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of Contents
Chapter 1 – A Fresh Start
Chapter 2 – Cortana
Chapter 3 – Taming the Taskbar
Chapter 4 – Basic Communications
Chapter 5 – Getting Personal
Chapter 6 – Maps & MSN Apps
Chapter 7 – Desktop Productivity
Chapter 8 – Multimedia
Chapter 9 – Microsoft Edge
Chapter 10 – Safety & Security
Chapter 11 – Advanced Bits & Bytes
Chapter 12 – Keyboard Shortcuts
Thanks for reading!

Top 100 Tips for Windows 10

By Tim Sievers

Copyright © 2015 by Tim Sievers

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the
copyright owner and the publisher.

Trademarked names may appear in this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with
every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use the names only in an editorial fashion
and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the

The information in this book is distributed on an “as is” basis, without warranty. Although
every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, the author shall not have
any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to
be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this work.



A very brief history of Windows

Hello, I’m Tim Sievers. I’ve used every Microsoft Operating System (OS) since the days
of MS-DOS in the 1980’s and over the years I’ve seen huge improvements in usability and
design. I would never have imagined how far PC’s have come since then. However,
looking back there were a few bumps along the road, with Windows Vista and more
recently Windows 8 being some of the least popular versions of the OS.

Windows Vista was a visually stunning OS let down by poor performance on a wide range
of hardware compared to its predecessor, Windows XP. After its release many users
returned the software and were given “downgrades” to XP. Such stories scared most
businesses and many individuals into sticking with XP even when Windows 7 came along,
but Microsoft had worked hard to fix the performance issues and Windows 7 was
definitely a leap forward in performance, stability and security.

Then came Windows 8, the most ambitious and truly radical redesign of Windows since
Windows 95. For 17 years the Start menu and the Windows Desktop had been at the
forefront of the user experience, then suddenly the “Modern User Interface” with its
touch-friendly Start Screen had taken over. The Desktop was still there but the Start menu
was gone and the jarring effect of switching between the Start Screen, Modern Apps and
the Desktop left many traditional Windows Users confused and upset.

Of course, Windows 8 received unfavorable reviews and while the 8.1 update addressed
many of the problems with the OS, the damage had already been done. So much so that
Microsoft decided to skip the “Windows 9” name for its new OS to give it some extra
distance from Windows 8. Microsoft’s mission with Windows 10 is to combine the best
features of Windows 7 and 8 to give the 1.5 billion Windows Users around the world a
reason to upgrade. The return of the Start menu, a new easy to use “Tablet Mode” and a
free upgrade offer for Windows 7 and 8.1 users is a good beginning, but Windows 10
offers so much more.

About the Book

Designed to help you get up to speed quickly, this guide is a collection of the best 100 tips
that I have found for Windows 10. Because Windows 10 is built for both touchscreen and
traditional computing devices I have included both touchscreen gesture and
keyboard/mouse instructions. For many tips, the touch gesture instructions use a separate
heading called “Touch” and the keyboard/mouse instructions use the heading

Also, as a bonus extra, I have included a list of the most common Windows 10 Keyboard
Shortcuts. This handy reference is divided into several categories to help you quickly find
the shortcut you need, when you need it. So, whether you’ve just started using Windows
10 or you’ve been using it for a while, I’m sure you’ll find some useful tips here that will
improve your Windows 10 experience.

Getting the most out of Windows 10

Windows 10 gives you the choice to use either a Local user account or a Microsoft
account. In the past most consumers would have used a Local account, but now the
preferred option is a Microsoft account. With a Microsoft account you can download apps
from the Windows Store, sync your PC settings across multiple devices and access
Microsoft’s OneDrive cloud service. If you setup a Local account when you first
configured Windows 10, you can easily switch it to a Microsoft account.

Tap or click on the Start button to bring up the Start menu, select Settings and
Accounts, then tap or click on the Sign in with a Microsoft account instead option.

You can sign in with an existing Microsoft account or choose to create a new account.

Basic Navigation

In the feedback I received for my previous Windows books, I was often asked to include
some more basic navigation instructions for beginners, so I’ve decided to run through
some basics here in the introduction. Experienced users should feel free to skip ahead.

Many of the keyboard shortcuts used in Windows 10 involve a special key on your
keyboard called the Windows Logo Key. On older keyboards it should look like this
or on newer keyboards like this and is located in the bottom left-hand corner
between the Ctrl and Alt keys. Throughout this guide I will use the newer Windows logo
to refer to this key. For example, you can quickly lock your PC with a keyboard
shortcut by pressing the Windows Logo Key and the letter “L” key at the same time. This
shortcut can be showed as: + L

In Windows 10, many of the built-in apps use a Hamburger menu that lets you see a side
menu of options. A hamburger menu is represented by a series of lines stacked on top of

each other like the layers of a hamburger . I don’t know why, but I feel a bit hungry

Many of these same apps also include a Settings button represented by a gear wheel

and a More button represented by a series of dots .

A Long-Press is a touch screen gesture that first appeared on smartphones. In Windows
the long-press gesture is the touch version of right-clicking. To perform a Long-Press, tap
& hold your finger on the screen for a few seconds, then release it. If available, a context
menu will appear.

Ever wondered what these > arrows > are > for? It’s simply a way of condensing
instructions. For example at the beginning of this book or a new topic I will write an
instruction like this, “Select the X button, then go to the Y setting and choose the Z
option”, but after you’re more familiar with a topic I will write the instruction as, “Go to X
> Y > Z”.

A few of the Keyboard Shortcuts shown in this book include some of the Function Keys
(F1 to F12) located at the top of the keyboard. Depending on your keyboard layout you
might need to press an additional Function (Fn) key to make these shortcuts work.

Chapter 1 – A Fresh Start

After causing a lot of confusion and anxiety for users with the removal of the classic Start
menu in Windows 8, Microsoft has decided to start over again. Yes! The Start menu is
back, bigger and better than ever. The new Start menu combines a traditional menu format
with one of the most popular parts of Windows 8, the Live Tiles from the Start Screen.
Love or, as most people did, hate the Start Screen, the Live Tiles themselves were a good
idea. With their ability to display up to date information these easily customized shortcuts
are a great way to personalize your computer.

In this chapter you’ll learn how to navigate and customize the new Start menu.

Tip # 1 – Resizing the Start Menu

Depending on the size and resolution of your screen, the new Start menu can be resized to
display as much information as you’d like.

Click on the Start button to view the menu, take the mouse pointer to the top edge of the
menu then click and drag the mouse up and down to make the Start menu taller or
shorter. You can also click and drag on the right edge of the menu to make it thinner or

Of course, if you’re one of the minority of users who really don’t know what the fuss was
about with Windows 8 and actually liked the Start Screen, you can even set the new Start
menu to full screen. Simply select the Start button, then go to Settings and select the
Personalization option. Here you can choose the Start section and turn the Use Start full
screen switch to On.

Note: You can also quickly get to Settings by using the keyboard shortcut: + I

Tip # 2 – Launching Apps

In Windows 10, your applications are easily accessible via the Start menu. Shortcuts to
commonly used apps are shown in the Most used section.

To view a list of all your apps simply select the Start button and go to All Apps, then
scroll up and down the list and tap or click to make a selection.

You can also tap or click on the section headings in All Apps to quickly jump to a
different section.

Note: One of the quickest ways to find and launch an app is to select the Start button and
just start typing the name of the app you want, then select it from the search results.

Tip # 3 – Pin-Ups

You can “Pin” your favorite apps to the Start menu or the Taskbar for easy access.

Touch – To “Pin” an app, you’ll need to go to Start > All Apps, locate the app and then
long-press on it. A context menu will appear with the options to Pin to Start or Pin to

Key/Mouse – To “Pin” an app, you’ll need to go to Start > All Apps, locate the app and
right-click on it. A context menu will appear with the options to Pin to Start or Pin to

Tip # 4 – Tile Size

The tiles pinned to your Start menu can appear in four different sizes, as if to reflect their
importance, but what’s important to one person can be completely different to someone
else. So Microsoft lets you change the size of the individual tiles to make your favorite
tiles standout.

Touch – Select the Start button, then long-press on a tile to show the editing options, tap
on the More actions button on the bottom corner of the tile and select a different tile size.

Key/Mouse – Select the Start button, then right-click on a tile to bring up the context
menu, move the mouse pointer to the Resize option and select a different tile size.

Tip # 5 – Removing Tiles

Tiles pinned to your Start menu are best thought of as smart shortcuts that can display live
data and notifications, but they’re still only shortcuts. So you can safely remove them
without deleting any data or uninstalling any apps.

Touch – Select the Start button, then long-press on a tile to show the editing options and
tap on the Unpin from Start button on the top corner of the tile.

Key/Mouse – Select the Start button, then right-click on a tile to bring up the context
menu and select the Unpin from Start option.

Tip # 6 – Group & Arrange Tiles

You can rearrange the position of tiles on the Start menu and create new groups of tiles.

Touch – To relocate a tile, long-press on the tile to select it, then move the tile to a new
location and release your finger from the screen. To create a new group of tiles, simply
drag a tile to an empty area of the Start menu and a thick horizontal line will appear
indicating that when you release your finger a new group will be created.

Key/Mouse – To relocate a tile, click and drag it to a new location. To create a new
group of tiles, simply drag a tile to an empty area of the Start Screen and a thick horizontal
line will appear indicating that when you release the mouse a new group will be created.

Tip # 7 – Name & Arrange Groups

After a while as you add more apps to the Start menu it may begin to look a bit messy.
You can bring some order to this chaos by labelling your tile groups with descriptive

Bring up the Start menu, tap or click on the Title Bar at the top of a tile group and type in
a description, then press the Enter key.

