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CHIT IEE... cup MATHEMATICS Diffrential Equation EXERCISE-1 [FORMATION & TYPE-1 & TYPE-2] Qu. State the order and degree of the following differential equations : fax] [2] r z oO lar dale 0 a Q2 Form a differential equation for the family of curves represented by ax?+by?~ 1, wherea & b are arbitary constants. Q.3 Obtain the differential equation of the family of circles x2+y?+ 2px +26+e+0 = where 2,6 & c are arbitary constants. Q4 Form the differential equation of the family of curves represented by, e(y+cP=x3; where c is any arbitrary constant. én (secx + tanx) én (secy + tany) 5S x= SEY) Gy 6 (1-9 (1-y)dx=xy (1 ty dy Qs sae dx Sey ly Q6 (1-x)(1-y)dx=xy(1 ty) ay dy ve =) a “| ee aa Ee eaten eee xdx~ydy _ | sve ty) ¥y) Oo eramayie ees Q10 =sinGx+y) +008 ty) dy x(2Inx + 1) reas ox Classy See tee aye Temy Q.12 _Itisknown that the decay rate of radium is directly proportional oits quantity ateach given instant, Find the law of variation of amass of radium asa function of time iat (=. the mass of the radius was m, and during time t, 0% of the original mass of radium decay. e d a QB Q14 Sinx. a =y.Iny if y=e , when x=t QuUS e(6)=x-+1 given that when x=0, y=3 Q16 Anormalisdravm ata point P(x, y)ofacurve.Itmeetsthe x-axis at Q. IFPQisofeonstant lenath k, then show that the differential equation describing such curves is, = Find the x equation of such a curve passing through (0,k). Q.17. Find the curve for which the sum of the lengths of the tangent and sublangent at any of its point is proportional to the product ofthe co-ordinates ofthe point of tangency, the proportionality factor is equal to k Q18 Objain the differential equation associated with the primitive, y=oe™+o,e%+e,e%, where o,, ¢,, c arearbitrary constants. Q19 Acurveis such that the length ofthe polarradius of any point on the curve isequal to the length ofthe tangent dravm at this point . Form the differential equation and solve it to find the equation ofthe curve 20. Find the curve y=f() where f(x) 0, £(0)=0, bounding a curvilinear rapezoid with the base (0, x] whose area is proportional to (n+ 1)! power of f(8).Itis known tht f(1) = 1. FLTTEE Patra CBAs, 2° TOW SATAY Brean NGRVaT AEE COMPIOT-FraSeT SSE” PaTSES Pr USTCSSOSOTEHTUS-ZOOSGST 152 FLITIEE..... cup MATHEMATICS QL Q2 Qs Qa Q5 Q6 Q7 Qs Qo Qu0 Qu Qu2 Qus Qu7 Quis Qs Q.20 ‘FETJEE PAE Cans, 2 Wor, Say BNET WIT AAS" UORFGR- FST RURI-PSUE-PECTUSY TUTSET Bs, Diffrential Equation EXERCISE-II [TYPE-3 & TYPE-4| dy _ xt any ies Find the equation ofa curve such that the projection ofits ordinate upon the normal s equal toits abscissa, ‘i lightrays emanating from a point source situated at origin when reflected fiom themimorota search lightare reflected as beam parallel tothe x—axis. Show thatthe surface is parabolic, by first forming the differential equation and then solving it. The perpendicular from the originto the tangent at any pointon.a curve isequalto the abscissa the point oF contac. Find the equation ofthe curv satisfying the above condition andl which pasces through (1, 1). Find the equation ofthe eurve intersecting with the x-axis atthe point x= | and for which the length of the subnormnal at any point ofthe curve is equal tothe arthemetic mean ofthe co-ordinates of thn point (xP +2y)=1. : Use the substitution y?