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W*§ffi SAGA created by Alex Buchel

The Age of the Wolf campaign system by Warwick Kinrade

Editing and iigging: Lord S
Prooí Reading: Duncan Macfar|ane
Photography: Wyn Rogers
Original SACA Craphics: Fred Machu
The Age of the wolf layouti wargames lllustrated

Figures in photographs by cripping Beast

DaVe áodley, ndey Burt, Tim Dagnall, Darren Harding,
Figures painted by Artmaster Studio, M"att Bazley, Neil Bitten,
Shield Transfers by LBMS
Thanks to Andy FoX, Dan and lan at WI

SARL. 11 Nouvelle cite, 67]80 Lingolsheim, France,
SAGA: Skirmishes in the Dark Ages is o Studio Tomahawk
No 'Part ofthis Publi(ation may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system ortranSmitted in any
form or by any means without prior Written permission oí the
First edition, 2o16
o GriPping Beast Ltd.

Setting up an Age of the Wolf campaign 5

Playing an Age of the Wolf campaign ......... """ Page t4

ls, The battles............... """, Page t8
New scenarios .......... """ Page z5
'Wake early if you want another man's lífe or land. There ís no
lamb for the lazy wo/f, No battles are won in bed.'
- the Havamal
Welcome to Age of the Wolf, a multi-player campaign system
for use with the SACA Dark Age Skirmishes rules. This
campaign is 'abstract', in the sense that it does not involve
map movement, issuing orders, recordíng supply levels and
other such details of an actual military campaign. lt is a svstem
devised to allow players to create a narrative between linked
games of SAGA, that will tell the story of the rise (and/or fall)
t" &'
of their warlord and the warband he leads. The aim of the
campaign is to become the most powerful Warlord in the ffi*-pw
'region'(not being any particular place or time) and thus,
upon completion of the campaign, to be declared the new
King. lt is a title that can only be won at the edge of a sword,

At the heart of the campaign system is the SAGA game itself.

This is not a campaign that can be won by clever strategies
or manoeuvres with never a tabletop wargame being played.
The point oí Age of the Wolf is to encourage games, and it
rewards players that play more games over those that try
- i}i
and avoid battle. Staying at home, tending the sheep flocks
will not win players any great wealth or renown and whílst
*a- {í,
your Warlord and his men might be safe(ish) and live to a ripe i€*"*,1
old age, no real king, warlord or hero of the Viking Age ever
*,++-: a
died peacefully in his bed. This campaign has been written to
continue that tradition. This was an age when brave deeds,
especiaIly those in battle, won fame, glory and riches. For a
tabletop wargames campaign system this is perfect, because
we want to play games with our miniatures and those that do
so can expect to prosper (or die in the attempt), as the sagas
tell us,
This campaign can be played using any SAGA Dark Age force
that is currently available in the rulebook or any of the three
supplements: Northern Fury, The Raven's Shadow or Varjazi
and Basileus. lf players aIready have at least a four point SACA
force then they are ready to play. New players will need
to choose a force, coIlect the miniatures and paint them.
Although the campaign starts with a smalI four point SACA
warband, this wilI grow as it progresses and its Warlord (that's
you) gains extra land, wealth and reputation with which to
build up his forces.

Within you will find sections on how to set-up and organise

the campaign, how to run the campaign turn, a pre-battle set-
up sequence and a post-battle sequence, which prepares your
warband for its next encounter. The campaign can be played
with a minimum of two players (it will work just fine, although
all the battles will be between iust two sides) and has no
maximum number of players - in theory. Large campaigns can
be played between club members, but once you start to reach
ten or more players, it is likely the campaign turns will slow
down as players try to fit in all their games. An ideal-sized,
interesting and diverse campaign would include from four to
six players in total.
. 9.]i,;*§
So, that said, now it is time to sharpen your sword blade, don
your helm, heft your shield and go forth into the Age of the
,E@§=ffi*w"'*t !5@fi{§4t i&#§

Wolf. May your Cods favour you and bring you victory!
Suddenly they have something in common, they are collecting
\W ]Ht\Y ]P, ]LA\)Y A\ CA\M[ ]PA\ ]t GN? forces for the same games system, discussing the ins and
outs of the rules or the related history, comparing painting
'A tale is but half told when only one mdn tells it.'
techniques, etc. This sense of a common purpose is enjoyable
- the Saga of Grettir the Strong
in itself, but when added to the drama of a battle which
Campaigns have a lot to offer over stand alone wargames, has consequences, seeing your side win (or lose), then the
Whilst stand alone games are easy to organise, require only whole wargaming hobby experience is enhanced, For many,
two people (generally) and can be an excellent evening's including the author, playing in a good campaign is tabletop
entertainment, a campaign creates an enjoyable on-going wargaming at its peak.
story and enhances the hobby by informing each player's
decisions on new models to collect. lt helps provide a driving DlcE RoLLlNG coNVENT|oNs
force behind painting new models (to get them ready for the Throughout this book, various dice are referred to, A standard
next vital battle) and helps create memorable moments and six-sidéd die is referred to as a D6. Occasionally a three-sided
talking points that will be the future memories of past games, die is needed. This is a standard D6 roll, with the result halved
ln a campaign, suddenly a win or loss can mean something
and any factions rounded up. So, 1-2 = 1, 2-3 = z, 5-6 = 3, The
beyond the moment, it has an effect which will be felt in campaign also uses SAGA dice. These are the dice used when
future games. Throughout the course of a campaign, players playing the SAGA game, with each faction having its own
will be§in to identify more strongly with their forces, The little set of symbols, Throughout this book, where SAGA dice are
models get names and begin to develop their own little bit rolled, for consistency we have used the Anglo-Dane/Saxon
of gamíng history, This adds to the entertainment and the
drama when the models are on the tabletop. No longer is that
warlord iust any old Viking model, but he is now Jarl lngvar
Redaxe, victor at the Battle of Guthrum's Ford, wounded
Any SAGA dice could be rolled in its place, to give the
taking the gates at Haethburh, hammer oí the lrish, a storied
equivalent result, see the table below. The gods will obviously
and feared warrior - and your opponents will know that too,
favour those that use their own faction's dice,
Campaigns are also an excellent method íor bringing club
players and wargaming groups together in a common cause, sAGA DlcE EqU|VALENcE TABLE

Anglo-Dane, Saxon, Viking, Jomsviking, Norman, Welsh,

Scots, lrish
D6 Pagan Rus, Norse-Gael Breton, Frank Strathclyde Welsh
Era of Princes Rus

ffi tL rc tt
4-5 flE
*F rc * #
ffi -il* ffi il* ffi
hg. q Che (UoS Ca-paigrn
"Better to fight and fall than to live wíthout hope"
- from the Volsunga Saga

reference guide at the back, and for those that are confident
lf ]HI]E GA\I\\4[ ]t NG G]KOIUI]P, of the campaign turn rules, this should be enough to keep
ln order to play the campaign, you will need a gaming group going with their campaign games.
to play it with and these players need to commit to collecting, iii. Aswell as their rules and Battle Boards, the players wilI
painting and playing with SAGA forces. Hopefully, many will
need the SAGA dice for their faction, a vital part of the game.
already own them. Those that don't will have to do some
They'll aíso need measuring sticks and standard six-sided dice,
initial work to get ready.
the usual stuff needed for playing SAGA games,
An Age of the Wolf campaign can include as many ptayers as
iv. Along with the models, rule books and dice etc, the
you like, with a minimum of two and an ideat of four to six.
gaming group will need some mode| terrain. Each game
More can be accommodated! Players can also join in mid-way
is going to require itl lf the games are all being played at
through the campaign. Likewise, some players might wish to
a single venue, Iike a gaming cIub, then obviously a |arger
drop out (surely notl) and perhaps rejoin later. This is fine, the
central reservoir of model terrain to draw upon makes life
campaign system can easily cope With these eventuaIities and
easy for everybody. Otherwise, the players will need to
can continue with the other players largely unaffected. provide their own (ít is encouraged that they lend terrain
around where possible).
v. Each player will also require a Campaign Roster. The roster
i, Each player wi|l need a four point SAGA warband of his
is vital, as it tracks your Warlord and warband's progress
choice. This is the minimum sized warband to start with,
through the campaign and includes all the important detai|s of
but warbands will grow (and sometimes shrink) through
your warband, like unit strengths etc. Each player should have
the course of the campaign. lt is probably best if the players
one roster, keep it safe and bríng it to every battle. The roster
actually have slightly larger warbands than four points in
is included in this book and copies of the roster can be made
their collection, to allow for expansion and some flexibility.
for personal use.
Of course, players can let the campaign's story guide their
extra units and painting, collecting new units as their Warlord l,:]t i]:L]]: i]í],,\l jllra,:.l l;i.: r,el:iL_lit il ;:,,.,:rjll_:]* ,;i; j-ili.] íli]l;tr'l: ii.;::t ..',,e lili.t:,
recruits them. The maximum size for any warband in the
campaign is twelve points. ]Flutlf IUI]R]E\WA\]R]B]A\N]D]D]EV]ElLo]P,N\4t]ENlt,
ii. ln addition to the models and the SAGA Dark Age Skirmishes Once a campaign is underlrlay, each player's warband will
rules, each p|ayer will need a copy of the faction rules and develop, gaining extra units, or extra men for those units
Battle Board for his chosen faction. ldeally, each player will it already has, as well as losíng men, slain in battles along
have a copy of this book. Although one copy per group is the way. The warband may even lose its Warlord. This does
enough to run the campaign, players are going to need it not mean the warband is defunct, and the campaign allows
during and after each game, so a few copies to share around players to continue as long as they wish.
wil| be helpful. The campaign rulebook does contain a
:wjll need
§ti6ii *F naúé.io prtviae ihe ;id;t'úies ia. úÉii. to i.theiámpaign(
warband;. ln all cases it is assumed that the players will recycle, a campaign so much as a lost roster, so it'sworth making a
miniatures wherever possible, so if a unit loses 5 men, then backup too) and they will need to bring ít along to each battle.
gains 4 as new recruits, the same miniatures will be re-used.
t. Warband Type: write in here what type of warband this
The same goes for the Warlord. lf he should be killed, then his
is, such as Viking, Anglo-Dane, Norman, etc,
brother, son, nephew or uncle takes over and continues the
campaign, Players are free to replace the Warlord's miniature z. Warlord Name: Your Warlord needs a name, of suitable
if they like, but it is not required, the same miniature can style. Nameless men do not rise to become kings and
return (the family likeness is uncannyl). emperors. So, give it a little thought and write your leader's
There will be times when a player's warband expands beyond name in here, be it lngvar Redaxe, Comte Rufus of Valeux,
his miniatures collection. Here he will either have to borrow Athelstan the Bold or Prince Horlics of Novgorod. This man
miniatures from other players or add to his collection with new represents you throughout the campaign, he is your alter-
miniatures. Over the course of the campaign it is likely that the ego (in miniature) so it's worth getting this right, you get the
players will have to collect and paint new miniatures, but part picturel
of playing in the campaign is giving players the drive to finish
3. Motivation: Write your Warlord's overall motivation here,
units and add new units to old warbands. When the campaign
See Motivation later for full details.
is over, a|l the players will have excellent collections which
they can then re-use (in re-runs of the campaign or stand alone 4. Traits: Write the Warlord's two starting Special Traits here.
games) to their hearts content. Players should take it as read lf he gains any extra Special Traits during the campaign add
that by agreeing to ioin a campaign, they are also agreeing to them here too. See Special Traits later for full details.
develop their SAGA warband as the campaign requires.
5.Special Rules: These are any Special Rules the Warlord
STEP ONE - A GATHERING OF WARLORDS has. Remember all Warlords start with the Resilience,
Determination, We Obey, Side by Side and Warlord's Pride
The first part of playing an Age of the Wolf campaign is to Special Rules as described in the SAGA rulebook. Add them
gather the players. Once the p|ayers at your club or within here along with a single randomly rolled new Special Rule.
your circle of gaming opponents have agreed to play (see
What You'll Need) then you have taken the first step. 6. Land: Keep a score of the Warlord's Land here. AIl
Warlords start the campaign with two Land. Land can never
STEP TWO - EAST OR WEST drop to less than one. lf it would, it remains at one.
Next, the players should decide whether the campaign will be 7. Wealth: Keep a score of the Warlord's Wealth here. All
set in the East or the west, This will dictate which warbands Warlords start the campaign with two Wealth. Wealth can
are available to the players, it has little further affect upon the never drop to less than one. lf it would, it remains at one.
rules, but hopefully will give the campaign a more historical
feel. This should be dictated by the models the players have 8. Reputation: Keep a score of the Warlord's Reputation
available and their terraín collections. here. All Warlords start the campaign with two Reputation.
Reputation can never drop to less than one. lf it would, it

