Quiz-Therodynamics & Thermochemistry-Snd - SND

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NAME: ………………................ M.MARKS: M.Time: minutes SUB: CHEMISTRY

1. Following reaction occurs at 25oC,


2NO(g)(1 10 5 atm)  Cl2 (g)(1 10 2 atm)  2 o
 2NOCl(1 10 atm); the value of G is
(A) –45.65 kJ (B) –28.53 kJ
(C) –22.82 kJ (D) –57.06 kJ
2. H2 (g)  O2 (g)  H2O( )
B.E. (H–H) = x1, B.E. (O=O) = x2, B.E. (O–H) = x3
Latent heat of vapourization of liquid water into water vapour = x4, then Hf is
x2 x2
(A) x1   x3  x 4 (B) 2x 3  x1   x4
2 2
x x2
(C) x1  2  2x 3  x 4 (D) x1   2x 3  x 4
2 2

3. The approximate heat necessary to raise the temperature of 18.4 gm of ethyl alcohol from 45oC to
55oC at 1 atm pressure (Cp = 26.8 cal/mole) is
(A) 53.6 cal (B) 107.2 cal
(C) 214.4 cal (D) 536 cal

4. Find H at 358 K for the reaction, Fe2 O3 (s)  3H2 (g)  2Fe(s)  3H2 O( )
Given that, H298  33.29 kJ / mole and Cp for Fe2O3(s), Fe(s), H2O( ) and H2 (g) are 103.8, 25.1, 75.3
and 28.8 J/K mole.
(A) 85.9 kJ/mole (B) –28.136 kJ/mole
(C) +28.136 kJ/mole (D) 85.9 J/mole

5. If ice is melted at 240 K, the value of H, S and G must be respectively

(A) –ve, +ve, +ve (B) +ve, +ve, +ve
(C) +ve, –ve, +ve (D) +ve, –ve, –ve

6. The heat of combustion of CH4(g), Cgraphite, H2(g) are –20 kcal/mol, –40 kcal/mol,
–10 kcal/mol respectively. The heat of formation of methane is
(A) 80.0 kcal (B) +8 kcal
(C) –40.0 kcal (D) +40 kcal

7. The heat of combustion of yellow phosphorus and red phosphorus are –9.91 kJ/mol and
–8.78 kJ/mol respectively. The heat of transition from yellow phosphorus to red phosphorus is
(A) –1.13 kJ (B) –18.69 kJ
(C) +18.69 kJ (D) +1.13 kJ

8. If the entropy of vaporisation of liquid is 110 JK-1mol-1 and its enthalpy of vaporisation is 50,000 J
mol-1, the boiling point of the liquid is
(A) 354. 5 K (B) 454.1 K
(C) 554.5 K (D) 445.5 K

9. The heat of neutralisation of four acids A, B, C and D when neutralised against common base are -
13.7, -9.4, -11.2 and -12.4 kcal respectively. The weakest acid among the above is
(A) A (B) B
(C) C (D) D

10. The enthalpy of combustion of H2(g) to give H2O(g) is -249 KJ/mol and bond enthalpies of H – H
and O = O are 433 KJ / mol and 492 KJ / mol respectively. The bond enthalpy of O – H is
(A) 464 KJ/ mol (B) - 464 KJ / mol
(C) + 232 KJ / mol (D) - 232 KJ / mol
11. 1 mole of NH3 gas at 270 C is expanded under adiabatic condition to make volume 8 times
(  = 1.33). Find temperature is
(A) 150 K (B) 180 K
(C) 250 K (D) 200 K

12. The value of H0 for the reaction Cu+(g) + I-(g)  CuI(g) is -4,46 KJ mol-1. The ionisation
energy of Cu is 745 KJ mol-1 and electron affinity of I is -295 KJ mol-1. Then the value of H0 for
the formation of one mole of CuI(g) from Cu(g) and I(g) is
(A) -446 KJ (B) 450 KJ
(C) 594 KJ (D) 4 KJ

13. Heat of combustion of CH4, C2H4, C2H6 are –890, –1411 and –1560 kJ/ mole respectively. Which
has the lowest calorific value in kJ/g?
(A) CH4 (B) C2H4
(C) C2H6 (D) All are same

14. What should be the Hof of OH– ion, if the standard enthalpy of formation of liquid water is
–68.31 kcal and Hof (H )  0? [Given the standard enthalpy of neutralization of strong base is –13.7
kcal equivalent–1.]
(A) –16.54 kcal (B) –54.61 kcal
(C) 65.41 kcal (D) 61.54 kcal