= a x to reduce the equation y® ee +x+y?=0 to homogeneous form and hence solve it. = Find the isogonal trajectories forthe family ofrectangularhyperbolas x2— an angle of 45°, (8 —3xy?) dx = (98—3x2y) dy ° which makes with it aan Show that every homogeneous differential equation of the form = aa where f and g are homogeneous function of the same degree can be converted into variable separable by the substitution X=rcos0 and y=rsin®, 2 + ysin”] y—[ysin¥ neo!) xf [sso syn] ly ny —xeost| x Find the curve for which any tangent intersects the y-axis at the point equidistant from the point of tangeney and the origin. 3 AY x+2y-3 dy 1 ~ydy= (e+ 3 Se = EPR 3 gig AY &Da-@wrytDe Qu 2 pare CP reed + 2y+2" SY eect yat ls Qu6 oe 2 dx 2x+2y43 dx (&+y-D dy | cosx G 0s y ~ 7sin x ~ 3) 0 dx siny Gsinx—7 cosy +7) Show that (4x + 3y + 1) dx + (x +2y + 1) dy=0 represents a hyperbola having an asymptotes, xty=0 & xt+y+1=0, Ifthe normal drawn toa curve at any point intersects the x-axis at G and the perpendicular from P on {Pe xaxismeets atN, such thatthe sum ofthe lengths of PG and NG is proportional io the abscissa of ‘BepointP, the constant of proportionality being k. Form the differential equation and solve toshow enaioil Via Re 2k Ale! that the equation of the curve is, y?= cx! — ox"? where is any arbitrary constant. Show that the curve such tha the distance between the origin and the tangent at an arbitrary point is qual to the distance between the origin and the normal atthe same point, ety? =cet =k 182 FLIITIEE..... cup MATHEMATICS Ql Q2 Q3 Qs Q6 Qs Qo Qul Q.13 Ql4 Qs Quis Qu7 Qs Quis Q21 Q23 Qu Q25 Diffrential Equation EXERCISE-IT [TYPE-5 & TYPE-6] (s+ tany) dy = sin 2y dx Show thatthe equation of the curve whose slope at any point is equal1o y+2x and which pass through theoriginis y=2(e*-x-1). Sy I Q4 a-x) & 42xy=x 0x92 2x(1+x?) dx Find the curve such that the area of the trapezium formed by the co-ordinate axes, ordinate of an arbitrary point & the tangent at this point equals half the square ofits abscissa. a dx "14x! xe- DS -&-Dy=Ex-1) Q7 Uty+txy)dx+(x+x3)dy=0 Find the curve possessing the property that the intercept, the tangent at any pointofa curve cuts offoa the y-axis is equal to the square of the abscissa of the point of tangency. sinx & + 3y= osx Qu0 woe +1) B =y 139) 498m x & _y=2 x cosec 2x Q12 (1+) dx=(tan-y —x)dy Find the curve such that the area of the rectangle constructed on the abscissa of any point and the inital ordinate ofthe tangent at this point is equal toa, (Initial ordinate means y intercept ofthe tangent), {Letthe funetion in x) is defined where fx) exits for x 22 & k is fixed postive real number, prove that if (x. £00) s—K4(x) then 0) < Ax-!-K where Ais independent of x Find the differentiable function which satisfies the equation f(x) =— jo tantdt + france ~x)dt where x € (~x/2, x/2) : . y-x Dy=b(1 +x*Dy) Integrate (1 + x?) a + 2yx—4x?