You can also quickly rearrange the locations of your groups. Bring up the Start menu, then
tap & drag or click & drag on the Title Bar of a group to move it to a new location.

Tip # 8 – Living with Live Tiles

Still not loving the Live Tiles? Ok, if you find the constantly changing tiles a little
annoying and hard to get used to, you can stop them from displaying live data or remove
them altogether.

Touch – To stop the live data go to Start, then long-press on a tile to show the editing
options, tap on the More actions button on the bottom corner of the tile and select Turn
live tile off and repeat for each tile displaying live data.

Key/Mouse – To stop the live data go to Start, then right-click on a tile to bring up the
context menu and select Turn live tile off and repeat for each tile displaying live data.

Note: You can also remove all the tiles to create a minimalist Start menu, more like
Windows 7. Unfortunately there is no simple way to unpin all the tiles so you’ll have to
unpin them individually as shown in Tip # 5. Then you can resize the Start menu to make
it thinner.

Tip # 9 – Hide Most Used & Recently Added Apps

Another way to clean up the Start menu is by modifying the Most Used and/or Recently
Added apps lists at the top of the menu. You can remove individual items from these lists
or turn the lists off altogether.

Touch – To remove an app, long-press on it and select Don’t show in this list from the
context menu. To turn off the lists, go to Start > Settings > Personalization > Start and
tap to turn the Show most used apps and Show recently added apps switches to Off.

Key/Mouse – To remove an app, right-click on it and select Don’t show in this list from
the context menu. To turn off the lists, use the keyboard shortcut + I to bring up the
Settings window, then select Personalization > Start and click to turn the Show most
used apps and Show recently added apps switches to Off.

Tip # 10 – Custom Start List

You can also customize the list of shortcuts that appear at the bottom of the Start menu.

Touch – Go to Start > Settings > Personalization > Start and tap on the Choose which
folders appear on Start link. Here you can select the different items that you’d like to see
in the Start menu.

Key/Mouse – Use the keyboard shortcut + I to bring up the Settings window, then
select Personalization > Start and click on the Choose which folders appear on Start
link. Here you can select the different items that you’d like to see in the Start menu.

Note: The All Apps and Power options don’t appear in this list because they can’t be
removed from the Start menu.

Tip # 11 – Quick Link Menu

The Start menu hides a very handy tool called the Quick Link menu that has shortcuts to
Power User settings like Disk Management, Command Prompt, Network Connections and

Touch – Long-press on the Start button to reveal the Quick Link menu.

Key/Mouse – Right-click on the Start button to reveal the Quick Link menu or use the
keyboard shortcut: + X

Chapter 2 – Cortana

Microsoft has added a new personal assistant software to Windows 10, called Cortana.
Cortana can search locally for files, apps and settings or get results to searches from the
web. Harnessing the power of the Internet, Cortana can help you be more productive. If
your PC has a microphone you can speak to Cortana, ask questions, set alarms and
reminders and even dictate email messages.

In this chapter you’ll learn how to use these and other features of Cortana.

Tip # 12 – Say Hello to Cortana

If you haven’t already setup Cortana you can just tap or click in the new Search Box next
to the Start button and Cortana will start by showing you some of the things she can do.
Select the Next button to get started.

Agree to the privacy statement and choose the name you want Cortana to call you.

Now to start using Cortana simply tap or click in the Search Box and start typing or select
the Microphone icon to begin using voice commands. You can test this out by saying or
typing the command “open notepad”.

Tip # 13 – Hey Cortana

One of the best features of Cortana is the ability to use the “Hey Cortana” voice command
to summon the digital assistant. This feature is turned off by default and can be enabled by
going to the Search Box, tapping or clicking on the Hamburger menu and selecting
Notebook > Settings. Then scroll down and tap or click on the Hey Cortana switch.

Now you can try this out by asking questions like “Hey Cortana, what’s the weather going
to be today?”

Note: Once you’ve enabled the Hey Cortana setting you can also launch Cortana by
using the keyboard shortcut: + C

Tip # 14 – Help Cortana Learn Your Voice

It may take a while for Cortana to learn your voice. To help fine tune Cortana’s voice
recognition you can go to the Search Box, tap or click on the Hamburger menu and go
to Notebook > Settings. Then scroll down and tap or click on the Learn my voice button.

Cortana will ask you to read a series of phrases designed to help her recognize your voice.
For best results, limit any background noises, get as close as you can to your device and
just try to speak normally. Cortana will give you a few goes at each phrase, after that you
can keep clicking in the Search Box to have another go. I found that I really had to
concentrate on clearly pronouncing each word of the phrase, especially the “Hey Cortana”
bit which kept registering as “Hey Anna” for some reason!

Tip # 15 – Set Alarms, Reminders & more

To set an alarm you can type the details into the Search Box or just say something like
“Hey Cortana, set an alarm for 6 AM” or “Hey Cortana, wake me up in 20 minutes”.

Once you’ve setup your email, contacts and calendar settings in Windows 10 (see chapter
4), Cortana becomes even more helpful with the ability to set reminders, make calendar
appointments and even send email messages.

Tip # 16 – Manage Cortana’s Notebook

Cortana keeps a list of things that might interest you in her notebook. You can use this
notebook to add and modify the things you’re interested in. Go to the Search Box, tap or
click on the Hamburger menu and select Notebook. Then you can tap or click on an item
to see and adjust its settings, like adding your favorite food preferences to the Eat & Drink
section for example.

Tip # 17 – Cortana Troubleshooting

What if you setup Cortana and nothing happens? She either doesn’t listen when you talk to
her or she simply won’t talk back, it’s unlikely that she’s giving you the cold shoulder!
Here are the most common reasons why Cortana remains silent:

1. Cortana will respond to you based on how you communicate with her, so if you
typed your question, Cortana thinks you want her to just display the answer and not
speak aloud. Of course, there will be times when this is more appropriate, like when
you’re at work or in a café.
2. Your microphone isn’t working. If the message isn’t getting through you can try
testing your microphone. Go to Start, type “set up mic” and select Set up a
microphone, then follow the instructions.
3. Your speakers aren’t working. First, check that the speakers are turned on or that
the volume is up. Second, go to Start, type “Device Manager” and select it from the
results, then check that your sound card software is installed correctly.

Tip # 18 – Say Goodbye to Cortana

If you tried Cortana for a while and decided that a digital assistant is just not your thing,
you can easily turn her off. Simply go to the Search Box, tap or click on the Hamburger
menu and select Notebook > Settings. Then tap or click on the On/Off switch.

Note: You can also select the Manage what Cortana knows about me in the cloud link
to clear your settings and search history.

Chapter 3 – Taming the Taskbar

The Windows Taskbar first appeared in Windows 95 and was redesigned in Windows 7 to
help users quickly launch and manage their most important apps and files.

While the Taskbar gains some new features in Windows 10, it will appear mostly
unchanged to Windows 7 and 8 users. You can still pin your favorite apps and drag to
rearrange them, access Thumbnail Previews and Jump Lists, move the Taskbar to the top
or sides of the screen and use keyboard shortcuts like + T to select and cycle through
pinned apps or use numbered shortcuts like + 1 to launch the first app or + 2 to
launch the second app, etc.

So, what’s new? As well as the new Cortana/Search Box, Windows 10 adds a new Task
View feature with virtual desktops and a new Action Center to the Taskbar. The Action
Center lets you quickly control common settings on your PC and enable the new Tablet
Mode, designed for 2-in-1 and touchscreen computers.

In this chapter you’ll learn how to use the new features of the Taskbar to help you get the
most out of your Windows 10 experience.

Tip # 19 – Custom Search

One of the biggest changes you’ll notice in Windows 10 is the new Cortana/Search Box in
the Taskbar, next to the Start button. It’s huge and, depending on the width of your screen,
it takes away some valuable real estate that you might want for your apps. Luckily you can
change this Search Box to a much smaller icon or if you prefer you can hide it.

Search and Cortana will still work even if you hide the shortcuts in the Taskbar. You can
simply bring up the Start menu and start typing to search for something, or if you’re using
Cortana just use the “Hey Cortana” voice command.

To adjust these options long-press or right-click on an empty area of the Taskbar and
select Cortana from the context menu, then choose between Hidden, Show Cortana
icon, or Show search box.

Tip # 20 – Task View

In Windows 10, you can quickly switch between open apps using the new Task View

Touch – Swipe inwards from the left of the screen or tap on the Task View button
in the Taskbar. Then tap on an app to switch to it.

Key/Mouse – Click on the Task View button in the Taskbar or use the keyboard
shortcut + Tab then you can click on an app or use the arrow keys to highlight the
app and press Enter to switch to it.

Note: You can still switch between open apps with the old Windows keyboard shortcut:
Alt + Tab

Tip # 21 – Task View Virtual Desktops

With Task View you can create virtual desktops. This allows you to group and manage
different apps together on separate virtual desktops and quickly switch between them. To
create a virtual desktop, select the Task View button and then select the New desktop
button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen or use the keyboard shortcut: +
Ctrl + D

Then you can open the apps you want to use on that desktop, select the Task View button
again to switch between desktops or use the shortcuts: + Ctrl + Left or Right

To close a virtual desktop, select the Task View button and then tap or click on the Delete

button or use the keyboard shortcut: + Ctrl + F4

Note: You can move apps between virtual desktops by selecting Task View and dragging
the app to another desktop or you can drag an app to the New desktop button to create
another virtual desktop.

