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I. Let us practice past perfect.

1.- When I (arrive) ………………… home, my family …………………… dinner. (have)

2.- I ………………….. (do) my homework before I (go) ………………………… to bed.

3.- The children ………….. (eat) dinner by the time his father (come) …………… home.

4.- Helen (call) ……………… me last night after I …..............……….(wash) the dishes.

5.- Frank ( fall) ………………… down after he ……………………. (throw) the football.

6.- Miriam( feed) …………… her cat before she …………………….. (have) breakfast.

7.- Tom (be) ………………… late for work last Monday because he …............…………. (have) an accident.

8.- The film ……………. (begin) by the time I (sit) ……………………………… down.

9.- My classmates ………………..(not start) the test when I (arrive) …….......… at school.

10.-We ( play) ……………………… cards for several hours after the children ……………… ……… (go) to bed.

II. Let us practice future perfect.

1.I ……………………………… by the time you call. ( to arrive )

2.By his next birthday, he ……………………………… a car. ( to buy )

3.They ……………………………… the homework ( to finish )

4.She ……………………………… her house. ( to clean )

5.My father ……………………………… a house. ( to paint )

6. He ……………………………… math. ( to study )

7.Anne……………………………… her bike next week. (to repair)

8.We ……………………………… the washing by 8 o'clock. (to do)

9.She ……………………………… Paris by the end of next year. (to visit)

10. Sam ……………………………… by next week. (to leave)

11. She ……………………………… this with her mother tonight. (to discuss)

12. The police ……………………………… the driver. (to arrest)

13. They ……………………………… their essay by tomorrow. (to write)

III. Fill in with : because ; so ; so that

1-The street was crowded ……………………… of the accident.

2-Anna went to bed ……………… she can take a nap.

3-I listen to the news in the morning ……………… I know what's happening in the world.

4-Ben swims everyday …………………… he can win the competition.

5-We've bought some candles …………………… there is a power cut this weekend.

6-She has four children ……………… she's always busy.

7-I can't come tomorrow, …………… I came today.

8-We couldn't swim ……………………… the water was cold.

9-I studied hard, ……………… I passed the exam.

10-She walks very fast …………………… she could lose some weight.

11-He's too busy …………………… he closed his mobile.

12-She didn't go to the cinema ……………………… she's tired.

IV. Write the verbs in brackets into the GERUND, INFINITIVE WITH or WITHOUT TO.

1.You had better ……………………… (SEE) a doctor.

2.He kept ……………………… (SAY) he was innocent.

3.They might ……………………… (WANT) another drink.

4.They used ……………………… (LIVE) there many years ago.

5.I think she would rather ……………………… (STAY) with us.

6.My mother started ……………………… (COLLECT) stamps many years ago.

7.It´s no good ………………………( USE) that small dictionary.

8.I can´t help ……………………… (LAUGH) when I remember that story.

9.They enjoy ……………………… (SPEND) their holidays in Spain.

10.Would you mind ……………………… (BE) quiet?

V. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1.I wish I(take)……………………………… more care of my teeth when I was younger.

2.What I said was stupid. I wish I( not / say)……………………………… anything.

3.The nurse wishes the blood results(arrive)………………………… she needs them now.