Each player should now choose whiéh faction their warband 9. Power: This is the combined score of Land, Wealth,
will belong to. Choices are restricted as fotlows: Reputation and the number of legal units the Warlord
commands, as listed on the roster. So, to start with, a Warlord
lf this will be a Western campaign, the players can choose
will have two Land, two Wealth, two Reputation and four
from the following factions; Viking, Anglo-Dane, Norman,
units, so his Power is ten, See Power for full details later.
Welsh, Saxon, Breton, Jomsviking, Scots, Franks, lrish, Norse-
Gael, Strathclyde Welsh. ío. Campaign Vi€tory Points: The ultimate arbiter of who
lf this will be an Eastern campaign, the players can choose
wins the campaign. Campaign Victory Points are earned
from the following factions: Viking, Norman, Jomsviking, throughout the campaign, by winning battles, etc, At the end
Franks, Pagan Rus, Era of Princes Rus, Byzantine. of the campaign, the Warlord with the most Campaign Victory
points ís the winner.
Players are free to choose any warband faction they prefer, Multiple
warbands oíthe same type can be used. These will obviously be 1í. unit Rosters: write down here which units the warlord
local rivals. A campaign could be played with all the same type of has in his warband, listing their unit type (Levy, Warrior or
warband, as a Viking or Norman (or anyone else) civil war. Hearthguard), size (number of men), number of attacks each,
their armour versus melee attacks and missile attacks, and any
Once players have chosen their warband factions, then they special rules or special weapons the unit has, such as bows, or
will be using them for the entire campaign. Players cannot
iavelins, or Dane axes.
switch factions during a campaign, although they may drop
out of the campaign and return with a new starting warband There are twelve spaces for units listed, no warband can grow
of a different faction (not the same faction). to be larger than twelve units in total. A warband's minimum
size is one unit.
12.Campaign Actions: Record here what action your
The warband roster is the heart of the Age of the Wolf warband will take in each campaign season, and against
campaign system. lt is here that all the information about whom. See later for full details of Campaign Actions.
ü-"=h óé,,,cffiififi
sslf ]B }P' ON ]E : \WA\]R]B]A\N lD ]DY]P ]E what drives this greedy Warlord. Wealth is power, it buys
Lands, buys armed men to fight for you and, if needs must, it
As chosen by the pIayer, Viking, Welsh, Franks, Pagan Russ, etc.
pays off your enemies.

sslf ]E ]P lt- \WtO : \WA\ ]R]LO]R]D'sS NA\IVI ]E lf, during the post-battle sequence, the Warlord's Wealth
score is greater than both his Land and Reputation scores, he
As chosen by the player. gains a bonus Campaign Victory Point.

ss]f ]E ]P lf ]Ht ]R|]E ]E : N\4t Oll ]t VA\lf ]t ON 5-6 Skalds'song: EVen a great man may die, but his name
may live on in the poems and stories of the Skalds, A feted
ln Age of the Wolf, each Warlord has his own character, which name is what this Warlord desires, to be remembered as a
is defined by his Motivation, his Traits and his Special Rules. great man, not for the Lands or Wealth he garnered, but for
Motivation is what the Warlord desires most, be it Land, his epic deeds.
Wealth or Reputation. All Warlords will need to accrue some lf, during the post-battle sequence, the Warlord's Reputation
of each, but every Warlord has his own driving passion. lf score is greater than boih his Wealth and Land scores, he
the Warlord can gain more of his chosen prize than the other gains a bonus Campaign Victory Point.
two, then he wilI gain bonus Campaign Victory Points as the
campaign progresses.
sslf 1E]P' ]FtOlUí]R!: lf ]R!A\]IlfsS
The player must choose one of the following motivations. lf
Traits are the Warlord's unique characteristics, small special
he can't choose, then numbers are included so he mav roll a
rules that affect either the campaign system or the tabletop
dice for it.
game in some way. A Warlord might start the game with
t-z King's Domain: The Warlord desires Land. All wealth a treasure hoard and have extra Wealth, or be a talented
flows from the ownership oí fertile lands, and surely no king swordsman, or have superior ability to command, or be an
can rule without the tribute and taxes which come írom great adventurous sailor, or believe he has been especiaIly fated by
tracts of the best land} the 6ods (or 6od) for greatness, etc.

lf, during the post-battle sequence, the Warlord's Land score Each Warlord starts the campaign with two Traits; roll them
is greater than both his Wealth and Reputation scores, he up randomly, A Warlord may gain new traits as the campaign
gains a bonus Campaign Victory Point. advances, but he can never lose a Trait once he has it.

A warlord cannot have the same Trait twice. lf the random roll
3-4 Dragon's Hoard: The Warlord desires Wealth. Cold,
silver, jeweIs, plunder, slaves and treasure in all its forms are gives the same result, re-roll until you get a difierent Trait.


íi! ]},



f ,]Wailordli',fiféfiöTEffi -,ü áíd:_úó diplom;t aith.e{
always suspicious of his rivals and tákes offense íáitoÓ easíly.

The Warlord may never enter into any Alliances during the
campaign, even with a Warlord with the Noble Mien trait or
with an oathsworn warlord.
The Warlord may never opt to pay Danegeld to avoid fighting
1_3 4-5 6 a battle; he will always fight, lf he fails to play a game (and
Blood Feud Landwaster Fearsome therefore has to pay Danegeld instead) he always loses one
point oí Reputation rather than Wealth or Land,
2 oathsworn Far Traveller Mighty
3 War-Toothed Learn'd Devout A quarrelsome Warlord gains two Wealth from his opponent
(if he has it) when ransoming back a captured Warlord, such is
4 Quarrelsome God's Eve Tro1l-hide
the hard bargain he drives.
5 Golden Hoard Noble Mien Resolute
Golden Hoard
6 War Craftv Hard Ruler Choose This Warlord has already amassed a íabled treasure hoard of
silver, gold, jewels and exotic treasures.

Blood Feud The Warlord starts the game with +3 to his Wealth score.
There is a long standing enmity from this Warlord towards
War Crafty
another, for some past slight or injustice, perhaps between
This Warlord is a cunning tactician when deíending his own lands,
their fathers. The Warlord must pick one of his opponents in
often luring his enemies into prepared traps and ambushes.
the campaign as the subiect of the feud. This can be any other
warlord involved. When the Warlord chooses to Defend as his campaign action,
he may always elect to play an Ambush scenario against an
lf the War|ord personally kills this opponent in single combat,
opponent instead of the usual scenario required. His warband
then he gains +3 Reputation for the deed and gains +t
is automaticatly the Ambusher in this scenario and the Warlord
Campaign Victory Point. If any of his units kill the named
counts a5 the aggressor, so can set the game size.
Warlord, then he gains +t Reputation instead. A Warlord can
win this bonus multiple times in the course of the campaign as This Warlord also gains +1 to his dice roll when rolling to see
the feud includes his enemy's close kin as well. which side wil! take the first turn in a scenario (when applicable).
The Warlord may never form an Alliance with the subject of Landwaster
the Blood Feud. This Warlord already possesses a feted War Banner, known
lf a Warlord with a Blood Feud is killed, then his replacement and feared by his foes.
will automatically get the same Blood Feud, as the feud is not The Warlord starts the campaign with +t Reputation.
yet finished. This is in addition to gaining a Blood Feud against
the Warlord that killed your previous leader. A single unit on the Warlord's roster gains a War Banner, even
though the Warlord doesn't have enough Reputation to earn
oathsworn one yet.
The wartord is oathsworn to one of the other warlords in the
campaign; they were raised together as foster brothers and Far Traveller
know each other well. This Warlord often travels far in search of fresh plunder and
new, exotic lands. lnstead of rolling for Fate in the post-battle
The Warlord may never choose to camPaign against his sequence, the Warlord may choose to Explore instead and
oathsworn Warlord and in return that Warlord may never roll on the Exploration table below, lf he so chooses, roll a
choose to Campaign against him. They may still Raid each 546A dice.
other though (and no doubt deny it later).

lf one or the other oathsworn Warlords requests an Alliance,

the.fequest cannot be refused, unless one of the Warlords has
the Quarrelsome trait.

This Warlord is already a storied veteran of many campaigns
and wars, and is always aggressive and warlike in his actions,

The Warlord always counts as the aggressor in any battles he

fights, so can always set the game size,

The Warlord may never choose to Deíend in two consecutive

campaign turns. tf he does Defend for one turn then he must
either Raid or Campaign in the next campaign turn.
lf the Warlord is severety wounded in battle he does not have
to Defend in the next Campaigning Season, he may continue
as normal if he wishes. Mere wounds don't stop this Warlord.
réiillf insteae fi"ii6;á,JpétiÉ
Levy as new 'vo|unteer'
The Warlord also gains an extra four
FarWandering rec-ruits at the stai of each campaign season,.which he can
these new
but no new lands are .aJ io .n1l Levy unit on his roster, Alternatively,
found. The Warlord i"uy ,.y'ra.* a new unit if the Warlord
gains one Reputation
íor his journey. Fearsome
and bloodthirsty band of tough warriors,
Heroic Journey, of
The Warlord starts the campaign with
two additional points
to distant lands. The
Warlord gains one Wealth Reputation (i.e. four!)
and one Reputation in battle, roll twice on the
lf an enemy Warlord becomes a casualty
for his |ourney. result you prefer,
WlnorO Casualty Table and apply whichever
Epic Journey to neq Mi§hty
fruitful and strange lands where ir,iíwárrora', personal prowess in battle is well-known,
strange 6ods walk, The enemy on the
H.L t.rr, strong and quick, a very dangerous
Warlord gains one Land, one battlefield.
Wealth and one Reputation for Attack, so six attacks
ln battle, the Warlord has an additional
Warlord may be chosen as
inrt".a Óf th" usual five, This
and God help his
aChampion in the Hazel Wands scenario,
Learn'd opponent!
literate), this
Wir., .É""r, thoughtful (and maybe even Devout
few mistakes, He to
Warlord always plans carefully and makes ih" wurrora is close to his God (or Gods) and always
bureaucratic details,
runs his domains with great aitention to it,.l" aoJ'r Gods'l) advice through his close
personal advisor,
but is no great warrior himself,
The Warlord is always accompanied
onto the field of battle by
scenario is to be played
The Warlord may always pick which _
his own Priest, Shaman, Sorcerer or Seer (whichever is more
be one of the scenarlos
rather than roll iandomly, lt still must appropriate). You'll need a suitable miniature
to accompany
event, always
listed in the campaign ,l[r. W.rrorO, and he always moves with the Warlord,
warlord mounted, so is
His lands are well organised, taxes
are collected, men are i;;.;;;fuihin vs of him, lf the is
start of each
trained and defences maintained, At the the Priest.
of the following:
.;;p;;" iurnthe Warlord may choose one
Once per game, at the start of a turn,
any units within M of
remove t point of Fatigue; this includes the
i.6ain one Wealth, or the Priest may
unit on his roster, or warlord himself.
ii. Recruit four Levy to add to any Levy
Warriors to add to any Warrior unit on his roster, result of Flood and
iii. Recruit two The Warlord may always re-roll a Fate
ln battle, the Warlord only has three
Attacks rather than the Famine, The second result must be used,
special rule,
uru.r nu.. He does not have the Warlord's Pride The'priest'miniature cannot be attacked and
is only removed