=0 and obtain the cubic curve satisfying this equation and passing through the origin. If y, &y, be solutions of the differential equation 2 +Py=Q, where P &Q are functions of x alone, and y,=y, 2, then prove that - fd : z=1+ae “%1 °°, 'a' being an arbitrary constant. dy Y ny dy 82 gi {YY my= day 2 -txy= yer? sing dx MYT gay Q20 a tery"? sinx dy a 5 dy YG eee 122 aye 4 2 TY seex = YP tan x Q22 wy-x) T= yleosx y(2xy +e') dx—eXdy=0 Find the curve for which the area ofthe triangle formed by the x-axis, the tangent line and radius vector of the point of tangency is equal to 2 Atank contains 100 litres of fresh water. A solution containing 1 gnvitre of soluble lawn fertilizer runs into the tank at the rate of 1 lit/min, and the mixture is pumped out of the tank at the rate of 3 litres/min, Find the time when the amount of fertilizer in the tank is maximum. BIETTEE Patna Uatite, 2" Woor, Saday BNaWaN, WaIWaN AWGS COMOX, FTES? ROBE PaUTa, PT UGTZSIZGUTGST Wo-LIOESST 152 FIITIEE..... cup MATHEMATICS Diffrential Equation EXERCISE-IV (GENERAL- CHANGE OF VARIABLE BY A SUITABLE SUBSTITUTION) Ql. (x-y?)dx + 2xydy=0 Q2. Gb+y?+2)dx+2ydy=0 ay = dy _ tay _ 2 5 Q3. x Gb tyiny=xye* Q4 F-Te =U twetsecy 2 pirical (2) Bessa Oe Q6 [gy “em getay=0 Aya BY, ere a Carel ea) Q8. (L=xy+x2y2) dx =x? dy Qo eT (eX oY) Q10. yy’ sinx=cosx (sinx —y?) EXERCISE-V (MISCELLANEOUS) Q1 2 ~yin2=280, (cosx—1) n2,,y being bounded when x—> +00, dx Q2 Sys fyax given y=1, where x=0 Q Q3__ Giventwo curves y = f(x) passing through the points (0, 1) &y= | {(t) dtpassing through the points (0, 1/2). The tangents drawn to both curves at the points with equal abscissas intersect on the x-axis. Find the curve f(x). Q.4 — Considerthe differential equation dy ee qe *PO= QR) @ _Iftwo particular solutions of given equation u(x) and v(x) are known, find the general solution of the same equation in terms of u(x) and v(x). @ —_Ifcand are constants such that the linear combinations 0: u(x) + B-v(x) is asolution ofthe given equation, find the relation between cand B. (i) Tf w(x) is the third particular solution different from u(x) and v(x) then find the ratio a Qs wBavsy Q.6 Find the curve which passes through the point 2, 0) such that the segment of the tangent between the point of tangency & the y—axis has a constant length equal to 2 Q7 given thaty=2 when x =1 a 2y1-x? FITTSEE Patva Canis, 2" Toor, SaGay hawan, Warwa Ras COMpIOK Fraser Hoag, PSWWa, PR + USTESIOU SST Oy, T 152 FIITIEE..... CLIP MATHEMATICS Diffrential Equation 9. Find theequation of the curve passing through the ongin ifthe middle point of the segment of its normal from any point of the curve to the x-axis lies on the parabola 2y?= x. Q.10 Find the continuous function which satisfies the relation, Jere —t)dt =| spat +sinx+cosx—x-1, > 0 forall real number x. QU Gety say B 4x Qtey—a=0 Q12 (=x? dy + Gy f= —x-fi=x2) ax =0. Q13_ 3x2y?+008 (xy) —xy sin (xy) + 2 {2x3y—x2 sin (xy)} = 0. Q14 Find the integral curve of the differential equation, x(1—x /ny), gy =0 which passes through (. 