Tip # 22 – Taskbar Tweaks

As well as customizing how Cortana and the Search Box appear in the Taskbar (as shown
in Tip # 19), you can also hide the Task View button and make all the Taskbar buttons

To hide the Task View button, long-press or right-click on an empty area of the Taskbar
and deselect the Show Task View button option.

To make the Taskbar buttons smaller, long-press or right-click on an empty area of the
Taskbar and select the Properties option, then select the Use small taskbar buttons
checkbox and select Apply and OK.

Tip # 23 – Action Center

The new Windows 10 Action Center shows important app and system notifications, as
well as the most commonly used settings.

Touch – To display the Action Center, swipe inwards from the right edge of the screen.

Key/Mouse – To display the Action Center, click on the Action Center icon in the
Taskbar or use the keyboard shortcut: + A

In the Action Center, you’ll see any available notifications listed at the top of the screen,
you can tap or click to take action on a notification or you can clear the notification by
either dragging it off to the right of the screen or selecting the close button. Commonly
used settings or Quick Actions are shown at the bottom of the Action Center. You can
select the Expand option to display all of your available Quick Actions.

Tip # 24 – The Fantastic Four

To quickly access your favorite settings you can customize the first four items that appear
in the Quick Actions section of the Action Center. Go to Start > Settings > System >
Notifications & actions, then tap or click on one of the four Quick Action items and
scroll the list to choose your favorite options.

Tip # 25 – Tablet Mode

Windows 10 includes a new feature called Tablet Mode. This will look very familiar to
Windows 8 users as Tablet Mode increases the Start menu and apps to full screen.
Primarily designed for 2-in-1 touchscreen computers like the Surface Pro, Tablet Mode
makes Windows more touch friendly.

To try it out, bring up the Action Center and select Tablet Mode from Quick Actions.
You’ll notice that the Taskbar will change to display a Back button. When you tap or click
on Start you’ll see a full size Start Screen with some commands hidden in the Hamburger
menu in the top left corner. All apps including older desktop apps will open in full screen.
To switch back pull up the Action Center again and deselect Tablet Mode.

Note: In Tablet Mode, you can close an app by swiping or dragging it from the top of the
screen to the bottom of the screen.

Tip # 26 – Tablet Snap

Tablet Mode also allows you to do full screen multitasking by snapping two apps side-by-
side as you could in Windows 8.

Touch – Open an app in Tablet Mode and begin by swiping your finger down from the top
of the screen until the app window shrinks on the screen, then slide your finger to the side
of the screen until a vertical dividing line appears and release your finger.

Key/Mouse – Open an app in Tablet Mode and take the mouse pointer to the top of the
screen and drag the window down and to the side of the screen until a vertical dividing
line appears, then release.

Now you can select another open app or start a second app and it will snap into the spare
space on the screen. You can drag the dividing line to show more of one app than the

Tip # 27 – Finding Some Peace & Quiet

While notifications are a great way to keep you up to date with the latest information,
sometimes the ongoing distraction can leave you wanting to escape. If you need to focus
on work or just want some peace and quiet, you can temporarily turn off these attention
seekers with the Quiet hours feature.

Touch – To switch this feature on, swipe inwards from the right edge of the screen to
display the Action Center. Then tap the Quiet hours option from Quick Actions. You
can also long-press on the Action Center icon in the taskbar and select Turn on quiet

Key/Mouse – To switch this feature on, click on the Action Center icon in the Taskbar or
use the keyboard shortcut + A then click on the Quiet hours option from Quick
Actions. You can also right-click on the Action Center icon in the taskbar and select
Turn on quiet hours.

Note: Just don’t forget to turn it off when you want to receive your notifications again!
When Quiet hours is switched on the Action Center icon in the Taskbar will change from

this to this .

Tip # 28 – Choose System Icons

System Icons are found on the right-hand side of the Taskbar. They provide quick access
to certain apps and settings such as the Clock, Volume controls, Network settings and the
Action Center.

You can change which System Icons you want to display in the Taskbar by going to Start
> Settings > System > Notifications & actions, then select the Turn system icons on or
off link. Here you can choose which System Icons you’d like to display.

Note: The Location system icon will only appear in the Taskbar if an app, like the Maps
app, is running and has location services turned on.

Chapter 4 – Basic Communications

Windows 10 comes with a built-in communication suite including the Mail, Calendar and
People apps. The Mail app is a simple, streamlined email application that can be setup for
use with most popular email services. The Calendar app gives you a nicely designed, crisp
and clean layout for all your appointments. The People app helps you sort and manage
your contacts.

In this chapter you’ll learn how to setup and integrate your accounts and use some of the
more interesting features of the Windows 10 communication suite.

Tip # 29 – Adding An Account

When you first use either the Mail or Calendar apps in Windows 10, you’ll be asked to
add an account. Open one of the apps, select Get started then Add account, choose your
account type and follow the instructions to setup your account.

If you’ve already added an account and want to add another, just go to the Settings
option in the bottom left corner, then select Accounts > Add account and follow the

Note: If you add an account to the Mail app it automatically gets added to the Calendar
app and vice versa. You can also quickly switch between these two apps via the Mail and
Calendar buttons in the bottom left corner.

Tip # 30 – Quick Actions

Quick Actions let you quickly deal with your messages in the Mail app. You can flag or
delete messages by default or choose the mark as read/unread and move options.

Touch – You can use Quick Actions by swiping from right to left on a message to delete it
or swiping from left to right to set a flag.

Key/Mouse – You can use Quick Actions by hovering the mouse over a message and then
selecting a Quick Action (like Flag or Delete) when it appears on the message.

To change you Quick Actions go to Settings > Options. Here you can select other options
like Mark as read/unread and Move from the dropdown lists.

Tip # 31 – Mailbox Syncing

How often the Mail app checks for new email messages changes automatically in
Windows 10 based on your usage and the amount of email you receive.

This new feature is designed to save internet data and use less power, but it won’t suit
everyone. If you need to check your email more often you can change the sync settings
manually. Go to Settings > Accounts and select the account you want to change, then
select the Change mailbox sync settings option. Under the Download new content
section tap or click on the dropdown list and choose a different option.

Note: If you have a limited internet connection or are running on battery power you would
be better off checking for email less frequently, like every 30 minutes or hourly.

Tip # 32 – Mail Signature

If you write a lot of emails you might want to add an email signature to your account. This
personal “sign off” line is added to the bottom of outgoing messages saving you a little bit
of typing each time.

Go to Settings > Options. If you have more than one email account setup make sure you
select the account you want for the signature from the dropdown list at the top of the
screen. Then scroll down to the Signature section, make sure the Use an email signature
switch is On and type in your signature.

Tip # 33 – Pin Individual Mail Folders

As well as pinning apps to the Start menu you can also pin email folders. This is great if
you have multiple email accounts because you can pin the individual folders from
different accounts and jump straight to the account you want.

In the Mail app, long-press or right-click on the email folder you want and select Pin to

Tip # 34 – Sorting Your Contacts

Depending on your personal preference, you might like to sort and display your contacts
alphabetically by first or last name.

To do this open the People app, tap or click on the More options menu and select
Settings. Then under Contact list display you can choose how you want your contact
names to appear.

Tip # 35 – Custom Calendar Views

The Calendar app is very simple but has some handy features like a quick multiple day
view and the ability to set the number of working days for the work week view.

Touch – To view a number of days at a time, just tap on the Day button and select a
number of days from the list.

Key/Mouse – To view a number of days at a time, hover the mouse pointer over the Day
button and click on the dropdown list arrow, then select a number of days from the list.

To set up the Work week view, go to Settings > Calendar Settings and tap or click to
select the days of the working week.

Note: You can also adjust working hours and calendar color options in Calendar Settings.

Tip # 36 – Phone Companion

As well as offering the built-in communication apps, Microsoft has included another
feature called Phone Companion that is designed to help you synchronize your content
like photos, music and documents between your smartphone or tablet and your Windows
10 computer.

The Phone Companion app displays three choices, Windows phone, Android or
iPhone/iPad. For Windows phone users there’s nothing new to setup, but for Android or
iPhone/iPad users you will be given instructions on how to setup Microsoft apps on your

Chapter 5 – Getting Personal

It’s important to get things looking the way you want. Customizing your PC can make
your user experience more productive and enjoyable. In Windows 10 you can personalize
your system with Lock Screen and Account pictures, change the color scheme and resize
items on the screen.

Of course changing your Desktop Background is one of the first things you’ll do to
customize your PC and you’ve probably already done it. But if not, here’s how, go to
Start > Settings > Personalization > Background. Here you can choose one of the
specially design images or select the Browse button to add your own picture. You can also
choose to show a solid color or a slideshow of rotating images from the Background
dropdown list.

A great place to start customizing your PC is by exploring the Store, the Windows Store
that is! In the Start menu and on the Taskbar you’ll find an icon that looks like a shopping
bag with a windows logo on it. Here you can download a wide variety of apps, games,
music and videos.

In this chapter we’ll take a look at some other items you can quickly change to personalize
your PC.

Tip # 37 – Account Picture

Another good way to personalize your computer is by changing your User Account

On the Start menu, just tap or click on your Username in the top left-hand corner, then
select Change account settings.

Of course, you can choose a photo from your Pictures folder or another location by
choosing the Browse button, but if your Windows 10 device has a camera you can quickly
take a snapshot or even a short video.

To take a snapshot, choose the Camera option then take the shot, crop the photo if
required and choose to apply or cancel and try again. To take a video, choose the Camera
option then select the Video button to take a short 5-second video. Just tap or click on the
Video button to start recording and again to stop, then choose OK to select it or Retake to
try again.

Note: For best results when recording a video, stick to simple movements and facial
expressions like turning to the camera and smiling!