from the table when the warlord is removed,

God's Eye
of his
ii*".uurc of Fate íavour this Warlord and the eyes Troll,hide
Gods (or God) are on him, by past battles and a
This Warlord is big, tough, ugly, scarred
on the Fate table and chose very fearsome sight,
The Warlord may always roll twice
*tlcr, ot tr,e twó results to use, The other is result is ignored, instead of the usual
lt takes two wounds to kill the warlord
using the Resilience special rule as normal,
Noble Mien one, this includes
well-respected, by one to,,!.!§e,
rr,iiWurrorO is born of high blood and a
lncrease the Warlord's starting Reputation
natural leader of men,
M range ResoIute
The Warlord'We Obey'special rule works up to This Warlord will never give in, never surrender
and refuses to
instead of s. the samein his*luOg" when he i! beaten, and instills
with an additional point of men. righti-ng him is like fighting a stonewall,
The Warlord starts the campaign
three), is forced to
lf any friendly unit within M of the Warlord
Reputation (i,e.
roll dice,_On a 1-2 the unit
lfthisWarlordrequestsanAlliancewithanotherplayer,they withdraw (after a melee) then a
Oá a the unit refuses to withdraw
cannot refuse, unless the requested ally Quarrelsome,
is *itr,O..*, u, normal, 3*
and the opponent must withdraw instead,
Hard Ruler
fist and drives his Choose
rhis warlord rutes his lands with an iron above Traits
peasants and slaves to work ever harder, to render him more ihe Warlord may freely choose any one of the
warband, His people live in he wishes.
[Áut" and taxes, or fight in his
fear of him.
*,, 1l,



sslf ]E ]P ]F ]I V ]E l sS ]P ]E tC lt A\ ]L ]RtlU ]L]E sS Bravery

The first Fatigue point that the Warlord should take each turn
All WarIords start with the following special rules, as detailed is ignored.
in the main SAGA rules:
The Great
Resistance, Determination, We Obey, Side by Side, Warlord's
As long as the Warlord is on the table, his warband can
generate up to seven SAGA dice each turn instead of the
ln addition to these five special rules, each new Warlord also usual limit of six. The Iimit of a maximum of eighi dice per turn
gains one extra specíal rule, rolled for randomly on the Special remains as normal.
Rules Table.
The Bastard
sPEclAL RULEs TABLE lf the Warlord uses his We Obey special ruIe, he may activate
two units within S, but if he activates two units, neither of
them will be able to engage in melee with this activation. Also,
any unit activated by his We Obey rule may use this activation
to Shoot or Move (remember that usually you may only Move
with the activation generated by the We Obey rule).

skilled warrior
1-3 4-5 6 The Warlord may, during the SAGA-abilities step of each
melee, spend any SAGA die currently on his Battle Board in the
Hero of the
l son of odin Raider Activations boxes (Levy, Warrior or Hearthguard) to gain one
Viking Age
extra Attack die and one extra Defence die. He may do this as
Hero of the many times as he wants in a single melee though he remains
2 Braverv Scout
Vikrng Age limited to the usual Attack and Defence dice limits.
Hero of the
J The Great The Conqueror The Penny
Viking Age The Warlord is likely to have paid some of his enemy's retainers.
Hero of the During the first turn of the game, his opponent only rolls a third
4 The Bastard Great Ruler
\riking Age (round up) the number of 546,4 dice he is entitled to roll normally.
In the second turn he only rolls half (rounded up) the number of
Hero of the Steel
5 skilled warrior SACA dice he is entitled to roll normally. Starting with the third
Vikine Age Cannot Bite
turn, his opponent may roll his normal number of SAGA dice.
Hero of the Inspiring
6 The Pennv
Viking Age Presence Hero of the Viking Age
The Warlord generates three 5464 dice each turn instead of
the usual two,

son of odin Raider

i;. As a formidable warrior, the Warlord cancels the first two hits The Warlord is infamous for his swift attacks. As long as the

against him suffered in each melee or against each Shooting
action (and not iust the first one as wíth other Warlords).
Warlord is alive, all units in the warband can be activated with
any SAGA dice, regardless of their class.
they were Warriors. War[ord standard special rules except Resilience.':Ati
of each of the Warlord's turns, all units in his warband (not
The Conqueror including mercenaries) remove a Fatigue.
During step 3) of any melee, any friendly units within M of the
Warlord gain two extra attack dice if the Warlord himself is steel cannot Bite
not engaged in melee, The Warlord has an armour of six, in melee and against
shooting attacks. His armour may never be reduced to below
Great Ruler five by any means (either by SAGA abilities, game effects or
As long as the Warlord is on the tabletop, he always rolls six anything else).
SACA dice at the start of his turn, even if the number of SAGA
díce actually generated by his warband is less.


Motivation: King's Domains Traits: War Crafty, Resolute
Whilst we are busy creating our own heroes for the ALA|N BARBETORTE
campaign, there are of course those historical figures that are
Motivation:5kald's Song Traits: Resolute, God's Eye
already included in SAGA games, and it seems wrong to bar slGVALDl STRUT_HARALDSSoN
them from taking part. Motivation: Dragon's Hoard Traits: Far Traveller, Golden
Heroes of the Viking Age may be chosen to lead the Hoard
appropriate warband, used as described in the SAGA VAGN AKESSON
rulebook and supplements. They are all listed below with Motivation: Dragon's Hoard Traits: FarTraveller, God's Eye
their own Motivation and Traits for use in the campaign.
A p|ayer that chooses to start the campaign using a Hero of
the Viking Age begins the campaign with a three point SACA
Motivation: Skald's Song Traits: War Crafty, Hard Ruler

force instead of a four point SAGA force. MAcBETH

Motivation: King's Domains Traits: Quarrelsome, Fearsome
lf taken, the Heroes automatically start with the following
Motivations and Traits, these cannot be changed. The Heroes CHARLEMAGNE
do not get a random bonus special rule (they have their own Motivation: King's Domains Traits: Learn'd, Noble Mien
HARALD HARDRADA Motivation: Skald's Song Traitsl Mighty, Resolute
Motívation: King's Domains Traits: Hard Ruler, Landwaster
RAGNAR LOTHBROK Motivation: King's Domains Traits: Noble Mien, War Crafty
Motivation: Skald's Song Traits: Cod's Eye, Noble Mien
HARALD GODW|NSSON Motivation: Dragon's Hoard Traits; Quarrelsome, Blood
Motivation: King's Domains Traitsl Resolute, Golden Hoard Feud (choose one
other Warlord)
Motivation: King's Domains Traits: War-Toothed, Learn'd BRODIR OF MAN
Motivation: Dragon's Hoard Traits: Mighty, Troll hide
Motivation: King's Domains Traits: Quarrelsome, Hard Ruler slGURD HLoDVlssoN
Motivation: Skald's Song Traits: Landwaster, God's Eye
Motivation: Skald's Song Traits: Mighty, Noble Mien ARTGAL :,i,:,;;;
Motivation: Skald's Song Traits: Resolute, War Criiftv,
Motivation: Dragon's Hoard Traits:War-Toothed, oWEN l
Quarrelsome Motivation: King's Domains Traits: War-toothed, God's Eye


Motivation: Skald's Song Traits: War Crafty, Resolute Motivation: Skald's Song Traits: Noble Mien, Far Traveller


Motivation: Skald's Song Traits: Learn'd, Devout Motivation: King's Domains Traits: Landwaster, Learn'd


Motivation: King's Domains Traits: Noble Mien, (CAPTAIN oF THE VARANGIAN GUARD)
Golden Hoard Motivation: Dragon's Hoard Traits: FarTravel|er, Hard Ruler

írom the 3A6A or suppléments, then he can,oril.$

wExrrrm A\}dD, ]K]E lP, {-nTAvr ]t OD{ spend three points on lris warband instead of the usuaí four,
Each Warlord starts withtwo Land, two Wealth and two Any unit special rutes that the Hero has, such as upgrading
units or alternative weapons, can be used.
Reputation unless the Warlord's Traits modify this. Write the
appropriate number in the boxes on the Roster. At the start of the campaign, because of the restrictions of
Land, Wealth and Reputation (see Managing the Roster later
for íull details), most warbands start with no more than two
units of each type; Levy, Warriors or Hearthguard. A Warlord's
EXAMPLE OF CREAT|NG A WARBAND, Traits may alter this.
PART t write down the details of each unit on the roster.
Pete, Tom, Garry and Steve have decided they are going
to play an Age of the Wolf campaign and that it will be §STIE]P]E]trG]Htlf :sSTA\]K]t]tNG]PO\W]E]R
set in the West. Pete chooses to play Vikings, Tom will
To calculate a Warlord's Power add together the Land,
be the lrish, Garry will be Normans whilst Steve will be
Wealth and Reputation totals and then add on the number of
welsh. Let's follow pete as he creates his warband,
legal units in his warband. So, for most, a Warlord starts the
Pete fills in the roster with his Warband Type: Vikings campaign with a Power of ten. This can be modified by some
and Warlord's Name: lngvar Redaxe. He chooses the Traits, and Heroes of the Viking Age will start with nine Power
motivation of Skald's Song, looking to make a big (because they only have three units).
Reputation with hís Viking leader.
Next, he rolls for lngvar's traits. He gets War Crafty and
Hard Ruler, a tough man on his own turf. Then, he notes
down the standard special rules and rolls for his extra
one. He gets Raider. To start with, the campaign assumes each Warlord is a
young, ambitious, up and coming leader, as yet not worthy
Next, Pete fills in the Land, Wealth and Reputation boxes,
of any title or throne, but a prospect , . . perhaps. once
each with 2. Part 1 complete, he'll move on to recruiting
a Warlord has reached a total of fifteen Power, he has
the units of his warband.
become a genuine contender, a man with a worthy claim
to the throne, an Atheling - somebody to take very seriously,

once a warlord has amassed fifteen power there are

sST]E]P sS ]EV]EN : §S ]E lL]E Clt- lUtN lf ]t ss two advantages. First, he starts to gain bonus Campaign
Victory Points, see 'to the Victor the Spoils' in the post-
Each Warlord now selects his starting warband, spending four
battle sequence, representin8 that he is now a prospect
points on his SAGA warband as detailed in the main SAGA for u|timate power and will have other patrons and
rulebook and supplements. The usuaI restrictions apply, as backers behind him. Second, only AtheIings have any
do any special rules about alternative equipment or mounted chance of ultimate victory. A player that has won lots of
units, etc. battles and gained extra Campaign Victory Points might
be a worthy opponent on the battlefield, but he just isn't
the stufi of kings, so can't win the ultimate prize without
Land, Wealth and Reputation behind him,

for new players to join a ián
All Warlords start with zero Campaign Victory Poínts. is already up and running. First they must create their Warlord
and starting four point warband using the campaign set up
The roster is now complete, each Warlord has his forces and rules. Their warband will then join the fray at the start of the
the campaign is ready to begin. Let the battles commencel next campaigning season,

For each campaign season the new Warlord has missed, roll
once on the Fate tab|e in the post-battle sequence and apply
EXAMPLE OF CREAT|NG A WARBAND, the result to the warband. This way new players won't be
starting completely from scratch and their warbands will have
PART z had a few additions before starting. This should give them
pete has finalised his warlord and now starts on his a better chance of a competing, although it is unlikely that
warband's units. He can have four units for lngvar Redaxe a player that comes late to the campaign can triumph over
to lead, but no more than two of any one type. He opts for those that have being playing from the start, but that should
two units of eight Warriors each, a unit of four Hirdmen and not stop players joining in for the fun, and it is an excellent
a unit oí four Berserkers, and notes down their profiles on way of learning how to play before the next campaign starts.
the roster.

