OPTIMOOR Diary of Principal Developments

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OPTIMOOR Diary of Principal Developments

20 Nov 10 Disable passing ship option with Guest ship (Dynamic with S2S)
19 Nov 10 Fixed occasional failure after sweep to report line tensions with previous winch slippage (display OK)
7 Nov 10 Fix error in report of catenary top angle, although display OK (Plus)

26 Oct 10 Fixed various glitches associated with sweep where brake slippage occurs
25 Oct 10 Made it clearer how to add S2S fenders (S2S)
24 Oct 10 Restored bight connection (lost in version 6.0.4) and fixed errors arising from not recognising bight

30 Sep 10 Fixed bug calculating relative wave motions between Host & Guest (Seakeeping with S2S)
21 Sep 10 Data lock for Guest vessel now working properly (S2S)

19 Sep 10 Calculator now always displayed on top
18 Sep 10 Tension-Strain curve now correctly displays effect of changing rope diameter (bug introduced 5.6.10 on 4 May 10)
16 Sep 10 S2S fenders can now be moved graphically on Arrangement window (S2S)
15 Sep 10 Simulation plot of fender compression now reported additionally alongside thrust in csv file (Dynamic)
14 Sep 10 Fixed bug showing maximum excursions in one direction only (since introduction version 6)
13 Sep 10 Update to default strength of parallel strand polyester rope

12 Sep 10 Fixed convergence bug when lines run Guest to shore and Guest/Host in opposite directions (S2S)
10 Sep 10 Fixed bug calculating wave motions when initialising (Seakeeping with S2S)
9 Sep 10 Fixed error in reporting roll angle (Seakeeping with S2S)
6 Sep 10 Fixed bug causing error in load draft for Host ship when Guest present (Seakeeping with S2S)
3 Sep 10 Time sweep now working properly

16 Aug 10 Fixed problem with catenary not using dynamic stiffness (Plus version)
13 Aug 10 Fixed errors in display of S2S lines (Ship2Ship Module)
11 Aug 10 “Missing Kechk32.dll” error now trapped, allowing Optidata to run without crashing
20 Jul 10 Fixed problem with redundant Seakeeping motion calcs during Sweep (Seakeeping Module)

12 July 10 Two major unrelated changes are introduced in Version 6, affecting (1) users of the Seakeeping Module, and
separately (2) users who need to model two ships moored side-by-side.

(1) Research by TTI and others shows that the cyclic loading of ropes (such as that produced by wave loading) effectively causes
a temporary increase of rope stiffness compared with the rope property for more gradual load increase. Line tension variations
attributable to given wave motions are typically doubled in version 6 where this effect is allowed for, as compared with the
tension variations obtained in version 5 and earlier, where no allowance for the additional stiffness under cyclic loading was
made. This is true for both dynamic and static mooring analyses where wave motions are present. The mean tensions due to
wind, current, or other non-cyclic forces are unaffected, and if you do not have any wave motion, version 6 should give the same
results as version 5.

(2) A new optional Ship2Ship module has been added which allows a “Guest” vessel to be moored alongside the primary or
“Host” vessel, with mooring lines running from Host to Guest, or from Guest to Host, or from either vessel to shore/sea-bed.
This Ship2Ship Module costs an additional $1500 USD (plus the cost of updating if you have no maintenance), but existing
holders of version 5 are offered a $500 discount. If you do not use the Ship2Ship Module, version 6 has required some coding
changes for compatibility, but should give the same results as version 5, except with regard to the cyclic stiffness effect associated
with wave loading (1) described above. In that case, you may prefer to continue using the latest version 5.6.15 for the present, as
this seems to be fairly stable.