4. I couldn’t do all the activities in the exam. I wish I( be) ……………………………… able to do them all.

5. It was a terrible film. I wish we (not/go) ……………………………… to see it.

6. I speak terrible English. I wish I( speak) ……………………………… English well.

VI. Start with: if only

1. I left home in a hurry yesterday morning. If only …………............................................

2. I told mum a lie yesterday. If only …………..........................................................………

3. I was angry with everybody two days ago. If only ………….............................................

4. I spoke rudely to Maria a few hours ago. If only …………................................................

5. I wasted my time on trifles this morning. If only ……...……...........................................

6. I missed the last bus yesterday night. If only ………….....................................................

7. It’s a pity they don’t buy the car. If only ………….........................................................

8. I regret Maria doesn’t wear coloured clothes. If only ................................................……

9. It’s a pity they don’t come with us. If only ………….........................................................

10. It’s a pity she doesn’t visit me more often. If only …………...........................................

11. I regret they don’t like our new house. If only ………….................................................

12. I regret you don’t save a little money. If only …………................................................

VII. Give the correct form of the words ( ….. )

1. During the last years, there was a great (improve) ..………… in science and medicine.

2. When Mark entered the house, his mother looked at him in (astonish) …………………

3. The teacher fell on the floor and the kids roared with (laugh) …………………………..

4. There was a feeling of (sad) …………………… her eyes.

5. Tim has always shown a lot of (interest) ………………..….. on stamps.

6. Do you have (permit) …………………………… go out?

7. I need an (enlarge) ……………………..of this photograph.

8. Due to the fog, all flights had a delayed (arrive) …………….

9. Attention, please! I have an important (announce) ………… to make.

10. The central bank has promised a (reduce) ………….…….. in interest rates.

VIII. Rewrite the sentences as indicted.

1-She was in a hurry so she dropped her books.


2-My cousin didn’t study his lessons carefully, so he failed.


3-My father ate too much at lunch, so he had a serious stomachache.


4-I couldn’t repair my bicycle because I didn’t have any tools.


5-We couldn’t eat any steaks because they weren’t soft enough.


6-Our next door neighbor complained about the children because they made a lot of noise


7-Our friends didn’t listen to the teacher, so they couldn’t learn the lesson.


8-Sue lost her umbrella at school ,so she got wet.


9-John slipped on a banana skin. He broke his leg.


10-Mr.Brown drove his car very fast. He had an serious accident.


IX. Choose the correct option.

1. Paul……………… be at home; he always works until 9 p.m.

a) can’t b) mustn’t c) can

2. My sister …………… come back from London tonight, but I’m not sure.

a) may b) ought to c) must

3. Carl …………… speak a word of English before travelling to Britain.

a) can’t b) wasn’t able to c) wasn’t allowed to

4. Mary ………… have forgotten our appointment. Why isn’t she here?

a) can b) must c) may

5. …………… I use your phone, please? a) Must b) Should c) May

6. You ………… have told us about Sue’s divorce. We made such insensitive comments on her husband! a)
shouldn’t b) should c) mustn’t

7. My son has always been a clever boy; he ……… read when he was three.

a) could b) might c) may

8. I’m afraid I ……………… go out tonight, I ……… work late.

a) can’t/ can b) can’t/ have to c) can’t/ should

9. The new student ……… be German, he doesn’t speak German fluently.

a) shouldn’t b) mustn’t c) can’t

10. Someone’s knocking at the door. It …………… be James; he said he’ come round today. a) ought to b)
must c) can’t

11. You ……… buy a dictionary; there are a lot in class. a) may not b) mustn’t c) needn’t

12. People ………… fasten seat belts when travelling by car. a) must b) can c) should

13. Dad is taking a nap; you ………… make so much noise, children.

a) mustn’t b) might not c) needn’t

14. We’ve run out of coffee. We ………… get some tomorrow. a) may b) must c) might

15. You ………… better go home now, it’s getting dark. a) would b) should c) had

16. You ……………… have eaten the chocolate cake, children! It was for dad’s party.

a) can’t b) might not c) mustn’t

X. Report these statements.

1."It's raining," she said.

2. He said to her, "I love you."

3. "I saw María in the supermarket yesterday," said Carlos.

4."We've lived here for three years," he said.

5."I'll bring a pasta salad," said Francesca.

6."Mark's going to install solar panels," said Miranda.

7."They found gold here," said the geology teacher.

8."Jenny can't speak French," said Pierre.

9."I first met my wife in Seville," he told us.

10."I want your homework handed in by tomorrow," he said.

11."My mother made these cakes," said Juan.

12."I'm feeling tired now," said David.

XI. The same instructions.

1."Can they play the piano?" she asked.

2. "Has Sarah ever been to Siena?" he asked.

3. "Are they French or Canadian?," asked Charlie.

4. "Where do bears live?" asked George.

5. "Who wants some more yoghurt ice cream?" asked Mum.

6. "Are we going out tonight?" asked Bob.

7. "Can I use your mobile, John?" asked Sarah.

8. "Have you ever been to Lisbon?" Luis asked Paul.