His longship filled, lngvar starts the campaign with ten : -'
ai|4 ]
Power and zero Campaign Victory Points. lngvar is now
ready to begin his quest for glory in the name of Odin. ;i],:ffi€

The (J..)oS carnpaűgrn
'The foolísh man thínks he will tive forever if he keeps
away f rom
fi ghtiig; b ut ol d age w on' t
gr ant hím a tr u ce, even if t h e speí:i";,

' .,3g.,o, _,
i ,*r


::,,i,:ii ..,{,fl

Once all the players have completed their roster sheets, then SST]E ]P, roN ]E| CA\I\\4[]PA\][ GN A\CT ]ttoNss
the campaign is ready to begin in earnest, At the start of each campaigning season, each player must
pick a single Action from Raid, Campaign or Defend,
T ]Ht lE C A\ \M lPA\ ]t rG N ss ]EA\SION
An Age of the Wolf Campaign is p|ayed over six campaign The player's warband will go raiding, seeking easy plunder
,".ronr (an abstract measure, so the course of a campaign and ioot, When a player chooses to Raid he must also choose
might equate to anything from one or two years to possibly a target for his raids - one of the other Warlords in the
a decade). Over the course of those six campaign seasons, campaign.
ptayers will fight a variable number of 5A6A battles, Players
might fight nó b"ttl", in some campaign seasons or three or tnthe campaign season area of the roster he should write
four in another. down Raid aná the enemy Warlord's name or faction he
íntends to attack. e.g. Raid - Saxons.
All the players should run through a campaign season, finish
it, and then move on to the next season, lt is advisable to set Winning Raid battles gains a player extra Wealth, See the
a time limit on a season, being the time in which
players have Spoils of Victory later for full details.
to get their 546A games played. How long this is, is up to the
plajrers, based on how often the players meet to play, etc, a fult scale attack, an invasion oí an
the Wariord will taunch
L.rg", ...p"igns with more players will need longer than a
enemy Wartord's lands, seeking to capture new territory,
one--player-against-another-player campaign, but a risk to any
When a ptayer chooses to Campaign, he must also choose a
campaifin's p"rogress is not getting the games played, Should
target for lris aggr,ession - one of the other Warlords in the
this Le i p.oUl"Í,, then seeihe Danegeld section for an
immediate solution.
ln the campaign season area of the roster he should write
For each campaign season work through the following steps,
down Campaign and the enemy Warlord's name or faction he
intends to attack, e.g. Campaign - Welsh,
Spoils of Victory lat€r :at the start of the:campaign sé*ióii#or*l'thli
Defend The Warlord may also recruit once at the start of the
The Warlord wil| stay at home, guarding his own lands, campaign season, before any battle are fought. He may add
building his forces and preparing his defences for the eight Levy, four Warriors or two Hearthguard to one of his
inevitable attacks. When a player chooses to Defend, he does units, orthese may be recruited as an entirely new unit on the
not have to píck a target. roster. This recruitment may not take a unit over its maximum
size of twelve men. lf it would, the unit size becomes twelve
ln the campaign season area of the roster he shoutd write
and any extra men are lost.
down Defend.
The Warlord may attempt to form an Alliance with another
Winning Defensive battles gains a player extra Reputation.
Warlord for the next campaign season, see Allíances for full
See the Spoils of Victory later for full details.

sslf ]E]P''']f \WrOlCA\MI]PA\][GN]EV]ENlt'sS B. Raid Scenario

your Raiders have attacked the borders of the Defender's
After all the players have chosen their action and target,
lands, seeking quick pIunder and slaves. Fight a SACA game
reveal and compare them to establish the campaign events
with one of the following randomly determined scenarios. Roll
this season. The campaign events are what is actually going to
the SACA dice when you meet up for the game.
happen in the way of battles to fight and any other events.
To determine the campaign events, the players cross
reference their action (down) with their target's action
(across) on the Campaign Events Table, to get an event letter,
Do this for each player.
The Escort
(see SAGA rulebook)
This letter then determines if there will be a battle and which
scenario will be played when the two forces clash.


Harry and Burn
Defend Raid 4-5 (see new scenaríos)
Defend A A A
Raíd B D E

Campaign c E F

Sacred Ground
REsULTs (see 546A rulebook)

A. Defence
The Defender isn't attacking anybody. The Warlord is content
to leave the others in peace for now. There wilI be diplomatic
contact between the factions and increased trade.


{. .,,

áirvira'r,i;i:p7épái"á án áúsústÍ'iorttrem;'Fighta
his warband to defend his

ihe oétenoer must muster one'of ihe following.randomly determined

and meet the invaders in open battle, Fight a gaú with
sett|ements the game,
icenarios. Roll the SAGA dice when you meet up for
inCR g.." with one of the following randomly determined
,."n.iior. Roll the 5464 dice when you meet up for the

Forest Road Ambush

Homeland 1-3
(see new scenarios)
(see SAGA rulebook)

The Escort
The Burh +-5 (see SAGA rulebook)
4-5 (see new scenarios)

Battle at the Ford

sacred Ground 6 (see SAGA rulebook)
6 (see SAGA rulebook)

F. Pitch Battle Scenario

D. Encounter Scenario full
to face, This is all out warl The two sides have mustered their
Two warbands on the move accidentally come face
strength and will meet in a pitched open battle, Fight
Fight a SAGA game with one of the
and battle must ensue. following randomly d€ t ermined
dice sÁáe"g.*" with one of the
iotto*ing randomly determined scenarios, Roll the SAGA
..un..Lr. Roll the SAGA dice when you meet up for the game,
when you meet up for the game,

Scouts The Hazel Wands

1-3 (see new scenarios)
(see new scenarios)

The Challenge clash of warlords

4,5 (see SAGA rulebook)
4-5 (see SAGA rulebook)

Battle at the Ford sacred Ground

6 6 (see SAGA rulebook)
(see SAGA rulebook)

to the excitins bit, the battles, i,e, pIaying the
once alt the players have a campaign Event result, move
Blood Feud against or that has a etooJ
first campaigning season of Pete, Tom, 6arry
It is the enmity runs too deep for any alliances,
Steve's campaign. Each writes down on their roster
action, Pete's Vikings will Raid Tom's lrish. Tom's Alliance Bonus
have chosen to Defend. Garry's Normans are
Raiding During the next campaign season, for any
battle they must
Steve's Welsh, whilst Steve's Welsh are Campaigning
fight, the allied war|ords may include twá
against Tom's lrish. units of warriors or
Hearthguard from their ally's roster on their
own. They may
Pete cross references his Raid against his target's not use Levy units (that would be an insult). These
two units
Defence, to get result B, a Raid scenario. generate SAGA dice as normal for their type.
The Warlord's
roster counts these two units when setting the game
Tom is Defending and so always gets result size.
A, Defence,
Restrictions on Land, Wealth and Reputation
Carry's Raid vs Steve's Campaigning is result do not apply to
E, an allied units.
Ambush scenario,
lf either warband is engaged in any battles against
Steve's Campaigning against Tom's Defence is an enemy
result C, an force which is larger than his own, and wouljthus
lnvasion scenario. have to
hire mercenaries, he can replace any mercenary
unit with
a unit of Warriors or Hearthguards chosen
In this campaigning season, Pete will
fight Tom in a Raid. froó his allied
Carry will fight Steve in an Ambush .nJsteu. Warlord's roster for free, instead of paying one
will fight Wealth. Again,
Tom in an lnvasion. ln those three battles, Pete Levy cannot be sent as allies.
and Carry
fight once, whilst Tom's lrish and Steve's Welsh The allied units are chosen by the Warlord who
will fight will be playing
twice. They now have to organise and play theír games, the battle, from any units on his ally's roster, and
he should
borrow the models from his ally foi hís next!ame.
allies then fight as normal Warriors or Hearthluard
on their
A\]L]L]tA\NrC]EsS own Batt|e board. The controlling layer will nóed
both battle
boards for the game.
'A man's back is vulnerable, unless he has a brother.'-
Saga of Grettir the Strong The alliance automatically ends at the end
of the campaign
An Alliance is when two Warlords agree to help
season unless another one is requested (which
means the
each other Warlord has to have been Defending again).
out for one campaign season. At the start of
a campaígn
season, a Warlord that Defended in the previous AlJiances are a way for weaker warbands to
campaigning even-up the odds
season can request an Alliance with one other without the cost of paying for mercenaries. They
warlord. ri tnai are also a
Warlord agrees, then the two players are not allowed way players can join forces to attack a far stron§er
the Raid warband.
or Campaign against each other in the next lf one player starts to become too strong and
campaign season. iúeems
like he might run away with the campaig-n,
A Warlord is free to decline a request for an
Alliance, except then he should
when asked by a Warlord with the Noble Mien expect that the others players will stari}orming
trait or by a alliances to
Warlord he is Oathsworn to, in which case he must attack him - ít is a dangerous place to be, on to§
of a píle that
agree. A everybody else wants to climb.

É;, r
G,.- 1
'Courage is better than keenest steel' coming battle. The aggressor is determined by the Warlord's
- Sigurth, Fafnír's Saga campaign action this season. A Warlord that is Campaigning
is the aggressor over one that is Raiding or Defending. A
Each Warlord should now know who they will be fighting and
Warlord that is Raiding is the aggressor over one that is
the campaign result, which will generate them a scenario
when it comes to battle, The players now have to organise
playing those games, whenever they can. The battles can lf both Warlords have the same campaign action, then roll a
be played in any order. It is up to the players to sort this out dice for who is the aggressor. The highest roll can pick the
between themselves. The campaign has no central referee, game's size, up to the maximum size of his warband.
so players should organise to play when they meet up at club
ii. Hire Mercenaries (see Mercenaries)
evenings/days or at another Íree, convenient time.
lt may happen that a game's size is set higher than a Warlord's
Beíore a battle, run through the following steps. warband current size, 50, for example, the aggressor sets
the points size as six points, but his opponent only has a
sS]I']E]P' ON]E: \W]HtA\lf llO ]B]]RING four point warband to command. In which case, the Warlord
with the smaller warband may hire Mercenary units to make
i. Your model co|lection, as required by your up the numbers and match his opponent's warband. See
Campaign Roster. Hiring Mercenaries for full details of how this works, but
íi. Your up to date Campaign Roster. suffá to say here, a player does not have to fight at a points
iii. SAGA rulebook and supplements as required for the disadvantage, he can always hire extra mercenary help to
factions involved in the game, and SAGA dice. even-up the sides.
iv, Other gaming paraphernalia, like D6s, pencil and
paper, measuring sticks or tape measure etc. A Warlord can choose not to hire mercenaries and fight the
v. Model terrain if required (usually the host or club game at a disadvantage, but things will look rather bIeak
provides this). for him when it comes to the tabletop game, and this is not
vi. A sense of friendly, competitive (but not too recommended. Fighting at a disadvantage is heroic, but
competitive) fun. As always, this is a key ingredient for probably doomed to failure.
games of SAGA.
Warbands may call on their partners in an Alliance for
reínforcements (see Alliances above)
sslf ]E]P ]t'\WtOl: T]Ht ]E

