Cryos-572763-New Year's

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This story contains very gory/graphic digestion, death/snuff mid-vore, and A

LOT of post-vore scat! Read at your own risk!


The music pounded in Claire’s ears as she hunched over the bar, rubbing her temples over a
shot of whiskey.

“...If you exist…”

The Bad End was packed, shoulder-to-shoulder. Everyone was drunk, rowdy and loud, as the
New Year’s jitters were washed away by the copious amounts of booze Claire was in charge of
dispensing for her patrons.

“...Please end my suffering…”

It was sometime past 11pm. The lack of clocks and any other ways of telling time in the
nightclub made it hard to tell exactly, but excitement only continued to build as the mass of
unwashed, inebriated guests began to get more worked up (and more intoxicated).

Claire and Evelyn had already had to dispatch cleanup crews several times after a naga saw fit
to both clear out the dance floor of anyone with actual legs, and subsequently repopulate it with
their remains sometime after.

“Hey Claire! We need another bottle of Champagne at our table!” A rather attractive rabbit girl
called out, her eyes half-lidded and noticeably swaying on her feet.

“Fucking. COME GET IT YOURSELF, WHORE.” Claire shouted back, reaching under her bar
into the ice bath and hucking the bottle of bubbly in her direction, only looking over when she
heard the heavy glass bottle hit someone on the head. “Sorry, not fuckin’ sorry.”

Of course, Claire wasn’t drunk. She was probably the only person in the building that wasn’t,
due solely to the fact that she had done her drinking in the morning, and was busy suffering
through her hangover.

At a club. Full of loud music and cheering degenerates.

She was sure she was in Hell. God had abandoned her to babysit a bunch of legal-drinking-age
toddlers, and she resented him for it.

Her night only continued to worsen however as she narrowed her eyes at the person
approaching her bar. It was a painfully familiar face, someone she hated with an undying
passion, no doubt partially due to how much she had to deal with him.
The brunette looked down at her shot glass, not remembering when she had emptied its
contents down her gullet, before taking the entire bottle of Jack Daniels in her hand and taking a
long, resigned swig.

"Hey you fat titted butch, why are you still at the bar? Didn't your shift end an hour ago?" Scott
sat his fat ass down on one of the bar stools, swiping Claire’s shot glass and tapping it on the
counter to demand a drink for himself.

"I pulled a double shift, and I'm using our liquor to stave off my fucking hangover from morning-
drinking, you massive fag,” Claire growled, pouring him a shot and purposefully spilling half of it
out over his hand. I'd burn you at the fucking stake for calling me that, but making any more
flaming twinks here will just make my vagina wither up and die."

The blonde stripper shrugged, slurping the amber alcohol off his hand and pouring what little
was actually in the glass into his mouth. "If your snatch is as sour as your attitude, no one's
gonna miss it."

Yep, that was it. That was why she hated him. He wasn’t afraid to clap back when she belittled
him, and worse still, she wasn’t allowed to eat him for insubordination. ‘He bRiNgS iN tOo
mUcH rEvEnUE’ Evelyn always says. Fuck my life, Claire thought, before opening her stupid
mouth to speak again.

“Do you eat ass with that mouth? It explains why all you do is talk shit." Claire took a minute to
tend to the other patrons all ordering drinks around her, growing more disgruntled by the fact
she had to do actual work while painfully semi-sober on New Year’s Eve.

"I'll have you know that I'll eat or suck just about anyone or anything if I'm motivated enough,”
Scott retorted, “and right now the barrel of a shotgun is slowly rising to the top of the list the
longer I speak to you."

She laughed a little at that. “Oh, you might be a harlot with a void in your ass that Daddy never
filled, but at least you’re funny from time to time.”

Scott’s snicker faded, and an irritated glare replaced it. “Oh, struck a nerve there,” Claire
giggled, winking at him with more malice than a wink of all things could possibly carry. “Now
what the fuck are you doing at my bar, you mendacious thot?”

“Oh, I’m just here to let you know that I’m off until the fifth now. I thought you’d like to hear that
right now.”

