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% Netherlands Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System sr OFNKERK EEUWARDEN + GRONINGEN + BUITENPOsT AKIS in The Netherlands ‘+ WAGENINGEN UR combines fundamental, trate- gicand applied research and education in integra- ted knowledge chains + Farm Advisory Services privatised in the gos: extension is nowa competitive market, with imporzant role for (cooperative) agri-business + Clear distinctive roles between research policy and research execution, + with improved demand driven, research ‘agenda sertng + stakeholder participation in agenda setting and during the projects + no.competitive commissioning (with the ‘exception of fundamental research -NWO) Publicly funded networks and interaction between categories of parners + eg. InnovationNetwork, system Innovation Programs, Transforum, GKC Knowledge Cooperative Fishery Innovation Platform, Platform Agro-Logistcs, Program Biobaced Economy. teristics of the Dutch agro food a base for competitive advantage «traced back to the crisis inthe 1880s: deeply rooted tines and culture within an open market poli Polder consensus Sectors capital and knowiedge intensivein a fertile deta + Primary sector highly educated, strongly specialised farmers Who out source matketing and R&D to othersin the chain + Complex, well functioning infrastructure and institutional + Highly competitive information market + Policy intensive + INU due to the CAP, General Food Law, Environmental regulation + inNLdue to the need to correct extemal effects (environ ment, animal welfare LUnking principles: + Openness + Proximity + synenay + Absonption capacity external info Connection mechanismes: Foralike Knowledge chambers etc, Suategic agenda secor Stat. Knowledge & Innovation ‘Agenda Publicprivate investments Be le etrerrersicns weno Supportinginsitional changes Sand omy) cee Hogeschool Van vera euwarden Hoge an lar ep > PatMeencornenne ogee! van al Larne Wager Hogeschool HAS Den Bosch ma Hotspot (campus, hotspot, center of expertise of oguchsl AS veering) ‘mperote) ielard nmsrcm muon ae “raarepanen cna inter Ago iain Teodor Tarteww aonggenstere etre etna Stim / ie

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