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The following questionnaire aims to investigate Moroccan teachers’ views in regards

to the integration of creative thinking in Ticket to English 2, in addition to their perceptions
and attitudes towards teaching creative thinking. Could you please help by answering all the
questions if you are teaching or have taught English to 2 nd year Baccalaureate for at least five
years using Ticket to English 2? Feel free to make comments regarding any aspect of the
questionnaire. Your responses to this questionnaire will be kept anonymous and will be used
for educational research only.

 Section 1: Perceptions about creative thinking

1. What is creative thinking in your opinion?

You can tick more than one option

Using imagination
Solving problems
Using intuition
Going against conventions
(Sudden) Inspiration

Others (please specify):


2. Creative thinking is the skill of producing original and new ideas.

I strongly agree I agree Uncertain I strongly disagree I disagree

3. Are there other skills of creative thinking?

4. Yes No

(If yes) Could you state these skills?


 Section 2: Attitudes towards teaching creative thinking

4. How important is creative thinking for students?

Extremely important
Moderately important
Very important
Not Very important
Not at all important

Please state the reasons for your response


5. To what extent do you support the teaching of creative thinking?

I strongly support it
I support it
I do not support it
I strongly do not support it


6. Do you think that all students can be taught to be creative thinkers?

Yes No

(If yes) Could you please explain how?


7. Do you think that creative thinking is promoted only by subjects like Art?

8. Yes No

(If No) Which other school subjects do you think promote creative thinking among the students, and

 Section 3: Teaching creative thinking

8. Do you teach creative thinking skills?

Yes No

9. If you responded yes, how do you think you can develop the creative
thinking skills of your students?
You can tick more than one option

I stimulate their imagination

I allow mistakes and encourage them to try again
I use sense of humour
I decorate the classroom
I integrate competition among children

Others (please specify):

10. How often do you teach creative thinking skills?

Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

11. How do you teach creative thinking skills to your students?

Please tick the one you use most.

I use the activities provided in the textbook

I use ready-made activities outside the textbook
I design my own activities


12. Do you face obstacles in your attempt to teach creative thinking?

Yes No
13. If you responded yes, what are the obstacles you face in developing
students’ creative thinking?
You can tick more than one option

Overcrowded classroom
Activities for creative thinking create disturbances for the class and other classes
Lack of a pleasant environment (resources and facilities)
Our school does not encourage creative thinking
Lack of time to prepare activities for creative thinking and teach according to them
Students are not well motivated

Others (please specify):


 Section 4: Creative thinking in Ticket to English 2

14. Ticket to English 2 textbook encourages students to think creatively

I strongly agree I agree Uncertain I strongly disagree I disagree

How did you find out?


15. To what extent do the objectives and the questions in the textbook
enhance the production of ideas that are unique or unusual?

Poorly Fairly Uncertain Well Very well

Could you explain how or give some examples?


16. To what extent do the objectives and the questions encourage students to
see things from different points of view, to use many different approaches
or strategies?

Poorly Fairly Uncertain Well Very well

Could you illustrate?

17. To what extent do the objectives and the questions encourage students to
provide additional details about ideas?

Poorly Fairly Uncertain Well Very well

How did you find out?


18. To what extent do the objectives and the questions in the textbook target
the production of a great number of ideas or alternative solutions to

Poorly Fairly Uncertain Well Very well

Could you elaborate on that?


19. To what extent does each skill in the textbook promote the creative
thinking skills of students?
Please tick as appropriate

Poorly Fairly Uncertain Well Very well


Any other comments are welcome


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