Claire froze up, her grin wilting into a frown before her look of disappointment turned to rage.
“I hate everything about you. If it weren’t for the fact that my Girlfriend would beat me the way
half our guests beat you, I’d tear you in half from your dick to your head.”

“Oh, I struck a nerve,” Scott parroted back, before turning around and stuffing the empty shot
glass into the gaping maw of someone trying to swallow his head and pushing them away.
“Fucking hell, this place is too fucking CROWDED.”

“Yeah, you’re telling me. Where the FUCK are our bouncers?” Claire shouted into a small
earpiece, rubbing the bridge of her nose with one hand.

“Oh fuck, I think I ate one of the staff. Am I in trouble?” An unfamiliar voice replied to her,
sounding noticeably worried. “If I puke him up, Can I still get free drinks? He said he’d get me
free drinks if I didn’t---”

“God I fucking hate New Year’s.”

“Hey wait, you’re a manager, right?” Scott asked, his soft lips curling into a coy grin.

Claire tilted her head a bit. “No shit, you smooth-brained bitch. What are you getting at?”

Scott took out his phone, putting it to his ear before looking up at her one last time. “Oh, all I’m
saying is that the managers make the rules, so if you decide the place needs to be cleared out a
little, Ev’s in her office upstairs and is too busy with paperwork to stop you.”

The femboy hopped out of his seat, and began to walk to the door. “Yeah, it’s me. Shift’s over,
come by and give me a ride. Also, take me home. Thanks, hun~”

God, he was a fucking slut. But, he was a slut that raised a good point…

On one hand, The club had strict rules that stated paying customers couldn’t be eaten without a
reason. If she broke that rule, There’d be hell to pay, and they’d lose a lot of business.

On the other, much more appealing hand, Half the guests had already broken the rule she was
about to break. If half of one hundred percent was fifty percent… Counting on her fingers now,
that meant that there was… a whole fucking lot of people that she had to “kick out” that wouldn’t
be allowed back anyways!

“I’m glad I didn’t rip his dick off.”

Claire picked up her ear-piece once again, changing the settings, and clearing her throat. The
loudspeakers across the club buzzed, and the music died down, and the many shows going on
across the nightclub all stopped, the performers confused by the interruption.
“*Ahem.* Pardon the interruption, this is Management speaking. Due to… unforeseen crowding
due to our New Year’s celebration, the club is now shutting its doors for the night. No one is
going to be coming in or out until dawn. Furthermore If you have eaten another paying patron,
please come to the bar or any other staff member to return your meal’s membership card for the
sake of our records, and you may be… monetarily compensated.”

Her speech was riddled with air quotes as the amazonian bartender lied out of her ass. She
then swapped channels on her earpiece, speaking privately to the staff. “Yeah, so all of that was
fuckin’ bullshit. People were breaking our rules and eating other patrons rather than fodder. If
they give you a card that doesn’t belong to them, Fuckin’ off them. Eat them, gut them like a
fish, I don’t care, just make it happen.”

The change in atmosphere was immediately noticeable, as people stormed out of private
booths, jumping from their seats at tables and leaving their drinks behind, and the dance floor
quickly depopulating. Some were even thinking of “Cheating the system” by simply gulping
down the people next to them in the hopes of making a few bucks.

Simply put, it was absolute fucking madness.

Claire smiled and stared blankly at the chaos she had caused, looking as if there wasn't a single
thought racing through her head. However, there was one thing that she thought about as a
flood of people of all shapes, sizes and species crowded around her bar, all holding tattered,
soaked and torn membership cards and full, squirming stomachs.

Evelyn is going to fucking kill me.

It won’t even be sexy.

She surveyed the crowd, gulping loudly as she realized the work she had cut out for herself.
“Well, they say it’s important not to drink on an empty stomach…” She shrugged, before lunging
out and grabbing someone by the arm, an icy blue dragoness that was easily a full ten feet tall,
and hauled them over the bar, spilling drinks causing no small amount of added ruckus as some
people cheered and others put one and four together and ran for their lives.

“Sorry bitch, you were just the closest,” Claire said flatly, pushing her onto the wall immediately
behind her.

Next, she grabbed a much smaller, lithe figure, a “weeb cat-boy” in her own words, hitting him
over the head with an empty bottle and depositing the dazed boy at her feet. “Nothing personal,
I just don’t like men.”

