Unit 4A - English File Int. - Student's Book PDF

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can, could, be able to V -ed/-ing adjectives P sentence stress Failure and success 1 GRAMMAR can, could, be able to a ‘Ifat first youdon’t succeed, try, try, try again’ isa well-known English saying, What does it mea: b_ More recently other people have invented different ways of continuing the saying. Which one do you like best? If at first you don't succeed, blame your parents destroy all the evidence that y skydiving is not for you the definition of be © Looka e10. What other verb is it similar to? ‘be able to (do something) to have she ability, opportunicy ime te do something: Willy moe _ Read about three people who have tried (but failed) to earn something, and complete the texts with A~G. A Twas able v0) B Nor being ableto CC Ljust wasn't able to D Iwill never beable to E Iwould suddenly he able to F Pvealways wanted to he able t0 G wewould never he able to Read the article again. Why did they have problems? Have they completely tried to learn something and given up? Why? £ Look at phrases A~G again. What tense or form is be able to in each one? What tenses or forms does can have? g > p.138 Grammar Bank 4A. Learn more about ca couild,and be able-to,and practise them, h_ > Communication Guess the sentence Ap, Bp.109, Can you speak French? No, Ive never been able to lear a foreign, language. I've never been able to... scene in one of the very first James Bond films, where a beautiful actress comes out of the sea looking fabulous, with oxygen boitles on her back - | could see myself looking just lke her. So, wo years ago | booked a holiday which Included a week's intensive course. On the fist day of the course | was incredibly excited. First we had two hours of theory, and then we went into the sea to put it into practice Butas soon as I went under the water I discovered that | suffered from claustrophobia, doit. After about half an hour | gave up. Every evening for the rest of ‘my holiday | had to listen to my scuba-diving classmates talking about al the wonderful things they had seen that day on their diving excursions.* join in the conversation was very frustrating. | really wanted to learn, Maybe it was because of that {sill Jove swimming and snorkelling, but I think that | have toaccept that? scuba-dive, Bea, USA eRe ris) 2 dance salsa, and when | was working in Ecuador there were free classes, 0 I joined. But the art of salsa is fo keep your arms still and mave your hips, and | just couldn't do it. When | hear music my arms start moving, but my hips don't, After about ten hours of classes" do the basic steps, but | was dancing like a robot I didn't give ‘up, but soon everyone in the class was dancing and | was just slowly moving from side to side and counting out loud ‘one, two, three, four’ Itwas a bit embarrassing, | was sure thal one day = do it~ but that never happened. | can stl remember the first two steps and still ry to dance when | hear a salsa tune ~ as long as nobody is watching! Sean, UK ...speak Japanese love Manga — Japanese comics ~ and tried to learn Japanese, | eiversttcet aang ate [think oriental languages, which have symbols instead of ‘words, ace extremely hard to learn for people who are more Used to Roman letters. Also my teacher, a Japanese woman, didnt speak Spanish very well which didn't help! She was a very charming woman, but she was abit disappointed with us, ‘and you could see that she thought that” learn, However, one day she invited us to dinner and gave us some delicious traditional Japanese food, and since then loften 4010 Japanese restaurants. $0 learnt io love the food, f nolo speak the language! Joaquin, Spain PRONUNCIATION sentence stress (2)36)) Listen and repeat the sen shythm, ences, Copy the 1 1d love tobe able to ski. 2 we won't ne able to come. 3 lvenever beenable todance. 