Tip # 38 – Desktop Color Coordination

By default, Windows 10 automatically picks an accent color for many of the built-in apps
and system features based on your Background image. If you’d prefer to set your own
accent color, you can go to Start > Settings > Personalization > Colors. Then tap or
click on the Automatically pick an accent color from my background switch and
choose a different color.

You can also change your Start menu, Taskbar and Action Center to blend in with the
Background Image. Go to Start > Settings > Personalization > Colors. Then select the
Show color on Start, taskbar, and action center switch. Now all these items will change
color to blend in with your Desktop.

Tip # 39 – Lock Screen Picture

The Lock Screen is the first screen you see when you fire up Windows 10. You can choose
from one of five specially design Lock Screen images, or use one of your own pictures to
add a personal touch.

Go to Start > Settings > Personalization > Lock screen. Then tap or click to choose a
different picture or select the Browse button to add your own picture.

Note: You can also choose to show a slideshow of rotating images as your Lock Screen.
Select the Background dropdown list to choose the Slideshow option, then you can
choose which folders to include in the Slideshow.

Tip # 40 – Lock Screen Apps

In addition to showing you the date and time, the Lock Screen can show notifications and
reminders for different apps.

Go to Start > Settings > Personalization > Lock screen. Scroll or swipe vertically on the
right side of the screen to see the Lock screen apps settings. Simply tap or click a Plus
sign to add an app.

Note: As well as the built-in apps like Mail and Calendar, you can also add some third-
party apps, like Facebook, which you can install for free from the Windows Store.

Tip # 41 – Resize items on the screen

Windows 10 allows you to quickly adjust the size of text, apps and other items on your

Go to Start > Settings > System > Display. Then use the slider to adjust the Change the
size of text, apps, and other items option.

Chapter 6 – Maps & MSN Apps

The Maps app in Windows 10 provides street maps and satellite photos from all over the
world. You can get directions, view an area from street level, show traffic information and
search for anything from your current location to an address, a business, a landmark, or a
city and get details including reviews, hours of operation, and other information from

Windows 10 also comes with a variety of built-in MSN apps, including Weather, Money,
News and Sports. These apps are integrated with the Bing search engine and bring
together the latest data from all over the web.
In this chapter we’ll take a look at some of the best features of the Maps & MSN apps.

Tip # 42 – Navigate the Maps app

In Maps you can search for anything from an address, a city, a business or a landmark.
You can then easily Zoom, Tilt and Rotate the map to get a good idea of where everything

Touch – To search simply tap in the search box in the top left corner, then enter the
location and select a result. You’ll see a detailed list of information to the left of the
screen. You can explore the map by using some simple touchscreen gestures like Pinch
Zoom (slide two fingers apart or together on the screen), Rotate (put two fingers or a
thumb and finger on the screen and turn clockwise or counter clockwise) and Tilt (put two
fingers at the top of the screen and two at the bottom, then slide them past each other)

Key/Mouse – To search simply click in the search box in the top left corner, then enter the
location and select a result. You’ll see a detailed list of information to the left of the
screen. You can explore the map by using the navigation bar to the right of the screen, use
the plus and minus buttons to zoom in and out or use the keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl + Plus
or Ctrl + Minus. Hover the mouse pointer over the Rotate North button to see the
Rotate clockwise and Rotate counterclockwise buttons or use the keyboard shortcuts,
Ctrl + Right arrow or Ctrl + Left arrow. Hover the mouse over the Tilt button to see the
Tilt up and Tilt down buttons or use the keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl + Up arrow or Ctrl +
Down arrow.

Note: You can also change the Map views in the navigation bar to see Aerial or Road
views (Ctrl + Y) and show or hide Traffic (Ctrl + T). You can print and share your maps

via the More options menu in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

Tip # 43 – Finding Direction

Of course, maps are all about helping you find your way and the Maps app makes it easy
to find directions from your current location, places that you pin on the map or between
any two addresses.

To find your current location just tap or click on the Show my location button or
use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Home. To get directions to or from your current location,
go to the Directions option in the Hamburger menu. If required, you can use the swap

button to switch the “To” and “From” locations around, then type in the other

location and tap or click the search button. You can also switch between Driving

, Public Transport and Walking directions.

To Pin a location on the map, long-press or click & hold on the location. Then select the
Directions option to get directions from your current location. To change the “From”
location tap or click twice on “My Location” in the first address field, then type in another

location and tap or click the search button.

To simply find directions between to addresses, go to Directions in the Hamburger

menu. Type in the “From” and “To” addresses and tap or click the search button.

Note: If you get a “Location services are turned off” message, select the Settings button in
the message or go to Settings > Open location settings via the Hamburger menu, then
scroll down to the Maps app and flick the switch to On.

Tip # 44 – Add your Favorite Places

You can save the places that matter to you, like your work, home, gym, favorite
restaurants or any place you like, so you can quickly find them later.

To add a favorite, search and choose a location, then select the Add to favorites
button or pin a location by long-pressing or right-clicking on the map and then select

Add to favorites . You can give the place a nickname or set the address as your
home or work location, then select Save.

You can view your Favorites by going to Favorites in the Hamburger menu. Then you
can Long-press or right-click a favorite to edit or delete it.

Note: Saving your favorite places in Maps can also help Cortana to understand and set
location-based reminders, like “Remind me to call Dad when I get home”. In this example
it doesn’t matter what time I get home, when I sign in to my home computer or take my
laptop/tablet or other Windows 10 device to my home, Cortana will detect where I am and
send me a reminder.

Tip # 45 – Explore in 3D

The Maps app in Windows 10 includes a new “3D Cities” feature that gives you a bird’s
eye view of over 100 cities around the world. To try it out open the Maps app, select the
3D Cities button from the Hamburger menu, then either scroll the list alphabetically and
choose a city or select the All option to filter the cities by country, then choose a city.

Touch – You can explore the city by using the touchscreen gestures Pinch Zoom, Rotate
and Tilt as described in Tip # 42. You can see where you are on the map by tapping the

Show my location button.

Key/Mouse – You can explore the city by using the Zoom buttons in the navigation bar or
the shortcuts, Ctrl + Plus or Minus. Change the view by using the Rotate buttons or the
shortcuts, Ctrl + Right or Left arrows. Hover the mouse over the Tilt/Go back to 2D
button to see the Tilt up and Tilt down buttons or use the shortcuts, Ctrl + Up or Down
arrows. You can quickly see where you are on the map with the shortcut: Ctrl + Home

Note: You can also change the Map views in the navigation bar to see Aerial or Road
views (Ctrl + Y) and show or hide Traffic (Ctrl + T).

Tip # 46 – Streetside

The Streetside feature in the Maps app is just Brilliant! It allows you to go to ground level
and move around in a virtual 3D world. You can fully explore a location before you get
there! Start by searching for an address, business name, or landmark and then choose the
Streetside image (if available).

Touch – You can tap and hold, then slide you finger left or right to look around. Tap
anywhere on the street to move forward and use the Zoom buttons to zoom in and out.

Tap the Show location on map button at the bottom of the screen to get a map
reference while using Streetside, you can then tap and hold on the map and slide your
finger to quickly jump to another location.

Key/Mouse – You can click and hold, then drag the mouse left or right to look around
(Ctrl + right arrow or Ctrl + left arrow). Click anywhere on the street to move forward
(Ctrl + up arrow) and use the Zoom buttons to zoom in and out (Ctrl + Plus or Ctrl +

Minus). Click the Show location on map button at the bottom of the screen to get
a map reference while using Streetside, you can then click and hold on the map and drag
your mouse to quickly jump to another location.

Note: You can also use the Map views in the navigation bar to see if an area has
Streetside available or use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + S

Tip # 47 – Download Maps

If you’re traveling out of town or going overseas, you can’t always guarantee a good
internet connection. Now with Windows 10 you can download offline maps and take them
with you.

To do this you’ll need to close the Maps app and go to Start > Settings > System >
Offline maps. Select Download maps and choose an Area, then a Country or Region.

Tip # 48 – Weather Maps

The Weather app in Windows 10 is very comprehensive, you can display weather from all
over the world, see daily and hourly forecasts, historical averages, weather related news
stories, and even view details of Wind Speed, Humidity and the UV Index.

However one of the best features is the detailed weather maps, including Radar and
Satellite information. To show a Weather map, select the Maps button in the Hamburger
menu, then select the Now showing dropdown list to view different maps like Radar
Observation or Satellite.

Tip # 49 – Weather Here or There

The Weather app lets you search and save your favorite places for quick access.

To save a place, tap or click on the Search field in the top right-hand corner. Type in a

location and select a result, then tap or click the Add to favorites button to save
the location. Now when you select the Places button in the Hamburger menu you will
see a list of your favorite locations.

Note: You can also pin weather locations to the Start menu to see up to date forecasts in

the Live Tiles. Just search for a location and tap or click on the Pin button.

Tip # 50 – Watchlist

The Money app is another surprisingly detailed application that will be a must for market
watchers. You can check charts and statistics for stocks and the major indices from around
the world by day, week, month and years, get loan and currency rate data and check the
latest economic news all in one place. The best way to get started is by setting up a custom

To add a stock to your watchlist, open the Money app, select Watchlist, then tap or click

the Add to watchlist button and type in a company name or stock symbol, tap or

click to select a stock. To remove an item from the Watchlist, select the Edit button

then select the Delete option next to the stock.

Tip # 51 – Custom News

The News app sources information from hundreds of the world’s leading news sites. You
can customize your news topics to get the news you want.