Finally, because the best work is done in threes, she grabbed one last person, a very
androgynous looking human with long black hair and a flat chest. Was it a guy? Was it a girl?
Somewhere in between? Who the fuck knows!
“There, enjoy the show you fucking degenerates.” Claire said before gripping the mystery
human’s shoulders tightly and wrapping her lips around their head. They kicked and screamed,
or rather, kicked and tried to scream as she swallowed them alive continually moving her grip
down the sides of the raven haired person’s body as their shoulders slipped into Claire’s
cavernous maw.

No one dared to try and stop Claire from enjoying her meal, save for the two people pinned
incapacitated behind the bar with her, who protested and struggled as much as they could.

Everyone else was far too busy, however. Some were simply too drunk to comprehend that they
could have saved the anatomically ambiguous snack whose chest was being chewed on.
Others were watching intently, too aroused by the ordeal to interfere as she sucked down their
hips. The ones that had enough sense about them were scattering however, as the many
bouncers, dancers and other staff began to pick off the offending patrons as well.

Ultimately though, Claire’s first meal went sliding down her throat, her stomach bulging and
writhing as they fought valiantly inside her gut.

Not valiantly enough, though. The added weight made it that much easier for her to pin down
the other two that had oh-so-unwillingly joined her in her work space, and she quickly “adjusted”
her “uniform” to allow for easier consumption.

Her red jacket was tossed aside, her tank top already bunched up over her squirming stomach.
She reached down and pushed her leggings down to her ankles, revealing the fact that she had
been going to work without panties, and that her pussy was dripping with arousal.

“One down,” Claire belched loudly, “AT LEAST two to go. Who wants to go next?” She slumped
back, Her exposed asshole pressing against the dragoness’ face. With an extra person’s mass
in her belly, She came down upon the scaly suppository with more pressure and force than she
expected, And soon enough she felt the blue bitch’s snout slip into her shitter. “Oh, I guess
you’re next. Best keep you mouth closed, hun.”

Not only did Claire have to press down on her stomach’s struggling snack to keep their
movements from throwing her off balance, but now she also had to endure the dragon’s sharp
claws lashing out at her ass and thighs. “OW! You fucking cunt! I was gonna go easy on you, for
Christ’s sake! Fuck you, just eat shit.”

Her mood souring more and more by the second, the busty brunette sat her full weight down on
her next meal, and a wet, sickening squelch was soon followed by the subtle sound of crackling.
The horrid stench of raw sewage filled the air around her as thick, rich brown sludge oozed out
around the dragoness’ throat. She seized and thrashed helplessly on the floor, but Claire
clenched her asshole hard, causing the scaly’s movements to freeze up. “No, FUCK YOU. You
pissed me off. You’re dying here and now. I’ll just digest your fucking corpse.”
She could have mulched the reptile’s head into a filthy, bloody mess, or clenched a bit harder
and snapped her neck like a fucking twig, but that would have been too fast. There’s no fun in
being quick when it comes to snuffing someone out.

Instead, she simply refused to allow the dragoness to free her head from the human’s packed
colon, and neither did she push the bestial butt-plug slip any deeper inside of her. This, of
course, meant that she began to choke and suffocate on the fetid filth and shit pushing through
the tail-end of Claire’s digestive system and down the dragon’s throat… and up her nose and
sinuses… and everywhere else, really.

Those cool, icy blue scales would become a much darker, more fitting shade of brown as her
claws dug into the meat of Claire’s thighs, drawing blood and only making her ever more pissed
off. The girl grunted, pushing the contents of her bowels out with more force, not even
considering showing any mercy.

Sharp flecks of bone, wadded up clothing, corroded and pitted jewellery, all of it was pushed into
the dragoness’ stomach, her throat bulging and frantically gulping as she thrashed and twitched
beneath the barkeep. Her struggles were weakening as she went longer and longer without the
precious oxygen she needed to fight back.