1 ). x e Q.15_ Find all the curves possessing the following property; the segment of the tangent between the point of tangency & the x-axis is bisected at the point of intersection with the y-axis, Q.16 yXydx + 2x dy) —x°(2y dx + x dy) Q.17 Aperpendicular drawn from any point Pof the curve on the x-axis meets the x-axis at, Length of the perpendicular from A on the tangent line at P is equal o's’. Ifthis curve cuts the y-axis orthogonally, find the equation to all possible curves, expressing the answer explicitly. Q.18 Find the orthogonal trajectories for the given family of curves when is the parameter, ()y=ax? (ii) cosy =aem* (iii) x# + yk = ak Q.19._ Acurvepassing through (1,0) such thatthe ratio ofthe square ofthe interceptcut by any tangent offthe y-axis ‘to thesubnormal is equal tothe rato ofthe product ofthe co-ordinates ofthe point oftangency tothe product of square of the slope of the tangent and the subtangent atthe same point. Determine all such possible curves. Q20 A& Bare two separate reservoirs of water. Capacity of reservoir A is double the capacity of reservoir B. Both the reservoirs are filled completely with water, their inlets are closed and then the water is released simultaneously from both the reservoirs. The rate of flow of water out ofeach reservoir at ny instant of time is proportional to the quantity of water in the reservoir at that time. One hour after the ‘water is released , the quantity of water in reservoir A is 1.5 times the quantity of water in reservoir B, After how many hours do both the reservoirs have the same quantity of water ? Q21 Qx?+3y*— Tx dx = Bx? + 2y?—8)y dy Q22 Find the curve such that the segment of the tangent at any point contained between the x-axis andthe straight line y= ax-+b is bisected by the point of tangency. Q23 Find thecurve such that the ratio ofthe distance between the normal at any ofits point and the origin to the distance between the same normal andthe point (a,b) sequal tothe constantk. Interpret the curve. (k> 0) Q.24 Let f(x,y, ¢))=0 and f(x,y, ¢,) =0 define two integral curves of ahomogeneous first order differential equation. If P, and P, are respectively the points of intersection of these curves with an arbitrary line, y= mx then prove that the slopes of these two curves at P, and P, are equal Q.25 Find the curve for which the portion of y-axis cut-off between the origin and the tangent varies as cube of the absissa of the point of contact. 4 EIITIEE Patna CRITE, 2” WOOrSagay BNETaN, Manan ANGE COMBI FRESE ROSS PARE, PTUSTESTSET ET OSLO 182, FIITIEE..... cup MATHEMATICS Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5ti) Gi) Q6 Diffrential Equation EXERCISE-VI (PROBLEMS ASKED IN JEE & REE) Determine the equation of the curve passing through the origin in the form y~f(), which satisfies the differential equation $2 = sin (10x +63). [JBE"96,5) Solve the differential equation ; cos?x 2A (on 2x) y=cos*x, a Fo when yw! 6-343 B. [REE'96, 6] Solve the diff. equation ;_y cos (xdy ~ydx) +x sin (xay +ydx)=0 , when y(1) [RE 97,6] Let u(x) & v(x) satisfy the differential equations Sa +p(sju=fes) & Spe = g(x) where p (s), £(«) & g(x) are continuous functions. If w(x,) > v(x,) for some x, and £(x)> g(x) for all x> x, , prove that any point (x,y) where x>x, does not satisfy the equations y= u(x) & y=v(x). [JEE'97,5] ‘The order of the differential equation whose general solution is given by y=(C, +C,) cose +C,)—Cze** ©! where C,, C,, Cy, Cy C are arbitrary constants, is (As B)4 (© 3 @O)2 Acurve C has the property that if the tangent drawn at any point Pon Cmeets the coordinate axes at A and B, then Pis the mid-point of AB. The curve passes through the point (1, 1). Determine the equation ofthecurve. [JEE'98,2 +8] Solve the differential equation (1 + tany) (dx—dy)+2x dy=0 [REE "98, 6] Q7(@) A soluton of the differential equation, (2) = 2 sy=0 is: (b) © Q8 Q9 (A) y=2. (B) y=2x (© y=2x-4 @) y=2x-4 The differential equation representing the family ofcurves, y?