4 Shehates not being able to drive. (2)37)) Listen again. Make new sentences with the verbs or verb phrases you hear )} Fol love to be able to ski. Ride a horse Cis jove to be able to ride a horse, }) We wan't be able to come. Park C We wan't be: SPEAKING ble to park. Look at the topics. Choose two or threeand think about what you could say for them. E but have never been (SBIR Ya erat to do after alot of effort. eo like to be able to (Boimiethinginew that you would tke tobe able todo =” and that you hope youtl Ee: people should able to do Work with a partner. Tell him her about the things you chose in a. Give reasons or explanations for each \ve never been able to ski, anc new {dont think ll ever learn wanted to on EES 4 VOCABULARY -ed / -ing adjectives a Look at the photo. Complete the sentences with bored or boring, 1 The film was 2 Theaudience were -ed and -ing adjectives Many adjectives for feelings have two possible forms, either ending in -edor in -ing, e.g. frustrated and frustrating. We use the adjective ending in -ed for the person ‘who has the feeling (I was very frustrated that | couldn't scuba-dive}. We use the adjective ending in ing for a person or situation that produces the feeling (couldn't join in the conversation, which was very frustrating} b_ Read the information box. Then complete the adjectives with -ed or -ing. 1 What do you chinks the most excit. watch? sport ro 2 What's the most amaz.__ scenery you've ever 3. What music do you listen 10 if you feel depress? 4 Have you everbeen disappoint bya Which do you find more tir_, speaking English or listening to English? 6 What's the most embarrass ‘ever happened to you? Are you frighten 8 Doyou feel very © Who's the mast bor 10 Do you ever ger frustrat thing thar’s of heights? ir__ inthe morning? person you know? by technology? (238) Listen and check. Underline the stressed syllable in the adjectives. d_ Ask and answer the questions in pairs. Ask for more information 56 | 44] 5 READING & SPEAKING a Do you know anybody who speaks more than two languages? Which languages do they speak? How did they lear b 2391) who speaks 1] languages. Before you read, m languages below with words 1-11. Then listen You are going to read an articleabout Alex Rawlings, cch the nd check, English _ Greek German Spanish Russian Durch 1 Afrikaans L Freach Hebrew Catalan Iealian © Read the article, Which language(s)...? did he learn asa child is he studying at university 1 3 does he like best 4 ishe planning to learn next did he wish he had heen able to speak when he was child 6 was the first one he aught himself did he find the most difficult He’s English, but he can speak eleven languages lex Rawlings has been named the Uk’s most student, in a competition run by a dictionary publisher. The Getman and Russian student from London, who is only 20 years old, can speak 11 languages uBitl. In a video for the BBC News website he demonstrated his Sls by speaking in all of them, changing quickly from one to another. Rawlings sald that winning the competition was ‘a bit of a shack’. He explained, ‘I saw the competition advertised and | heard something about a free iPad. | never imagined that it would generate this amount of media attention.” As a child, Rawlings’ mother, who is half Greek, used to speak to him in English, Greek, and French, and he often visited his family in Greece. He said that he has always been interested in languages. “My dad worked in Japan for four years and | was always frustrated that | couldn't speak to the kids because of the languagetbatriet’ After visiting Holland at the age of 14 he decided to learn Dutch with CDs and books. ‘When I went pack | could talk to people. it was great.” 4 Look at the highighted words and phrases related to Language learning, and work out their meaning from the context, Then ask and answer the questions with a partner 1 Can you or anyone in your family speak another language fluently? 2 Do you know any basic phrases in any other languages? 3 Do you havea perse language? Why? ink to another country or 4 Have you ever travelled to another country and fle thar there Wasa real language barrier? 5. What other languages would you like so be able to speak? Why? He taught himself many of the languages with ‘teach yourself’ books, but also by watching films, listening to music, and travelling to the countries themselves. Of all the languages he speaks, Rawlings says that Russian, which he has been learning for a year and a half, is the hardest. He said, ‘There seem to be fmiOre® ‘exceptions thamirules!’ He added, ‘I especially like Greek because | think it's beautiful and, because of my ‘mother, | have a strong personal link to the country and to the language. “Everyone should learn languages, especialy if they travel abroad, If you make the effort to learn even the most basionphrases wherever you go, it instantly shows the person you're speaking to that you respect their culture. Going around speaking English loudly end getting frustrated at people is tactless and rude.’ The next language Rawlings hopes to learn is Arabic, but ‘only once I've finished my degree and got some more time on my hands. For now I need to concentrate ‘on my German and Russian, so | can prepare for ny finals. Glossary finals the ast examsthaeseudentstake at universiy Read the grammar information box. Then complete 1-5 with a reflexive pronoun D> tefiexive pronouns | 7 Fe taught himsettmny ote nguages ith teach youre books |) _Wiaura rast oronooepryoen youn: esa Aosel sty conven jurtebes chr wen | Beebettofawase tecamess tresuneet ce re | | lgpetivce aun ciate vouch ils usdronasieplobolnstd wrpteiies Oi souct Soncctan ef te pobted the Wicker curses 1 Lalwaystest way co remember it ‘on new vocabulary ~it's a good 2. My uncle builrthe house Ik took him three 3, This light is automatic. Ie turns onand off 4 Did you fix the computer ? Well done! 5 My sister's so vain! Every time she passes a mirror, she looksat init! 6 LISTENING & SPEAKING @ (2/40)) You're going to listen to six advanced students of English giving a tip which has helped them to learn Listen once and complete their tip. Then compare your notes with a partner. TIP a: Change the language to English on all. the youhave, for example on your or TIP 3: Try to find an English-speaking TIP 4: Gat a your phone, (PR reer — a PS possible in English, and then them, app for or b Listen Try to add more details about each tip. ¢ Talktoa partner ‘+ Do you already do any of these things? + Which do you think is the best tip? Which tip could you easily put into practice? Try itl + What other things do you do to improve your English outside class (e.g, visit chat websites, listen to audio books)? Am EEZ 4A can, could, be able to (ability and possibility) can/ could Lean speak three languages fi Jenny ean't come tonight. She's ill. My cousin could play the violin when she was three ‘They couldn't wait because they were ina hurry. Coutld you open the door for me, please? + canis modal verb. It only hasa present form (which can be used with ld) + Forall other tensesand forms, we use beable to + infinitive. future meaning) and a past or conditional form (c beable to infinitive 1 Luke has been able to swim since he was three. Fdlike to beable to ski {love being able to stay in bed late on Sunday morning. You'll be able to practise your English in London, Fortunately; lam able to accept your invitation. My colleagues weren't able ¢o come to yesterday's meeting. a Complete with the correct form of be able to (,, or). never heew ableto scuba dive 1 Her mobile has been switched off all morning, so ! ___talktoher yer. 2 [don't like noisy bars. Hike conversation without shouting, at eave home when I geta job. 4 We're having a party next Saturday. Younced swim before you can go ina 6 I'm going to France next week, but I don't speak French. Thate communicate with people. Fortunately, firefighters the people trapped inside the burning house rescue all of 8 Pmverysorry, burwe_ goto your wedding nest month, We'll be on holiday 9 I'm feeling a bit worse. you contact the doctor yet? 10 The manag see you right now because h ina meeting. ‘ould you open the door forme, please? 34) 1 Weuse beable to + infinitive for ability and possibility, especially where there is no form of can eg future, present perfect, infinitive and gerund, etc. 2 We sometimes use beable io in the present and past (instead of cas could), usually ifwe want to be more formal. 51) Circle) the correct form. Tick ¥ ifboth are possible ce Pyealways wanted to car (GeableTD dance salsa. 1 My little boy couldn’ | wasn't able to speak until he was nearly two years old. She's much better after her operation, She'll can} beable to walk again ina few months. 3. Hehasn't could | been able to mend my bike yet. He'll do itromorrow 4 Iesthe weekend at last! Hove can | being able ro go out with my friends, 5 When we lived on the coast, we used to can / be ableto goto the beach every day- 6 Lean’t | m not ableto send any emails ar the moment My computerisn't working I could | was able ro read before I started school 8. Wewon't can / heable to go on holiday this year ecause we «d to spend. lot of money on the house. © Linda's really pleased because she’s finally could! | been able to find a part-time job. 10. Alex ca isableto speak Portuguese fluently after living in Lisbon for ten years,

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