“Aww, is my ass too much for such a strong, dangerous dragon?” She mocked, giving the
reptile’s exposed snatch a quick punch. “Fuckin’ bitch.” She spat on it, before clenching her
powerful ass once more and jerking her hips a little. The loud crunching sound that followed cut
the dragon’s struggles short, and she went limp.

From there, it was a simple task to take in the half-ton of fresh meat anally. Without any pesky
movement to worry about, Claire simply let gravity do most of her work for a while, gingerly
wiggling from side to side and pulling her ass cheeks apart to fit the dragoness’ shoulders inside
of her. Thankfully, her wings were wrapped around them, making for a smoother, more rounded
profile that she could slide her shitter over with less effort.

It was a slow task, but over the course of about a minute, she tucked away the dead scaly’s
torso, and was just working on popping those wide, womanly hips in.

As she did so, Claire took a moment to catch her breath, pour herself a shot of vodka over to
celebrate her fresh wounds, and to listen to the person in her stomach writhe and scream as
more alcohol invaded the acid burns quickly developing over their body.

“Oh, that sounds like it stings a little, huh?” Claire snickered, shaking her stomach a little with
her hands, only to be met with more cries of anguish. “Oh yeah, that probably sm-ARTS A
She yelped in surprise as her ass finally sucked in the dragoness’ hips and thighs, her ass
stinging a bit from overexertion and more than a little bit of painful stretching. Her tongue lolled
out of her mouth though as her bare ass finally rested on the tile floor below, dragging in the
remainder of the dragon’s legs.

Her guts strained to contain such a large creature when her stomach was already occupied.
Thankfully, her digestive system had a lovely quirk to it; She could always make room for more,
and she did it with brutal efficiency.

Her stomach contracted, and her guts tightened, and soon her body sounded like it was
crushing gravel rather than digesting a meal. Agonized, high pitched screams, muffled by fat
and flesh, soon filled the air as the human was crushed and pulped in the acid bath that was
Claire’s stomach.

Based on how long those cries went on for before going quiet, she would hazard a guess that
her belly had pulverized their legs first, shattering the strongest bones in their body like it was
made of matchstick, before moving on up to their pelvis, their spine, and eventually the soft,
helpless organs in their chest.

At least they died before their squishy, pulped guts rushed back up their esophagus, so that was

The dragoness fared no better, but she was dead before the refining of her body even began, so
Claire spent none of her precious little brainpower thinking about her as her stomach began to
shrink and take on a more softer more rounded shape. It was still the size of a bean bag chair,
but at least now it was manageable.

Her focus shifted to the last remaining person still not inside of her, the neko boy whose head
was firmly pinned between her thighs.

He had very soft features, and a thin, frail physique, which at least made him a little easier to
stomach as a strict lesbian. “Well, it's just you, me, and eventually the rest of the people in this
building, fagmeat.” She said flatly.

“Honestly, you’re lucky you even get this treatment. I just so happen to wanna use all three of
my holes tonight, so you get the softest end. You can thank me later.”

Claire squeezed the boy’s neck between her thighs some more, watching him meekly try to free
himself from the ruthless scissor-hold.

Just as the boy’s feline ears began to fold against his head and his face started to turn purple,
Claire eased up, allowing him a few precious breaths before grabbing a fistful of hair and
shoving him face-first into her waiting pussy.
She shuddered, her slick petals and folds parting as she continued to apply pressure to the
back of his head. His hot breath on Claire’s clit made her clench and contract, huffing loudly as
her face flushed with colour. “Unng… Just, fucking get in there…” She mumbled, pulling him in
further, much to the male neko’s dismay.

His hands pushed against her stomach, trying to stop him from being pulled deeper, but with his
arms at such an awkward angle and Claire’s snatch having such a firm hold of him, one tug
caused his arms to bend at an ungodly angle, his shoulders dislocating and only expediting his

Thankfully for her third morsel, the angle of entry continued the night’s trend as his neck
snapped cleanly. He was lucky though. At least he wasn’t going to suffer through being crushed
into a filmy, drooling slurry over the next few hours.

