € Bo 3. How many kilometres was the rally? A 4,000 B 500 ew | 4) Whut isthe secret to not sinking in the sand? + A avoiding sand dunes B following the race map wel Cetin cm 3) What surprised them in Niger? A It rained. B There were many clouds. ”s i | € There was no dirt road, 6 Who greeted them at the Emi Koussi peak? A. the organisers B abig group of people i C the trophy winners 7 Why did they receivea trophy? A because they won first prise Basa partof the celebration ze ag C for finishing the tally E 5 ‘© What do you know about the Himalayas? © Would you ever consider taking part in an expedition there? Why/Why not? "Speculate and make a decision Imagine that you are interested in taking part in the expedition advertised, Below are some things you are thinking of taking with you, Talk in pairs and decide which three things would be the most essential why. Then decide which things, if any, would not be essential. You can use some of the expressia Pa aL TP ior ee SAL Pru Uo lL intuire for 9) Suggested expressions | think the most essential thing to take because... We would definitely need would be necessarylunnecesary as I believe it would be completely unnecessary to take — ‘agreteieisagree. think .. would be more important — An-expedition lke this requires / dos net require — 50 Further discussion Discuss the following questions. You can use some of the expressions andl the vocabuilary given below. Could you see yourself going on a Hii Can you think of anything else you mi What other adventurous activities appeal to you? a sense of adventure? Why? Why do you think people seek adventure? yan expedition? Why/Why not ht need for an expedition like this? Which occupations inva weuwn VOCABULARY abseiling hiking bors reseve team away to escape insulated glaves sense of fulfilment bungee jumping monotonous life sky diving/jumping challenge motocross racing thermal underwear cliff diving mountaineering thrilling heights mountain bike riding waterproof tent/clothing a story Discuss the topic © What can go wrong on a camping holiday? © How would you feel if you got lost? Sample writing 1, Read the rubric and the story below. Complete the ‘blanks using the linking words/phrases in the box. You hove decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that the story must end with the following words: I don't know why | panicked s0 much! Write your story for the competition. (120-180 words) all the while before in face however: since: as son as ‘soon asa result fast summer | had an experience Ill never forget. I had gone camping with the Boy Scouts,One afternoon ! decided to go for a walk by myself. "Pll be back (1) dinner igready,” | yelled out to no-one in particular and left However, | was (2) lost and | was beginning to feel very anxious, () it was getting dark. Te make matters worse, | could hear peculiar noises and | knew there were wolves in the area. | pretended not to notice and kept watking, @ heping to find my way back to camp. Suddenly, | caught a glimpse of smoke in the distance and | breathed a sigh of relief. 1 usedmy hands to get through the dense forest and @) my hands started bleeding, but | didn't care = @ I reached the campsite, | saw that the campers were not Boy Scouts 7), 1 was lucky as they knew about the group | was with and they took me back to camp. Wt felt like | had been wandering about for ages, but @/ had only been lost for two hours. 1 don’t know why | panicked so much! 2. Answer these questions. ‘2. Do you think this is a true or an imaginary event? What makes you think sot don't know why I panicked so much!” gives you a due as to what the h word in the given sentence " obably be about 3. The writer has used some ‘interesting’ words in the story. Find the word / phrate which sjewst a sw =< 4. walking as B. strange — e. worried a © shouted 7. f. thick A story (narrative) can be an account of a true event or something imaginary. The most common way of writing a story is by narrating the cvents in chronological order. Below is a plan of a story, with questic: clp you when planning one. Read the plan and compare it to the saruple. When did che event{i) take place? * Describe the background scene(s), “Where did the evene/s) cake place? eer * Introduce the main character(s). Whar was the weather like? - + Describe the Inia festings What was/were the main character(s) doing? (if necessary). Were there any other characters involved? ‘How did the character(s) feel at the time? pee + Describe how the events started and hat happened? Tk ‘What did the main character(s) dot epee developed, ad coe tea est * Describe the outcome of the events ‘What happened in the end? (ould aso be included in the main yan bene ; ssi How did the main chargcter{s)/people feel? ‘+ Make a short comment on the story. © Read the rubric carefully. Look for key wards, e.g, words that give you a clue as to what you have to write about © Decide whether you are going to write a true story (e.g. about a personal experience) or an imaginary storys ‘Think of something simple. You can narrate your story in the first or third person, depending on the rubric. Then, write out a plan for your story. @ Make the introduction interesting and original in order to catch the reader’s attention. You can begin, for instance, by using Direct Speech, (Have a different paragraph for each stage of your story. This will make it easier for the reader to follow it. f¢ Make sure you use the appropriate tenses. The most useful tenses when writing a story are: - the Past Simple (used when narrating a sequence of events) + the Past Continuous (used when describing the background scenes or when referring to interrupt events) - the Past Perfect (used when describing earlier events oF situations) ‘© Make your writing interesting by using a variety of structures, such as the Passive Voice, Conditionals, Participles and Inversion, © Use linking words/phrases to join your sentences and paragraphs, Look at the table on the next page for ideas. 25 Direct Speech to make a situation seem real very short sentences to excite the reader questions or exclamation marks to vary the style i interesting vocabulary to make descriptions more vivid and the whole story mote interesting e.g, say “Iricudly neighbours’ instzad of ‘nice neighbours’ or I was terrified’ instead of I was afraid’. expressions/phrases . It was too good to be true, Tburst out laughing / into tears. Tt happened out of the blue. Tt was sight for sore eyes. It was a real shock. The next thing knew .. T couldn't believe my eyes! My hair stood on end, Before T knew it. cears/luck. Las as white as a sheet. Without any warning As luck would have it. It was getting on my nerves. Iwas taken by surprise. (Unjluckily Te was the bestiworst ever. To my surprise Lbreathed a sigh of relief Iwas ina good/bad mood. (Vajfortunately .. J was out of breath. Twas left speechless. To make matters worse ». Itwas.a narrow escape, ‘There was no way out. Without a doubs . My heart sank. All ofa sudden/Suddenly .. Beyond any doubt. My heart was beating furiously, In no time at all. Without thinking... Itmade me jump. ..on the spur of the moment. ‘@ End your story in a way that will impress the reades. ‘@ Remember that when you are given a sentence to begin or end your story with, you must include it without making any changes to it. @ Make sure you don't exceed the word limit. 1. Read the pairs of sentences and replace the words in bold type with two of the words given. & The robber looked > b. The little girl looked > & “This is a bad > 4. When | was young, [was 2 bad > 26 around to make sure nobody was watching. t them for a while, not knowing what to s4y. storm, What are we going to do?" cried Paul. aa boy and I always got into trouble. delicous pleasant = nicest’ «attractive, © The food at the restaurant was good > We found the idea good > renounced announced | aimed expressed & She said > that she had found the jewels in the basement of her house. ‘& "I'm leaving,” he said > 7 = and we hac! a great time some decided to act upon it, 2. Read the rubric and the story below. Then, rewrite the story us interesting. the ideas in the box to make it more Tou have decided to enter @ short story Exprestinne competition. The competition rules say that Direct Splech cs anc Bagh sth ihe Alwarg word: : i “You're not nervous, are you? We've been Inveresting vocabulary waiting to try this for a fong time,” said Michael, White your story for the competition. ‘(928-180 words) "You're not nervous, are you? We've been waiting try this for a long time,” said Michael. Jane said she was excited and nervous. The Millers weren't ‘going to miss this opportunity. They wanted to ride their canoe down Glacier Canyon. The ride began smoothly. Then the waves became violent. & big wave crashed onto the side of the canoe. It ‘overtumed. Michael and Jane fell into the water. Michael screamed for Jane. He couldn't see his ‘wife anywhere. He then looked down the river. ‘There was 2 waterfall in the distance. They were doomed, thought Michael. He heard a voice. It was Jane. She had been able ‘to swim to shore. She had thrown out a long branch, She called out to Michael to grab onto It. He reached out for the branch. He held on. He hoped his wife was strong enough to pull him out, Michael reached dry land, He was shocked. He couldn't speak. He was lying next to Jane. He was thinking. His wife's courage and quick thinking had saved him. e unit] 3. a. Read the rubric below, What are the key words/phrases? In your opinion, what should be included in the story? You have decided 16 emer @ short story competition. The competition rules say that the story imust begin ar end with the following word: | will never forget what happened to me and my friend! last summer. Write your tary for the competition, (120-180 words) 1. Below are two ideas for the story mentioned in 3a, Choose the one you would like to write about and make a plan in the space provided. ; i: surviving a car accident finding hidden ‘treasure t : Intreduction: Introduction; 4. Tasks for homework. a. Write your story using the plan you made in exercise 3b. You can use the corresponding vocabulary given below. finding hidden treasure surviving @ cor accident speed injory ‘sland buried sharp bend suffer explore dig lose control trapped cave eae skid passer-by map qd barrier fire brigade | erections ditch rush | sand valuable coins b. You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that the story must begin or ‘end with che following words: Anna and Tom were finally ready to set off. White your stary for the competition. (120-180 words) 28 ‘Sou will hear fifteen shost conversations. After ea Resch conversation. Chooec the pictce thet best anmwers the oy init Activity 2 In this part of the listening you are going to hear someone from a radio station interviewing three people at 0 health and fitness conference: + First, you will hear why people get overweight. + Then, you will hear about how to lose weight. + Next, you will hear about diets. n + Finally, you will hear about eating disorders. ‘You will hear the interview in sections. After each section. yau will hear two ta four questions. You aro to choose the most appropriate answer from the three choices given. If you wish, you may take brief notes as you listen. Now you will hear the beginning of the interview. For this part, there will be no actual test Questions. the question that follows is an example only. Listen to the example. ‘Example ‘i, ‘You will hear: * What did Wilma qualify as? ‘You will read: .adoctor by a dietician a Physical Education teacher , ‘The correct answer is b, a dietician. ‘Now we will continue the interview. Remember, after each section of the interview you will hear two te four questions. You may take notes in the space below. 32 Law very little a when food is high in calories Ik. when you are about to go to bed © when your stomach is already full & & she isn't sure they work ti che is against the idea © she approves of them & food itself Be exercise & weight loss pills 5 a. they don't exercise Buthey eat the wrong food a rong time & they lack fa tis & @ complicated & difficul € simple 1. because people starve to becatise your metabolism stops working € because your metabolism adjusts itself & a they lose weight they gain weight & their weight doesn't eC % a friends who eat mare than them friends who eat more and don't gain weight € friends who eat less and lose weight Mie. people get fatter &. people lose weight & people remain the same Uke. food Be fatness € starving, 12(athey are averwe bb they are ill i «. they are dying Lilajthey will refuse ft be they will accept it & they will consider it 15. a, Most people can overcome anoreaia, bt can be treated successfully. ‘< Anyone can help an anorexic get over the disorder 16.4. anorexies ‘b)bulimics & both V7.4, they are skinny b. they are all overweight * (ejthey are usually of average weight 18, a. Bulimia is only caused by a fear of getting fat. 1b, Bulimia might be caused by a problem in the brain, ©. Bulintia cannot be cured. 19... psychological a by physical «. both psychological and physical 20.4, a dentist b. a heart specialist © a plastic surgeon ‘Discuss the topic © What do you do to keep physically fit? © What's your favorite sport? What do you like about it? ‘ ; ‘Help solve a problem Te ak 6 los jr Wd hal pir 1H dt oe Ni Sab ed at himiher some good edvice. Look at the pictures below and ask who the person is, what the problem is, whut the possible solutions ore, what the advantages to each solution are and what the disadvantages to each solution are. When you have all the information you need, you should offer same advice to help salve the problem. You can choose one of the salutions or create your own solution to the problem. Remember to ure information the examiner has given you. Suggested expressions In my opinion, you should / ought to... Wi were yout td Itwould bea good idea to. ‘Further discussion ‘0 What are the benefits of going to a fitness-center? \® Do you prefer watching or taking part in sporting events? Why? Do you think young people in your country lead a healthy lifestyle? Why / Why not? $4 WRITING a letter giving advice [Discuss the topic (© What kind of problems do people write about in advice columns? # Have you ever given advice teva friend? About wt @ Would you consider writing to an advice column asking for advice? Why / Why not? IL. Read the rubric and the sample letter below. What advice docs the writer give Perplexed Tm 2 high school senior and facing a very serious problem. I find it very difficult to keep up the Jugoling act of balancing the demands of schoolwork and my commitments as the captain of my school baseball team, My final exams are coming up and I need to get a good score so that I can get rtp 2 good college, But at the same time, I don't want to drop aut of the team. My.parents are kind of worried that I'm spending more time on extracurricular activities than I should and are Putting pressure on me to quit as captain. I'm confused. I don't know what to do. Please help. Perplexed Senior, Wyoming, EE Saar pevet asks her readers to write letters of advice and she often publishes these letters. Write a letter to the person stove giving himiher advice on how to deal with the problem. Begin your ferrer with ‘eer Perpiarod Sunsas* Deer Perplexed Senior, Selancing school work and activities can be very complicated and if you're in your final year in high school, it can also be a source of stress and worry. | think | have some advice you might find useful Secause | went through @ similar dilemma a couple of years ago. Fest of all, in my opinion, you should set your priorities carefully, and then manage your time wisely to meet your goals. Since you want to go to college, and a good one for that matter, it would be advisable put all your effort into it, even if that means having to drop aut of the baseball team your parents are right in being worried about your extracurricular activities taking up too much of the time you could devote to school. However, it's not a good idea to shut yourself off completely from anything that is not directly related to school work. If | were you, | would try ta talk it out with my parents and decide how much of my free time could be spent on sport and other activities hope you find this advice helpful. Fm sure everything will be all right and that once you get into college, youll have lots of time to take up baseball again ond perhaps become the captain of the college team! Yours, Kevin 4 2. Answer these questions. 1 Is this a formal or informal letter? How do you know? b. What expressions does the writer use to give advice and make suggestions? Underline them. 3. Find phrasal verbs and expressions in the letter on page 35 which mean the following: ‘faced, experienced (para 1) __weot though avoid having contact with (para 3) 11! yourself uff frum b. be successful (para 2) meet your goals ‘e. discuss thoroughly (para 3) & talk out 6 leave (para 2) drop out of start (para4) aha op This unit deals with informal leters giving advice and making suggestions. This type of letter is ysually in the form: of a response to a letier published in an advice column, Below isa general plan of this type of letfer with question | to help you when planning one. (SEI « use he persons pseudonym. renee + Refer to the problem. * How do you feel about the reader's problem? i PRIEST « Say who you are and why youare —* How oli are youu? writing. + Wahat prompted you to reply? | * Offer advice. + Whac advice can you give chat will help? 1 Make suggestions, + What practical exampios can you give! cae + Make a final comment. ie set SOR “ac peor cnmen wot yo aa | Signing ott og ‘+ Use a signature ending and your first name below that. x ‘© Make sure you follow the layout of informal leters explained in Appendix 1. © Address the writer of the letter in a friendly way and use informal language. # Include various suggestions to help solve the problem, @ Remember to use appropriate expressions to give advice and make suggestions in the main part of your letter. Use set phrase in the closing paragraph and an appropriate signature ending. Laok at the table below for ideas Where you, Fd... Wl were in your position/shoes, Id In my opinion, you should/ought to ... Fee eELMm I strongly advise you to as Ie would bea good idea to ... I ehinke you'd better... (One thing you can do is ... ‘Well, chats what | think you should do. Thope I've been of some help to you. | really hope everything goes well j Best wishes, enn ea ted ‘Good luck, Yours, Se ere |Writing practice 1. & Read the rubric below and the opening paragraph of the letter. What has ‘Chubby Mary done in order to lose weight? What advice would you give her? Dear Ann, ffm in desperate need of advice. 'm 16 years old and | am fat! Fm only 5ft. 2 and | weigh 130lbs! | should be out there having fun and enjoying myself but instead t'm always in front of a mirror staring at my waistline. Appearances are very important to us teenagers and I've tried everything to stim down. I've tried avoiding {food altogether but that has made me even hungrier and ve tried working out for hours on end at the gym but that has only left me feeling exhausted. Please tell me if there is some hope for me! Chubby Mary han hoa asked the readers ta write giving advice to Chubby Mary. She sswally publishes some of the letters. Write a letter which begins, ‘Dear Crabby Mary’ Bear Chubby Mary mis natural for teenagers to be so self-conscious about their appearance. Many are dinder the impression ‘Mat they are either too fat or too thin but whatever the case may be, always remember that there are beaithy ways of Improving your physical appearance. Here is some advice on how to lose some weight and ‘eel better about yourself. 1 Match the phrases giving advice 1-3 with the reasons for giving it a-«, ALinot take such drastic measures as starving 1 such foods have very little autitional yourself value cat several light meals throughout the day — bi they are easier for your stomach ‘3 forget all about chocolate and other junk—~ than one of two large meals food for some time ._- © speed up your metabolism and burn off 4 continue going to the gym but work out. any excess calories for no longer than an hour 4. you only end up doing more harem than Si take up a mild form of exercise such as : good to yourself walking ¢. cxhaust yourself gest Use the Linking words/phrases and expressions giving advice in the boxes below to write sentences with the phrases fram activity b, Several combinations are possible. should — it would be a good idea ta another simple thing you cando =f were you ought to since inorderto because = as not to EF ‘4. Complete the main body of the letter in two paragraphs, using the sentences you have written in activity <. ‘ ¥ you aet hung between meal times, you can choose something healthy to eat such as fruit. Apart from a good and sensible diet, you will need to exercise butuin moderation You witnessed first hand what happens if you overdo it A brisk twenty-minute walk can make @ huge difference to your physique. ¢. Now write an appropriate closing paragraph, 2. Read the rubric and make a plan for the letter. i ll Dear Ann, It's that time of year again most dreaded by us students. Very soon we'll be taking our final exams and it's got me panicked. 1 stay up drinking cup after cup of coffee, trying to cram alll this information in my head. The problem is that when I finally decide to turn off the light and go to bed, my mind keeps ‘and going over the material I'l be tested on. I end up tossing and turning all night and don't get a wink of sleep. My body feels like a wreck but my mind is in averdrive. If I don't get some: sleep soon, I don’t know how I will manage to get through these exams. ‘Ann publishes some of the replies she Begin with ‘Dear Sleepless Susan’. 3, Task for homework. Write the letter using the plan you made in exercise 2. 