15. The difference between H and E for the combustion of methane at 27C will be (in joule/ mol)
(A) 8.314  27  (–3) (B) 8.314  300  (–3)
(C) 8.314  300 x (–2) (D) 8.314  300  (1)

16. One mole of an ideal gas is allowed to expand reversibly and adiabatically from a temperature of
27C. If the work done during the process is 3 kJ, the final temperature will be equal to
(C = 20 JK–1)
(A) 150 K (B) 100 K
(C) 26.85 K (D) 295 J

17. When Zn dust is added to sufficiently large volume of aqueous solution of copper sulphate. 3.175 g
of copper metal and 20 J of heat is evolved. The H for the reaction
Zn(s) + CuSO4 (aq)  ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s) is (at. Wt. of Zn = 65.3, at wt of Cu = 63.5)
(A) 20 J (B) 200 J
(C) 400 J (D) 65.3 J

18. Calculate the work done when 1 mol of an ideal gas is expanded reversibly from 20.0 dm3 to
40.0 dm3 at a constant temperature of 300 K.
(A) 7.78 kJ (B) –1.73 kJ
(C) 11.73 kJ (D) –4.78 kJ

19. If S + O2  SO2; H = –298.2 kJ SO2 + O2  SO3; H = –98.7 kJ
SO3 + H2O  H2SO4; H = –130.2kJ H2 +O2  H2O; H = –227.3 kJ
The enthalpy of formation of H2SO4 at 298 K will be
(A) –754.4 kJ (B) +320.5 kJ
(C) –650.3 kJ (D) –433.7 kJ

20. For HCl (ag) + NaOH(aq)  NaCl (aq) + H2 O(l), H= -13.6 Kcal
1 1
For the reaction H2 SO 4 (aq)  NaOH  Na 2 SO 4 (aq)  H2 O(L), H is
2 2
(A) -6.8 Kcal (B) -13.6 Kcal
(C) +13.6 Kcal (D) +6.8 Kcal
21. If 1.000 Kcal of heat is added to 1.2 L of oxygen in a cylinder at a constant pressure of 1.00 atm
the volume increases to 1.5L E of the process
(A) 0.993 Kcal (B) 1.233 Kcal
(C) 8.85 Kcal (D) 4.21 Kcal

22. H2(g) + I2(s) 2HI; H298K = 12.40 kcal.

The standard heat of formation of HI (in k cal) is:
(A) 12.40 (B) –12.40
(C) 6.20 (D) –6.20

23. The molar heat capacity of water at constant pressure P, is 75 JK–1 mol–1. When 1.0 kJ of heat is
supplied to 100 g of water which is free to expand, the increase in temperature of water is:
(A) 1.2 K (B) 2.4 K
(C) 4.8 K (D) 6.6 K

24. Identify the intensive prop.

(A) V (B) mass
(C) enthalpy (D) T

25. The entropy change in the fusion of 1 mole of solid melting at 27oC (latent heat of fusion, 2930 J
mol–1) is
(A) 9.77 J k–1 mol–1 (B) 10.73 J k–1 mol–1
(C) 2930 J k–1 mol–1 (D) 108.5 J k–1 mol–1

26. Under the same conditions how many ml of 1M KOH and 0.5 H2SO4 solutions, respectively when
mixed for a total volume of 100 ml produce the highest rise in the temperature
(A) 67 : 33 (B) 33 : 67
(C) 40 : 60 (D) 50 : 50

27. Enthalpy of combustion of diamond is -94.5 Kcal, while that of graphite is -94 Kcal. What is the
enthalpy change for C graphite  C diamond?
(A) 0.5 (B) 0.25
(C) -0.5 (D) -0.25

28. What is value of E (heat change at constant volume) for reversible isothermal evaporation of 90g
water at 100C. Assuming water vapour behaves as an ideal gas & (Hvap)water = 540 cals g–1
(A) 9  103 cals (B) 6  103 cals
(C) 4.49 cals (D) none of these

29. Which reaction proceeds with increase entropy?

(A) CaCO3  CaO + CO2 (B) Fe + S  FeS
(C) NaOH + HCl  NaCl + H2O (D) CH4 + 2O2+  CO2 + H2O

30. What is average S-F bond energy in SF6 [Given Hf of SF6(g)]
S(g) & F(g) are – 1100, 275 & 80 kJ mole–1 respectively
(A) 520 kJ (B) 401 kJ
(C) 309 kJ (D) 254 kJ

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B

5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B

9. A 10. A 11. A 12. D

13. A 14. B 15. C 16. A

17. C 18. B 19. A 20. B

21. A 22. C 23. B 24. D

25. A 26. B 27. A 28. D

29. A 30. C

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