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Scientific Wrting Workshop

Code 1:
Ethics of Research using hybrids, chimeras and cytoplasmic hybrids?
Hybrids are the result of combining an egg from one species with sperm from another to form a
single embryo. Hybrids include recombined genetic material throughout their genome and
throughout all the tissues in their body.
A chimera is an organism with a mixture of cells from two or more genetically distinct species.
Embryo fusion + Inject ES cell making chimeric animal
Cytoplasmic hybrids are generated by taking an egg from a non-human animal and removing
the nuclear DNA which contain cytoplasm or ooplasm of the animal egg with small amount
mitochondrial DNA. All human cell or human nuclear could fused with the enucleated egg to
create a cybrid embryo.
In stem cell research, using hybrids, chimeras and cytoplasmic hybrids generation of a non-
human model system. It is play important role in stem cells for scientific and medical research.
Ethical issues related to use chimeric research are not particular to stem cell science or
research. It is used for human/non-human animal chimeras and hybrids which are accepted.
There are two prohibitions on the creation of animal-human mixes. First, Creation a chimera, or
transplant a chimera into either a human being or a non-human life form. Second, creation a
hybrid for the purpose of reproduction, or transplant a hybrid into either a human being or a
non-human life form.
Plagiarism (definitions of plagiarism, types of plagiarism, prevent plagiarism, penalties for
plagiarism)? Why plagiarism is on the increase?

Plagiarism is defined the intentional or unintentional act of using other people's ideas, words,
or work without providing documentation. Plagiarism can occur when a person copies the
writing of one person and paste it become their own without permitssion or citation.

There five types of plagiarism:

Type 1: Copy and Paste

Using sentences or paragraph from one source, it should use quotations marks and reference
the source.

Type II: Word Switch:

In a whole sentence from a source, just change few words  still be plagiarism
Type III: Style Plagiarism
If writer follows the source material's structure like sentence-by-sentence or paragraph-by-
paragraph. It is considered as plagiarism although the sentences are not same with those in
source materials.
Type IV: Idea Plagiarism
The author discovers the first new idea or suggest a new solution for a problem, when the other
person use the idea or the new solution of the author again. It is call the idea plagiarism
Type V: Self-plagiarism
The author reused the idea or previously written text while authoring a new work without
recognizing that they have used it before or without citing the original work
Prevent Plagiarism:
+ Understand the content of reference paper and do not copy and paste the verbatim from the
reference paper, so the author should restate the idea and use their own words.
+ Using quote is necessary due to it indicate the text is taken from another paper.
+ Citation is best solution when the idea or words is taken from another paper, or own their
+ Using the plagiarism checker to detect how much the paper is plagiarism.
Penalties for plagiarism
+ may result in the termination of one's employment
+ Failure of the class and potential expulsion from school.

For undergraduate and postgraduate students who are plagiarism of another person would
receive following 4 level with respect to the fault they meet
redo the assignment/paper, B- fail the assignment/paper, C-
redo the class/degree or D-fail the degree.
A-redo the assignment/paper
B- fail the assignment/paper
C-redo the class/degree
D-fail the degree.
Why plagiarism is on the increase?
+ Don’t have idea or words when writer start to begin a context
+ They fear of failure or taking risks in their own work
+ Writing skill is weak and reading and understanding the paper are limit.
+ Reputation of author because of pressure on researchers to get their work published in good
journals, so they can take the idea or work of other author.
+ Poor time management and writing under high pressure
+ Misbelief: The author using a lot of sentences from various sources and synthesizes it become
their own work. Consequence, it would be met the copy-cut-paste style, and the paper would
be rejected by journals or retracted after publishing.
Code 2:
Ethics in the use of human tissue and human embryos for research? How to prevent ethics in
the use of human tissue and human embryos for research?
Human embryo is defined as the human organism started by fertilization from 1 or more
gametes or diploid cells. A totipotent cell is a single cell that can generate a new organism.
Human development starts when a sperm fertilizes an egg and creates a single totipotent cell
(dipole zygote), in stage of cleavage, zygote undergoes cleavage via mitosis to increase the
number of cell from two cells. In mitosis continues and the first two cells divide into four cells,
then into eight cells within zona pellucida. Blastomeres form junctions with one another, so cell
losses their round shape. This becomes mulberry-shaped mass of cells within zona pellucida
called a morula (16 cells) in compaction stage. Cell are divided into distinct lineages, the inner
cell mass and trophoblast in the differentiation stage called Pluripotent cell. Pluripotent cell has
the capacity to self-renew by dividing and to develop into the three primary germ cell layers of
the early embryo (ectoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm). So, Using Human Embryo is a problem
due to it related to totipotent cell and Pluripotent cell. After fertilization has taken place a new
human being has come into being, so embryonic stem cell research destroys embryos (early 8-
cell embryo) that are considered as ensouled human beings. That is why using embryonic stem
cell is an ethical problem
How to prevent ethics in the use of human
Using Induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS cell) have ability to make another cell in body,
including the reproductive sperm and egg cells. IPS cell is similar with embryonic stem cells (ESC
cells), except for their origin and inability to generate the cell layers necessary for producing
and directing development of a complete embryo or preprograming can turn any cell of the
body into a pluripotent stem cell. The way to make IPS cell in mouse is that adding 4 genes to
the skin cell of a mouse which known as reprograming in few week (2-3 weeks), the skin cells
were converted into induced pluripotent stem cells. It could be apply on human cells.
Using late 8 cell embryo which is pluripotent to generate ES cells by pick up one cell, at that time
the embyo pass to the first differentiation, cannot develop to human being.
Parthenogenesis is the development of an oocyte without fertilization which develop into blastocysts
from which embryonic stem cells.