38 oy ' a = Learning English LISTENING o Prelistening firth @ Why are you learning international language better career propacts means of communication effective authentic texts # What do you think is the best way to learn inglish? Why? at do/don't you ‘COOVDAICD-ROMs Ske about the E ee fluency course you are Fe sending? facilities ‘Wes will hear people talking in eight different situations, Fee questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C. You overhear this exchange while travelling on a school bus. What made the test difficult? A. the vocabulary B the bad quality of the tape = c ie the confusing questions B Listen to this teacher talking to her class. What is the teacher’s main complaint? A. The students didn’t study. B Thestudents didn't appreciate her hard work, A B © Thestudents didn't prepare for the lesson 3 You hear a student reporting on a language course he has just attended. How does he feel about the course? A. It was too short B_ It improved his English. 8 oi C It was good as he had expected. # You overhear a teacher and a student discussing a lesson. When will they have the lesson? A on Wednesday morning : Bon Wednewday afternoon ‘oi © on Sunday $ Listen to this telephone conversation abou A Business English B General English € Both Aand B we courses. What course is the company interested in? You overhear this exchange on a bus. Why is the boy angry? A. He thinks he should have passed the test B He thinks the teacher didn’t help him. Go © He thinks he deserved more than a D. wl 7 You will hear part of the presentation of a new book. What is the book not suitable for? A. developing exam techniques B self-study 8 C developing writing skills 4 Listen to this student talking. Who didn't come to class? A. the teacher B_ most of the students P & C afew of the students Activity 2 ‘You will hear someone being interviewed for a survey about a summer course. . For questions 1-10, fill in the questionnaire. 5 lege - Summer Courses - Opinion Surve: Manuel Ramirez een (bank) clerk fond recommended it challenging group work OK / no problem some things {a good] learning experience English fornilies longer {duration of the} course Emmy ey orm SPEAKING What do you like most about learning English? fe What are your favou learning activities? The neo pictures show people being taught English in different environments. Find the similaritics and differences sein the ideas given below, your ideas and the vocabulary on the next page. Make notes in the space provided. Similarities > Differences \Now speak Gomspare and contrast these pictures, poisiting out the advantages and disadvantages of being taught English in Stther environment. Use the notes you have made, some of the expressions suggested below and the vocabulary ew the next page. “Piinkkit would be better. because. I believe’ a is better than . because: | Reother (dsjadvantage would be... In my opiniona..lesson.. — However baling taught ... means 4. Now say which type of teaching environment you prefer and why, using expressions like: prefer because. [find more. | ike ..s0! wauld prefer 4) The two pictures show students participating in different types of learning activities. Find the similarities and differences using the ideas given below, your ideas and the vocabulary on this page. Make notes in the space provided. Compare and contrast these pictures, saying what you think is good or bad about each kind of learning activity, Use the notes you have made, some of the expressions suggested below and the vocabulary on this page. "The learning acthity in picture involves $0. Bath learning acthitles = Now say which of the two activities you would find more appealing and why, using expressions like: because. 1 ke 80 F would prefer ., Pictures © and D participate ~ acquire skis focused consolidation progress audionsual isolated Individual quick/slow pace computer tab motivation interaction tuition fees computer skitls ‘social interaction concentrate: stimulation conventional rextbook distracted up-to-date transactional letter/e-mail asking for information ‘end making a request ‘@What can people do to improve their English? ‘ef you were interested in doing a summer language course in England, what would youllke to know about it? ‘Read the rubric and the writer's notes. Then read the sample letter on the ment page Have all the pois noted ‘by the writer been mentioned in the letter? Bee want to 0 to England to end o summer course in _Eapish You have seen this “edeertisement in the mogazine [Eeatsh Longuage Journal’ and ‘hove decided to write to the ‘school and ask some questions Sout their courses, ‘Reo? the advertisement carefully seed the notes you have made. ‘Then write a letter of between BP end 150 words to the schoo! in = appropriate style, covering the jpents in your notes. Do nat write ery addresses, — NOTES eng courses preparing for Cambridge exams? © pass rate? —_ = how many students in class? ‘where are other students from? "+ local facilities (shops, restaurants, etc)? what type available? Deer Sir / Madam, am writing to you with regard to your advertisement published in the magazine ‘english Language Joumall 1 would appreciate it if you could give me some extra Information about your school and courses. | would like to knaw where exactly in Kent the school is situated. 1 would uke to know what type of vsccommodation is offered and what kind of feciities there are near the school. . {would be Interested in knowing whether there are courses preparing for Cambridge examinations te ‘tires your seheo's pass rate in these examinations. 1 would be grateful If you could inform me about the number of students in each cass and where they usually come from i + would appreciate iif you could send mes pamphet with addtional information regarding your school “Thanking you in advance for your time and assistance. T look forward to hearing from,you at your earliest convenience. x ‘Yours feithtully, TL free Janet Fraser 1. Answer these questions. a. Do the writer’s questions and requests in the letter appear in the same order as in the advertisement and notepad? Why is this ro? b. Do you notice anything strange about this letter? How ean you improve if? c. Find the set phrases used to begin and end the leter. Can you think of any other phrases that could have been used instead? ‘There are many reasons for writing a formal letter. One of them is to ask for information and make a request. Below is a plan of a formal letter of this type, with questions to help you when planning one. “ Read the plan and compare it to the sample. + Use a formal greeting. not first names. Ute set phrases to: «+ refer to the advertisement you Where did you see the advertisement? have seen. Why are you writing this lecter/e-mnal? ‘+ state why you are writing, ar Openi Peer ‘Ask for information in a formal and — What do you want ¢o find out? police way. What is mast / least important? (prioritise) + Make your requests. What do you want to ask for? per + State anything you want to emphasise. Do you want to emphasise or repeat anything? POSURE = Use sex phrases to end your letter Use a formal signature ending / closing phrase, Sign underneath this and print your full name below your signature when writing a letter. NOTE: A letter/e-mail asking for information and making a request can also be semi-formal or informal depending on who you are writing to. a4 “e Write in clearly organised paragraphs, "#10 grammatically correct sentences with correct spelling and punctuation, s@Decide on the order in which you are goisig ta list your questions / requests. If possible, group them in categories. If not, state the most important points first, Make sure you mention all the paints. {Make sure you follow the appropriate layout fur formal letters/e-mails explained in Appendis | “eet using direct questions too often. It is more polite to use indirect questions, e.g. “Ewould like you to Ssform me where exactly the schools situated.” instead of “Whereis the schoo stusted™ “Ue formal language and expressions: T would lke tolknow /ask you for | I would be interested in knowing .. I would be grateful if you could inform me .. It would help / assist. me if..." I would appreciate it if .. | ce you tosend me’? “#Doo't use contractions (eg. I'd) or abbreviations (e.g, ad), “2 Use linking words to introduce your questions / requests (firstly, first of all, to begin with, secondly, ato, as well as, furthermore, moreover, finaly, et.) addition, # Use a greeting, set phrases for the opening and closing pragraphs and a signature ending. Look at the table below for ideas. Dear SirMada, Dear Sirs, acai Dear MriMs/Miss/Mrs/Dr Brown, | am writing to you in connection with | am writing with regard tofin regard te/with reference to | am writing to ask if you could inform me about .. ng La | am writing to enquire about .. aor | am writing for more information about . | was interested in your advertisement in .. | would appreciate some further information about .. Referring to your advertisement published in | would be very grateful if you would/could reply as soon as possible. ‘Thanking you for your time and assistance. SUIS GMS Thanking you in advance for your assistance/co-oparation. tesil I would like to thank you in advance. . Hook forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. Hock forward to hearing from you. So rad “Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely, #'You may be asked to write an e-mail asking for information and making a request. On the whole, all the above apply to e-mails. For the appropriate layout see Appendix I. 45 La. Read the rubric and the notes that have been made, Then read the opening paragraph of the letter below and rewrite it in a formal style. You want to have some English lessons. You have seen this advertisement in the ‘Education Chronicle’ and want some additional information. PRIVATE ENGLISH LESSONS Read the advertisement and the ‘notes you have made. Then write 4 letter of between 120-150 words to the person offering private lessons, in an appropriate style, “eavering the points in your notes. Do not write any addresses. Dear Mike, How are you keeping? I’m a university student and I need to improve my English. So, when 1 saw your advertisement in the ‘Education Chronicle’, I thought of writing to you to ask for more information about the lessons. 'b. Rewrite the main part ofthe letter using indirect questions. Firstly, do you offer lessons bn Business English? Seeowdliy, how much Ao individual and group Lessons cost? Ine adldétion, Wow many students Art there ina group? Finally, which days and times are most conventent for you? CAR we have lessons at the weekends? Are you availariie? © Write the closing paragraph of the letter using set phrases 2. Read the rubric belaw and write a plan for the letter. Decide on the order in whieh you are going to list your questions/requests =e o ‘whieh countries? ow ore interested in toking ui" . ‘ d - 4 ES poco staien exionge SE) EX CHANGE Poteet nn” programme. You have seea ™ ra = shir odvertisement in the Dm Bul co 9g smayerine The English Times’ but you need more wtormation. eod the advertisenrent and she motes you have made. Then write @ letter of Secween 120-150 words to she organisers of the exchange programmes in on Se eed appropriate style, covering ee ste points in your notes. Do not write any addresses. Be ee aces I cote on 1 ee $ rs + 3. Task for homework. ‘Write the letter asking for inform: jon using the plan you made in exercise 2 LOS J = Travel Pre-listening Priya © Do you prefer summer or winter holidays? Why? ‘© What's your favourite kind of accommodation while on holiday? Why? Ifyou could spend a holiday in any place in the world, where would you choose to got Why? ‘Activity | ‘You will hear five people talking about their holidays. For questions 1-5, choose from the list A-F where each speaker stayed during their holiday. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to-use. A ata camping site Speaker BB onassailing yacht Speaker2 8 € ata mountain resort Speaker3 & Data seaside resort Speaker4 fF E onacruiseliner Speaker C F ata hotel in town he 5 “Activity 2 ‘Yee will hear two friends discussing holiday options. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer A, Bar C. B Where did the two people originally plan to go? A somewhere with warm weather B somewhere cheap . C to three different islands $ cid B Whats true about the holiday in Hawaii? A Its the least expensive option. 2 B itis the most expensive option. ‘ B C itis too expensive for the two people. ‘What spoilt their friends’ hotiday? 7 A rainy weather B bad service | C unfriendly people A Bi What docs the man think about the possibility of a hurricane happening? ~ A it'sa serious issue . |B there are many chances of it ; og | © itisn't very probable $ Why doesn’t the man want to go to Bali? A. He doesn't like the hotels. B There are too many tourists, ; © _Itisn't a popular holiday destination. a © Which island is closest? A Bali B Hawaii c a Jamaica F What do the man and woman finally agree to do? A get more information B decide later C plolimic “a SPEAKING Discuss the topic What activities do you like doing while on hotidayt © Would you like to-spend a weekend on a small island? Why/Why not? Speculate and make a decision . ; Imagine that you are going to spend the weekend on a small island, Reflow is a map of the island showing different places of interest and things you can do there. Talk in pairs and «ecide which places you would both be interested in visiting and which you wouldn't, giving reasons. You can use some of the expressions supgexted below, would be ides uid prefer tor Bo to Since it is a weekend break, | would most likely go —as \ agree! disagree | think more I believe visiting .. would bea Waste oftime because . | don't think — would be a good idea ft would be more appealing Further discussion unial ‘Descuss the following questions, You can use some of the expressions and the vocabulary given below. 2 How important is it to plan ahead when going on 2 What are the edvantages and disadvantages of 3 What type of holiday haven't you experie 4 Why do you think tourists visit your count $ How can travel broaden one’s mind? * vlislay? Why? velling alone? ed but would like to? Why? xt important to ountry because My county offers . therefore planning ab alone you can(t) . as S 1 think it? a good way lo VOCABULARY ‘accommadation passport strangers adventurous risky sunbathing, aquatic activities round-the-world trip travel guide/book archaeological sites skiing trendy camping socialise vaccinations canoeing spontaneous visa. WRITING an article Discuss the topic © How do you decide where to go on holiday? . ‘@ Do articles about places help you decide where to go on holiday? Why/Why not? Sample writing 1. Read the rubric and the sample article, The first sentence of each paragraph in the main partis missi the sentences a-e below and choose three of them to fill in the missing sentences in the artis, An English-speaking travel magazine has a:ked its readers to write an article on the topic: An interesting place to visit. Write @ short article for this magazine: (120-180 words) a. Explore Alrica’ rainforests. b. However, that is not all you can see in the park. . Imagine this - a park located in a magnificent natural setting d. There are lots of ways you can enjoy nature. e. Apart form sightseeing, though, there are many outdoor activities you can try. Answer these questions. 9a Whar do you think the purpose of the first sentence is in each paragraph? Which of the following headlines do you think is the most suitable for the article? Why? oH Fn African adventure! ‘Ae snicle is usually written for a newspaper or magazine, There are many different fypes.of articles: news vepurla “Sertcies giving news or information), articles discussing issues (for-against) or stating opinions, making suggestions, This unit deals with articles describing places. They are written for magazines or travel brochures, The aim of article is to convince the reader to visit the place. Below is a plan of an article ofthis type, with questions to help ben planning one. Read the plan and compare it to the sample + Write an interesting headline, * Give general information about How can you make the introduction interesting? the place you are going to ‘Whot place ore you going to describe? describe (name, location, etc). Where is i located? *+ Give reasons for choosing the place. What makes the place interestingispecial? ‘What is the ploce tke? oachrin tee areua ‘What are the important features ofthis place? buildings. streets, transport, sights, ‘A*€ there any sights worth visiting? facilities, people, lifestyle, etc), ‘What sort of facilities (e.g. hotels, shops) can be found * Discuss what activities people ean there? fete, ‘What ore the local people lke? ‘What can people do: there to entertain themselves? ‘What is the atmosphere of the place? ‘What és your overall opinion about the place? ‘Would you recammend it? eer creas + Make a general statement to sum up your ideas. Make recommendations, Seca Write an original headline to attract the readers’ interest. The headline should be short and it can be in the form ofan exciting word or phrase (Get ready for fun!), a summary of the article (A trip to Paris), a question (Would you go?) or a surprising fact (Two million holidaymakers a year!). Write about a place you are familiar with. Before you start, try to come up with ideas and plan what you are Boing to write. {Choose a few of the most interesting ideas and expand on them, Don't include too many details otherwise you veil exceed the word limit. “2 Wie an appropriate style when writing, Articles can be formal or informal. The air of this article, however, isto convince the reader to visit the place you are describing. In order to achieve this, it i easier to write in an ‘nformal, chatty style, Make your article sound lively and address the reader directly using the personal pronoun ‘you. 53 © Write an interest iS catch the readers" attention and make them want to continue reading, SE e Usea topic sentence tohelp you focus on the theme of the paragraph and develop it. This sentence introduces the theme of the paragraph. The rest of the sentences in the paragraph develop the idea af the topic sem All the topic sentences, when put tagether, should give the reader a rough summary of the article. © Use a varicty of techniques to make the article lively and interesting. Some of these techniques are; asking direct questions, using exclamation marks, using a wide range of vocabulary (phrases and expressions). @ Include a variety of structures, such as Conditionals, Participles, the Imperative, et © Use linking words/phrases to make the article flow. ‘ Writing practice |, Inthe box below there are expressions you can use in articles for travel brochures of magazines. Complete the sentences using these expressions, There are two extra expressions which you do not need ta se. ff you just want ‘Something worth visiting is Once discovered For those whe enjoy People interested in By day, explore Set in Built on Whether you go Make time to a, Make timeto ist the ancient ruins just mile from the town. Bb, _Onee discovered this fabulous city is a place you'll want to visit again and again, & for those who enloy living on the edge, this holiday place is a must. d Setin the mountains, the hotel offers tranquility and privacy. € Whether yougo during the winter or the summer, the views are spectacular. f£. By day. expiore the tiny medieval streets and outdoor cafés. % Something worth visiting is the Royal Theatre, built in 1928, : Ih. _Hfyou just wane to soak up some sun, then why not go to Tunisia? 2. a. Read the rubric and the introduction of the article below. Why is the introduction unsuitable? Wei suitable introduction for this article in the space provided on the next page. Look at the Guide to Writ ideas, A magatine for young people és investigating the topic: Great ploces to go on holiday. Wiite @ short article for this magazine. (120+180 words) a more Bo $e Awailk down ‘Sucapest's tree-lined boulevards and a visit to Vorésmarty ‘Square with its open-air cafés will definitely glve you the ‘Separtunity to experience the charm and hospitality of the ‘Sy. The shops in Budapest sell some of the most beautiful ‘Handmade crafts and antiques you'll ever see in the world. FT — __ Visiting the ‘Farkament building, which overlooks the River Danube, is ‘must. Also, the Opera House and the Royal Palace must ‘eat be missed. To enjoy the majestic view of the city from the palace is as easy as a ‘ ‘cable car ride. ‘One such excursion could be to Margaret Island. This is a ‘small sanctuary with historical ruins, located in the Danube. Don't take your car there, though, because ‘erly bicycles and horse-drawn carriages are permitted. ‘Now write a conclusion for the above article. Task for homework, ‘hivca! English language newspaper is going to publish articles about places worth visitng in your country. ‘Write an article to be published in this newspaper. (120-180 words) 55 Oo, = Modern life ‘What do you consider to be the most important invention? Why? b How has technology i improve or | aL in the last 100 years? What are some of the problems cities face today? Activity | ‘You will hear fifteen short conversations. After cach one, you will for each conversation. Choase the picture that best answers the q} 3S 7am. | 8a.m. | Ya.m. U unit USEING part of the Reteaing yo ar ging miten toa rao progrem called ‘Moder Iau’ ‘On this program ll hear someone talking about cies and urbanization. The program will cover the following pointe ® will hear this program in sections. After each section, you will hear 2-4 questions. You are to choose the mast answer from the three choices given. If you wish, you may take brief nates as you listen, Now you Jbear an introduction. For this part, there will be no actual test questions. The question that follows is un only, Listen to the example, 59 Lea, by where the walls are bythe speaker doesn't say . through the use af some tricks 2 8,000,000. bb 40,000,000 .)between 8,000,000 and 40,000,000 3.4, entertainment ‘b}food and shelter ‘© freetime 4.2. to stop them leaving the city ‘b to make sure their lives are dull ©) allow them to lead productive lives 5... when it was bui ‘bo who built it & how it was built (6a) about 6,000 years ago '. about 8,000 years ago «. about 4,000 years ago 7a. by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers Ib, where there was already an exis ‘near good productive land Ba, one Ib, three hundred ‘eitheee the 19508 By the early 21st century the late 19th century 10, eighty-six million ', five billion «between two and five billion Lia, because they are not earning __ any money B: to improve their lives ©. to escape from rural areas 12.) rural-urban migration b. natural increase ternational migration economic growth bethe birth and death rate © urban development Ha. They are always better compared i thoes in th countryside b. They are not much different than these an the countryside, ©)For some people they are better than thote in the countryside, , 15.4, museums and galleries bynewspapers and television stations . universities 16, a, Everybody enjoys the benefits, ‘b. There may be problems with the supply of electricity, ©)Lats of people end up living in the streets sa lung disease 'b, homelessness fossil fuel consumption 18.0. 