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Ever thought about making a song like Coldplay, Oasis or Tracy Chapman? Look no
further. Songwriting Guitar Vol. 1 is a sample tool made for songwriters, composers and
producers that needs instant- and authentic guitar strums and licks. We analyzed a variety
of top 40 rock- and pop songs and identified the most common major and minor chords
and chord progressions.

Songwriting Guitar contains all the essential chords needed to sketch down or build an
entire song. The library contains three different types of guitars (acoustic, electric clean
and electric distorted) played in the four most common rhythms used for song writing.  All
you have to do is to hold down a single key (ex. C) and the tool will play the songwriting
chord related to the key. The library fully follows the tempo of your host sequencer and
also has a variety of FX (ex. delay, lofi, distortion, flanger, phaser, cabinet) build in that
can be triggered instantly from your keyboard.

The three guitars used in the recordings were: Epiphone Custom, Fender Strat TexMex, ESP
LTD Deluxe, which were processed through a 1962 Drawmer pre-amp.

Please watch our video for a full introduction to the library and its capabilities.

♥ Troels Folmann

1. Installation of core library. The installation of the core library happens automatically using our
download utility. The only thing you have to do type in the download code, which is in the the
receipt of purchase mail you received from us and download Songwriting Guitar. The
download tool automatically downloads and uncompresses the files for you. The only thing
you have to do is to select the directory you want to install Songwriting Guitar in.

2. Installation of the advanced Songwriting Guitar User Interface. Songwriting Guitar requires an
additional installation, since the library is exploring advanced features in Kontakt. Please
follow the guidelines listed below.


Songwriting Guitar has an advanced user interface that must be installed before the library is
loaded into Kontakt for the first time. Because this is a standard open-format Kontakt Instrument,
the UI images and template files must be placed in Kontakt’s default user pictures folder so that
Kontakt can find and load them automatically.

We’ve provided a simple self-installer program to make the process easier. PC users should click
on the file called “Songwriting Guitar PC Installer.exe”. Mac Users should unzip “Songwriting
Guitar MAC” and then run the app called “Songwriting Guitar Mac Installer”. A
small program window will open, asking you to select your preferred language and follow the
instructions. From, there, continue to the screen that asks you to choose your Kontakt 4 User
Picture Folder. For most users, the default path that the app pre-selects for you is the correct
location. You can simply press the Next button and continue until the app has finished. This
library should now be installed and ready to use. Some users with multiple user documents
folders or a customized documents folder location may need to click the browse button and
navigate to the proper user documents folder location or/or may need to install the UI images in
multiple locations to insure that Kontakt can display the UI properly.


If you load the library and see a series of randomly overlapping grey boxes and sliders, that
means the UI images aren’t installed in the right place. This can be corrected by closing Kontakt
and running the UI installer app again, in some cases multiple times, until you’ve installed the UI
images in every instance of the folder path “../Documents/Native Instruments/Kontakt 4/
pictures/” that you can locate on your computer. The image and template files are tiny and
passive, so you don’t need worry about wasting drive space or cluttering your system.
Songwriting Guitar Vol. contains 10 patches respectively programmed for Kontakt 4
and Kontakt 5. The core patch is called: “alternative” and contains 3 different guitars
(acoustic, electric clean and electric distorted). Each of the guitars were sampled in the
four most common songwriting rhythms and covers the most common songwriting keys
(major/sus), which are all controlled on keyswitches. The most important keyswitch
(F6/G6) being alternation between major and minor based chords, which is reflected
on the mood condition of the smiley face. : ) ... : (
The idea is that you control the three guitars and their chord by using keyswitches in
lower end of keyboard. The 4 signature rhythm and multiple FX controlled in the
higher end of your keyboard. You can also control the FX from all the effects pages,
which you can find by clicking on the “effects” menu in bottom left corner of Kontakt.
The other patches in the library contain licks recorded in two different keys and with
electric clean and electric distorted. The licks come as they are and does not contain
different chord keyswitches like the “alternative” patch. The licks are mainly intended
to augment the strums and/or be used as solo patches. The licks also contain both
major and minor based versions, so use the F6/G6 keyswitch on those too.
Note: Kontakt 5 has a professional time-stretching feature, which gives notably better
results then Kontakt 4 when it comes to host-tempo syncronization.
Songwriting Guitar is
incredibly easy to use,
yet incredibly flexible.
You can control a
massive subset of
elements directly from
your keyboard,
including tonal/pitch
control, sample trigger
control and all the
effects that are
associated to the
samples. All available
right on your keyboard.

pitch-bender on your
keyboard controls the
bit-resolution of the
sample. The more you
turn it - the more grainy and bit-crashed your sound will become. This is an effective tool for
sculpting some edge into your sound.

