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Man vs Women.

Breaking gender stereotypes

We live in a huge world where people`s opinion is significant for us.
Before doing something, a person thinks a lot about how others will
treat to his or her actions. If a man or a woman does something wrong,
here come thoughts that others will do it also bad. These thoughts are
called `stereotypes`. What is a `stereotype` at all? A stereotype is the
image of a person who uses a stamp formed in accordance with specific
social conditions. Let’s take a larger look at this question.
First of all, the most popular stereotypes are about genders. Why there
are so much attention to women`s fails? For instance: once there was
noticed that a woman was driving a car and doing her make-up at the
same time. Because of it, now there is an enormous stereotype that
women are the worst drivers ever. Moreover, there are other weird
stereotypes, such as a woman`s presence on a ship. It is said that if a
lady is on a boat, something bad will happen. Of course, women are
always guilty. It is so annoying even to think that there are so many silly
Another nonsense is that women have illogical thinking. From this it
turns out that females are not as intelligent as men and can not deal
with serious problems or are not able to be big bosses. So it explains
why women have to do all the housework and raise children only. Who
did come up with this absurd?! As for me, this is the craziest one. Ladies
have proven that they are much better employees than men a long
time ago.
Taking everything into consideration, it can be said that stereotypes are
everywhere, but there is no point to pay much attention to it. From my
point of view, we should make new positive stereotypes about genders,
especially about females since we are quite exhausted of foolish jokes
about our sex.

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