20% ‘b)ne more than 5% © 35% 19.0, the cities themselves Ibunsatisfactory management by the authorities G too much power 20... ruralization black of control urbanization (Dicuss he copie you live in an apartment oF house? Are you happy there or would you like to live somewhere else? Why? ‘ex 2 friend of yours who is thinking of buying a home. However, I'm having trouble deciding between two Perhaps you can help me decide. at the pictures below and ask: Where is each home located? Se eehat are the advantages of living in each place? Se What are the disadvantages of living in each place? Teen “bebe you have all the information you need, explain to the examiner which option you think would be best and ‘whe You can choose one of the options given or present one of your own. Remember to use information you “Teers from asking questions to explain your final choice. Faull ser you have shared your decision, the examiner will ask you more questions about the topic. Option 2 # Do you live in the city of in a suburb} What do/don't you DATES Tike about it? #® Cities are growing larger by the day. Why do you think people keep moving to already crowded cities? # De you think city life appeals more to young people than old? If so, why do you think that is? ther (9 Have you ever been caught in a trafic jam? Ifyes, how did you feel? Ifne, how do you think people caught in traffic jams feel? © What causes traffic jams? 1. Read the rubric and the sample essay below and underline the topic sentences in it Read the following article that appeared in 0 local newspaper. Then write on exzey on the following teplet Heony treffic coues problems in many cities. How serious are these problems? Whot in your opinion can bbe done to deol with them? ‘A pplan to ban cars and trucks from downtown district for residents, _—_policies is to make a car use 80 the dowarown mea dering the day shopper id wskers. Under tke convenient and journea wo tine snounoed yserdy by Mayor plan, bre, ti nd cpts would conruing that drivers wil Pap Edward Itis believed that continue to use the street freely and their vehicles for cycling, walking, removing some of the traffic from the sidewalk on the south side or public transporintign Main St. will improve the would be widened, The aim of the E Imagine yourself diving to work in the morning. Traffic suddenly slows down and you craw! along hoping that further down the rood traffic will 886 up. This is what the average driver in many cities today experiences ‘on @ daily basis, Traffic congestion |s a problem most cities face and needs urgent attention. Most city dwellers own cars and are uniting to usie public transportation even when they need to travel short distances. The situation Is made even worse by residents of the Surrounding suburban areas who rely exclusively on thelr pilvate vehicles to commute to the city. As a result, roads become clogged up as the sisting network is net adequate to cope with the everinereasing number of vehictes using it. The daily commute to work becomes an agonizing ordeal affecting not only drivers but also commuters. who use public transportation, The situation needs-to be dealt with at both a govemmental and an individual level. Governments can discourage the use of private cars by introducing special road tos for vehicles entering the downtown area ‘ot even banning cars from it atogether. in addition, if the public transportation system were improved and extended, mote: people would be encouraged to use It, At an Individual level, carpooling, eycling or even ‘walking are other practical ways of helping reduce traffic In conchision, it s necessary for governments to take drastic mensures ta reduce traffic in cities. The public should be made aware of the seriousness of the problem and comply with the: new policies. Without @ healthy cooperation between the authorities and citizens, ft will not be possible to deal with the probiern of tratfie congestion effectively 62 ‘Read the rubric and the essay again and answer the following questions. ms wat. What are the two aspects of traffic problems the exam question requires you to write about? What does the writer focus on in the second paragraph? JWhat does the writer focus on in the third paragraph? How does the writer conclude the essay? ‘essay discussing the causes of a problem and suggesting solutions is a type af essay where you are asked to cass the causes of « problem and make suggestions concerning solutions to the problem. Below is a general ‘of this type of essay with questions to help you when planning one. * Introduce the subject of the essay. What are you going to discuss? eae Sots Sam Sonn eee What do you chink are the Ghuses of the problem? causes of the problem. ae Scan, oe . solutions te the cee Suggest (Can you think of any examples? problem/give examples. How can your suggestions help improve the foenetena) * Close with a general comment On siruation? To sons, ‘What will happen if the problem is not dealt with? ve Decide what aspect of the problem you want to focus on and explain or give examples illustrating it. Suggest one or two solutions and elaborate on them rather than simply listing different solutions, ‘@ Present your points in a way that is easy for the reader to follow. Divide your article into paragraphs, havea new paragraph for each major point and start each paragraph with a topic sentence. = ‘# Try to base your points on facts or use examples to justify them. se Use a wide range of vocabulary and a variety of grammatical structures (passive voice, conditionals, participles, imversion, etc), © Use linking words/phrases to join your sentences/paragraphs and make your essay easier to follow. Look at the table below for ideas intially first (Of al) at first, to begin/start with, second, secondly, then, next, finally, ‘eventually ast, last but not least, to conclude, in conclusion in addition (to this) furthermore, moreover, apart from. besides, what is more, «as well as, not only ... but also In fact, 8 a matter of fact,no matter how; however (adjective), even, indeed, actwally, instead for example, for instance, such a, like eT Toa 50, therefore, as a resulticonsequence, consequently, in this case, Pee ees for this reason, otherwise, or, sofsuch that but, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, contrary to, in contrast, regardless of, in comparison to, although, even though, despite. in spite of because (off, a, since, due to, owing to De aM In order to, so as to, s0 that, ln case, for, to ae ME specifically, co be more specific/precise, in other words, that is to say ee ‘to sum up, to summarize, all In all, on the whole, in short easy See ay aed expressing contrast 63 “Writing practice 1. Read the rubric below and the introduction to the essay, Rewrite the introduction making any improves you think are necessary, Consider informal language, use of first person singular, contractions, etc. Read the following article that appeared in @ national newspaper and write an essay discussing the importance of computers in our lives today and suggesting ways to increase computer literacy. ‘The federal government Robinson. "These has announced its computers will help decision to work with a students learn essential non-profit organization _skills for succeeding in in order to supply today's information public schools with economy,” Distribution 8,000 computers. of the computers will “Today, computer be coordinated by fiteracy is one of the Computers For foundations of a Sehools, an successful education," organization that said Education supports computer Secretary Michole literacy tor students. ese ert It's true everybody needs a computer today! | can’t imagine my life without a computer. Without a computer nobody would be able to watch TW, make a telephone call, and type up a report 2. Look at the ideas given which could be used for the two paragraphs in the main part of the essay and the sentences a-d, Choose twa of the sentences a-d as topic sentences for each paragraph. Paragraph | + use of computers in cars (anti-lock brakes, ar bags. fuel injection) * computers in banks, schools, airplanes, businesses. homes + everything involves use of computers + not being computer literate is a handicap Paragraph 2 + students — take computer based courses * students — be given assignments requiring use of internet * students — each have histher own laptop or access to desktop * hardware, software, Internet subscriptions - lower prices a. There is not enough emphasis on educating children at an early age about computers. b. There is hardly a single domain of human activity that computers have not found their way into, A number of measures can be taken to improve the population's computer skills 4d. Everyone will be able to afford in the future 64 ‘Write the main part of the essay using the topic sentences you chose and developing the ideas given in the previous activity, ‘Now write a conclusion for the essay. Task for homework, ‘the following article that appeored in a national newspaper and write an essay on the following topic: ‘Gnies are getting bigger and more crowded, Discuss the problems this causes and suggest what can be done to seprore living conditions in large cites. ‘The 5th National Conference on Urban Growth, helt in Chicago esterday, altracted sociologists, city planners and professionals trom ‘iver rolaied fields from all over the country, Many of the delegates: “expressed their concer aver the staggering rate at which cities are : ‘gowing. They pointed out that in the 1950s only Landon and New York ‘nad a population of 8 milion or mare. By 1970, not only had LA, Tokyo ‘sec Paris joined the lst but also Shangai, Moxico Cty, Buenos Airos, ‘Se¥ing and Sao Paulo in the developing world. At the dawn of the 21st century, over 0 cities broke the 8 milion barrier. Unfortunately, many of ‘ese cities face the problems of widespread criminality, horrific | =edrenmental pollution and urban poverty unit wenn. = Food and drink LISTENING ‘Pre-listening © What are some of your favourite kinds of food? © Do you like eating out? Why/Why not? © What are the features that characterise a good restaurant? a vegetarian meat lover health food fanatic nice atmosphere fresh ingredients home-cooked meals cant afford quality service atmosphere 2 will hear people talking in eight different situations, Far questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, Bor C, 1 You averhear this conversation. What is the recipe for? A. pancakes B atype of sauce [fi © a special kind of juice 2. Listen to this woman talking. When did she become interested in the promotional product? A. When she saw the wide variety available. B When she was red a discount, © When she heard that they comtain natural ingredients only 3° You will hear a man talking on the phone, WI A He isa chef B He isa waiter. ¢ El C He is a restaurant ow at is his profession? 66 fieen to this advertisement on the radio, What is being advertised? A 2 food substitute 3 vitamin tablets | 1 amilkshake ie this woman talking on the radio. Why did she Become a vegetarian? A tesupport animal rights é B for religious reasons © forhealth reasons ‘Eistes to this conversation between a doctor and a patient. What is the patient’s reaction? A He is sceptical B He is alarmed, © He isconfused. Eases to two colleagues talking, What is the man doing? A cancelling the meeting changing an arrangement 8 © chanking for a favour Bes will hear a woman talking on the phone. 5 Who is bringing the wine? A Angela B B Dre © Kelly Betivity 2 ‘Wee wil hear a restaurant critic talking on a radio programme. For questions 1-10, complete the notes Seb summarise what the speaker says. You will need to write a word or a short phrase in each box. The “Avoid Like the Plague’ award is given to bod/horrible restaurants ig once a month. GGeecth and his friend sat at the bar because they arrived early / they were early Bi ‘Geecth complained to the barman about the (dirty) glosses >| Secording to Garcth, the light was dim in orderto _hide/disguise the bad/poor quality a of the food, Gareth's steak was tough / difficult to eut | 5 | “Ascending to Gareth, frozen fish is sticky fod compared to fresh. Gareth thinks the state of the toilets a shows the standard ofa restaurant, SGareth was surprised at the lack of paper towels fs SGaecth and his friend refused any sweets because they looked stole / they didn’t look fresh oi ‘When Gareth received the bill, he was shocked/surprised/amazed | | 67 ‘Discuss the topic ® Where do you like to-eat when you go out with your friends/famnily? Why? ® Do you eat healthily? Why/Why not? ‘Focus on pictures A and B ; ‘The two pictures show people eating and buying food at different places. Find the similarities and differences the ideas given below, your ideas and the vocabulary on the next page. Make notes in the spdce provided. Similarities & Differences [Now speak ‘Compare and contrast these pictures, saying what you find attractive of unattractive about each place, Use the notes you have made, some of the expressions suggested below and the vocabulary on the next page. Picture is than picture _ because .. Eating food at a _is because... find'the place in picture ~ because Incboth places people can... As regards to the service / the type of food offered . and why, using expressions like: I prefer eating because, dont like ..s0.. | enjoy eating at — because — 68 Now say where you would rather eat wg the ideas given below, your Similarities $ , Differences INow speak ‘Gempare and contrast these pictures, commenting on cach meal, Use the notes you have made, same of the ‘expressions suggested below and the vocabulary on this page. Wibirk — offers whereas... To prepare ..requires _ since IEF y opinion the . is nutritious because . The «is good/bad for you because New say when you would prefer to eat cach type of meal and why, using expressions like: Fer special occasions | Would. When aml would enjoy... Since I enjoy — would prefer .. kd Pictures A and B Pictures C and D balanced meat high In procein beneficial ingredients calories nutrients elaborate source of vicaming fibre ume-consuming four-course meal wholesome es 26 Discuss the topic Have you ever been to a restaurantleafé where the service or food/drink was not satisfactory? What was wrong. and what happened? i Do you think people should complain in situations like this? Why/Why not? Sample writing Read the rubric below and the sample letter on the next page. Have all the points been coveted in the letter? You recently went for Junch with a group of friends. However, you were not satisfied with many aspects of the café restaurant. Read the advertisement carefully and the notes you have made. Then, write a letter of complaint. to the manager of the restaurant, covering the points in your notes and adding any relevant information. Write @ letter of between 120 and 150 words in on appropriate style. Do not write any addresses. . > Dear Sir / Madam, I feel I must complain about the lunch we had at your restaurant on Thursday 17th December. Unfortunately, both the food and the service were not satisfactory. ‘To begin with, the dishes we ordered were inedible because of heavy seasgning. There was ‘s9.much salt and pepper on the food that it was impossible to eat the whole meal. I must also point out that your advertisement was misleading as there were only two wegetarian dishes on the menu. Finally, when we asked for the bill, we were surprised at the staff's ignorance of the 10% discount for group bookings. Again, this was something highlighted in your advertisement, ‘We could have made a fuss about it, but we decided not to. ‘Considering all the abave, I believe I am entitied to a partial refund. I am confident that this matter will receive your prompt attention. I look forward to hearing fram you. ‘Yours faithfully, - What language and tone does the writer use to make his complaints and show his feelings? Tick which of the following apply and find examples in the sample letter, Whe writer is: apologetic In which part of the letter (Opening paragraph, Main part, Closing paragraph) does the writer: = complaints? Main pare 1B request action? ‘Closing paragraph “estate the purpose of the letter? Opening paragraph |. mention when the incident took place? _Quening paragraph ‘e-refer wo the advertisement and the notes! Main pare 7) unit ‘WRITING J | Corsicerng . will receive your prompt arenion* unit ; This unit deals with another type of formal letter: a letter of complaint, Below is 4 plan of a letter of complai with questions to help you when planning one. Read the plan and compare it to the sample. PGI «ven ceproite pring Use set phrases to: ‘Why are you writing this letter? bs anda + state the purpose of your letter Whar are you complaining about? Lote she aid * give a general idea of your ‘When did you buy the product oP use the service? complaint (place, date, etc.). Whar exactly is the problem?” eras + Seate your complaint(s) clearly How do you justify your complaine(s)? re een] and logically. giving all che What did the advertisementibrochure etc. claim necessary details and facts. shat was misleading? * What is/was wrong with the product/service? Why aren't you satisfied? Use set phrases to: What would you like done about the macter? * state what ation you would D9 you want a refund or an exchange? Whe the reader to take, When do you want action to be taken? end your letter, Will you be taking any action? + Use an appropriate signature ending, Sign underneath this and print your full name below your signature ‘Write in clearly organised paragraphs. Use grammatically correct sentences wit correct spelling and punctuation. ‘@Plan your letter carefully and include all the complaints noted on the advertisement, brochure, eft. ‘# Write the points in order of importance and, if possible, group similar points in the same paragraph. ‘#In most cases, letters of complaint have to be written in a formal style. Therefore, use formal language and be polite but firm. ‘@ Avoid long detailed descriptions of events, Get straight to the point, making sure that you explain your complaints clearly and that you justify them. ‘e Use linking words/phrases. Look at the table below for ideas. ed Se ea) mete firstly, co begin with, for a start, secondly, finally furthermore, moreaver, in addition, also, besides this, what is more in fact, apparently, obviously, to be honest, as a matter of fact, not only .. but also however although, despite the fact that, in spite of, whereas, contrary to, in contrast cad expressing contrast expressing result or consequence therefore, so, as a result, for this reason, in this ease, as a consequence sy “2 Use some of the following set phrases and expressions to emphasise what you are saying so as to draw the reader's attention to your complaint. | am writing to complain about / make a complaint about {fam writing to you regarding / in connection with / on account of . STLeeekeM (zat 1am obliged to comphan about. pecans | fe Tmust complain about .. Ke was completely different from Heel it is Lam dissatisfied with . . Unfortunately, it was nothing like what | expected. The problem is . ‘Your advertisement / brochure was L must mention / point out misleading in this respect. , To make matters worse .. In your advertisement / brochure CL Pee eel natant ast you BEIM twas shocked / su ‘To my amazement aoe state otherwise, ‘You failed to méntion that .. Too ‘You led me to believe that -. ing all the above, | believe | am entitled to a partial/full refund. J demand a full refund / immediate action / a replacement. Vexpect to be all expenses to be paid. PIETER | would be grateful if you would deal / you dealt with this matter immediately : FRE | would appreciate i if we could sort this macter out as soon as possible. eat Late tinal | feel sure / am confident that this matter will receive your prompt attention. Thope that you will give chis mitter your attention. Jam afraid if this matter is not with immediately, | will | hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Viowk forward 0 haart rom you ‘Thanking you in advance, ‘ein some cases you might be asked to write an e-mail of complaint. On the whole, all the above apply to <-mails. For the appropriate layout see Appendix I, loa. Read the rubric below and the opening paragraph of the letter of complaint on the mext page. The writer has used some expressions which are not suitable for this type of letter and has included some unnecessary details. Decide which points are not appropriate and cross them out, DELICIOUS CATERING SERVICE (Our experienced Gtaffwill give your special event eu ore president of @ committee ‘pesponsible for organising your school’s end-of-year dance, The committee chose ‘Delicious Catering Service’ for the set-up and food. However, many problems occurred 2 the doy. Read carefully the ‘odrertisement ond the notes you shove mode, Then write 0 letter of, comploint to ‘Delicious Catering Service’ covering the points in your notes and adding any relevant ‘formation. Write a letter of ‘between 120 and 150 words in an ‘=ppropriate style. Do not write any eddresses. Weprovide: that extra touch of class teenagers, came late and. were rude hotdogs and pizza are not gourmet stopped serving at midnight played 50's musle all night 73 cE unit} wert ‘unit Dear Sir / Modan, As president of the organising committee for the Hamilton Mig School end-of-yemr dance, | aim. writing to make @ complaint about your servizes anal give you a piece of ray maina. Your company entered for our dance on 1” June but everything was reallly awful! A friend of mine had recommended your service but in actual fack, ie wns a total disarace, '. Below is the main part of the letter. Rewrite it dividing it into paragraphs and adding linking words!phrases to make it flow. . | Would Like to point out that your staff were not at all experienced. They were teenagers who came Late and were very rude to everyone. Te my amazement, your staff stopped serving drinks at midwight, which ic mot what is stated in your advertisenent. | was very disappointed with the TD), wito played only 50's rausic all night. Everybody got bored. | would like to complain about the food. In your Rdvertisement you state that You provide gourraet food. Het-dogs and pizza are definitely not gourmet food. c. Write a suitable closing paragraph for the letter. 