MODWHEEL: The beloved modwheel controls a low-pass filter. The default is set to no filter, however
the second you start adjusting your modwheel you will note the sound becomes softer and more
muffled based on the level of filter. This allows you to sculpt the sample to the given “softness”
level of your composition and makes the sample fit better in the mix. Works super well with the bit-
resolution on the pitchbender btw.

LOW-KEY RANGE: The low keyranges on your keyboard controls type of guitar you are using from
electric clean, electric distorted to acoustic. You will note that all keys (C-B) contains basic chords,
so you can freely combine the different guitars, since they are playing the same rhythm. You can
adjust the volume level of each guitar from the frontpage. Each guitar contains the 12 most
fundamental chords used in song writing today. You can generate an end-chord if you press hard
on the keyboard. Which allows you to create a more elegant ending to each of your chords.

UPPER MID-KEY RANGE: The upper mid-keys (C4-D4#) allows you to control the four signature
rhythms. All chords were played in the four most common rhythms used in song writing.

HIGH-KEY RANGE: The high keyranges on your keyboard provides you real-time control of all the
effects, including LOFI, Rotator, Delay, Convolution Reverb (with +40 custom convolutions),
Reverb, Distortion, Phaser, Low-pass filter, High-pass filter. You can trigger these effects at any time
AND you can trigger them all at the same time. Works super well in combination with pitchbender
and modwheel controls.
Songwriting Guitar contains 9 different effects that can all be controlled directly from your
keyboard. Two of the effects are controlled on your pitchbender and modwheel. Seven of the
effects are controlled in the upper part of your keyboard. All the effects are marked with yellow
keyswitches and the orb emits a yellow color when then are triggered. You can trigger all of them
at the same time if that is your thing. You can sculpt insane sounds out by triggering these.

Bit-resolution (pitchbender)

The pitch-bender on your keyboard controls the bit-resolution of the instrument. The more you turn
it - the more grainy and bit-crashed your sound will become.

Filter (modwheel)

Modwheel controls a low-pass filter. The default is set to no filter, however the second you start
adjusting your modwheel the sound becomes softer and more muffled based on the level of filter.


A grainy texture to your sound - similar to bit-resolution on the modwheel. But can really be gritty
combined with distortion.


The classic hammond organ effect - freshly applied to the samples.


Delay allows you to sculpt more sophisticated rhythms out of the samples.

Convolution Reverb (see previous page)


The classic artificial Kontakt reverb if that is your thing.


A powerful tool for sculpting more power and edginess out of your samples. It works insanely cool
together with bit-resolution (pitchbender) and filter (modwheel)


A classic phaser effect - if you wanna go a little spacey on your sample.


The very upper range of the FX keyswitches contains 3 filters, low, high and band-pass.

Cabinet & Screamer

Hardcore distortion effect - layers great with distortion.

Songwriting Guitar contains
a specific FX menu made of
convolution impulses.

This menu allows you to

quickly load one of our
custom-captured real-world
convolution impulses. There
are a variety of classic and
unique impulses. We've also
included a variety of self-
evolving special FX impulses
to create great ambient
effects. Please note that
these special mystery
impulses require significantly
more CPU power than the
other impulses, due to their

The convolution system always defaults to bypass mode when you first load an instrument. When
the convolution chain is bypassed/disabled by choosing "none" from the Impulse Response drop-
down menu, this knob is also disabled and only fully dry signal is audible, with no signal
attenuation. If you save an instrument while a convolution impulse is loaded, the instrument will
remember your settings and automatically reload the sample impulse next time you open the

Dry Mix: This knob controls the dry signal returning from Kontakt's internal convolution engine.
Turning it up past ~36 increases the gain over the original signal level and therefore may increase
noise or cause distortion in some cases.

Wet Mix: This knob controls the 'wet' effected signal returning from Kontakt's internal convolution
engine. Turning it up without balancing it against the dry level can quickly increase the total
combined gain over the original signal level and therefore may increase noise or cause distortion
in some cases.