]p, ]R]E -- ]EA\lf ll ]L ]E §S ]E (qU ]E N C ]E iii. Roll for the scenario

Now roll a SAGA dice to determine which scenario is being
Before p|aying run through the following sequence to get played. This will be one of three listed by the Campaign Event.
everything in place for the game. All the usual deployment or speciaI rules apply as detailed in
the scenario's description.
i. Determine Games Size
The players should decide on the size of this 5A6A battle, in iv. Set up Terrain
points. lf both sides have the same number of points in their Players may use any mutually agreeable method to set up
warbands, then the battle will be set at that points total, and the terrain. SAGA includes a system for placing terrain. Some
both players will use their full warband. lf time is tight then, by scenarios will require extra terrain pieces to be added, like
mutual agreement, the players can reduce the game's points buitdings, a river or the gateway to a buhr, as detailed in the
size, but only if they both agree. scenario.
lf one player's warband is larger than the others, then the v. Deploy
aggressor ín the campaign can set the points size for the Deploy forces as detailed in the scenario description.
Sevére W§und,:"':':'
The warlord's wounds were
Slt']E]P' ]FtOllL]t]K: TIHí]E
serious. He must choose to
]P' tOtss1['-1Bi7\'lrT ]L ]E ss )E t$Jt lE N tC lE Defend as his next campaign
After a battle, both players should run through the post- action, to recuperate (note, the
battle sequence, in each other's presence so that all rolls and war-Toothed trait overrides this
changes are verified by an opponent. requirement). ln addition, he
loses one Attack dice for the
The post-battle sequence works out what just happened to rest of the campaign, suffering
your Warlord and his warband and gets them ready for their from his old injuries. This is
next battle. All changes should be clearly recorded on the cumulative, so each serious
campaign roster. Once the sequence is complete, your force is wound will result in the warlord
ready íor its next battle of this campaign season, or to start a losing one Attack dice, down to
new campaign season. a minimum of one Attack dice.
Even a crippled Warlord cannot
i. The Slain - the Warlord
be left with zero Attacksl
There hasjust been a bloody battle, so some men are going
to have been killed, whilst others were just injured. First deal Dead
with the Warlord himself. lf either (or both) Warlords were
The Warlord has actually been
casualties in the battle, roll to find out what actually happened slain in battle, see 'Death of a
to them. ln all cases the player who won the battle should roll warlord'for full details of how
the 5464 dice on the appropriate Warlord casualty table. to handle this
Warlord Casualty Table Captured
The Warlord counts as Severely
Winning Warband Wounded (above), but is also
captured by his opponent, A
ransom must be paid, so the
Minor Wound warlord loses one wealth and
A mere flesh wound, the Warlord
1-3 his opponent gains one Wealth
is ok and will continue
as the treasure is handed over.
to fight on as normal.
lf the opponent Warlord has
the Blood Feud trait against a
Heroic wound captured Warlord, count this
The warlord's wounds were result as Dead (above) instead,
superficial, but his was a heroic as revenge is taken in full and
4,5 combat and the tale of his brav- the prisoner is executed. Hurrah!
ery and injuries is told across the
land, gain one Reputation. The
Warlord may continue as normal.
ii. The Slain, Unit Casualties
Seriously Wounded After resolving the slain Warlord, work out what happened
The warlord's wounds were to his men.
serious. He must choose to '.|.:

Defend as his next campaign For every four men in a unit removed as casualties in the
action, to recuperated (note, battle, permanently remove one man as slain from the ,:];]
the war-Toothed trait overrides campaign roster. Round all factions up. So, if a unit lost
this requirement). ln addition, between one and four men, one is lost permanently as dead,
he loses one Attack dice for the lf a unit lost between five and eight men, two are lost ${i!,qad,
rest of the campaign, suffering and so on. a
from his old injuries. This is
Hearthguard Resilience: The men of Hearthguara uniir.."
cumulative, so each serious
selected from the strongest, fittest men. Better equipped with
wound will result in the warlord
superior armour, they are far more likely to survive the battle
losing one Attack dice, down to
with wounds rather than be slain. The first model removed
a minimum of one Attack dice.
from the battle as a casualty in each Hearthguard unit is
Even a crippled Warlord cannot
ignored when determining the Slain. So, if a Hearthguard unit
be left with zero Attacksl
lost one man, then it counts as having lost no men at all. lf
it would have lost five men, then it only counts as losing
four men.
i" §"

ExampIe V. Recruitment
Each Warlord may now recruit new troops to replace his
It has been a hard f ght for Pete's Víkíngs,and his eight-man
battle losses. He may add either four Levy, two Warriors or
warrior unít lost six men. Hís twelve Levy lost four men,
one Hearthguard to a single existing unit on his roster. These
whílst his first Hearthguard unit of four men lost one man.
cannot form a new unit, they must be added to an existing
Hís second Hearthguard unít of four Berserkers were wíped
out (unsurprisíngly). So, after his casualtíes, hisWarríor unit
has lost two men, so is reduced to a six-man unít. Hís Levy are lf the Warlord spends one Wealth then he may double this
reduced by one man, to an eleven-man unit. Because of the number of recruits and gains eight Levy, four Warriors or two
Hearthguard survíval rule, hís first Hearthguard unít does not Hearthguards for a single existing unit on his roster.
count a5losíng any men at all, so remaíns at four men strong. As
Eligible Warlords may also purchase a War Banner.
they are also Hearthgurd, hís Berserkers count as losing three
men, not four, and so are reduced by one permanent loss to a vi. Fate
three-man berserker unit next time. The next part of the post-battle sequence is Fate. The Cods
are fickle and the Warlord's fate is already written in the
iii. The Spoils of Victory (To the victor the spoils...)
weave of the world, he cannot avoid it, for good or ill. RoIl a
The gains of a battle depend on the campaign action the
D6 and a 5464 dice and cross reference on the Fate table,
victor chose at the start of the campaign season.
Defend. lf the victor chose to Defend then he has protected Fate Table
his lands from foreign invaders or raiders, making him much
beloved of his people (the ruler's first task being to protect
the borders of his own lands and his people). He gains one
additional Reputation,
Raid. lf the victor chose to Raid then he has gained plunder
and slaves to take home. He gains an additional Wea|th.

Campaign. lf the victor chose to Campaign then he has

conquered new land íor his people to colonize and farm. He 1-3 4-5 6
gains an additional Land. Spy in
1 Revolt! Fame
iv. Campaign Victory Points
The winner of the battle automatically gains one Campaign Famine Good Upgrade ,
Victory Point. and Flood Marriage L"ry
ln addition, if either War|ord is an Atheling (has a Power of poor Harvest Good Upgrade -
fifteen or greater), and his Motivation of Land, Wealth or Harvest LerT
Reputation is higher than (not equal to) the other two scores, Reiníorcements Reinforcements Upgrade -
then he gains another one Campaign Victory Point, regardless 2D6Lelry 2D6Lel,ry Warriors
of whether he actually won or lost the battle.
Reinforcements Reinforcements Upgrade-
D6 Warriors 2D6 Warriors Warriors
Warlord Reinforcements
6 Choose
Experience ID6 Hearthguard
+.i#ifu.É{;ifaEiii*i ai"ii#.6ffi§]ɧ
thé War]ord'i r.ule (too much time away making wár). The on,they are treated asvváiriors, with théíinó'rmaf'
Warlord reduces his Reputation by one point. Next campaign value and attacks, etc. lf the unit has missile weapons then
season the Warlord must choose to Defend regardless of they are replaced with the warband's standard warrior
any special rules (like War-toothed). Also, remove a D6 men weapons. lf the warband had any special options for its
from one Levy unit or a D3 men from one Warrior unit in the warriors, then these may be taken.
warband (Warlord's choice) as he executes the ringleaders
The Warlord must have enough Wealth to allow a new Warrior
and rabble-rousers.
unit, otherwise the upgrade is lost.
Famine and Flood
Upgrade - Warriors
The gods have not spared your people, it has been a harsh
A single unit of Warriors can be upgraded to Hearthguards.
winter of snows and flooding and famine now stalks the land.
From now on they are treated as Hearthguard, with their
The Warlord reduces his Land by one point.
normal armour value and attacks, etc. lf the unit was mounted
poor Harvest then it remains mounted. lf the unit was on foot then it
The tax yield has been poorer than expected after a poor remains on foot, unless the warband's Hearthguard are
harvest. The Warlord reduces his wealth by one point. always mounted, in which case they also become mounted, lf
the warband had any special options for its Hearthguard, then
Reinforcements these may be taken,
New recruits have been trained and can now ioin the
warband, The randomly determined number of men given are The Warlord must have enough Reputation to allow the new
added to already existing units of the given type. They can Hearthguard unit, otherwise the upgrade is lost.
be alI placed in one unit, or spread through different units. Choose
Remember, the new recruits cannot take the unit over the The Warlord may select any of the above results as his Fate
maximum twelve men, if it would, then the extra recruits are this time.
lost. The new recruits are equipped as the unit they join.
vii. Merge Units
A|ternatively, new recruits can form their own new unit, as
Any units which have fallen to below four men may be
long as there are enough of them to fulfill the minimum unit
merged with another unit of the same type (Levy, Warrior or
size requirements, so two men for Hearthguards and four
Hearthguard). See Managing the Campaign Roster - Merging
men for Warriors or Levy. The Warlord must have enough
units for full details of this.
Land, Wealth or Reputation, whichever is required to allow
the new unit to form. After merging any units and updating the campaign rosters of
both players they are now ready for their next battle.
WarIord Experience
Hard experience in the arts of war are teaching your Warlord lf all the battles from this campaign season have been
many new lessons. Your Warlord immediately gains a new resolved, then the campaign season ends. Start again at the
special rule or a new trait, chose which, Roll a random new beginning of the next campaigning season, or, if this was the
special rule on the Special Rule table or a random new trait on last campaign season, then resolve the End Times,
the Traits table and it applies from now on.