The seven foot tall brunette finally rested easily, huffing and puffing as she began to rock her
hips back and forth, rhythmically rubbing her clit against his body while simultaneously working
his remains in deeper. Her sweet fluids began to leak out around the deceased cat-boy as she
got more and more worked up, moaning and biting her finger as she felt an orgasm begin to

His arms were effortlessly pinned to his sides as his chest disappeared into Claire’s needy
flower, his clothes soaking right through with her juices. She hadn’t even bothered to strip him.
She was half-drunk, her head still hurt, and she was pissed and horny. She could fish out his
clothes come morning.

“Mmmf, fuck, this would have been so much better if you had tits…” Claire gasped, groping her
chest with her hands as her gyrations increased in pace. She arched her back and moaned
louder than before as her slit met her meal’s hips, then snapped them up, the boy’s thighs now
sliding inside as a deluge of her hot cream flowed out of her she lost control of her legs,
slumping all the way onto her back as the spine-tingling orgasm rocked her to her core.

She was left seeing stars for a few moments, and by the time she had regained control of her
lower body, the final part of her three-piece meal as tucked away inside her. She felt full,
unbelievably so. It was so rare that she ever got to indulge herself like this anymore, and even
as she struggled to her feet, leaning on her bar for support, she realized she was still hungry.

No, that was wrong. It wasn’t hunger she felt. It was greed and gluttony. The overpowering
desire to stuff herself beyond what her body had any ability to handle simply to say she still
could after such a long hiatus.

Others had been stealing the spotlight from her ever since this club opened, forcing her to take
a backseat as she worked the bar. Not tonight though. Tonight was her night. Every last one of
these whores and degenerates were hers for the taking.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a hand reaching across the bar and dragging Claire over it
and onto the floor. She looked up, expecting to see someone thinking they had a stuffed,
incapacitated meal in the midst of the anarchy, but instead, she saw something far more

A short Asian woman in a tight black dress and stiletto heels glared down at her with rage
burning in her eyes. “What the FUCK did you do to my fucking CLUB, Claire!?” Evelyn
Screamed gesturing to the thrown furniture, spilled bodily fluids and literal fistfights arising
between people trying to claim the same prey.

“Oh, uh… Funny story,” Claire huddled with her back against the bar as her girlfriend glowered
at her, all her cockiness and sass leaving her in an instant. “People were breaking the rules!
Dumb fucks were eating actual PAYING customers, so I made the call to deal with the ones that
did it. How was I supposed to fuckin’ know they’d ruin the place!?”

Evelyn surveyed the damage to her nightclub, and sighed loudly. “This is your fucking fault, so
you’re gonna clean it up.”

Evelyn grabbed Claire by the ankle and dragged her out onto the centre stage, before speaking
into her earpiece over the loudspeaker. “Alright you little shits, you made one hell of a fucking
mess of MY club. Anyone that doesn't want to die is going to do as I say.”

The building went silent. Everyone stopped and waited to hear what was going on. The general
manager rarely poked her head out of her office, but when she did, Terror often ensued.

“You’re going to help our staff drag every last rule-breaker onto this fucking stage, and then you
are going to fucking help us clean this place. Anyone that doesn't comply is going be dragged
on stage as well.”

Evelyn separated a fight between a lamia and a human girl, with the former being dragged onto
the stage, hissing all the while as her meal ran off screaming. “This is what happens to people
that fuck with me and my property.”

Claire had hardly had time to sit up before her enraged girlfriend yanked her by the ponytail, and
stuffed the lamia’s tail into her mouth. “Eat up, bitch. You started this, you finish it.”

Claire was surprised she wasn’t getting her ass kicked, so she didn’t complain. She scarfed
down all twenty-ish feet of snake girl over the course of a few minutes, leaving scratch marks in
the floor as her talons chipped and broke during her attempts to avoid being eaten. It didn’t stop
Claire from belching out the lamia’s crop top after swallowing her though. “Wow, what a fuckin’
punishment, what ever shall I do?” She laughed.
Then, Claire saw the line of people being marched over to her. There were more people being
manhandled by security and coerced patrons than she had brain cells. “Okay, maybe I changed
my mind. I’ll take a beating with a bar stool for $500, Evelyn.”

