English REGULAR VERBS - Rules, List & Practice

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ENGLISH REGULAR VERBS for Moroccan Highschoolers M r.

Abdelkari m Foulfoula
Student : ………………………………………………………………………… Class : ……………….

1. Read these exchanges : Verbs ending in…

A : What did he do then ? Silent “e” Vowel + “ y ” Consonant + “ y ” Other Forms
B : He closed the door.
close  closed play  played study  studied visit  visited
C : Who did they play later ? die  died enjoy  enjoyed marry  married watch  watched
D : They played F.C Barcelona. care  cared obey  obeyed carry  carried finish  finished
miss  missed
E : Where did she study for the test. fix  fixed
F : She studied in the library.
Special Cases :
G : When did he finish her first novel ?
H : He finished his first novel in 1966.
Double the final consonant and add “-ed ” if there is a single-stressed vowel
A : Did he fix the roof ? before the final consonant.
stop  stopped
B : Yes, he did , but he didn’t fix the broken
ban  banned
2. Finish the table : If the vowel is not stressed, do not double the final consonant:
PAST open  opened
PARTICIPLE offer  offered
close closed ..………….
play …………. ……………
study …….…… studied The pronunciation of verbs ending in “ed” in English depends on the
finish ………… ………….. final consonant sound. There are 3 different ways to pronounce “ ed ”
fix …….…… fixed at the end of an English regular verb :
3 . Refer to the last exchange to finish / id / /t/ /d/
this table :
Verbs ending in Verbs ending in Verbs ending in
SIMPLE PAST FORMS : / t / or / d / sound VOICELESS sounds VOICED sounds
INTERROGATIVE ……………………….. wanted helped laughed used damaged
needed looked talked called offered
AFFIRMATIVE He fixed the roof.
visited watched cooked loved called
NEGATIVE ………………………. educated washed enjoyed realized
danced destroyed judged
fixed cleaned

A. Use the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. B. Select items from the list to complete the table.
a r r i v e d in Casablanca on Monday.
1. He (arrive)_______________ rested - saved - painted - snowed - parked
2. My friend (study) ________________ Russian at university. damage - flooded - worried - started - missed

3. I (call) ______________ you yesterday, but you weren't at home. liked - decided - repeated - smashed - added
4. Last night, they (plan)) _______________ for the party. worked - divided - annoyed - kicked - invented

5. Tom (invite) _______________ us to his birthday party. / id / /d/ /t/

6. The children (carry)______________ the books to the classroom. rested
7. We (finish) ________________ the exam at half past three.
8. I (chat)_________________ to Jane about films and fashion.
9. She (stay) _________________ home last week.
10. They (mix) ________________ mostly with show business people.
ENGLISH REGULAR VERBS for Moroccan Highschoolers M r. Abdelkari m Foulfoula
Student : ………………………………………………………………………… Class : ……………….