Open the News app and select Interests from the Hamburger menu. Here you can select
a topic by browsing the different areas of interest or search for a topic, then tap or click the
Add option which will change to a green circle with a tick. To remove a news topic just
tap or click on the tick to deselect the topic.

Tip # 52 – Playing Favorites

The Sports app covers many popular sports and allows you to add your favorite teams to
personalize your Sporting news.

To add one of your favorite teams, open the Sports app, select My Favorites from the
Hamburger menu. Then tap or click the Add button and type in a team name, tap or click
to make a selection. To remove a team, select the Edit button then select the Delete option
in the top right corner of the team.

Chapter 7 – Desktop Productivity

In the Windows 10 Desktop you can compare and arrange windows in various ways,
manage your running windows and even setup an extra monitor or projector.

Windows Explorer underwent a few changes in Windows 8, a name change to “File
Explorer” plus the addition of the Microsoft Office style Ribbon and the Quick Access
toolbar. Windows 10 makes further changes to File Explorer with a new Quick Access

In this chapter we’ll look at some of the best features of the Desktop and File Explorer.

Tip # 53 – Snap Comparison

With Desktop Snap and the new Snap Assist feature you can easily arrange up to four
windows together on one desktop for moving files around, comparing documents or just
general multitasking.

Touch – Simply tap & drag the title bar of a window beyond the left-hand or right-hand
sides of the screen until your finger hits the edge of the screen, release and the window
will expand to fit half the screen. Snap Assist will show you any other open apps that can
automatically snap next to it, just tap to select one, the two windows will be perfectly tiled
side by side. To fit up to four windows on the one desktop simply drag the windows to the
corners of the screen. To restore a window to its original size just drag the title bar toward
the center of the screen and release.

Key/Mouse – Use the keyboard shortcuts, + Left Arrow or + Right Arrow to

snap an active window to either side of the screen. Snap Assist will show you any other
open apps that can automatically snap next to it, click to select one (or use the Tab and
Enter keys), the two windows will be perfectly tiled side by side. To fit up to four
windows on the one desktop you can either click & drag the windows to the corners of the
screen or you can use the shortcut + Left or Right arrows then, + Up or Down
arrows to snap the windows into the top or bottom corners of the screen. To restore a
window to its original size just drag the title bar toward the center of the screen and

Tip # 54 – Make It Snappy

Desktop Snap also makes it easy to stretch, maximize and restore a window to its original

Touch – To make a window taller so you can see more detail on the screen simply drag
the bottom edge of the window until your finger hits the edge of the Taskbar, release and
the window will stretch to the top and bottom of the screen. To maximize the active
window, drag the title bar of the window to the top of the screen until your finger hits the
edge of the screen, release and the window will expand to full screen. To restore a window
to its original size just drag the title bar away from the top of the screen and release.

Key/Mouse – Use the following shortcuts; + Shift + Up Arrow to stretch a window.

+ Up Arrow to maximize the window. + Down Arrow to minimize the window.
+ M to minimize all windows. + Shift + M to restore all windows. + Home
to minimize all windows except for the active one and repeat to restore all windows.

Tip # 55 – Shake It Up

Desktop Shake allows you to quickly minimize all other windows on your Desktop except
the one you’re shaking. Simply grab (tap & hold or click & hold) the title bar of a window
and shake it from side to side. All other open windows will minimize to the Taskbar. To
restore the other windows just grab and shake the window title bar again.

Tip # 56 – Peek or Show the desktop

Desktop Peek allows you to quickly see your Desktop without closing or minimizing all
your open windows. Show Desktop will quickly minimize all your open windows.

Touch – Tap & hold your finger in the very bottom right-hand corner of the Desktop next
to the clock. If a menu appears, tap the Peek at desktop option, then tap & hold again to
see a preview of the Desktop. Any open windows should fade away and reveal the
Desktop, just release your finger to restore the open windows. You can also Show the
Desktop by tapping in the very bottom right-hand corner of the Desktop next to the clock.

Key/Mouse – From the Desktop, use the keyboard shortcut + , (comma) to preview
the Desktop, just release the Windows logo key to restore the previous view or use the
keyboard shortcut + D to Show the Desktop (Minimize all your open Desktop
windows) and repeat the shortcut to restore all windows.

Tip # 57 – Projecting Your Vision

Connecting your machine to a Projector or an extra monitor is simple in Windows 10.
Search for the word “project” and select the result Project to a second screen. Then
choose your preferred setup. Or use the keyboard shortcut + P. Then choose your
preferred setup.

Tip # 58 – Multi-Monitor Taskbar

Windows 10 includes some improvements to the way the Taskbar works if you have your
desktop extended across multiple displays.

Touch – Long-press on an empty area of the Taskbar to bring up the options menu, then
tap Properties. Under the Multiple displays section you can change the appearance of the

Key/Mouse – Right-click on an empty area of the Taskbar to bring up the options menu,
then click Properties. Under the Multiple displays section you can change the
appearance of the Taskbar.

Note: When using multiple monitors, you can press + Shift + Left Arrow and +
Shift + Right Arrow to move the active Desktop window between monitors.

Tip # 59 – Exploring the Ribbon

Lost in all the media reports about the Start Screen in Windows 8 was another big change
that occurred in File Explorer, the addition of a Microsoft Office style Ribbon, replacing
the old Menu System. While this might be old news for most Windows 8 users, anyone
coming from XP, Vista or Windows 7 will be a bit shocked at first, but don’t worry most
of the old Menu commands can still be found by exploring the Ribbon.

To show or hide the Ribbon, tap or click on the arrow next to the Help button in the
upper right-hand corner of the File Explorer window or use the keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl +
F1 or Ctrl + Fn + F1 depending on your keyboard layout. The Ribbon was designed to
enhanced productivity by grouping related commands together in tabs. For example over
80 % of the most commonly used File Management commands are found in the Home

As you select different tabs the commands will change and as you select different items in
File Explorer, like a picture for example, additional Ribbon tabs will appear with
commands specific to that item.

You can also select the Alt key to use the KeyTips shortcuts. For example, when you press
Alt a series of letters will appear near the Ribbon Tabs, select H to show the Home tab
then just select the letters next to the command you’d like to run, like N to create a New

Note: As well as cut, copy, paste, open, delete, rename etc… the Home tab also includes
some handy shortcuts like “Move to”, “Copy to” and “Copy path” which will save a file
path to the clipboard. Plus a backup command called History, which is covered later in Tip
# 96.

Tip # 60 – Quick Access

New to Windows 10 is the Quick Access view in File Explorer, replacing the previous
Favorites section. Quick Access not only shows your favorite folders but also displays
your recently used files and frequently used locations. This data will change over time as
you use your PC and can be a handy way to access your files. You can pin your favorite
locations to Quick Access, unpin the files or locations you don’t want to see and clear or
hide your File Explorer history.

To pin or unpin file locations, just long-press or right-click on a location and select the
Pin/Unpin to Quick Access option from the context menu.

To clear your File Explorer history or turn off your recent activity, go to the View tab in
the Ribbon and select the Options icon to display Folder Options. Under the Privacy
section you can clear your history and uncheck Show recently used files in Quick access
and/or Show frequently used folders in Quick access.

Note: As you may have noticed in the context menus, you can also pin your favorite file
locations to the Start menu for easy access.

Tip # 61 – Open to This PC

In Windows 8, File Explorer would open by default to “This PC”, in previous versions of
Windows this would be similar to “Computer” or “My Computer”. While Quick Access is
a handy new feature, you may not want to see this view when you first open File Explorer.

To change the default view, go to View > Options and select This PC from the Open File
Explorer to: dropdown list.

Tip # 62 – The Only Way Is UP!

A feature not seen since Windows XP, the much-loved Up button also made a return in
Windows 8. The Up button takes you up one level in the directory structure. You can tap
or click on the Up button which is located next to the Back and Forward buttons directly
under the Ribbon. Or use the keyboard shortcut: Alt + Up Arrow

Note: You may also notice a dropdown list between the Forward and Up buttons. This list
shows your Recently Used Locations.

Tip # 63 – Quick Access Toolbar

Sitting just above the Ribbon is another feature that has made its way from Microsoft
Office to File Explorer, the Quick Access Toolbar (not to be confused with the new Quick
Access view). By default this toolbar displays the Properties and New folder buttons at the
top of the screen. You can add options like Undo, Redo, Delete and Rename to the Quick
Access Toolbar and change its location from above the Ribbon to below by tapping or

clicking on the Customize button and making your preferred selections.

You can also add your favorite commands from the Ribbon. Just long-press or right-click
on a command, then select Add to Quick Access Toolbar.

Chapter 8 – Multimedia

It’s been remarkable to watch the evolution of Personal Computers from the black and
white command-line number crunchers of the 1980’s into the digital entertainment devices
they are today.

In Windows 10, you can play/pause and select music directly from the Taskbar, stream
music from the internet, import, enhance and edit your photos or download movies and
TV shows.

This chapter introduces you to the Multimedia features of Windows 10.

Tip # 64 – Setting Up Your Music

Groove Music can pick up your music from multiple locations, you can remove duplicate
songs and set the app to a Light or Dark background.

To add music to your collection, go to the Settings option in the Hamburger menu and
select Choose where we look for music, then tap or click on the Add button and select a

If you have a copy of your songs on OneDrive and another copy locally, Groove Music
will offer to remove the duplicate songs stored locally and stream them instead from
OneDrive. This might sound like a good idea but I’d suggest reading the fine print
because it could cause problems with your smartphone music.

Don’t like the all-white theme in the Music app? Simply go to Settings, scroll down to the
Background section and select the Dark theme from the dropdown box.

Tip # 65 – Pins & Playlists

Groove Music lets you quickly create new playlists and Pin your favorite songs, artists,
albums or playlists to the Start menu for quick access.