=2c (x + Ve), where c isapositive parameter, is of (A) order 1 (B) order2 (©) degree3 (D) degree 4 A curve passing through the point (1, 1) has the property that the perpendicular distance of the origin from the normal at any point P of the curve is equal to the distance of P from the x-axis. Determine the equation of the curve. [IEE '99, 2+3+10, out of 200 | Solve the differential equation, (x2+ 42+ 4xy) dy = (2x +4y +1) dx [REE'99, 6 ] A country hasa food deficit of 10%. Its population grows continuously ata rate of 3 %. Its annual food production every year is 4% more than that of the last year . Assuming thatthe average food requirement per person remains constant, prove that the country will become self-sulicient in food after 'n'years, where ‘n' isthe smallest integer bigger than or equal to , énl0 = én9 ae IEE 2000 (Mains) 10 Zn (104) — 0.03 f ars ‘FITTUEE Patna Contre, 2° Hoar, Saday BNAWaN, MaNVaT AWSS COMPIRK, FASE ROW, PAUTA, PR UBTESZOTIOT a 5 152 FIITIEE..... cup MATHEMATICS Diffrential Equation Q.10 A hemispherical tank of radius 2 metres is initially full of water and has an outlet of 12 em? cross sectional area at the bottom, The outletis opened at some instant. The flow through the outlet is according to the law V()= 0.6,/2gh(t), where V(t) and h(t) are respectively the velocity of the flow through the outlet and the height of water level above the outletattime t, and gis the acceleration due to gravity, Find the time it takes to empty the tank. [JBE'2001 (Mains) 10] Qu. Find the equation ofthe eurve which passes through the origin and the tangent to which at every point nr ate (%y) has slope equal to “+ 2X¥=1 [REE '2001 (Mains) 3] I+x? Q12 Let ffx), x> 0, be anonnegative continuous function, and let F(s) = Jeq@mat >X20.If forsomec>0, a fis) 0, then show that f()=0 forallx>0. [JE 2001 (Mains) 5 out of 100 ] Q.13(@) Aright circular cone with radius R and height H contains aliquid which evaporates ata rate proportional toiits surface area in contact with air (proportionality constant =k > 0). Find the time after which the cone is empty. aP(x) dx ©) IFPC)=0 and > P(X) forall x> I then prove that P(s)>0 for allx> 1. [IEE 2003, (Mains) 4+ 4] Q44@) If 2+sinx \dy Be Sry Jide ~~ 08% ¥(0)= 1, then ¥[ 5] = 1 1 1 (A)L ®)> © Ei ©; DEE 2004 (Ser.)} 2 (©) Acurve passes through @, 0) and the slope of tangent at point P (x,y) equals ea Find the x equation of the curve and area enclosed by the curve and the x-axis inthe fourth quadrant (JEE 2004 (Mains)] dx, isy=y(x). Ify(1)= | and y(x,) =e, then Q15(@) The solution of primitive integral equation (x2+y®)dy Xpis A) (2-9 ®) 2 +1) © Ve ©) (b) Forthe primitive integral equation yax + y*dy =xdy; xeR, y>0, y=y(x), y(1) = 1, then y(-3) is (A)3 @)2 ©1 (D)5 (EE 2005 (Scr.)] (©) Iflength of tangent at any point on the curve