9. "What has Daddy made for dinner?" asked Simon.

10. "Is the Pope a Catholic," asked JK.

11."Who won the match?" asked Monica.

12. "Have you fed the cat yet, Philip?" asked Letizia.

13. "How much does it cost?" asked Carlos.

XII. Choose the correct linking word.

1.I enjoy going to the beach. Moreover / However, I never go between 12.00 and 16.00 2.The kids didn’t
study, because / so they failed the course.

3.In spite of / although we live in the same building, we hardly see each other.

4.Due to / because his interest in comets, Richard has decided to study astronomy. 5.When she was 5, her
parents moved to Glasgow because of / as her father’s job.

6.Julia has been complaining of backaches since / when she fell down on her way home. 7.She usually looks
after her grandchildren while / as soon as her daughter goes shopping. 8.Before / as the staff listened to the
manager’s speech, they began to realise what the company was planning.

9.It’s getting late. You must go now. Otherwise / As a result your parents will be angry.

10.The weather was terrible. Besides / Therefore, we decided to stay at home.

XIII. Rewrite the sentences as indicated.

1.A hail storm destroyed many homes last week.

Many homes ..........................................................................................................................

2.Notebooks are going to be bought for the school.


3.Farmers had often used pesticides when planting corn.


4.Cricket is not played in America.

5.Sherry can listen to music in every room of her home.


6.Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in Venice.

The Mona Lisa….....................................................................................................................

7.My students have given me a cherry tree for my garden.

A cherry tree …......................................................................................................................

XIV. Combine the two sentences using the words between brackets.

1.He ran to the station. He wanted to catch the train. (to)


2.I told him about it. I wanted to help you. ( in order to)


3.I opened the door quickly. I did not want to disturb him. ( so as not to)


4.He works hard. He wants to pass his exams. (in order that)


5.He left the letter on the table. He wanted me to see it. (in order that)


6.The dog was barking. He wanted someone to let him out. (so that)


7.He sent an email. He wanted his mother to learn the good news. ( in order that)


8.He left early. He did not want to see me. (so as not to)


9.The secretary asked me into the office. The manager wanted to speak to me. (so that)


10.I ran to the station. I did not want to be late. (so as not to)


11. He worked hard. He wanted to learn English. (in order to)


12.He has not sent me his address. He does not want to write to him. (so that)


XV. Choose the correct answer.

1.As far I'm concerned, Love is all that we need to live in peace.

a. Request b. Opinion c. Advice d. Permission

2.I'm afraid I entirely disagree with you. a. agreement b. disagreement c. preference d. offer

3.I can't agree more. a. agreement b. disagreement c. preference d. offer

4.I'd rather have a cup of coffee. a. agreement b. disagreement c. preference d. offer

5.Would you like me to carry those cases for you?

a. agreement b. disagreement c. preference d. offer

6.Can I help you? a. agreement b. disagreement c. preference d. offer

7.I'd rather go to bed than see that boring film . a. agreement b. disagreement c. preference d. offer

8.My view about this is positive. a. agreement b. disagreement c. preference d. offer

9.What shall I do for you? a. agreement b. disagreement c. preference d. offer

10.I suppose this idea cannot be implemented. a. agreement b. disagreement c. preference d. offer

11.Where would you like me to put this TV set? a. agreement b. disagreement c. preference d. offer

12.Why don't you stop smoking? a. Advice b. Suggestion

13.Why don't we have a walk on the beach? a. Advice b. Suggestion

14.Johnny, Can I borrow your bike for a while, please? a. Request b. Permission

15.Waiter! Can I have a glass of water, please? a. Request b. Permission

16.You must abide by the law. a. Prohibition b. Obligation

17.You mustn't drive fast in town. a. Prohibition b. Obligation

18.I'm likely to repair the car myself. a. Probability b. Possibility

19.I suppose the mechanic might repair it instead. a. Probability b. Possibility

20.I'm sure nobody repairs the car. a. Certainty b. Impossibility

21.I'm sure somebody does. a. Certainty b. Impossibility

XVI. Let's discuss.

1.Can you think of ways to help people who need help?

2.Have you ever done any volunteer work?


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