consider ‫يعتبر‬ advise ‫ينصح‬ ‫يشكو‬ ‫يخدع‬ ‫يحلم‬

/d/ cover ‫يغطي‬ ‫يحلل‬
complain deceive dream
analyze contain ‫يحتوي‬ deserve ‫يستحق‬ harm ‫يؤدي‬
After: suffer ‫يعاني‬ apologize ‫يعتذر‬ earn ‫يكسب‬ improve ‫سن‬
ّ ‫يتح‬ inform ‫يُعلن‬
murder ‫يقتل‬ surprise ‫يفاجئ‬ train ‫يمرن‬ّ move ‫يتحرك‬ perform ‫ يمثّل‬،‫يُنجز‬
/r/ offer ‫يعرض‬ raise ‫يرفع‬ turn ‫يُدير‬ serve ‫يخدم‬ scream ‫يصرخ‬
/z/ order ‫ يأمر‬،‫يطلب‬ crticise ‫ينتقد‬ frighten ‫يخيف‬ shave ‫يحلق شعره‬ film ‫يصور‬
remember ‫يتذكر‬ close ُ‫يُغلق‬ happen ‫َيحدث‬ receive ‫يستقبل‬ claim ‫يدّعي‬
/m/ ‫يجيب‬
answer confuse ‫يربك‬ imagine ‫يتخيّل‬ remove ‫يُزيل‬ welcome ‫يرحب‬
/n/ compare ‫يقارن‬ refuse ‫يرفض‬ join ‫ينضم‬ save ‫ يوفّر‬،‫يحفظ‬ comb ‫يمشط‬
/ l / share ‫يتقاسم‬ amuse ‫يُمتع‬ listen ‫ينصت‬ approve ‫يُصادقعلى‬
retire ‫يتقاعد‬ use ‫يستعمل‬ obtain ‫يحصل على‬ arrive ‫يصل‬ call ‫ يصيح‬،‫ينادي‬
/b/ ‫يجرح‬
injure increase ‫يزداد‬ open ‫يفتح‬ behave ‫يتصرف‬ travel ‫يسافر‬
/g/ cure ‫يعالج‬ sneeze ‫يعطس‬ sign ‫يوقّع‬ fill ‫يمأل‬
/ v/ measure ‫يقيس‬ pause ‫يتوقف مؤقتا‬ return ‫يعود‬ kill ‫يقتل‬
‫يتجاهل‬ stay ‫يبقى‬
ignore please ‫يُرضي‬ ruin ‫يخرب‬
ّ heal ‫يداوي‬
/j / ‫يختفي‬ play ‫يلعب‬
disappear release ‫يحرر‬
ّ ،‫يُطلق‬ warn ‫يُحذر‬ smell ‫يشم‬
‫يظهر‬ obey ‫يطيع‬
appear cause ‫يسبب‬ smile ‫يبتسم‬
‫ينظف‬ annoy ‫يزعج‬
clear pause ‫يتوقف مؤقتا‬ seal ‫يختم‬
After interfere ‫يتد ّخل‬ damage ‫يلحق الضرر‬ destroy ‫يح ّطم‬
encourage ‫يشجّع‬ ‫يوظف‬ rule ‫يحكم‬
all fear ‫يخاف‬ employ
whistle ‫يصفّر‬
repair ‫يُصلِح‬ agree ‫يتفق‬ judge ‫يطلق حكما‬ allow ‫يسمح بـ‬
V manage ‫يدبّر‬ follow ‫يتبع‬
O pour ‫يسكب‬ free ‫يُحرر‬ cry ‫يبكي‬
guarantee ‫يضمن‬ change ‫يغيّر‬ borrow ‫يستعير‬
W terrify ‫يفزغ‬
E continue ‫يواصل‬ try ‫يحاول‬
beg ‫يتوسل‬ drag ‫ يسحب‬،‫يجر‬
L glue ‫يُلصق‬ rob ‫ يسطو‬،‫يسرق‬ rely ‫يعتمد‬
S rescue ‫ينقذ‬ stab ‫يطعن‬ dig ‫يحفر‬ hang ‫يُعلِّق‬ reply ‫يجيب‬
argue ‫يتجا دل‬ disturb ‫يزعج‬ jog ‫يَجري ببطء‬ hug ‫يعا نق‬ satisfy ‫يُرضي‬

accept ‫يقبل‬ correct ‫يصحح‬ permit ‫يسمح بـ‬ suspect ‫يشك‬ add ‫يضيف‬ ‫يحمي‬
/ id / admit ‫يعترف‬ count ‫يحسب‬ plant ‫يغرس‬ ‫يبدأ‬
start attend ‫يَحضر‬ include ‫يتضمن‬
appreciate ‫يقدّر‬ haunt ‫ينتاب بأفكار‬ reflect ‫يعكس‬ taste ‫يتذوق‬
After : divide ‫سم‬
ّ ‫يق‬ intend ‫ينوي‬
arrest ‫يعتقل‬ heat ‫يس ّخن‬ regret ‫يندم‬ test ‫يجرب‬ ّ
‫يجذب‬ interrupt ‫يُقاطع‬ ‫يرفض‬ defend ‫يدا فع‬ offend ‫يُضايق‬
/t/ attract reject treat ‫يُعامل‬
boast ‫يتباهى‬ invent ‫يخترع‬ repeat ‫يكرر‬ trust ‫يثق‬ decide ‫يقرر‬ remind ‫يُذكّر‬
/d/ cheat ‫يغش‬ invite ‫يدعو‬ request ‫يطلب‬ unite ‫يت ّحد‬ end ‫يُنهي‬ succeed ‫ينجح‬
compete ‫يتنافس‬ irritate ‫يضايق‬ separate ‫يفرق‬
ّ visit ‫يزور‬ found ‫يؤسس‬ trade ‫يتاجر‬
complete ‫ ينهي‬،‫يكمل‬ list ‫يُدرج بالقائمة‬ suggest ‫يقترح‬ waste ‫يضيّع‬
connect ‫ يوصل‬،‫يربط‬ paint ‫يصبغ‬ support ‫يدعم‬ wait ‫ينتظر‬