2. Read the rubric below and write a plan for the leiter. Decide on the order in which you are going to make your complaints. tuto teeta n WONDER Lose weight in 3_weeks! later you ore not satisfied with the results ond have realised that the advertisement was " misleading. Read the BY, ct only heathy. ies detour advertisement and the notes tot you have made. Then, write a JOIN ROW and onty poy: letter of complaint to the ‘company which advertised the diet, covering the points In your notes and adding any relevant information. Write 0 letter of ‘between 120 and 150 words in the diet. However, one month gained 2 kilos ‘# We cook for yout aid full price cold / came late 3. Task for homework. Write the letier of complaint using the plan you made in exercise 2. 74 RISTENING peeteterins you usually do in your free time? at's your favourite form of ment? What do you like about if? # Do you like going to the theatre? why! Why not? ad C She doesn’t like the group. 2 You will hear a man and a woman discussing a play. What did the man like most about it? A the actress’ performance B the writer's styl A & C the plot 3 Listen to this teacher talking. Whete is she going to take her class A. to the Waxworks Museum B to the Natural History Museum c B C to the seaside 4 Listen to this man talking. Which television channel did he watch last night? A the National 9 members of an amateur drama company. Who is the star of the show? 5 Listen to this conversation betwee A the woman B the man c B neither of them & Listen to-this couple talking, What will the man do while waiting for his wife? A. use the Internet ‘ Bread magazines a C look through catalogues ‘7 You overhear a woman talking on the phone, What is she doing? = A making a recommendation B making arrangements a7 | making a complaint = 5 % Listen to this radio presenter. Who should call the radio station? A. People who want to win a pack of CDs, B People who want to make requests. = ga © People who want to talk to the guest speaker. “Activity 2 . ‘You will hear a radio pi about a play. For questions 1-10, complete the notes. You will need to write a word or a short in each box. BANCING AT LUGHNASA, BY BRIAN FRIEL General tnformation. Performed at the 21st aed a in Galway First staged in Dublin in the year 1999) Won 3 Tony Awards for best play, (best) director B and best featured actress The plot Sti tw 1936 tn Northwest reland G Characters: five sisters and a brother {the} brother returns {home} / rejects the Fanully problens begin. when Catholic faith Sisters get their first radio / wireless (set) a that year Famclty lends 0 conservative El fe Sisters escape ‘reality’ by listening to the radio / dancing Ba Evaluation of play Overalt fantastic! Made the audience ease cise sy a End of firctactwas uninteresting / not interesting / boring B 76 | SPEAKING [Discuss the topic # What forms of entertainment and fax [oie What clse do you think should be provided? ‘Speculate and make a decision Seagine that your town council has decided to develop the site marked with a question mark on the map below. ‘Ginizens have been asked to consider the four suggestions - pictures A, B, C, D. Talk in pairs and discuss the Benefits and the drawbacks of each suggest ing into consideration different age groups. Then, decide which segpsstion would be more appropriate for this site. You can use some of the expressions suggested on this page. ities for Free time activities are available in the area you live in? HOSPITAL Suggested expressions The firsvsecond/ete. suggestion offers so... Many citizens would benefit as “Aoother (disjadvantage would be .. I don't think that a(n) .. would be a good idea because. ) The area doesnt have a(n) ..30... | beleve ... would be appropriate .. because .. Yours children would prefer..whereas. | agree/disagree since ... is more . than .. “Teenagers would be more interested in. Perhaps ... would be more appropriate — Further discussion Discuss the following questions, You can use some of the expressions and the vocabulary given below. 1% le our society # 2 5 over the years 3° Why is leisure time impartant in our lives 4 Bo you like watchin he cinema or at home on TV? Why? 5) What was the last film you saw? Did you y 1 Most 4 2 2k x 5 2 Mh extreme sports routine acting action-packed film stars sound atmosphere picture special effects commercials predictable vireual reality concerts relieves stress ne WRITING E os report Dikeiss the topic there a Leisure Centre im the area you live inf If yes, what is it like ~ 1d how could it be improved? If not, do. jos think it would be a good idea to build one? Why/Why not? , ‘Sample writing © Read the report below: Who do you think this report has been written for? ‘Thus report 19 on The Leisure Complex, which has @pened on Miles Road. ‘The Letsure Complex is unique, as there 1s nothing ise like tt in the area. The building, which was an eid factory, has been given a complete facelift. Pastel colours were used for the exterior ‘ofthe building. Furthermore, marble staircases as well as glass lifts in the interior of the Duilding add to its overall grandeur. Sa | * he building consists of four floors, On the first floor thera 1s a large oafsteria,where not Snly are snacks and refreshments offered, but there are also four video walls which show Son-stop music videos. The second floor has been converted into @ gym equipped with all She latest workout machines. Staff are at hand and can work cut individual fitness Programmes. On the third floor thare ts an ice-skating rink which has seating for Spectators, Skavee can be hired at the rink and basia ice-skating instruction 1s provided to Beginners. Finally, on the fourth floor thera is a bowling alley complete with a computerised scoring system. Membership fees are reasonable and so are the prices at the cafeteria. However, charges for using the factiities are certainly high for non-members. On the whole, I believe that The Leisure Complex is a well-ongantsad and fully equipped establishment. In terms of value for money, those interested in using the facilities often are advised to take up membership. —e—_—_—_—_—_————— © Answer these questions. & Why has this report been w & What is the writer's opinion of the Leisure Complex? at In some reports, each paragraph is clearly labelled with 4 one or two-word heading which summarises the Paragraph, Can you think of appropriate headings for this report? Write them in the boxes provided. There are many types of reports. Reports are written when someone - usually of authority - requires general information about a place, event, etc. Below is a plan of a report written to assews the good and bad point af « place. There are questions to help you when planning a report of this type. Read the plan and compare it to the sample. What is the report about? « Where is the place located? ,, What information do yoy want co give? Whar does the place / facility offer! Did you experience any problems! [reer ‘What is your overall impression / opinion! Would you recommend the place? @ Read the rubric carefully. Make sure you know who you are writing the report for and for what reason. © Keep in mind who is going to tead your report and decide how formal it should be. In general, it should be formal and polite. Give your report a clear title (e.g. Report on China Coast Restaurant) or use the following layout: ‘To: Ms J. Barns From: Emily Keats Subject: China Coast Restaurant Decide on 2-3 appropriate features to write about in the main part and arrange them in order of importance. Note that sometimes the features you should write about are mentioned in the rubric, In this case, you must write about those, not any other ones you would like to write about. ‘© Start a new paragraph for every feature and leave a line in between the paragraphs. Write a heading for each paragraph to make the report clear and easy to read. ‘© Remember to include negative points as well as positive points, if appropriate, in each paragraph of the main part. © Make sure that the information you give is clear, factual and concise, Do not include unnecessary details, A report should be informative; it is not written to entertain. @ Avoid using the first person singular (1) too often. Present your information in an impersonal way. You can use the Passive Voice and impersonal verbs, eg. It seems... TL appears... 9 Use set phrases to: begin your report - This report describes / deals with ... The aim / purpose of thi make observations - It is considered ...[t seems / appears .. make recommendations - | would recommend / suggest... It would be a good idea to .. report is to . @ Note that the Present Simple Tense is mostly used in reports of this type. ‘© Use linking words / phrases in your report. Look at Unité page 63 for ideas, 80 L Read the rubric and the report below. Then rewrite the report according to the Plan and Guide ts writing of this unit, making it more appropriate. Jecal newspaper has invited its readers to send in reviews of places which young people xa to in order to ent relax. Write « report on a visit to one such place. Your report should cover what is offered there, the service, etmoiphere and include comments:on any problems you experienced. (120-180 words) Mike Davies Tot Mike Davies . Blaine Richardson From: Flaine Richardson “Delicious Doughnuts’ Subjects ‘Delicious Boughnuts’ Introduction report describes a new shop. It's called “Delicious Doughnuts’ and lots of young people go to Its in the Whitmore Shopping Centre which is ‘Customers have 2 lot to choose from. There are Food and Drink doughnuts - thirty-two varieties to be exact - “various shapes, sizes and filings. The staff make Sve types of fresh coffee. I particularly liked the ‘cappuccino. The staff squeeze fresh orange juice, ‘t00. There Is only one bad thing and that is the price ‘of the doughnuts, I believe they are very expensive, ‘especially when you consider that the shop caters ‘fr young people who don't have 2 lat of money, as ‘they might still be students or looking for a job. Service “Delicious Doughnuts’ is a self-service shop. I must ‘say that the staff at the cash desks are indeed very ‘quick and friendly. I noticed that lots of customers nad problems finding clean tables. You see, there Is ‘net enough staff to clean them. While I was there, I cén’t see anyone clean the tables. _ Atmosphere “Delicious Doughnuts’ is a modern self-service shop. ‘think that it does not have much character or atmosphere because of that. Let me explain, Firstly, ‘a8 the lights are on which make the shop too bright. ‘Secondly, the shop does not have comfortable ‘chairs. And thirdly, they put on boring ‘canned* ‘music in the background, | i i Conclusion Thinking about ali the things I've mentioned, 1 ‘mould tell young people to go to "Delicious Doughnuts’ when they want to take a break and relax for 2 short time. But the prices might be a problem. ‘Task for homework, You are attending a summer language course in England and have been asked to report on a local leisure ‘facility (eg. cinema, sports hall, amusement park, etc.) for the benefit of students who will be attending the same course next summer. Write your report, describing the facility and what it has to offer. (120-180 words) 81 unit iT QO. C OC ct O > LISTENING Pre-listening this part of the listening you are going to hear a radio program called People Who Have Made a Difference, in you will hear someone talking about their carcer as a teacher. The program will present the followin, for choosing a career in teaching first class she taught will hear this program in sections. After each section, you will hear 2-4 questions. You are to choose the most answer from the three choices given. If you wish, you may take brief notes as you listen. Now you bear an introduction. For this part, there will be no actual test questions, The question that follows is an only. Listen to the example. ‘You will hear: Where does Diane work? ‘hk im a neighborhood far from where she grew up ‘€ ima neighborhood close to where she grew up . ‘The correct answer is, in a neighborhood close to where she grew up. Diane will cont vue with r or “armation about her life and career. Remember, after each section of the 4 you will hit 2-4 questi: ou may take notes in the space below. 85 her parents cher father her mother a place to live ‘money an apartment with electricity . staying in her room a friend of Diane’s 8 colleague of Diane's as ‘She didn't really like bien. . She liked him, She was afraid of him, She was afraid 9. She was insecure She was enthusiastic (ae) was made for this. b, This is going t be challenging I will have a lot of trouble with these kids 15 ©)30 9, a. football players 10. a They don't know how to speak properly. b.)They don't know how ta prono €. They don't know what an alphabet is nce letters correctly. La, to help kindergartners learn the alphabet bboto pructice the alphabet th €. to embat igh a game 12. a. posters on the wall b.a noticeboard with student's: Ga bookcase They said they liked it 9. They didn't pay much attention ie it They didn't approve of it,” 14. (a nobody by her uncle & the school 15 a She asked the students who did jt. boShe p ished the whole class ¢. She refused to teach until the back was returned. 16. to entertain students byte teach students about the past ¢. fo punish students who mishehaved 17. (a2 cupboard b, trunk a refrigerator 18, aa telephone ba flashing ted light ‘ebooks 19. 20. a. the quality of their work the way they treat their students ©)the kind of questions they ask themselves ss those who don't know the alphat J | SPEAKING [Discuss the topic @ Are there any school subjects that are particularly difficult for you? What do you do when you face difficulties in a subject? | wow should teachers help students who have difficulties in certain subjects? Situation fam your friend and | have a problem, Find out what my problem is and offer me same good advice, rt Look at the pictures below and ask: 6 @ Who is the person? ® What is the problem? @ What are the possible solutions? ‘Then ‘When you have all the information you need, you should offer some advice to help solve the problem. You can choose one of the solutions or create your own, Rememberto use information you learn fram asking questions to. cecplain your ideas, Finally Aber you have shared your decision, the examiner will ask you more questions about the topic 4@ Do you have a tutor come to your house for any particular lesson or go te after schoo! learning classes! '@ Do you think that when a student falls behind the teacher Is partly to blame, or is it just a weakness on the student's part! (© When you dont understand something in one of your classes, do you ask the private tutor ‘one-on-one contact join 2 help group smacher’ WW he/the exphins it and you still do not understand, what do you de! a letter expressing an opinion ‘Discuss the topic @ How often do you de PE (physical education) at your school? Do you enjoy it? How do students benefit from PE? 1. Read the rubric below and the sample letter. Is this letter formal or informal? How do you khow? You read this article in a newspaper. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper expressing your views on the Proposed change, What are the benefits of physical education courses? Would an emphasis on other courses such as math and carnputer science be more beneficial te students? Give examples te support your views GOVERNMENT TO REFORM EDUCATION SYSTEM nan interview yesterday, the ] Secretary of Education, Mr. Howard, stated that the government were planning to reform the education system to better suit the needs of students and to better prepare them for the challenges and the demands of the 2ist century, Among the many changes that have been proposed, ‘one is that physical education courses would no longer be on the curriculum and emphasis would instead be placed on more practical and useful courses such as math and computer seience. Mr. Howard explained that any student wishing to tke a physical education course ‘would still be able to do so as an after school, extracurricular activity. 88 Dear Editor, Iam writing in response to the article ‘Government to reform education system’ which was published in your newspaper last week, Personally, I fee! the government's plan to replace physical education courses with more ‘practical and useful courses’ is senseless, They are clearly the educational value that is to be derived fram doing things like sparts. Apart from boosting confidence, it teaches students all about cooperation and team work, things which will be well appreciated by future employers. Mr. Howard claims that students would still have the possibility to take 8 gym class after school, I am afraid that after a long day at schoo! most students would be too tired and would lack the energy to stay behind to exercise. Furthermore, students are too pressed for time nowadays $0 most would prefer to go home and get started on their homework. As a result, they would totally disregard their health . Finally, I think that if the government's intentions are really to look after the best interests of students, then they ought to reconsider their plan and not scrap physical education courses. After all, as the saying goes, 8 healthy body is a healthy mind. | Yours truly, | | Michael Scott Read the following statements and check the ones that apply to the sample letter ee headings O . refers to specific points made in the newspaper article v4 Ab justifies his opinion [4] e. uses offensive language | se wsesa greeting [4 -B. Read the letter again and try to guess the meaning of the highlighted words. Then match the words 1-8 with the meaning e-h, Beenseless —_ _- & not have enough of ‘Dunderestimate __~ - be not care about = derive — _> © get rid of a. boost — d think about again ‘< Slack €. pointless . Gdisregard {not appreciate enough Freconsider ~ g increase Berp ~~ he get, obtain. ‘This unit deals with one type of formal letter: letter expressing an opinion asa response to a short article, Below is ‘s plan of a lever expressing an opinion, with questions to help you when planning one. Read the plan and compare dato the model letter. + Use a formal greeting. + State the purpose of your letter, = WWhy are you writing this letter? Rafer to the topic / tide of the What article are you referring to? artide and when it was publahed. hen was /t published? ‘Give a general idea of your opinion. How de you feel about the situation / problem mentioned in the article? parag + Focus on one or two aspects of the ics rosin ais joe What ideas / points are you going to discuss? How are you going to justify your ideas / points? and provide justification and/or 45, examples can you provide to support your Cog ‘examples, A = + Summarize your points and use set a Wha is your overat opinion Pete ‘phrases to end your letter politely. 5 y: What personal comment would you like to maker + Use an appropriace signature ending (e.g. Yours truly) and your full name below that. Je Make brief notes of any ideas you have, making sure that you include all the points mentioned in the rubric. Group related ideas together and put your ideas in order of importance. \@ Divide your writing into paragraphs. Je Make sure you follow the layout of formal letters explained in Appendix I fe Refer to the points made in the article but do not copy long extracts from it. Instead, try to use your own words as much as possible ‘© Use appropriate language (formal ot semi-formal depending on the type of publication you want your letter to bbe published in), ‘# State your opinion clearly but do not use offensive language or directly attack those having a different opinion. 