When transplanting human tissue into animal, make sure that human genome not establish
into germ cell in animal.
We need to make a contract when taking the sample from patient or using egg from donor
Misconduct (definitions of misconduct, types of misconduct, prevent misconduct)? Why
misconduct is on the increase?
Scientific misconduct is the violation of the standard codes of scholarly conduct and ethical
behavior in professional scientific research: falsification and fabrication.
Form of misconduct:
+ Fabrication is making up results and recording or reporting them
+ Falsification is manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes or changing or
omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research
Prevent misconduct:
+ Ensure the policy during the academic research
+ Establish a legal system to solve scientific misconduct
+ Never tamper with or change the data and result, keep meticulous record data. It’s essential
to record the raw data in the case the editor ask the data after the paper has been published
+ The image of the result just only adjusts clarity and high quality.
+ Review data image to support the paper against the original data to ensure there are nothing
Penalties for Misconduct:
+ The manuscript of your data and image can be rejected or the paper could be removed after
publishing if the original data are not presented.
+ Restriction scientific paper
Why the misconduct is increasing:
+ Stress from the publish or perish
+ Tough competition for the professional position
+ The limitation of research grants.
+ the number of researchers is increased greatly.
Mouse strains for research (Inbred, outbred, hybrid)
Inbred, outbred, and hybrid mouse are used for transgenic research which helps to determine
the function of the inserted gene in order to produce a desired substance from taking DNA
sequences from another species (foreign DNA) injected into a fertilized egg or developing
Inbred mice: When matching two inbred mouse are considered genetically identical the
generation will have same phenotype, same genotype
Inbred mouse includes: C57BL6 (B6 mouse), DBA2, 129 mice
The characteristic of in inbred mice:
+ Genetic of all individual of inbred mice is identical, so same genotype can be repeatedly
+ Long-term stability
+ Using for genetic quality control since each inbred mouse has a unique set of genetic markers,
which allow regular marker screening to ensure maintenance of homozygosis within the colony.
Hybrid mice: B6D2F1mouse
Hybrid mice are created by two different inbred mouse which marks as F1. They are same
genotype to one another but different from either inbred parent. F1 mice are mated to one
another; the offspring are referred to as F2 hybrids. In F2 generation has different phenotype
but same genotype.
Use for reproductive study, because hybrid mouses produce a lot of eggs.
Outbred mice: ICR mouse (white color)
Are propagated by no standardized mattings and therefore, has same phenotype, different
Outbred and hybrid mice have better fertility and larger litter sizes than inbred mice.
Outbred mice mainly use for embryo transfer, toxicology and pharmacology research in testing
dose and effect of drug.
How to evaluate a scholar? How to evaluate a research paper?
To evaluate a scholar based on publication record of an individual and the citation record
clearly are data like social activities, certification and research activities.
Quantity Does Not Equal Quality in evaluating a Scientist’s Real Importance as a Key Opinion
+ The number of papers published over n years (Np): It can measure productivity but it does not
measure importance or impact of papers.

+The journals where the papers were published, their impact parameter
+ Citations per paper which allows comparison of scientists of different ages. However, hard to find,
rewards low productivity, and penalizes high productivity

+ H index is based on the number of scientific paper published and the number of citation

A scientist has index h if h of his or her Np papers have at least h citations each and the other papers
have ≤h citations each.
+ The number of citations for each paper: an research article (paper) cited by other paper in the
same topic must be large or equally six in five year is an effective paper
To evaluate a research paper:
The total of citation it measures total impact, beside, it is hard to find and may be inflated by
not be representative of the individual if he or she is a coauthor with many others on those papers.

The ruling convention of multiple authorship in research paper? The responsibilities of

corresponding author?
Everyone who is listed as an author should have made a substantial, direct, intellectual
contribution to the work. they should have contributed to the conception, design, analysis
and/or interpretation of data. Honorary or guest authorship is not acceptable. Acquisition of
funding and provision of technical services, patients, or materials, while they may be essential
to the work, are not in themselves sufficient contributions to justify authorship.
Everyone who has made substantial intellectual contributions to the work should be an author.
Everyone who has made other substantial contributions should be acknowledged.
When research is done by teams whose members are highly specialized, individuals'
contributions and responsibility may be limited to specific aspects of the work.
All authors should participate in writing the manuscript by reviewing drafts and approving the
final version.
One author should take primary responsibility for the work as a whole even if he or she does
not have an in-depth understanding of every part of the work.
This primary author should assure that all authors meet basic standards for authorship and
should prepare a concise, written description of their contributions to the work, which has been
approved by all authors. This record should remain with the sponsoring department.
+ Base on order of contribution
+Alphabetical or random order
Corresponding author - prepublication responsibilities
The corresponding (submitting) author is solely responsible for communicating with the journal
and with managing communication between coauthors. Before submission, the corresponding
author ensures that all authors are included in the author list, its order has been agreed by all
authors, and that all authors are aware that the paper was submitted.
Corresponding author - responsibilities after publication
The journal regards the corresponding author as the point of contact for queries about the
published paper. This author's role is to ensure enquiries are answered promptly on behalf of
all the co-authors. The name and e-mail address of this author (on large collaborations there
may be two) is published in the paper.

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