announce ‫يعلن‬ ask ‫يسأل‬ clap ‫يصفق‬ brush ‫يفرك بالفرشاة‬

/t/ confess ‫يعترف‬ attack ‫يهاجم‬ develop ‫يتطور‬ rush ‫يندفع بسرعة‬
dance ‫يرقص‬ choke ‫يختنق‬ drop ‫يُسقط‬ smash ‫يحطم‬
After: dress ‫يلبس‬ kick ‫يركل‬ help ‫يساعد‬ vanish ‫يختفي‬
embarrass ‫يُخجل‬ knock ‫يطرق‬ hope ‫يأمل‬ wash ‫يغسل‬
/p/ express ‫يُعبر عن‬ mark ‫يضع عالمة‬ jump ‫يقفز‬ wish ‫يتمنى‬
/k/ face ‫يواجه‬ pack ‫ يجمع‬، ‫يرزم‬ shop ‫يتبضّع‬
force ‫يُجبر‬ smoke ‫يد ّخن‬ slap ‫يصفع‬
guess ‫يخ ّمن‬ shock ‫يصدم‬ stop ‫يوقف‬
/f/ impress ‫يخلّف أثرا إيجابيا‬ suck ‫ يمتص‬،‫يرضع‬ wipe ‫يمسح‬
influence ‫يؤثر في‬ talk ‫يتحدّث‬
introduce ‫يُقدّم‬ thank ‫يشكر‬ coach ‫يدرب‬
& ‫يفتح القفل‬
miss ‫ يفتقد‬،‫يض ّيع‬ unlock match ‫يصل طرفين‬
After: kiss ‫يُقبل‬ walk ‫يمشي‬ reach ‫ يمتد‬،‫يصل‬
pass ‫يمر‬ wink ‫يغمز‬ ‫يشاهد‬
“ch” watch
possess ‫يمتلك‬ work ‫يعمل‬
“sh” practice ‫يتمرن‬
“x” reduce ‫ يخفف‬،‫يُنقِص‬ cough ‫يسعل‬ fix ‫يصلح‬
release ‫يحرر‬
ّ ،‫يُطلق‬ laugh ‫يضحك‬ mix ‫يمزج‬
replace ‫يعوض‬ ّ photograph ‫يصور‬ relax ‫يرتاح‬
ENGLISH REGULAR VERBS for Moroccan Highschoolers M r. Abdelkari m Foulfoula
Student : ………………………………………………………………………… Class : ……………….

A. Rearrange the letters to get the right form of the verbs and circle the correct pronunciation of the –ed ending.
1. K r e w o d : ___________________ / id / - / t / - / d / 4. d a v s i d e : __________________ / id / - / t / - / d /
2. p s t o d e : ____________________ / id / - / t / - / d / 5. d i e s u t d : _________________ / id / - / t / - / d /
3. p a c c e t e d : __________________ / id / - / t / - / d / 6. x e m i d : ___________________ / id / - / t / - / d /

B. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form and write the correct pronunciation ( / d /, / t /, / id / ) of their –ed ending.

Last summer holidays, Jack and his family ( travel ) ___________ d / to England. They (stay) ___________ /__ / in London for
3 days. On the first day, they ( enjoy ) ___________ /__ / a full english breakfast at the hotel. Then, they (tour ) __________ /__ / the city
on a double-decked bus. They just ( love ) ____________ /__ / the ride in the afternoon. They (wait ) ____________ /__ / for 40 mins in a
queue, and when they ( enter ) ____________ /__ /, a real beefeater greeted them. Jalal and his sister, Sara, ( pose ) ____________ /__ /
for a photo with him.
On the second day, they ( watch ) ____________ /__ / the changing of the gurads at Buckingham Palace, and they ( pray )
____________ /__ / in Westminster Abbey. They ( cross ) ____________ /__ / Westminster Bridge and ( look ) ____________ /__ / at the
famous Big Ben. At lunch, they ( try ) ____________ /__ / tuna fish. Jack (like ) ____________ /__ / the meal a lot . In the afternoon, the
family (walk) ____________ /__ / down Oxford Street and Regent Street. They ( stop ) ___________ /__ / in Trafgar Space. They ( rest )
____________ /__ / for a while in St. James Park and ( listen ) ____________ /__ / to the music played in an open-air concert.
On the third day, they ( travel ) ___________ /__ / to Maddame Tussaud’s Museum by underground, but first they ( study )
___________ /__ / the map of the time table. They ( queue ) __________ /__ / up for an hour. Once inside the Museum, they ( look )
__________ /__ / around absolutely amased. All there favorite starts were there. Jack’s father ( photograph ) ___________ /__ / his
family with the Royal family.

C. Complete the following tables as indicated.

Affirmative Interrogative Negative
Jalal and his family traveled to England. Did Jalal and his family tavel to England ? Jalal and his family didn’t travel to England.
……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… They didn’t love the ride in the afternoon.
……………………………………………… Did they tour the city on a bus ? ………………………………………………
He tried tuna fish. ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………
……………………………………………… Did Jalal like the meal a lot ? ………………………………………………

Question Answer
When did Jalal and his family travel to England ? Jalal and his family traveled to England last summer holidays.
Where ………………………………………………..……………… ? The family rested in St. Jame’s Park.
What ……………………………………..….…….……….………… ? Jalal tried tuna fish.
How ………………………………………………………..……..…… ? The family toured the city on a double-decked bus.
When ………………………………………………..………..……… ? They walked down Oxford Street in the afternoon.
How long ………………………………………………...…………… ? They waited for 40 mins in a queue.

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