89 ~“f (© Use linking words/phrases. Look at the table below for ideas. Vfrsty, to bagin/onare with in the frit place, finally, last but not least in addition co this, furthermore, moreover, what Is more. Abs, apart from this, besides, another point worth mantioning ts Giving examples ‘or exarnple, such 2s. particularly. expecially for ineance 4 fact. as a macter of fact, particularly, especially chard thet hake eae therefore. in this case, for this reason, consequently, as a resiie Expressing contrast although in spite of, despite, however, but . because (of), a8, since, due t, owing to = ‘in my opinion/view, personally| believe, the way lage it. from. my pont cf view. ah ni! | am in favor of, my belief is that 2 (ETON 8° e220 sor ap at aon se woe ting waren eo cose @ Usea greeting, set phrases for the opening paragraph and a signature ending. Look at the table below for ideas. Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear SirMadam, + Dear Editor, ‘+ |.am writing wich regard / in response to the article in your PETER newspaper / magatine about. el | should write co you to express my Ce ae) ba ca + |am writing to express my opinion about an article that | read in your newspaper/magazine about... ===. 1, a, Read the sentences a-g below and decide in which part of a letter you would use them, Write O for the ‘opening paragraph, M for the main part or C for the closing paragraph of the letter, 1. In addition to the fact that the number of computers in the library is inadequate, they are also very old and outdated. b. [decided to write this letter to tell you that I don’t agree with the article about re-introducing uniforms in public schools that you published in your paper last Tuesday, ‘These are the problems with the sports facilities and if something isn't done soon, we won't be able to vse them any more. Tam writing with reference to your article Increasing Stress Levels in on 10/10/2005. Unless the local authorities cooperate with the Department of Education, there will be no solution to this problem in the near future. But that's not all, I also want to say that I think that even though there are some exceptions, most teachers get along well with their students, & Regarding the meals served in the cafeteria, another point that must be mentioned is that many students are vegetarians and do not eat meat at all. '. Read the seritences again and decide which of them you would include in a formal letter. Why are the athers inappropriate? How should they be rewritten so as to be appropriate? 90 cca . & igh School Students! published . mp HHRMA 2. 4. Read the rubric below and the paragraphs A and B. Which of these paragruphs would be the best opening paragraph to the letter? What is wrong with the other one? 5 eu read this article in a newspaper. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper expressing your opinion -etout the cancelation of field trips and suggest what could be done about it. Field trips canceled ‘The Department of Education has come under fire schools would be canceled. The reason given was due to last week's announcement regarding field that there was a shortage of teaching. staff nd furs trips. A spokesperson for the department announced = Maay Parent-Teacher Associations throughout the ata Specially held press conference that, for the time country are holding meetings t decide if uny action being, all field trips scheduled by the country’s high should be taken. ns ¢ Dear Eiitor, ‘am writing with regard to the article published in your newspaper on Mandy, 27% September about the cancelation of high school field trips by the Department of ‘Education, ° ; Dear Editor, Tread an article in your paper last week that really upset me. It was about the Department of Education's stupid decision to cancel field trips, 1b. Below is the main part of the letter. Complete the blanks with the appropriate linking wOrd/phrase from the ‘box. There are two extra linking words/phrases which you do not need to use. ‘believe that field trips are 4 To hegin with ___, I strongly disagree with this decision. ‘extremely important for students. 2__Infact __, extting field trips will seriously ri 3 deprive students of a very important part of their educational experience, Go suderts hve fon but they ale lear about the wold around them. eld ips help scene broaden their hortzons and become more tolerant of other people's cultural heritage. 4 Therefore ___, it would not be a wise idea to cancel field trips considering thelr educative value. However $ T understand that shortage of staff and funds is a serious problem. 5 there must be another solution. 6 Instead of ___ canceling them altogether, maybe they ‘could be cut down. ? Regarding __ financial difficulties, one way of tackling the problem ‘would be for schools to organize fund-raising activities, 8 _such qs _ bazaars, stalls ‘selling food, second-hand books or clothes, music and theater productions or sports activities, AS far as shortage of teaching staff is concerned, schools could employ extra part-time staff to accompany students on field trips. Parents could 9 __alsq __ be involved on a voluntary basts. 10 Surely ___, they wauld not mind being chaperones on school trips. After all, itis their children in question. ¥I vt . Write « suitable closing paragraph for the letter. Yours truly Greta Brogan 3. You have just read this article in your local newspaper and decided to write a letter giving your views on school examinations and explaining whether you think they give an accurate picture of a student's obilii not. Underline the parts in the article that you want to focus on, think of examples from your learning experience that you can usc to support your views and make a plan for your letter. President of the PTA claims exams should be abolished peaking during a televised debate yesterday, Carol Hammil, President of the local PTA (Parent - Teacher Association) stated that judging students on the basis of how they score on exams is no longer recommended from a pedagogical point of view. She expisined that exams tend to test dry, encyclopedic knowledge and do not give an accurate picture of a student's abilities Ms. Hammil suggested that schoo! examinations should be replaced by other more student friendly ways of forming an opinion about a student's progress, such as student portiolios She claimed that they give a clearer picture of a student's work and progress throughout the year and, consequently, are a fairer way of judging students, 4. Task for homework Writea letter to the editor of the local newspaper which published the article above giving your views om school examinations. Explain whether you think exams give an accurate picture of a student's abilities orn Give examples from your learning experience to support your views. Use the plan you made in exercise 3. a c # Do you think it ie important tole # Do you like goin, You will hear five people talking a choose from the list of opinions A-F ‘enly once. There is one extra letter wh It was lifeless, It was misleading It was disgraceful It was realistic It was depressing, think is the purpose af art? different paintings they saw. For questions 1-5, ich one each speaker is expressing, Use the letters you do not need to use. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 bout other cultures? Why/Why not? 0 art exhibitions? Why/Why noi? the opera? Why/Why not? MA ad ‘Activity 2 You will hear a woman at a music convention talking about a famous opera singer, For questions 1-7, decide which of the choices A, B or C is the correct answer. i. Maras st great love was A Aristotle Onassis ci 2. What does the speaker say about Maria's parents? A. They were f «10 decline piano lessons - ol B_ They wereuble to recognise het talent They wanted her to develop a love for music 3° Maria joined the National Conservatory in Athens when she was A. thirteen B fifteen A >| C sixteen. 4 The Spanish opera singer Elvira de Hidalgo A stayed in Athens to teach Maria. B helped Maria with her career performed with Maria. 5) What does the anecdote reveal © That she could manipulate people. © ‘Maria changed her name to Callas because A. her name was too long, Biv more enourhl °o © itsounded Italian 7 Why did Maria refuse the role of "Madame Butterfly”, A. because of her age BH Secins of her appease El c Discuss the topic tulture festivals? If yes, what did you like about them? If net, would you like to Speculate and make a decision Seapine that your city council is organising an Art and Culture Week and you have been asked to help in the plenning. Below are some suggestions of events that could be included, but you cari also use your own ideas. ‘Talk S pairs and decide which five events would be best suited for the Art and Culture Week, giving reasons and sessidering the different age groups cach of them might appeal to. You can use some of the exp ipgented) con this page . Local Graffiti Exhibition Classical Music Concert Mime Artists Performance Foreign Film Festival Further discussion Discuss the following questions. You can use some of the expressions and the vocabulary given below, What sort of cultu events take place in your town/city? nts populart Do-you think art should be a compulsory subject at school? Why/Why not? What type of art would you like to be taught at school? appreciation materials reveal hidden ralenes broaden one’s mind parade sense of achievement condition performing arts sense of pride creative Preserve national identity theatre productions escape routine promotion traditional dancing express oneself rarity visual arts, a transactional letter/e-mail gi making arrangements (Discuss the topic # Would you consider taking an art course? Why/Why not? @ What are the benefits of an art course? SS 1. ead the rubric below and the am sample e-mail What 1S Sr vt Fem Too to the Bane sreiss information has the writer (Sed- eB mt + oF a ene mee Biiliwehdecum ‘Yeu have received an e-mail from [[ ‘en exchange student who will be oe —s saying with you for two months. SHR [pottery course SSS ‘She wonts some information about | By the way, while I'm there, I'd be interested in doing something after = course you did, Read the part of | school, you kriaw, a couple of nights a week. In your e-mail you ‘the student's e-mail given, the mentioned @ pattery course you did. 1 wouldn't mind trying pottery and ‘edvertisement for the course and | I'd like Your overall opinion of the course. Is it @ good place to make lhe notes you have mode. Then new friends? Is t expensive? How long is the course? verite to the student giving the -secessary information, Write an email of between 120 and 150 swords in an appropriate style. Let me know as soon as you can. I'll be waiting for your e-mail. Thanks! I iS cx | Be ER ew ert Fame Too fctons Heb | | ste x le ! us | iRem:_| [Taureen@treenet. com Te _|[ ‘Subject: [pottery course T got your e-mail and Imm writing back to give you all the information you need about the pottery ‘course. [Overall 1 found it interesting and enjoyable. The ‘course lasts for four weeks and starts on the first Monday of every month. As far as lessons are concerned, they would probably suit you hecause they are held twice a week and don’t start until six in the evening. ‘As for the cast, the course is not very expensive. ‘Students pay only £25, which is 8 good deal, ‘hope Te been of some help to you. Let me know: IF you need any more information, ok? T cart wait to meet you. ei 5 | z 2. Read the sample e-mail again. In which part of the e-mail wauld you add the Write it in an appropriate style in the space below. ing information? ‘This unie deals.with informal letters/e-mails giving information and making arrangements (e.g, organising « ‘meeting and arranging place/date/time), Below is a plan of this typ of letter/e-mail with questions to help you when planning one. Read the plan and compare it to the sample, PTD ie rare gra eat a + Use set phrases to begin your = ie para Jecterfe-mail, Why are you writing chis leccerfe-mait? “ + State why you are writing. . RECESS. + Give the necessary informaon. ‘What information does the reader require? ee DP rake your srrangemenes What arrangemenes do you want to make? Corny (fs there anything you want to repeat? Peeea Sir ++ Seate anything you want to emphasise. Can you send the reader more informacion if SEITE - Use 2 closing phrase/sgnature ending and your frst name below that (© Write in clearly organised paragraphs. © Use grammatically correct sentences with correct spelling and punctuation. ‘® Make sure you give all the information required and cover all the points mentioned in the ce-mail/ietter/advertisemen/notes, Organise your information in a clear and logical order, ‘# Follow the appropriate layout for informal letters/e-mails explained in Appendix I. Don't forget to use a ‘erecting, set phrases to begin and end your letter/e-mail and a signature ending, when appropriate, ‘© Use the linking words/phrases you have been taught in previous units. © Use some of the phrases in the box on the next page to give information and make arrangements. 98 Here is the information you require .. ‘You wanted some information about .. ‘You need to know these things . I'm writing to give you some extra Information .. Ct) ‘The first thing | should write about is... x ‘AS far as ... is concemed / goes .. Now, something else ... = In your letter you also asked abour In addition co this .. AS for... ‘Well, about the .. | hope the information I've given you will help you. Thope I've been of some help, If you have any other questions ‘Write if you need more details, * Let me know if you need anything else. cs ‘How about meeting at ..? peo ‘Why dont we ..? TESTIS would be the best place to meet, because... ‘We ean meet ..if you like, ‘MV meet you .. | suggest we meat .. Can you make it on... is .. OK for you! ‘Which date/time do you prefer? ‘Can you let me know if these arrangements suit you / are OK with you? 1. Read the rubric below. Then, complete the e-mail on the next page. A cultural day is organised in your town every year:A friend of yours, from onather town, is doing a project on ‘cattures of the world ond wants to attend the event. He/She has e-mailed yau asking for some information about ‘the doy and asking to moke arrangements to meet you. Read the programme of the cultural dey ond the notes yeu have made. Then, write a reply, giving the necessary information and making arrangements to meet. ‘Write on e-mail of between 120 and 150 words in an appropriate style. How are you? I'm writing to tell you about Acton Cultural Day, which will be on Saturday 6th May. al ‘We can meet at Now, about the actual events, There's going to be Finally, Well, that’s about it. If you have any other questions, just ¢-mail me. ‘See you soon, © Read the rubric below and write a plan for the e-mail in the space provided Decide on the order in which you are going to list your information. ‘ev ore one of the organisers of « folk music competition in ‘your town.A friend of yours, who lives in another town, is ‘mcerested in taking part in the competition and wants some ‘formation. He/She olso wants to arrange ta meet you. Read se part of your friend's e-mail given below and the notes you ‘eve made. Then write a reply giving the necessary seformation and arranging to meet. Write on e-mail of between 120 and 150 words in an ‘sppropriate style. alc is @ See:rane Spt [folk music competition Jn your e-mail you mentioned that you are a member of the organising committee for the folk music competition in your town. Well, as you know, I've been playing the bagpipes for five years now and I'd really like to enter NOTES this competition, Could you give me same information # open to all ages ‘2bout it? For instance, [ would need to know When it's © Sat April 12, 11am tw be held. Also, are there any age restrictions? Is there * Rosemore atl 2 fee involved? What else do I need to know? Oh, I'm * £20 registration fee. iso locking forward to seeing you again! It's been such # meet at entrance of the hall afterwards? along time. © first prize: £50001 3. Task for homework. Write the e-mail using the plan you made in exercise 2. 3S wil ion hot ssations. After each will hear a que arcane For ech cones ation. Choose the picture that best ° “Activity 2 #2 ‘in this part of the listening you are going to hear someone from a radio station interviewing three people at a ‘convention of sociologists about youth culture: ‘First, you will hear how youth culture started. Then, you will hear about various youth subcultures. + Next, you will hear about young people's shopping habits and pocket moncy. ‘= Finally, you will hear about the absence of parents from the home. ‘You will hear the interview in sections. Aficr each section, you will hear two to four quéstions. You are to choose ‘the most appropriate answer from the three choices given. If you wish, you may take brief notes as you listen. "Now you will hear the beginning of the interview, For this part, there will be no ackual test questions. The ‘question that follows is an example only. Listen to the example. Example | You will hear: | What has been the focus of Dr. Shannon's life? ‘youth culture | The correct answer is ¢, youth culture, s ‘Now we will continue the interview. Remember, after each section of the interview you will hear two to four questions. You may take notes in the space below. ‘i 105 1 fooled around by stud 10 ‘Teenage work was allowed b. Education became more important & Teens grew faster. . a the emphasis on education b.the separation of teenagers and adults ¢ the interaction between teenagers and adults «. fashion and interests language and race ‘¢. education and religion 5. a. they are all different b. they are all interested in style they are all troublemakers 6 ay teens: b. seniors «. students 7, a. taking responsibilities b. developing personal relationships «. shopping They didn't consume at all by They didn't spend as much, © They didn't contribute to production, 9 a. to help teens fit in at school 'b. to help teens gain popularity ‘to make money 10,40 it has been successful b, results are not definite © it has failed 11a) clothes b. money . shopping preferences 12. a. give their kids pocket money . spend time with their kids ¢. work a lot 13.0. 10 be good parents b. to make their children love them &. to compensate for not being with them often 14. their parents b. their jobs . sales « education 16... boredom bopecr pressure . stupidity 17a, there was more parental supervision ‘parents were stricter : there was less peer pressure 18,4 from 310 6pm b. after 6pm «. before 3pm 19,4, be stricter be less strict ‘© be more understanding 20, a. peer pressure b. the world © friendship s! Discuss the topic ip Where do you usually go when you go out with your friends? Where to go or what to do he and your friend are in the United States. You would like to go out, but you don't know where to ga or what Se Your examiner has all the information you need about two different places. Agk your exeminer about the Bees in the two odvertisements. You might wont to osk about the location, type of entertainment, hours, Jprces ond onything else you would like to know: Then choote which of the twe places you would like ca ga rm st pire reasons for your decision, You will afta have to explain why you rejected the osher one. Your favorite movie or § rock star } might be | sitting at the & i s next table. Further discussion forms of VOCABULARY jertainment are available in your area! Ip On a special occasion do you prefer going out with your frien or having party at home » in your opinion, is entertainment expensive for young people? hy/Why not? an essay expressing an opinion the topic @ Do you like playing computer and video gamest Why/Why not? @ Why are some parents concerned about ‘the amount of time their children spend playing computer and video games? “Sample writing 1. Read the rubric and the sample essay below. How does the essay topic relate to the problem Worried Friend has? Dear Ann, My best friend and | used to have lots of fun together. We would hang out at mails, go to different parties and always try out new things. Lately though, all he seems to be interested in is playing computer games. Sure they're fun and J enjoy playing them too but it’s not the enly thing | want to do. Every time | suggest we do something else, he refuses. Please tell me what t can do to get my best friend back again. Worried Friend . ‘A lot of concer is being expressed kately about the negative effects computer and video games have on children and teenagers. In wikat ways con playing computer or video gomes have a negative influence on young people? Support your wniews with examples. ‘There is litte doubt that computers are becoming more and more necessary for children both educationally ‘and recreationally. Children especially get a lot of enjayment out of playing video and computer games and these games can provide a healthy outlet for relieving tension as well as developing problem solving skills. ‘However, there are dangers associated with excessive computer and video game use. First of all, most of the games that children play contain a lot of violence. Children are unable to distinguish reality from fantasy and through repeated exposure to virtual violence are likely to lea that violence is an * acceptable way fo solve conflict. This Is particularly true if the violent behavior Is rewarded, which is always. the case with these types of games, ‘Secondly, kids who spend a great deal of time at the computer are missing out on other activities that are important for their social and emotional development. In other words, time spent in front of the computer ‘of game console is time taken away trom playing with friends ar participating in sports and other activities. ‘This can lead to social isolation and also have a negative effect on their physical health and development. {In conclusion, it cannot be denied that although video and computer games are extremely popular with young people today, there are also dangers involved with excessive use. Consequentiy, parents should be aware of these dangers and encourage their children to spend more time on activities that are more beneficial to ther. 108 2, Read the following sentences and check the ones that apply to the sample essay. Find examples of the items you have checked in the essay. The writer: «uses formal language JIS b. uses abbreviations and contractions 6 uses the firot person singular 44 uses an impersonal style © uses linking words and phrases SISINCI £. explains and justifies or gives examples of his / her ideas 3. Find words inthe sample essay which mean the following. & a Way of expressing energy or ideas (para 1) sia , connected (para 1) associated . too much (para 1) excessive . to tell the difference between (para 2) distinguish almost real (para 2) virtue argument, disagreement (para 2) conflict & connected with feelings (para 3) emotional hh. useful (para 4) beneficial i unit deals with essays expressing an opinion, This essay is thematically linked to a given prompt and requires you to-discuss an issuc from your point of view. Below is a general plan of this type of essay with ‘questions to help you when planning one. Creer aay What are you going co discuss? How do you feel about i? What poincs/aspects of the problem/situstion are you going to discuss? What kind of evidence are you going to include? What is your overall opinion of the issue? era 09 sé i ‘© Underline the key words inthe rubric and come up with ideas and a plan for what you are going to write about, © Choose a few of your ideas/points am pand on them. Explain them clearly and support them with examples. ‘© Do not use statistics you cannot support or explain clearly ‘# Write in a formal style and never use abbreviations of sontractivuns © Divide your essay into paragraphs, Present every major point in a separate paragraph © Use a topic sentence to introduce each paragraph. # Don’t develop your ideas in the introduction. © Write your essay in an impersonal way. Avoid using ‘T' too often. Use a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures, Avoid being too simple © Don't introduce new ideas/points in the conclusion. © Use linking words/phrases, Look at the table below for ideas ud firstly, to bepin/seart with, in ehe first place. finally, last but not least in addition to this, furthermore. moreover, what Is more, also, apart from this, ‘besides, another point warth mentioning is for example, uch at. pariclaty.espacally take for itance emphasizing Infact, as a matter of fact expressing contrast although, In spk of, despite, however, but ee ee because (of). as since, due to, owing to CC aksind Iukapuicatabenaiumaimaae therefore, in this case, for this reason, conrequentiy, as x result Sra ed Jn conclusion, £0 sum wp. al in all, on the whole, taking everything into: account eta in my opinion’view personally.