The Warlord's name and word of his deeds are travelling
Once a Warlord becomes an Atheling, (so has reached
further afield. Cain one Reputation.
fifteen Power) he may claim his own War Banner, to
Good Marriage announce his presence on the battlefield. ln order
By a good marriage (it is what daughters and nieces are forl) to include a War Banner, the Warlord must reduce 'il ,

you have secured new lands for your domain. Gain one Land. his Wealth by one, but in return he gains one to his
Reputation. . :a':

Good Harvest
The tax yield has been greater than expected after a good The War Banner must be assigned to a unit of Warriors
harvest. Gain one Wealth. that is at least eight strong, or a unit of Hearthguard=*,,,.
that is at least six strong. Note it down on the rost€#: ]::.,
Spy in Enemy Camp the warlord's roster does not have such a unit then he
You have a paid informer in the enemy camp, and before your cannot yet claim a War Banner.

next battle he will provide you with a lot of useful information

about your foe. Pay one Wealth at the start of the game Once assigned, the War Banner acts as per the normal
and you may choose the scenario to be played, and choose rules (as described in The Roven's Shadaw).lt must be
whether to deploy first or second and automatically get the represented on the tabletop with an appropriate model.
first turn in the game. lf the Wealth isn't paid, then none of The war Banner can never be lost in battle and can be
the above apply. reassigned to any other eligib|e unit on the roster during
the post-battle sequence. A warband can only ever have .

one War Banner.

ll€Yy:!tqalu}g9*],Y::.§,:a_i§.Ea§-.=rj:::.:.: 1:i.i,:,::]:".-:'.:-::.::.:]:.,j:..__ji:j..,:.j..:,-
ilcy'mi,are than:óie min in the samé stoick, and
never break the peace whích good men and true make Once the roster is amended and the new Warlord ís in place,
between thee and others,' the player can now continue in the campaign as normal. A
- from the Saga of Burnt Njal Warlord may be killed multiple times in a campaign and the
player continue to fight on with the same faction, as new
lt is a hard and dangerous life leading warbands on raids and leaders emerge.
into battle, and not every Warlord will survive the Age of
the Wolf alive, but in these violent days few kings ever died
peacefully ín their homes.
A wealthy Warlord seeking new land can simple buy it.
The death of the Warlord is not the end of the campaign of a
During the Spoils of Victory part of the post-battle sequence
player's faction. lf a Warlord dies the player has two choices.
a Warlord may chose to reduce his Wealth score by two to
He may choose to disband the current warband and rejoin the
increase his Land score by one,
campaign as a new warband chosen from a different faction.
Note, he cannot reioin as the same faction, so if your Anglo- A Warlord may not do this more than once in each post-battle
Danish Warlord is killed, you can't quit and return as a new sequence, so he can't spend four Wealth to buy two Lands at
Anglo-Danish faction, but it could be any other faction (see, one time.
joining mid-campaign).
This is worth doing because Wealth is a lot easier to come
Or, as a second option, the player may replace his lost Warlord by and lose in the game than Land. Some Warlords with
with an heir and continue with the same faction. His heir (son, the King's Domains motivation want extra Land and extra
nephew, brother, cousin, etc) is a new man. So, replace the Land allows extra Levy, which can be quickly built up if
old Warlord's motivation with a new randomly determined your warband looks weak in manpower. Also, the Warlord
motivation. Replace the old warlord's two traits with two with most land at the end of the campaign will gain bonus
new randomly generated traits, and replace the old Warlord's Campaign Victory Points.
special rule with a new randomly determined special rule.
Also, give the Warlord a new name. IDA\N]EG]E]L]D
(or the alternative to not playing your campaign battle)
ln addition, if the player so wishes, the new heir taking over
the warband automatically gets the Blood Feud trait against One reason why wargames campaigns often fail is because
the Warlord responsible for the death of the previous leader. the players just don't get their games played, Time to p|ay is
This is an extra, third trait in addition to his randomly rolled often tight, and thus the actual playing of a game can become
traits. After all, a slayíng demands vengeance. a problem, then the whole campaign stalls and the other
players can't carry on, and interest wanes, and the campaign
As a new starting Warlord, the heir is not the man his
predecessor was (yet!). Reduce the current Land, Wealth and flounders and peters outl (Bitter experience is talking here).
Reputation ratings by one, but this cannot reduce the score Not so in Age of the Wolf. Danegeld, or paying an opponent
not to have to fight him, is a well honoured tradition in the
dark ages and throughout early medieval warfare. Sometimes,
if you give the enemy silver, they are happy to iust leave you
alone (for a bit),

lf a player can't play a game ín time, or if he feels his warband

can't compete (even with additional mercenaries) because
it's too small, or he hasn't got any Wealth left to hire
mercenaries anyway, then he can opt (or be forced to by the
other campaign players bored of waiting for him and eager
to press on) give his opponent one point of Land, Wealth or
Reputation, chosen by his opponent. ln return, the battle
does not have to be fought. lt is called a draw and both sides'
warbands return home. Do not run through the post-battle
sequence for either side.

Note, players should not use the Danegeld rule as a way of

avoiding playing games... that would defeat the object of
playing the campaign (the point being to played linked 5464
games, not to not play games), But, if a player or his opponent
feels that he can't get his campaign game in a reasonable
timescale (like the next couple of weeks), then in order for
the campaign to keep going, he can opt to pay up instead,
There might also be situations were one side's forces.just
can't match the other, and it is acceptable then to pay up the
Danegeld and miss out the battle.
!5;.{,1;t '"
lf he is faced with.a laiger fórce; the War|ord with the smallér
warband can make up the numbers by hiring mercenaries. He The mercenaries are only a temporary unit, so do not
may hire as many units of mercenaries as required to make up include them on the campaign roster. Do not roll for
the difference in force point sizes. So, if the larger warband casua|ties amongst the mercenaries, as they will only fight
has six points, and the smaller four, he may hire up to two in this one battle anyway. Each time mercenaries are hired
units of mercenaries to match force sizes. they are assumed to be a new unit, even if you are using the
same models,
Hiring Mercenaries costs one Wealth, regardless of how many
points of mercenaries are needed, lnstead of hiring standard foot warriors, Pagan Rus, Rus
Princes and Byzantine warbands can hire Steppe Nomad
Each mercenary unit hired consists of eight Warriors on foot mercenaries instead. These mercenary units are eight
with standard armaments (spears, shields, swords), These mounted Levy, as detailed intheVarjazi andBasileus
Warriors have no special rules, do not benefit from the hiring supplement (page t5).
faction's special rules on Warriors, such as any alternative
equipment, and act exactly like a standard unit of Warriors Alternatively, for one point, Jarl Sigvaldi and the Jomsvikings
when given actions from the Battle Board. can be hired. These cost an additional point of Wealth (so two
Wealth even if you are iust hiring them) and use the full rules
Any appropriate foot models you have available can be used detailed in the SAGA rulebook. ln order to use the Jomsviking
as mercenaries, be they Vikings, lrish, Normans, Franks, Welsh, mercenaries you'll need a model for Jarl Sigvaldi and three
whatever (these itinerant, lordless warriors could be from models for his Jomsviking band.

MANAG,NG THE CAMPA|GN ROSTER and therefore the Warlord's Power, if it has at least two men.
A Hearthguard unit with.iust two or three men can still be
At the heart of the campaign is the roster. lt records all the fielded in a SAGA game.
information you will need for each SAGA game the campaign
generates for you. lt is important that the roster is kept up Merging Units: Units on the roster can be merged to form
to date and clear, lt is not a secret document, any players a single larger unit. Thisshould be done after rolling for the
involved in the campaign can see another player's roster if Fate in the post-battle sequence. lfa unit has less than four
they like. Changes to the roster should only ever be made men, it can be combined with another unit of the same type.
when another player is present, generally before a game has The smaller unit will lose any alternative weapons or special
staried or after a game has been completed (see pre-battle rules and gains any alternative weapons or special rutes from
and post-battle sequences). This is for transparency, so the new parent unit. Merging just adds new men to a unit, at
that alI the players can trust their opponents' rosters, and the cost of reducing the overall size of the warband.
honour between fellow warriors demands everything is kept
above board. ExampIe
A Normdn Warband has two units of Warríors, one is nine
Maximum Sized Units: No unit can be larger than twelve mounted men, the other has fallen to just three crossbow,
men for any reason. Once chosen for tabletop game units equipped men on foot. TheWarlord decídes to merge the units,
or the same type with the same armament can be combined dísbandíng the three-man crossbow unit. These troops are
to form larger units in action, but on the roster once a unit removed from the roster and the three extra men are added to
reaches twelve men, it cannot be given any extra recruits, the mounted Warríors, becoming a maxímum-sized twelve-man
unít, The crossbows are lost, but the warriors now,count as
Minimum Unit Sizes: ln standard SAGA games the
mounted and armed as the unit they ioined,
minimum size of any unit is four men. ln the campaign this ,',,

has to be dealt with slightly differently, as casualties and tltegal Rosters: As a Warlord's Lands, Wealth and
reinforcements are sometimes going to break the minimum Reputation change throughout the campaign seasons, it is
four-man rule. possible for his roster to become illegal, so, for example a.
On the campaign roster there is no minimum unit size; any Warlord may lose Land and find than he now has too ..=9#i ,

unit can consist of between one and twelve men. Levy units on his roster for the Land he possessed. _= _, -.].

lf a Warrior or Levy unit has less than four men, so isn't a legal lf this occurs the Warlord must temporarily dismiss one of
tabletop unit, then it does not count towards a Warlord's the offending units. The unit he dismisses will be the smallest
power for total units, and cannot be included in a battle, one, in number of men. lf he has more than one unit with the
unless it is combined with another similar unit. same number of men, he may choose which one to dismiss,

The unit remains on the roster as it can be reinforced with A dismíssed unit is not [ost, just sent home for a while. :
new recruits to again become a legal unit. Mark it with a * on the roster. when the warlord's fortunes
change and his Land, Wealth or Reputation rise again, he will
Hearthguard Minimum: Hearthguards are the elite of automatically get the unit back; remove the *.
the warband, the Warlord's personal bodyguards. The
minimum size for the Hearthguard unit is two men. A unit of A dismissed unit does not count towards a warlord's power
Hearthguards still counts towards the warband's overall size, total and cannot be selected in battles.
* l, §S''i=-'*+]':_'t
l, ffifl]l|i]
_4,+ _*J§



]f lHt lE lEN lDt ll]t ]tVt ]EsS Now see which Atheling Warlord (so, with a Power of at least
fifteen) has the most Campaign Victory Points. Warlords with
'Luck ís one thing, brave deeds another' a Power of less than fifteen aren't considered worthy to rule
- Grettir's Saga yet. Only Warlords with over fifteen Power are possible ruIers.
Once the final campaign season (season six) has been The Warlord with a Power of fifteen or more, and the highest
completed, then the Age oí the Wolí is over.., almost. First Campaign Victory Points total is the winner and becomes the
award the End Times bonus Campaign Victory Poínts, new king ,.. all kneel before himl
as follows:

The Widest Lands: The Warlord with the highest Land score ]E xr. t,en.,d[
-ölL§\ [lnL,p, rt ]hL,e,C,ar tnnt lD,at ii,p, tnr

gains two extra Campaign Victory Points. ln the event of a tie, The Age of the Wolf campaign is set at six campaign seasons,
all the Warlords with the joint highest Land score gain one as this gives all players enough time to fight battles and
extra Campaign Victory Point, develop their warbands, and still puts the climax of the
campaign within reasonably easy reach, so players can see
The Greatest Hoard: The Warlord with the highest Wealth
when it will all finish. Of course, should all the players agree,
score gains two extra Campaígn Victory Points. ln the event of
(and maybe they're having such a good time they don't want
a tie, all the Warlords with the joint highest Wealth score gain
to stopl) then an Age of the WoIf campaign can be extended
one extra Campaign Victory Point.
with extra campaígn seasons; seven, eight, nine seasons will
Warrior of Renown: The Warlord with the highest all be playable, and sometimes with lots of players, players
Reputation score gains two extra Campaign Victory Points. might wish to have more games again5t those opponents they
ln the event of a tie, all the Warlords with the joint highest haven't yet faced.
Reputation score gain one extra Campaign Victory Point.
Be wary of making the campaign too long though, it is better
Respected throughout the Kingdoms: The Warlord with for pIayers to have an achievable end point to aim for rather
the highest Powef score gains two extra Campaign Victory than be overly ambitious and not finish at all,
Points. ln the event of a tie, all the Warlords with the joint
highest Power score gain one extra Campaign Victory Point.


|onesc Road ArnOush
A warband's route into the enemy's lands leads through the forested wilderness, a deserted
place, only home to wolves, crows and malign spirits, but where cunning enemies could
easily be hidden, lying in wait, ready to spring their trap....

This game is played on a 48" by 36" table.