16 Jul 10 Pre-tension made more repeatable by automatically re-setting initial Pull-in to zero before estimating.

10 Jul 10 Bug fixed in display of Capability Rose after excessive brake slippage

22 Jun 10 Option to print catenary curve .csv file (Plus version)
21 Jun 10 Fixed bug in display of catenary when tension exceeds 10 x total wt (Plus version)

25 May 10 Corrected error in catenary calculation introduced 4 May 10 (Plus version)

7 May 10 Trap errors if catenary too short (Plus version)

4 May 10 Fixed bug causing occasional error in calculating % of line strength

5 Apr 10 Fixed bug not properly recording change of vessel type for wind drag
23 Mar 10 If tail is too long (not clear of fairlead) it is now automatically shortened, if user allows calculation to continue

15 Feb 10 Minor improvements made to convergence in static mode
14 Feb 10 Correction to catenary if completely slack (Plus version)
14 Feb 10 Bug corrected in hydrodynamic drag in zero current (Dynamic version)
13 Feb 10 Brakes for chain assumed to fade after slipping LBP/3 (kept at B/3 for other lines) (Dynamic version)

12 Feb 10 Starting simulation now forces initialisation of line pre-tensions, to avoid unintended line pull-in (Dynamic version)
11 Feb 10 Fixed bug in display of seabed slope with shape of catenary for buoy chain at pierside mooring only (Plus version)
2 Feb 10 Further minor improvements made to convergence in static mode

24 Jan 10 Some improvements made to convergence in static mode

20 Jan 10 Fixed bug in repeat cycling option in dynamic setup (Dynamic version)
20 Jan 10 Fixed bug in time varying current if wind also varies with time (Dynamic version)

30 Oct 09 Catenaries now allowed in wire lines at fixed pier berths (Plus version)
29 Oct 09 If case file not found, option to browse now offered
17 Oct 09 Ctrl-U shortcut for changing units now removed (to reduce keyboard error when initialising with Ctrl-I)
10 Oct 09 Fixed bug suppressing fatigue-life calculation, introduced 30 Jun 09 (Seakeeping)
5 Oct 09 Added bollard/anchor forces to simulation plot and corrected in the simulation output results (Dynamic version)
2 Oct 09 Added length of catenary line lying on seabed to the simulation output results (Dynamic version)
30 Sep 09 Trap out potential error if line strength not specified. Removed display glitch introduced 25 Aug 09

31 Aug 09 Dolphin/bollard allowable load now reported
25 Aug 09 Draft, trim, waterlevel and GM at intermediate time now determined from initial/final values, and not set directly
14 Aug 09 Correct speed through water after change of current or direction (Dynamic version)
6 Aug 09 Fixed bug defining wind/current/wave direction to X-axis in load-out berth (Plus version)
3 Aug 09 Fixed bug using constant tension winch (introduced 4 May 09)
2 Aug 09 Fixed bug not zeroing wave drift force for zero wave height
27 Jul 09 Pre-tension can now be set to nearest 0.1 tonne (or kip) if less than 2 tonnes (or kips)
10 Jul 09 Fender stiffness treated as constant, to make frequency domain motion results more stable (Seakeeping)
8 Jul 09 Fixed error in display of max/min vertical motions at target during wind/wave sweep (Seakeeping)
5 Jul 09 Fixed glitch sometimes not capturing changes on environment fields when initialising mooring window

2 Jul 09 Option to lock berth and vessel data with password
1 Jul 09 Drift force now varies in dynamic simulation (Dynamic version with Seakeeping)

29 Jun 09 Minor improvement in numerical stability and convergence with very stiff fenders
28 Jun 09 Fixed lock on shielding box on berth window

25 Jun 09 Fixed error in display of max/min excursions during sweep at loadout berth (Plus version)
24 Jun 09 Bugs fixed in capture of position and display of required forces in Position mode (Plus version)
22 Jun 09 Flag warning if Seakeeping disabled

16 Jun 09 Fixed error modelling line hysteresis when ship moored starboard to berth (Dynamic version)

12 Jun 09 Fixed bug disabling end fenders for loadout berth (Plus version)
11 Jun 09 Setting time (as opposed to incrementing it) now automatically interpolates trim and WL
10 Jun 09 Display of catenary shapes for lines no longer requires initialisation before becoming visible (Plus version)

6 Jun 09 Fixed bug suppressing display of maximum bollard force in berth window (Standard version only)

5 Jun 09 Fixed error in display of max/min excursions if large yaw angles occur during sweep
4 Jun 09 Fixed bug introduced version 5.5.3 causing errors in wave drift force

3 Jun 09 Fixed spurious transients in continuous dynamic simulation when moving focus between windows (Dynamic version)
2 Jun 09 Bug fixed which blanked out fender force display if coming out of range during a sweep
1 Jun 09 Password in PIN file on USB key automatically copied to clipboard when updating from website