| believe, che way | xe it, from my point of view, am in favor of.eny belit is hae REMEMBER : The letter before the rubric is just a specific example of the issue the essay requires you to write about, Therefore, you should focus on the rubric to develop your essay. Writing practice 1 a. Read the rubric below. What does the topic ask you to think aboutt Which aspect of the topic are you asked to developt Some people believe that pocket money spoils teenagers ond sends them the weong messoge about the value of money, Others think that pocket money helps them become more responsible about money. in what ways do you think that pocket maney can spoil teenogers? Support your views with examples, nt a iwi & Now write an introduction for the above essay, © Complete the main part of the essay, expanding on some of the ideas given below ar your ovm ideas, eHH ACA ee HeCsNRRicoT pare nT 4 Now write an appropriate conclusion for your essay. 22. Read the rubric below and write a plan for your essay, ‘Teenagers spend a lot of time watching television, In what woys dees this affect how they do in school, their ‘s20ial life ond their health in general? Do the negative effects of television on teenagers outweigh the positive “effects? Support your views with examples. 3. Task for homework. ‘Write the essay using the plan you made in exercise 2. = FCE Practice lest This unit is a complete listening, specking and writing practice test basod on the Cambridge FCF warrninesinn fone You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer ABorC. 1 You hear someone in the stret giving directions toa motorist. Which road should the motorist tke? A Park Avenue B Ridge Road B o © Lake Drive 2. You will hear a conversation between two friends. Why can’t the man attend the wedding? ‘A. He is going to be on holiday. Z o B His going to be ona business trip. . CC Hewill be taking care of family affairs. 3. Listen to this man talking to a friend on the phone. Who organised the party? A. the speaker % B_ thesecretary o © theassistant 4 Listen to this message recorded on an answering machine, What did the speaker receive as a gift? A shoes cg B gloves C trousers 5 Listen to this conversation between a man and a woman, Why does the woman prefer Italy? ‘A. Itsnotas faras Spain. ei Oo B It'scheaper. C ismore beautiful. 6 Listen to this man talking toa friend. How does he feel? ‘A. disappointed c go Bonervous © regretful 7 You will hear part of a speech about nuclear power. What is the speaker saying about the media? A Itisbiased. A a } B_ Itis open-minded. CC Itisindifferent. 8 Listen to this woman talking on a radio programme, What is she trying to do? AD warn 5 og B_ inform CC mislead V2 Lr ‘You will hear part of an interview about stamp collecting. For questione 9 18, complute the motes whiste ‘summarise what the speaker says, You will need to write a word or a short phrase in cach bux. _ everyone has eaey accene toy Stamp collecting is a popular habby because stampeit’s easy to de Adam has been a collector since he was twelve (years old} | | Philatelists meet to. exchange (duplicate) stamps P| and sister tats EB People can meet other phiatelists by becoming members af a stamp clubistamp clubs pe | |Adam collects stamps based on . a theme/subject fs | Qnncsomweuscinnelfrornamillinntdiarhcue «a8 aw earn Valuable stamps are usually kept Se ee in bad condition! ‘The value of a stamp decreases when itis not in good condition/damaged Humidity may damage stamps when cad j= | ‘You will hear five people asking for favours over the phone. For questions 19-23, choose from the list A-F what cach speaker is requesting from the person they are talking to. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. A. to make some food ‘ Speaker! = B | is | B to get a lift Speaker 2 € Bi © to borrow money oan 4 D toring someone 2 E_ to look after children ‘Speaker 4 F B F to borrow an item of clothing Speaker 5 c B =i On> 114 ‘How many times-will Julie have moved, including this onc? two. three four ‘What won't Julie miss when she moves? the old neighbourhood sriving to work having Rob's mother nearby Julie doesn't want to take time off work because she is busy at work. she has a loan to pay off, she prefers to take time off al Christmas, s ‘Why doesn’t Julie want to go om the trip? She can't afford it. ‘She thinks it will disrupt her children’s lives, She won't have settled into the new house yet. ‘What must Julie organise? her Son's bus timetable her daughter's enrolment in school hier daughter's travel arrangements Which of the following applies to Julie's friend? She has started working with her husband. When did the two women become friends? ‘When they were employed at the same place, ‘When their husbands became friends ‘When their children were at kindergarten together, lear a conversation between two friends. For questions 24-30 choose the best answer A, B ur G. “The interlocutor encourages each of the candidates in turn to give personal information about theanselves. A variety of questions and prompts is used to elicit both short and more complex responses related to personal Sformation, such as: ‘Gan you tell me something about yourself? De you enjoy school/your job? Whar do you do in your free time? Gien you tell me about your townJcity? What improvements could be made in your town/city? ‘Candidates talk to the interlocutor and to each other as appropriate. . Interlocutor: Now, I'm going to give each of you two different photographs. I'd like you bath to show each other your pictures and then talk about them, You each have only one minute for this, so dou’t worry if | interrupt you. Candidate A, here are your pictures — A and B (page 116), Please let Candidate B see them, ‘They show two different forms of pollution, Candidate B, I'l give you your pictures in a minute. ‘Candidate A, I'd like you to compare and contrast these pictures, saying what problems arise from each type of pollution. ‘When Candidate A has finished, I'M like you, Candidate B, to tell us what we can do-to help the situation. Remember, Candidate A, you have about a minute for this. Allright? Candidate A: Approximately ane minute. Imterlocutor: ‘Thank you. So, what can we do to help the situation, Candidate B? Candidate B: Approximately twenty seconds. Imterlocutor: Thank you. Now, Candidate B, here are your pictures — C and D (page 116). Please let Candidate A see them, They show different forms of environmental disasters, I'd like you to -compare and contrast these pictures, commenting on the consequences to the environment. When Candidate B has finished, I'd like you, Candidate A, to tell us if you have ever seen similar situations. Remember, Candidate B, you have about a minute for this. All right? Candidate B: Approximately one minute. Interlocutor: ‘Thank you. Now, have you ever seen similar situations, Candidate At Candidate A: Approximately twenty seconds. Interlocutor: ‘Thank you. is What prabk tise Fri these types of pollutant? What are the consequences of these | types of disasters on the environment? | Part 3 3 minutes : Enterlocutor: Now, I'd like you to do something together. Imagine that you are members of the Friends of the Environment” society at you school. You will be sulunitting an article w thy awuthly living. Below ure sume ideas of Whar you Can lichinile in the article to inform people of ways they can help. school newsletter about environmentally frien Td like you to talkto each other about which of the following ideas you think would be passible far people lopt. Then decide on the four most important ones to be included in the article, giving your age t is not necessary to agree with each other. All right? You have anly about three minutes for this, so, once again, don't worry if | stop you. Candidates A and B: Approximately three minutes. interlocutor: Thank y CONSERVE WATER | AVOID USING THE CAR BUY ORGANIC FOOD =a {USE UNLEADED PETRO‘| RECYCLE ” CONSERVE ENERGY WITHOUT CFCs} (Pare4) 4 minutes ntcrlocutor: Why is it important to care about the environment? How important are organisations that work for the protection of the environment? Why? What are the greatest threats to the environment? Why do mast people ignore the need to protect the environment? What can the government do to protect the environment? Thank you, That is the end (of the interview). a WRITING Part! You must answer this question 1. You ordered a pair of trainers you had seen in a mail order catalogue. However, you are not satisficd swith what you have received. Read carefully the advertisement and the notes you have made, Then ‘write a letter of complaint to the company selling the trainers, covering the points in your notes and adding any relevant information. laces broke first time 1 tried them on poor stitching SE— i 2 © ordered this, ‘white/blue got black/grey Sizes: 5-11 Price: £60 overpriced for quality received Write a letter of between 120 and 150 words in an appropriate style, Do not write any addresses 18 Write in answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answer in 120-180 words in an appropriate style. 2. wd "Babel Weekly wants your advice! Do you speak a foreign language? Would you like to help people who are learning foreign languages? Then write to us giving advice and suggestions on how to Improve one’s understanding of a foreign language. ‘We will publish the best articles from readers on the subject: Tips on how to improve foreign language skills. Write your article for the magazine. 3. You work as a tour guide for a local tourist information office. You have been given the task of writing « report on a popular place to visit in your town/city. Write your report. 4. Your class has recently had a discussion on pop stars and fashion models, Your teacher has now asked ‘you to write an essay giving your views on the following statement: Pop stars and fashion models carn far too much money nowadays. Write your essay. 5. Background reading texts ‘Answer ene of the following two questions based on your reading of ane of the set books. ‘8, How do you feel about the ending of the story? Was it predictable? Should it have ended otherwise? Give ‘your opinion, b, Describe an important event in the book you have read, How is ;portant in relation to the novel? NP ECCE Practice Test Unit ib © complate listening, speaking and writing practice test based on the Michigan ECCE enumiswation futrm Za 1a f. 350 | s0 | 0, tn this part of the listening you are going te hear a radio program, in which someone is talking about the mystery ‘of Atlantis. The program will cover the following topics: = What Atlantis was like How Atlantis was destroyed = The location of Atlantis Different theories about Atlantis | You will hear this program in sections. After each section, you will hear 2-4 questions. You are to choose the most appropriate answer from the three choices given. If you wish, you may take brief notes as you listen, Now you [sill hear an introduction. For this part, there will be ne actual test questions, The question that follows is an example only. Listen to the example. Example ‘You will hear: Whar is Eugene Cunningham an expert int You will read: 2. philosophy b. geography éshistory The correct answer is , history. Now the program will continue with information about Atlantis. Remember, after cach section of the interview you will hear 2-4 questions. You may take notes in the space below, eg b atno \Egyptian priests & Solan 2, (win the center 'b. 15 km away from the metropolis . next to the canal x @Pauick apc 4. a, Tidal waves hit Atlantis. |An earthquake struck Atlantis. € Atlantis started to sink. 5. a in 600BC 1B, 9,000 years ago (©)11 600 years ago 6. a people believed it 7. -& They have lost interest. ‘b. They believe it's true. (€)They are still interested in i & ain the Atlantic ocean the Bahamas in the Straits of Gibralar 9, a Donelly’s . Plato's (©)Marinatos's 10/a))in about 15008C 9,000 years ago 1. 900 years before Plato's time 11. &. by placing Atlantis in the Mediterranean by claiming that it is not based on an actual historical event (by linking it tothe destruction of the Minoan ~ civilization 126 12.0. They accepted it entirely, b, They totally rejected it, (Most of them were nit convinesdl. Ioffers full proof. 11's open to question. ¢ It's curious. 14{@)allow people to view the remains of Atlantis Wciing te seein 1 asin Be nae €. go down to these structures 15da)that an island existed in front of the “Pillars of Hercules” be that the "Pillars of Hercules" exicted 17,000 years ago Produced in the EU ISBN 13: 978-960-443-273-8 ISBN 10: 960-443-273-7 CONTENTS Introduction to the Teacher's BOOK ....5...0:-000ssnsente 03 Unit 1 Family and friends sient 06 Unit2 Adventure : so steno Unit3 Health and fitness z seal Unité Learning English 2 s col Units Travel si nll Unité — Modern life cst anid Unit? Food and drink See 39 Unit 8 Entertainment 45 Unit 9 Education 50 Unit 19 Art and culture . 256 Unit 11 Youth culture . 8 62 Unit 12 FCE Practice Test. = 68 Unit 13 ECCE Practice Test... a 76 Introduction 2 Double Plus B2 is intended for students preparing for the Cambridge FCE Framinatlon, the Michigan ECCE amination and other exanié at B2 evel Its aim is to develop students’ listening, speaking and wring skill, fimiiariae hem with the ‘examination tasks and prepare them effectively forthe corresponding parts ofthe exams ‘The Student's Book consists of 13 units, In the intricuction, the key features ofthe two examinations are oullined und sludcels are provided with useful tips, both of which should be thoroughly discussed ia clas ul the beginning af the course, The twe appendices. the end of the book point out the features of le niust common lypes of writing and some differences between British and American English. ach unit is based on a specific topic and is divided into these sections: Listening, Speaking and Writing, Units 1,2, 4,5, 7. and 10 focus an the Cambridge FCE Examination and Units 3, 6, 9nd 11 on the Michigan ECE Examination, Unit 12 is an CE Practice fest and Unit 13 is an BCCE Practice Test [is not necessary to teach the units in the order in which they appear in the Student's Book. However, itis advisable that Listening and Speaking should be taught first, as these two sections provide students with vocabulary and ideas related to the topic ofeach unit, both of which are useful in the Writing section. The Teacher's Baok includes a Teaching Guide and Teacher's Notes including suggested answers to the questions in the Pre: listening, Speaking and Writing Sections, the listening transcripts and key to the listening cxercises, as well as suggested answers to the exercises in the Writing Section A Teaching Guide LISTENING The Listening Section in each unit includes two activities corresponding to two parts of the Cambridge FCE and the Michigan ECCE Listening Tests, Before doing the listening activities, go through the questions in the Pre-listening section, which introduce the topic and are meant to generate discussion based om the students’ awn experience, This ‘will give you the chance ta present topic related vocabulary. Before playing the CD, allow students some time to read through the questions and explain any unfamiliar words appearing in the questions, Remember to draw students’ attention to the type of text they are going to hear and encourage them to try and predict what the tex! is going ta be about and what kind of answers they are required to give. ‘Activity 1 in Units 1,4, 7and @ corresponds to Part I of the Cambridge FCE Listening Test, while Activity 1 in Units 3, 6 9 anid 11 corresponds to Part I of the Michigan ECCE Listening Test (multiple choice questions based on short unrelated texts), Advise students to listen carefully in order ta get a good overall understanding of what is being, said, ‘Activity 1 in Units 2,5 and 10 corresponds to Part 3 of the Cambridge FCE Listening Test (multiple matching). ‘ll students to listen carefully ta distinguish subtle differences between the texts, picking out key words or phrases which ‘willead them to choose the appropriate answer, ‘Activity 2 in Units 3, 6,9 and 11 corresponds to Part 2 of the Michigan ECCE Listening Test (multiple choice questions based on a longer text divided into segments). Encourage students to take notes in the space provided while listening. When checking students’ answers, ask them to justify their answers and say why the other two options a1e incorrect. Activity 2in Units i, 4,7 and 8 corresponds to Part 2 of the Cambridge FCE Listening Test (sentence completion), Before playing the tape, ask students to predict the kind of answer each question requires (eg. name, date, noun, verb, part ‘of sentence), Point out to: students that the questions follow the order of the information in the text. ‘Activity 2in Units 2,5 and 10 corresponds to Part 4 of the Cambridge FCE Listening Test. Point out to students that in this task there are seven multiple choice questions with three options each SPEAKING ‘The Speaking Section in each unit consists of different kinds of activities, all of which aim at giving students ample speaking practice and prepare them effectively for the corresponding part of the examination. It is strongly recommended to avoid correcting mistakes while students speak. You can keep notes and refer to the mistakes after students have finished the task. ws TEACHERS, ROMS ‘The first activity inall units is called Discuss the Topic and includes 2 to 9 questions, There questions ynaroRTUEe Uc topic of the other speaking activity/activities and are meant to generate discussion based on the students’ own experience. This activity is similar in format to Part Lor Phase 1 of the Cambridge ECE Exusninution wand toe Michigan ECCE Examination. Address each question to different students and then have the reat af the clasy aul leas and/or extra information, Another way this activity can be approached is by having atuslents Viscuss the yuatis i pairs or small groups and then report to the whole class, Tn Units 1, 4, and 7 the second speaking activity corresponds to Part 2 of the Cambridge ECE Speaking Test. Thit activity comsists of two tasks. Mleas, expressions and vocabulary ate alsa pravided in order ro facilitate speaking, Hor the first task, called Focus en pictures A and B/ Cand D, divide the slass into paits or saul geoups and ask studeats to fad and note down the similarities and differences using the ideas anid the vocabulary givei, a8 well at theiv own ideas. TF students have trouble completing this task, use the questions suggested in the Teacher's Notes (Suggestod questians ra be used as prompts) in onder ta help them. A class discussion should follow so that students can exchange teas wand complete their notes. [Naw speak corresponds to the actual examination task. Ask one student to-complete the first part of the tusk wai few of the expressions given. The rest of the class should listen carefully and when the student has finished, they should add more ideas. Then, repeat the same procedure for the second part of the task. IF time permits, you can ask other students to repeat the task. Note that itis up to you to choose whether to follow the FCE Test format strictly or not. Remember to point out to students that they arc not asked to give a detailed description of the pictures, but to compare and contrast them in relation