Touch – There are number of ways to create a playlist, but the quickest way is to tap the

Songs button in the Hamburger menu, tap the Select button and select the songs
you want, then tap the Add to button and select the New Playlist option, give the playlist
a name and select Save. To Pin a song, artist, album or playlist to the Start menu, tap the
Select button and tap to select the item then choose Pin to Start.

Key/Mouse – One of the quickest ways to create a playlist is simply to click & drag a
song to the Add/New Playlist button in the Hamburger menu, give the playlist a name
and select Save, then drag more songs to the playlist. To add a bunch of songs, click the

Select button and select the songs you want, then click on the Add to button and
select your playlist. To Pin a song, artist, album or playlist to the Start menu, click on the
Select button and click to select the item then choose Pin to Start.

Tip # 66 – Music at the Bar

Windows 10 allows you to quickly play and pause your music from the Taskbar.

Simply start playing a song, and then move your mouse pointer over the music app icon in
the Taskbar. The Thumbnail Preview will show Previous, Play/Pause and Next buttons
that you can use without switching to the main app window.

Tip # 67 – Groove Music Pass

The Groove Music Pass gives you streaming access to millions of songs. You can also
setup Radio Stations based on your favorite artists.

Go to Settings in the Hamburger menu and select Get a Groove Music Pass. You can
choose from a free 30 day trial*, a 1 month pass or a 12 month pass. Login, select Next
and Confirm to access the Music Pass. Two additional options will be added to the
Hamburger menu, Explore and Radio. Explore lets you browse and listen to the latest
tunes from top selling artists, you can also search for your favorite music from a catalog
of millions of songs.

The Radio feature lets you create a “Radio Station” that will play songs from artists that
are similar to your favorite artists. Select the Start a station button, then start typing the
name of an artist and select it from the results list. Groove Music will then pick and play
music based on the artist you selected.

Note: *Of Course, the “free 30 day trial” has a catch, if you don’t cancel it before the 30
days is up it becomes a monthly subscription, you need to login to the website to cancel the subscription. You can also Pin a Radio Station to the
Start menu by using the Select button, then tap or click to select the Radio Station and
choose Pin to Start.

Tip # 68 – Add Your Photos

The Photos app in Windows 10 automatically shows images from your Pictures folder.
You can also add other folders on your computer, display photos and videos from
OneDrive or import images from an external device.

Open the Photos app and tap or click on the Settings button in the bottom left-hand
corner, then scroll down to the Sources section. Here you can add more photo locations
and turn on the Show my photos and videos from OneDrive switch to view photos and
videos from OneDrive.

To import images from an external drive, simply connect the drive and tap or click on the
Import button in the Collection view.

Tip # 69 – Express Photo Options

When you select an image file you get access to some quick photo options, like Share,
Slide show, Enhance, Rotate and Delete.

You can also tap or click on the See more button to copy, print or set the image as
your Desktop background or lock screen image. Select File info to see the name, date, size
and image dimensions.

Note: The Enhance option is not available for all files.

Tip # 70 – Photo Editing

As well as the Enhance and Rotate editing options, the Photos app has a good selection of
photo editing tools.

Simply select an image, then tap or click on the Edit button. Now you can select
from five options on the left of the screen, Basic fixes, Filters, Light, Color and Effects.
Then choose one of the settings on the right of the screen.

At the top of the screen you’ll see several options including Undo, Redo, Save and

Tip # 71 – Snip & Print

The Snipping Tool that allows you to capture images of your screen gets a couple of new
features in Windows 10, a time delay setting so you can capture pop-ups and menus, plus
the ability to print your screen captures directly from the tool.

To use the Snipping Tool, go to the Start button and type “snip”, then select it from the
results. You can use the new Delay button if you want to set a countdown timer and select
the dropdown arrow next the New button to choose a snipping option.

After the screen is captured you can do some basic editing, copy it to the clipboard, send it
via email or save the image. You can also print the image from the File menu or use the
keyboard shortcut Ctrl + P.

Note: You can still use the keyboard shortcut + PrtSc (Print Screen) to capture
screenshots on a normal PC or press the Windows button + the Volume Down button on a
tablet. Surface Pro users can use the keyboard shortcut Fn + + Spacebar. These
screenshots will be automatically saved to your Pictures folder.

Tip # 72 – Quality Downloads

When you buy or rent a movie or TV episode from the Store it will appear in the new
Movies & TV app, along with any videos you have in the Videos folder on your PC.

By default, when you download a movie or TV episode from the Store, Windows 10 will
ask you if you’d like the SD (Standard Definition) or HD (High Definition) version of the
show, if available. Depending on the speed and quality of your internet connection you
might prefer to always get one or the other and not be asked the same question every time.
Open the Movies & TV app and tap or click on the Settings button, then under Download
quality you can select SD, HD or Ask every time.

Note: If you have videos saved to multiple locations on your PC, you can add those
locations in Settings by selecting the Choose where we look for videos option.

Chapter 9 – Microsoft Edge

After 20 years of service Internet Explorer takes a back seat to a new kid in Windows 10.
Microsoft Edge is a modern web browser designed from the ground up to be simple,
secure and fast. It includes new ways to view, search and annotate webpages.

In this chapter you’ll learn how to get the most out of your Windows 10 browsing

Tip # 73 – Making Yourself At Home

The first thing you’ll want to do is setup your home page or if you prefer you can setup
multiple home pages. This way all your favorite webpages load automatically every time
you start Microsoft Edge.

Simply go to the More actions menu and select Settings, under the Open with
section select A specific page or pages, then choose the Custom option from the
dropdown list. Now you can enter the web address of a page and tap or click on the plus
button to add it and repeat for any additional addresses you want to add. To remove an
address tap or click on the delete button.

By default the about:start page will also load in Microsoft Edge. This page shows news
feeds, sports reports, weather etc… that you might find helpful or if you’re like me you
might find it annoying, if so just select the delete button to remove it.

Note: Another way to quickly get to your favorite webpages is by pinning them to the
Start menu. To pin a webpage go to the page then select the More actions menu and tap
or click on Pin to Start.

Tip # 74 – Web Search

Microsoft Edge integrates searching into the Address Bar so you can just tap or click in
the one spot and start typing. As well as web results you’ll see your browsing history and
search suggestions in the dropdown box as you type, just tap or click to make a selection.

Cortana makes the leap to Microsoft Edge as well. You can get Cortana to look things up
for you by highlighting a word or phrase of interest, long-pressing or right-clicking on it
and then selecting Ask Cortana. She’ll then display the results on the right of the screen
without leaving the webpage.

Tip # 75 – Use The Hub

Also new in Microsoft Edge is the Hub, a place to find all your favorites, items you’d like
to read later, your browsing history and your recent downloads.

Simply tap or click on the Hub button in the toolbar to the top right of the screen.
Then select between Favorites, Reading List, History and Downloads.

Tip # 76 – Reading View

These days’ web pages are filled with distractions, from flashing annoying ads, to eye
catching side articles and many sites unnecessarily split articles across multiple pages just
to show you even more of this stuff! To help with this problem Microsoft Edge has a

Reading view icon in the address bar. When selected it will display a clean
uncluttered version of the article you’re trying to read.

You can adjust the view style and default font size to your personal preference. Go to the

More actions menu and select Settings then scroll down to the Reading section.
Use the dropdown boxes to change the Reading view style and the font size options.

Note: You can also quickly make things bigger or smaller with the zoom buttons in the
More actions menu or use the keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl + Plus or Minus. While most
web articles should just work, not all sites are compatible with Reading view.

Tip # 77 – Reading List

Another great feature of Microsoft Edge is the Reading list which allows you to bookmark
articles you want to read later when you have more time, like when you’re at home or at
the coffee shop.

Select the Add to favorites button, tap or click on the Reading list option and
select Add. When you want to read the article, just go to the Hub button and select
Reading list, then tap or click to display the article.

Note: Unfortunately this doesn’t actually save the webpage for offline viewing as you
might think it would, so you’ll still need an internet connection to view articles in your
reading list.

Tip # 78 – Web Notes

You’ll love this! Edge lets you draw and write notes directly on webpages. You can use a
mouse or if you have a touchscreen you can write with your finger or a stylus pen.

To try it out select the Make a Web Note button in the toolbar. The Web Note
Toolbar will appear allowing you to choose from the following options; Pen, Highlighter,
Eraser, Typed note, Clip, Save, Share and Exit. Long-press or click on the little triangle
that appears when selected on the Pen, Highlighter and Eraser options to see more options,
like changing colors and point sizes.

Note: You can even save your Web Notes to OneNote!

Tip # 79 – The Personal Edge

One of the main things Microsoft was trying to achieve with Edge was to design a clean
and simple interface, but it’s a little too clean for some of us. The first settings I changed
was adding the Favorites bar and a Home button. You can also change the bright Light
theme to a Dark theme that you might find more readable.

To adjust these settings go to More actions > Settings. Then to change the theme, select
the Choose a theme dropdown box and select Dark. To add a Favorites bar, tap or click
on the Show the favorites bar switch.

To add a Home button scroll down and select View advanced settings, then tap or click
on the Show the home button switch.

Tip # 80 – For Your Eyes Only

InPrivate Browsing lets you browse the web without leaving behind a history of where
you’ve been. You can start InPrivate Browsing from the More actions menu.

Note: Each InPrivate Browsing session only lasts until you close the browser window.