Running across the centre of the table, from one table

edge to another is a narrow road, trail or track. lt
should be no wider than s in width.
Players then take it in turns, starting with the
ambusher, to place D6+z pieces of terrain. Players
may choose each piece of terrain to be a wood, rocky
ground, an elevation, a steep elevation or a marsh. The
terrain is placed on either side of the road, and some
part of each piece must be within ]L of the road itself.
'"i;t"o *=
N\4tA\lP, *'-*ó{l"**;


the other, behind the vanguard and

also on the road, facing the same
direction, but again, not with tr, oí
either table edge. Once all hiirnits
are on the road, one after the other,
48" he may then place his Warlord in
the centre of the column, between
]D]E]P,]LOYN\4t]ENT the front and back models.
The síde being ambushed must deploy aIl of its forces first, as The ambusher then deploys his forces. They may be placed
the enemy has been watching them and already knows their anywhere on the table in terrain (they are hiding) on
order of march. either side of the road, but not with ]L of any enemy unit.
The ambushed player must place all his men on the road, Alternatively a unít may be placed out of line of sight of the
facing in a single direction (he can choose either board edge). enemy (so for example, behind a hill or wood). Once all the
He places his first, vanguard unit, anywhere on the road, but ambusher's units are on the table, place the ambusher's
not within ]L of the table edge. This can be any unit the player Warlord anywhere on the table, but in terrain.
wishes. All his other units must then be deployed one after The ambushers always get first turn.
§s ]P lE c ]t A\ ]L ]RIUUL ]E §\ V n C ]rO ]R)Y C ON ]D ]t T tON
]t sS

ln this scenario the side being ambushed have been taken by At the end of the game add up victory points, In addition, the
surprise and aren't well prepared for battle. ln the first turn ambushed player gets bonus victory points for models that
they only roll half (round fractions up) of the SAGA dice they escaped from any table edge. The bonus score added to the
would normally roll, From turn 2 they can roll their normal ambushed side's total is equal to the model's victory points as if
number of SAGA dice. üey had been killed. So, 1 VP per Hearthguard that escaped, 1
VP for every 2 Warriors or 4 Levy that escape.
]L]ENGflnHI CI]F GAi\\4t]E If the ambushed player manage§ to move his War]ord offany table
The game lasts for 7 complete furns. edge he escapes the ambush and automatically wins the game.

önd Bunn
A marauding warband have swiftly fallen upon an
enemy village, bringing fire, axe and sword. They come
to wreak carnage upon the common folk and drive
them out, burning their homes and fields. The local
warlord must quickly respond with his own forces
ánd fight to defend the common peasantry, or see his
fértile lands laid waste...

This game is played on a 48ll by 36" table.

ln the centre of the table lay out a small village of three

buildings (one of these can be a large building). All the
buildings must be Within ]L of the centre of the table, Next,
add three crop fields, these should be placed with L of one of
the buildings,
Other terrain can then be p|aced as normaI, but may not be
placed within lt- of any fields or buildings already on the table.

]DlElP,]LOYivltlENll chase away the locals. He can burn a field or building when
any of his units are in base contact with it (or in a field) and
The defender deploys a unit first. He places a single unit of
take a Rest action. As well as resolving the Rest action as
Levy or Warriors with of any of the buildings.
normal, the unit attempts to start a fire. Roll a D6, on a 3+,
Next, the attacker deploys his WarIord within ]L of his table place a ball of smoke (cotton wool) on the field or building as
edge. The defender then deploys his Warlord within r- of his it catches and starts the burn. on a l or z the fire hasn't taken
table edge, folIowed by his remaining Levy units. hold yet and the unit must try again on another activation.
Once lit a fire cannot be put out during the game.
The attacker then deploys aIl his Levy and Warrior units within
lr of his table edge. The defender then deploys his Warriors ]L]ENG]| ]HI o]F GA\N\4[]E
and Hearthguard units Within ]L of his table edge.
The game last 7 turns.
Finally, the attacker deploys his Hearthguard units within r of
his table edge. V I CTO]R)Y C ON]D lt 1l jI tON sS

The attacker then takes the first turn. Add up victory points as normal, The attacker gains a bonus
+u victory points for each building he burnt, and a bonus +l
sS ]P ]E C ]I A\ ]L ]F§Ut ]L ]E sS victory point for each crop field he burnt.
The attacker has come to burn the buildings and fields and lf the attacker manages to set fire to all the buildings and
fields then he automatically wins, regardless of victory points.

-' -**-:is'<e.*{*"i#ie 1\*a*xx;+*.r3*:r*4*pnqa*./r: ++

|_ ".**:*§;es!^\_{ ;:;;;;:
: 3;-
. .;4


-;.í* '' '!,li, ,-
t{a *i'
:' : l'
?l, ,,


An enemy warband have been spotted so the common people have fled to the safetY of a local burh, strongPoint,
hilltop fortress or town, sealing themselves in behind its well guarded walls and gate.
But the enemy are not to be so easily denied, and press their assault, determined to cut their way inside and claim
their prize in plunder and slaves. The hard-pressed defenders must hang on and wait for reinforcements.

The game is played on a 48" by 36" table.

The Defender places an area of walls or palisades on his table

edge, with a single gate in the centre. The walls and gate
should be no more than ]L from his own table edge, lnside the
walls he may place as many buildings as he Iikes. This is the
edge of the burh.

Outside the walls place three additional pieces of terrain as

normal. No terrain outside the walls may be placed within JL of
the burh.


First the deíender must choose t unit of Hearthguard as his reinforcements. This can
be any Hearthguard unit, freely chosen from his warband, but it may not include the
Warlord, lÍ the defender has no Hearthguard, then chose a unit of Warriors instead.
The defenderthen deploys all the rest of his forces first. They must all be pIaced
either inside the buhr or within ]L of the walls or gate if outside the burh.

The attacker then deploys all his forces, anywhere on the table but not within L oí
the burh or any enemy unit.
The attacker takes the first turn.
unít arríves and can be placed anywhere on the defender's V]tClt,O]RY coN]D]tT]ttolNss :

table edge, outsíde of the burh. On any other symbol the unit
At the end of the game add up victory points as normal. The
has not yet arrived, roll again at the start of the next turn,
attacker gets a bonus +z victory points if he destroyed the
The burh walls are heavy cover and a low linear obstacle. The 8ate. He also gets a bonus number of victory points for each
gate is impassable until it is destroyed. unit inside the burh at the end of the game, The bonus points
are equal to victory points value of the unit if they had been
The gate may be attacked in melee, treat ít as a single unit
casualties, so t point for each Hearthguard, for every two
with Armour 3 and a Defence roll of 5+. To destroy ihe gate,
warriors or every three Levy and the Warlord himself is worth
the enemy must score to hits upon it. Keep a running tótal
3 Victory points.
of how many hits the gate has taken in the game. The gate is
immune to hits by any missile weapons. Any hits by double
handed Dane Axes count as 2 hits instead of t (they are
very effective at choppíng woodl) Once destroyed the gate
becomes passable.

Whilst on the move through witd lands two enemy
forces have sent out their scouting parties, to search
the lands ahead of them and to hunt and forage for
food. Now the two ríval scouting partíes have run into
each other and weapons are drawn.
A runner has been sent to fetch the wartord and
his men to this desolate place as the skirmish
rapidly escalates...

This game is played on a 48'' by 36'' table.

The scenery is arranged according to the rules described in the

SAGA rulebook.


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., ,,:1::1:-l1;i.

+==.=-.==-:==-i,Ti;i_i;:..]ill-:: ::.'::..::,:.:]:::j::=| - , i:.:§:.iifu;§ii;,*it,
ééwhó,sá*idép1ofinent1ínthe cáse'of á:dráw:: - ::::
1nii'"o'u"i*ofi' iéiiiíoriéáenis-instead, thi§ cáa,bé:a*f-*nit,
the player with the most impressive facial hair wins). The he likes (including the Warlord). Once all his units are on the
winner sets up a single unit of scouts (see speciaI rules). These table stop rolling for reinforcements.
are placed in his half of the table, but not within ]L of the
calculate the number of sAGA dice rolled in the orders
centre line. The rest of his warband are reinforcements (see phase as normal, but in this scenario the players always roll
SpeciaI rules).
a minimum of z SAGA dice, regardless of what units are the
table at the time.
§S ]P' ]E C ]t.N ]L ]RlUt ]L ]E ss

A scout unit can be any of the following: any Levy unit, ]L]ENG]r]HI O]F GA\N\4í]E
any mounted unit, any Warrior unit equipped with missile
See Victory Conditions.
weapons. lf a warband does not include any of the above
units, then a single Warrior unit may act as scouts instead. The
V CTO]R)Y C ON ]D n T toN
]t sS
warlord cannot be a scout. ]t

At the end of each combined turn, both players count the

With only the scouts on the tabte, the rest of the warband
number of victory points they scored this turn, for casualties
will arrive as reinforcements. From the start of turn z roll one
sAcA dice for which unit arrives that turn. when a unit first inflicted upon the enemy. Keep a running total of victory
points on a spare piece of paper, When a victory points total
arrives place it anywhere on the player's table edge.
reaches 1o there is chance the enemy will think better of the
engagement and withdraw.
At the end of each subsequent turn the player must roll his
5,464 dice to see if his forces are willing to continue the
1-3 Place a single unit of Warriors
battle, calculating the number of dice just as if he were rolling
on the player's table edge.
for Orders. lf this dice roll does not show any 6s, then the
player's warband withdraws and he loses. As long as the
player can keep rolling 6s then he may take another turn.
Hearthguard or Warlord. Note, this is a separate ro|l from the Orders phase, the SAGA
Place a single unit of dice should be rolled again in the Orders phase as normal.
4-5 Hearthguard or the Warlord on
the player's table edge.

Place a single Levy unit or
the warlord himself on the
player's table edge.
Two Warlords have already agreed that their warbands will do battle, at a chosen hour, at a ctearing
marked at the corners with hazel staves, beyond which no warrior may, with honour, step.
lnside this arena the two forces have mustered and two champions are called to the fore to duel,
only then will the slaughter commence...

This game is played on a 48|' by 36'' table.

The ground has been chosen to be clear of obstacles. Place

terrain as normal, but any pieces placed must be at least
partially With ]L of a table edge, leaving the centre of the
battlefieId clear.

Mark the edge of the battlefield with 4 corners. Place a

marker (a smalI twig wil| be fine) at each corner. Each marker
must be ]L from both edges of the battlefield at its corner,


]D ]E ]P, ]LODYl\\4t ]E N ]f Both players then chose r Hearthguard model as their_ ..

champion and place it ín the centre of the table.
Roll a dice for which player is the first arrive at the field of the
hazel wands. The player that rolls highest deploys his entire The side that wins the battle of champions goes first.
force first, On a tie, the player with the most impressive facial
hair is the winner. AIl his forces must be placed with Mt of the 5S ]P, lE C lt A\ ]L ]RIUI ]L ]E ss
back edge of the arena area.
The battle will not commence until a duel of champions has
After one side has completed its dep|oyment, the opponent been fought, thus showing whose side the Gods (or just Cod)
then dep|oys his entire force. favour today.

After the second player has completed his deptoyment, After deployment, each player must choose one Hearthguard
the first player can now switch two units in place, as he model to be his champion and place him in the centre of
re,organises his ranks before the battle. These two units the table, in base contact with the enemy champion. The
are moved into the same position as the one they are War|ord may not be chosen as the champion, unless he has
switching with. the Mighty trait.
''' '"4"'5Á6A dice for their champion and assign them on the Battle
Add up Victory points as normal, The side that won the Battle
Board as they wish. Reso|ve the melee as normal, fighting
of Champions gains t bonus Victory point.
until one or the other champion is killed. Whilst the champions
are fighting, no other units may be activated. lf any of a player's units left the hazel wands arena area (this
is altowed, just frowned upon) then he Ioses 1 Victory point for
Once one champion has won, the victor's model is
each unit that did so. This includes any units that were forced
immediately returned to his unit and will fight as normal.
to withdraw out of the arena.