to the question asked. In Unis 2, 5,8 and 10 the second speaking activity corresponds to Part 3 of the Cambridge ECE Speaking Test and it called Speculate and make a decision / solve a problem. The aim of this task i for students lo prastive expressing their opinion, agreeing or disagreeing politely etc, It is important to-read through the instructions with the chass and niake sure that everything is clearly tinderstood, Divide the class into pairs or small groups and ask them to do the task, During the activity, go around the classroom an listen to the discussions taking place, making suggestions 2nel puiding students if necessary. Rethind them to speak only in English, Finally in order to arniliarise students with the examination format, you can act 48 an interlocutor and ask pair of students to do the task, The rest of the clas listen and comment on what is being said, as well as on the way the conversation is being acted out. wld In Units 3, 6,9 and 11 the second speaking activity corresponds to stages 2 and 3 of the Michigan ECCE Speaking ‘Fest. It is important to read through the instructions with the class and make sure that everything is clearly understood. Encourage students to ask you questions and answer them according to the information provided in the Teacher's Notes, Then, have a few stuclents say what they have chosen and justify their choice. ‘The rest of the class should listen. and comment on what is being said, The Further discusston questions correspond to stage 4 of the test. Students are given an apportunity to elaborate on the topic intteduced by the prompt. In Units 2, 5,8 and 10 the third speaking activity corresponds ta Part 4 of the Cambridge FCE Speaking Test and is called Further discussion, One way this activity can he approached is by having students discuss he questions in pairs ‘or small groups and then report fo the whole class. Another way is hy having a slass discussion. In either ase, students should be encouraged to use the expressions and vocabulary given, WRITING ‘The Writing Section in each unit comes as a continuation of the Listening and Speaking Sections and focuses un a specific type of writing In Units 4, 7 and 10 the Writing Section corresponds to Part I of the Cambridge PCE Writing Test, which is a transactional letier/e-mail, Point out to students that they should make intelligent use of the input text(s) and expand on the notes given, In Units 1, 2, 5 and 8 the Writing Section corresponds to Part2 of the Cambridge ECE Writing Test, Students should be made familiar with the different features of each type of writing and refer to Appendix I. In Units 3, 6,9 and 11 the Writing Section corresponds to the Michigan ECCE Writing Test. Students should be 4 ‘ained to carefully read the prompt given and organise tei time elfictently as they have only 30 minutes for this part > the examination, The Writing Section in each unit consists ofthe following parts: Discuss the topic Sauaps writings Plan Guide 10 sntiggand Writing practice This i 4 warm-up activity which aims at introducing the theme of the Sample Writing section, Address each question to shllerent students and then have the rest of the class add ideas and/or extra information, Another way this activity can se approached is by having students diseuss the questions in pairs or small yeoups and then repel to the whole class. a This section includes an example of the type of Wi the wnit so that students can see how the spesilic writing task should be dealt with, This sample is in accordance with all or nearly all the points mentioned an the Guide co writing. There i always a general question at the beginning of this section so that students lave w specific reason to read the ext Ask students to silently read the text and ty to find the answer to the question, Then, cliscss answers, This section ends with activities highlighting certain details which are important to this partis Divide the class into pairs and ask them to do the activities and then report to the whole class. The detaited plan given in each unit aims to make students aware of haw they can ofganise their paragraphs und what shey can include in the particular type of writing presented. Have students read it in lass and tell them haw iraportant 22 for them to plan before writing, using this plan as a guide. The questions are there to guide students. Remember ta point out to students that they do not have to answer all of them, Ask students to compare the plan to the campo 1 (ype of writing, This section is made up of important tips which are included lw guide students in the writing, process. Read de points and discuss them with the students. Another way this can Le approached is by insttucting students to read the puists silently and undertine anything they do not understand. Then, discuss and clarify the points. Always tell students to refer ta the sample in order to find examples of the points mentioned in this tion. Iisa good idea for students to ‘eam to go through the points and tips before they start their writing and after they have finished, This section containe a variety of tasks and exercises which practise and consolidate what has been presented. These sould be dane in different ways depending on the individual task. You can encourage pairwork and graup work, discussing the answers after stuctents have finished. The last task in this section, called Task for homework, requires students to write a complete letter, essay, story, ete, according to the specifications explained in the unit Family and friends LISTENIN 5 Suggested answers Dee Ne eR eed + open con well with my... + | afven/sometimes/rarely/never argue/quarrel with my. Dee tn noe + I get along with... but I don’t get De ae ee Pea eae Pmt + Parents should share responsibilities They should make time for their children + They should spend most of thr free time wich thelr families, + have an excellent relationship swith my. + There's mutual understanding between... + My..and | have similar interests. Transcript ‘You will hear people tatking in eight different situations, For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, Bor C- ‘Question 1 Man: Oh, [have such a hard time getting up in the morning ‘Woman: | know you do, but it's all your fault, You've always insisted on staying up late ever since we were God, you sound just like my wife! By the way, how is that project you're working on going? Woman: Oh, changing subjects ane we? wn Anywa) yeah, I've almost finished. I've puta lat of work, into it, andit’s worth a Jot of money, Should get me out of my present financial difficulties, ‘Man: Question 2 Man: You know, now that I'm retiring T' love to mave-to our holiday house by the sea and enjoy some fishing and gardening But how would Mum get to work? Yes, Hknow. That spoils my plans »« There is also the ‘option of living further out of the city in a flat, which means that she'd have to comrinité»» but if only something like thirty minutes on the fast speed train ‘Then again, you could stay right where you are but you're not considering that, are you? Man: Look, the house is old and { dan't want to spend my retirement fixing it. ' guess your rum will just have to get used to the idea of catching a tra Anyway, it takes her twenty-five minutes by car naw «(Fade out) Question 3 Man: Yesoou [know Tsxid [ed come bur it's just wot possible C8 please sis, dan‘ be like that .. Of course I helieve that families should be tagether on special days like this .. Remember. [took time off ‘work, for your wedding and Lean’t get any mote time off this mouth .. Mum ane! Dad just hae to understand .. OK, OF .. PM tell you what. Tl some the week after so chat we van celebrate the start of the New Year together. Haw’s that? . Well i’ te best Fean do... OF course Pl ring to wil yows all Merry Christmas .. L hope Murn's rows iss geod as it womally 15. (fade ou) Hi there Michelle, | believe congratulations are in order. Michelle: Ob thanks .. but hold on. How did you know 'm going ta havea baby? I just gat the results this morning... Word certainly gets around ‘quickly in this place, doesn't it? What are you talking about? Oh, I didn't know ~- that’s great newst .. Anyway, | saW the TESTS upon the notice board in the library .. So, when do you get the degree? ...I mean you now, throw the hat in the air? Michelle: I'm not sure .. they really haven't tll us yet Hey... will you be there - at the University? Philip: Question 5 Betty: Peter, what have you been doing all afternoon? Haven't you washed the dishes yet? Peter: I've been studying, okay! Pl do them when finished, Betty: [tll be too late then, Corte on, I have to lay the table, Mum will be home soon, Peter: Mum can do them when she gets in. Betty: Oh, you think you're sa clever, dom’t you? She's not our slave! .. Look, P'il do you the favour this time .. for mum's sake. Peter: Alright then I'll clear the table after dinner. Question 6 Woman: Yes, yellow would be nice but they say it can Keep you awake. Oh, however, it would be nice to wake up to it in the morning... What? Blue ... Ob no it's too cold. Mind you if we keep hhaving these heatwaves .. anyway I have it in mind for the kitchen ... No, no, definitely not green ... I've got enough of it in my office. Yes me (oo, and the more I think of it, the more appealing a bright start to the day becomes. Question 7 Man: [was having lunch at that fastfood place we go to when Kathy a friend of mine, came over to say hello, We got talking and then we arranged lo meet for drinks later that evening at the Iguana Bar. When we met up, she had her sister with her. I'd never met her and I was surprised to find out that Wwe were taking some courses together at University Pd probably seen her around... on the campus but her face didn’t sem familia. Anyway, ta-cut & long story short, we've been going out for a year and a half now ... (fade out) Question # Mather: Jennifer! Hi. yeah, a bit busy... How was school today? ... good .. yes? What kind of favour! ... Are you serious? I've got too much housework to do when I get home - plus cook dinner. I wish I eould get aut of all this but ... By the way, what do you want to buy? .. Another pair? .. Oh, forthe party, Right. Some other time .. Sorry honey, it’s just not convenient this afternoon Uh, endl almach bread ow pol leg go toa PLA mecting at Bran’s school tonight Na, I really don’t want To go BU cant mde It su Jetsider souls it be wlaiybt witle pv dl vi made some spaghattt fr tomignie Kram tno TALIS: Taks off, Tuan ave rine. (fds uty Key Me 2h se 4m sm oA 7H me Prats ae Transcript ‘You will eas John aving a coversution witha fricmal, Amey. For questions 1-10, eoanplere the nares which sunnaarise what the speakers say. You will nee! to write a word or w shart phrase in each box. ‘You naw have thirty seconds im wiih ta lank at the agutestions, John: Hi Amy. Howare you? I's shame I never get to-see you! ‘Amy: Oh, hi John! [know .. busy lives, eh 2 Yohn: Yeah, tell me about it -T mean, when T was tld kids ‘were full-time job, I never really took it to heart and and trying to work as well. Paid work, that is that's right uit isn't i fimmy how we're both trying to juggle family and careers? I'ma seriously considering choosing one or the othen actually Real John: Yes- I mean Lorraine and I have discussed it and ~ well - her job is quite well paid so I may give wp mine. In other words, we may be role - reversing! f Are you serious? Ob, I think thae's great! I've heard, ofa Jot of success stories, you know, Yeah, .. well it would mean I'd sce to the kids all day long - so I'd have to clean and ... ~- go for walks, play, teach nursery thymes, feed, COOK get up Oh no! Me in the kitchen! The poor kids woul have to get used to eggs and chips! I'm hopeless! Oh John! I can just see you now, trying to cope! Well, in ane way it means a less stressful life ~ no more rushing for the 7:20 ta Liverpool Street and racing across central London on the tube! You're right, but I like my job, I'm just so lucky to have Mus and Dad close by, They keep an eye on my youngest one during the day and pick up the jther two from school in the afternoan. ‘That's great! You know, {really don't like having babysitter look after our kids, that’s why P’'m considering this major change in my life. Not having someone you can trust the kids to, really limits your options and in this-day and age, being able to work is really important - a necessity most of the time. but you know spending time with your children John: Amy: 7 TEACHER'S 'NOTES| is really important too, | mean, quality time! Well, hopefully I'llbe able to do that soon, By the way, how’s that little angel of yours? I've never seen a child so quiet and peaceful before Who, Tommy? You're in for a surprise, Amy. My son is naw in his ‘terrible twos’ and he’s totally changed - # teal problem. [can never get him 10 listen to me, He behaves so badly sometimes! y: Really? Oh, I'm not wrapped around their fingers - I give them a good smack on their bottoms once in while. You should see my Mike, who's now three. He's wild! ‘Umm ... [really don't like the ides of hitting the kids. I mean ... there are other ways of letting them know what they do is wrong, Have they worked? ook... I've got to be on my way now: You see, I'm expecting some relatives from France and their flight is arriving in half an hour and L've got to pick them up. John: Amy: John: SPEAKING EE Suggested answers Pee a ta Amy: I didn't know you had relatives fiom France! John: Actually, Lorraine's mother is French “Amy: Ob, & didn't know th: -Right!.. Well, oak I'd really like to see yon sometime. How about coming aver to our place? Til cook up a storm. Do you fike egg and chips? Key 1 family (life) / children a cescear urate Pazfob. “SC ABEPRAET 3 work / his job 4 cooking } 5 stressful 6 look after his children / kids 7 two years 8 behaviour 9 hitting the children / kids 10 the airport / pick up some relatives Be se a Ceo + to share secrets with/confide in each other + for companionship + to support each other + sometimes you might not get along with some family members but ‘you can choose people that you get along with to have as friends + you have to live with family it's 2 necessity friends come and go but relatives are far ever + you can choose friends whose interests are similar to yours + sometimes relatives can be your best friends Sabina Te Suggested questions to be used as prompts (optional) + How old do you think the girls in the pictures are? + What is the atmosphere like ii eich picture? What kind of relationship do the girls in each picture have? + How do you think the gits in each picture fee? | Similarities \ + carefreeifun atmosphere + ceenage ails || + friendly secure * feonehips between || + good relaionship + happy. satisied + a feeling of togetherness | friends { Differences + tense atmosphere + unfriendly, insecure + bad relationship (talking behind someone's back) = gel unhappy «fool humiliaced, worried, upset, lonely 8 Suggested questions to be used as prompts (optional) wou + What's the difference in size between the two families? * What responsibilitics do-you think the people have im thece families? + How much attention should the parents give their children in ach darsily? + What kind of relationships exist between the members nf each family? * What expenses does each family have! * De you think privacy would be a problem in cither of these a ad ~| Similarities | Differences wi ek et Coon * nuclear family families lool un ~ amis look happ¥ Tpnowea sense of security Ss guidance from * three member family + parents responsible for one child "more attention, support and + passibilty of spoiling child + child might fea! lonely + doser relationship with parenes + extended tal +e mama tary + parents and grandparents Fesponaible far duldrent * atsention from parents and grandparents * children tearm to shar: * children foal good having a parents, fewer expenses bbrother!siscer and grandparents fun, more people to depend en + more expenses less privacyiraom * more privacy/room WRITING a descriptive GEE: Suggested answers informal letter re Reed Wf you moved to a new neighbourhood, | What do you write to your Why/Why not? ee ue he he me cee end Ce aad Yes ‘Yes + school + ta informigive news = to tell them about my new neighbourhood + sports + to invite + to give news hobbies + to keep in touch = to ask how they are doing No + prefer to forget them + no time * holiday adventures * new friends 1. The writer of the letter and the reader ate old schoo! friends. 2, a, To inferm/to give news about his new schoo, new teachers and the new friends he has made. bb The writer uses informal language, Examples"... come to grips believe me. where do I start? handy .." Cool, don't you think? are alright loads oF work . say hello-to everyone . Take care 9 1. Exemplifying answers Opening paragraph: How are you keeping? I's taken me ages to reply but I've been pretty busy - yout knaw wlth the party and all, Closing paragraph: ‘Main part: 1 extravagant/great Slaten 2 coloured 10expensive 3 exotic/coloured 11 packled 4 traditional/deticious 12 leather 5 mouth-watering/delicious 13 digical 6 huge LA great 7 delicious Vi ncw 8 fantastic/expensive 2, Exemplifying answers a. Opening paragraph: greeting Main part para i: para: ‘Closing paragraph: 'b, Opening paragraph: Main part: = para para 2: Closing paragraph: ‘¢ Opening paragraph: para 2: ‘Closing paragraph: 3. Open 10 + writing to tell you all about my holiday - fantastic + big, modern hause by beach + beautiful garden + swimming pool + recreation room, + sivimuming / sunbathing + beach volley-ball sions to nearby towns when I get home + miss you + greeting + entered writing competition and wan a scooter! saw ad in magazine + wrote adventure story just for the fun of it + sent it in, not expecting to win + received letter that I had won + couldn't believe itt + latest made! + colour: metallic blue + engine capacity Slice + maximum speed 50 kra/h + comfortable seat + write soon + greeting + course: hard work but coping + writing to tell you all about my life here Mike, 18 years old studying at university ng hair Kept in pony tail + goes out a lot has lots of friends fun to be with + settled in + share bedroom with Mike + found part-time job on Saturdays + English has improved + go out with Mike and his friends + go on day trips with students from the course + waiting foe your letter Adventu LISTENING ou Suggested answers re Reon ee a ey fee eed Why/Why not? An adventure is something unusual exciting and maybe dangerous that happens to you or that you do. + Yes, because it is something unusual, it ‘would be exciting, it Some adventures: would be a new* ‘exploring 2 cave, jungle, experience mountain, etc. + No, because it might mountain climbing ‘travelling through a desert / jungle, white water rafting motocross racing abseiling deep sea diving (no medern facilities, You will hear five people describing some of the adventures they experienced during their expedition thraugh the Amazon, For questions 1-5, choose which ofthe situations A- F each speaker is describing. Use the letters only once, There 4 one extra letter which you do nor need Ya use. You now have thirty seconds in which 10 look at the questions Man: Speaker 1 ‘Woman: When the storm subsided, we emerged from the cave and got back into aur cance. Paddling along, we felt the current pulling us and the sound of thundering water in the distance, As | tured round to see what was happening, [saw a huge waterfall We had ta act quickly bee felt as if the canoe would turn over. Luckily, we srabbed onto an overhanging tree branch and managed to stay in the canoe. Then, we slowly made our way to the river bank and got out to Man: we We Would you like to take Cae a rae eee dangerous, it would be exhausting, uncomfortable Speaker 2 Mee eee ey Seo eee kets ee sen eer Re ens + Yesa competition ike that in unusual surroundings sounds exciting, You have ‘to deal with any mechanical problems oi your own. The extreme conditions in the desert arent easy to get accustomed to. + No, the heat would be too much of a problem. Ifyou have an accident, tis not ‘easy for help to reach you soon. be et) have a look at the waterfall. 