y=f(x) intercepted between the pointand the x-axis isof length 1. Find the equation of the curve. [JEE 2005 (Mains)] Q16 A tangent drawn to the curve, y~/(x) at P(x, y) cuts the x-axis at A and B respectively such that BP:AP=3:1, given that/(1)= 1, then (A) equation of the curve is a =3y=0 — (B)equationofcurveis fe +3y=0 2 : (© curve passes through (2, 1/8) (C)normal at (1, 1)isx-+3y=4 [EE 2006, 5} ‘FITTUEE Patna Cone, 2° Toor, SHay BRAWaR, Marwari AWAS COMPIER Fraser RGBS, PAVE PIC UOTZSIOST ERT IoZOUSSET 152 FIITIEE..... cup MATHEMATICS Diffrential Equation ANSWER KEY EXERCISE-I Gna 4 @ Q1. (i) order2 & degree3 (ii) order 2 & degree 2 Q2. xy oe +x(Z Q3. 1+ OF] y"-3yG"F=0 Q5. In?(secx + tanx)—In*(secy +tany)=¢ Q8. y=c(1-ay) (+a) Q10. In fae tan> L QUL ysiny=x?Inx+e Q12. m=m,e*t where k= a Q13. in an} e-2sin 5 Q.14 y= cane?) QU5. y=(+1).In(x+1)-x43 Q16. 2+y=K ae 2,2 Gy eee Q17. y= eafe(ie -1} Qs. Sy 6S +E ~6y=0 QU9. y=kx or xy=¢ Q20. y=xi EXERCISE-IT Q4. x+y? 2x=0 QS. (x-y? (K+2y)=1 1 Q6. 5 Inlx?+a?| ~tan-! (2) =e, where a=x+y? — Q7. x°-y? + 2xy=03x2-y? Ixy =e ‘FITTIEE Paths Conve, Z™ Toor Saday BNaWaN, METTET AWAS-COMPTEK FaERT RUBS, Patna, PHC USTE-SZOOTORT 95 -DIUESST FIITIEE..... Qa. y- Fe(y+xy? QU. x24 y?=cx Q13. (K+y-2)=¢ (y-xP QI5. xty+ 2 = ce30-2y) CLIP Diffrential Equation Q10. xy cos MATHEMATICS Q22.arctan 29+! xt] +hnelyr3) «Fp = Q17. (cosy~sinx- 1? (cosy+sinx-1)8=¢ QL x Jeoty =c+/tany Q3. y fix? =ct> xin [1m avin] Another form is y 4/1 +x? Q4. y=c(1-x94 fle Q6. y(x-1)=x2(x?-x+0) Q8. y=ex-x? Q10. 4 (x*+ 1) y +231 -2Inx) = ex Q12. x= cer#ey + are tan y—1 QS cosx-1 Q17. 3y (1 +x) = 4x3 Q20. e*?=y(c + cosx) Q22, x3 3Sinxt+e 2 Q4. x=cye# 7 EXERCISE-lT Q2. y=2(e—x-1) Q5. y=cxtex QT. xy=c~aretanx Qo. (t ' y) tan’ 5 =e+2ten 5 QUI. y=cx+x Intanx a yrxt® 2x Q13, Q16. y(1 +bx)=b tex 1 at ( | x=Iny (ex? +> 1 Q19. Q2. x 14+ =e : © soot (E+ Q23. ylet=o-xt i 275 minutes * Q25. ‘FITIVER Pare CRE Wor, Saday Bhawan, WaTWaN AWaS CORTE Fraser Road, Pata, PIC UST2S2997 87 W,-ZUUGEST 182 FIITIEE..... cup MATHEMATICS Diffrential Equation EXERCISE-IV- Q1. y'+xInax=0 Q2. yi=3x2=6x-x+ee%+4 3. xIny=eX(K-1) +e Q4, siny=(e+0)(1+x) QS, cx?+2xe7=1 Q6. y=ce; yer € e Roy Q7. y' pls Co) ener or x+(@x+1) In Q8. y= 5 0 (én eal Q9. e=c.exp(-e) +eX-1 Q10, y2=4sinx + 2 sin’'x EXERCISE-V Qu y=25n% Q3 f= Q5 xy= ely +7 os six, y 2, Q9 y2=2x+1-e% 2 “xy 4 QL (2 Hy"? +228? -x) = QU3 x (x*y? +008 xy) =e Qi4 x(@ytiny+1)=1 QuS5 y?=ex QU6 x2y2(y?- slag gon Quiz 2 & y=ta D=¢ 1 i di Q.18 (i) x? + 2y?=c, (ii) siny = ce™*, (iii) y= cx if k=2 and roa < Parr ifk#2 Quy x= ; ors Q.20 T=log,,,2hrs from the start Q.21 Ii=cQ?+y?—3) Q.22 y-axy-by=e Q23 k+1)x?+(k+1)y? —2kax ~Ikby or (k~1)x?+(k—1) y*—2kax -2kby=c both represents a circle. Q.25 2y + Kx? ex = Tay ERAWAN- WNT AVS CORT 152 EXERCISE-VI F Stan4x ity tans! fen hy a wes Q2 y= oan fcostx Q3 xysinZ == E cae? Q5 MC (i) xy=1(K>0,y>0) Q.6 xe (cosy + siny) =e! siny+C Q7@C AC (@ x+y-2x=0 3 iy (xt2v42-V2) 8 y= In ((x+2y)2 A(x +2 +2)- 2. a (St2V+2—12) 8 a) EA E29) 2) 22" aay +242) e Tnx10° O10 Tas jg QU1 y=(x—2tanhy (1+x2) H 4 QU3 @T=F Q14 @ C5 ()y=x*—2x., area == sq. units QI5_ (@)C; (YA; © yi-y? +n) texte Q16 B,C

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