Her half-hearted joke didn’t get a laugh, or even a snicker from her significant other. Instead,
What Claire got got was another person crammed down her throat, followed by another, and

Her stomach stretched and writhed as more people were forced into the cramped space. It
ached and cramped painfully, only growing more agonizing with every passing moment as her
gut struggled to contract and compact its screaming occupants.

Evelyn looked at her watch as it began to beep quietly. “Happy New Year’s, dumbass.”


Claire awoke some time later in a daze. Everything hurt. She had a headache so explosive it put
JFK to shame, and dear lord did her guts feel like they were throwing a riot. She was still on the
stage,drool coating her face and distended gut. Her top was sweaty, and her lack of clothes
below the belt showed that the fist-sized bulge in her pelvis was slowly shrinking as copious
amounts of femcum leaked out of her soaked pussy.

“God, what the fuck…” She shielded her eyes from the stage lights that were trained on her.
Laying on her back, and her stomach was still absolutely massive, preventing her from sitting up

Apparently, things had been going smoothly while she was asleep. The building was as clean as
it usually was, which was to say that it was to say seedy and covered in cumstains, among other
things. The furniture and decorations were all as they should be, and the building was as busy
as ever, as if the disaster the night before had never happened.

As she tried and failed to rise to her feet, Claire noticed that her soft, sloshing stomach had
been written upon in permanent marker. Things like “RIP”, “GET FUCKED” “SLUTS GO HERE”
as well as a tally reaching well over the big 5-0 mark.

You know, typical things to write on a sleeping person.

“Well wakey wakey, dumbass! You’ve only been dozing off for a full eighteen hours!” Evelyn's
voice snickered over the loudspeaker, and Claire groaned loudly. “Seems to me like you still
haven't finished digesting all those ‘rule breakers’ as you put it, and none of us wanted to bother
you. I DID take the liberty of writing you in as our main show for the next few nights though!”

“Fuck you, I’m too tired and too heavy to put on a show.” She covered her face with her hands,
not wanting to look up at the bright lights.
A loud, earth-trembling gurgle rumbled out of her guts, followed by the most urgent, painful need
to shit she has ever felt in her life. “NEVER FUCKING MIND, EVERYONE FUCKIN’ MOVE!”
Claire half shouted, half moaned as her shitter gave out.

Thick, gooey brown logs of shit spilled out of her with a speed and fury the likes of which mere
mortals were not meant to endure. Easily bigger than bother her legs combined and snaking out
of her faster than she expected, Claire moaned, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as the mess
already began to smear and push itself across the stage, only starting to pile up near the edge
of the stage and threatening to collapse onto the people in the nosebleed seats.

Claire wanted desperately to slow the pace for the sake of her poor asshole, but her guts were
completely paralyzed, unable to even clench or push under their own power. This was an
avalanche of filth, and the sole thing causing it to vacate her bowels was the immense pressure
being put on her intestines by the stew of countless half-digested degenerates in her stomach.

Even in the tree-trunk sized dump, all manner of undigested remains were visible in the shit and
slime spilling out of her. Clumps of tangled hair of multiple colours, necklaces, tattered and torn
dresses jeans, belts and shirts, bleached bones, even entirely undigested viscera that her
stomach didn’t manage to break down.

The steaming, reeking pile of grime and scat couldn't hold up under its own weight, beginning to
lose shape and melt into an oozing, semi-solid mound of sludge and muck, wreathed in sharp
bone and littered with over a dozen (partially) intact skulls.

“God, I’m going to fucking kill you all, when I'm able to move again.” Claire strained to get her
words out, grunting and twitching as her swollen abdomen began to shrink ever so slightly, while
her stomach remained as large as ever.

“Yeah, good luck with that, Sweetheart.”

Claire was in agony. Her stomach never stopped howling in distress, nor did its agonizing
aching cease. The closest she got to peace was after a full twenty minutes of unloading her
colon, as the flow of shit began to taper off, for the moment. A shit-packed rib cage popped out
of her last, leaving her shitter swollen and raw, and Claire in tears.

She was still unable to get to her feet, and wouldn’t be able to for at least a week. But, at least
the spotlight was finally on her once again.

“Happy New Year, Claire.”

“Happy. Fuckin’. New Year.”

She’d only kill her girlfriend a little bit.

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