1 don't want to think of what would have happened if (he canoe had overturned! ‘On one of the days, on our way upstream, we found 4 clearing in the forest and decided to stop and rest Suddenly we heard a crack of thunder and it began to pour, We quickly made our way up a slope ta discover a cave hidden behind a very strange tree, with these snake-like branches. It really looked horrifying but we had to get bchind it. Later we were saying how lucky we were that na-one had slipped or anything. That's when Jenny noticed the first-aid kit was missing! Speaker 3 Of course, after everything that happened, Mark decided to take a nap for an hour or two. Well, not Jong afterwards, we heard him groaning. When we looked in his tent, Mark was pale and sweating ‘Then we saw it next to him, long with its head lifted. I quickly grabbed a stick and tried to move it TeacHER’s| 2 over. Mark was paralysed, he just couldn't move! a ee Speaker 4 Woman: After we visited the waterfalls, we all decided to head inland and find a clearing to set up camp. for the night. On the way, however, Peter was feeling under the weather and looked terribly pale. At one point we had to stop, because he ‘was exhausted, After discovering that he had a temperature, we decided to set-up camp right there and then, Could it have been that he bad fallen into the river earlier that day? Speaker 5 ‘Woman: Well, [ don’t knaw exactly how it happened, but we were all lucky that no-one was hurt, I mean, the rain, the waterfalls, us losing control of the canoe and falling into the river | thought nothing more could happen to as! Well, die L speak toa soon ... It was Jerry... He was cooking upa storm - that is boiling a can of beans! He ‘must have left the gas cooker on, near the tent. ‘The next thing we knew, it went up in smoke, Luckily, we put it out before it spread. Key 1E 2G 3A 4aP 5B You will hear a mar talking about a car rally he has taken part ix. For questions 1-7, choose the Best answer A, B, or C You navy harve forty five seconds ite which 20 look at the questions. Man: I had seen an advertisentent in a newspaper for the Sahara Desert Rally, T mentioned the idea to my colleague and we both laughed it off in the beginning. Believe it oF not, though, within a week wwe were both seriously considering taking part. I's just that there were enormous. casts involved and that we needed 2 sponsor At the time, we were working in a car showroom as salesmen, So, we decided to ask the general manager for financial help, although we weren't very hopeful. So we were really surprised when he told us he was willing to organise a four wheel drive for us as long as we put advertisements on the vehicle, That was 12 again sometime. fine by us, Ii all, the sally was point was Tu shin, poi was 40H) Kilometres away at the Hii Kowa: mountain range in Chad. Ta tefl you the truth, we had co look up a woeld map: w find out where we were going, My partner and I had participated in many rallies befose, but nothing resembling this distance. So we had to put a lot of effort Into our preparation and planning. Nothing was left to chance, but, then again, you can never predict the unpredictable. slays ‘The stat an Taanvinia and Ue fi The big day finally came, On joining the rally in ‘Tunis, we were really surprised by the large number of entrants, Our goal wasn't to win the race but to finish safe and sound. Besides, the race was much ‘mote likely to be won by a professional team than by us The first 500 kilometres were reasonably easy. Fowever, we encountered enormous sand dunes while travelling through westem. Libya, To avoid sinking in metees of sand we had to follow the race map really well. | must admit we were quite nervous at times when we felt our bulky vehicle about to sink in the sand. Luckily, Fhad overheard another driver say that the secret was constant movement. The vehicle had to keep moring at all costs. Thankfully it didn't let us down, At one point while geing through Niger, rain threatened to wash the dirt road away - and our vehicle with it, We were surprised because we had been told by the race officials that it didn’t rain rich in those parts. After that, I got worried every ime T saw clouds; ‘When we finally reached the Emi Koussi peak, a large welcoming party greeted us, As a sign of respect for completing the rally, we were awarded a trophy. The organisers had also prepared a fantastic celebration and we all had a great time. We were so excited and really satisfied ta have finished the rally. Pd love to do i 20 3A 4C SA 6B 7C SPEAKING Suggested answers What do you know about the Himalayas? Would you ever consider taking part in an ex ns «| Tras SOEs Bh and ‘They are a big mountain range in Eastern Asia Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is there. Climbing the peaks can be very + Yes. it would be a once in a lifetime experiance, + No.1 don't think fe is worth risking your lite eo climb a mountain, dangerous. ft would require special training and equipment that 1s very enpensive Ey cote S Suggested answers Essential lon-essential first aid kit =for injuries Swiss army knife: for opening cans of food sunglasses : for protecting the eyes against the glare of the snow backpack ;for carrying supplies torch : for signalling Personal stereo: [ luxury IRems-of no practical camer: use during an expedition Ga! Suggested answers 1 Could you see yourself going ona Himalayan expedition? Why/Why not? Yes + love adventure “love taking risks ‘+ challenged by the unknown No too dangerous + fear of heights wouldn't risk my life 2 Camyou think of anything else you might need for an expedition like this? + waterproof elothing, + sleeping bag + small, waterproof tent + hiking boots + insulated gloves + thermal underwear 3 What other adventurous activities appeal to yout + bungee jumping +-clif diving ‘mountain bike riding sabseiling + mountaineering + motocross racing 4 Which occupations involve a sense of adventure? Why? * fireman + police oiticer + rescue team + astronaut + soldier + risk lives to save people in danger + travel to unknown placesfectreme environments + carry out dangerous missions 5 Why do you think people scck adventure? + sense of fulfilment, a challenge, satisfying, thrilling 4 Waly 1 escape routine! monotonous life a sto eye st Suggested answers SE a Ree aL a How would you feel if you got lost? quipment may break / get lost / stolen + depressed + someone may get sick / hurt / injured angry + tent may be damaged by rain + confused + you may come face to face with a wild animal + seared SEU LL belore S. asa result: 2 soon 6. As soon as Be since 7. However 4, all the while in fact 2. a. The event could be true or imaginary but the use of "I" makes you believe that itis probably a true event. bb, The word “panicked” implies that the story will probably be about a time when something went wrong or about & tervifying experience. The main character panicked but in the end the situation was resolved. 3. a caught a glimpse of id. wandering, Bb. peculiar e. anxious: ¢. yelled f. dense ae a. glanced © severe . delicious wedaimed b, stared 4. naughty &, attractive he announced 2. Exemplifying answer "You're not nervous, are-you? We've been waiting to try this fora long time,” said Michsel. "i'm cacited and neryous.” sais ane, Under no circumstances were the Millers going to miss the opportunity to ride their canoe down Glacier Canyon ‘The ride began smoothly but before long the waves beeame violent, An gnormaus wave crashed onto the side of the canoe, It overturned immediately and as a result Michael and Jane plunged into the water. “ane!” screamed Michael, His heart began beating furiously since his wife was nowhere to be seen, He then looked down the river. He couldn't believe his eyes! ‘There was a waterfall in the distance. "Oh my god, we're doomed!" thought ‘Michael. Susidenly, he heard a voice, It was Jane. She had been able to swim to shore. She had thrown out a long branch Ha ese ale oe ae ee ae He reached out for the branch and held on tightly, He hoped his wife was strong enough ta pull him out. at last Michael reached dry land. Shocked by the event, he couldn’ speak. He was lying next to Fane, thinking, If t b wile’ vick-thin} woulda’ 3. a never forget = itis implied that the story is about an unforgettable event which could be either good or bad me and my friend = main characters so the narration has to be in the first person plural (we) last summer = when the event took place (narration in past tenses) b.Open 4. 2. Open b. Open 14 Health LISTENING Suggested answers |s being physically fit important to you? Why / Why nott fos See ee ST and fitness ee leek Yes shaves healthy dive + have a few light maals dunng the = to keep healthy siein a gym fisness center day + to look berter | exercise + Avoid food with loss of calories * to feel better psychologically * play sports eat lots of frult and yererntles as + walk er ride a bike wo drink lots of water schoolwork * eat low fat products + don't enjoy doing sports / exercising don't have enough time other things are more important saw my dector today and told him about my problem of constantly feeling tired. Woman: Did he prescribe any medication or suggest you take any vitamins? ‘Well, first he asked me if 1 was eating enough but when I told him that I was eating properly and nat skipping any meals he simply said that all I needed was to get some more rest and that 3 vacation might not be such a bad ides either, What did the man's doctor recommend? Man: 2 Man: Is that you Francine? I almost didn't recognize you, Woman: My hair has gotten longer. Man: It's not only that. It’s your body. You've last weight, haven't you? Woman: ‘That's right, I lost 15 pounds and | feel wonderfull ‘What does the woman look like? 3 Man: You know | haven't been taking good care of my health. Pd like to be more active but I don't want to join a gym, Woman: Why don't you take up a sport like tennis? Man: [thought of that but I don't want ta have to depend on a partner. Hey, you know what? There isa new indoor swimming pool near my house, Do you want to come check it out with me? + avoid smoking ‘+ avoid stressful sieustions + avoid junk faced + not go ro sleep om a full comneh ‘What does the woman believe the ran should do to stay ftt 4 Woman: Who's wrong? Do you have a hendache ox something? You took really awful! T didn't yet any slep last night! | was up all night with a terrible toothache, Woman: Why do you insist on cating « mucl candy? It has given you stomachaches in the past and sow you have ended up with a toothache, ‘What is wrong with the man? Man: 8 Woman: If you've aut doing anything later on, dy you want t0 cme with me tw a Lealth Sure! Listen, [save a docwor's appointment at three and then I have w pick up my new Man: exercise bike, $0 shall we sty around 5 Woman; Great fll see you then, What is the man going to do at 5:008 ® Manz There isa great new Argentinian restaurant that has just opened up. Would you like to have dinner there tonight? ‘Woman: Sure as long os if not like tat Faval restaurant we went (a last weeks ‘There wasn't a single vegetarian dish on the menu. Actually, the Argentinian restaurants specialty is steak, [ guess i'l have to be pasta again at Gino's, ‘What are they going to have for dinner? Man: TeACHER'S 5 2 Woman; Next week is Health and Fitness week at school. What do you think we shauld do to heighten awareness? Last year, we gave out leaflets to students informing them about the henefits of being in shape. This year | thought perhaps we ean have health experts come in and explain to students the importance of exercise. ‘m not so sure that students would attend a talk that but if we organized a concert 2s well, then perhaps we could get the message across more effectively ‘What did they do last year for Health and Fitness week? a ‘Man: — Would you please turn that thing down! Don't you know that so much noise is harraful to your health? Besides, i's not like you understand what they're saying, You're reading the subtitles, Woman: All right! I'm lowering the volume, Aren't you cranky this morning! Got up on the wrong side of the bed agait? Man: Don't even go thete, I'm sick and tired of sleeping with earplugs. IFit’s not the TV then it's your stereo, Woman: Right! Now, if you'll excuse me, | have some vacuuming to do. What was the woman doing? %. Boy: Achoo! Girl: Looks like you're coming down with the fu. You've been sneering all day. Do you have a fever? Boy: T doubt it. {think my allergy is kicking in. It's the grass. It's that time of the year, Girk: Bur I thought you were allergic to dogs and cats. Boy: That too, but that's nat the case now. What is wrong with the boy? 10. Boy: You look tired, Were you up all night reading ag: Not really. L watched a bit of TV and decided to go to bed early. I read a couple of pages and switched the lights off. Just as I was about to fall asleep, Julia rang. Boy: Doesn't she know there's a time difference? Girk She totally forgot abour it. And then I spent the rest of the night staring at the ceiling! Why didn't the girl get any sleep? nL. Woman: Gosh, how long have you been running on that thing? Man: Oh, about thirty minutes. Why? Bo you want to have a go? Woman: No, it's okay: You kriow, I prefer ta do-my jogging in the park, Just when you're finished, Fd like you te spot me while 1 Hf some weights. 16 What is the man doing? R, Man; Surely you are not here to lose weight, Woman: No, of course not, ifanpthing | could 40 uth putting some on. No, Hast want to tome my body at. Man: I wish Eeould soy the sume ve wally gun w slim down, What does the man look liket LB. Woman; Will he be all right? I noticed his manth war bleeding after he had picked up something when we were out for a walk in the woods, Man: Hell be fine, just need to pot a few aitehos in the wound, Can you bold his collar fie nse? ‘Where is the dialogue taking placer 4. Mam: I've just come from the doctor: He told me that these spots wold «lear ip in a few d ‘Woman: You do look much better. At least yor * swollen up anymore. ‘What does the man look like? What's wrong with you? My back and shoulders are killing me . can't understand it. [bought a new orthopedic bed a few months ago but it hasnt helped very much, Perhaps I need to see a specialist. Woman: Why don't you try getting some orthopedic pillows ? They might he what you need. ‘What has the man already done? Key 1B 2G 3A 4B 5A 6C 7B 8B 9B WC WA WC 1I5B WA IA Transcript Trevor: Hieverybody! This is Trevor Boyd on WBNA, ‘Today we are at the Palm County Health and Fitness Conference and with us, to give us some information on the subject, is dietician and personal trainer Wilma Stuart. Hella, Wilma, it's a real pleasure to be here in Palm County. Wilma: [t's our pleasure to have you here, Trev. You know -we always welcome any opportunity to publicize she conference Trevor: Wilma, you area gym instructor and are quite well-known for your fitness videos but what you also do for a living is advise peaple on their weight, Isn't chat right? Wilma: That's correct, Trev. I've actually gota degree in Gieteties and rum a clinic which deals with eating disorders. Example: What did Wilma qualify ast Now let's continue. Trevor: So, Wilma can you tell us a litle bit about ‘what's wrong with the way we eat? It’s more a case of what's right, Trev and that's ‘ery little! Most people today don't eat properly at all. really hope that people will think about ‘what 1 am going to say as most people who are ‘overweight are so for the most simple of seasons. They are eating the wrang food oF having the wrong number of calories per meal or they could even be eating meals at the wrong times each day: | nein it's really important not to goto sleep at night on a full stomach Wilma: 1. What's wrong with most people's eating habits? 2. When shouldn't you eat too much? Trevor: [have heard that there is medication available to help you lose weight but many people have doubts about this. And rightly so. Iti something I totally disapprove of. Food itself is mare powerful than any so called weight loss pills because the food that you eat can either make you thin or fat. You don't get fat because of a ack of exercising, that's a myth, You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals cach day, You see, your body is like an engine and it only needs certain foads at certain intervals each day. If you don't eat the right foods at the right times, then the body won't burn thes calories, ‘You will end up storing them away and they will become fat tissue. You have become overweight bvy eating the wrong food but you can get slim Iby eating the right food at the right times each day, Its not more complicated than that, ‘Wilma: 3. How does Wilma feel about weight loss pills? 4. What is the best aid to losing weight? 5. Why do peaple become overweight? 6, What is the procedure for losing weight like? Trevor: We hear so much about low calorie diets these days. How do you feel about them? ‘Trey, Het my colleagte here and head dietician at the clinic, Gloria Hellman, deal with that question, Gloria? Wall, hort answer, they don't work. The main reason you cannot lose weight by starving Yyourselfand thar's exactly what you are doing when you're on a law calorie dit, is because your metabolism will work out any drop in your calorie intake and it will adjust itself and start burning fewer calories, For instance, if you Wilma: Gloria: usually eat 2500 calories per day, your body will be used ts burning that amount, Howeren should you try ta starve yourself by suddenly deciding to eat only 100M calories pce day, your ‘metabolic will very quickly adjust itself fa burn ‘only 1000 calories per Uy. That's why many people fail in their deeting attesnps« pardcyarly wher they starve themselves. 10 16 also wap people get 50 upset when on a thenisand calories a4 day, they dan't lose nny weight while their fiierids on 2500 salaries a lay slon't grin any. 4am sure thal when you are in the supermarket, you have noticed that a large number af people buy low fat or no fat prodnets. However, strangely enough people seein to bes yetlang falter than ever despite switching tv 9 law fir lifestyle 2. Why are low enlorie diets unsuccessfult 8. What happens to people who switch from a 2500 calorie per day diet to.2 1000 calorie per duy dict? ‘9. What upscts people who are dieting? 10. What appears to be happening even though people buy low-fat products? Trevor: So folks, Ifyou want to lose weight the proper ‘way, think twice about what you do. Now, Dave Peterson, a psychologist, is also here with us. Dave, could you tellus few things about some common etting disorders? ‘Wall, one disorder that is linked with excessive dieting is anoroxia nervoca sehere people literally starve themselves. A person who is saffering from anorexia has an intense fear of becoming fat. They are very skinny but are convinced that they are overweight even when they are very ill or near death. An anorexic person's weight is usually 15% below normal body weight. And they obtain this weight loss by exercising excessively, taking medication and nat eating ‘This disorder usually affects adolescent girls and ‘specially women who are involved in professions where thinness is of great importance such as in modeling, dancing, the theater and distance running, Dave: 11, What are anorexics afraid off 12, What do anorexics believe about themselves? 13. Who does anorexia usually affect? Trevor: What should a person do if they suspect a friend or a family member is anorexic? ‘They have to persuade that person to gee an Eating Disorder expert. This will not be easy as ‘most anorerics will resist and even get angry at the suggestion, But itis important to persist as the medical risks an anorexic faces are too great tobe ignored. They include: shrunken bones, mineral loss, irregular heartbeat, permanent Dave: wi 17 TEACHER'S NOTES failnre of normal growth and development of osteaporosis, The good news is that anorexia can be overcome bat only with proper medical care 14, How will an anorexic probably react to the iden af getting medical help? 15. What is the encouraging news about anorexia? Trevor: And what about bulintia? fs it similar to anorexia? Not realy. The biggest difference between anorexia and bulimia is that people suffering from bulimia eat large amounts of food and thet throw up. ‘This is called "binge and purge’ Anorexics do not eat large amounts and thraw up. And it's really dificult to identify a bulimic person because unlike an anorexic, who is very skinny, a bulimic can look perfectly normal. Mast Of them are of normal weight and some may even be overweight. What's more, the excessive eating and then throwing up is often done in secret. Dave: 16, Who eata large amount of food? 17. What do bulimics look like? Trevor: What are the causes of bulimia? Dave: — There is no definite known cause of bulimia but a SPEAKING Suggested answers recent study has shown that i might sprin a chemical malfunction in the brain andl ar just 2 fear of becoming fat. Whatever the cae, Ht hac been shown that bulimic people usually culfer from depress are many medical complicatiane that arws fram Inulin as wll, lung taaeh Aneny stones ny stress, oF how selPesteein, Then ulcers, irregular hearst and many mors, Once again. though. the good news is that bultina can bbe overcome just like anorexia, 18, What hasa recent study shan 19, What kind of problems de bulisnicy wuller from? 20. What kind of doctor will bulimic probably not have tovisit? ‘Trevor: So all you listeners out there, If you suspect anyone of sullering from an eating disorder, yet them to sean expert, Wilma, (loria and lave, many thanks for talking to che conference today. Key. le 2b 3b #a 5b GE Te Bo 9b Wa Wb 2a 3b Ma 1b wb Ic Wb Me We What do you do to keep physically fit? | What's your favorite sport? What da you like about it? | + nothing + dofplay sports + go tova gymifitriess center + exercise on my own Help solve a pro! Open Ceca zo) ON A ecu -year-old brother, cousin, nephew, lend, ete, Ce Ee hhim to join.a fitness center. erent tie te can go there and work out whenever he wants. Core ee eet He will have to: pay-a membership fee. lcorivitie hin to take up a team sport. Por! Advantage to Sol Ceeeene ees = He Won't be alone while exercising. BEE Hie will have to follow a strict schedule for practice and games, ii Suggested ansivers What are the benefits of eee) + you can use special equipment + wide variety of activities to choose from * you can get specialist advice about diets, ete. * opportunity to meet other people Pre eee an + | prefer watching because + c's more comfortable + practicing isntt required * | prefer taking part because: * you have more fun * sports bulld up team spirit it gives you a sense of achievement a letter giving advice | Discuss the topic Suggested answers What kind of problems do people | Have you ever given advice See ee ean acd Deere Cede dee shad Nad Yes * They exercise regularly + They have good eating habits. + They don't smoke. * They avoid fatty foods. No = They lead a sedentary life. + They arent informed about health issues. * They eat a lot of junk food. eo etre So et ‘« Relationships (problems with parents, brothers and sisters, friends, classmates, etc.) + Health problems + Issues related to physical appearance and beauty ‘Open sd Yes + It's easier / less embarrassing to ask for advice from someone you dont know personally. + Advice columnists have lots of experience. No + It will take long to get some advice. + Heant trust a person | don't know personally + An advice columnist wouldn't be seriously interested in my problem.

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