The game last for 6 complete turns,

C2rcended e,7canp[e:
Ca-paigrning Seasons in |utt
The first warbands to meet on the tabletop will be the Vikings
tC nn n,
it aL ü,or;611
;111 {Qt 1pl,g
and lrísh (atthough the order of games played doesn't matter).
lt i5 the f rst campaign season of Pete, Tom, 6arry and Steve's Fírst the lrísh, as Defenders, resolve their campaign actíon,
campaign. Pete ís Ingvar Redaxe, leading hís Víkíngwarband, gaíníng +t Wealth and addíng 4 men to one Warríor unít, Ingvar
Tom is Eochan Mac'GíIbran, Ieading an lrísh warband. Garry is a Hard Ruler and gaíns 4 bonus Levy before the game. He adds
is Drogo Fitzwalliam, leadíng a Norman warband andSteve ís a new 4 man Levy unit to hís roster.
Cadoc Ap Blethu, aWelsh warlord.
Thís should be a Raid scenario, but the lrishWarlord Eochan has
In the first campaígn season, Pete'sVíkings have chosen to Raid the'War Crafty' trait and he's defending, so ít automatícally
Tom's trísh. Tom's lrísh have chosen to Defend. 6arry's Normans becomes and'Ambush' scenario wíth the lrish ambushíng
are RaídingtheWelsh, whílst Steve's Welsh will be campaigning the raídíngVikings. The players run through the pre,battle
agaínst the trish. The games break down as follows: sequence and it'Il be a 4 point SAGA game, decided by Tom as
the aggressor (agaín hís War Crafty comes ín handy). They set
pÁ A V íking' Raíd' b attl e against the lrísh. A N or m an' Ambush'
up the terrain and roll for the scenarío on the Ambush table. The
b attl e aga in st th e W el sh, A W el sh' l nv así o n' b attl e a gai nst
result ís a'Battle at the Ford', so a ríver is added to the centre of
,P4|r the lrísh.
the board.

ficÁ i@isiust:wiir,
and ín.the process Eochan'hlrhietf ís a casualty, but tngvar isn't. Knrghts to onte of hís uníts, Cadoc]s Fate io|l résutts ín a
post-battle sequence, first they roll for Eochan, a casualty
In the The peasants are obviously unhappy that he faíIed to defeat the
on the losing side. On a [symbol] 6, he is captured and ransomed Norman raíders, He loses 1 Reputatíon, executes 3 Levy as the
back to the lrish, gaíning lngvar +t Wealth and losíng Eochan t ríngleaders and must Defend as hís next campaígn actíon.
Wealth. Not a good start for the lríshWarlord, but ít could easíIy
The thírd battle of the campaígning season sees Cadoc
have been far worse.
Ieadíng hís Welshmen ín an lnvasion scenario agaínst the trish,
After the game, l in 4 slaín men are permanently removed from Again, Eochan's War Crafty traít comes ín handy and he gets
each player's roster from those uníts whích took casualties. to Ambush the Welsh and set the game's síze. The Ambush
scenarío ís rolled, and it's'The Escort' result. In the ensuíng
Next, Ingvar gaíns his Spoíls of Victory, as he is Raidíng he gains
battle theWelsh are defeated by the trísh and Cadoc ís also a
+tWealth (a lucratíve tríp thís one so far).
casualty. RoIIíng for the casualty, Cadoc ís dead!
As the winner of the battle lngvar also gaíns t Campaígn Victory
The dead Warlord can eíther be replaced or Steve can drop out
Point, but neither starting warband has yet reached Athelíng
stdtus, 50 they can't claím the bonus Campaign Victory Point. of the campaign as the Welsh and rejoín wíth another warband.
He chooses to continue, with Cadoc's son, Aethan Ap Cadoc Ap
lngvar recruits 2 new Warriors to replace some of hís losses, Blethu, repIacing hís slain father, He rolls the motivation Dragon'
Eochan recruíts 4 new Levy. Neither Warlord chooses to spend Hoard, and the two traits Hard Ruler and War-Toothed. He also
the extra Wealth to increase the number of these recruits. gets the addítional traít Blood Feud wíth Eochan, the slayer of
Both roll f or Fate. lngvar gets Upgrade Warriors, one Warrior his father. His new special rule is Hero of the víkíngAge. Aethan
unít mdy become Hearthguard. Except, with only Reputatíon loses l poínt of hís father's Land, Wealth and Reputatíon (hís
z and already leading z Hearthguard units he can't do this. Wealth was already ,t and can't fall any lower so remains as t).
Unluckíly the good Fate rollis /ost with no effect. Eochan's Fate
The post-battle sequence is completed, with both sides
roll results ín zD6 Warrior reínforcements, he rolls 5 and adds 5
removíng the slain and adding new recruits. The Fate roll for
men to a warrior unít.
Eochan results ín hím gaining zD6 Levy reinforcements, he gets
Neither player wants to merge any units so both players are just j (poor díce), whilst Aethan gets a good marriage result and
ready for theír next game. gaín; +1 Land. Neíther player merges any unit on hís roster.
Meanwhíle, the Normans are raídíng the Welsh ín another Campaign season 1 is now over and campaign season 2 can
'Ambush' scenario. The Normdn ambush is a'Forest Road begin, with each player choosing hís action. It has been a bad
Ambush' scenarío, which they win. Drogo is a casualty in thís start f or the Welsh, a Revo|t! and theír Warlord was kílted,
game, but as the víctor the roll results in only a minor wound, but they aren't out of ít yet and stíil have a force capabte of
he'II be fne to contínue unaffected. The Normans gaín t Wealth matching their opponents under theír new Warlord (who's luck
for the successful Raíd and l Campaígn Víctory Poínt, Drogo's wíII hopefully be better).

j-:r€].!::_ -+ €

§ ít,
Eq :=:i'j-:=.;,+:+:j:.1i!:]
á+ t;tttiifEüiiiffi-áií*,a-ffi....'.€ffi3
tngiair'sVikíngs will Raíd atgaín, thís time agai6l P7ogo's Hearthguard reínforcements t; hí5 l(nl'gÁt s unit, whilst Aéiian's
Normdns. Eochan agaín chóoses to Defend his lrish homelands, is to add zD6 Warríor reinforcements. Due to battlefeld
playing to his War Crafty trait. Drogo will Raíd, agaín against the casualtíes, one of Bohemond's Knight units has dwíndled to
vulnerable Welsh, whílst Aethan's Welsh must Defend, because iust 3 men, so he decides to merge it into his other Knight unit,
of the Revolt! last season. (This still counts although it was raisíng ít to strength 11 - a very potent stríke force.
again;t his father.)
No one has attacked the defendinglrish, soTom hasn't played
The lrísh gaín +t Wealth from Defendíng and add z men to a a game ín this campaign season, and he's gained +t Wealth and
Hearthguard unit.TheWelsh gaín +tWealth and add 4 men to a the extra troops, he chooses an extra Hearthguard, Hís Power
warrior unít. has also rísen, reachíng t7, so he ís a|so now an Athelíng.
The first battle wíll be an Encounter scenarío between lngvar At the end of campaígn season 2 the rosters look líke thís:
and Drogo, as both are Rcidíng. Before the game Ingvar agaín
adds 4 bonus Levy for beíng a Hard Ruler, so hís Levy unít has Ingvar'svíkings have Land z, Wealth 6 and Reputation z, wíth 5
grown to 8 men (wíth bows). The scenario rolled ís a'Scouts' uníts (of which one is iust 2 Berserkers, but as Hearthguard they
result. ln the resultíng battle lngvar's Víkings narrowly wín, but stíll count towards Power), that giveí him a Power of t5. He has
both Warlords have fallen as casualtíes. Ingvar has only a mínor earned z CampaígnVictory Poínts so far.
wound and will continue unaffected. Drogo has been kíIled! Eochan has Land z, Wealth 6, Reputatíon j, and 5 legal uníts ( z
Carry decides that Drogo wíIl be replaced by his identícal twín, of Levy Kerns of 9 and 8 men, z of Warrior Bonnachts of 9 and
brother, Bohemond. Bohemond's new motivation is Skald's 8 men and t Hearthguard Fíanna of 4 men) on hís roster, givíng
Song, with the traíts Quarrelsome and Colden Hoard and he him a Power of l7, with l CampaígnVíctory Poíntfrom hiswin
getí the Penny special rule, as well as a Blood Feud against over thewelsh,
Ingvar (dídn'tyou kill my brother?). He loses t Land,Wealth and Bohemond's Normans have Land l, Wealth 5 and Reputatíon 1,
Reputatíon, but ís then ready to continue, wíth iust 3 uníts on the roster (but one of them ís t,t mounted
In the aftermath of the battle, lngvar has gained another point knights), he only has Power to, and 1 Campaígn Victory Point,
of Wealth and another CampaignVíctory Poínt. He spends Finally, Aethan Ap Cadoc'sWelsh have Land 2,Wealth 3 and
some of his hard won (stolen) wealth on extra recruits. Ingvar Reputation 3, wíth 4legal uníts on his roster, so he has a Power
ís startíng to look líke a threat and has now reached 15 Power, of ,tz, and l CampaígnVíctory Point.
making him an Athelíng.
Campaign season three is now ready to commence with each of
The only other battle thís season wíll be the Norman Raid on the players choosínga new campaign action...
the Welsh. The scenario wíIl be 'Harry and Burn' . When the two
forces meet in a 4 poínt SACA game, the Welsh wín a defensíve
L _) "-. . ,-T: =: : ::-:_+.







May not include more
LeVy units than Land
May not inclUde more
wa.rior units than wealth -/
May not inclUde more Hearth
gUard Units than RePUtation
Total of Land, Wealth,
Rep and nUmber of units







CA\ I\\4I ]PA\ ]t tG N sS ]EA\sSON ir CA\M[ ]PA\ ]t tG N sS ]EA\ ssCIN 2 CA\ N\4t ]PA\ tGN ]EA\ ssa^
]t sS

CA\ I\\4t ]PA\ ]t tG N sS lE A\ sSrON 4l C A\^\4t ]PA\ ]t tG N sS ]EA\sSON 5 C A\ IVt lPA\ ]t rG N sS ]EA\ sstoN 16,
i: :.,]

Blood and slaughter are let loose upon the world! lt ís the
Age of thewolf ... and only the strongest can survive.

lt is the darkest of ages, a tíme of blood and fire when

the only rule is that of the sword and the axe. lt is an age
when ambitious young lords must fight to rise above their
rivals, amidst the shattering shields and shaken spears of
the shíeldwall. Rival Warlords must face-ofi, mustering
their warbands to pillage, raid and burn, to wín them
new lands, new riches and the undying glory of a bold
reputation that will be written in blood across the sagas.
Raise the Levies. Muster the Warriors. Summon the
Hearthguard to your síde. Joín the desperate fight for
power and glory ín the Age of the Wolf.
Within thís book you wíll find a complete SAGA Dark Age
Skirmishes campaign system for two or more players,
with players leading their own warband in a bitter
struggle for land, wealth and reputation, to rise above
their enemies and be recognised as the rightful new king.
To create an Age of the Wolf campaígn each player
will need hís own 4 poínt SAGA warband, chosen from
the SAGA Dark Age Skirmishes rulebook or any of its
supplements. You will also need the basic SAGA Dark
Age Skirmishes rulebook and (optionally) Northern Fury,
Raven's Shadow and/or Variazi and Basileus supplements.


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