31 May 09 RTF report file now directly printable. Print menus on all other windows removed as redundant
29 May 09 Improvement reporting user specified wave-induced circular motion in RTF file

24 May 09 Correction of bugs in rope hysteresis model introduced 14 Apr 09 & 4 May 09 (Dynamic version)

21 May 09 Water level cannot be set directly, only in terms of initial and final values
19 May 09 Standard version now can access Rope.dat file (bug from 28 Jun 07)
14 May 09 Old bug fixed in calculating minimum bottom clearance
13 May 09 Fatigue menus now hidden if no Seakeeping

6 May 09 Correction to load-extension curve for Dynamax 12-strand
5 May 09 Fixed bug in partial fender contact area not allowing for excursion when initialising
21 Apr 09 Corrected bug introduced 14 Feb 09 editing end fenders for loadout berth (Plus version)
15 Apr 09 Fixed bug introduced 18 Feb 09 displaying azimuth angle of spread mooring lines on berth window (Plus version)
14 Apr 09 New internal friction model for rope and fender hysteresis (Dynamic version)
22 Mar 09 Fixed bug reading date on non-English PC’s
23 Feb 09 Make site plan more isotropic
22 Feb 09 Other Force now applied at specific point, rather than as moment
18 Feb 09 Fixed bug pre-tensioning loadout barges (Plus version)

19 Jan 09 Fixed bug on wind rose reporting –ve water levels as +ve above datum
5 Jan 09 Code implemented for new system of security key on flash memory drive
30 Dec 08 Bug fixed in displaying recess for loadout option after saving (Plus version)

14 Dec 08 Optidata now allows entry of sea-state statistics for fatigue analysis (Seakeeping)
13 Dec 08 Minor glitch fixed in display of wave motion table on mooring results window (Seakeeping)
5 Dec 08 Flatside limits always reported from midship
4 Dec 08 Seiche wave height now treated as actual value, not significant (see 18 Jan 08)
26 Nov 08 Vertical force on bollard added to CSV output of dynamic simulation (Dynamic version)
22 Nov 08 Fender pressure now shown for end fenders in loadout option (Plus version)
21 Nov 08 Wind & wave direction to berth not always reported correctly in loadout option (Plus version)
18 Nov 08 Removed restriction on fender height below datum
5 Nov 08 Norwegian Petroleum Directorate wind spectrum added (Dynamic version)

28 Oct 08 Fender friction adjusted to allow for wave surging calculated in the frequency domain (Dynamic version)
27 Oct 08 Improved pre-tension calculation for high pre-tensions combined with non-linear fenders
26 Oct 08 Line hysteresis modelled by using 101% of increasing tensions and 99% of decreasing tensions.
Fender hysteresis similarly but 102% and 98% respectively (superseded 14 Apr 09 Dynamic version)
25 Oct 08 Improved accuracy and minor adjustments to CSV printout of statistical results of simulation (Dynamic version)
23 Oct 08 Fixed glitches in data lock for vessel window

14 Oct 08 Bug fixed in displaying end fenders for loadout berth (Plus version)
11 Oct 08 Glitch removed where loading new case without background image failed to remove image from previous case
10 Oct 08 Fixed bug not saving dynamic setup data properly (Dynamic version)
9 Oct 08 Fixed bug not displaying grounded length on sloping sea-bed (Plus version)
6 Oct 08 If case saved without broken lines being restored, they are now automatically re-connected when case reloaded
5 Oct 08 Dynamic initialisation ignores initial gusting for equilibrium (Dynamic version)
26 Sep 08 Fixed bug which involuntarily displayed the flatside window on opening a new file
20 Sep 08 Broken lines automatically removed in rose calcs. Lines also removed if slippage > 0.33 Breadth
16 Sep 08 Modify spreadsheet output to show mean, sig and peak values (Seakeeping)
14 Sep 08 Improved estimate of Iyy variation with Cwp (Seakeeping)
8 Sep 08 Option to toggle display of significant & maximum wave motions (Seakeeping)
31 Aug 08 Changed narrowband spectrum from single frequency to Longuet-Higgins swell spectrum (Seakeeping)