Tip # 81 – Edge VS Internet Explorer

While Microsoft Edge is the new kid on the block in Windows 10, Internet Explorer still
exists for compatibility reasons. At the moment some older websites might still work
better in Internet Explorer, of course this will change over time as websites are updated
but that could take years. If you find that a webpage doesn’t look quite right in Microsoft
Edge, you can quickly switch it to Internet Explorer. Simply tap or click on the More
actions menu, then select Open with Internet Explorer.

Note: If you wondering where the Internet Explorer icon is in All Apps, you’ll find it
under the Windows Accessories folder, with other classic Windows apps like Notepad
and Paint.

Tip # 82 – Import Your Old Favorites

If you have upgraded to Windows 10 but can’t see your favorites in Microsoft Edge you’ll
need to import them.

Go to the Hub and select Favorites, then tap or click the Import favorites option. Select
a web browser and tap or click the Import button.

Tip # 83 – Block the Pop-Up Blocker

Pop-up windows are painful & annoying. Microsoft Edge and most modern browsers now
block all pop-ups by default, saving you from dealing with them, but some lazy web
developers still insist on using pop-ups.

If you really need to see a pop-up window on a website you can turn the Pop-up Blocker
off by going to More actions > Settings and scrolling down to select View advanced
settings, then tap or click on the Block pop-ups switch to turn it Off.

Tip # 84 – Take Out The Trash

Over time all the little files that make up each webpage that you visit, create a bit of a
mess on your computer and start slowing things down.

To delete these files, go to Hub > History, then select Clear all history and Clear.

Note: By default, this option will clear your browsing history, cookies and cached data
which should get things working faster, but you can also choose to delete other data like
your download history if required.

Chapter 10 – Safety & Security

The growth of the Internet has put the world at your fingertips; you can bank and shop
online, play games, use social networks and access information and entertainment like
never before.

Unfortunately the growth in cyber-crime has been equally amazing with some estimates of
the global cost of cyber-crime in 2014 at 400 billion dollars. Computers infected with
malicious software (malware) are still the cybercriminals greatest tool. Once your
computer is infected they can steal your banking details, use your computer as part of a
criminal network of computers (called botnets) to attack bigger computer systems or even
encrypt your data and ask for a ransom if you want to get it back.

Microsoft has been much focussed on security in recent years and built many
improvements into Windows 7 and 8. Windows 10 builds on these security enhancements.
You can protect against malware, setup secure easy to use passwords and use Parental
Controls to set limits on your children’s computer usage.

This chapter introduces you to these and other techniques to help you safe guard your

Tip # 85 – Defending Windows

Protecting your computer against malware like viruses, spyware and ransomware, is an
ongoing battle. Malware infections can delete data, steal personal information and take
complete control of your computer. In Windows 10, Microsoft has included built-in Anti-
Malware protection called Windows Defender. Previously just an Anti-spyware program
in Windows 7, Windows Defender has been beefed up to include Anti-virus protection
since Windows 8. Of course, you can still choose to install your preferred security
software, but Windows 10 gives you a basic level of security from the very beginning. To
run a scan with Windows Defender:

Tap or click on the Start button and start typing “Windows Defender”, then select it.
Choose from Quick, Full and Custom scan types then tap or click on the Scan now

Note: Malware infections generally come from email attachments, malicious websites,
downloading “free” software such as screen savers and search toolbars or from music and
file sharing networks.

Tip # 86 – Gone in a Flash

I personally recommend that you should disable Adobe Flash from running in your web
browser. This software was once the favorite tool of website developers the world over but
today it has become a favorite of hackers and if not constantly updated it can leave your
computer vulnerable to attack.

To disable Adobe Flash in Microsoft Edge, go to More actions > Settings > View
advanced settings and turn off the Use Adobe Flash Player switch.

Note: If you use a different web browser, simply go to Start and start typing “disable
adobe flash in…”, then select your browser from the results for instructions on how to
disable it. Unfortunately some websites still require Adobe Flash, I don’t know if this is
because the web developers are just plain lazy or the business owners don’t want to pay to
update their sites but it’s a real compromise of your security. I’d recommend trying to
live without those websites for a while, if enough people take a stand they will eventually
update their sites with more secure software.

Tip # 87 – Picture Password

Windows 10 allows you to draw a series of gestures on a picture as an alternative

Touch – Tap on the Start button and start typing “Picture Password”, then select Set up
picture password and tap on the Add button under the Picture password option. Sign in
with your normal password then choose a picture. Draw three gestures on your picture
using any combination of circles, straight lines and taps. Then repeat to confirm.

Key/Mouse – Press the key and start typing “Picture Password”, then select Set up
picture password and click on the Add button under the Picture password option. Sign
in with your normal password then choose a picture. Using the mouse you can draw the
following gestures:

· Straight lines – Click and drag the mouse pointer to draw a line, release to finish.
· Circles – Click and drag to draw a circle.
· Dot – Just click to create a single dot.

Use any combination of these gestures to draw a password on your picture. Then repeat to

Tip # 88 – Pin Password

Another quick way to log in to Windows 10 is by setting up a PIN instead of a password.

Tap or click on the Start button and start typing “PIN”, then select Set up PIN sign-in
and tap or click on the Add button under the PIN option. Sign in with your normal
password then choose a PIN, repeat the PIN to confirm it and select OK.

Tip # 89 – Say Hello to the Future

Forget pictures, PINs and passwords, how about fingerprint readers, facial recognition
cameras and iris scanners? Yes, the future is here, Windows Hello is the new way to sign-
in to your computer, well only if your device has compatible hardware that is! Microsoft
hopes, that as people upgrade their hardware in the next few years, the new Windows
Hello sign-in feature will put an end to insecure passwords and the resulting privacy and
data breaches they can cause.

If you’re one of the lucky few that already have the hardware required to use Windows
Hello, you can go to Start > Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options to set it up.

Tip # 90 – Parental Controls

Windows 10 includes Parental Controls that let you set rules for your kids such as which
games they can play, the hours during which they can use the computer and you can even
stop them from using certain apps. To enable Parental Controls:

Go to Start > Settings > Accounts > Family & other users. To setup a new account for a
child, tap or click on the Add a family member button and select Add a child. Enter the
account details and when you’re finished, tap or click on the Manage family settings
online link. Login and select the child’s account. Here you can setup time limits, app &
game restrictions, web filtering and also view activity reports.

Note: If you just set up a new Microsoft Account for your child and you can’t see their
account in the Manage family settings online page you may have to add the account
online as well. Select Add a child, then enter the email address and select Send invite.
Then login to your child’s account and accept the email invite and follow the instructions
to connect the account.

Chapter 11 – Advanced Bits & Bytes

Windows 10 makes it easy for you to recover your system if it crashes or becomes
unstable, force apps to exit, change accessibility settings, change power settings, manage
storage space and even reset your machine back to factory defaults.

In this chapter you’ll learn how to use some of the advanced features in Windows 10.

Tip # 91 – You have the Power

Depending on the hardware you have, Windows 10 offers a range of power management
options. To change the power settings in Windows 10:

Touch – Tap the Start button and start typing “Power Options”, then tap to select it. Here
you can adjust various settings including brightness, display, sleep and power button

Key/Mouse – Press + X to show the Quick links menu, then select Power Options.
Here you can adjust various settings including brightness, display, sleep and power button

Tip # 92 – Task Master

If you have an app that stops working and locks up, Windows 10 will attempt to
automatically correct the problem and save your changes, but if Windows can’t fix the
problem, you can manually force the app to close.

Touch – Tap the Start button and start typing “Task Manager”, then tap to select it. Go to
the More details view and select the Processes tab, then select the app & tap End Task.

Key/Mouse – Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to bring up the Task Manager, go to the More
details view and select the Processes tab, then select the app & click End Task.

Tip # 93 – Take It Easy

In Windows 10, the full accessibility controls are found in the Ease of Access Center. You
can adjust settings, make things easier to see, turn on the narrator and more. To open the
Ease of Access Center:

Touch – Tap the Start button and start typing “Ease of Access Center”, then tap to select

Key/Mouse – Use the keyboard shortcut: + U

Tip # 94 – Custom Narrator

You can choose a different narrator voice and adjust their speed, pitch and volume.

Touch – Tap the Start button and start typing “Narrator”, then tap to select it. On the
Desktop, double-tap the Narrator Settings window in the Taskbar and double-tap to
select Voice. You can use the dropdown box to select a different voice and use the sliders
to make any required adjustments.

Key/Mouse – Press + Enter to start the Narrator. On the Desktop, double-click to

select the Narrator Settings window in the Taskbar and double-click the Voice option.
You can use the dropdown box to select a different voice and use the sliders to make any
required adjustments.

Note: You can quickly exit Narrator by pressing: Caps Lock + Esc

Tip # 95 – Managing App Space

If you find that you’re running low on storage space you can check how much space is
being taken up by individual apps.

Tap or click on the Start button and start typing “Apps & features”, then select it. Here
you can identify any apps to remove from your system, select them and tap or click the
Uninstall button. If you have multiple hard drives or storage locations you can also move
some apps to different drives to free up space.

Note: Many of the apps that come built-in to Windows 10 cannot be uninstalled.

Tip # 96 – Backup & Restore with File History

Windows 10 includes the Windows 8 backup system called File History. When set up to
an external drive or network location it will automatically backup your files on a regular
basis and allow you to “go back in time” to restore an older version of a file. To configure
File History:

Tap or click on the Start button and start typing “File History”, then select it. Tap or click
on Select drive and choose an external backup drive or add a network location, then select
OK and Turn on to start the first backup. Under Advanced settings you can choose how
often the backup occurs and how long to keep the files.

To restore a file, you can either use the History button on the Home Tab in File Explorer
or go to Start and type “restore”, then select Restore your files with File History.