Low Pass: This knob controls the built-in low pass filters in the early and late reflection modules of
the convolution engine. The value displayed reflects the frequency cut off point, above which the
signal is sharply attenuated.
Songwriting Guitar allows you to quickly create or sketch new songs following common chord
progressions and rhythms used in todays top 40. The library allows you to have 100% realistic
sounding guitar strums and licks in your compositions. We deliberately did not want to create
artificial sounding midi-based strums as they generally lack the feel and authenticity you get from
the real deal.

One of the core concepts of the library is to combine the strums (alternative.nki) with the different
lick patches in the library. The alternative patch should be used for laying out your basic major
and minor chord progressions and then using the licks to augment certain parts. Remember to
trigger the F6/G6 keyswitch, which will take you between major/minor based chords.

One great trick is to use the end-chord (click hard on your keys using the alternative.nki patch) in
combination with the normal strums. You can create more full songs this way and give that extra
finish to the songs. You may also wanna run through additional effects outside Kontakt, which can
help take your samples even further. The most important thing is just to let your ear guide you and
hopefully let the samples inspire you.

We do recommend using Kontakt 5 instead of Kontakt 4 for this library, since the time-stretcher is
much more effective and won’t create the same time-stretching artifacts as Kontakt 4.

But there is no right way of using the library. Its simple of matter of what is right to you ♥ T.
LICENSE AGREEMENT programming, documentation and musical
performances included in this product.
By installing Songwriting Guitar you accept the
following product license agreement: REFUNDS

LICENSE GRANT Downloaded libraries can't be returned, so we

can't provide refunds. We may choose do so at our
The license for this product is granted only to a own discretion,but please be aware that as soon as
single user. All sounds and samples in this product you've downloaded it, you can't return it.
are licensed, but not sold, to you by 8DIO, Inc. for
commercial and non-commercial use in music, RESPONSIBILITY
sound-effect, audio/video post-production,
performance, broadcast or similar finished content- Using this product and any supplied software is at
creation and production use. the licensee’s own risk. 8DIO holds no
responsibility for any direct or indirect loss arising
8DIO allows you to use any of the sounds and from any form of use of this product.
samples in the library(s) you've purchased for
commercial recordings without paying any TERMS
additional license fees or providing source
attribution to 8DIO, Inc. This license expressly This license agreement is effective from the moment
forbids any unauthorized inclusion of content the product is installed by any means. The license
contained within this library, or any any 8DIO will remain in full effect until termination. The
library, into any other sample instrument or library license is terminated if you break any of the terms
of any kind, without our express written consent. or conditions of this agreement, or request a refund
for any reason. Upon termination you agree to
This license also forbids any re-distribution method destroy all copies and contents of the product at
of this product, or its sounds, through any means, your own expense.
including but not limited to, re-selling, trading,
sharing, re-sampling, mixing, processing, isolating, VIOLATION
or embedding into software or hardware of any
kind, for the purpose of re-recording or This product uses a form of copy protection, user-
reproduction as part of any free or commercial specific watermarking. Users who attempt to
library of musical and/or sound effect samples circumvent this copy-protection systems or
and/or articulations, or any form of musical sample otherwise violate the terms of this licensing
or sound effect sample playback system or device. agreement are subject to criminal and civil
Licenses cannot be transferred to another entity, penalties and liable for monetary damages. If
without written consent of 8DIO, Inc. you've done any “deep sampling” and the labor-
intensive programming that comes with it, you
RIGHTS know that it is very hard work. Remember, the
more you support us, the more awesome libraries
8DIO retains full copyright privileges and complete we can afford to make for you.
ownership of all recorded sounds, instrument
Thank you so much for purchasing the 8DIO Songwriting Guitar

The production of Songwriting Guitar is not only a product of my own vision,

but also a product of patience from friends and family - and a product of
countless discussions with a variety of great composers, producers and so

Special thanks to Alex - your playing is just gorgeous man.

Special thanks to Cam and Ingo for keeping it together and dealing with my
mad brain. You guys are - once again - the true puppet masters.

If you have any questions, concerns, love-letters or hate mail feel free to send
it to:

♥ Troels Folmann

All programming, samples, images and text © 8DIO 2011. All Rights Reserved.
8DIO is a registered trademark of 8DIO, LLC.

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