27 Aug 08 Fixed bug introduced 8 Jun 08 preventing Wave Capability Rose (Seakeeping)
16 Aug 08 Refined integration algorithm to limit numerical instability in dynamic simulation (Dynamic only)
15 Aug 08 Glitch removed on Capability Rose, suggesting some non-applicable limits may be exceeded

13 Aug 08 Horizontal scale of wave limit curve automatically adjusted for ship size (Seakeeping)
12 Aug 08 Default windage option indicated when relevant
11 Aug 08 Speed up interpolation of long tables in dynamic simulation (Dynamic version)
24 Jul 08 Fixed glitches deleting, pasting and updating blocks of data in setup of force history (Dynamic version)
18 Jul 08 Fixed bug not always recalculating motions for waves less than 1 (Seakeeping)

10 Jul 08 Fixed bug in flatside definition using USA units
14 Jun 08 Fixed glitch sometimes causing failure to flag with $ sign the loss of fender contact in waves (Seakeeping)
11 Jun 08 Upper limit on case file size removed to allow large simulation data (Dynamic version)
9 Jun 08 Fixed bug calculating hawser angle to CALM buoy (Dynamic version)
8 Jun 08 Fixed bug (from 5.1.7) failing to correct wave forces for changing ship heading in dynamic simulation
7 Jun 08 Trap division by zero when calculating natural period
6 Jun 08 Increase maximum no of columns to 50000 defining loading for dynamic load simulation
Pasting data automatically transposes rows to cols (Dynamic version)

14 May 08 Cosmetic changes to display of catenary for CALM (Dynamic version)
13 May 08 Fixed bug (from 5.1.10) displaying incorrect excursion aft (fwd OK) after a wind sweep if waves are present
12 May 08 Fixed bug (from 5.1.10) setting up excursion properties of CALM (Dynamic version)

9 Mar 08 Rayleigh reverted to basic classical formula. (Previous versions used BS variant giving about 9% higher maxima).
8 Mar 08 Empirical roll period formula tweaked to agree better with RAO curve (Seakeeping)
7 Mar 08 Fixed bug in Seakeeping when HCF file alongside solid quay and ship is stbd to berth (port side OK)
6 Mar 08 Warning on loading later file prompts supplier to save in an earlier version format

28 Feb 08 Fixed bug disconnecting lines after reading case file with bights in lines
26 Feb 08 Option to set fender contact pressure limit on hull side
20 Feb 08 Hull pressure now corrected (increased) for partial fender contact at boundary of flat side
18 Feb 08 Vessel report now shows fender positions relative to flatside graphically

13 Feb 08 Increased displayed depth of fenders for clarity
11 Feb 08 Current drag data now all held in memory, reading data file just once
10 Feb 08 Target motions automatically displayed/hidden if waves present/absent (Seakeeping)
8 Feb 08 Improved catenary shape display (Plus version)
7 Feb 08 Warning if rope type not recognised. Warning if line inclination (without catenary) exceeds 35°
6 Feb 08 Fixed bug introduced 4.9.4 (9 Mar 06) on requesting continuous reporting of each step (Dynamic version)

2 Feb 08 Problem with mouse wheel under Vista fixed
1 Feb 08 Warning displayed if fender compression not always increasing.
18 Jan 08 Seiche force treated as peak static force using Morison equation in long period wave (see 4 Dec 08).

25 Jan 08 Fixed zero motion along line with user-specified wave motion (bug introduced 9 Nov 07 5.2.2)
24 Jan 08 Fixed bug initialising mooring (introduced 19 Jan 08) and minor changes to convergence

19 Jan 08 Fixed bug in changing wave shielding unintentionally when activating Berth window

10 Jan 08 Flatside contour now defined by actual distances (previously ratios of LBP and Depth)
3 Jan 08 Fixed bug in catenary with lump weights/buoys (Plus version)

5 Dec 07 Fixed display of bollard ID on rose

9 Nov 07 Option to designate vessel fairlead as collar sliding vertically on elastic pile
5 Nov 07 Increased number of periods used to draw wave limit curve (Seakeeping)
13 Oct 07 Display roll damping coeff when reporting vessel data (Seakeeping)


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