Tip # 97 – Backup & Restore with System Image

You can still use the Windows 7 based Backup and Restore tool to create system images
(complete system backups) or restore files from an old backup.

Go to Start and type “backup”, then tap or click on Backup and Restore (Windows 7).
Here you can create a system image, set up a regular backup or restore files from an
existing Windows 7 backup.

Note: You can also get to these backup options via Start > Settings > Update & Security
> Backup.

Tip # 98 – Create a Recovery Drive

As well as setting up a backup for your computer, you should create a System Recovery
Drive that can be used to restore Windows if your system ever crashes or becomes

To create a Recovery Drive, first close all open files and apps, go to Start and type
“recovery”. Then tap or click on Create a recovery drive. Select Yes and Next, then
connect a spare USB flash drive (Any existing data on the USB drive will be
DELETED!). Select Next and tap or click on the Create button. When the recovery drive
is ready, select Finish. Open File Explorer and select the drive in the navigation pane,
then go to the Drive Tools contextual tab and Eject the drive. You should then label and
store the Recovery Drive in a safe place.

Note: If you have a CD/DVD drive you will get the option to create an optical disc instead
of a USB flash drive.

Tip # 99 – Advanced Startup

Windows 10 includes an Advanced Startup tool to help experienced users troubleshoot
problems with their computers. You can access a USB or network drive, run a windows
recovery DVD, use system restore, recover windows from a system image, fix startup
problems, change firmware settings and access other advanced troubleshooting tools.

To access these Advanced settings, go to Start > Settings > Update & Security >
Recovery. Select the Restart now button under the Advanced startup option.

Tip # 100 – Reset your PC

If your machine isn’t running well, you can use the Reset this PC tool to refresh Windows
10. You will be given three choices:

1. Keep my files: will keep your data but remove apps and settings. You’ll have to
reinstall your apps and reconfigure your settings but this option should fix any
software issues in Windows.
2. Remove everything: will remove all of your data, apps and settings. THIS WILL
have any important data backed up before you begin.
3. Restore factory settings: will remove all of your data, apps and settings and then
reinstall the original version of Windows that came with your PC. THIS WILL
have any important data backed up before you begin.

To Reset your PC, go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Recovery and tap or
click on the Get started button under the Reset this PC option, then you can choose
between Keep my files, Remove everything or Restore factory settings and follow the

Chapter 12 – Keyboard Shortcuts

This chapter is a list of the most common Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts. Designed as a
quick reference guide, the shortcuts have been split into the following categories: Classic,
Accessibility, Communication, Desktop, File Explorer, Microsoft Edge and Power User

You can browse through this chapter whenever you need a shortcut or take the time to
write down any you think you might use to speed things up.

Classic shortcuts

= Show the Start menu

+ L = Lock the screen

Alt + Tab = Cycle between open apps

Alt + F4 = Close the active item or app

Ctrl + X = Cut the selected item

Ctrl + C = Copy the selected item

Ctrl + V = Paste the selected item

Ctrl + A = Select all items

Ctrl + P = Print

Ctrl + Y = Redo an action

Ctrl + Z = Undo an action

Ctrl + Left arrow = Move the cursor to the start of the previous word

Ctrl + Right arrow = Move the cursor to the start of the next word

Ctrl + Up arrow = Move the cursor to the start of the previous paragraph

Ctrl + Down arrow = Move the cursor to the start of the next paragraph

Ctrl + Alt + Del = Show the Windows Security screen

Esc = Stop or exit the current task

Accessibility shortcuts


+ U = Start the Ease of Access Center

Left Alt + Left Shift + PrtSc = Switch High Contrast on or off

Left Alt + Left Shift + NumLock = Switch Mouse Keys on or off

Hold Numlock for 5 seconds = Switch Toggle Keys on or off

Hold Right Shift for 8 seconds = Switch Filter Keys on or off

Press Shift 5 times = Switch Sticky Keys on or off

Using the Magnifier

+ Plus sign = Start Magnifier and zoom in

+ Minus sign = Zoom out

Ctrl + Alt + Spacebar = When zoomed-in using full screen mode, this will preview
the desktop

Ctrl + Alt + D = Switch to Docked mode

Ctrl + Alt + F = Switch to Full screen mode

Ctrl + Alt + I = Invert colors

Ctrl + Alt + L = Switch to Lens mode

Ctrl + Alt + R = Resize the lens

Ctrl + Alt + arrow keys = Pan left, right, up and down

+ Esc = Exit Magnifier

Using the Narrator

+ Enter = Start Narrator

Caps Lock + M = Start reading

Ctrl = Stop reading

Caps Lock + H = Read document

Caps Lock + W = Read Window

Caps Lock + Page Up or Down = Increase or decrease the volume of the Narrator’s

Caps Lock + the Plus or Minus sign = Increase or decrease the speed of the
Narrator’s voice

Caps Lock + Esc = Exit Narrator

Communication shortcuts

Calendar app

Ctrl + N = Create a New event

Ctrl + S = Save or Send an event

Ctrl + D = Delete an event

Mail app

Ctrl + M = Check for new mail

Ctrl + Q = Mark as read

Ctrl + U = Mark as unread

Ctrl + N = Create a New message

Alt + I = Insert attachment

Alt + S = Send message

Desktop shortcuts


+ A = Open Action Center

+ C = Start a Cortana voice search (This only works if you have the “Hey
Cortana” feature turned on.)

+ D = Show Desktop

+ H = Show Sharing options

+ I = Show Settings

+ K = Connect wireless displays and audio devices

+ S = Start a regular search

+ , = Peek at the Desktop

+ PrtSc = Save a screenshot

Ctrl + Mouse scroll wheel = Resize Desktop icons

Task View & Taskbar

+ Tab = Launch Task View

+ Ctrl + D = Create a new Virtual Desktop

+ Ctrl + Left or Right arrows = Switch between Virtual Desktops

+ Ctrl + F4 = Close the current Virtual Desktop

+ T = Set focus on the Taskbar & cycle through running Desktop apps

+ 1 to 9 = Launch the app at the given position on the Taskbar

Window Display

+ Left arrow = Resize or Snap the active window to the left of the screen

+ Right arrow = Resize or Snap the active window to the right of the screen

+ Up arrow = Maximize the active window or if the window is already

snapped to one side of the screen then snap it to the top corner.

+ Shift + Up arrow = Stretch window

+ Down arrow = Minimize the active window or if the window is already

snapped to one side of the screen then snap it to the bottom corner.

+ M = Minimize all windows

+ Shift + M = Restore all windows

+ Home = Minimize all windows except the active one and repeat to restore all

File Explorer shortcuts

+ E = Open File Explorer

Alt = Use Ribbon KeyTips

Alt + D = Select the Address bar

Alt + P = Display the Preview pane

Alt + Enter = Show Properties for the selected item

Alt + Up arrow = Go up one level in the directory structure

Alt + Left arrow = Show the previous folder

Alt + Right arrow = Show the next folder

Ctrl + Shift + N = Create a new folder

Ctrl + E = Select the search box

Ctrl + N = Open a new window

Ctrl + W = Close the active window

Ctrl + Mouse scroll wheel = Resize file and folder icons by switching the view

Microsoft Edge shortcuts


Alt + Home = Go to your home page

Alt + Left arrow = Go Back

Alt + Right arrow = Go Forward

F5 = Reload

Spacebar = Scroll down

Shift + Spacebar = Scroll up

Home = Go to the top of the page

End = Go to the bottom of the page

Ctrl + Plus sign = Zoom in

Ctrl + Minus sign = Zoom out

Ctrl + Zero = Reset the zoom level

Ctrl + N = Open a new browser window

Ctrl + P = Print the current webpage

Ctrl + Shift + P = Open a new InPrivate Browsing window

Ctrl + Shift + R = Start Reading View

Ctrl + Shift + Del = Open the Clear Browsing Data window

Shift + Left click = Open a link in a new window

Esc = Stop loading the webpage

Searching & Saving

Ctrl + D = Save the current webpage to your favorites

Ctrl + E = Start a search

Ctrl + F = Find on this page

Ctrl + G = Open your Reading List

Ctrl + H = Open your Browsing History

Ctrl + I = Open your Favorites

Ctrl + J = Open your Downloads

Ctrl + L = Select the Address bar

Tab Browsing

Ctrl + 1 to 8 = Switch to the specified tab

Ctrl + 9 = Switch to the last tab

Ctrl + Tab = Switch to the next tab

Ctrl + Shift + Tab = Switch to the previous tab

Ctrl + K = Duplicate Tab

Ctrl + T = Open a new tab

Ctrl + W = Close the current tab

Ctrl + Shift + T = Reopen the last closed tab

Hover your Mouse pointer over a Tab & Click the scroll wheel = Closes the tab.
(Yes that’s right, the scroll wheel on your Mouse is actually a button that can be
clicked and is sometimes called the Middle-Click button.)

Ctrl + Left Click = Open a link in a new tab in the background. You can also use
the Middle-Click button on a link to open it in a new tab

Ctrl + Shift + Left click = Open a link in a new tab and switch to it. You can also
perform this shortcut by using Shift + Middle-Click

Power User shortcuts

+ X = Quick Link menu of advanced user commands

+ R = Run command

+ Break = System Properties

Ctrl + Shift + Esc = Task Manager

+ P = Projection options

+ Shift + Left or Right arrows = If you have multiple monitors set up on your
PC, you can use this shortcut to move the active window to the left or right monitor

Thanks for reading!

I hope you’ve learned some useful tips that make using Windows 10 easier.

For more tips or to leave your ideas, feedback and suggestions, please visit my website:

Regards, Tim Sievers.

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